algorithm caused a program crash. Because there is always one waypoint more
than there are routes, the trace function should only pop_back the final route
entry at search depths of one or higher. I also added a lot of of additional
safeguarding code, due to the fact that the new trace algorithm was
apparently not as stable as I'd hoped it would be. ...
work for ground based distance separation of AIAircraft.
Traffic manager initialization related changes:
- Schedules initialize "on the fly", instead of during initialization
- Invalid routes are no longer deleted, but marked as BOGUS and ignored
- Changed loading order from a distance based prioritization to a point-
score based prioritization, resulting in a much faster establisment of
AIAircraft near the user's plane.
Preparatory work for ground-based separation of Aircraft.
- The groundnetwork findShrortestRoute function not only returns a list
of waypoints, but also a list of taxi "segments" (a.k.a. taxiways).
- The taxiway list is stored in the Flightplan, and updated everytime
a new taxi leg is created.
When AIFlightPlanCreateTaxi() function is called with the firstFlight
argument set to true, this is supposed to handle situations where the
the aircraft's timetable indicates it should have left between about 5 to
20 minutes earlier. In the previous version, all these aircraft started
taxiing from the first parking location available in the network, due
to the fact that the variable gateId was not assigned a value. In this
patch, route tracing starts from an assigned gate and the network node
following code is fast forwarded to a random location along the taxiways
to give a more realistic and natural distribution of taxiing aircraft
after startup.
This patch further addresses some weird ballet-dancing behavior that
aircraft were showing just prior to/right after parking and which was
related to a number of more or less duplicate waypoints in the transition
from createTaxi() to createParking() to createPushBack() to createTaxi().
Finally, a blatant typing error in the getParking() function was fixed.
The original code selected the most preferable runway combination,
regardless of which combination was currently active. This patch
builds in some additional resistance against change, by keeping
track of which runways are already in use, and forces a change
in active runways only when new (wheather/time of day) conditions
force it to do so, resulting in much more consistent runway assignment.
This patch makes FlightGear at least compile on MSVC. I hope I have removed
reference of my other local changes. DSP and DSW files are included for
reference. They have been reconstructed with I had to introduce a
change to am2dsp because of the need of filenames with embedded spaces. (Yuck)
The major direction is to remove clutter like the _USE_MATH_DEFINES and have it
on the compiler command line sice there is no central include file. You will
have to put it on the command line for your locale Project files, if it not
there, already. I added the _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE define for 2005, since it
does no harm to other VC version.
- Feet to meter conversion mistake (in AI getGround elev)
- Improved ground following code (not yet perfect, but for now no one will
notice it within the marginal altitiude differences at the taxitrack or
- Exclusion of the "AI" directory witihin data/Aircraft in
main/init/fgSearchAircraft, to prevent AI aircraft to be picked up by the
aircraft search function
* Use "const string&" rather than "string" in function calls when appropriate.
* Use "const Point3D&" instead of "Pint3D" in function calls when appropriate.
* Improved course calculation in calc_gc_course_dist()
* Safer thread handling code.
Vassilii Khachaturov:
Dont use "const Point3D&" for return types unless you're absolutely sure.
Erik Hofman:
* Use SGD_(2)PI(_[24]) as defined in simgear/constants.h rather than
calculating it by hand every time.
Auf Niederlandisch:
Bij deze de patch voor de taxiway code. Deze code is nog gebaseerd
op de bestaaande architectuur, gebaseerd op de FGAirport class in simple.[ch]xx
Ik heb me voornamelijk gericht op nieuwe functionaliteit; de volgende
submissie zal waarschijnlijk bestaan uit opschoning, opsplitsing en een
implementatie van de nieuwe airport architectuur, zoals voorgesteld door
David Luff.
En Anglais:
Here is the patch for the taxiway code. This code is still based on the
exsisting architecture, which is based on the FGAirport class in simple.[ch]xx
I've aimed mostly at new functionality; The next batch will probably contain
code cleanups, splitups and the implementation fo the new airport architecture,
as proposed by David Luff.
Attached is a patch to the airport data storage that I would like committed
after review if acceptable. Currently the storage of airports mapped by ID
is by locally created objects - about 12 Meg or so created on the stack if
I am not mistaken. I've changed this to creating the airports on the heap,
and storing pointers to them - see FGAirportList.add(...) in
src/Airports/simple.cxx. I believe that this is probably better practice,
and it's certainly cured some strange problems I was seeing when accessing
the airport data with some gps unit code. Changes resulting from this have
cascaded through a few files which access the data - 11 files are modified
in all. Melchior and Durk - you might want to test this and shout if there
are problems since the metar and traffic code are probably the biggest
users of the airport data. I've also added a fuzzy search function that
returns the next matching airport code in ASCII sequence in order to
support gps units that have autocompletion of partially entered codes.
More generally, the simple airport class seems to have grown a lot with the
fairly recent addition of the parking, runway preference and schedule time
code. It is no longer just an encapsulation of the global airport data
file, and has grown to 552 bytes in size when unpopulated (about 1/2 a K!).
My personal opinion is that we should look to just store the basic data in
apt.dat for all global airports in a simple airport class, plus globally
needed data (metar available?), and then have the traffic, AI and ATC
subsystems create more advanced airports for themselves as needed in the
area of interest. Once a significant number of airports worldwide have
ground networks and parking defined, it will be impractical and unnecessary
to store them all in memory. That's just a thought for the future though.
ssgSetNearFar(). This by default creates a symmetric view frustum which is
typically what an application wants.
However, to get control of the view frustum in order to build support for
asymmetric view frustums, we need to wrap these calls with a bit of our own
This set of changes wraps all calls to ssgSetFOV() and ssgSetNearFar() with
FGRenderer methods.
I also standardized how the FGRenderer class is handled in globals.[ch]xx.
This led to some cascading changes in a variety of source files.
As I was working my way through the changes, I fixed a few warnings along
the way.
I just heard from John Wojnaroski that you and he are going to work on getting
a flightgear demo machine up for the linux expo thursday and Friday. John
indicated that he would very much like to get a CVS version with the new
traffic code up and running before the expo.
Here's again one of the more obscure bugs that valgrind complains about: somehow
the STL container classes manage to read out values before they were ever set.
This patch fixes that. This may not cause any harm in this case, but valgrind
seems to *always* be right about them.
Attached is a patched runways.cxx. This fixes the find runway nearest to a given heading code. This was returning the last runway loaded at a given airport, not the nearest runway to the heading requested (which seems to always be 270deg by default). I have no idea how this has survived unnoticed for so long - I think it might be because you need to start at an airport with a runway near to 27 and one much greater than 27 eg. 36 to really tickle it, otherwise the runway nearest to 27 tends to be the final one loaded anyway. Try starting at KARR with and without the patch and note the surface wind. This should go in before the release.
a single apt.dat.gz file which is in the native X-Plane format.
To do this I wrote a front end loader than builds the airport and runway
list. Some of the changes I needed to make had a cascading effect, so there
are minor naming changes scattered throughout the code.
Okay, here's the latest update to the tarffic manager/AI Manager. AITraffic
can now fly multiple routes and be initialized while sitting statically at
A good elevation is critical for proper glide slope modeling. This patch
assigns the average field elevation to any ILS component that doesn't have
a valid elevation.
Also, for an ILS approach, use the GS transmitter elevation for glide slope
calculations rather than the localizer elevation, in some cases this can
make a big difference.
These change add some code that at initialization time will snap all
localizers into perfect alignment with their runways. It's my experience
that the DAFIF/FAA data reports runway and localizer headings to a level
of precision that is great for making charts, or adjusting your OBS, etc.
But the level of precision of this data can be far enough off to make you
visibly *un*aligned with the runway when the CDI needle is centered.
There are probably cases where the localizer isn't really perfectly
aligned with the runway, or intentionally misaligned to avoid obstacles
or terrain. So I have made this configurable for those that trust the
data more than I do. Just set "/sim/navdb/auto-align-localizers" to
true/false in the preferences file to turn this feature on or off in the
I've done som more work on the gps instrument.
- You can now input airport-, nav- or fix-ID to select a waypoint.
- You have to specify either "airport", "nav" or "fix" in the waypoint-type
property (some fixes and navs have identical IDs).
- Formatted the time to waypoint output.
- Cleaned up and changed some propery names (wp-heading -> wp-bearing).
- I've also added a name member to the FGNav class so that the gps instrument
can get the name of the nav.
- Changed the airport name parsing in simple.cxx.
are many recognized limitations and inefficiencies with this entire approach,
however, it's a quick and dirty way to get something working, where before
we didn't.
The last change from Curt to Airports/simple.[ch]xx made
GUI/AirportList.cxx not compilable because of the loss of
a '*' in getAirport.
Also : fabs is not defined under MSVC unless <math.h> is