on the '*'-key, but allow to cycle it by setting
/sim/rendering/on-screen-statistics to "true"
- move that function to the Debug menu (no more key assigned!)
- add "print-statistics" menu entry
This is required to make sure the same letter key gets released,
which got the press event. (After Ctrl-press -> a-press -> Ctrl-release
a-release we want the Ctrl-a binding released, not the a binding.)
- add key listener interface for direct key access from Nasal space
"This patch fixes the use of the keypad with numlock in the osgViewer
version of FlightGear."
"This also restores the handling of resize events while trying to stay
out of the way of the multiple display code."
"This patch works around a bug in OSG's handling of modifier keys. The
symptom of the bug is that modifier keys don't appear to be released."
"This patch fixes the test for support of cursor changes in OSG 2.0."
configure.ac src/Main/Makefile.am src/Main/fg_os.cxx
src/Main/fg_os.hxx src/Main/fg_os_sdl.cxx src/Main/main.cxx
src/Main/renderer.cxx src/Main/renderer.hxx
Added Files:
src/Main/FGManipulator.cxx src/Main/FGManipulator.hxx
Tim Moore: Make use of osgViewer.