Here's part 2 - converting FGFix (the simplest one) to be both heap-based and inherit FGPositioned. One minor benefit from this is replacing some dangerous code in FGFixList which used to return the address of an iterator member ('&it->second'). To keep the diff a sensible size, I'm not updating the callers to use the richer FGPositioned types - i.e replacing separate lat/lon handling with SGGeod. I will make those cleanups, but in future patches.
- Runways are now part of an airport, instead of a separate list
- Runways are no longer represented as a boring struct, but as a class
of their own.
-Improved runway access to unify various runway access methods.
* experimental clean-up / reduction on two of the FG headers:
(I'm going to await feedback on the developers list before doing more of
these, to avoiding going over files multiple times, but in principle it
seems pretty straightforward.)
* final fixes for SG_USING_STD removal
- this exposed a bizarre issue on Mac where dragging in <AGL/agl.h> in
extensions.hxx was pulling in all of Carbon to the global namespace
- very scary. As a result, I now need to explicitly include CoreFoundation
in fg_init.cxx.
- change SG_USING_STD(x) to using std::x
SimGear change. It changes all the SG_xxxx to be the 'real' includes, and gets
rid of many #ifdef SG_HAVE_STD_INCLUDES. As an added bonus, rather than
replacing 'SG_USING_NAMESPACE(std)' with 'using namespace std', I just fixed
the small number of places to use std:: explicitly. So we're no longer polluting
the global namespace with the entire contents of std, in many cases.
There is one more 'mechanical' change to come - getting rid of SG_USING_STD(X),
but I want to keep that separate from everything else. (There's another
mechnical change, replacing <math.h> with <cmath> and so on *everywhere*, but
one step at a time)
PLETE_FUNCTIONAL from SimGear and FlightGear.
As a result, SG_HAVE_STD_INCLUDES is now *always* set, so I will get the boring
fixes for that done, but separately. I'm still auditing the other things in comp
ilers.h - there's a lot that can die now BORLAND is gone.
- remove the OSX_BUNDLE crap *I* introduced years ago - we're always a a bun
dle on Mac now.
- fix up the default fg-root on Mac to be
data - i.e the location used by the distro, and indeed the obv
ious 'correct' location. Not sure why I didn't use that in the first place, back
in the day.
- remove the CPSForegroundEnable hack. For one thing, we're a bundle and don
't need it, and for another, osgViewer on Mac does the same logic using a newer,
public API rather than a hack into the OS.
- remove the strange logic for doing fgOSInit 'early' (in bootstrap rather t
han main) when running from the command line on Mac; again this is obsolete, and
no one seems to know why it was ever necessary. I guess it was an interaction w
ith SDL when running without a bundle.
- (not Mac related) remove obsolete code bracketed by ENABLE_PLIB_JOYSTICK a
nd USE_GLIDE (neither of which are ever set, even from config.h that I can see)
in main.cxx
- drop unused parts (MouseQuat/GuiQuat)
- move "old-reinit-dialog" fgcommand to fg_command.cxx under new name
"reset" for now. (May later get merged with fgcommand "reinit".)
- move reInit() to fg_init.cxx: This was used by Shift-Esc and
Menu->File-Reset (via fgcommand "old-reinit-dialog"). We have already
a similar function fgReInitSubsystems() in fg_init.cxx, so these two
functions will probably get merged later.)
- don't allow to do that from any XML file. This is to prevent malign
code from writing a new fg-home in ~/.fgfs/autosave.xml or other files
in ~/.fgfs/.
Makes it possible to start at a parking location defined in the AI/Airports/*/parking.xml files, using the parkpos command line option.
Note that the name to pass is the concatenation of the "name" and "number" fields in the xml.
Make an OSG file reader for .stg files.
New class flightgear::SceneryPager, which is a subclass
osg::DatabasePager to handle explicit delete requests.
Modify FGNewCache, FGTileEntry, and FGTileManager to use
SceneryPager. Mostly this involved removing the queues that talked to
Calculate accurate tile timestamps from the time they are traversed in
the cull stage (which means that they are visible) instead of updating
them periodically.
Replace tile entry transform and range node with one LOD node
"I have been investigating the Concorde IVSI problem. I came to the
conclusion that the trouble is that the environment altitude and thus
the pressure (which is calculated from that) is lagging by 1 frame.
Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but the IVSI calculates rate of
change and it will use the new dt with the old value difference,
thereby arriving at bad results if dt changes (and it does)."
them under /sim/presets/ but they aren't save there, and as fgInitPosition
and its subroutines overwrite them, we lose the information about what the
user really wanted. This is a temporary solution -- it really belongs into
Why /sim/fg-current at all? Because we have a file selector dialog
(still unfinished), and one might like to start it from the current
directory, to find saved flights/screenshots/whatever.
because nasal's f_interpolate() may be called in Nasal at times when the
GENERAL subsystem group is being deconstructed; access it by addressing
the group directly, as using globals->get_subsystem() does then not
work any more then; yeah, it's all for a rare border case ... :-)
- loop up file name in the cache at startup. If it's found, check if the
file exists and use it, otherwise scan $FG_ROOT/Aircraft/ as usual,
and create a new cache while doing that. Rebuild cache on FG_ROOT change.
(including all subdirs and with max depth!), but only the outmost level.
There are no *-set.xml files in deeper nested dirs, and with an ever growing
number of aircraft the search just lasts too long.
in the case of fg_init.cxx we'll only see that if the log-level is set
in preferences.xml, because command line options weren't even processed
at that time. :-/
track and is a PITA for support staff. It's this message:
Error reading properties:
Failed to open file
at /home/newbie/.fgfs/autosave.xml
(reported by SimGear XML Parser)
and "latitude-offset" should not use a precalculated value of warp.
2) Since the values of cur_time and crrGMT are identical in the current
version of the SGTime class, the calculations of the "system", "gmt", and
"latitude" are re-evaluated and updated where necessary.
I attach 2 new files and a diff file for the associated changes to add a
“fluxgate compass” to the instrument inventory. Whist this outputs
essentially the same data as /orientation/heading-magnetic-deg, it has to
be powered, and can be made to fail. I also followed Roy’s suggestion to
generate the error properties for this instrument here rather than in
When this instrument is included in cvs, I intend to use it in the Hunter,
A4F Seahawk and KC135. After a bit more research, it might be appropriate
for the Spitfire and Hurricane as well. AJ would also like to use it for his
Lightning model.