/sim/ATC/radius should be a nummeric estimate of the size of your aircraft. A small aircraft fits into a large parking, but a large aircraft does not fit into a small parking space. Because the AI part of radius is also used for slightly different purposes (prioritizing gate assignmments, the given valuem may deviate slightly from the real aircraft size. See http:/wiki.flightgear.org/Aircraft.radii for an overview of currently used values for the redius property.
/sim/ATC/flight-type can be any one of "ga", "cargo", "gate", "mil-fighter", "mil-cargo", or "vtol". See http://wiki.flightgear.org/Interactive_traffic#A_technical_perspective for more information.
optionally, the property /sim/ATC/airline can be set set to a three letter icao airline code. By way of illustration, I will commit a number of startup preset files setting these properties shortly.
Also did some more finetuning to the traffic mananger routing algorithm can be any one of "ga", "cargo", "gate", "mil-fighter", "mil-cargo", or "vtol". See http://wiki.flightgear.org/Interactive_traffic#A_technical_perspective for more information.
optionally, the property /sim/ATC/airline can be set set to a three letter icao airline code. By way of illustration, I will commit a number of startup preset files setting these properties shortly.
Also did some more finetuning to the traffic mananger routing algorithm.
Don't detect libsvn without APR.
When installed, enable libsvn support by default (same as for automake).
When enabled, provide libsvn to fgfs.
gitignore temporary CMake files
This fixes at least the startup process.
If an ambigous fix name was presented with --vor=ID or --ndb=ID
present a list of matching records along with frequency and
position in the console to give the user the chance to pick
the correct one by adding the frequency with --vor-frequency=nnn.nn
It does not yes solve the issue when the user relocates using the
GUI dialog. This requires some GUI and Nasal hacking along with a
new Nasal helper function "navaidinfo".
Whenever resolving a (relative) path to an absolute path with
'resolve_maybe_aircraft_path', check if the result is empty and report original
(relative) path as missing. Otherwise no or a meaningless message is
issued ("File '' not found.").
--ai-scenario=... can only add/enable another scenario.
Introduce --disable-ai-scenarios option to disable all scenarios (can be
used by external launchers, GUIs etc)
Also provide error instead of debug message when a scenario cannot be loaded.