Dynamics (Sim)ulator. Basically, this is a rough, first cut of a "different take" on FDM design. It's intended to be very simple to use, producing reasonable results for aircraft of all sorts and sizes, while maintaining simulation plausibility even in odd flight conditions like spins and aerobatics. It's at the point now where one can actually fly the planes around.
204 lines
4.8 KiB
204 lines
4.8 KiB
#include "Math.hpp"
#include "RigidBody.hpp"
namespace yasim {
// Allocate space for 16 masses initially. More space will be
// allocated dynamically.
_nMasses = 0;
_massesAlloced = 16;
_masses = new Mass[_massesAlloced];
_gyro[0] = _gyro[1] = _gyro[2] = 0;
_spin[0] = _spin[1] = _spin[2] = 0;
delete[] _masses;
int RigidBody::addMass(float mass, float* pos)
// If out of space, reallocate twice as much
if(_nMasses == _massesAlloced) {
_massesAlloced *= 2;
Mass *m2 = new Mass[_massesAlloced];
for(int i=0; i<_nMasses; i++)
m2[i] = _masses[i];
delete[] _masses;
_masses = m2;
_masses[_nMasses].m = mass;
Math::set3(pos, _masses[_nMasses].p);
return _nMasses++;
void RigidBody::setMass(int handle, float mass)
_masses[handle].m = mass;
void RigidBody::setMass(int handle, float mass, float* pos)
_masses[handle].m = mass;
Math::set3(pos, _masses[handle].p);
int RigidBody::numMasses()
return _nMasses;
float RigidBody::getMass(int handle)
return _masses[handle].m;
void RigidBody::getMassPosition(int handle, float* out)
out[0] = _masses[handle].p[0];
out[1] = _masses[handle].p[1];
out[2] = _masses[handle].p[2];
float RigidBody::getTotalMass()
return _totalMass;
// Calcualtes the rotational velocity of a particular point. All
// coordinates are local!
void RigidBody::pointVelocity(float* pos, float* rot, float* out)
Math::sub3(pos, _cg, out); // out = pos-cg
Math::cross3(rot, out, out); // = rot cross (pos-cg)
void RigidBody::setGyro(float* angularMomentum)
Math::set3(angularMomentum, _gyro);
void RigidBody::recalc()
// Calculate the c.g and total mass:
_totalMass = 0;
_cg[0] = _cg[1] = _cg[2] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<_nMasses; i++) {
float m = _masses[i].m;
_totalMass += m;
_cg[0] += m * _masses[i].p[0];
_cg[1] += m * _masses[i].p[1];
_cg[2] += m * _masses[i].p[2];
Math::mul3(1/_totalMass, _cg, _cg);
// Now the inertia tensor:
for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
_I[i] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<_nMasses; i++) {
float m = _masses[i].m;
float x = _masses[i].p[0] - _cg[0];
float y = _masses[i].p[1] - _cg[1];
float z = _masses[i].p[2] - _cg[2];
float xy = m*x*y; float yz = m*y*z; float zx = m*z*x;
float x2 = m*x*x; float y2 = m*y*y; float z2 = m*z*z;
_I[0] += y2+z2; _I[1] -= xy; _I[2] -= zx;
_I[3] -= xy; _I[4] += x2+z2; _I[5] -= yz;
_I[6] -= zx; _I[7] -= yz; _I[8] += x2+y2;
// And its inverse
Math::invert33(_I, _invI);
void RigidBody::reset()
_torque[0] = _torque[1] = _torque[2] = 0;
_force[0] = _force[1] = _force[2] = 0;
void RigidBody::addForce(float* force)
Math::add3(_force, force, _force);
void RigidBody::addTorque(float* torque)
Math::add3(_torque, torque, _torque);
void RigidBody::addForce(float* pos, float* force)
// For a force F at position X, the torque about the c.g C is:
// torque = F cross (C - X)
float v[3], t[3];
Math::sub3(_cg, pos, v);
Math::cross3(force, v, t);
void RigidBody::setBodySpin(float* rotation)
Math::set3(rotation, _spin);
void RigidBody::getCG(float* cgOut)
Math::set3(_cg, cgOut);
void RigidBody::getAccel(float* accelOut)
Math::mul3(1/_totalMass, _force, accelOut);
void RigidBody::getAccel(float* pos, float* accelOut)
// Turn the "spin" vector into a normalized spin axis "a" and a
// radians/sec scalar "rate".
float a[3];
float rate = Math::mag3(_spin);
Math::set3(_spin, a);
Math::mul3(1/rate, a, a);
float v[3];
Math::sub3(_cg, pos, v); // v = cg - pos
Math::mul3(Math::dot3(v, a), a, a); // a = a * (v dot a)
Math::add3(v, a, v); // v = v + a
// Now v contains the vector from pos to the rotation axis.
// Multiply by the square of the rotation rate to get the linear
// acceleration.
Math::mul3(rate*rate, v, v);
Math::add3(v, accelOut, accelOut);
void RigidBody::getAngularAccel(float* accelOut)
// Compute "tau" as the externally applied torque, plus the
// counter-torque due to the internal gyro.
float tau[3]; // torque
Math::cross3(_gyro, _spin, tau);
Math::add3(_torque, tau, tau);
// Now work the equation of motion. Use "v" as a notational
// shorthand, as the value isn't an acceleration until the end.
float *v = accelOut;
Math::vmul33(_I, _spin, v); // v = I*omega
Math::cross3(_spin, v, v); // v = omega X I*omega
Math::add3(tau, v, v); // v = tau + (omega X I*omega)
Math::vmul33(_invI, v, v); // v = invI*(tau + (omega X I*omega))
}; // namespace yasim