Here's a patch which refactors the 'plain' GPS code into a slightly
more manageable structure - i.e breaks the large update() method into
various sub-functions. I've tested the patch with B1900d, and things
seem to work as expected, but if anyone experiences GPS weirdness
after this is committed, of course please report it.
The motivation for this was helping me learn the code - I've planning
some changes in this area, and splitting up the logic will hopefully
make that task easier.
- updates how filtering is done on the various FGPositioned query functions - both spatial and ident-based.
- updates the KLN-89b / DCLGPS code to use FGPositioned for all Navaid/Airport queries.
Add few include directives in globals.cxx to avoid such MSVC warning messages :
deletion of pointer to incomplete type 'FGAirportList'; no destructor called
deletion of pointer to incomplete type 'FGNavList'; no destructor called
deletion of pointer to incomplete type 'FGTACANList'; no destructor called
deletion of pointer to incomplete type 'FGFixList'; no destructor called
- Replaces simple shader attributes with vectors (this was missed out of the last patch by mistake)
- Includes Yon's Fog update code (Thanks!)
- Fixes a bug since 1.0 where --enable-real-weather-fetch stopped the other weather scenarios from working.
- Fix the chequer-board bug.
- Add proper cloud coverage function - so scattered clouds are now truly scattered.
- Add real-time control for visibility range.
- Use a limited set of clouds rather than generating a completely new Geode for each cloud. This saves sorting and display time.
- Add controls to Rendering dialog to allow fine-tuning of the number of sprites, cloud visibility and the number of different types of cloud.
- Add some variance to the sort back-off to avoid all clouds being sorted at the same time.
- Pack attributes into vectors for performance
- Re-order the cloud type determination code so that if a cloud layer could either be stratus or cumulus, cumulus is used.
- Lowered the cloud level in the standard cloud configuration slightly so a cumulus layer is generated rather than stratus.
These last two mean that you should see some 3D cumuli if disabling real weather fetch.
My thanks to Yon Uriarte for his help with performance work.
- a refactoring of the route manager to reduce indentation and duplication
- created a helper method to generate the ETA strings
- created a helper to update target_altitude and altitude_set when the active wp0 changes
- used early returns to make update() easier to follow
- removed spurious includes in both header and source file
Attached patch updates the route-manager to use FGPositioned to search
for waypoints, instead of a manual airport / fix / navaid search. This
is good because it's now using the 'strictly closest' match, rather
than arbitrarily picking a distant fix over a nearby navaid. In my
case, the TLA VOR is significant to several EGPH procedures, but also
happens to be the ident of a fix a long, long way away.
Also updates the FGPositioned class to stop using Point3D, partly
because it's deprecated and partly because I had misunderstood the
interface and was using it wrong. For now, all FGPositioned distance
checks use SGGeodesy::inverse, which is accurate but inefficient. Once
FGPositioned queries are used for something on a hot path, I'll
probably store the cartesian position as well as the geodetic, to make
these checks fast.
Right now, atlas.cxx uses the following code, in
FGAtlas::gen_message(), to retrieve the ADF frequency:
static SGPropertyNode *adf_freq =
fgGetNode("/instrumentation/kr-87/outputs/selected-khz", true);
I think it should be changed to:
static SGPropertyNode *adf_freq =
fgGetNode("/instrumentation/adf/frequencies/selected-khz", true);
temporarily lose control over the aircraft while pressing a
modifier for a button.
- cosmetics: remove trailing spaces and commented out debug messages
These functions are now called in fgOSMainLoop. The fgMainLoop
function was being called twice, which resulted in a slow-down, but
also caused the displayed frame rate to double!
free /models/model[*] slot and lets the model manager load the
model. The target address is returned under "property". Simple
use in Nasal:
"path": "Models/Fauna/",
"latitude-deg": 16.234,
"longitude-deg": 48.321,
"elevation-ft": 300,
An "elevation-m" property can alternatively be used and overrides
the "elevation-ft" property.
Each of the properties "latitude-deg", "longitude-deg", "elevation-ft",
"heading-deg", "pitch-deg", and "roll-deg" can alternatively be used
with "-prop" suffix. Their values must then be property path strings
pointing to a node that can be changed at runtime to move the model.
coordinates that were set relative to the aircraft's position
are picked up before the view update rather than the next cycle.
This avoids ugly fluttering of "passengers" at higher speed.
Partition depth in CameraGroup:
Remove the ViewPartionNode scenegraph node. The split rendering of the
scene, done to avoid Z buffer precision problems, is now done by two
slave cameras of the viewer.
Rename FGManipulator to FGEventHandler.
Remove virtual member functions that aren't required for event handlers.
Begin using camera group properties to update cameras at runtime;
Initially only the viewport properties are used.
When no camera group is found in the property tree (the default),
create the properties for one. Expose the default window by name.
Add a test for Boost headers to Boost is now a
Remove GLUT and SDL versions of the OSG graphics.
stabilize some of the odd artifacts we were hearing, that were especially
noticable in clean sound samples like the stall horn or the marker beacon
codes. The change still preserves the doppler effect and maintains the
good work of a previous developer figuring out how to align the model and
listener velocity vectors correctly.
It fixes the following issues (to a greater or lesser extent):
1) Performance. Quad trees used to improve culling, and the sprites are placed on the surface of a sphere rather than
randomly throughout the cloud, requiring fewer textures. This saves about 5-10fps on my machine.
2) Disabled 3D clouds have no performance impact. Previously they were still in the scenegraph. Now they are removed.
3) Clouds are now loaded on start-up, and don't require the scenario to be changed, they also work with METAR.
4) The cloud field is shifted as you travel. There's a small bug in that the clouds "jump" as you reach the edge of the field.
5) Iterative sorting of sprites. This doesn't appear to solve the alpha blending problem completely, but may help a bit.
the case where the removed child has no other referants, otherwise it
will be deleted on function exit. Also give the ghost type a name for
cleaner debugging.
or the unit was not serviceable. This search() routine needs to run every
iteration no matter what the power or serviceable state. If power is turned
off or the unit becomes unserviceable while a beacon sound is playing, the
search() routine still needs to be called so the sound effect can be properly