Progress: we are now generating really crude airports.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 145 additions and 83 deletions
@ -228,31 +228,29 @@ Point3D calc_point_inside( const FGPolygon& p, const int contour,
// basic triangulation of a polygon contour out adding points or
// splitting edges. If contour >= 0 just tesselate the specified
// contour.
triele_list polygon_tesselate( const FGPolygon poly, const int contour ) {
// triangle list
triele_list elelist;
// basic triangulation of a polygon with out adding points or
// splitting edges
void polygon_tesselate( const FGPolygon &p,
triele_list &elelist,
point_list &out_pts )
struct triangulateio in, out, vorout;
int counter, offset;
int counter, start, end;
// list of points
double max_x = p.get_pt(0,0).x();
// point list
double max_x = poly.get_contour(0)[0].x();
int total_pts = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < poly.contours(); ++i ) {
if ( (contour < 0) || poly.get_hole_flag(i) || (i == contour) ) {
total_pts += poly.contour_size( i );
for ( int i = 0; i < p.contours(); ++i ) {
total_pts += p.contour_size( i );
in.numberofpoints = total_pts;
in.pointlist = (REAL *) malloc(in.numberofpoints * 2 * sizeof(REAL));
counter = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < poly.contours(); ++i ) {
if ( (contour < 0) || poly.get_hole_flag(i) || (i == contour) ) {
point_list contour = poly.get_contour( i );
for ( int i = 0; i < p.contours(); ++i ) {
point_list contour = p.get_contour( i );
for ( int j = 0; j < (int)contour.size(); ++j ) {
in.pointlist[2*counter] = contour[j].x();
in.pointlist[2*counter + 1] = contour[j].y();
@ -262,22 +260,19 @@ triele_list polygon_tesselate( const FGPolygon poly, const int contour ) {
in.numberofpointattributes = 1;
in.pointattributelist = (REAL *) malloc(in.numberofpoints *
in.numberofpointattributes *
counter = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < poly.contours(); ++i ) {
if ( (contour < 0) || poly.get_hole_flag(i) || (i == contour) ) {
point_list contour = poly.get_contour( i );
for ( int i = 0; i < p.contours(); ++i ) {
point_list contour = p.get_contour( i );
for ( int j = 0; j < (int)contour.size(); ++j ) {
in.pointattributelist[counter] = contour[j].z();
in.pointmarkerlist = (int *) malloc(in.numberofpoints * sizeof(int));
for ( int i = 0; i < in.numberofpoints; ++i) {
@ -288,47 +283,49 @@ triele_list polygon_tesselate( const FGPolygon poly, const int contour ) {
in.numberoftriangles = 0;
// segment list
in.numberofsegments = total_pts;
in.numberofsegments = in.numberofpoints;
in.segmentlist = (int *) malloc(in.numberofsegments * 2 * sizeof(int));
in.segmentmarkerlist = (int *) malloc(in.numberofsegments * sizeof(int));
counter = 0;
offset = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < poly.contours(); ++i ) {
point_list contour = poly.get_contour( i );
for ( int j = 0; j < (int)contour.size() - 1; ++j ) {
in.segmentlist[counter++] = i + offset;
in.segmentlist[counter++] = i + offset + 1;
in.segmentmarkerlist[i] = 0;
in.segmentlist[counter++] = (int)contour.size() + offset - 1;
in.segmentlist[counter++] = 0 + offset;
in.segmentmarkerlist[(int)contour.size() - 1] = 0;
start = 0;
end = -1;
offset += contour.size();
for ( int i = 0; i < p.contours(); ++i ) {
point_list contour = p.get_contour( i );
start = end + 1;
end = start + contour.size() - 1;
for ( int j = 0; j < (int)contour.size() - 1; ++j ) {
in.segmentlist[counter++] = j + start;
in.segmentlist[counter++] = j + start + 1;
in.segmentlist[counter++] = end;
in.segmentlist[counter++] = start;
for ( int i = 0; i < in.numberofsegments; ++i ) {
in.segmentmarkerlist[i] = 0;
// hole list
int hole_count = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < poly.contours(); ++i ) {
if ( poly.get_hole_flag( i ) ) {
in.numberofholes = 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < p.contours(); ++i ) {
if ( p.get_hole_flag( i ) ) {
in.numberofholes = hole_count + 1;
in.holelist = (REAL *) malloc(in.numberofholes * 2 * sizeof(REAL));
counter = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < poly.contours(); ++i ) {
if ( poly.get_hole_flag( i ) ) {
in.holelist[counter++] = poly.get_point_inside(i).x();
in.holelist[counter++] = poly.get_point_inside(i).y();
// outside of polygon
counter = 0;
in.holelist[counter++] = max_x + 1.0;
in.holelist[counter++] = 0.0;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)p.contours(); ++i ) {
if ( p.get_hole_flag( i ) ) {
in.holelist[counter++] = p.get_point_inside(i).x();
in.holelist[counter++] = p.get_point_inside(i).y();
// region list
in.numberofregions = 0;
in.regionlist = (REAL *) NULL;
@ -356,7 +353,7 @@ triele_list polygon_tesselate( const FGPolygon poly, const int contour ) {
vorout.normlist = (REAL *) NULL; // Needed only if -v switch used.
// write_out_data(&in);
// Triangulate the points. Switches are chosen to read and write
// a PSLG (p), number everything from zero (z), and produce an
@ -371,7 +368,7 @@ triele_list polygon_tesselate( const FGPolygon poly, const int contour ) {
triangulate( (char *)tri_options.c_str(), &in, &out, &vorout );
// write_out_data(&out);
// write_tri_data(&out);
// now copy the results back into the corresponding FGTriangle
// structures
@ -394,6 +391,16 @@ triele_list polygon_tesselate( const FGPolygon poly, const int contour ) {
elelist.push_back( FGTriEle( n1, n2, n3, attribute ) );
// output points
double x, y, z;
for ( int i = 0; i < out.numberofpoints; ++i ) {
x = out.pointlist[i * 2 ];
y = out.pointlist[i * 2 + 1];
z = out.pointattributelist[i];
out_pts.push_back( Point3D(x, y, z) );
// free mem allocated to the "Triangle" structures
@ -414,18 +421,56 @@ triele_list polygon_tesselate( const FGPolygon poly, const int contour ) {
return elelist;
// basic triangulation of a polygon with out adding points or
// splitting edges and without regard for holes
static triele_list contour_tesselate( FGContourNode *node, const FGPolygon &p,
// Alternate basic triangulation of a polygon with out adding points
// or splitting edges and without regard for holes. Returns a polygon
// with one contour per tesselated triangle. This is mostly just a
// wrapper for the polygon_tesselate() function. Note, this routine
// will modify the points_inside list for your polygon.
FGPolygon polygon_tesselate_alt( FGPolygon &p ) {
// 1. Robustly find a point inside each contour that is not
// inside any other contour
calc_points_inside( p );
for ( int i = 0; i < p.contours(); ++i ) {
cout << "final point inside =" << p.get_point_inside( i )
<< endl;
// 2. Do a final triangulation of the entire polygon
triele_list trieles;
point_list nodes;
polygon_tesselate( p, trieles, nodes );
// 3. Convert the tesselated output to a list of tringles.
// basically a polygon with a contour for every triangle
FGPolygon result;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)trieles.size(); ++i ) {
FGTriEle t = trieles[i];
Point3D p1 = nodes[ t.get_n1() ];
Point3D p2 = nodes[ t.get_n2() ];
Point3D p3 = nodes[ t.get_n3() ];
result.add_node( i, p1 );
result.add_node( i, p2 );
result.add_node( i, p3 );
return result;
// basic triangulation of a contour with out adding points or
// splitting edges but cuts out any of the specified holes
static void contour_tesselate( FGContourNode *node, const FGPolygon &p,
const FGPolygon &hole_polys,
const point_list &hole_pts ) {
// triangle list
triele_list elelist;
const point_list &hole_pts,
triele_list &elelist,
point_list &out_pts )
struct triangulateio in, out, vorout;
int counter, start, end;
@ -514,11 +559,13 @@ static triele_list contour_tesselate( FGContourNode *node, const FGPolygon &p,
for ( int j = 0; j < (int)hole_contour.size() - 1; ++j ) {
in.segmentlist[counter++] = j + start;
in.segmentlist[counter++] = j + start + 1;
in.segmentmarkerlist[i] = 0;
in.segmentlist[counter++] = end;
in.segmentlist[counter++] = start;
in.segmentmarkerlist[contour.size() - 1] = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < in.numberofsegments; ++i ) {
in.segmentmarkerlist[i] = 0;
// hole list
@ -598,6 +645,16 @@ static triele_list contour_tesselate( FGContourNode *node, const FGPolygon &p,
elelist.push_back( FGTriEle( n1, n2, n3, attribute ) );
// output points
double x, y, z;
for ( int i = 0; i < out.numberofpoints; ++i ) {
x = out.pointlist[i * 2 ];
y = out.pointlist[i * 2 + 1];
z = out.pointattributelist[i];
out_pts.push_back( Point3D(x, y, z) );
// free mem allocated to the "Triangle" structures
@ -618,8 +675,6 @@ static triele_list contour_tesselate( FGContourNode *node, const FGPolygon &p,
return elelist;
@ -627,7 +682,7 @@ static triele_list contour_tesselate( FGContourNode *node, const FGPolygon &p,
// Find a point inside the polygon without regard for holes
static Point3D point_inside_hole( point_list contour ) {
triele_list elelist = contour_tesselate( contour );
triele_list elelist; = contour_tesselate( contour );
if ( elelist.size() <= 0 ) {
cout << "Error polygon triangulated to zero triangles!" << endl;
@ -667,19 +722,19 @@ static Point3D point_inside_contour( FGContourNode *node, const FGPolygon &p ) {
hole_polys.add_contour( contour, 1 );
triele_list elelist = contour_tesselate( node, p, hole_polys, hole_pts );
triele_list elelist;
point_list out_pts;
contour_tesselate( node, p, hole_polys, hole_pts, elelist, out_pts );
if ( elelist.size() <= 0 ) {
cout << "Error polygon triangulated to zero triangles!" << endl;
#error what is your point list here?
FGTriEle t = elelist[0];
contour_num = node->get_contour_num();
Point3D p1 = p.get_pt( contour_num, t.get_n1() );
Point3D p2 = p.get_pt( contour_num, t.get_n2() );
Point3D p3 = p.get_pt( contour_num, t.get_n3() );
Point3D p1 = out_pts[ t.get_n1() ];
Point3D p2 = out_pts[ t.get_n2() ];
Point3D p3 = out_pts[ t.get_n3() ];
cout << " " << p1 << endl << " " << p2 << endl << " " << p3 << endl;
Point3D m1 = ( p1 + p2 ) / 2;
Point3D m2 = ( p1 + p3 ) / 2;
@ -849,5 +904,4 @@ void calc_points_inside( FGPolygon& p ) {
@ -40,10 +40,18 @@
#include "trinodes.hxx"
// basic triangulation of a polygon contour out adding points or
// splitting edges. If contour >= 0 just tesselate the specified
// contour.
triele_list polygon_tesselate( const FGPolygon poly, const int contour );
// basic triangulation of a polygon with out adding points or
// splitting edges
void polygon_tesselate( const FGPolygon &p,
triele_list &elelist,
point_list &out_pts );
// Alternate basic triangulation of a polygon with out adding points
// or splitting edges and without regard for holes. Returns a polygon
// with one contour per tesselated triangle. This is mostly just a
// wrapper for the polygon_tesselate() function. Note, this routine
// will modify the points_inside list for your polygon.
FGPolygon polygon_tesselate_alt( FGPolygon &p );
// calculate some "arbitrary" point inside the specified contour for
// assigning attribute areas. This requires data structures outside
Add table
Reference in a new issue