#include "Math.hpp" #include "Integrator.hpp" namespace yasim { void Integrator::setBody(RigidBody* body) { _body = body; } void Integrator::setEnvironment(BodyEnvironment* env) { _env = env; } void Integrator::setInterval(float dt) { _dt = dt; } float Integrator::getInterval() { return _dt; } void Integrator::setState(State* s) { _s = *s; } State* Integrator::getState() { return &_s; } // Transforms a "local" vector to a "global" vector (not coordinate!) // using the specified orientation. void Integrator::l2gVector(float* orient, float* v, float* out) { Math::tmul33(_s.orient, v, out); } // Updates a position vector for a body c.g. motion with velocity v // over time dt, from orientation o0 to o1. Because the position // references the local coordinate origin, but the velocity is that of // the c.g., this gets a bit complicated. void Integrator::extrapolatePosition(double* pos, float* v, float dt, float* o1, float* o2) { // Remember that it's the c.g. that's moving, so account for // changes in orientation. The motion of the coordinate // frame will be l2gOLD(cg) + deltaCG - l2gNEW(cg) float cg[3], tmp[3]; _body->getCG(cg); l2gVector(o1, cg, cg); // cg = l2gOLD(cg) ("cg0") Math::set3(v, tmp); // tmp = vel Math::mul3(dt, tmp, tmp); // = vel*dt ("deltaCG") Math::add3(cg, tmp, tmp); // = cg0 + deltaCG _body->getCG(cg); l2gVector(o2, cg, cg); // cg = l2gNEW(cg) ("cg1") Math::sub3(tmp, cg, tmp); // tmp = cg0 + deltaCG - cg1 pos[0] += tmp[0]; // p1 = p0 + (cg0+deltaCG-cg1) pos[1] += tmp[1]; // (positions are doubles, so we pos[2] += tmp[2]; // can't use Math::add3) } #if 0 // A straight euler integration, for reference. Don't use. void Integrator::calcNewInterval() { float tmp[3]; State s = _s; float dt = _dt / 4; orthonormalize(_s.orient); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { _body->reset(); _env->calcForces(&s); _body->getAccel(s.acc); l2gVector(_s.orient, s.acc, s.acc); _body->getAngularAccel(s.racc); l2gVector(_s.orient, s.racc, s.racc); float rotmat[9]; rotMatrix(s.rot, dt, rotmat); Math::mmul33(_s.orient, rotmat, s.orient); extrapolatePosition(s.pos, s.v, dt, _s.orient, s.orient); Math::mul3(dt, s.acc, tmp); Math::add3(tmp, s.v, s.v); Math::mul3(dt, s.racc, tmp); Math::add3(tmp, s.rot, s.rot); _s = s; } _env->newState(&_s); } #endif void Integrator::calcNewInterval() { // In principle, these could be changed for something other than // a 4th order integration. I doubt if anyone cares. const static int NITER=4; static float TIMESTEP[] = { 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 }; static float WEIGHTS[] = { 6.0, 3.0, 3.0, 6.0 }; // Scratch pads: double pos[NITER][3]; float vel[NITER][3]; float acc[NITER][3]; float ori[NITER][9]; float rot[NITER][3]; float rac[NITER][3]; float *currVel = _s.v; float *currAcc = _s.acc; float *currRot = _s.rot; float *currRac = _s.racc; // First off, sanify the initial orientation orthonormalize(_s.orient); for(int i=0; ireset(); // FIXME. Copying into a state object is clumsy! The // per-coordinate arrays should be changed into a single array // of State objects. Ick. State stmp; for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { stmp.pos[j] = pos[i][j]; stmp.v[j] = vel[i][j]; stmp.rot[j] = rot[i][j]; } for(int j=0; j<9; j++) stmp.orient[j] = ori[i][j]; _env->calcForces(&stmp); _body->getAccel(acc[i]); _body->getAngularAccel(rac[i]); l2gVector(_s.orient, acc[i], acc[i]); l2gVector(_s.orient, rac[i], rac[i]); // // Save the resulting derivatives for the next iteration // currVel = vel[i]; currAcc = acc[i]; currRot = rot[i]; currRac = rac[i]; } // Average the resulting derivatives together according to their // weights. Yes, we're "averaging" rotations, which isn't // stricly correct -- rotations live in a non-cartesian space. // But the space is "locally" cartesian. State derivs; float tot = 0; for(int i=0; inewState(&_s); } // Generates a matrix that rotates about axis r through an angle equal // to (|r| * dt). That is, a rotation effected by rotating with rate // r for dt "seconds" (or whatever time unit is in use). // Implementation shamelessly cribbed from the OpenGL specification. // // NOTE: we're actually returning the _transpose_ of the rotation // matrix! This is becuase we store orientations as global-to-local // transformations. Thus, we want to rotate the ROWS of the old // matrix to get the new one. void Integrator::rotMatrix(float* r, float dt, float* out) { // Normalize the vector, and extract the angle through which we'll // rotate. float mag = Math::mag3(r); float angle = dt*mag; // Tiny rotations result in degenerate (zero-length) rotation // vectors, so clamp to an identity matrix. 1e-06 radians // per 1/30th of a second (typical dt unit) corresponds to one // revolution per 2.4 days, or significantly less than the // coriolis rotation. And it's still preserves half the floating // point precision of a radian-per-iteration rotation. if(angle < 1e-06) { out[0] = 1; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 1; out[5] = 0; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 1; return; } float runit[3]; Math::mul3(1/mag, r, runit); float s = Math::sin(angle); float c = Math::cos(angle); float c1 = 1-c; float c1rx = c1*runit[0]; float c1ry = c1*runit[1]; float xx = c1rx*runit[0]; float xy = c1rx*runit[1]; float xz = c1rx*runit[2]; float yy = c1ry*runit[1]; float yz = c1ry*runit[2]; float zz = c1*runit[2]*runit[2]; float xs = runit[0]*s; float ys = runit[1]*s; float zs = runit[2]*s; out[0] = xx+c ; out[3] = xy-zs; out[6] = xz+ys; out[1] = xy+zs; out[4] = yy+c ; out[7] = yz-xs; out[2] = xz-ys; out[5] = yz+xs; out[8] = zz+c ; } // Does a Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization on the rows of a // global-to-local orientation matrix. The order of normalization // here is x, z, y. This is because of the convention of "x" being // the forward vector and "z" being up in the body frame. These two // vectors are the most important to keep correct. void Integrator::orthonormalize(float* m) { // The 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows of the matrix store the global frame // equivalents of the x, y, and z unit vectors in the local frame. float *x = m, *y = m+3, *z = m+6; Math::unit3(x, x); // x = x/|x| float v[3]; Math::mul3(Math::dot3(x, z), z, v); // v = z(x dot z) Math::sub3(z, v, z); // z = z - z*(x dot z) Math::unit3(z, z); // z = z/|z| Math::cross3(z, x, y); // y = z cross x } }; // namespace yasim