- /sim/aircraft can be set to package ID, including qualified
package ID. If not matching package is found, falls back to
traditional search of fg-aircraft for -set.xml files
- jQuery/HTML5 like .data() method on Canvas and Elements to store
custom data in the property tree.
- CustomEvent takes additional parameter hash with 'detail' data
stored in event.
- Add a screenshot uri handler
- Enable persistent http connections
- Simple CORS implementatation for the
JSON property uri handler
many changes for the httpd
Change the drag coefficient for fuselages along the Y and Z axes
(i.e. perpendicular to the fuselage's main axis) to use a fixed
value of 0.5. (The value can still be adjusted using the fuselage's
"cy" and "cz" XML attributes.)
For the Y-axis and Z-axis drag on fuselages, YASim originally used
a drag coefficient equal to:
(solver drag factor) * (fuselage length/width ratio)
This value turns out to be way too small for well-streamlined
aircraft, even those with long, narrow fuselages, and especially
so for those with short, stubby fuselages. Such fuselages are
streamlined in the X direction, but not along Y or Z.
0.5 is only a ballpark estimate, but it's reasonably close for the
common case of a fairly long fuselage with a round cross section. For
flat-sided fuselages, a larger value should be used, up to a maximum
of 2 for a slab-sided block. For short fuselages, the value should be
reduced to account for end effects. The fuselage's "cy" and "cz" XML
attributes can be modified to make such adjustments.
This fix won't affect straight flight much, but it should have a strong
impact on some maneuvers. For example, it will make slips more
effective and may make knife-edge flight easier on aerobatic aircraft
which should be capable of it.
Only aircraft which specify version="YASIM_VERSION_32" or newer are
This commit is in prepartion for the following commit, which is a bug fix for
Issue 1463 (YASim underestimates off-axis forces on fuselages).
Previously the solver would adjust the drag factor for all of an Airplane's
non-Wing Surfaces in one pass, with no attempt to distinguish Fuselage Surfaces
from the Surfaces for Gear and Weights. This makes it difficult to modify how
fuselage drag is calculated while leaving unaffected the drag for landing gear
and external weights.
Now the solver adjusts the drag for an Airplane's fuselages, landing gear, and
external weights in three separate passes. To do this, each Fuselage now has a
list of its Surfaces. The fuselage pass simply iterates through the list of
Fuselages, running through each Fuselage's list of Surfaces.
The Airplane's list of non-Wing Surfaces, "_surfs", is no longer used here, but
there may still be uses of it elsewhere.
This patch enables spoken words without the need for external
festival using the existing FGVoiceMgr subsystem and the
properties under /sim/sound/voices
To hear the generated voices, set /sim/sound/voices/enabled=true
at startup
- use FLITEVoiceSynthesizer if a voice has <festival>false</festival>
- use FLITEVoiceSynthesizer if the festival server is unreachable
- decouple FGFLITEVoice from FGVoiceThread
Correct handling of fuselage's "midpoint" XML attribute so that the midpoint's
location matches the point assumed by all aircraft developers and YASim docs.
This means the fuselage won't be generated "back-to-front".
Also correct the variation of diameter for tapered fuselages so that both ends
of the fuselage narrow from the midpoint to the endpoints.
Before this, one end was narrowing from the endpoint to the midpoint, the
opposite of what was expected.
These changes affect both weight distribution and the distribution of lateral
aerodynamic forces.
- Add a very simple line-of-sight propagation model for the radio
range computation.
- Remove some no longer used debug log messages
- Some code cleanup
- add-noise is now on by default
adding property cuttoff-signal-quality to the comm radio
If signal-quality goes below this value, atis sound is muted.
Also: initialize property power-btn if not defined by the
aircraft or instrument designer