want binding/property rather than binding/control
- removed hard-coded bindings for F3 (screenshot), Ctrl-S
(autothrottle), v (cycle view) and all of the keypad view-direction
keys; these are now defined in $FG_ROOT/keyboard.xml
- removed unused action method
with different modifiers (the format of the key bindings has changed
again slightly, adding a <code>..</code> element; see keyboard.xml for
2. Modified FGInput to try default modifiers for ctrl, shift, and alt
when the initial bindings fail (i.e. you don't have to specify
mod-shift explicitly for upper-case 'P' any more).
3. Fixed problems with properties and panel reloading reported by
Martin Dressler and John Check.
4. Updated preferences.xml to get rid of obsolete references to
/controls/brakes/left and /controls/brakes/right (as reported by John
There were also two non-bugs reported by John Check:
(a) Differential braking doesn't work (John was using the obsolete
properties from #4 above).
(b) Duplicates show up in the property tree using the telnet interface
(the property tree doesn't show indices, and John was seeing separate
entries for each possible engine, etc.).
Fixed a few glitches in the autopilot keys
Added a #define to be able to make a compile time decision to revert to
older GPS like autopiolt behavior this define SHOULD become a property
so that it is run time switchable.