* add xmlErrorGetColumnNo to get the column number of the syntax error
* pass an error at a higher level to lower levels
* detect a number of extra syntax errors
sequence could give a false negative result
* Add a 'clear' attribute to the xmlErrorGet functions that indicates whether
the error should be cleared or not
* detect more xml syntax errors
for thread safety under windows
* Add xmlErrorGetString, xmlErrorGetLineNo for syntax error detetction
* Add xmlErrGetNo for detection of, and clearing the last error
* likewise for xmlCopyNode en xmlCompareNode
* add xmlAttributeGetDouble, xmlAttributeGetInt, xmlAttributeGetString
xmlAttributeCopyString and xmlAttributeCompareString functions
* fix some small bugs and problems along the way
* add support for filtering on attribute value in xmlgrep
This patch changes terrasync so it links against the subversion
library if you have it installed. It supports people who build binary
releases for use by non-developers by removing the runtime external
dependency on having command line svn or rsync available. Since the
patch changes autoconf to detect libsvn, I'd appreciate it if people
who release binaries could verify that the detection scripting works
for their platform.
Developer warning: If you do have libsvn developer libraries
installed, terrasync changes its default option from "-R" to "-S" to
remove the command line dependency. However, Martin has not yet
uploaded world scenery into the subversion repository so it won't be
useful to fly against and you may want to specify "-R" on the command
line in the short term. Or run both.
Me: Update MSVC 7.1 project file. Need svn-win32-1.x.y_dev.zip and svn-win32-1.x.y.zip
located at http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=8100
This patch changes terrasync so it links against the subversion
library if you have it installed. It supports people who build binary
releases for use by non-developers by removing the runtime external
dependency on having command line svn or rsync available. Since the
patch changes autoconf to detect libsvn, I'd appreciate it if people
who release binaries could verify that the detection scripting works
for their platform.
Developer warning: If you do have libsvn developer libraries
installed, terrasync changes its default option from "-R" to "-S" to
remove the command line dependency. However, Martin has not yet
uploaded world scenery into the subversion repository so it won't be
useful to fly against and you may want to specify "-R" on the command
line in the short term. Or run both.
Me: Update MSVC 7.1 project file. Need svn-win32-1.x.y_dev.zip and svn-win32-1.x.y.zip
located at http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=8100
* Doesn't download the area at lot,lon of 0,0 if terrasync starts before FlightGear is ready
* Attempt to download the Airports directory when no scenery needs to be fetched
* Add svn over http support for flag "-S", in addition to the existing default of rsync
* Add the command line flag "-T" to just refresh the KSFO surrounding area and exit
Frederic Bouvier:
Add a MSVC71 project file
* experimental clean-up / reduction on two of the FG headers:
(I'm going to await feedback on the developers list before doing more of
these, to avoiding going over files multiple times, but in principle it
seems pretty straightforward.)
* final fixes for SG_USING_STD removal