Fork 0

YASim variable and method name clarification in class Surface

This commit is contained in:
Henning Stahlke 2017-12-12 08:04:22 +01:00
parent f7c5d2b1f9
commit 7c55aa2c4a
5 changed files with 84 additions and 68 deletions

View file

@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ void Airplane::updateGearState()
GearRec* gr = (GearRec*)_gears.get(i);
float ext = gr->gear->getExtension();
@ -271,13 +271,13 @@ void Airplane::setWeight(int handle, float mass)
// Kill the aerodynamic drag if the mass is exactly zero. This is
// how we simulate droppable stores.
if(mass == 0) {
} else {
@ -408,10 +408,10 @@ float Airplane::compileFuselage(Fuselage* f)
// Make a Surface too
Surface* s = new Surface(this, pos, dragCoefficient);
if( isVersionOrNewer( YASIM_VERSION_32 ) ) {
// FIXME: fails for fuselages aligned along the Y axis
@ -512,38 +512,38 @@ void Airplane::compile()
// The Wing objects
if (_wing)
if (baseN != 0) {
_wingsN = baseN->getChild("wing", 0, true);
aeroWgt += compileWing(_wing);
// convert % to absolute x coordinates
_cgDesiredFront = _wing->getMACx() - _wing->getMACLength()*_cgDesiredMin;
_cgDesiredAft = _wing->getMACx() - _wing->getMACLength()*_cgDesiredMax;
if (baseN != 0) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr n = fgGetNode("/fdm/yasim/model", true);
n->getNode("cg-x-range-front", true)->setFloatValue(_cgDesiredFront);
n->getNode("cg-x-range-aft", true)->setFloatValue(_cgDesiredAft);
if (baseN != 0) {
_wingsN = baseN->getChild("wing", 0, true);
aeroWgt += compileWing(_wing);
// convert % to absolute x coordinates
_cgDesiredFront = _wing->getMACx() - _wing->getMACLength()*_cgDesiredMin;
_cgDesiredAft = _wing->getMACx() - _wing->getMACLength()*_cgDesiredMax;
if (baseN != 0) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr n = fgGetNode("/fdm/yasim/model", true);
n->getNode("cg-x-range-front", true)->setFloatValue(_cgDesiredFront);
n->getNode("cg-x-range-aft", true)->setFloatValue(_cgDesiredAft);
if (_tail)
if (baseN != 0) {
_wingsN = baseN->getChild("tail", 0, true);
aeroWgt += compileWing(_tail);
if (baseN != 0) {
_wingsN = baseN->getChild("tail", 0, true);
aeroWgt += compileWing(_tail);
int i;
for(i=0; i<_vstabs.size(); i++)
Wing* vs = (Wing*)_vstabs.get(i);
if (baseN != 0) {
_wingsN = baseN->getChild("stab", i, true);
aeroWgt += compileWing(vs);
Wing* vs = (Wing*)_vstabs.get(i);
if (baseN != 0) {
_wingsN = baseN->getChild("stab", i, true);
aeroWgt += compileWing(vs);
// The fuselage(s)
@ -557,9 +557,13 @@ void Airplane::compile()
// Rescale to the specified empty weight
float wscale = (_emptyWeight-nonAeroWgt)/aeroWgt;
for(i=firstMass; i<body->numMasses(); i++)
for(i=firstMass; i<body->numMasses(); i++) {
body->setMass(i, body->getMass(i)*wscale);
if (_wingsN != nullptr) {
float w = _wingsN->getNode("weight", true)->getFloatValue();
_wingsN->getNode("mass", true)->setFloatValue(w * wscale);
// Add the thruster masses
for(i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
ThrustRec* t = (ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i);
@ -801,21 +805,21 @@ void Airplane::applyDragFactor(float factor)
// it won't be affected by the streamlining done to reduce
// longitudinal drag. So the solver should only adjust the
// fuselage's longitudinal (X axis) drag coefficient.
s->setXDrag(s->getXDrag() * applied);
s->setDragCoefficient(s->getDragCoefficient() * applied);
} else {
// Originally YASim applied the drag factor to all axes
// for Fuselage Surfaces.
for(i=0; i<_weights.size(); i++) {
WeightRec* wr = (WeightRec*)_weights.get(i);
for(i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++) {
GearRec* gr = (GearRec*)_gears.get(i);

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "yasim-common.hpp"
#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Surface.hpp"
@ -119,23 +120,24 @@ void Surface::setSpoilerPos(float pos)
// Calculate the aerodynamic force given a wind vector v (in the
// aircraft's "local" coordinates) and an air density rho. Returns a
// torque about the Y axis, too.
// torque about the Y axis ("pitch"), too.
void Surface::calcForce(const float* v, const float rho, float* out, float* torque)
// initialize outputs to zero
// Split v into magnitude and direction:
float vel = Math::mag3(v);
// Zero velocity means zero force by definition (also prevents div0).
if(vel == 0) {
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = torque[i] = 0;
// special case this so the logic below doesn't produce a non-zero
// force; should probably have a "no force" flag instead...
if(_cx == 0. && _cy == 0. && _cz == 0.) {
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = torque[i] = 0.;
@ -145,10 +147,10 @@ void Surface::calcForce(const float* v, const float rho, float* out, float* torq
// "Rotate" by the incidence angle. Assume small angles, so we
// need to diddle only the Z component, X is relatively unchanged
// by small rotations.
// by small rotations. sin(a) ~ a, cos(a) ~ 1 for small a
float incidence = _incidence + _twist;
out[2] += incidence * out[0]; // z' = z + incidence * x
// Hold onto the local wind vector so we can multiply the induced
// drag at the end.
float lwind[3];
@ -190,9 +192,9 @@ void Surface::calcForce(const float* v, const float rho, float* out, float* torq
// roughly parallel with Z, the small-angle approximation
// must change its X component.
if( _version->isVersionOrNewer( Version::YASIM_VERSION_32 )) {
out[0] += incidence * out[2];
out[0] += incidence * out[2];
} else {
out[2] -= incidence * out[0];
out[2] -= incidence * out[0];
// Convert back to external coordinates

View file

@ -59,17 +59,18 @@ public:
// The offset from base incidence for this surface.
void setTwist(float angle) { _twist = angle; }
void setDragCoefficient(float c0) { _c0 = c0; }
void mulDragCoefficient(float factor) { _c0 *= factor; }
float getDragCoefficient() const { return _c0; }
void setTotalForceCoefficient(float c0) { _c0 = c0; }
void mulTotalForceCoefficient(float factor) { _c0 *= factor; }
float getTotalForceCoefficient() const { return _c0; }
void setXDrag(float cx) { _cx = cx; }
void setYDrag(float cy) { _cy = cy; }
void setZDrag(float cz) { _cz = cz; }
float getXDrag() const { return _cx; }
void setDragCoefficient(float cx) { _cx = cx; }
float getDragCoefficient() const { return _cx; }
void setYDrag(float cy) { _cy = cy; }
void setLiftCoefficient(float cz) { _cz = cz; }
float getLiftCoefficient() const { return _cz; }
// zero-alpha Z drag ("camber") specified as a fraction of cz
void setBaseZDrag(float cz0) { _cz0 = cz0; }
void setZeroAlphaLift(float cz0) { _cz0 = cz0; }
// i: 0 == forward, 1 == backwards
void setStallPeak(int i, float peak) { _peaks[i] = peak; }

View file

@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ void Wing::WingSection::setDragCoefficient(float scale)
_dragScale = scale;
for(int i=0; i<_surfs.size(); i++) {
SurfRec* s = (SurfRec*)_surfs.get(i);
s->surface->setDragCoefficient(scale * s->weight);
s->surface->setTotalForceCoefficient(scale * s->weight);
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ void Wing::WingSection::setLiftRatio(float ratio)
_liftRatio = ratio;
for(int i=0; i<_surfs.size(); i++)
void Wing::WingSection::multiplyLiftRatio(float factor)
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ void Wing::WingSection::newSurface(Version* _version, float* pos, float* orient,
// Camber is expressed as a fraction of stall peak, so convert.
// The "main" (i.e. normal) stall angle
float stallAoA = _stallParams.aoa - _stallParams.width/4;
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ void Wing::writeInfoToProptree()
ws = (WingSection*)_sections.get(section);
for (int surf=0; surf < ws->numSurfaces(); surf++) {
Surface* s = ws->getSurface(surf);
float drag = s->getDragCoefficient();
float drag = s->getTotalForceCoefficient();
dragSum += drag;
float mass = ws->getSurfaceWeight(surf);
@ -510,9 +510,11 @@ void Wing::writeInfoToProptree()
_wingN->getNode("drag", true)->setFloatValue(dragSum);
// estimate a mass distibution and add masses to the model
// they will be scaled to match total mass of aircraft later
float Wing::updateModel(Model* model)
float wgt = 0;
_weight = 0;
WingSection* ws;
for (int section=0; section < _sections.size(); section++) {
ws = (WingSection*)_sections.get(section);
@ -520,21 +522,26 @@ float Wing::updateModel(Model* model)
Surface* s = ws->getSurface(surf);
float mass = ws->getSurfaceWeight(surf);
mass = mass * Math::sqrt(mass);
wgt += mass;
float weight = ws->getSurfaceWeight(surf);
weight = weight * Math::sqrt(weight);
_weight += weight;
float pos[3];
int mid = model->getBody()->addMass(mass, pos, true);
int mid = model->getBody()->addMass(weight, pos, true);
if (_wingN != nullptr) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr n = _wingN->getNode("surfaces", true)->getChild("surface", s->getID(), true);
n->getNode("drag", true)->setFloatValue(s->getDragCoefficient());
n->getNode("c0", true)->setFloatValue(s->getTotalForceCoefficient());
n->getNode("cdrag", true)->setFloatValue(s->getDragCoefficient());
n->getNode("clift", true)->setFloatValue(s->getLiftCoefficient());
n->getNode("mass-id", true)->setIntValue(mid);
return wgt;
if (_wingN != nullptr) {
_wingN->getNode("weight", true)->setFloatValue(_weight);
return _weight;
}; // namespace yasim

View file

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ class Wing {
struct WingSection {
int _id;
Chord _rootChord;
// length is distance from base to tip, not wing span
float _length {0};
@ -123,7 +124,9 @@ class Wing {
float _aspectRatio {0};
float _meanChord {0};
float _incidence {0};
float _weight {0};
//-- private methods
Chord _float2chord(float* pos, float lenght = 0);
void _chord2float(Chord c, float* pos);
void interp(const float* v1, const float* v2, const float frac, float* out);
@ -166,7 +169,6 @@ public:
void setPropertyNode(SGPropertyNode_ptr n) { _wingN = n; };
float updateModel(Model* model);
}; // namespace yasim