Fork 0
Torsten Dreyer 54c964aed5 Respect different behaviour of RS and SR flip flops
No more invalid states here.
According to IEC 61131, RS flip flop have dominant reset and SR have
dominant set. This is now implemented.
2010-05-27 22:22:01 +02:00

1416 lines
41 KiB

// xmlauto.cxx - a more flexible, generic way to build autopilots
// Written by Curtis Olson, started January 2004.
// Copyright (C) 2004 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// $Id$
# include <config.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <simgear/misc/strutils.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/sg_inlines.h>
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/SGExpression.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/util.hxx>
#include "xmlauto.hxx"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using simgear::PropertyList;
FGPeriodicalValue::FGPeriodicalValue( SGPropertyNode_ptr root )
SGPropertyNode_ptr minNode = root->getChild( "min" );
SGPropertyNode_ptr maxNode = root->getChild( "max" );
if( minNode == NULL || maxNode == NULL ) {
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_ALERT, "periodical defined, but no <min> and/or <max> tag. Period ignored." );
} else {
minPeriod = new FGXMLAutoInput( minNode );
maxPeriod = new FGXMLAutoInput( maxNode );
double FGPeriodicalValue::normalize( double value )
if( !(minPeriod && maxPeriod )) return value;
double p1 = minPeriod->get_value();
double p2 = maxPeriod->get_value();
double min = std::min<double>(p1,p2);
double max = std::max<double>(p1,p2);
double phase = fabs(max - min);
if( phase > SGLimitsd::min() ) {
while( value < min ) value += phase;
while( value >= max ) value -= phase;
} else {
value = min; // phase is zero
return value;
FGXMLAutoInput::FGXMLAutoInput( SGPropertyNode_ptr node, double value, double offset, double scale) :
parse( node, value, offset, scale );
void FGXMLAutoInput::parse( SGPropertyNode_ptr node, double aValue, double aOffset, double aScale )
value = aValue;
property = NULL;
offset = NULL;
scale = NULL;
min = NULL;
max = NULL;
periodical = NULL;
if( node == NULL )
SGPropertyNode * n;
if( (n = node->getChild("condition")) != NULL ) {
_condition = sgReadCondition(fgGetNode("/"), n);
if( (n = node->getChild( "scale" )) != NULL ) {
scale = new FGXMLAutoInput( n, aScale );
if( (n = node->getChild( "offset" )) != NULL ) {
offset = new FGXMLAutoInput( n, aOffset );
if( (n = node->getChild( "max" )) != NULL ) {
max = new FGXMLAutoInput( n );
if( (n = node->getChild( "min" )) != NULL ) {
min = new FGXMLAutoInput( n );
if( (n = node->getChild( "abs" )) != NULL ) {
abs = n->getBoolValue();
if( (n = node->getChild( "period" )) != NULL ) {
periodical = new FGPeriodicalValue( n );
SGPropertyNode *valueNode = node->getChild( "value" );
if ( valueNode != NULL ) {
value = valueNode->getDoubleValue();
if ((n = node->getChild("expression")) != NULL) {
_expression = SGReadDoubleExpression(fgGetNode("/"), n->getChild(0));
n = node->getChild( "property" );
// if no <property> element, check for <prop> element for backwards
// compatibility
if( n == NULL )
n = node->getChild( "prop" );
if ( n != NULL ) {
property = fgGetNode( n->getStringValue(), true );
if ( valueNode != NULL ) {
// initialize property with given value
// if both <prop> and <value> exist
double s = get_scale();
if( s != 0 )
property->setDoubleValue( (value - get_offset())/s );
property->setDoubleValue( 0 ); // if scale is zero, value*scale is zero
} // of have a <property> or <prop>
if (valueNode == NULL) {
// no <value>, <prop> or <expression> element, use text node
const char * textnode = node->getStringValue();
char * endp = NULL;
// try to convert to a double value. If the textnode does not start with a number
// endp will point to the beginning of the string. We assume this should be
// a property name
value = strtod( textnode, &endp );
if( endp == textnode ) {
property = fgGetNode( textnode, true );
void FGXMLAutoInput::set_value( double aValue )
if (!property)
double s = get_scale();
if( s != 0 )
property->setDoubleValue( (aValue - get_offset())/s );
property->setDoubleValue( 0 ); // if scale is zero, value*scale is zero
double FGXMLAutoInput::get_value()
if (_expression) {
// compute the expression value
value = _expression->getValue(NULL);
} else if( property != NULL ) {
value = property->getDoubleValue();
if( scale )
value *= scale->get_value();
if( offset )
value += offset->get_value();
if( min ) {
double m = min->get_value();
if( value < m )
value = m;
if( max ) {
double m = max->get_value();
if( value > m )
value = m;
if( periodical ) {
value = periodical->normalize( value );
return abs ? fabs(value) : value;
FGXMLAutoComponent::FGXMLAutoComponent() :
_condition( NULL ),
enable_prop( NULL ),
enable_value( NULL ),
passive_mode( fgGetNode("/autopilot/locks/passive-mode", true) ),
honor_passive( false ),
feedback_if_disabled( false ),
enabled( false )
delete enable_value;
void FGXMLAutoComponent::parseNode(SGPropertyNode* aNode)
SGPropertyNode *prop;
for (int i = 0; i < aNode->nChildren(); ++i ) {
SGPropertyNode *child = aNode->getChild(i);
string cname(child->getName());
if (parseNodeHook(cname, child)) {
// derived class handled it, fine
} else if ( cname == "name" ) {
name = child->getStringValue();
} else if ( cname == "feedback-if-disabled" ) {
feedback_if_disabled = child->getBoolValue();
} else if ( cname == "debug" ) {
debug = child->getBoolValue();
} else if ( cname == "enable" ) {
if( (prop = child->getChild("condition")) != NULL ) {
_condition = sgReadCondition(fgGetNode("/"), prop);
} else {
if ( (prop = child->getChild( "property" )) != NULL ) {
enable_prop = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
if ( (prop = child->getChild( "prop" )) != NULL ) {
enable_prop = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
if ( (prop = child->getChild( "value" )) != NULL ) {
delete enable_value;
enable_value = new string(prop->getStringValue());
if ( (prop = child->getChild( "honor-passive" )) != NULL ) {
honor_passive = prop->getBoolValue();
} else if ( cname == "input" ) {
valueInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( child ) );
} else if ( cname == "reference" ) {
referenceInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( child ) );
} else if ( cname == "output" ) {
// grab all <prop> and <property> childs
int found = 0;
// backwards compatibility: allow <prop> elements
for( int i = 0; (prop = child->getChild("prop", i)) != NULL; i++ ) {
SGPropertyNode *tmp = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
output_list.push_back( tmp );
for( int i = 0; (prop = child->getChild("property", i)) != NULL; i++ ) {
SGPropertyNode *tmp = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
output_list.push_back( tmp );
// no <prop> elements, text node of <output> is property name
if( found == 0 )
output_list.push_back( fgGetNode(child->getStringValue(), true ) );
} else if ( cname == "config" ) {
} else if ( cname == "min" ) {
uminInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( child ) );
} else if ( cname == "u_min" ) {
uminInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( child ) );
} else if ( cname == "max" ) {
umaxInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( child ) );
} else if ( cname == "u_max" ) {
umaxInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( child ) );
} else if ( cname == "period" ) {
periodical = new FGPeriodicalValue( child );
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_ALERT, "malformed autopilot definition - unrecognized node:"
<< cname << " in section " << name);
throw sg_io_exception("XMLAuto: unrecognized component node:" + cname, "Section=" + name);
} // of top-level iteration
void FGXMLAutoComponent::parseConfig(SGPropertyNode* aConfig)
for (int i = 0; i < aConfig->nChildren(); ++i ) {
SGPropertyNode *child = aConfig->getChild(i);
string cname(child->getName());
if (parseConfigHook(cname, child)) {
// derived class handled it, fine
} else if ( cname == "min" ) {
uminInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( child ) );
} else if ( cname == "u_min" ) {
uminInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( child ) );
} else if ( cname == "max" ) {
umaxInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( child ) );
} else if ( cname == "u_max" ) {
umaxInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( child ) );
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_ALERT, "malformed autopilot definition - unrecognized config node:"
<< cname << " in section " << name);
throw sg_io_exception("XMLAuto: unrecognized config node:" + cname, "Section=" + name);
} // of config iteration
bool FGXMLAutoComponent::parseNodeHook(const string& aName, SGPropertyNode* aNode)
return false;
bool FGXMLAutoComponent::parseConfigHook(const string& aName, SGPropertyNode* aNode)
return false;
bool FGXMLAutoComponent::isPropertyEnabled()
if( _condition )
return _condition->test();
if( enable_prop ) {
if( enable_value ) {
return *enable_value == enable_prop->getStringValue();
} else {
return enable_prop->getBoolValue();
return true;
void FGXMLAutoComponent::do_feedback_if_disabled()
if( output_list.size() > 0 ) {
FGXMLAutoInput * input = valueInput.get_active();
if( input != NULL )
input->set_value( output_list[0]->getDoubleValue() );
double FGXMLAutoComponent::clamp( double value )
//If this is a periodical value, normalize it into our domain
// before clamping
if( periodical )
value = periodical->normalize( value );
// clamp, if either min or max is defined
if( uminInput.size() + umaxInput.size() > 0 ) {
double d = umaxInput.get_value( 0.0 );
if( value > d ) value = d;
d = uminInput.get_value( 0.0 );
if( value < d ) value = d;
return value;
FGPIDController::FGPIDController( SGPropertyNode *node ):
alpha( 0.1 ),
beta( 1.0 ),
gamma( 0.0 ),
ep_n_1( 0.0 ),
edf_n_1( 0.0 ),
edf_n_2( 0.0 ),
u_n_1( 0.0 ),
desiredTs( 0.0 ),
elapsedTime( 0.0 )
bool FGPIDController::parseConfigHook(const string& aName, SGPropertyNode* aNode)
if (aName == "Ts") {
desiredTs = aNode->getDoubleValue();
} else if (aName == "Kp") {
Kp.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput(aNode) );
} else if (aName == "Ti") {
Ti.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput(aNode) );
} else if (aName == "Td") {
Td.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput(aNode) );
} else if (aName == "beta") {
beta = aNode->getDoubleValue();
} else if (aName == "alpha") {
alpha = aNode->getDoubleValue();
} else if (aName == "gamma") {
gamma = aNode->getDoubleValue();
} else {
// unhandled by us, let the base class try it
return false;
return true;
* Roy Vegard Ovesen:
* Ok! Here is the PID controller algorithm that I would like to see
* implemented:
* delta_u_n = Kp * [ (ep_n - ep_n-1) + ((Ts/Ti)*e_n)
* + (Td/Ts)*(edf_n - 2*edf_n-1 + edf_n-2) ]
* u_n = u_n-1 + delta_u_n
* where:
* delta_u : The incremental output
* Kp : Proportional gain
* ep : Proportional error with reference weighing
* ep = beta * r - y
* where:
* beta : Weighing factor
* r : Reference (setpoint)
* y : Process value, measured
* e : Error
* e = r - y
* Ts : Sampling interval
* Ti : Integrator time
* Td : Derivator time
* edf : Derivate error with reference weighing and filtering
* edf_n = edf_n-1 / ((Ts/Tf) + 1) + ed_n * (Ts/Tf) / ((Ts/Tf) + 1)
* where:
* Tf : Filter time
* Tf = alpha * Td , where alpha usually is set to 0.1
* ed : Unfiltered derivate error with reference weighing
* ed = gamma * r - y
* where:
* gamma : Weighing factor
* u : absolute output
* Index n means the n'th value.
* Inputs:
* enabled ,
* y_n , r_n , beta=1 , gamma=0 , alpha=0.1 ,
* Kp , Ti , Td , Ts (is the sampling time available?)
* u_min , u_max
* Output:
* u_n
void FGPIDController::update( double dt ) {
double e_n; // error
double edf_n;
double delta_u_n = 0.0; // incremental output
double u_n = 0.0; // absolute output
double Ts; // sampling interval (sec)
double u_min = uminInput.get_value();
double u_max = umaxInput.get_value();
elapsedTime += dt;
if ( elapsedTime <= desiredTs ) {
// do nothing if time step is not positive (i.e. no time has
// elapsed)
Ts = elapsedTime;
elapsedTime = 0.0;
if ( isPropertyEnabled() ) {
if ( !enabled ) {
// first time being enabled, seed u_n with current
// property tree value
u_n = get_output_value();
u_n_1 = u_n;
enabled = true;
} else {
enabled = false;
if ( enabled && Ts > 0.0) {
if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name()
<< " Ts " << Ts << endl;
double y_n = valueInput.get_value();
double r_n = referenceInput.get_value();
if ( debug ) cout << " input = " << y_n << " ref = " << r_n << endl;
// Calculates proportional error:
double ep_n = beta * r_n - y_n;
if ( debug ) cout << " ep_n = " << ep_n;
if ( debug ) cout << " ep_n_1 = " << ep_n_1;
// Calculates error:
e_n = r_n - y_n;
if ( debug ) cout << " e_n = " << e_n;
double td = Td.get_value();
if ( td > 0.0 ) { // do we need to calcluate derivative error?
// Calculates derivate error:
double ed_n = gamma * r_n - y_n;
if ( debug ) cout << " ed_n = " << ed_n;
// Calculates filter time:
double Tf = alpha * td;
if ( debug ) cout << " Tf = " << Tf;
// Filters the derivate error:
edf_n = edf_n_1 / (Ts/Tf + 1)
+ ed_n * (Ts/Tf) / (Ts/Tf + 1);
if ( debug ) cout << " edf_n = " << edf_n;
} else {
edf_n_2 = edf_n_1 = edf_n = 0.0;
// Calculates the incremental output:
double ti = Ti.get_value();
if ( ti > 0.0 ) {
delta_u_n = Kp.get_value() * ( (ep_n - ep_n_1)
+ ((Ts/ti) * e_n)
+ ((td/Ts) * (edf_n - 2*edf_n_1 + edf_n_2)) );
if ( debug ) {
cout << " delta_u_n = " << delta_u_n << endl;
cout << "P:" << Kp.get_value() * (ep_n - ep_n_1)
<< " I:" << Kp.get_value() * ((Ts/ti) * e_n)
<< " D:" << Kp.get_value() * ((td/Ts) * (edf_n - 2*edf_n_1 + edf_n_2))
<< endl;
// Integrator anti-windup logic:
if ( delta_u_n > (u_max - u_n_1) ) {
delta_u_n = u_max - u_n_1;
if ( debug ) cout << " max saturation " << endl;
} else if ( delta_u_n < (u_min - u_n_1) ) {
delta_u_n = u_min - u_n_1;
if ( debug ) cout << " min saturation " << endl;
// Calculates absolute output:
u_n = u_n_1 + delta_u_n;
if ( debug ) cout << " output = " << u_n << endl;
// Updates indexed values;
u_n_1 = u_n;
ep_n_1 = ep_n;
edf_n_2 = edf_n_1;
edf_n_1 = edf_n;
set_output_value( u_n );
} else if ( !enabled ) {
ep_n_1 = 0.0;
edf_n_2 = edf_n_1 = edf_n = 0.0;
FGPISimpleController::FGPISimpleController( SGPropertyNode *node ):
int_sum( 0.0 )
bool FGPISimpleController::parseConfigHook(const string& aName, SGPropertyNode* aNode)
if (aName == "Kp") {
Kp.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput(aNode) );
} else if (aName == "Ki") {
Ki.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput(aNode) );
} else {
// unhandled by us, let the base class try it
return false;
return true;
void FGPISimpleController::update( double dt ) {
if ( isPropertyEnabled() ) {
if ( !enabled ) {
// we have just been enabled, zero out int_sum
int_sum = 0.0;
enabled = true;
} else {
enabled = false;
if ( enabled ) {
if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name() << endl;
double y_n = valueInput.get_value();
double r_n = referenceInput.get_value();
double error = r_n - y_n;
if ( debug ) cout << "input = " << y_n
<< " reference = " << r_n
<< " error = " << error
<< endl;
double prop_comp = clamp(error * Kp.get_value());
int_sum += error * Ki.get_value() * dt;
double output = prop_comp + int_sum;
double clamped_output = clamp( output );
if( output != clamped_output ) // anti-windup
int_sum = clamped_output - prop_comp;
if ( debug ) cout << "prop_comp = " << prop_comp
<< " int_sum = " << int_sum << endl;
set_output_value( clamped_output );
if ( debug ) cout << "output = " << clamped_output << endl;
FGPredictor::FGPredictor ( SGPropertyNode *node ):
bool FGPredictor::parseNodeHook(const string& aName, SGPropertyNode* aNode)
if (aName == "seconds") {
seconds.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( aNode, 0 ) );
} else if (aName == "filter-gain") {
filter_gain.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( aNode, 0 ) );
} else {
return false;
return true;
void FGPredictor::update( double dt ) {
Simple moving average filter converts input value to predicted value "seconds".
Smoothing as described by Curt Olson:
gain would be valid in the range of 0 - 1.0
1.0 would mean no filtering.
0.0 would mean no input.
0.5 would mean (1 part past value + 1 part current value) / 2
0.1 would mean (9 parts past value + 1 part current value) / 10
0.25 would mean (3 parts past value + 1 part current value) / 4
double ivalue = valueInput.get_value();
if ( isPropertyEnabled() ) {
if ( !enabled ) {
// first time being enabled
last_value = ivalue;
enabled = true;
} else {
enabled = false;
if ( enabled ) {
if ( dt > 0.0 ) {
double current = (ivalue - last_value)/dt; // calculate current error change (per second)
average = dt < 1.0 ? ((1.0 - dt) * average + current * dt) : current;
// calculate output with filter gain adjustment
double output = ivalue +
(1.0 - filter_gain.get_value()) * (average * seconds.get_value()) +
filter_gain.get_value() * (current * seconds.get_value());
output = clamp( output );
set_output_value( output );
last_value = ivalue;
FGDigitalFilter::FGDigitalFilter(SGPropertyNode *node):
output.resize(2, 0.0);
input.resize(samplesInput.get_value() + 1, 0.0);
bool FGDigitalFilter::parseNodeHook(const string& aName, SGPropertyNode* aNode)
if (aName == "type" ) {
string val(aNode->getStringValue());
if ( val == "exponential" ) {
filterType = exponential;
} else if (val == "double-exponential") {
filterType = doubleExponential;
} else if (val == "moving-average") {
filterType = movingAverage;
} else if (val == "noise-spike") {
filterType = noiseSpike;
} else if (val == "gain") {
filterType = gain;
} else if (val == "reciprocal") {
filterType = reciprocal;
} else if (val == "differential") {
filterType = differential;
// use a constant of two samples for current and previous input value
samplesInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput(NULL, 2.0 ) );
} else if (aName == "filter-time" ) {
TfInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( aNode, 1.0 ) );
if( filterType == none ) filterType = exponential;
} else if (aName == "samples" ) {
samplesInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( aNode, 1 ) );
if( filterType == none ) filterType = movingAverage;
} else if (aName == "max-rate-of-change" ) {
rateOfChangeInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( aNode, 1 ) );
if( filterType == none ) filterType = noiseSpike;
} else if (aName == "gain" ) {
gainInput.push_back( new FGXMLAutoInput( aNode, 1 ) );
if( filterType == none ) filterType = gain;
} else {
return false; // not handled by us, let the base class try
return true;
void FGDigitalFilter::update(double dt)
if ( isPropertyEnabled() ) {
input.resize(samplesInput.get_value() + 1, 0.0);
if ( !enabled ) {
// first time being enabled, initialize output to the
// value of the output property to avoid bumping.
enabled = true;
} else {
enabled = false;
if ( !enabled || dt < SGLimitsd::min() )
* Exponential filter
* Output[n] = alpha*Input[n] + (1-alpha)*Output[n-1]
if( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name()
<< " dt " << dt << endl;
if (filterType == exponential)
double alpha = 1 / ((TfInput.get_value()/dt) + 1);
output.push_front(alpha * input[0] +
(1 - alpha) * output[0]);
else if (filterType == doubleExponential)
double alpha = 1 / ((TfInput.get_value()/dt) + 1);
output.push_front(alpha * alpha * input[0] +
2 * (1 - alpha) * output[0] -
(1 - alpha) * (1 - alpha) * output[1]);
else if (filterType == movingAverage)
output.push_front(output[0] +
(input[0] - input.back()) / samplesInput.get_value());
else if (filterType == noiseSpike)
double maxChange = rateOfChangeInput.get_value() * dt;
if ((output[0] - input[0]) > maxChange)
output.push_front(output[0] - maxChange);
else if ((output[0] - input[0]) < -maxChange)
output.push_front(output[0] + maxChange);
else if (fabs(input[0] - output[0]) <= maxChange)
else if (filterType == gain)
output[0] = gainInput.get_value() * input[0];
else if (filterType == reciprocal)
if (input[0] != 0.0) {
output[0] = gainInput.get_value() / input[0];
else if (filterType == differential)
if( dt > SGLimitsd::min() ) {
output[0] = (input[0]-input[1]) * TfInput.get_value() / dt;
output[0] = clamp(output[0]) ;
set_output_value( output[0] );
if (debug)
cout << "input:" << input[0]
<< "\toutput:" << output[0] << endl;
FGXMLAutoLogic::FGXMLAutoLogic(SGPropertyNode * node ) :
bool FGXMLAutoLogic::parseNodeHook(const std::string& aName, SGPropertyNode* aNode)
if (aName == "input") {
input = sgReadCondition( fgGetNode("/"), aNode );
} else if (aName == "inverted") {
inverted = aNode->getBoolValue();
} else {
return false;
return true;
void FGXMLAutoLogic::update(double dt)
if ( isPropertyEnabled() ) {
if ( !enabled ) {
// we have just been enabled
enabled = true;
} else {
enabled = false;
if ( !enabled || dt < SGLimitsd::min() )
if( input == NULL ) {
if ( debug ) cout << "No input for " << get_name() << endl;
bool i = input->test();
if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name() << ": " << (inverted ? !i : i) << endl;
set_output_value( i );
class FGXMLAutoRSFlipFlop : public FGXMLAutoFlipFlop {
bool _rs;
FGXMLAutoRSFlipFlop( SGPropertyNode * node ) :
FGXMLAutoFlipFlop( node ) {
// type exists here, otherwise we were not constructed
string val = node->getNode( "type" )->getStringValue();
_rs = (val == "RS");
void updateState( double dt ) {
if( sInput == NULL ) {
if ( debug ) cout << "No set (S) input for " << get_name() << endl;
if( rInput == NULL ) {
if ( debug ) cout << "No reset (R) input for " << get_name() << endl;
bool s = sInput->test();
bool r = rInput->test();
// s == false && q == false: no change, keep state
if( s || r ) {
bool q = false;
if( _rs ) { // RS: reset is dominant
if( s ) q = true; // set
if( r ) q = false; // reset
} else { // SR: set is dominant
if( r ) q = false; // reset
if( s ) q = true; // set
if( inverted ) q = !q;
if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name() << ":"
<< " s=" << s
<< ",r=" << r
<< ",q=" << q << endl;
set_output_value( q );
} else {
if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name() << ":"
<< " s=" << s
<< ",r=" << r
<< ",q=unchanged" << endl;
class FGXMLAutoJKFlipFlop : public FGXMLAutoFlipFlop {
bool clock;
FGXMLAutoJKFlipFlop( SGPropertyNode * node ) :
FGXMLAutoFlipFlop( node ),
clock(false) {}
void updateState( double dt ) {
if( jInput == NULL ) {
if ( debug ) cout << "No set (j) input for " << get_name() << endl;
if( kInput == NULL ) {
if ( debug ) cout << "No reset (k) input for " << get_name() << endl;
bool j = jInput->test();
bool k = kInput->test();
if the user provided a clock input, use it.
Otherwise use framerate as clock
This JK operates on the raising edge.
bool c = clockInput ? clockInput->test() : false;
bool raisingEdge = clockInput ? (c && !clock) : true;
clock = c;
if( !raisingEdge ) return;
bool q = get_bool_output_value();
// j == false && k == false: no change, keep state
if( (j || k) ) {
if( j && k ) {
q = !q; // toggle
} else {
if( j ) q = true; // set
if( k ) q = false; // reset
if( inverted ) q = !q;
if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name() << ":"
<< " j=" << j
<< ",k=" << k
<< ",q=" << q << endl;
set_output_value( q );
} else {
if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name() << ":"
<< " j=" << j
<< ",k=" << k
<< ",q=unchanged" << endl;
class FGXMLAutoDFlipFlop : public FGXMLAutoFlipFlop {
bool clock;
FGXMLAutoDFlipFlop( SGPropertyNode * node ) :
FGXMLAutoFlipFlop( node ),
clock(false) {}
void updateState( double dt ) {
if( clockInput == NULL ) {
if ( debug ) cout << "No (clock) input for " << get_name() << endl;
if( dInput == NULL ) {
if ( debug ) cout << "No (D) input for " << get_name() << endl;
bool d = dInput->test();
// check the clock - raising edge
bool c = clockInput->test();
bool raisingEdge = c && !clock;
clock = c;
if( raisingEdge ) {
bool q = d;
if( inverted ) q = !q;
if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name() << ":"
<< " d=" << d
<< ",q=" << q << endl;
set_output_value( q );
} else {
if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name() << ":"
<< " d=" << d
<< ",q=unchanged" << endl;
class FGXMLAutoTFlipFlop : public FGXMLAutoFlipFlop {
bool clock;
FGXMLAutoTFlipFlop( SGPropertyNode * node ) :
FGXMLAutoFlipFlop( node ),
clock(false) {}
void updateState( double dt ) {
if( clockInput == NULL ) {
if ( debug ) cout << "No (clock) input for " << get_name() << endl;
// check the clock - raising edge
bool c = clockInput->test();
bool raisingEdge = c && !clock;
clock = c;
if( raisingEdge ) {
bool q = !get_bool_output_value(); // toggle
if( inverted ) q = !q; // doesnt really make sense for a T-FF
if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name() << ":"
<< ",q=" << q << endl;
set_output_value( q );
} else {
if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << get_name() << ":"
<< ",q=unchanged" << endl;
FGXMLAutoFlipFlop::FGXMLAutoFlipFlop(SGPropertyNode * node ) :
bool FGXMLAutoFlipFlop::parseNodeHook(const std::string& aName, SGPropertyNode* aNode)
if (aName == "set"||aName == "S") {
sInput = sgReadCondition( fgGetNode("/"), aNode );
} else if (aName == "reset" || aName == "R" ) {
rInput = sgReadCondition( fgGetNode("/"), aNode );
} else if (aName == "J") {
jInput = sgReadCondition( fgGetNode("/"), aNode );
} else if (aName == "K") {
kInput = sgReadCondition( fgGetNode("/"), aNode );
} else if (aName == "T") {
tInput = sgReadCondition( fgGetNode("/"), aNode );
} else if (aName == "D") {
dInput = sgReadCondition( fgGetNode("/"), aNode );
} else if (aName == "clock") {
clockInput = sgReadCondition( fgGetNode("/"), aNode );
} else if (aName == "inverted") {
inverted = aNode->getBoolValue();
} else if (aName == "type") {
// ignore element type, evaluated by loader
} else {
return false;
return true;
void FGXMLAutoFlipFlop::update(double dt)
if ( isPropertyEnabled() ) {
if ( !enabled ) {
// we have just been enabled
// initialize to a bool property
set_output_value( get_bool_output_value() );
enabled = true;
} else {
enabled = false;
if ( !enabled || dt < SGLimitsd::min() )
updateState( dt );
FGXMLAutopilotGroup::FGXMLAutopilotGroup() :
,average(0.0), // average/filtered prediction
v_last(0.0), // last velocity
vel(fgGetNode( "/velocities/airspeed-kt", true )),
// Estimate speed in 5,10 seconds
lookahead5(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/lookahead-5-sec-airspeed-kt", true )),
lookahead10(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/lookahead-10-sec-airspeed-kt", true )),
bug(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", true )),
mag_hdg(fgGetNode( "/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg", true )),
bug_error(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/heading-bug-error-deg", true )),
fdm_bug_error(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/fdm-heading-bug-error-deg", true )),
target_true(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/settings/true-heading-deg", true )),
true_hdg(fgGetNode( "/orientation/heading-deg", true )),
true_error(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/true-heading-error-deg", true )),
target_nav1(fgGetNode( "/instrumentation/nav[0]/radials/target-auto-hdg-deg", true )),
true_nav1(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/nav1-heading-error-deg", true )),
true_track_nav1(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/nav1-track-error-deg", true )),
nav1_course_error(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/nav1-course-error", true )),
nav1_selected_course(fgGetNode( "/instrumentation/nav[0]/radials/selected-deg", true )),
vs_fps(fgGetNode( "/velocities/vertical-speed-fps", true )),
vs_fpm(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/vert-speed-fpm", true )),
static_pressure(fgGetNode( "/systems/static[0]/pressure-inhg", true )),
pressure_rate(fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/pressure-rate", true )),
track(fgGetNode( "/orientation/track-deg", true ))
void FGXMLAutopilotGroup::update( double dt )
// update all configured autopilots
SGSubsystemGroup::update( dt );
// update helper values
double v = vel->getDoubleValue();
double a = 0.0;
if ( dt > 0.0 ) {
a = (v - v_last) / dt;
if ( dt < 1.0 ) {
average = (1.0 - dt) * average + dt * a;
} else {
average = a;
lookahead5->setDoubleValue( v + average * 5.0 );
lookahead10->setDoubleValue( v + average * 10.0 );
v_last = v;
// Calculate heading bug error normalized to +/- 180.0
double diff = bug->getDoubleValue() - mag_hdg->getDoubleValue();
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(diff, -180.0, 180.0);
bug_error->setDoubleValue( diff );
fdm_bug_error->setDoubleValue( diff );
// Calculate true heading error normalized to +/- 180.0
diff = target_true->getDoubleValue() - true_hdg->getDoubleValue();
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(diff, -180.0, 180.0);
true_error->setDoubleValue( diff );
// Calculate nav1 target heading error normalized to +/- 180.0
diff = target_nav1->getDoubleValue() - true_hdg->getDoubleValue();
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(diff, -180.0, 180.0);
true_nav1->setDoubleValue( diff );
// Calculate true groundtrack
diff = target_nav1->getDoubleValue() - track->getDoubleValue();
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(diff, -180.0, 180.0);
true_track_nav1->setDoubleValue( diff );
// Calculate nav1 selected course error normalized to +/- 180.0
diff = nav1_selected_course->getDoubleValue() - mag_hdg->getDoubleValue();
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE( diff, -180.0, 180.0 );
nav1_course_error->setDoubleValue( diff );
// Calculate vertical speed in fpm
vs_fpm->setDoubleValue( vs_fps->getDoubleValue() * 60.0 );
// Calculate static port pressure rate in [inhg/s].
// Used to determine vertical speed.
if ( dt > 0.0 ) {
double current_static_pressure = static_pressure->getDoubleValue();
double current_pressure_rate =
( current_static_pressure - last_static_pressure ) / dt;
last_static_pressure = current_static_pressure;
void FGXMLAutopilotGroup::reinit()
for( vector<string>::size_type i = 0; i < _autopilotNames.size(); i++ ) {
FGXMLAutopilot * ap = (FGXMLAutopilot*)get_subsystem( _autopilotNames[i] );
if( ap == NULL ) continue; // ?
remove_subsystem( _autopilotNames[i] );
delete ap;
void FGXMLAutopilotGroup::init()
PropertyList autopilotNodes = fgGetNode( "/sim/systems", true )->getChildren("autopilot");
if( autopilotNodes.size() == 0 ) {
SG_LOG( SG_ALL, SG_WARN, "No autopilot configuration specified for this model!");
for( PropertyList::size_type i = 0; i < autopilotNodes.size(); i++ ) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr pathNode = autopilotNodes[i]->getNode( "path" );
if( pathNode == NULL ) {
SG_LOG( SG_ALL, SG_WARN, "No autopilot configuration file specified for this autopilot!");
string apName;
SGPropertyNode_ptr nameNode = autopilotNodes[i]->getNode( "name" );
if( nameNode != NULL ) {
apName = nameNode->getStringValue();
} else {
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "unnamed_autopilot_" << i;
apName = buf.str();
if( get_subsystem( apName.c_str() ) != NULL ) {
SG_LOG( SG_ALL, SG_ALERT, "Duplicate autopilot configuration name " << apName << " ignored" );
SGPath config( globals->get_fg_root() );
config.append( pathNode->getStringValue() );
SG_LOG( SG_ALL, SG_INFO, "Reading autopilot configuration from " << config.str() );
// FGXMLAutopilot
FGXMLAutopilot * ap = new FGXMLAutopilot;
try {
SGPropertyNode_ptr root = new SGPropertyNode();
readProperties( config.str(), root );
if ( ! ap->build( root ) ) {
"Detected an internal inconsistency in the autopilot configuration." << endl << " See earlier errors for details." );
delete ap;
} catch (const sg_exception& e) {
SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_ALERT, "Failed to load autopilot configuration: "
<< config.str() << ":" << e.getMessage() );
delete ap;
SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "adding autopilot subsystem " << apName );
set_subsystem( apName, ap );
_autopilotNames.push_back( apName );
FGXMLAutopilot::FGXMLAutopilot() {
FGXMLAutopilot::~FGXMLAutopilot() {
/* read all /sim/systems/autopilot[n]/path properties, try to read the file specified therein
* and configure/add the digital filters specified in that file
void FGXMLAutopilot::init()
void FGXMLAutopilot::reinit() {
void FGXMLAutopilot::bind() {
void FGXMLAutopilot::unbind() {
bool FGXMLAutopilot::build( SGPropertyNode_ptr config_props ) {
SGPropertyNode *node;
int i;
int count = config_props->nChildren();
for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
node = config_props->getChild(i);
string name = node->getName();
// cout << name << endl;
SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_BULK, "adding autopilot component " << name );
if ( name == "pid-controller" ) {
components.push_back( new FGPIDController( node ) );
} else if ( name == "pi-simple-controller" ) {
components.push_back( new FGPISimpleController( node ) );
} else if ( name == "predict-simple" ) {
components.push_back( new FGPredictor( node ) );
} else if ( name == "filter" ) {
components.push_back( new FGDigitalFilter( node ) );
} else if ( name == "logic" ) {
components.push_back( new FGXMLAutoLogic( node ) );
} else if ( name == "flipflop" ) {
FGXMLAutoFlipFlop * flipFlop = NULL;
SGPropertyNode_ptr typeNode = node->getNode( "type" );
string val;
if( typeNode != NULL ) val = typeNode->getStringValue();
val = simgear::strutils::strip(val);
if( val == "RS" || val =="SR" ) flipFlop = new FGXMLAutoRSFlipFlop( node );
else if( val == "JK" ) flipFlop = new FGXMLAutoJKFlipFlop( node );
else if( val == "T" ) flipFlop = new FGXMLAutoTFlipFlop( node );
else if( val == "D" ) flipFlop = new FGXMLAutoDFlipFlop( node );
if( flipFlop == NULL ) {
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_ALERT, "can't create flipflop of type: " << val);
return false;
components.push_back( flipFlop );
} else {
SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_WARN, "Unknown top level autopilot section: " << name );
// return false;
return true;
* Update the list of autopilot components
void FGXMLAutopilot::update( double dt )
unsigned int i;
for ( i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i ) {
components[i]->update( dt );