checkpoint - madeira builds fine with individual line segments
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 456 additions and 2 deletions
@ -414,6 +414,95 @@ Point3D midpoint( Point3D p0, Point3D p1 )
return Point3D( (p0.x() + p1.x()) / 2, (p0.y() + p1.y()) / 2, (p0.z() + p1.z()) / 2 );
makePolygons (const Line &line, double width, poly_list& polys)
int nPoints = line.getPointCount();
int i;
int turn_dir;
Point3D cur_inner;
Point3D cur_outer;
Point3D prev_inner = Point3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Point3D prev_outer = Point3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
double heading = 0.0f;
double az2 = 0.0f;
double dist = 0.0f;
double pt_x = 0.0f;
double pt_y = 0.0f;
TGPolygon poly;
// generate poly and texparam lists for each line segment
for (i=0; i<nPoints; i++)
turn_dir = 0;
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "makePolygonsTP: calculating offsets for segment " << i);
// for each point on the PointsList, generate a quad from
// start to next, offset by 1/2 width from the edge
if (i == 0)
// first point on the list - offset heading is 90deg
cur_outer = OffsetPointFirst( line.getPoint(i), line.getPoint(i+1), -width/2.0f );
cur_inner = OffsetPointFirst( line.getPoint(i), line.getPoint(i+1), width/2.0f );
else if (i == nPoints-1)
// last point on the list - offset heading is 90deg
cur_outer = OffsetPointLast( line.getPoint(i-1), line.getPoint(i), -width/2.0f );
cur_inner = OffsetPointLast( line.getPoint(i-1), line.getPoint(i), width/2.0f );
// middle section
cur_outer = OffsetPointMiddle( line.getPoint(i-1), line.getPoint(i), line.getPoint(i+1), -width/2.0f, turn_dir );
cur_inner = OffsetPointMiddle( line.getPoint(i-1), line.getPoint(i), line.getPoint(i+1), width/2.0f, turn_dir );
if ( (prev_inner.x() != 0.0f) && (prev_inner.y() != 0.0f) )
Point3D prev_mp = midpoint( prev_outer, prev_inner );
Point3D cur_mp = midpoint( cur_outer, cur_inner );
geo_inverse_wgs_84( prev_mp.y(), prev_mp.x(), cur_mp.y(), cur_mp.x(), &heading, &az2, &dist);
poly.add_node( 0, prev_inner );
poly.add_node( 0, prev_outer );
// we need to extend one of the points so we're sure we don't create adjacent edges
if (turn_dir == 0)
// turned right - offset outer
geo_inverse_wgs_84( prev_outer.y(), prev_outer.x(), cur_outer.y(), cur_outer.x(), &heading, &az2, &dist);
geo_direct_wgs_84( cur_outer.y(), cur_outer.x(), heading, MP_STRETCH, &pt_y, &pt_x, &az2 );
poly.add_node( 0, Point3D( pt_x, pt_y, 0.0f) );
//poly.add_node( 0, cur_outer );
poly.add_node( 0, cur_inner );
// turned left - offset inner
geo_inverse_wgs_84( prev_inner.y(), prev_inner.x(), cur_inner.y(), cur_inner.x(), &heading, &az2, &dist);
geo_direct_wgs_84( cur_inner.y(), cur_inner.x(), heading, MP_STRETCH, &pt_y, &pt_x, &az2 );
poly.add_node( 0, cur_outer );
poly.add_node( 0, Point3D( pt_x, pt_y, 0.0f) );
//poly.add_node( 0, cur_inner );
prev_outer = cur_outer;
prev_inner = cur_inner;
makePolygonsTP (const Line &line, double width, poly_list& polys, texparams_list &tps)
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ void makePolygon (const Point3D &p, double width, TGPolygon &polygon);
void makePolygon (const Line &line, double width, TGPolygon &polygon);
void makePolygons (const Line &line, double width, poly_list &segments);
void makePolygonsTP (const Line &line, double width, poly_list &segments, texparams_list &tps);
@ -153,6 +153,132 @@ static void clip_and_write_poly( string root, long int p_index,
static void clip_and_write_polys_with_mask( string root, long int p_index,
const string &poly_type,
SGBucket b, const poly_list& segments,
bool preserve3d )
Point3D c, min, max, p;
c = Point3D( b.get_center_lon(), b.get_center_lat(), 0 );
double span = b.get_width();
TGPolygon base, result;
char tile_name[256], poly_index[256];
// calculate bucket dimensions
if ( (c.y() >= -89.0) && (c.y() < 89.0) ) {
min.setx( c.x() - span / 2.0 );
max.setx( c.x() + span / 2.0 );
min.sety( c.y() - SG_HALF_BUCKET_SPAN );
max.sety( c.y() + SG_HALF_BUCKET_SPAN );
} else if ( c.y() < -89.0) {
min.setx( -90.0 );
max.setx( -89.0 );
min.sety( -180.0 );
max.sety( 180.0 );
} else if ( c.y() >= 89.0) {
min.setx( 89.0 );
max.setx( 90.0 );
min.sety( -180.0 );
max.sety( 180.0 );
} else {
"Out of range latitude in clip_and_write_poly() = " << c.y() );
min.setz( 0.0 );
max.setz( 0.0 );
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " (" << min << ") (" << max << ")" );
// set up clipping tile
base.add_node( 0, Point3D(min.x(), min.y(), 0) );
base.add_node( 0, Point3D(max.x(), min.y(), 0) );
base.add_node( 0, Point3D(max.x(), max.y(), 0) );
base.add_node( 0, Point3D(min.x(), max.y(), 0) );
// SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "base = 4 vertices" );
FILE *bfp= fopen("base", "w");
gpc_write_polygon(bfp, &base);
poly_list clipped_shapes;
TGPolygon shape;
unsigned int s;
for ( s = 0; s < segments.size(); s++ ) {
shape = segments[s];
// SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "shape contours = " << shape.contours() );
// for ( int ii = 0; ii < shape.contours(); ii++ )
// SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " hole = " << shape.get_hole_flag(ii) );
result = tgPolygonInt( base, shape );
// write_polygon(shape, "shape");
// write_polygon(result, "result");
// SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "result contours = " << result.contours() );
// for ( int ii = 0; ii < result.contours(); ii++ ) {
// SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " hole = " << result.get_hole_flag(ii) );
// }
if ( preserve3d )
result.inherit_elevations( shape );
if ( result.contours() > 0 ) {
clipped_shapes.push_back( result );
// Now we can write the file
long int t_index = b.gen_index();
string path = root + "/" + b.gen_base_path();
SGPath sgp( path );
sgp.append( "dummy" );
sgp.create_dir( 0755 );
sprintf( tile_name, "%ld", t_index );
string polyfile = path + "/" + tile_name;
sprintf( poly_index, "%ld", p_index );
polyfile += ".";
polyfile += poly_index;
FILE *rfp = fopen( polyfile.c_str(), "w" );
if ( preserve3d )
fprintf( rfp, "#3D_WITH_MASK\n" );
fprintf( rfp, "#2D_WITH_MASK\n" );
fprintf( rfp, "%s\n", poly_type.c_str() );
fprintf( rfp, "%d\n", (int)clipped_shapes.size() );
for (s=0; s<clipped_shapes.size(); s++) {
result = clipped_shapes[s];
fprintf( rfp, "%d\n", result.contours() );
for ( int i = 0; i < result.contours(); ++i ) {
fprintf( rfp, "%d\n", result.contour_size(i) );
fprintf( rfp, "%d\n", result.get_hole_flag(i) );
for ( int j = 0; j < result.contour_size(i); ++j ) {
p = result.get_pt( i, j );
if ( preserve3d )
fprintf( rfp, "%.15f %.15f %.15f\n", p.x(), p.y(), p.z() );
fprintf( rfp, "%.15f %.15f\n", p.x(), p.y() );
fclose( rfp );
static void clip_and_write_poly_tp( string root, long int p_index,
const string &poly_type,
SGBucket b, const TGPolygon& shape,
@ -401,6 +527,164 @@ void tgChopNormalPolygon( const string& path, const string& poly_type,
void tgChopNormalPolygonsWithMask(const std::string& path, const std::string& poly_type,
const poly_list& segments, bool preserve3d )
Point3D min, max, p;
TGPolygon shape;
long int index;
int i, j;
unsigned int s;
// bail out immediately if poly_list is empty
if ( segments.size() == 0 )
// get next polygon index
index = poly_index_next();
min = Point3D( 200.0 );
max = Point3D( -200.0 );
for ( s = 0; s < segments.size(); s++) {
shape = segments[s];
// find min/max of polygon
for ( i = 0; i < shape.contours(); i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < shape.contour_size(i); j++ ) {
p = shape.get_pt( i, j );
if ( p.x() < min.x() ) min.setx( p.x() ); if ( p.y() < min.y() ) min.sety( p.y() ); if ( p.x() > max.x() ) max.setx( p.x() ); if ( p.y() > max.y() ) max.sety( p.y() );
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " min = " << min << " max = " << max );
// find buckets for min, and max points of convex hull.
// note to self: self, you should think about checking for
// polygons that span the date line
SGBucket b_min( min.x(), min.y() );
SGBucket b_max( max.x(), max.y() );
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " Bucket min = " << b_min );
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " Bucket max = " << b_max );
if ( b_min == b_max ) {
// shape entirely contained in a single bucket, write and bail
clip_and_write_polys_with_mask( path, index, poly_type, b_min, segments, preserve3d );
SGBucket b_cur;
int dx, dy;
sgBucketDiff(b_min, b_max, &dx, &dy);
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " polygon spans tile boundaries" );
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, " dx = " << dx << " dy = " << dy );
if ( (dx > 2880) || (dy > 1440) )
throw sg_exception("something is really wrong in split_polygon()!!!!");
if ( dy <= 1 ) {
// we are down to at most two rows, write each column and then bail
double min_center_lat = b_min.get_center_lat();
double min_center_lon = b_min.get_center_lon();
for ( j = 0; j <= dy; ++j ) {
for ( i = 0; i <= dx; ++i ) {
b_cur = sgBucketOffset(min_center_lon, min_center_lat, i, j);
clip_and_write_polys_with_mask( path, index, poly_type, b_cur, segments, preserve3d );
// we have two or more rows left, split in half (along a
// horizontal dividing line) and recurse with each half
// find mid point (integer math)
int mid = (dy + 1) / 2 - 1;
// determine horizontal clip line
SGBucket b_clip = sgBucketOffset(min.x(), min.y(), 0, mid);
double clip_line = b_clip.get_center_lat();
if ( (clip_line >= -90.0 + SG_HALF_BUCKET_SPAN)
&& (clip_line < 90.0 - SG_HALF_BUCKET_SPAN) )
clip_line += SG_HALF_BUCKET_SPAN;
else if ( clip_line < -89.0 )
clip_line = -89.0;
else if ( clip_line >= 89.0 )
clip_line = 90.0;
else {
"Out of range latitude in clip_and_write_poly() = "
<< clip_line );
// Crop bottom area (hopefully by putting this in it's own
// scope we can shorten the life of some really large data
// structures to reduce memory use)
"Generating bottom half (" << min.y() << "-" <<
clip_line << ")" );
TGPolygon bottom, bottom_clip;
poly_list bottom_clip_list;
bottom.add_node( 0, Point3D(-180.0, min.y(), 0) );
bottom.add_node( 0, Point3D(180.0, min.y(), 0) );
bottom.add_node( 0, Point3D(180.0, clip_line, 0) );
bottom.add_node( 0, Point3D(-180.0, clip_line, 0) );
for (s=0; s<segments.size(); s++) {
bottom_clip = tgPolygonInt( bottom, segments[s] );
if ( bottom_clip.contours() > 0 ) {
bottom_clip_list.push_back( bottom_clip );
tgChopNormalPolygonsWithMask( path, poly_type, bottom_clip_list, preserve3d );
// Crop top area (hopefully by putting this in it's own scope
// we can shorten the life of some really large data
// structures to reduce memory use)
"Generating top half (" << clip_line << "-" <<
max.y() << ")" );
TGPolygon top, top_clip;
poly_list top_clip_list;
top.add_node( 0, Point3D(-180.0, clip_line, 0) );
top.add_node( 0, Point3D(180.0, clip_line, 0) );
top.add_node( 0, Point3D(180.0, max.y(), 0) );
top.add_node( 0, Point3D(-180.0, max.y(), 0) );
for (s=0; s<segments.size(); s++) {
top_clip = tgPolygonInt( top, segments[s] );
if ( top_clip.contours() > 0 ) {
top_clip_list.push_back( top_clip );
tgChopNormalPolygonsWithMask( path, poly_type, top_clip_list, preserve3d );
// process polygon shape (chop up along tile boundaries and write each
// polygon piece to a file)
void tgChopNormalPolygonTP( const string& path, const string& poly_type,
@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
void tgChopNormalPolygon( const std::string& path, const std::string& poly_type,
const TGPolygon& shape, bool preserve3d );
void tgChopNormalPolygonsWithMask(const std::string& path, const std::string& poly_type,
const poly_list& segments, bool preserve3d );
// process polygon shape (chop up along tile boundaries and write each
// polygon piece to a file)
void tgChopNormalPolygonTP( const std::string& path, const std::string& poly_type,
@ -110,6 +110,83 @@ void processLineString(OGRLineString* poGeometry,
tgChopNormalPolygon(work_dir, area_type, shape, false);
void processLineStringWithMask(OGRLineString* poGeometry,
const string& work_dir,
const string& area_type,
int width)
poly_list segments;
TGPolygon segment;
tg::Line line;
Point3D p0, p1;
double heading, dist, az2;
double pt_x = 0.0f, pt_y = 0.0f;
int i, j, numPoints, numSegs;
double max_dist;
numPoints = poGeometry->getNumPoints();
if (numPoints < 2) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "Skipping line with less than two points" );
max_dist = (double)width * 10.0f;
// because vector data can generate adjacent polys, lets stretch the two enpoints by a little bit
p0 = Point3D(poGeometry->getX(0),poGeometry->getY(0),0);
p1 = Point3D(poGeometry->getX(1),poGeometry->getY(1),0);
geo_inverse_wgs_84( p1.y(), p1.x(), p0.y(), p0.x(), &heading, &az2, &dist);
geo_direct_wgs_84( p0.y(), p0.x(), heading, EP_STRETCH, &pt_y, &pt_x, &az2 );
line.addPoint( Point3D( pt_x, pt_y, 0.0f ) );
// now add the middle points : if they are too far apart, add intermediate nodes
for ( i=1;i<numPoints-1;i++) {
p0 = Point3D(poGeometry->getX(i-1),poGeometry->getY(i-1),0);
p1 = Point3D(poGeometry->getX(i ),poGeometry->getY(i ),0);
geo_inverse_wgs_84( p0.y(), p0.x(), p1.y(), p1.x(), &heading, &az2, &dist);
if (dist > max_dist)
numSegs = (dist / max_dist) + 1;
dist = dist / (double)numSegs;
for (j=0; j<numSegs; j++)
geo_direct_wgs_84( p0.y(), p0.x(), heading, dist*(j+1), &pt_y, &pt_x, &az2 );
line.addPoint( Point3D( pt_x, pt_y, 0.0f ) );
// then stretch the last point
// because vector data can generate adjacent polys, lets stretch the two enpoints by a little bit
p0 = Point3D(poGeometry->getX(numPoints-2),poGeometry->getY(numPoints-2),0);
p1 = Point3D(poGeometry->getX(numPoints-1),poGeometry->getY(numPoints-1),0);
geo_inverse_wgs_84( p0.y(), p0.x(), p1.y(), p1.x(), &heading, &az2, &dist);
geo_direct_wgs_84( p1.y(), p1.x(), heading, EP_STRETCH, &pt_y, &pt_x, &az2 );
line.addPoint( Point3D( pt_x, pt_y, 0.0f ) );
// make a plygons from the line segments
#if 1
for ( i = 0; i < (int)segments.size(); ++i ) {
segment = segments[i];
tgChopNormalPolygon(work_dir, area_type, segment, false);
tgChopNormalPolygonsWithMask(work_dir, area_type, segments, false);
void processLineStringWithTextureInfo(OGRLineString* poGeometry,
const string& work_dir,
const string& area_type,
@ -406,7 +483,7 @@ void processLayer(OGRLayer* poLayer,
if (texture_lines) {
} else {
@ -421,7 +498,7 @@ void processLayer(OGRLayer* poLayer,
if (texture_lines) {
} else {
Add table
Reference in a new issue