Merged in Durk's changes ...
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 334 additions and 111 deletions
@ -18,3 +18,13 @@ hud.o: hud.c hud.h ../Aircraft/aircraft.h \
../Scenery/scenery.h ../Scenery/../Include/types.h ../Math/mat3.h \
../Math/polar.h ../Math/../Include/types.h ../Time/fg_timer.h \
../Math/fg_random.h ../Weather/weather.h
test.o: test.c test.h ../Aircraft/aircraft.h \
../Aircraft/../Flight/flight.h ../Aircraft/../Flight/Slew/slew.h \
../Aircraft/../Flight/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h \
../Aircraft/../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h \
../Aircraft/../Controls/controls.h \
../Aircraft/../Controls/../Include/limits.h ../Flight/flight.h \
../Controls/controls.h ../Include/constants.h ../Scenery/mesh.h \
../Scenery/scenery.h ../Scenery/../Include/types.h ../Math/mat3.h \
../Math/polar.h ../Math/../Include/types.h ../Time/fg_timer.h \
../Math/fg_random.h ../Weather/weather.h
@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
#ifndef HUD_H
#define HUD_H
#include "../Aircraft/aircraft.h"
#include "../Flight/flight.h"
#include "../Controls/controls.h"
@ -225,11 +229,17 @@ void fgUpdateHUD();
void fgUpdateHUD2( struct HUD *hud );
#endif /* HUD_H */
/* $Log$
/* Revision 1.2 1997/12/10 22:37:40 curt
/* Prepended "fg" on the name of all global structures that didn't have it yet.
/* i.e. "struct WEATHER {}" became "struct fgWEATHER {}"
/* Revision 1.3 1997/12/30 16:36:41 curt
/* Merged in Durk's changes ...
* Revision 1.2 1997/12/10 22:37:40 curt
* Prepended "fg" on the name of all global structures that didn't have it yet.
* i.e. "struct WEATHER {}" became "struct fgWEATHER {}"
* Revision 1.1 1997/08/29 18:03:22 curt
* Initial revision.
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
extern int show_hud; /* HUD state */
extern int displayInstruments;
/* Handle keyboard events */
@ -86,6 +87,9 @@ void GLUTkey(unsigned char k, int x, int y) {
case 72: /* H key */
show_hud = !show_hud;
case 87: /* W key */
displayInstruments = !displayInstruments;
case 90: /* Z key */
w->visibility /= 1.10;
xglFogf(GL_FOG_END, w->visibility);
@ -225,10 +229,13 @@ void GLUTspecialkey(int k, int x, int y) {
/* $Log$
/* Revision 1.23 1997/12/15 23:54:44 curt
/* Add xgl wrappers for debugging.
/* Generate terrain normals on the fly.
/* Revision 1.24 1997/12/30 16:36:46 curt
/* Merged in Durk's changes ...
* Revision 1.23 1997/12/15 23:54:44 curt
* Add xgl wrappers for debugging.
* Generate terrain normals on the fly.
* Revision 1.22 1997/12/10 22:37:45 curt
* Prepended "fg" on the name of all global structures that didn't have it yet.
* i.e. "struct WEATHER {}" became "struct fgWEATHER {}"
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ struct fgGENERAL general;
/* view parameters */
static GLfloat win_ratio = 1.0;
static GLint winWidth, winHeight;
/* temporary hack */
/* pointer to scenery structure */
@ -75,6 +76,9 @@ int use_signals = 0;
/* Yet another hack. This one used by the HUD code. Michele */
int show_hud;
/* Yet another other hack. Used for my prototype instrument code. (Durk) */
int displayInstruments;
* fgInitVisuals() -- Initialize various GL/view parameters
@ -135,10 +139,22 @@ static void fgUpdateViewParams() {
fgViewUpdate(f, v, l);
/* Tell GL we are about to modify the projection parameters */
gluPerspective(55.0, 1.0/win_ratio, 1.0, 100000.0);
if (displayInstruments)
xglViewport(0, (GLint)(winHeight / 2 ) , (GLint)winWidth, (GLint)winHeight / 2);
/* Tell GL we are about to modify the projection parameters */
gluPerspective(55.0, 2.0/win_ratio, 1.0, 100000.0);
xglViewport(0, 0 , (GLint)winWidth, (GLint) winHeight);
/* Tell GL we are about to modify the projection parameters */
gluPerspective(55.0, 1.0/win_ratio, 1.0, 100000.0);
@ -215,6 +231,47 @@ static void fgUpdateViewParams() {
* Draw a basic instrument panel
static void fgUpdateInstrViewParams() {
xglViewport(0, 0 , (GLint)winWidth, (GLint)winHeight / 2);
gluOrtho2D(0, 640, 0, 480);
xglColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
xglColor3f (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
xglVertex2f(0.0, 0.00);
xglVertex2f(0.0, 480.0);
xglVertex2f(640.0, 0.0);
xglRectf(0.0,0.0, 640, 480);
* Update all Visuals (redraws anything graphics related)
@ -291,8 +348,14 @@ static void fgRenderFrame( void ) {
/* display HUD */
/* if( show_hud )
fgCockpitUpdate(); */
/* if( show_hud ) {
} */
/* display instruments */
if (displayInstruments) {
#ifdef GLUT
@ -533,8 +596,11 @@ static void fgReshape( int width, int height ) {
win_ratio = (GLfloat) height / (GLfloat) width;
/* Inform gl of our view window size */
xglViewport(0, 0, (GLint)width, (GLint)height);
winWidth = width;
winHeight = height;
/* Inform gl of our view window size (now handled elsewhere) */
/* xglViewport(0, 0, (GLint)width, (GLint)height); */
@ -623,9 +689,12 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
/* $Log$
/* Revision 1.41 1997/12/30 13:06:56 curt
/* A couple lighting tweaks ...
/* Revision 1.42 1997/12/30 16:36:47 curt
/* Merged in Durk's changes ...
* Revision 1.41 1997/12/30 13:06:56 curt
* A couple lighting tweaks ...
* Revision 1.40 1997/12/30 01:38:37 curt
* Switched back to per vertex normals and smooth shading for terrain.
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ fg_init.o: fg_init.c fg_init.h views.h ../Include/types.h \
../Scenery/scenery.h ../Scenery/../Include/types.h ../Scenery/sky.h \
../Scenery/stars.h ../Scenery/sun.h ../Time/sunpos.h \
probdemo.o: probdemo.c ../XGL/xgl.h
views.o: views.c views.h ../Include/types.h ../Flight/flight.h \
../Flight/Slew/slew.h ../Flight/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h \
../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h ../Math/mat3.h ../Time/fg_time.h \
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
extern int show_hud; /* HUD state */
extern int displayInstruments;
/* General house keeping initializations */
@ -228,15 +229,21 @@ void fgInitSubsystems( void ) {
/* To HUD or not to HUD */
show_hud = 1;
/* Let's show the instrument panel */
displayInstruments = 1;
/* Joystick support */
fgJoystickInit( 0 );
/* $Log$
/* Revision 1.22 1997/12/19 23:34:05 curt
/* Lot's of tweaking with sky rendering and lighting.
/* Revision 1.23 1997/12/30 16:36:50 curt
/* Merged in Durk's changes ...
* Revision 1.22 1997/12/19 23:34:05 curt
* Lot's of tweaking with sky rendering and lighting.
* Revision 1.21 1997/12/19 16:45:00 curt
* Working on scene rendering order and options.
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "orbits.h"
#include "moon.h"
#include "../Aircraft/aircraft.h"
#include "../Include/general.h"
#include "../Main/views.h"
#include "../Time/fg_time.h"
@ -148,80 +149,110 @@ struct CelestialCoord fgCalculateMoon(struct OrbElements params,
struct OrbElements sunParams,
struct fgTIME t)
struct CelestialCoord
eccAnom, ecl, lonecl, latecl, actTime,
xv, yv, v, r, xh, yh, zh, xg, yg, zg, xe, ye, ze,
Ls, Lm, D, F;
struct CelestialCoord
geocCoord, topocCoord;
eccAnom, ecl, lonecl, latecl, actTime,
xv, yv, v, r, xh, yh, zh, xg, yg, zg, xe, ye, ze,
Ls, Lm, D, F, mpar, gclat, rho, HA, g;
struct fgAIRCRAFT *a;
struct fgFLIGHT *f;
/* calculate the angle between ecliptic and equatorial coordinate system */
actTime = fgCalcActTime(t);
ecl = fgDegToRad(23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * actTime); // in radians of course
a = ¤t_aircraft;
f = &a->flight;
/* calculate the angle between ecliptic and equatorial coordinate system */
actTime = fgCalcActTime(t);
ecl = fgDegToRad(23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * actTime); // in radians of course
/* calculate the eccentric anomaly */
eccAnom = fgCalcEccAnom(params.M, params.e);
/* calculate the eccentric anomaly */
eccAnom = fgCalcEccAnom(params.M, params.e);
/* calculate the moon's distance (d) and true anomaly (v) */
xv = params.a * ( cos(eccAnom) - params.e);
yv = params.a * ( sqrt(1.0 - params.e*params.e) * sin(eccAnom));
v =atan2(yv, xv);
r = sqrt(xv*xv + yv*yv);
/* estimate the geocentric rectangular coordinates here */
xh = r * (cos(params.N) * cos(v + params.w) - sin(params.N) * sin(v + params.w) * cos(params.i));
yh = r * (sin(params.N) * cos(v + params.w) + cos(params.N) * sin(v + params.w) * cos(params.i));
zh = r * (sin(v + params.w) * sin(params.i));
/* calculate the ecliptic latitude and longitude here */
lonecl = atan2( yh, xh);
latecl = atan2( zh, sqrt( xh*xh + yh*yh));
/* calculate the moon's distance (d) and true anomaly (v) */
xv = params.a * ( cos(eccAnom) - params.e);
yv = params.a * ( sqrt(1.0 - params.e*params.e) * sin(eccAnom));
v =atan2(yv, xv);
r = sqrt(xv*xv + yv*yv);
/* calculate a number of perturbations */
Ls = sunParams.M + sunParams.w;
Lm = params.M + params.w + params.N;
D = Lm - Ls;
F = Lm - params.N;
lonecl += fgDegToRad(
- 1.274 * sin (params.M - 2*D) // the Evection
+ 0.658 * sin (2 * D) // the Variation
- 0.186 * sin (sunParams.M) // the yearly variation
- 0.059 * sin (2*params.M - 2*D)
- 0.057 * sin (params.M - 2*D + sunParams.M)
+ 0.053 * sin (params.M + 2*D)
+ 0.046 * sin (2*D - sunParams.M)
+ 0.041 * sin (params.M - sunParams.M)
- 0.035 * sin (D) // the Parallactic Equation
- 0.031 * sin (params.M + sunParams.M)
- 0.015 * sin (2*F - 2*D)
+ 0.011 * sin (params.M - 4*D)
); /* Pheeuuwwww */
latecl += fgDegToRad(
- 0.173 * sin (F - 2*D)
- 0.055 * sin (params.M - F - 2*D)
- 0.046 * sin (params.M + F - 2*D)
+ 0.033 * sin (F + 2*D)
+ 0.017 * sin (2 * params.M + F)
); /* Yep */
/* estimate the geocentric rectangular coordinates here */
xh = r * (cos(params.N) * cos(v + params.w) - sin(params.N) * sin(v + params.w) * cos(params.i));
yh = r * (sin(params.N) * cos(v + params.w) + cos(params.N) * sin(v + params.w) * cos(params.i));
zh = r * (sin(v + params.w) * sin(params.i));
r += (
- 0.58 * cos(params.M - 2*D)
- 0.46 * cos(2*D)
); /* Ok! */
/* calculate the ecliptic latitude and longitude here */
lonecl = atan2( yh, xh);
latecl = atan2( zh, sqrt( xh*xh + yh*yh));
xg = r * cos(lonecl) * cos(latecl);
yg = r * sin(lonecl) * cos(latecl);
zg = r * sin(latecl);
/* calculate a number of perturbations */
Ls = sunParams.M + sunParams.w;
Lm = params.M + params.w + params.N;
D = Lm - Ls;
F = Lm - params.N;
xe = xg;
ye = yg * cos(ecl) - zg * sin(ecl);
ze = yg * sin(ecl) + zg * cos(ecl);
lonecl += fgDegToRad(
- 1.274 * sin (params.M - 2*D) // the Evection
+ 0.658 * sin (2 * D) // the Variation
- 0.186 * sin (sunParams.M) // the yearly variation
- 0.059 * sin (2*params.M - 2*D)
- 0.057 * sin (params.M - 2*D + sunParams.M)
+ 0.053 * sin (params.M + 2*D)
+ 0.046 * sin (2*D - sunParams.M)
+ 0.041 * sin (params.M - sunParams.M)
- 0.035 * sin (D) // the Parallactic Equation
- 0.031 * sin (params.M + sunParams.M)
- 0.015 * sin (2*F - 2*D)
+ 0.011 * sin (params.M - 4*D)
); /* Pheeuuwwww */
latecl += fgDegToRad(
- 0.173 * sin (F - 2*D)
- 0.055 * sin (params.M - F - 2*D)
- 0.046 * sin (params.M + F - 2*D)
+ 0.033 * sin (F + 2*D)
+ 0.017 * sin (2 * params.M + F)
); /* Yep */
r += (
- 0.58 * cos(params.M - 2*D)
- 0.46 * cos(2*D)
); /* Ok! */
geocCoord.RightAscension = atan2(ye, xe);
geocCoord.Declination = atan2(ze, sqrt(xe*xe + ye*ye));
/* New since 25 december 1997 */
/* Calculate the moon's topocentric position instead of it's geocentric! */
xg = r * cos(lonecl) * cos(latecl);
yg = r * sin(lonecl) * cos(latecl);
zg = r * sin(latecl);
mpar = asin( 1 / r); /* calculate the moon's parrallax, i.e. the apparent size of the
(equatorial) radius of the Earth, as seen from the moon */
gclat = FG_Latitude - 0.083358 * sin (2 * fgDegToRad( FG_Latitude));
rho = 0.99883 + 0.00167 * cos(2 * fgDegToRad(FG_Latitude));
xe = xg;
ye = yg * cos(ecl) - zg * sin(ecl);
ze = yg * sin(ecl) + zg * cos(ecl);
if (geocCoord.RightAscension < 0)
geocCoord.RightAscension += (2*M_PI);
result.RightAscension = atan2(ye, xe);
result.Declination = atan2(ze, sqrt(xe*xe + ye*ye));
return result;
HA = t.lst - (3.8197186 * geocCoord.RightAscension);
g = atan (tan(gclat) / cos( (HA / 3.8197186)));
topocCoord.RightAscension = geocCoord.RightAscension - mpar * rho * cos(gclat) * sin(HA) / cos(geocCoord.Declination);
topocCoord.Declination = geocCoord.Declination - mpar * rho * sin(gclat) * sin(g - geocCoord.Declination) / sin(g);
return topocCoord;
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
struct SunPos {
double xs;
double ys;
double dist;
struct OrbElements {
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ struct CelestialCoord {
double RightAscension;
double Declination;
double distance;
double magnitude;
@ -79,7 +81,10 @@ void fgSolarSystemUpdate(struct OrbElements *planets, struct fgTIME t);
/* $Log$
/* Revision 1.1 1997/10/25 03:16:10 curt
/* Initial revision of code contributed by Durk Talsma.
/* Revision 1.2 1997/12/30 16:36:52 curt
/* Merged in Durk's changes ...
* Revision 1.1 1997/10/25 03:16:10 curt
* Initial revision of code contributed by Durk Talsma.
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
struct CelestialCoord fgCalculatePlanet(struct OrbElements planet,
struct OrbElements theSun,
struct fgTIME t)
struct fgTIME t, int idx)
struct CelestialCoord
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ struct CelestialCoord fgCalculatePlanet(struct OrbElements planet,
eccAnom, r, v, ecl, actTime,
eccAnom, r, v, ecl, actTime, R, s, ir, Nr, B, FV, ring_magn,
xv, yv, xh, yh, zh, xg, yg, zg, xe, ye, ze;
actTime = fgCalcActTime(t);
@ -77,18 +77,69 @@ struct CelestialCoord fgCalculatePlanet(struct OrbElements planet,
xe = xg;
ye = yg * cos(ecl) - zg * sin(ecl);
ze = yg * sin(ecl) + zg * cos(ecl);
ze = yg * sin(ecl) + zg * cos(ecl);
result.RightAscension = atan2(ye,xe);
result.Declination = atan2(ze, sqrt(xe*xe + ye*ye));
/* Let's calculate the brightness of the planet */
R = sqrt ( xg*xg + yg*yg + zg*zg);
s = SolarPosition.dist;
FV = acos( (r*r + R*R - s*s) / (2*r*R));
FV *= 57.29578; /* convert radians to degrees */
case 2: /* mercury */
result.magnitude = -0.36 + 5*log10( r*R ) + 0.027 * FV + 2.2E-13 * pow(FV, 6);
case 3: /*venus */
result.magnitude = -4.34 + 5*log10( r*R ) + 0.013 * FV + 4.2E-07 * pow(FV,3);
case 4: /* mars */
result.magnitude = -1.51 + 5*log10( r*R ) + 0.016 * FV;
case 5: /* Jupiter */
result.magnitude = -9.25 + 5*log10( r*R ) + 0.014 * FV;
case 6: /* Saturn */
ir = 0.4897394;
Nr = 2.9585076 + 6.6672E-7*actTime;
B = asin ( sin (result.Declination) * cos(ir) - cos(result.Declination) * sin (ir) * sin (result.RightAscension - Nr));
ring_magn = -2.6 * sin (abs(B)) + 1.2 * pow(sin(B),2);
result.magnitude = -9.0 + 5*log10( r*R ) + 0.044 * FV + ring_magn;
case 7: /* Uranus */
result.magnitude = -7.15 + 5*log10( r*R) + 0.001 * FV;
case 8: /* Neptune */
result.magnitude = -6.90 + 5*log10 (r*R) + 0.001 *FV;
printf("index %d out of range !!!!\n", idx);
printf("Geocentric dist %f\n"
"Heliocentric dist %f\n"
"Distance to the sun %f\n"
"Phase angle %f\n"
"Brightness %f\n", R, r, s, FV, result.magnitude);
return result;
/* $Log$
/* Revision 1.2 1997/12/12 21:41:29 curt
/* More light/material property tweaking ... still a ways off.
/* Revision 1.3 1997/12/30 16:36:52 curt
/* Merged in Durk's changes ...
* Revision 1.2 1997/12/12 21:41:29 curt
* More light/material property tweaking ... still a ways off.
* Revision 1.1 1997/10/25 03:16:10 curt
* Initial revision of code contributed by Durk Talsma.
@ -29,15 +29,18 @@
struct CelestialCoord fgCalculatePlanet(struct OrbElements planet,
struct OrbElements theSun,
struct fgTIME t);
struct fgTIME t, int idx);
#endif /* PLANETS_H */
/* $Log$
/* Revision 1.2 1997/12/12 21:41:30 curt
/* More light/material property tweaking ... still a ways off.
/* Revision 1.3 1997/12/30 16:36:53 curt
/* Merged in Durk's changes ...
* Revision 1.2 1997/12/12 21:41:30 curt
* More light/material property tweaking ... still a ways off.
* Revision 1.1 1997/10/25 03:16:11 curt
* Initial revision of code contributed by Durk Talsma.
@ -167,11 +167,24 @@ void fgStarsInit() {
/* Add the planets to all four display lists */
for ( j = 2; j < 9; j++ ) {
pltPos = fgCalculatePlanet(pltOrbElements[j],
pltOrbElements[0], cur_time_params);
pltOrbElements[0], cur_time_params, j);
printf("Planet found at %f (ra), %f (dec)\n",
pltPos.RightAscension, pltPos.Declination);
/* give the planets a temporary color, for testing purposes */
xglColor3f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
/* xglColor3f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); */
/* scale magnitudes to (0.0 - 1.0) */
magnitude = (0.0 - pltPos.magnitude) / 5.0 + 1.0;
/* scale magnitudes again so they look ok */
if ( magnitude > 1.0 ) { magnitude = 1.0; }
if ( magnitude < 0.0 ) { magnitude = 0.0; }
magnitude =
magnitude * 0.7 + (((FG_STAR_LEVELS - 1) - i) * 0.1);
xglColor3f(magnitude, magnitude, magnitude);
xglVertex3f( 50000.0 * cos(pltPos.RightAscension) *
50000.0 * sin(pltPos.RightAscension) *
@ -265,9 +278,12 @@ void fgStarsRender() {
/* $Log$
/* Revision 1.21 1997/12/19 23:35:00 curt
/* Lot's of tweaking with sky rendering and lighting.
/* Revision 1.22 1997/12/30 16:36:53 curt
/* Merged in Durk's changes ...
* Revision 1.21 1997/12/19 23:35:00 curt
* Lot's of tweaking with sky rendering and lighting.
* Revision 1.20 1997/12/15 23:55:03 curt
* Add xgl wrappers for debugging.
* Generate terrain normals on the fly.
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ struct SunPos fgCalcSunPos(struct OrbElements params)
coordinates (xs, ys) */
solarPosition.xs = r * cos(lonSun);
solarPosition.ys = r * sin(lonSun);
solarPosition.dist = r;
return solarPosition;
@ -126,23 +127,27 @@ void fgSunInit() {
void fgSunRender() {
struct fgVIEW *v;
struct fgTIME *t;
GLfloat color[4] = { 0.85, 0.65, 0.05, 1.0 };
/* double x_2, x_4, x_8, x_10; */
/* GLfloat ambient; */
/* GLfloat amb[3], diff[3]; */
struct fgLIGHT *l;
/* GLfloat color[4] = { 0.85, 0.65, 0.05, 1.0 }; */
GLfloat color[4] = { 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 };
double x_2, x_4, x_8, x_10;
GLfloat ambient;
GLfloat amb[3], diff[3];
t = &cur_time_params;
v = ¤t_view;
l = &cur_light_params;
/* x_2 = t->sun_angle * t->sun_angle;
x_2 = l->sun_angle * l->sun_angle;
x_4 = x_2 * x_2;
x_8 = x_4 * x_4;
x_10 = x_8 * x_2; */
x_10 = x_8 * x_2;
/* ambient = (0.4 * pow(1.1, -x_10 / 30.0));
ambient = (0.4 * pow(1.1, -x_10 / 30.0));
if ( ambient < 0.3 ) ambient = 0.3;
if ( ambient > 1.0 ) ambient = 1.0;
amb[0] = 0.50 + ((ambient * 6.66) - 1.6);
amb[1] = 0.00 + ((ambient * 6.66) - 1.6);
amb[2] = 0.00 + ((ambient * 6.66) - 1.6);
@ -155,34 +160,40 @@ void fgSunRender() {
diff[0] = 0.0;
diff[1] = 0.0;
diff[2] = 0.0;
diff[3] = 0.0; */
diff[3] = 1.0;
/* set lighting parameters */
/* xglLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, color );
xglLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, color );
xglLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, color );
xglMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, amb);
xglMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, diff); */
xglMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, diff);
xglMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, diff);
xglMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, diff);
xglMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, diff);
xglDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
/* xglDisable( GL_LIGHTING ); */
xglTranslatef(xSun, ySun, zSun);
xglScalef(1400, 1400, 1400);
xglColor4f(0.85, 0.65, 0.05, 1.0);
xglColor3f(0.85, 0.65, 0.05);
xglEnable( GL_LIGHTING );
/* xglEnable( GL_LIGHTING ); */
/* $Log$
/* Revision 1.8 1997/12/19 23:35:00 curt
/* Lot's of tweaking with sky rendering and lighting.
/* Revision 1.9 1997/12/30 16:36:54 curt
/* Merged in Durk's changes ...
* Revision 1.8 1997/12/19 23:35:00 curt
* Lot's of tweaking with sky rendering and lighting.
* Revision 1.7 1997/12/17 23:12:16 curt
* Fixed so moon and sun display lists aren't recreate periodically.
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
event.o: event.c event.h
fg_time.o: fg_time.c fg_time.h ../Include/types.h ../Flight/flight.h \
../Flight/Slew/slew.h ../Flight/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h \
../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h ../Include/constants.h \
fg_timer.o: fg_timer.c fg_timer.h
sptest.o: sptest.c sunpos.h ../Include/types.h ../Include/constants.h
scheduler.o: scheduler.c
sidereal.o: sidereal.c ../Include/constants.h
sunpos.o: sunpos.c sunpos.h ../Include/types.h fg_time.h \
../Flight/flight.h ../Flight/Slew/slew.h \
../Flight/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h ../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h \
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