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12 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
b24dbb3f8b Alex Romosan:
I tried to make sure accessor functions which return by reference act
on const objects. also replaced some iterators with const_iterator
and a few return/pass by reference that were missed the first time
2005-10-26 09:03:49 +00:00
62a359cc4a Alex Romosan:
* Use "const string&" rather than "string" in function calls when appropriate.
* Use "const Point3D&" instead of "Pint3D" in function calls when appropriate.
* Improved course calculation in calc_gc_course_dist()
* Safer thread handling code.

Vassilii Khachaturov:

Dont use "const Point3D&" for return types unless you're absolutely sure.

Erik Hofman:

* Use SGD_(2)PI(_[24]) as defined in simgear/constants.h rather than
  calculating it by hand every time.
2005-10-25 13:49:55 +00:00
54594e5219 Durk Talsma:
Auf Niederlandisch:
Bij deze de patch voor de taxiway code. Deze code is nog gebaseerd
op de bestaaande architectuur, gebaseerd op de FGAirport class in simple.[ch]xx
Ik heb me voornamelijk gericht op nieuwe functionaliteit; de volgende
submissie zal waarschijnlijk bestaan uit opschoning, opsplitsing en een
implementatie van de nieuwe airport architectuur, zoals voorgesteld door
David Luff.

En Anglais:
Here is the patch for the taxiway code. This code is still based on the
exsisting architecture, which is based on the FGAirport class in simple.[ch]xx
I've aimed mostly at new functionality; The next batch will probably contain
code cleanups, splitups and the implementation fo the new airport architecture,
as proposed by David Luff.
2005-10-18 18:44:37 +00:00
ab83702c16 David Culp:
I added an AIStatic object to my OV-10 sim for use in putting city signs,
vehicles, or anything else that will be static, but that I don't want to put
in the scenery files.  It's inexpensive.  Before, I was making such things
from AIShip.

I also added the ability to set flight plans to repeat, so that when an
airplane reaches the end it just starts over at the beginning.  This is
useful for my OV-10 sim.  I have C-141 and KC-135 traffic flying approaches
to Ramstein, and I only have to define two AI objects to do this.

Also, I found an inefficiency in AIBase, where every AI object was calculating
Mach number at every dt.  Now only AIBallistic objects do this.
2005-06-04 09:38:52 +00:00
5bc15d7a69 Durk Talsma:
I just heard from John Wojnaroski that you and he are going to work on getting
a flightgear demo machine up for the linux expo thursday and Friday. John
indicated that he would very much like to get a CVS version with the new
traffic code up and running before the expo.
2005-02-10 09:01:51 +00:00
c537267f96 Durk Talsma:
Okay, here's the latest update to the tarffic manager/AI Manager. AITraffic
can now fly multiple routes and be initialized while sitting statically at
2004-11-29 09:41:43 +00:00
d158c8168d Make use of a pointer to a structure to pass multiple parameters around. 2004-09-07 09:53:23 +00:00
025a1e2491 Durk Talsma:
I've included the latest fixes to the Traffic Manager/AI flightplan generation
code. Most of the code changes are in AIFllightplan.cxx. This is the code
that runs without depending on predefined FlightPlans in

As suggested by Dave, I've also added a new property in
preferences.xml: /sim/traffic-manager/enabled, which is used to control
whether or not the traffic manager is active.

I'm still working on a few more 737 traffic patterns, those are going to take
a little longer, so I didn't want to wait sending in this code.

Finally, I haven't put much effort into ensuring "aeronautical correctness" in
this version yet. The code works on my system, but what the AI plane do may
actaully be quite rediculous. But I'd like to leave that for the next
2004-07-22 18:50:29 +00:00
b3e9697262 Add the AIModel based air traffic subsystem from Durk Talsma. 2004-06-03 17:59:14 +00:00
22cd6dfb2a David Culp:
1.  Removed aircraft roll on ground.
2.  Decreased descent pitch angle.
3.  Updated flightplans to include <on-ground>
4.  Fixed property indexing, so all AI aircraft have their own property branch

The default value of <on-ground> is false, so you only need to specify it when
on the ground.  For takeoff you need to specify <on-ground>true</on-ground>
for the first waypoint, and for the acceleration waypoint.  For landing you
need to specify it for the touchdown point and any taxi points.

One problem.  WARNING **** There is a bug in the way the property system
works, which causes a segfault, but I don't know if the problem is in the
property code, or in how I'm using it.  After an AI object terminates, if you
access the property tree through the property browser the sim will segfault.
2004-05-21 16:50:19 +00:00
009fa7371d Some small updates that hopefully solve the segmentation fault at the end of the flightplan. 2004-05-18 09:09:08 +00:00
1dfe93d550 David Culp:
Here's the newest AI stuff.

The AIManager at init() creates a new scenario.  Right now the
default_scenario is hard coded in, but eventually the AIManager should get
the scenario filename from preferences.xml.

The scenario defines which AI objects will be created.  Right now it only
creates AIAircraft, but this is easily extended.  The scenario also defines
which flightplan will be assigned to the airplane.  Scenario config files go
in data/Data/AI.

The Airplane gets a pointer to a FlightPlan object.  Each airplane should get
its own flightplan object, even if two airplanes have the same flight plan.
This is because  the flightplan maintains the iterator pointing to the
current waypoint, and two airplanes might be at different locations (for
instance if they were created at different times).  The flight plan files go
in data/Data/AI/FlightPlans.

When the airplane gets to the waypoint named "END" it vanishes.  The
AIAircraft destructor deletes its flight plan (if it has one).

The last waypoint is a place holder only.  I called mine
2004-05-15 09:07:55 +00:00