Add classes VirtualPath and MutableVirtualPath (the latter derived from the former) to manipulate slash-separated paths where the root '/' represents the TerraScenery root. This makes it clear what a function expects when you see that one of its arguments is a VirtualPath instance: you don't have to ask yourself whether it can start or end with a slash, how to interpret it, etc. Operating on these paths is also easy[1], be it to assemble URLs in order to retrieve files or to join their relative part with a local directory path in order to obtain a real (deeper) local path. VirtualPath and MutableVirtualPath are essentially the same; the former is hashable and therefore has to be immutable, whereas the latter can be modified in-place with the /= operator (used to append path components), and therefore can't be hashable. As a consequence, MutableVirtualPath instances can't be used as dictionary keys, elements of a set or frozenset, etc. VirtualPath and MutableVirtualPath use the pathlib.PurePath API where applicable (part of this API has been implemented in [Mutable]VirtualPath; more can be added, of course). These classes have no assumptions related to TerraSync and thus should be fit for use in other projects. To convert a [Mutable]VirtualPath instance to a string, just use str() on it. The result is guaranteed to start with a '/' and not to end with a '/', except for the virtual root '/'. Upon construction, the given string is interpreted relatively to the virtual root, i.e.: VirtualPath("") == VirtualPath("/") VirtualPath("abc/def/ghi") == VirtualPath("/abc/def/ghi") etc. VirtualPath and MutableVirtualPath instances sort like the respective strings str() converts them too. The __hash__() method of VirtualPath is based on the type and this string representation, too. Such objects can only compare equal (using ==) if they have the same type. If you want to compare the underlying virtual paths inside a VirtualPath and a MutableVirtualPath, use the samePath() method of either class. For more info, see scripts/python/TerraSync/terrasync/ and unit tests in scripts/python/TerraSync/tests/ [1] Most useful is the / operator, which works as for SGPath: VirtualPath("/abc/def/ghi") == VirtualPath("/abc") / "def" / "ghi" VirtualPath("/abc/def/ghi") == VirtualPath("/abc") / "def/ghi"
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