Fork 0

Allow replay of Continuous recordings if --load-tape is given a URL.

E.g. for --load-tape=http[s]://foo.com/foo/bar/wibble.fgtape, we download in
the background to a file called foo.com_[MD5]_wibble.fgtape, where [MD5] is an
8-character hash of /foo/bar.

We assume any existing file contains valid data and only download any remaining
data (by specifying an http Range header).

Also, when loading/downloading and replaying continuous recordings at startup,
we set the aircraft and airport from the recording.

        Loads properties from Continuous recording's header, distinguishing
        between failure due to incorrect header, or due to a truncated file.
        Contains Continuous recording indexing code, in a form that can be used
        in background while we are downloading.
    Added a mutex to protect m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo, which can now
    be modified in background as Continuous recording is downloaded.
        Modified to handle --load-tape=<url>. We start download, and read
        the header before returning, so that we can force the FDM to use the
        recording's aircraft instead of the user's default. Limit recording
        download rate if /sim/replay/download-max-bytes-per-sec is set, by
        calling new filerequest->setMaxBytesPerSec().
This commit is contained in:
Julian Smith 2021-02-15 15:51:23 +00:00
parent 02e0d17dbc
commit f3679f121d
4 changed files with 418 additions and 159 deletions

View file

@ -1239,6 +1239,8 @@ FGReplay::replay( double time ) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo_lock);
if (!m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.empty()) {
// We are replaying a continuous recording.
@ -1615,6 +1617,7 @@ void FGReplay::replay(
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo_lock);
if (!m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.empty()) {
double ret = m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.begin()->first;
@ -1645,6 +1648,7 @@ FGReplay::get_start_time()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo_lock);
if (!m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.empty()) {
double ret = m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.rbegin()->first;
@ -1824,142 +1828,225 @@ FGReplay::saveTape(const SGPropertyNode* Extra)
int FGReplay::loadContinuousHeader(const std::string& path, std::istream* in, SGPropertyNode* properties)
std::ifstream in0;
if (!in) {
in = &in0;
if (!*in) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "Failed to open path=" << path);
return +1;
std::vector<char> buffer(strlen( FlightRecorderFileMagic) + 1);
in->read(&buffer.front(), buffer.size());
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "in->gcount()=" << in->gcount() << " buffer.size()=" << buffer.size());
if ((size_t) in->gcount() != buffer.size()) {
// Further download is needed.
return +1;
if (strcmp(&buffer.front(), FlightRecorderFileMagic)) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "fgtape prefix doesn't match FlightRecorderFileMagic in path: " << path);
return -1;
bool ok = false;
try {
PropertiesRead(*in, properties);
ok = true;
catch (std::exception& e) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "Failed to read Config properties in: " << path);
if (!ok) {
// Failed to read properties, so indicate that further download is needed.
return +1;
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_BULK, "properties is:\n"
<< writePropertiesInline(properties, true /*write_all*/) << "\n");
return 0;
void FGReplay::indexContinuousRecording(const void* data, size_t numbytes)
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "Indexing Continuous recording "
<< " data=" << data
<< " numbytes=" << numbytes
<< " m_continuous_indexing_pos=" << m_continuous_indexing_pos
<< " m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.size()=" << m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.size()
time_t t0 = time(NULL);
std::streampos original_pos = m_continuous_indexing_pos;
size_t original_num_frames = m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.size();
// Reset any EOF because there might be new data.
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_BULK, "reading frame."
<< " m_continuous_in.tellg()=" << m_continuous_in.tellg()
double sim_time;
m_continuous_indexing_in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&sim_time), sizeof(sim_time));
<< " m_continuous_indexing_pos=" << m_continuous_indexing_pos
<< " m_continuous_indexing_in.tellg()=" << m_continuous_indexing_in.tellg()
<< " sim_time=" << sim_time
FGFrameInfo frameinfo;
frameinfo.offset = m_continuous_indexing_pos;
auto datas = m_continuous_in_config->getChildren("data");
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_BULK, "datas.size()=" << datas.size());
for (auto data: datas) {
uint32_t length;
m_continuous_indexing_in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length), sizeof(length));
"m_continuous_in.tellg()=" << m_continuous_indexing_in.tellg()
<< " Skipping data_type=" << data->getStringValue()
<< " length=" << length
// Move forward <length> bytes.
m_continuous_indexing_in.seekg(length, std::ios_base::cur);
if (length) {
if (!strcmp(data->getStringValue(), "signals")) {
frameinfo.has_signals = true;
else if (!strcmp(data->getStringValue(), "multiplayer")) {
frameinfo.has_multiplayer = true;
else if (!strcmp(data->getStringValue(), "extra-properties")) {
frameinfo.has_extra_properties = true;
<< " pos=" << m_continuous_indexing_pos
<< " sim_time=" << sim_time
<< " m_num_frames_multiplayer=" << m_num_frames_multiplayer
<< " m_num_frames_extra_properties=" << m_num_frames_extra_properties
if (!m_continuous_indexing_in) {
// Failed to read a frame, e.g. because of EOF. Leave
// m_continuous_indexing_pos unchanged so we can try again at same
// starting position if recording is upated by background download.
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_BULK, "m_continuous_indexing_in failed, giving up");
// We have successfully read a frame, so add it to
// m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo[].
m_continuous_indexing_pos = m_continuous_indexing_in.tellg();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo_lock);
m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo[sim_time] = frameinfo;
time_t t = time(NULL) - t0;
auto new_bytes = m_continuous_indexing_pos - original_pos;
auto num_frames = m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.size();
auto num_new_frames = num_frames - original_num_frames;
if (num_new_frames) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Continuous recording: index updated:"
<< " num_frames=" << num_frames
<< " num_new_frames=" << num_new_frames
<< " new_bytes=" << new_bytes
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "Indexed uncompressed recording."
<< " time taken=" << t << "s."
<< " num_new_frames=" << num_new_frames
<< " m_continuous_indexing_pos=" << m_continuous_indexing_pos
<< " m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.size()=" << m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.size()
<< " m_num_frames_multiplayer=" << m_num_frames_multiplayer
<< " m_num_frames_extra_properties=" << m_num_frames_extra_properties
// Probably don't need this lock because we're only reading
// m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo, and nothing else can be writing it.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo_lock);
fgSetInt("/sim/replay/continuous-stats-num-frames", m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.size());
fgSetInt("/sim/replay/continuous-stats-num-frames-extra-properties", m_num_frames_extra_properties);
fgSetInt("/sim/replay/continuous-stats-num-frames-multiplayer", m_num_frames_multiplayer);
if (!numbytes) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Continuous recording: indexing finished");
/** Read a flight recorder tape with given filename from disk.
* Copies MetaData's "meta" node into MetaMeta out-param.
* Actual data and signal configuration is not read when in "Preview" mode.
FGReplay::loadTape(const SGPath& Filename, bool Preview, SGPropertyNode& MetaMeta)
FGReplay::loadTape(const SGPath& Filename, bool Preview, SGPropertyNode& MetaMeta, simgear::HTTP::FileRequest* filerequest)
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "loading Preview=" << Preview << " Filename=" << Filename);
/* Try to load as uncompressed Continuous recording first. */
std::ifstream in_preview;
std::ifstream& in(Preview ? in_preview : m_continuous_in);
in.open( Filename.str());
if (!in) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Failed to open Filename=" << Filename);
return false;
std::vector<char> buffer(strlen( FlightRecorderFileMagic) + 1);
in.read(&buffer.front(), buffer.size());
if (strcmp(&buffer.front(), FlightRecorderFileMagic)) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "fgtape prefix doesn't match FlightRecorderFileMagic: '" << &buffer.front() << "'");
/* Try to load as uncompressed Continuous recording first. */
std::ifstream in_preview;
std::ifstream& in(Preview ? in_preview : m_continuous_in);
if (!in) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Failed to open"
<< " Filename=" << Filename.str()
<< " in.is_open()=" << in.is_open()
return false;
m_continuous_in_config = new SGPropertyNode;
int e = loadContinuousHeader(Filename.str(), &in, m_continuous_in_config);
if (e == 0) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "m_continuous_in_config is:\n"
<< writePropertiesInline(m_continuous_in_config, true /*write_all*/) << "\n");
copyProperties(m_continuous_in_config->getNode("meta", 0, true), &MetaMeta);
if (Preview) {
else {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "fgtape is uncompressed: " << Filename);
m_continuous_in_config = new SGPropertyNode;
try {
PropertiesRead(in, m_continuous_in_config.get());
catch (std::exception& e) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Failed to read Config properties in: " << Filename);
return false;
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "m_continuous_in_config is:\n"
<< writePropertiesInline(m_continuous_in_config, true /*write_all*/) << "\n");
copyProperties(m_continuous_in_config->getNode("meta", 0, true), &MetaMeta);
if (Preview) {
return true;
time_t t = time(NULL);
size_t pos = 0;
m_continuous_in_time_last = -1;
int num_frames_extra_properties = 0;
int num_frames_multiplayer = 0;
// Read entire recording and build up in-memory cache of simulator
// time to file offset, so we can handle random access.
// We also cache any frames that modify extra-properties.
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "Indexing Continuous recording " << Filename);
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_BULK, "reading frame."
<< " m_continuous_in.tellg()=" << m_continuous_in.tellg()
pos = m_continuous_in.tellg();
double sim_time;
m_continuous_in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&sim_time), sizeof(sim_time));
"pos=" << pos
<< " m_continuous_in.tellg()=" << m_continuous_in.tellg()
<< " sim_time=" << sim_time
FGFrameInfo frameinfo;
frameinfo.offset = pos;
//bool frame_has_property_changes = false;
auto datas = m_continuous_in_config->getChildren("data");
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "datas.size()=" << datas.size());
for (auto data: datas) {
uint32_t length;
m_continuous_in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length), sizeof(length));
"m_continuous_in.tellg()=" << m_continuous_in.tellg()
<< " Skipping data_type=" << data->getStringValue()
<< " length=" << length
m_continuous_in.seekg(length, std::ios_base::cur);
if (length) {
if (!strcmp(data->getStringValue(), "signals")) {
frameinfo.has_signals = true;
else if (!strcmp(data->getStringValue(), "multiplayer")) {
frameinfo.has_multiplayer = true;
else if (!strcmp(data->getStringValue(), "extra-properties")) {
frameinfo.has_extra_properties = true;
<< " pos=" << pos
<< " sim_time=" << sim_time
<< " num_frames_multiplayer=" << num_frames_multiplayer
<< " num_frames_extra_properties=" << num_frames_extra_properties
if (!m_continuous_in) {
// EOF; we need to cope if last frame is incomplete, as
// this can easily happen if Flightgear was killed while
// recording.
m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo[sim_time] = frameinfo;
t = time(NULL) - t;
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_ALERT, "Indexed uncompressed recording"
<< ". time taken: " << t << "s"
<< ". recording size: " << pos
<< ". Number of frames: " << m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.size()
<< ". num_frames_multiplayer: " << num_frames_multiplayer
<< ". num_frames_extra_properties: " << num_frames_extra_properties
fgSetInt("/sim/replay/continuous-stats-num-frames", m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo.size());
fgSetInt("/sim/replay/continuous-stats-num-frames-extra-properties", num_frames_extra_properties);
fgSetInt("/sim/replay/continuous-stats-num-frames-multiplayer", num_frames_multiplayer);
start(true /*NewTape*/);
return true;
m_continuous_in_time_last = -1;
m_num_frames_extra_properties = 0;
m_num_frames_multiplayer = 0;
m_continuous_indexing_pos = in.tellg();
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "filerequest=" << filerequest);
// Make an in-memory index of the recording.
if (filerequest) {
// Always call indexContinuousRecording once in case there is
// nothing to download.
indexContinuousRecording(nullptr, 1 /*Zero means EOF. */);
filerequest->setCallback( [this](const void* data, size_t numbytes) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_BULK, "calling indexContinuousRecording() data=" << data << " numbytes=" << numbytes);
indexContinuousRecording(data, numbytes);
else {
indexContinuousRecording(nullptr, 0);
start(true /*NewTape*/);
return true;
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "Filename=" << Filename);
// Not a continuous recording.
if (filerequest) {
SG_LOG(SG_SYSTEMS, SG_DEBUG, "Cannot load Filename=" << Filename << " because it is download but not Continuous recording");
return false;
bool ok = true;
/* open input stream ********************************************/
/* Open as a gzipped Normal recording. ********************************************/
gzContainerReader input(Filename, FlightRecorderFileMagic);
if (input.eof() || !input.good())

View file

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/io/iostreams/gzcontainerfile.hxx>
#include <simgear/io/HTTPFileRequest.hxx>
#include <MultiPlayer/multiplaymgr.hxx>
@ -122,6 +123,27 @@ public:
bool saveTape(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData);
bool loadTape(const SGPropertyNode* ConfigData);
// If filerequest is set, the local file is a Continuous recording and
// it might increase in size as downloading progresses, so we need to
// incrementally index the file until the file request has finished the
// download.
bool loadTape(
const SGPath& Filename,
bool Preview,
SGPropertyNode& MetaMeta,
simgear::HTTP::FileRequest* filerequest=nullptr
// Attempts to load Continuous recording header properties into
// <properties>. If in is null we use internal std::fstream, otherwise we
// use *in.
// Returns 0 on success, +1 if we may succeed after further download, or -1
// if recording is not a Continuous recording.
static int loadContinuousHeader(const std::string& path, std::istream* in, SGPropertyNode* properties);
void clear();
FGReplayData* record(double time);
@ -159,7 +181,16 @@ private:
bool listTapes(bool SameAircraftFilter, const SGPath& tapeDirectory);
bool saveTape(const SGPath& Filename, SGPropertyNode_ptr MetaData);
bool loadTape(const SGPath& Filename, bool Preview, SGPropertyNode& MetaMeta);
// Build up in-memory cache of simulator time to file offset, so we can
// handle random access.
// We also cache any frames that modify extra-properties.
// Can be called multiple times, e.g. if recording is being downlaoded.
void indexContinuousRecording(const void* data, size_t numbytes);
SGPropertyNode_ptr continuousWriteHeader(
std::ofstream& out,
const SGPath& path,
@ -215,10 +246,20 @@ private:
std::ifstream m_continuous_in;
bool m_continuous_in_multiplayer;
bool m_continuous_in_extra_properties;
std::mutex m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo_lock;
std::map<double, FGFrameInfo> m_continuous_in_time_to_frameinfo;
SGPropertyNode_ptr m_continuous_in_config;
double m_continuous_in_time_last;
std::ifstream m_continuous_indexing_in;
std::streampos m_continuous_indexing_pos;
// Only used for gathering statistics that are then written into
// properties.
int m_num_frames_extra_properties = 0;
int m_num_frames_multiplayer = 0;
// For writing uncompressed fgtape file.
SGPropertyNode_ptr m_continuous_out_config;
std::ofstream m_continuous_out;

View file

@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ void fgCreateSubsystems(bool duringReset) {
throw sg_io_exception("Error loading materials file", mpath);
// may exist already due to GUI startup
// may exist already due to GUI startup or --load-tape=http...
if (!globals->get_subsystem<FGHTTPClient>()) {

View file

@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <simgear/io/HTTPClient.hxx>
#include <simgear/io/HTTPFileRequest.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <simgear/io/iostreams/sgstream.hxx>
@ -78,6 +80,7 @@
#include <Viewer/viewmgr.hxx>
#include <Environment/presets.hxx>
#include <Network/http/httpd.hxx>
#include <Network/HTTPClient.hxx>
#include "AircraftDirVisitorBase.hxx"
#include <osg/Version>
@ -1558,45 +1561,173 @@ fgOptSetProperty(const char* raw)
/* If <url> is a URL, return suitable name for downloaded file. */
static std::string urlToLocalPath(const char* url)
bool http = simgear::strutils::starts_with(url, "http://");
bool https = simgear::strutils::starts_with(url, "https://");
if (!http && !https) {
return "";
// e.g. http://fg.com/foo/bar/wibble.fgtape
const char* s2 = (http) ? url+7 : url+8; // fg.com/foo/bar/wibble.fgtape
const char* s3 = strchr(s2, '/'); // /foo/bar/wibble.fgtape
const char* s4 = (s3) ? strrchr(s3, '/') : NULL; // /wibble.fgtape
std::string path;
if (s3) path = std::string(s2, s3-s2); // fg.com
path += '_'; // fg.com_
if (s3 && s4 > s3) {
path += simgear::strutils::md5(s3, s4-s3).substr(0, 8);
path += '_'; // fg.com_12345678_
if (s4) path += (s4+1); // fg.com_12345678_wibble.fgtape
if (!simgear::strutils::ends_with(path, ".fgtape")) path += ".fgtape";
return path;
static int
fgOptLoadTape(const char* arg)
// load a flight recorder tape but wait until the fdm is initialized
class DelayedTapeLoader : SGPropertyChangeListener {
DelayedTapeLoader( const char * tape ) :
SGPropertyNode_ptr n = fgGetNode("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", true);
n->addChangeListener( this );
// load a flight recorder tape but wait until the fdm is initialized.
struct DelayedTapeLoader : SGPropertyChangeListener {
DelayedTapeLoader( const char * tape, simgear::HTTP::FileRequest* filerequest) :
fgGetNode("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", true)->addChangeListener( this );
virtual ~ DelayedTapeLoader() {}
virtual void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode * node)
if (!fgGetBool("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized")) {
fgGetNode("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", true)->removeChangeListener( this );
// tell the replay subsystem to load the tape
FGReplay* replay = globals->get_subsystem<FGReplay>();
SGPropertyNode_ptr arg = new SGPropertyNode();
arg->setStringValue("tape", _tape.utf8Str() );
arg->setBoolValue( "same-aircraft", 0 );
if (!replay->loadTape(_tape, false /*preview*/, *arg, _filerequest)) {
// Force shutdown if we can't load tape specified on command-line.
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_POPUP, "Exiting because unable to load fgtape: " << _tape.str());
flightgear::modalMessageBox("Exiting because unable to load fgtape", _tape.str(), "");
delete this; // commence suicide
SGPath _tape;
simgear::HTTP::FileRequest* _filerequest;
SGPropertyNode_ptr properties(new SGPropertyNode);
simgear::HTTP::FileRequest* filerequest = nullptr;
std::string path = urlToLocalPath(arg);
if (path == "") {
// <arg> is a local file.
// Load the recording's header if it is a Continuous recording.
(void) FGReplay::loadContinuousHeader(arg, nullptr /*in*/, properties);
else {
// <arg> is a URL. Start download.
// Load the recording's header if it is a Continuous recording.
// This is a little messy - we need to create a FGHTTPClient subsystem
// in order to do the download, and we call its update() method
// directly in order to download at least the header.
const char* url = arg;
FGHTTPClient* http = globals->add_new_subsystem<FGHTTPClient>();
filerequest = new simgear::HTTP::FileRequest(url, path, true /*append*/);
long max_download_speed = fgGetLong("/sim/replay/download-max-bytes-per-sec");
if (max_download_speed != 0) {
// Can be useful to limite download speed for testing background
// download.
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Limiting download speed"
<< " /sim/replay/download-max-bytes-per-sec=" << max_download_speed
<< " filerequest->responseCode()=" << filerequest->responseCode()
<< " filerequest->responseReason()=" << filerequest->responseReason()
// Load recording header, looping so that we wait for the initial
// portion of the recording to be downloaded. We give up after a fixed
// timeout.
time_t t0 = time(NULL);
for(;;) {
// Run http client's update() to download any pending data.
// Try to load properties from recording header.
int e = FGReplay::loadContinuousHeader(path, nullptr /*in*/, properties);
if (e == 0) {
// Success. We leave <filerequest> active - it will carry
// on downloading when the main update loop gets going
// later. Hopefully the delay before that happens will not
// cause a server timeout.
if (e == -1) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_POPUP, "Not a Continuous recording: url=" << url << " local filename=" << path);
// Replay from URL only works with Continuous recordings.
// If we get here, need to download some more.
if (time(NULL) - t0 > 30) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_POPUP, "Timeout while reading downloaded recording from " << url << ". local path=" << path);
virtual ~ DelayedTapeLoader() {}
virtual void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode * node)
node->removeChangeListener( this );
// tell the replay subsystem to load the tape
FGReplay* replay = globals->get_subsystem<FGReplay>();
SGPropertyNode_ptr arg = new SGPropertyNode();
arg->setStringValue("tape", _tape.utf8Str() );
arg->setBoolValue( "same-aircraft", 0 );
if (!replay->loadTape(arg)) {
// Force shutdown.
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_POPUP, "Exiting because unable to load fgtape: " << _tape.str());
flightgear::modalMessageBox("Exiting because unable to load fgtape", _tape.str(), "");
delete this; // commence suicide
// Set aircraft from recording header if we loaded it above; this has to
// happen now, before the FDM is initialised. Also set the airport; we
// don't actually have to do this because the replay doesn't need terrain
// to work, but we might as well load the correct terrain.
std::string aircraft = properties->getStringValue("meta/aircraft-type");
std::string airport = properties->getStringValue("meta/closest-airport-id");
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "From recording header: aircraft=" << aircraft << " airport=" << airport);
if (aircraft != "") {
// Force --aircraft and --airport options to use values from the
// recording.
Options::sharedInstance()->setOption("aircraft", aircraft);
if (airport != "") {
// Looks like setting --airport option doesn't work - we need to call
// fgOptAirport() directly.
Options::sharedInstance()->setOption("airport", airport);
SGPath _tape;
// Arrange to load the recording after FDM has initialised.
new DelayedTapeLoader(path.c_str(), filerequest);
new DelayedTapeLoader(arg);
static int fgOptDisableGUI(const char*)