- Trim reports, FGOutputFG and sockets messages now respond to the debug level
- Channels : fix for incorrect time steps caused by execrate
- Improved configuration error detection in FGSwitch with respect to late bound
- Fixed the ordre in which the components of the p-factor moment are reported in CSV output files.
- Now all the sea level properties from the standard atmosphere are updated along with the other atmosphere properties.
- The properties propulsion/start_cmd and propulsion/cutoff_cmd are now read/write (they were read only before).
Mickael Danilov reported that one cannot send brake commands to /fdm/jsbsim/fcs/{right,left}-brake-cmd-norm since FG overwrites them with /autopilot/autobrake/* properties.
A new property /fdm/jsbsim/systems/override-fg-brake-properties has been added which is set ot false by default to keep the legacy behavior. When set to true, the properties /fdm/jsbsim/fcs/{right,left}-brake-cmd-norm can be modified by the user and will ignore the setting from FlightGear.
- Air density now takes humidity into account.
- The protocol of input sockets is no longer case sensitive
- Late bounded properties are now cached for better performance.
* Removed the IAS dependency to the Pitot tube angle (real Pitot tube are less sensitive to AoA than was simulated)
* Removed the class FGUDPOutputSocket which was redundant with FGOutputSocket
* Added a new type of functions "template" which are intended to prevent duplication of functions. For now, they are available to compute output values and script notifications.
* Aerodynamics forces can now be specified in stability axes.
* Density altitude and pressure altitude are computed according to ISA standard atmosphere 1976.
New properties:
* Flight path angle (gamma) in degrees
- fdm/jsbsim/flight-path/gamma-deg
* Aerodynamics forces in stability axes
- fdm/jsbsim/forces/fsx-aero-lbs
- fdm/jsbsim/forces/fsy-aero-lbs
- fdm/jsbsim/forces/fsz-aero-lbs
* Aerodynamics moments in stability axes
- moments/roll-stab-aero-lbsft
- moments/pitch-stab-aero-lbsft
- moments/yaw-stab-aero-lbsft
* Pause JSBSim
- fdm/jsbsim/simulation/pause
* Fixed multiple bugs.
It is the call to exit that causes FG to lock up and become a zombie.
Alternative is to throw an exception, i.e.:
throw sg_error(std::string("YASim SOLUTION FAILURE:") + a->getFailureMsg(););
These files were originally included for special trim routines. But these routines are no longer maintained in JSBSim and have already been partially removed from FlightGear.
Change the arrestor wire handling as follows;
- expose property to indicate when arrestor wire has been snagged: /fdm/jsbsim/systems/hook/arrestor-wire-engaged-hook
- add property to allow the model to request that the wire is released: /fdm/jsbsim/systems/hook/tailhook-release-cmd. This permits an overspeed approach to catch the wire and then drop it.
refactoring of FGFDM parser
replace old helpers with lib functions from <cstring>
remove typecast that kills 'const'
add some comments and clarify variable names