Fork 0

Updates and tweaks for Oliver's multi-player networking code.

This commit is contained in:
curt 2000-08-14 20:12:17 +00:00
parent bc6d6fbf50
commit f89d86d4af
4 changed files with 203 additions and 135 deletions

View file

@ -47,18 +47,49 @@ FGInterface *cur_fdm_state;
FGInterface base_fdm_state;
// Constructor
FGInterface::FGInterface(void) {
// Destructor
FGInterface::~FGInterface() {
int FGInterface::init( double dt ) {
cout << "dummy init() ... SHOULDN'T BE CALLED!" << endl;
return 0;
int FGInterface::update( int multi_loop ) {
cout << "dummy update() ... SHOULDN'T BE CALLED!" << endl;
return 0;
FGInterface::~FGInterface() {
// Extrapolate fdm based on time_offset (in usec)
void FGInterface::extrapolate( int time_offset ) {

View file

@ -92,22 +92,110 @@
#ifndef __cplusplus
# error This library requires C++
typedef double FG_VECTOR_3[3];
// This is based heavily on LaRCsim/ls_generic.h
class FGInterface {
// Pilot location rel to ref pt
FG_VECTOR_3 d_pilot_rp_body_v;
// CG position w.r.t. ref. point
FG_VECTOR_3 d_cg_rp_body_v;
// Forces
FG_VECTOR_3 f_body_total_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 f_local_total_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 f_aero_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 f_engine_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 f_gear_v;
// Moments
FG_VECTOR_3 m_total_rp_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 m_total_cg_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 m_aero_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 m_engine_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 m_gear_v;
// Accelerations
FG_VECTOR_3 v_dot_local_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 v_dot_body_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 a_cg_body_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 a_pilot_body_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 n_cg_body_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 n_pilot_body_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 omega_dot_body_v;
// Velocities
FG_VECTOR_3 v_local_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 v_local_rel_ground_v; // V rel w.r.t. earth surface
FG_VECTOR_3 v_local_airmass_v; // velocity of airmass (steady winds)
FG_VECTOR_3 v_local_rel_airmass_v; // velocity of veh. relative to airmass
FG_VECTOR_3 v_local_gust_v; // linear turbulence components, L frame
FG_VECTOR_3 v_wind_body_v; // Wind-relative velocities in body axis
FG_VECTOR_3 omega_body_v; // Angular B rates
FG_VECTOR_3 omega_local_v; // Angular L rates
FG_VECTOR_3 omega_total_v; // Diff btw B & L
FG_VECTOR_3 euler_rates_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 geocentric_rates_v; // Geocentric linear velocities
// Positions
FG_VECTOR_3 geocentric_position_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 geodetic_position_v;
FG_VECTOR_3 euler_angles_v;
// Miscellaneous Quantities
FG_VECTOR_3 d_cg_rwy_local_v; // CG rel. to rwy in local coords
FG_VECTOR_3 d_cg_rwy_rwy_v; // CG relative to rwy, in rwy coordinates
FG_VECTOR_3 d_pilot_rwy_local_v; // pilot rel. to rwy in local coords
FG_VECTOR_3 d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v; // pilot rel. to rwy, in rwy coords.
// Inertias
double mass, i_xx, i_yy, i_zz, i_xz;
// Normal Load Factor
double nlf;
// Velocities
double v_rel_wind, v_true_kts, v_rel_ground, v_inertial;
double v_ground_speed, v_equiv, v_equiv_kts;
double v_calibrated, v_calibrated_kts;
// Miscellaneious Quantities
double t_local_to_body_m[3][3]; // Transformation matrix L to B
double gravity; // Local acceleration due to G
double centrifugal_relief; // load factor reduction due to speed
double alpha, beta, alpha_dot, beta_dot; // in radians
double cos_alpha, sin_alpha, cos_beta, sin_beta;
double cos_phi, sin_phi, cos_theta, sin_theta, cos_psi, sin_psi;
double gamma_vert_rad, gamma_horiz_rad; // Flight path angles
double sigma, density, v_sound, mach_number;
double static_pressure, total_pressure, impact_pressure;
double dynamic_pressure;
double static_temperature, total_temperature;
double sea_level_radius, earth_position_angle;
double runway_altitude, runway_latitude, runway_longitude;
double runway_heading;
double radius_to_rwy;
double climb_rate; // in feet per second
double sin_lat_geocentric, cos_lat_geocentric;
double sin_longitude, cos_longitude;
double sin_latitude, cos_latitude;
FGTimeStamp valid_stamp; // time this record is valid
FGTimeStamp next_stamp; // time this record is valid
virtual ~FGInterface();
virtual int init( double dt );
virtual int update( int multi_loop );
virtual ~FGInterface();
// Define the various supported flight models (many not yet implemented)
enum {
@ -135,10 +223,9 @@ public:
/*================== Mass properties and geometry values ==================*/
// ========== Mass properties and geometry values ==========
// Inertias
double mass, i_xx, i_yy, i_zz, i_xz;
inline double get_Mass() const { return mass; }
inline double get_I_xx() const { return i_xx; }
inline double get_I_yy() const { return i_yy; }
@ -155,7 +242,6 @@ public:
// Pilot location rel to ref pt
FG_VECTOR_3 d_pilot_rp_body_v;
// inline double * get_D_pilot_rp_body_v() {
// return d_pilot_rp_body_v;
// }
@ -169,7 +255,6 @@ public:
} */
// CG position w.r.t. ref. point
FG_VECTOR_3 d_cg_rp_body_v;
// inline double * get_D_cg_rp_body_v() { return d_cg_rp_body_v; }
inline double get_Dx_cg() const { return d_cg_rp_body_v[0]; }
inline double get_Dy_cg() const { return d_cg_rp_body_v[1]; }
@ -180,9 +265,8 @@ public:
d_cg_rp_body_v[2] = dz;
/*================================ Forces =================================*/
// ========== Forces ==========
FG_VECTOR_3 f_body_total_v;
// inline double * get_F_body_total_v() { return f_body_total_v; }
// inline double get_F_X() const { return f_body_total_v[0]; }
// inline double get_F_Y() const { return f_body_total_v[1]; }
@ -193,7 +277,6 @@ public:
f_body_total_v[2] = z;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 f_local_total_v;
// inline double * get_F_local_total_v() { return f_local_total_v; }
// inline double get_F_north() const { return f_local_total_v[0]; }
// inline double get_F_east() const { return f_local_total_v[1]; }
@ -204,7 +287,6 @@ public:
f_local_total_v[2] = z;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 f_aero_v;
// inline double * get_F_aero_v() { return f_aero_v; }
// inline double get_F_X_aero() const { return f_aero_v[0]; }
// inline double get_F_Y_aero() const { return f_aero_v[1]; }
@ -215,7 +297,6 @@ public:
f_aero_v[2] = z;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 f_engine_v;
// inline double * get_F_engine_v() { return f_engine_v; }
// inline double get_F_X_engine() const { return f_engine_v[0]; }
// inline double get_F_Y_engine() const { return f_engine_v[1]; }
@ -226,7 +307,6 @@ public:
f_engine_v[2] = z;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 f_gear_v;
// inline double * get_F_gear_v() { return f_gear_v; }
// inline double get_F_X_gear() const { return f_gear_v[0]; }
// inline double get_F_Y_gear() const { return f_gear_v[1]; }
@ -237,9 +317,8 @@ public:
f_gear_v[2] = z;
} */
/*================================ Moments ================================*/
// ========== Moments ==========
FG_VECTOR_3 m_total_rp_v;
// inline double * get_M_total_rp_v() { return m_total_rp_v; }
// inline double get_M_l_rp() const { return m_total_rp_v[0]; }
// inline double get_M_m_rp() const { return m_total_rp_v[1]; }
@ -250,7 +329,6 @@ public:
m_total_rp_v[2] = n;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 m_total_cg_v;
// inline double * get_M_total_cg_v() { return m_total_cg_v; }
// inline double get_M_l_cg() const { return m_total_cg_v[0]; }
// inline double get_M_m_cg() const { return m_total_cg_v[1]; }
@ -261,7 +339,6 @@ public:
m_total_cg_v[2] = n;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 m_aero_v;
// inline double * get_M_aero_v() { return m_aero_v; }
// inline double get_M_l_aero() const { return m_aero_v[0]; }
// inline double get_M_m_aero() const { return m_aero_v[1]; }
@ -272,7 +349,6 @@ public:
m_aero_v[2] = n;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 m_engine_v;
// inline double * get_M_engine_v() { return m_engine_v; }
// inline double get_M_l_engine() const { return m_engine_v[0]; }
// inline double get_M_m_engine() const { return m_engine_v[1]; }
@ -283,7 +359,6 @@ public:
m_engine_v[2] = n;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 m_gear_v;
// inline double * get_M_gear_v() { return m_gear_v; }
// inline double get_M_l_gear() const { return m_gear_v[0]; }
// inline double get_M_m_gear() const { return m_gear_v[1]; }
@ -294,9 +369,8 @@ public:
m_gear_v[2] = n;
} */
/*============================== Accelerations ============================*/
// ========== Accelerations ==========
FG_VECTOR_3 v_dot_local_v;
// inline double * get_V_dot_local_v() { return v_dot_local_v; }
inline double get_V_dot_north() const { return v_dot_local_v[0]; }
inline double get_V_dot_east() const { return v_dot_local_v[1]; }
@ -307,7 +381,6 @@ public:
v_dot_local_v[2] = down;
FG_VECTOR_3 v_dot_body_v;
// inline double * get_V_dot_body_v() { return v_dot_body_v; }
inline double get_U_dot_body() const { return v_dot_body_v[0]; }
inline double get_V_dot_body() const { return v_dot_body_v[1]; }
@ -318,7 +391,6 @@ public:
v_dot_body_v[2] = w;
FG_VECTOR_3 a_cg_body_v;
// inline double * get_A_cg_body_v() { return a_cg_body_v; }
inline double get_A_X_cg() const { return a_cg_body_v[0]; }
inline double get_A_Y_cg() const { return a_cg_body_v[1]; }
@ -329,7 +401,6 @@ public:
a_cg_body_v[2] = z;
FG_VECTOR_3 a_pilot_body_v;
// inline double * get_A_pilot_body_v() { return a_pilot_body_v; }
inline double get_A_X_pilot() const { return a_pilot_body_v[0]; }
inline double get_A_Y_pilot() const { return a_pilot_body_v[1]; }
@ -340,7 +411,6 @@ public:
a_pilot_body_v[2] = z;
FG_VECTOR_3 n_cg_body_v;
// inline double * get_N_cg_body_v() { return n_cg_body_v; }
// inline double get_N_X_cg() const { return n_cg_body_v[0]; }
// inline double get_N_Y_cg() const { return n_cg_body_v[1]; }
@ -351,7 +421,6 @@ public:
// n_cg_body_v[2] = z;
// }
FG_VECTOR_3 n_pilot_body_v;
// inline double * get_N_pilot_body_v() { return n_pilot_body_v; }
// inline double get_N_X_pilot() const { return n_pilot_body_v[0]; }
// inline double get_N_Y_pilot() const { return n_pilot_body_v[1]; }
@ -362,11 +431,9 @@ public:
// n_pilot_body_v[2] = z;
// }
double nlf; //Normal Load Factor
double get_Nlf(void) { return nlf; }
void set_Nlf(double n) { nlf=n; }
FG_VECTOR_3 omega_dot_body_v;
// inline double * get_Omega_dot_body_v() { return omega_dot_body_v; }
// inline double get_P_dot_body() const { return omega_dot_body_v[0]; }
// inline double get_Q_dot_body() const { return omega_dot_body_v[1]; }
@ -378,9 +445,8 @@ public:
} */
/*============================== Velocities ===============================*/
// ========== Velocities ==========
FG_VECTOR_3 v_local_v;
// inline double * get_V_local_v() { return v_local_v; }
inline double get_V_north() const { return v_local_v[0]; }
inline double get_V_east() const { return v_local_v[1]; }
@ -391,8 +457,9 @@ public:
v_local_v[2] = down;
FG_VECTOR_3 v_local_rel_ground_v; // V rel w.r.t. earth surface
// inline double * get_V_local_rel_ground_v() { return v_local_rel_ground_v; }
// inline double * get_V_local_rel_ground_v() {
// return v_local_rel_ground_v;
// }
// inline double get_V_north_rel_ground() const {
// return v_local_rel_ground_v[0];
// }
@ -402,13 +469,13 @@ public:
// inline double get_V_down_rel_ground() const {
// return v_local_rel_ground_v[2];
// }
/* inline void set_Velocities_Ground(double north, double east, double down) {
v_local_rel_ground_v[0] = north;
v_local_rel_ground_v[1] = east;
v_local_rel_ground_v[2] = down;
} */
// inline void set_Velocities_Ground(double north, double east, double down)
// {
// v_local_rel_ground_v[0] = north;
// v_local_rel_ground_v[1] = east;
// v_local_rel_ground_v[2] = down;
// }
FG_VECTOR_3 v_local_airmass_v; // velocity of airmass (steady winds)
// inline double * get_V_local_airmass_v() { return v_local_airmass_v; }
inline double get_V_north_airmass() const { return v_local_airmass_v[0]; }
inline double get_V_east_airmass() const { return v_local_airmass_v[1]; }
@ -421,20 +488,19 @@ public:
v_local_airmass_v[2] = down;
FG_VECTOR_3 v_local_rel_airmass_v; // velocity of veh. relative to
// airmass
// inline double * get_V_local_rel_airmass_v() {
//return v_local_rel_airmass_v;
// return v_local_rel_airmass_v;
// }
// inline double get_V_north_rel_airmass() const {
//return v_local_rel_airmass_v[0];
// return v_local_rel_airmass_v[0];
// }
// inline double get_V_east_rel_airmass() const {
//return v_local_rel_airmass_v[1];
// return v_local_rel_airmass_v[1];
// }
// inline double get_V_down_rel_airmass() const {
//return v_local_rel_airmass_v[2];
// return v_local_rel_airmass_v[2];
// }
/* inline void set_Velocities_Local_Rel_Airmass( double north, double east,
double down)
@ -443,7 +509,6 @@ public:
v_local_rel_airmass_v[2] = down;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 v_local_gust_v; // linear turbulence components, L frame
// inline double * get_V_local_gust_v() { return v_local_gust_v; }
// inline double get_U_gust() const { return v_local_gust_v[0]; }
// inline double get_V_gust() const { return v_local_gust_v[1]; }
@ -455,22 +520,16 @@ public:
v_local_gust_v[2] = w;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 v_wind_body_v; // Wind-relative velocities in body axis
// inline double * get_V_wind_body_v() { return v_wind_body_v; }
inline double get_U_body() const { return v_wind_body_v[0]; }
inline double get_V_body() const { return v_wind_body_v[1]; }
inline double get_W_body() const { return v_wind_body_v[2]; }
inline void set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w)
inline void set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w) {
v_wind_body_v[0] = u;
v_wind_body_v[1] = v;
v_wind_body_v[2] = w;
double v_rel_wind, v_true_kts, v_rel_ground, v_inertial;
double v_ground_speed, v_equiv, v_equiv_kts;
double v_calibrated, v_calibrated_kts;
// inline double get_V_rel_wind() const { return v_rel_wind; }
// inline void set_V_rel_wind(double wind) { v_rel_wind = wind; }
@ -498,7 +557,6 @@ public:
inline double get_V_calibrated_kts() const { return v_calibrated_kts; }
inline void set_V_calibrated_kts( double kts ) { v_calibrated_kts = kts; }
FG_VECTOR_3 omega_body_v; // Angular B rates
// inline double * get_Omega_body_v() { return omega_body_v; }
inline double get_P_body() const { return omega_body_v[0]; }
inline double get_Q_body() const { return omega_body_v[1]; }
@ -509,7 +567,6 @@ public:
omega_body_v[2] = r;
FG_VECTOR_3 omega_local_v; // Angular L rates
// inline double * get_Omega_local_v() { return omega_local_v; }
// inline double get_P_local() const { return omega_local_v[0]; }
// inline double get_Q_local() const { return omega_local_v[1]; }
@ -520,7 +577,6 @@ public:
omega_local_v[2] = r;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 omega_total_v; // Diff btw B & L
// inline double * get_Omega_total_v() { return omega_total_v; }
// inline double get_P_total() const { return omega_total_v[0]; }
// inline double get_Q_total() const { return omega_total_v[1]; }
@ -531,7 +587,6 @@ public:
omega_total_v[2] = r;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 euler_rates_v;
// inline double * get_Euler_rates_v() { return euler_rates_v; }
inline double get_Phi_dot() const { return euler_rates_v[0]; }
inline double get_Theta_dot() const { return euler_rates_v[1]; }
@ -542,7 +597,6 @@ public:
euler_rates_v[2] = psi;
FG_VECTOR_3 geocentric_rates_v; // Geocentric linear velocities
// inline double * get_Geocentric_rates_v() { return geocentric_rates_v; }
inline double get_Latitude_dot() const { return geocentric_rates_v[0]; }
inline double get_Longitude_dot() const { return geocentric_rates_v[1]; }
@ -553,9 +607,8 @@ public:
geocentric_rates_v[2] = rad;
/*=============================== Positions ===============================*/
// ========== Positions ==========
FG_VECTOR_3 geocentric_position_v;
// inline double * get_Geocentric_position_v() {
// return geocentric_position_v;
// }
@ -578,7 +631,6 @@ public:
geocentric_position_v[2] = rad;
FG_VECTOR_3 geodetic_position_v;
// inline double * get_Geodetic_position_v() { return geodetic_position_v; }
inline double get_Latitude() const { return geodetic_position_v[0]; }
inline void set_Latitude(double lat) { geodetic_position_v[0] = lat; }
@ -594,7 +646,6 @@ public:
geodetic_position_v[2] = alt;
FG_VECTOR_3 euler_angles_v;
// inline double * get_Euler_angles_v() { return euler_angles_v; }
inline double get_Phi() const { return euler_angles_v[0]; }
inline double get_Theta() const { return euler_angles_v[1]; }
@ -606,9 +657,8 @@ public:
/*======================= Miscellaneous quantities ========================*/
// ========== Miscellaneous quantities ==========
double t_local_to_body_m[3][3]; // Transformation matrix L to B
// inline double * get_T_local_to_body_m() { return t_local_to_body_m; }
inline double get_T_local_to_body_11() const {
return t_local_to_body_m[0][0];
@ -649,15 +699,16 @@ public:
double gravity; // Local acceleration due to G
// inline double get_Gravity() const { return gravity; }
// inline void set_Gravity(double g) { gravity = g; }
double centrifugal_relief; // load factor reduction due to speed
// inline double get_Centrifugal_relief() const { return centrifugal_relief; }
// inline void set_Centrifugal_relief(double cr) { centrifugal_relief = cr; }
// inline double get_Centrifugal_relief() const {
// return centrifugal_relief;
// }
// inline void set_Centrifugal_relief(double cr) {
// centrifugal_relief = cr;
// }
double alpha, beta, alpha_dot, beta_dot; // in radians
inline double get_Alpha() const { return alpha; }
inline void set_Alpha( double a ) { alpha = a; }
inline double get_Beta() const { return beta; }
@ -667,7 +718,6 @@ public:
// inline double get_Beta_dot() const { return beta_dot; }
// inline void set_Beta_dot( double bd ) { beta_dot = bd; }
double cos_alpha, sin_alpha, cos_beta, sin_beta;
// inline double get_Cos_alpha() const { return cos_alpha; }
// inline void set_Cos_alpha( double ca ) { cos_alpha = ca; }
// inline double get_Sin_alpha() const { return sin_alpha; }
@ -677,7 +727,6 @@ public:
// inline double get_Sin_beta() const { return sin_beta; }
// inline void set_Sin_beta( double sb ) { sin_beta = sb; }
double cos_phi, sin_phi, cos_theta, sin_theta, cos_psi, sin_psi;
inline double get_Cos_phi() const { return cos_phi; }
inline void set_Cos_phi( double cp ) { cos_phi = cp; }
// inline double get_Sin_phi() const { return sin_phi; }
@ -691,13 +740,11 @@ public:
// inline double get_Sin_psi() const { return sin_psi; }
// inline void set_Sin_psi( double sp ) { sin_psi = sp; }
double gamma_vert_rad, gamma_horiz_rad; // Flight path angles
inline double get_Gamma_vert_rad() const { return gamma_vert_rad; }
inline void set_Gamma_vert_rad( double gv ) { gamma_vert_rad = gv; }
// inline double get_Gamma_horiz_rad() const { return gamma_horiz_rad; }
// inline void set_Gamma_horiz_rad( double gh ) { gamma_horiz_rad = gh; }
double sigma, density, v_sound, mach_number;
// inline double get_Sigma() const { return sigma; }
// inline void set_Sigma( double s ) { sigma = s; }
inline double get_Density() const { return density; }
@ -707,8 +754,6 @@ public:
inline double get_Mach_number() const { return mach_number; }
inline void set_Mach_number( double m ) { mach_number = m; }
double static_pressure, total_pressure, impact_pressure;
double dynamic_pressure;
inline double get_Static_pressure() const { return static_pressure; }
inline void set_Static_pressure( double sp ) { static_pressure = sp; }
// inline double get_Total_pressure() const { return total_pressure; }
@ -718,13 +763,11 @@ public:
// inline double get_Dynamic_pressure() const { return dynamic_pressure; }
// inline void set_Dynamic_pressure( double dp ) { dynamic_pressure = dp; }
double static_temperature, total_temperature;
inline double get_Static_temperature() const { return static_temperature; }
inline void set_Static_temperature( double t ) { static_temperature = t; }
// inline double get_Total_temperature() const { return total_temperature; }
// inline void set_Total_temperature( double t ) { total_temperature = t; }
double sea_level_radius, earth_position_angle;
inline double get_Sea_level_radius() const { return sea_level_radius; }
inline void set_Sea_level_radius( double r ) { sea_level_radius = r; }
inline double get_Earth_position_angle() const {
@ -734,25 +777,27 @@ public:
earth_position_angle = a;
double runway_altitude, runway_latitude, runway_longitude;
double runway_heading;
inline double get_Runway_altitude() const { return runway_altitude; }
inline void set_Runway_altitude( double alt ) { runway_altitude = alt; }
// inline double get_Runway_latitude() const { return runway_latitude; }
// inline void set_Runway_latitude( double lat ) { runway_latitude = lat; }
// inline double get_Runway_longitude() const { return runway_longitude; }
// inline void set_Runway_longitude( double lon ) { runway_longitude = lon; }
// inline void set_Runway_longitude( double lon ) {
// runway_longitude = lon;
// }
// inline double get_Runway_heading() const { return runway_heading; }
// inline void set_Runway_heading( double h ) { runway_heading = h; }
double radius_to_rwy;
// inline double get_Radius_to_rwy() const { return radius_to_rwy; }
// inline void set_Radius_to_rwy( double r ) { radius_to_rwy = r; }
FG_VECTOR_3 d_cg_rwy_local_v; // CG rel. to rwy in local coords
// inline double * get_D_cg_rwy_local_v() { return d_cg_rwy_local_v; }
// inline double get_D_cg_north_of_rwy() const { return d_cg_rwy_local_v[0]; }
// inline double get_D_cg_east_of_rwy() const { return d_cg_rwy_local_v[1]; }
// inline double get_D_cg_north_of_rwy() const {
// return d_cg_rwy_local_v[0];
// }
// inline double get_D_cg_east_of_rwy() const {
// return d_cg_rwy_local_v[1];
// }
// inline double get_D_cg_above_rwy() const { return d_cg_rwy_local_v[2]; }
/* inline void set_CG_Rwy_Local( double north, double east, double above )
@ -761,7 +806,6 @@ public:
d_cg_rwy_local_v[2] = above;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 d_cg_rwy_rwy_v; // CG relative to rwy, in rwy coordinates
// inline double * get_D_cg_rwy_rwy_v() { return d_cg_rwy_rwy_v; }
// inline double get_X_cg_rwy() const { return d_cg_rwy_rwy_v[0]; }
// inline double get_Y_cg_rwy() const { return d_cg_rwy_rwy_v[1]; }
@ -773,16 +817,15 @@ public:
d_cg_rwy_rwy_v[2] = h;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 d_pilot_rwy_local_v; // pilot rel. to rwy in local coords
// inline double * get_D_pilot_rwy_local_v() { return d_pilot_rwy_local_v; }
// inline double get_D_pilot_north_of_rwy() const {
//return d_pilot_rwy_local_v[0];
// return d_pilot_rwy_local_v[0];
// }
// inline double get_D_pilot_east_of_rwy() const {
// return d_pilot_rwy_local_v[1];
// }
// return d_pilot_rwy_local_v[1];
// }
// inline double get_D_pilot_above_rwy() const {
//return d_pilot_rwy_local_v[2];
// return d_pilot_rwy_local_v[2];
// }
/* inline void set_Pilot_Rwy_Local( double north, double east, double above )
@ -791,7 +834,6 @@ public:
d_pilot_rwy_local_v[2] = above;
} */
FG_VECTOR_3 d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v; // pilot rel. to rwy, in rwy coords.
// inline double * get_D_pilot_rwy_rwy_v() { return d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v; }
// inline double get_X_pilot_rwy() const { return d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v[0]; }
// inline double get_Y_pilot_rwy() const { return d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v[1]; }
@ -803,12 +845,9 @@ public:
d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v[2] = h;
} */
double climb_rate; // in feet per second
inline double get_Climb_Rate() const { return climb_rate; }
inline void set_Climb_Rate(double rate) { climb_rate = rate; }
FGTimeStamp valid_stamp; // time this record is valid
FGTimeStamp next_stamp; // time this record is valid
inline FGTimeStamp get_time_stamp() const { return valid_stamp; }
inline void stamp_time() { valid_stamp = next_stamp; next_stamp.stamp(); }
@ -816,8 +855,6 @@ public:
void extrapolate( int time_offset );
// sin/cos lat_geocentric
double sin_lat_geocentric;
double cos_lat_geocentric;
inline void set_sin_lat_geocentric(double parm) {
sin_lat_geocentric = sin(parm);
@ -831,8 +868,6 @@ public:
return cos_lat_geocentric;
double sin_longitude;
double cos_longitude;
inline void set_sin_cos_longitude(double parm) {
sin_longitude = sin(parm);
cos_longitude = cos(parm);
@ -844,8 +879,6 @@ public:
return cos_longitude;
double sin_latitude;
double cos_latitude;
inline void set_sin_cos_latitude(double parm) {
sin_latitude = sin(parm);
cos_latitude = cos(parm);

View file

@ -1560,7 +1560,9 @@ void guiInit()
mainMenuBar -> add_submenu ("Environment", environmentSubmenu, environmentSubmenuCb);
// mainMenuBar -> add_submenu ("Options", optionsSubmenu, optionsSubmenuCb);
if ( current_options.get_network_olk() ) {
mainMenuBar -> add_submenu ("Network", networkSubmenu, networkSubmenuCb);
mainMenuBar -> add_submenu ("Help", helpSubmenu, helpSubmenuCb);
mainMenuBar-> close ();

View file

@ -1044,6 +1044,8 @@ void fgOPTIONS::usage ( void ) {
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "Network Options:" << endl;
cout << "\t--enable-network-olk: enable Multipilot mode" << endl;
cout << "\t--disable-network-olk: disable Multipilot mode (default)" << endl;
cout << "\t--net-hud: Hud displays network info" << endl;
cout << "\t--net-id=name: specify your own callsign" << endl;