This allows Nasal code attached to scenery models access their world position and orientation by calling _model.getPose(). Also ensure models are attached to the scenegraph before Nasal load scripts are called. This ensures that the world position and orientation are available upon executing the load script.
1407 lines
42 KiB
1407 lines
42 KiB
# include "config.h"
#include <windows.h>
# include <sys/time.h> // gettimeofday
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <simgear/nasal/nasal.h>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_dir.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/commands.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/event_mgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/debug/BufferedLogCallback.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/from_nasal.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/to_nasal.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/Ghost.hxx>
#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/NasalHash.hxx>
#include "NasalSys.hxx"
#include "NasalSys_private.hxx"
#include "NasalModelData.hxx"
#include "NasalPositioned.hxx"
#include "NasalCanvas.hxx"
#include "NasalClipboard.hxx"
#include "NasalCondition.hxx"
#include "NasalString.hxx"
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/util.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
using std::map;
void postinitNasalGUI(naRef globals, naContext c);
static FGNasalSys* nasalSys = 0;
// Listener class for loading Nasal modules on demand
class FGNasalModuleListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener
FGNasalModuleListener(SGPropertyNode* node);
virtual void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode* node);
SGPropertyNode_ptr _node;
FGNasalModuleListener::FGNasalModuleListener(SGPropertyNode* node) : _node(node)
void FGNasalModuleListener::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode*)
if (_node->getBoolValue("enabled",false)&&
class TimerObj : public SGReferenced
TimerObj(FGNasalSys* sys, naRef f, naRef self, double interval) :
char nm[128];
snprintf(nm, 128, "nasal-timer-%p", this);
_name = nm;
_gcRoot = sys->gcSave(f);
_gcSelf = sys->gcSave(self);
virtual ~TimerObj()
bool isRunning() const { return _isRunning; }
void stop()
if (_isRunning) {
_isRunning = false;
void start()
if (_isRunning) {
_isRunning = true;
if (_singleShot) {
globals->get_event_mgr()->addEvent(_name, this, &TimerObj::invoke, _interval);
} else {
globals->get_event_mgr()->addTask(_name, this, &TimerObj::invoke, _interval);
// stop and then start -
void restart(double newInterval)
_interval = newInterval;
void invoke()
naRef *args = NULL;
_sys->callMethod(_func, _self, 0, args, naNil() /* locals */);
if (_singleShot) {
_isRunning = false;
void setSingleShot(bool aSingleShot)
_singleShot = aSingleShot;
bool isSingleShot() const
{ return _singleShot; }
std::string _name;
FGNasalSys* _sys;
naRef _func, _self;
int _gcRoot, _gcSelf;
bool _isRunning;
double _interval;
bool _singleShot;
typedef SGSharedPtr<TimerObj> TimerObjRef;
typedef nasal::Ghost<TimerObjRef> NasalTimerObj;
// Read and return file contents in a single buffer. Note use of
// stat() to get the file size. This is a win32 function, believe it
// or not. :) Note the REALLY IMPORTANT use of the "b" flag to fopen.
// Text mode brain damage will kill us if we're trying to do bytewise
// I/O.
static char* readfile(const char* file, int* lenOut)
struct stat data;
if(stat(file, &data) != 0) return 0;
FILE* f = fopen(file, "rb");
if(!f) return 0;
char* buf = new char[data.st_size];
*lenOut = fread(buf, 1, data.st_size, f);
if(*lenOut != data.st_size) {
// Shouldn't happen, but warn anyway since it represents a
// platform bug and not a typical runtime error (missing file,
// etc...)
"ERROR in Nasal initialization: " <<
"short count returned from fread() of " << file <<
". Check your C library!");
delete[] buf;
return 0;
return buf;
nasalSys = this;
_context = 0;
_globals = naNil();
_string = naNil();
_gcHash = naNil();
_nextGCKey = 0; // Any value will do
_callCount = 0;
_log = new simgear::BufferedLogCallback(SG_NASAL, SG_INFO);
// Utility. Sets a named key in a hash by C string, rather than nasal
// string object.
void FGNasalSys::hashset(naRef hash, const char* key, naRef val)
naRef s = naNewString(_context);
naStr_fromdata(s, (char*)key, strlen(key));
naHash_set(hash, s, val);
void FGNasalSys::globalsSet(const char* key, naRef val)
hashset(_globals, key, val);
naRef FGNasalSys::call(naRef code, int argc, naRef* args, naRef locals)
return callMethod(code, naNil(), argc, args, locals);
// Does a naCall() in a new context. Wrapped here to make lock
// tracking easier. Extension functions are called with the lock, but
// we have to release it before making a new naCall(). So rather than
// drop the lock in every extension function that might call back into
// Nasal, we keep a stack depth counter here and only unlock/lock
// around the naCall if it isn't the first one.
naRef FGNasalSys::callMethod(naRef code, naRef self, int argc, naRef* args, naRef locals)
naContext ctx = naNewContext();
if(_callCount) naModUnlock();
naRef result = naCall(ctx, code, argc, args, self, locals);
if(_callCount) naModLock();
return result;
nasalSys = 0;
map<int, FGNasalListener *>::iterator it, end = _listener.end();
for(it = _listener.begin(); it != end; ++it)
delete it->second;
_globals = naNil();
_string = naNil();
bool FGNasalSys::parseAndRun(const char* sourceCode)
naRef code = parse("FGNasalSys::parseAndRun()", sourceCode,
return false;
call(code, 0, 0, naNil());
return true;
#if 0
FGNasalScript* FGNasalSys::parseScript(const char* src, const char* name)
FGNasalScript* script = new FGNasalScript();
script->_gcKey = -1; // important, if we delete it on a parse
script->_nas = this; // error, don't clobber a real handle!
char buf[256];
if(!name) {
sprintf(buf, "FGNasalScript@%p", (void *)script);
name = buf;
script->_code = parse(name, src, strlen(src));
if(naIsNil(script->_code)) {
delete script;
return 0;
script->_gcKey = gcSave(script->_code);
return script;
// The get/setprop functions accept a *list* of strings and walk
// through the property tree with them to find the appropriate node.
// This allows a Nasal object to hold onto a property path and use it
// like a node object, e.g. setprop(ObjRoot, "size-parsecs", 2.02). This
// is the utility function that walks the property tree.
// Future enhancement: support integer arguments to specify array
// elements.
static SGPropertyNode* findnode(naContext c, naRef* vec, int len)
SGPropertyNode* p = globals->get_props();
try {
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
naRef a = vec[i];
if(!naIsString(a)) return 0;
p = p->getNode(naStr_data(a));
if(p == 0) return 0;
} catch (const string& err) {
naRuntimeError(c, (char *)err.c_str());
return 0;
return p;
// getprop() extension function. Concatenates its string arguments as
// property names and returns the value of the specified property. Or
// nil if it doesn't exist.
static naRef f_getprop(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
using namespace simgear;
const SGPropertyNode* p = findnode(c, args, argc);
if(!p) return naNil();
switch(p->getType()) {
case props::BOOL: case props::INT:
case props::LONG: case props::FLOAT:
case props::DOUBLE:
double dv = p->getDoubleValue();
if (SGMisc<double>::isNaN(dv)) {
SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_ALERT, "Nasal getprop: property " << p->getPath() << " is NaN");
return naNil();
return naNum(dv);
case props::STRING:
case props::UNSPECIFIED:
naRef nastr = naNewString(c);
const char* val = p->getStringValue();
naStr_fromdata(nastr, (char*)val, strlen(val));
return nastr;
case props::ALIAS: // <--- FIXME, recurse?
return naNil();
// setprop() extension function. Concatenates its string arguments as
// property names and sets the value of the specified property to the
// final argument.
static naRef f_setprop(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
#define BUFLEN 1024
char buf[BUFLEN + 1];
buf[BUFLEN] = 0;
char* p = buf;
int buflen = BUFLEN;
if(argc < 2) naRuntimeError(c, "setprop() expects at least 2 arguments");
for(int i=0; i<argc-1; i++) {
naRef s = naStringValue(c, args[i]);
if(naIsNil(s)) return naNil();
strncpy(p, naStr_data(s), buflen);
p += naStr_len(s);
buflen = BUFLEN - (p - buf);
if(i < (argc-2) && buflen > 0) {
*p++ = '/';
SGPropertyNode* props = globals->get_props();
naRef val = args[argc-1];
bool result = false;
try {
if(naIsString(val)) result = props->setStringValue(buf, naStr_data(val));
else {
naRef n = naNumValue(val);
naRuntimeError(c, "setprop() value is not string or number");
if (SGMisc<double>::isNaN(n.num)) {
naRuntimeError(c, "setprop() passed a NaN");
result = props->setDoubleValue(buf, n.num);
} catch (const string& err) {
naRuntimeError(c, (char *)err.c_str());
return naNum(result);
#undef BUFLEN
// print() extension function. Concatenates and prints its arguments
// to the FlightGear log. Uses the highest log level (SG_ALERT), to
// make sure it appears. Is there better way to do this?
static naRef f_print(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
string buf;
int n = argc;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
naRef s = naStringValue(c, args[i]);
if(naIsNil(s)) continue;
buf += naStr_data(s);
return naNum(buf.length());
// logprint() extension function. Same as above, all arguments after the
// first argument are concatenated. Argument 0 is the log-level, matching
// sgDebugPriority.
static naRef f_logprint(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if (argc < 1)
naRuntimeError(c, "no prioirty argument to logprint()");
naRef priority = args[0];
string buf;
int n = argc;
for(int i=1; i<n; i++) {
naRef s = naStringValue(c, args[i]);
if(naIsNil(s)) continue;
buf += naStr_data(s);
// use the nasal source file and line for the message location, since
// that's more useful than the location here!
sglog().log(SG_NASAL, (sgDebugPriority)(int) priority.num,
naStr_data(naGetSourceFile(c, 0)),
naGetLine(c, 0), buf);
return naNum(buf.length());
// fgcommand() extension function. Executes a named command via the
// FlightGear command manager. Takes a single property node name as
// an argument.
static naRef f_fgcommand(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
naRef cmd = argc > 0 ? args[0] : naNil();
naRef props = argc > 1 ? args[1] : naNil();
if(!naIsString(cmd) || (!naIsNil(props) && !naIsGhost(props)))
naRuntimeError(c, "bad arguments to fgcommand()");
SGPropertyNode_ptr tmp, *node;
node = (SGPropertyNode_ptr*)naGhost_ptr(props);
else {
tmp = new SGPropertyNode();
node = &tmp;
return naNum(globals->get_commands()->execute(naStr_data(cmd), *node));
// settimer(func, dt, simtime) extension function. Falls through to
// FGNasalSys::setTimer(). See there for docs.
static naRef f_settimer(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
nasalSys->setTimer(c, argc, args);
return naNil();
static naRef f_makeTimer(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if (!naIsNum(args[0])) {
naRuntimeError(c, "bad interval argument to maketimer");
naRef func, self = naNil();
if (naIsFunc(args[1])) {
func = args[1];
} else if ((argc == 3) && naIsFunc(args[2])) {
self = args[1];
func = args[2];
TimerObj* timerObj = new TimerObj(nasalSys, func, self, args[0].num);
return NasalTimerObj::create(c, timerObj);
// setlistener(func, property, bool) extension function. Falls through to
// FGNasalSys::setListener(). See there for docs.
static naRef f_setlistener(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return nasalSys->setListener(c, argc, args);
// removelistener(int) extension function. Falls through to
// FGNasalSys::removeListener(). See there for docs.
static naRef f_removelistener(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return nasalSys->removeListener(c, argc, args);
// Returns a ghost handle to the argument to the currently executing
// command
static naRef f_cmdarg(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return nasalSys->cmdArgGhost();
// Sets up a property interpolation. The first argument is either a
// ghost (SGPropertyNode_ptr*) or a string (global property path) to
// interpolate. The second argument is a vector of pairs of
// value/delta numbers.
static naRef f_interpolate(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
SGPropertyNode* node;
naRef prop = argc > 0 ? args[0] : naNil();
if(naIsString(prop)) node = fgGetNode(naStr_data(prop), true);
else if(naIsGhost(prop)) node = *(SGPropertyNode_ptr*)naGhost_ptr(prop);
else return naNil();
naRef curve = argc > 1 ? args[1] : naNil();
if(!naIsVector(curve)) return naNil();
int nPoints = naVec_size(curve) / 2;
simgear::PropertyList value_nodes;
double_list deltas;
for( int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i )
SGPropertyNode* val = new SGPropertyNode;
val->setDoubleValue(naNumValue(naVec_get(curve, 2*i)).num);
deltas.push_back(naNumValue(naVec_get(curve, 2*i+1)).num);
node->interpolate("numeric", value_nodes, deltas, "linear");
return naNil();
// This is a better RNG than the one in the default Nasal distribution
// (which is based on the C library rand() implementation). It will
// override.
static naRef f_rand(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return naNum(sg_random());
static naRef f_srand(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return naNum(0);
static naRef f_abort(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return naNil();
// Return an array listing of all files in a directory
static naRef f_directory(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if(argc != 1 || !naIsString(args[0]))
naRuntimeError(c, "bad arguments to directory()");
simgear::Dir d(SGPath(naStr_data(args[0])));
if(!d.exists()) return naNil();
naRef result = naNewVector(c);
simgear::PathList paths = d.children(simgear::Dir::TYPE_FILE | simgear::Dir::TYPE_DIR);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<paths.size(); ++i) {
std::string p = paths[i].file();
naVec_append(result, naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c), p.c_str(), p.size()));
return result;
* Given a data path, resolve it in FG_ROOT or an FG_AIRCRFT directory
static naRef f_resolveDataPath(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if(argc != 1 || !naIsString(args[0]))
naRuntimeError(c, "bad arguments to resolveDataPath()");
SGPath p = globals->resolve_maybe_aircraft_path(naStr_data(args[0]));
const char* pdata = p.c_str();
return naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c), const_cast<char*>(pdata), strlen(pdata));
class NasalCommand : public SGCommandMgr::Command
NasalCommand(FGNasalSys* sys, naRef f) :
_gcRoot = sys->gcSave(f);
virtual ~NasalCommand()
virtual bool operator()(const SGPropertyNode* aNode)
naRef args[1];
args[0] = _sys->wrappedPropsNode(const_cast<SGPropertyNode*>(aNode));
_sys->callMethod(_func, naNil(), 1, args, naNil() /* locals */);
return true;
FGNasalSys* _sys;
naRef _func;
int _gcRoot;
static naRef f_addCommand(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if(argc != 2 || !naIsString(args[0]) || !naIsFunc(args[1]))
naRuntimeError(c, "bad arguments to addcommand()");
naRef func = args[1];
NasalCommand* cmd = new NasalCommand(nasalSys, func);
globals->get_commands()->addCommandObject(naStr_data(args[0]), cmd);
return naNil();
static naRef f_removeCommand(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
SGCommandMgr::Command* cmd = globals->get_commands()->getCommand(naStr_data(args[0]));
// SGCommandMgr::Command* cmd = globals->get_commands()->removeCommand(naStr_data(args[0]))
delete cmd;
return naNil();
// Parse XML file.
// parsexml(<path> [, <start-tag> [, <end-tag> [, <data> [, <pi>]]]]);
// <path> ... absolute path to an XML file
// <start-tag> ... callback function with two args: tag name, attribute hash
// <end-tag> ... callback function with one arg: tag name
// <data> ... callback function with one arg: data
// <pi> ... callback function with two args: target, data
// (pi = "processing instruction")
// All four callback functions are optional and default to nil.
// The function returns nil on error, or the validated file name otherwise.
static naRef f_parsexml(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if(argc < 1 || !naIsString(args[0]))
naRuntimeError(c, "parsexml(): path argument missing or not a string");
if(argc > 5) argc = 5;
for(int i=1; i<argc; i++)
if(!(naIsNil(args[i]) || naIsFunc(args[i])))
naRuntimeError(c, "parsexml(): callback argument not a function");
const char* file = fgValidatePath(naStr_data(args[0]), false);
if(!file) {
naRuntimeError(c, "parsexml(): reading '%s' denied "
"(unauthorized access)", naStr_data(args[0]));
return naNil();
std::ifstream input(file);
NasalXMLVisitor visitor(c, argc, args);
try {
readXML(input, visitor);
} catch (const sg_exception& e) {
naRuntimeError(c, "parsexml(): file '%s' %s",
file, e.getFormattedMessage().c_str());
return naNil();
return naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c), const_cast<char*>(file), strlen(file));
// Return UNIX epoch time in seconds.
static naRef f_systime(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
#ifdef _WIN32
double t = (4294967296.0 * ft.dwHighDateTime + ft.dwLowDateTime);
// Converts from 100ns units in 1601 epoch to unix epoch in sec
return naNum((t * 1e-7) - 11644473600.0);
struct timeval td;
gettimeofday(&td, 0);
return naNum(td.tv_sec + 1e-6 * td.tv_usec);
// Table of extension functions. Terminate with zeros.
static struct { const char* name; naCFunction func; } funcs[] = {
{ "getprop", f_getprop },
{ "setprop", f_setprop },
{ "print", f_print },
{ "logprint", f_logprint },
{ "_fgcommand", f_fgcommand },
{ "settimer", f_settimer },
{ "maketimer", f_makeTimer },
{ "_setlistener", f_setlistener },
{ "removelistener", f_removelistener },
{ "addcommand", f_addCommand },
{ "removecommand", f_removeCommand },
{ "_cmdarg", f_cmdarg },
{ "_interpolate", f_interpolate },
{ "rand", f_rand },
{ "srand", f_srand },
{ "abort", f_abort },
{ "directory", f_directory },
{ "resolvepath", f_resolveDataPath },
{ "parsexml", f_parsexml },
{ "systime", f_systime },
{ 0, 0 }
naRef FGNasalSys::cmdArgGhost()
return propNodeGhost(_cmdArg);
void FGNasalSys::setCmdArg(SGPropertyNode* aNode)
_cmdArg = aNode;
void FGNasalSys::init()
int i;
_context = naNewContext();
// Start with globals. Add it to itself as a recursive
// sub-reference under the name "globals". This gives client-code
// write access to the namespace if someone wants to do something
// fancy.
_globals = naInit_std(_context);
naSave(_context, _globals);
hashset(_globals, "globals", _globals);
hashset(_globals, "math", naInit_math(_context));
hashset(_globals, "bits", naInit_bits(_context));
hashset(_globals, "io", naInit_io(_context));
hashset(_globals, "thread", naInit_thread(_context));
hashset(_globals, "utf8", naInit_utf8(_context));
// Add our custom extension functions:
for(i=0; funcs[i].name; i++)
hashset(_globals, funcs[i].name,
naNewFunc(_context, naNewCCode(_context, funcs[i].func)));
// And our SGPropertyNode wrapper
hashset(_globals, "props", genPropsModule());
// Make a "__gcsave" hash to hold the naRef objects which get
// passed to handles outside the interpreter (to protect them from
// begin garbage-collected).
_gcHash = naNewHash(_context);
hashset(_globals, "__gcsave", _gcHash);
// Add string methods
_string = naInit_string(_context);
naSave(_context, _string);
initNasalString(_globals, _string, _context, _gcHash);
initNasalPositioned(_globals, _context, _gcHash);
initNasalPositioned_cppbind(_globals, _context, _gcHash);
initNasalCanvas(_globals, _context, _gcHash);
initNasalCondition(_globals, _context, _gcHash);
.method("start", &TimerObj::start)
.method("stop", &TimerObj::stop)
.method("restart", &TimerObj::restart)
.member("singleShot", &TimerObj::isSingleShot, &TimerObj::setSingleShot)
.member("isRunning", &TimerObj::isRunning);
// Now load the various source files in the Nasal directory
simgear::Dir nasalDir(SGPath(globals->get_fg_root(), "Nasal"));
// Add modules in Nasal subdirectories to property tree
simgear::PathList directories = nasalDir.children(simgear::Dir::TYPE_DIR+
simgear::Dir::NO_DOT_OR_DOTDOT, "");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<directories.size(); ++i) {
simgear::Dir dir(directories[i]);
simgear::PathList scripts = dir.children(simgear::Dir::TYPE_FILE, ".nas");
addModule(directories[i].file(), scripts);
// set signal and remove node to avoid restoring at reinit
const char *s = "nasal-dir-initialized";
SGPropertyNode *signal = fgGetNode("/sim/signals", true);
signal->setBoolValue(s, true);
signal->removeChildren(s, false);
// Pull scripts out of the property tree, too
// now Nasal modules are loaded, we can do some delayed work
postinitNasalPositioned(_globals, _context);
postinitNasalGUI(_globals, _context);
naRef FGNasalSys::wrappedPropsNode(SGPropertyNode* aProps)
static naRef wrapNodeFunc = naNil();
if (naIsNil(wrapNodeFunc)) {
nasal::Hash props = getGlobals().get<nasal::Hash>("props");
wrapNodeFunc = props.get("wrapNode");
naRef args[1];
args[0] = propNodeGhost(aProps);
return naCall(_context, wrapNodeFunc, 1, args, naNil(), naNil());
void FGNasalSys::update(double)
if( NasalClipboard::getInstance() )
if(!_dead_listener.empty()) {
vector<FGNasalListener *>::iterator it, end = _dead_listener.end();
for(it = _dead_listener.begin(); it != end; ++it) delete *it;
if (!_loadList.empty())
if( _delay_load )
_delay_load = false;
// process Nasal load hook (only one per update loop to avoid excessive lags)
if (!_unloadList.empty())
// process pending Nasal unload hooks after _all_ load hooks were processed
// (only unload one per update loop to avoid excessive lags)
// The global context is a legacy thing. We use dynamically
// created contexts for naCall() now, so that we can call them
// recursively. But there are still spots that want to use it for
// naNew*() calls, which end up leaking memory because the context
// only clears out its temporary vector when it's *used*. So just
// junk it and fetch a new/reinitialized one every frame. This is
// clumsy: the right solution would use the dynamic context in all
// cases and eliminate _context entirely. But that's more work,
// and this works fine (yes, they say "New" and "Free", but
// they're very fast, just trust me). -Andy
_context = naNewContext();
bool pathSortPredicate(const SGPath& p1, const SGPath& p2)
return p1.file() < p2.file();
// Loads all scripts in given directory
void FGNasalSys::loadScriptDirectory(simgear::Dir nasalDir)
simgear::PathList scripts = nasalDir.children(simgear::Dir::TYPE_FILE, ".nas");
// Note: simgear::Dir already reports file entries in a deterministic order,
// so a fixed loading sequence is guaranteed (same for every user)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<scripts.size(); ++i) {
SGPath fullpath(scripts[i]);
SGPath file = fullpath.file();
loadModule(fullpath, file.base().c_str());
// Create module with list of scripts
void FGNasalSys::addModule(string moduleName, simgear::PathList scripts)
if (scripts.size()>0)
SGPropertyNode* nasal = globals->get_props()->getNode("nasal");
SGPropertyNode* module_node = nasal->getChild(moduleName,0,true);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<scripts.size(); ++i) {
SGPropertyNode* pFileNode = module_node->getChild("file",i,true);
if (!module_node->hasChild("enabled",0))
SGPropertyNode* node = module_node->getChild("enabled",0,true);
// Loads the scripts found under /nasal in the global tree
void FGNasalSys::loadPropertyScripts()
SGPropertyNode* nasal = globals->get_props()->getNode("nasal");
if(!nasal) return;
for(int i=0; i<nasal->nChildren(); i++)
SGPropertyNode* n = nasal->getChild(i);
// Loads the scripts found under /nasal in the global tree
void FGNasalSys::loadPropertyScripts(SGPropertyNode* n)
bool is_loaded = false;
const char* module = n->getName();
module = n->getStringValue("module");
if (n->getBoolValue("enabled",true))
// allow multiple files to be specified within a single
// Nasal module tag
int j = 0;
SGPropertyNode *fn;
bool file_specified = false;
bool ok=true;
while((fn = n->getChild("file", j)) != NULL) {
file_specified = true;
const char* file = fn->getStringValue();
SGPath p(file);
if (!p.isAbsolute() || !p.exists())
p = globals->resolve_maybe_aircraft_path(file);
if (p.isNull())
SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_ALERT, "Cannot find Nasal script '" <<
file << "' for module '" << module << "'.");
ok &= p.isNull() ? false : loadModule(p, module);
const char* src = n->getStringValue("script");
if(!n->hasChild("script")) src = 0; // Hrm...
createModule(module, n->getPath().c_str(), src, strlen(src));
if(!file_specified && !src)
// module no longer exists - clear the archived "enable" flag
SGPropertyNode* node = n->getChild("enabled",0,false);
if (node)
SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_ALERT, "Nasal error: " <<
"no <file> or <script> defined in " <<
"/nasal/" << module);
is_loaded = ok;
SGPropertyNode* enable = n->getChild("enabled");
if (enable)
FGNasalModuleListener* listener = new FGNasalModuleListener(n);
enable->addChangeListener(listener, false);
SGPropertyNode* loaded = n->getChild("loaded",0,true);
// Logs a runtime error, with stack trace, to the FlightGear log stream
void FGNasalSys::logError(naContext context)
"Nasal runtime error: " << naGetError(context));
" at " << naStr_data(naGetSourceFile(context, 0)) <<
", line " << naGetLine(context, 0));
for(int i=1; i<naStackDepth(context); i++)
" called from: " << naStr_data(naGetSourceFile(context, i)) <<
", line " << naGetLine(context, i));
// Reads a script file, executes it, and places the resulting
// namespace into the global namespace under the specified module
// name.
bool FGNasalSys::loadModule(SGPath file, const char* module)
int len = 0;
char* buf = readfile(file.c_str(), &len);
if(!buf) {
"Nasal error: could not read script file " << file.c_str()
<< " into module " << module);
return false;
bool ok = createModule(module, file.c_str(), buf, len);
delete[] buf;
return ok;
// Parse and run. Save the local variables namespace, as it will
// become a sub-object of globals. The optional "arg" argument can be
// used to pass an associated property node to the module, which can then
// be accessed via cmdarg(). (This is, for example, used by XML dialogs.)
bool FGNasalSys::createModule(const char* moduleName, const char* fileName,
const char* src, int len,
const SGPropertyNode* cmdarg,
int argc, naRef* args)
naRef code = parse(fileName, src, len);
return false;
// See if we already have a module hash to use. This allows the
// user to, for example, add functions to the built-in math
// module. Make a new one if necessary.
naRef locals;
naRef modname = naNewString(_context);
naStr_fromdata(modname, (char*)moduleName, strlen(moduleName));
if(!naHash_get(_globals, modname, &locals))
locals = naNewHash(_context);
_cmdArg = (SGPropertyNode*)cmdarg;
call(code, argc, args, locals);
hashset(_globals, moduleName, locals);
return true;
void FGNasalSys::deleteModule(const char* moduleName)
naRef modname = naNewString(_context);
naStr_fromdata(modname, (char*)moduleName, strlen(moduleName));
naHash_delete(_globals, modname);
naRef FGNasalSys::parse(const char* filename, const char* buf, int len)
int errLine = -1;
naRef srcfile = naNewString(_context);
naStr_fromdata(srcfile, (char*)filename, strlen(filename));
naRef code = naParseCode(_context, srcfile, 1, (char*)buf, len, &errLine);
if(naIsNil(code)) {
"Nasal parse error: " << naGetError(_context) <<
" in "<< filename <<", line " << errLine);
return naNil();
// Bind to the global namespace before returning
return naBindFunction(_context, code, _globals);
bool FGNasalSys::handleCommand( const char* moduleName,
const char* fileName,
const char* src,
const SGPropertyNode* arg )
naRef code = parse(fileName, src, strlen(src));
if(naIsNil(code)) return false;
// Commands can be run "in" a module. Make sure that module
// exists, and set it up as the local variables hash for the
// command.
naRef locals = naNil();
if(moduleName[0]) {
naRef modname = naNewString(_context);
naStr_fromdata(modname, (char*)moduleName, strlen(moduleName));
if(!naHash_get(_globals, modname, &locals)) {
locals = naNewHash(_context);
naHash_set(_globals, modname, locals);
// Cache this command's argument for inspection via cmdarg(). For
// performance reasons, we won't bother with it if the invoked
// code doesn't need it.
_cmdArg = (SGPropertyNode*)arg;
call(code, 0, 0, locals);
return true;
bool FGNasalSys::handleCommand(const SGPropertyNode* arg)
const char* src = arg->getStringValue("script");
const char* moduleName = arg->getStringValue("module");
return handleCommand( moduleName,
arg ? arg->getPath(true).c_str() : moduleName,
arg );
// settimer(func, dt, simtime) extension function. The first argument
// is a Nasal function to call, the second is a delta time (from now),
// in seconds. The third, if present, is a boolean value indicating
// that "real world" time (rather than simulator time) is to be used.
// Implementation note: the FGTimer objects don't live inside the
// garbage collector, so the Nasal handler functions have to be
// "saved" somehow lest they be inadvertently cleaned. In this case,
// they are inserted into a globals.__gcsave hash and removed on
// expiration.
void FGNasalSys::setTimer(naContext c, int argc, naRef* args)
// Extract the handler, delta, and simtime arguments:
naRef handler = argc > 0 ? args[0] : naNil();
if(!(naIsCode(handler) || naIsCCode(handler) || naIsFunc(handler))) {
naRuntimeError(c, "settimer() with invalid function argument");
naRef delta = argc > 1 ? args[1] : naNil();
if(naIsNil(delta)) {
naRuntimeError(c, "settimer() with invalid time argument");
bool simtime = (argc > 2 && naTrue(args[2])) ? false : true;
// Generate and register a C++ timer handler
NasalTimer* t = new NasalTimer;
t->handler = handler;
t->gcKey = gcSave(handler);
t->nasal = this;
t, &NasalTimer::timerExpired,
delta.num, simtime);
void FGNasalSys::handleTimer(NasalTimer* t)
call(t->handler, 0, 0, naNil());
int FGNasalSys::gcSave(naRef r)
int key = _nextGCKey++;
naHash_set(_gcHash, naNum(key), r);
return key;
void FGNasalSys::gcRelease(int key)
naHash_delete(_gcHash, naNum(key));
void FGNasalSys::NasalTimer::timerExpired()
delete this;
int FGNasalSys::_listenerId = 0;
// setlistener(<property>, <func> [, <initial=0> [, <persistent=1>]])
// Attaches a callback function to a property (specified as a global
// property path string or a SGPropertyNode_ptr* ghost). If the third,
// optional argument (default=0) is set to 1, then the function is also
// called initially. If the fourth, optional argument is set to 0, then the
// function is only called when the property node value actually changes.
// Otherwise it's called independent of the value whenever the node is
// written to (default). The setlistener() function returns a unique
// id number, which is to be used as argument to the removelistener()
// function.
naRef FGNasalSys::setListener(naContext c, int argc, naRef* args)
SGPropertyNode_ptr node;
naRef prop = argc > 0 ? args[0] : naNil();
if(naIsString(prop)) node = fgGetNode(naStr_data(prop), true);
else if(naIsGhost(prop)) node = *(SGPropertyNode_ptr*)naGhost_ptr(prop);
else {
naRuntimeError(c, "setlistener() with invalid property argument");
return naNil();
SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_DEBUG, "Attaching listener to tied property " <<
naRef code = argc > 1 ? args[1] : naNil();
if(!(naIsCode(code) || naIsCCode(code) || naIsFunc(code))) {
naRuntimeError(c, "setlistener() with invalid function argument");
return naNil();
int init = argc > 2 && naIsNum(args[2]) ? int(args[2].num) : 0;
int type = argc > 3 && naIsNum(args[3]) ? int(args[3].num) : 1;
FGNasalListener *nl = new FGNasalListener(node, code, this,
gcSave(code), _listenerId, init, type);
node->addChangeListener(nl, init != 0);
_listener[_listenerId] = nl;
return naNum(_listenerId++);
// removelistener(int) extension function. The argument is the id of
// a listener as returned by the setlistener() function.
naRef FGNasalSys::removeListener(naContext c, int argc, naRef* args)
naRef id = argc > 0 ? args[0] : naNil();
map<int, FGNasalListener *>::iterator it = _listener.find(int(id.num));
if(!naIsNum(id) || it == _listener.end() || it->second->_dead) {
naRuntimeError(c, "removelistener() with invalid listener id");
return naNil();
it->second->_dead = true;
return naNum(_listener.size());
void FGNasalSys::registerToLoad(FGNasalModelData *data)
if( _loadList.empty() )
_delay_load = true;
void FGNasalSys::registerToUnload(FGNasalModelData *data)
// FGNasalListener class.
FGNasalListener::FGNasalListener(SGPropertyNode *node, naRef code,
FGNasalSys* nasal, int key, int id,
int init, int type) :
if(_type == 0 && !_init)
void FGNasalListener::call(SGPropertyNode* which, naRef mode)
if(_active || _dead) return;
SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_DEBUG, "trigger listener #" << _id);
naRef arg[4];
arg[0] = _nas->propNodeGhost(which);
arg[1] = _nas->propNodeGhost(_node);
arg[2] = mode; // value changed, child added/removed
arg[3] = naNum(_node != which); // child event?
_nas->call(_code, 4, arg, naNil());
void FGNasalListener::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode* node)
if(_type < 2 && node != _node) return; // skip child events
if(_type > 0 || changed(_node) || _init)
call(node, naNum(0));
_init = 0;
void FGNasalListener::childAdded(SGPropertyNode*, SGPropertyNode* child)
if(_type == 2) call(child, naNum(1));
void FGNasalListener::childRemoved(SGPropertyNode*, SGPropertyNode* child)
if(_type == 2) call(child, naNum(-1));
bool FGNasalListener::changed(SGPropertyNode* node)
using namespace simgear;
props::Type type = node->getType();
if(type == props::NONE) return false;
if(type == props::UNSPECIFIED) return true;
bool result;
switch(type) {
case props::BOOL:
case props::INT:
case props::LONG:
long l = node->getLongValue();
result = l != _last_int;
_last_int = l;
return result;
case props::FLOAT:
case props::DOUBLE:
double d = node->getDoubleValue();
result = d != _last_float;
_last_float = d;
return result;
string s = node->getStringValue();
result = s != _last_string;
_last_string = s;
return result;
// NasalXMLVisitor class: handles EasyXML visitor callback for parsexml()
NasalXMLVisitor::NasalXMLVisitor(naContext c, int argc, naRef* args) :
_start_element(argc > 1 ? args[1] : naNil()),
_end_element(argc > 2 ? args[2] : naNil()),
_data(argc > 3 ? args[3] : naNil()),
_pi(argc > 4 ? args[4] : naNil())
void NasalXMLVisitor::startElement(const char* tag, const XMLAttributes& a)
if(naIsNil(_start_element)) return;
naRef attr = naNewHash(_c);
for(int i=0; i<a.size(); i++) {
naRef name = make_string(a.getName(i));
naRef value = make_string(a.getValue(i));
naHash_set(attr, name, value);
call(_start_element, 2, make_string(tag), attr);
void NasalXMLVisitor::endElement(const char* tag)
if(!naIsNil(_end_element)) call(_end_element, 1, make_string(tag));
void NasalXMLVisitor::data(const char* str, int len)
if(!naIsNil(_data)) call(_data, 1, make_string(str, len));
void NasalXMLVisitor::pi(const char* target, const char* data)
if(!naIsNil(_pi)) call(_pi, 2, make_string(target), make_string(data));
void NasalXMLVisitor::call(naRef func, int num, naRef a, naRef b)
naRef args[2];
args[0] = a;
args[1] = b;
naCall(_c, func, num, args, naNil(), naNil());
naRef NasalXMLVisitor::make_string(const char* s, int n)
return naStr_fromdata(naNewString(_c), const_cast<char *>(s),
n < 0 ? strlen(s) : n);