Since the subsystem manager tracks group state, it now binds/inits
automatically. This means groups which create subsystems during init
no longer need to manually bind() them.
Change fgcommand to take an optional property tree root element.
This fixes the animation bindings to use the defined property tree root - to support multiplayer (or other) model that can bind to the correct part of the property tree.
Requires a corresponding fix in sg to allow the command methods to take an optional root parameter.
What this means is that when inside someone else's multiplayer model (e.g. backseat, or co-pilot), the multipalyer (AI) model will correctly modify properties inside the correct part of the property tree inside (/ai), rather than modifying the properties inside the same part of the tree as the non-ai model.
This means that a properly setup model will operate within it's own space in the property tree; and permit more generic multiplayer code to be written.
This is probably responsible for some of the pollution of the root property tree with MP aircraft properties.
In commit 15525aab58, a layer with
lapse=0.0 was added to ISA_def (atmosphere model). However, the last
layer *must* have lapse == -1.0, otherwise the code in PT_vs_hpt()
doesn't know when it's on the last element of ISA_def, and does an
illegal memory access with (pp+1)->height. This is why -1.0 is the
default value for lapse ('l') in the ISA_layer constructor.
Fix: add the -1.0 terminator to the last element of ISA_def.
Compile a useful subset of FG as a shared library, and add two basic
uses of this to exercise some Flightplan / RoutePath / navaid
The test framework can/will be expanded incrementally from here, this
is just a starting point.
This renders sgGMTime obsolete, it will go away shortly. Thanks to
Ron H for help tracking this down and Richard Harrison for his
knowledge of Windows APIs in confirming the issue.
This includes the moon's absolute position, age and phase. For this, the new
simgear MoonPos::get*() functions are tied to the property tree at
"/ephemeris/moon/" using a new tieMoonPos() function.
In addition the moon illumination factor is exposed by tying the simgear
MoonPos::getIlluminanceFactor() function to the /environment/moonlight property.
This is a number ranging between 0 and 1 based on the log of the illuminance of
the moon outside the atmosphere. It is calculated as
factor = (log(I) - max_loglux) / (max_loglux - min_loglux) + 1.0,
The illuminance of the moon outside the atmosphere, I, is from equation 20 from:
Krisciunas K. and Schaefer B.E. (1991). A model of the brightness of
moonlight, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacif. 103(667), 1033-1039 (DOI:
For more background, see .
Remove uses of .str(), .c_str() and some other methods of SGPath.
Pass SGPath directly where possible, or explicitly convert to the
appropriate 8-bit encoding.
The precipitation branch of the OSG scene graph is now centrally managed by the
scenery manager rather the precipitation manager itself. The scene graph
initialisation from the constructor has also been shifted into the new
FGPrecipitationMgr::sceneGraphSetup() function.
required SimGear commit 75271c44a82ae0fb1ff9c91e93a12fa8b10099fd
Since the consensus seems to be that the precipitation clipping issue is with the panel code, attached is my proposed update for the precipitation system in SG and FG
* without corresponding control structures in FGData it falls back to default, except I have fixed an inconsistency in freezing behavior - previously rain changed suddenly to snow when the temperature dropped below zero, but the reverse transition was dragged out and gave odd visible motion with the wind as snow gradually changed back to rain with the particle speed not well defined. Now both transitions are sudden. And I see no more particles flow against the wind
* with
<!-- definitions for the detailed precipitation manager -->
<rain-droplet-size type="float" userarchive="n">0.015</rain-droplet-size>
<snow-flake-size type="float" userarchive="n">0.03</snow-flake-size>
<detailed-precipitation type="bool" userarchive="n">false</detailed-precipitation>
<illumination type="float" userarchive="n">1.0</illumination>
<clip-distance type="float" userarchive="n">5.0</clip-distance>
added to Environment/environment.xml, the new system allows to switch more detailed management on. This provides
* explicit setting of rain droplet size and snow flake size by the weather system
* automatic sqrt(r) scaling of the vertical speed of raindrops
* automatic transition to snow when freezing for small droplets but hail for large droplet sizes (looks like snow, but has different particle dynamics)
* an illumination scaling factor to dim the precipitating based on the light we have in the scene (I still need to devise a property rule to set this automatically)
The clip distance is also exposed now and considered at startup of the system - might be useful for e.g. airships when the gas bag provides rain cover (?) or to be simply off for open airplanes
Modify startup sequence, so position can be modified late in the startup process, right before the scenery load starts. This allows two ugly hacks to move to a permanent, less hacky location. If other position init modes required similar late evaluation in the future, this can be accommodated now.
This is a somewhat high-risk change - I've tested both carrier starts and runway-selection based on realwx METAR, but please look out for other position-init issues and test before / after this patch.