Dynamics (Sim)ulator. Basically, this is a rough, first cut of a "different take" on FDM design. It's intended to be very simple to use, producing reasonable results for aircraft of all sorts and sizes, while maintaining simulation plausibility even in odd flight conditions like spins and aerobatics. It's at the point now where one can actually fly the planes around.
311 lines
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311 lines
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#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Integrator.hpp"
namespace yasim {
void Integrator::setBody(RigidBody* body)
_body = body;
void Integrator::setEnvironment(BodyEnvironment* env)
_env = env;
void Integrator::setInterval(float dt)
_dt = dt;
float Integrator::getInterval()
return _dt;
void Integrator::setState(State* s)
_s = *s;
State* Integrator::getState()
return &_s;
// Transforms a "local" vector to a "global" vector (not coordinate!)
// using the specified orientation.
void Integrator::l2gVector(float* orient, float* v, float* out)
Math::tmul33(_s.orient, v, out);
// Updates a position vector for a body c.g. motion with velocity v
// over time dt, from orientation o0 to o1. Because the position
// references the local coordinate origin, but the velocity is that of
// the c.g., this gets a bit complicated.
void Integrator::extrapolatePosition(double* pos, float* v, float dt,
float* o1, float* o2)
// Remember that it's the c.g. that's moving, so account for
// changes in orientation. The motion of the coordinate
// frame will be l2gOLD(cg) + deltaCG - l2gNEW(cg)
float cg[3], tmp[3];
l2gVector(o1, cg, cg); // cg = l2gOLD(cg) ("cg0")
Math::set3(v, tmp); // tmp = vel
Math::mul3(dt, tmp, tmp); // = vel*dt ("deltaCG")
Math::add3(cg, tmp, tmp); // = cg0 + deltaCG
l2gVector(o2, cg, cg); // cg = l2gNEW(cg) ("cg1")
Math::sub3(tmp, cg, tmp); // tmp = cg0 + deltaCG - cg1
pos[0] += tmp[0]; // p1 = p0 + (cg0+deltaCG-cg1)
pos[1] += tmp[1]; // (positions are doubles, so we
pos[2] += tmp[2]; // can't use Math::add3)
#if 0
// A straight euler integration, for reference. Don't use.
void Integrator::calcNewInterval()
float tmp[3];
State s = _s;
float dt = _dt / 4;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
l2gVector(_s.orient, s.acc, s.acc);
l2gVector(_s.orient, s.racc, s.racc);
float rotmat[9];
rotMatrix(s.rot, dt, rotmat);
Math::mmul33(_s.orient, rotmat, s.orient);
extrapolatePosition(s.pos, s.v, dt, _s.orient, s.orient);
Math::mul3(dt, s.acc, tmp);
Math::add3(tmp, s.v, s.v);
Math::mul3(dt, s.racc, tmp);
Math::add3(tmp, s.rot, s.rot);
_s = s;
void Integrator::calcNewInterval()
// In principle, these could be changed for something other than
// a 4th order integration. I doubt if anyone cares.
const static int NITER=4;
static float TIMESTEP[] = { 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 };
static float WEIGHTS[] = { 6.0, 3.0, 3.0, 6.0 };
// Scratch pads:
double pos[NITER][3]; float vel[NITER][3]; float acc[NITER][3];
float ori[NITER][9]; float rot[NITER][3]; float rac[NITER][3];
float *currVel = _s.v;
float *currAcc = _s.acc;
float *currRot = _s.rot;
float *currRac = _s.racc;
// First off, sanify the initial orientation
for(int i=0; i<NITER; i++) {
// extrapolate forward based on current values of the
// derivatives and the ORIGINAL values of the
// position/orientation.
float dt = _dt * TIMESTEP[i];
float tmp[3];
// "add" rotation to orientation (generate a rotation matrix)
float rotmat[9];
rotMatrix(currRot, dt, rotmat);
Math::mmul33(_s.orient, rotmat, ori[i]);
// add velocity to (original!) position
for(int j=0; j<3; j++) pos[i][j] = _s.pos[j];
extrapolatePosition(pos[i], currVel, dt, _s.orient, ori[i]);
// add acceleration to (original!) velocity
Math::set3(currAcc, tmp);
Math::mul3(dt, tmp, tmp);
Math::add3(_s.v, tmp, vel[i]);
// add rotational acceleration to rotation
Math::set3(currRac, tmp);
Math::mul3(dt, tmp, tmp);
Math::add3(_s.rot, tmp, rot[i]);
// Tell the environment to generate new forces on the body,
// extract the accelerations, and convert to vectors in the
// global frame.
// FIXME. Copying into a state object is clumsy! The
// per-coordinate arrays should be changed into a single array
// of State objects. Ick.
State stmp;
for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
stmp.pos[j] = pos[i][j];
stmp.v[j] = vel[i][j];
stmp.rot[j] = rot[i][j];
for(int j=0; j<9; j++)
stmp.orient[j] = ori[i][j];
l2gVector(_s.orient, acc[i], acc[i]);
l2gVector(_s.orient, rac[i], rac[i]);
// Save the resulting derivatives for the next iteration
currVel = vel[i]; currAcc = acc[i];
currRot = rot[i]; currRac = rac[i];
// Average the resulting derivatives together according to their
// weights. Yes, we're "averaging" rotations, which isn't
// stricly correct -- rotations live in a non-cartesian space.
// But the space is "locally" cartesian.
State derivs;
float tot = 0;
for(int i=0; i<NITER; i++) {
float wgt = WEIGHTS[i];
tot += wgt;
for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
derivs.v[j] += wgt*vel[i][j]; derivs.rot[j] += wgt*rot[i][j];
derivs.acc[j] += wgt*acc[i][j]; derivs.racc[j] += wgt*rac[i][j];
float itot = 1/tot;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
derivs.v[i] *= itot; derivs.rot[i] *= itot;
derivs.acc[i] *= itot; derivs.racc[i] *= itot;
// And finally extrapolate once more, using the averaged
// derivatives, to the final position and orientation. This code
// is essentially identical to the position extrapolation step
// inside the loop.
// save the starting orientation
float orient0[9];
for(int i=0; i<9; i++) orient0[i] = _s.orient[i];
float rotmat[9];
rotMatrix(derivs.rot, _dt, rotmat);
Math::mmul33(orient0, rotmat, _s.orient);
extrapolatePosition(_s.pos, derivs.v, _dt, orient0, _s.orient);
float tmp[3];
Math::mul3(_dt, derivs.acc, tmp);
Math::add3(_s.v, tmp, _s.v);
Math::mul3(_dt, derivs.racc, tmp);
Math::add3(_s.rot, tmp, _s.rot);
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
_s.acc[i] = derivs.acc[i];
_s.racc[i] = derivs.racc[i];
// Tell the environment about our decision
// Generates a matrix that rotates about axis r through an angle equal
// to (|r| * dt). That is, a rotation effected by rotating with rate
// r for dt "seconds" (or whatever time unit is in use).
// Implementation shamelessly cribbed from the OpenGL specification.
// NOTE: we're actually returning the _transpose_ of the rotation
// matrix! This is becuase we store orientations as global-to-local
// transformations. Thus, we want to rotate the ROWS of the old
// matrix to get the new one.
void Integrator::rotMatrix(float* r, float dt, float* out)
// Normalize the vector, and extract the angle through which we'll
// rotate.
float mag = Math::mag3(r);
float angle = dt*mag;
// Tiny rotations result in degenerate (zero-length) rotation
// vectors, so clamp to an identity matrix. 1e-06 radians
// per 1/30th of a second (typical dt unit) corresponds to one
// revolution per 2.4 days, or significantly less than the
// coriolis rotation. And it's still preserves half the floating
// point precision of a radian-per-iteration rotation.
if(angle < 1e-06) {
out[0] = 1; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0;
out[3] = 0; out[4] = 1; out[5] = 0;
out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 1;
float runit[3];
Math::mul3(1/mag, r, runit);
float s = Math::sin(angle);
float c = Math::cos(angle);
float c1 = 1-c;
float c1rx = c1*runit[0];
float c1ry = c1*runit[1];
float xx = c1rx*runit[0];
float xy = c1rx*runit[1];
float xz = c1rx*runit[2];
float yy = c1ry*runit[1];
float yz = c1ry*runit[2];
float zz = c1*runit[2]*runit[2];
float xs = runit[0]*s;
float ys = runit[1]*s;
float zs = runit[2]*s;
out[0] = xx+c ; out[3] = xy-zs; out[6] = xz+ys;
out[1] = xy+zs; out[4] = yy+c ; out[7] = yz-xs;
out[2] = xz-ys; out[5] = yz+xs; out[8] = zz+c ;
// Does a Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization on the rows of a
// global-to-local orientation matrix. The order of normalization
// here is x, z, y. This is because of the convention of "x" being
// the forward vector and "z" being up in the body frame. These two
// vectors are the most important to keep correct.
void Integrator::orthonormalize(float* m)
// The 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows of the matrix store the global frame
// equivalents of the x, y, and z unit vectors in the local frame.
float *x = m, *y = m+3, *z = m+6;
Math::unit3(x, x); // x = x/|x|
float v[3];
Math::mul3(Math::dot3(x, z), z, v); // v = z(x dot z)
Math::sub3(z, v, z); // z = z - z*(x dot z)
Math::unit3(z, z); // z = z/|z|
Math::cross3(z, x, y); // y = z cross x
}; // namespace yasim