Fork 0

Land the GPS/route-manager re-write. Many things are better, many other things will be better, some things are no doubt broken. Please be patient and report problems on the mailing list.

This commit is contained in:
jmt 2009-10-05 21:09:20 +00:00 committed by Tim Moore
parent 2d5924939e
commit d784810430
8 changed files with 2515 additions and 707 deletions

View file

@ -29,34 +29,45 @@
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <FDM/flight.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Navaids/positioned.hxx>
#include "route_mgr.hxx"
#include <simgear/misc/strutils.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/route/route.hxx>
#include <simgear/sg_inlines.h>
#include "Main/fg_props.hxx"
#include "Navaids/positioned.hxx"
#include "Airports/simple.hxx"
#include "Airports/runways.hxx"
#include "FDM/flight.hxx" // for getting ground speed
#define RM "/autopilot/route-manager/"
static double get_ground_speed() {
// starts in ft/s so we convert to kts
static const SGPropertyNode * speedup_node = fgGetNode("/sim/speed-up");
double ft_s = cur_fdm_state->get_V_ground_speed()
* speedup_node->getIntValue();
double kts = ft_s * SG_FEET_TO_METER * 3600 * SG_METER_TO_NM;
return kts;
FGRouteMgr::FGRouteMgr() :
route( new SGRoute ),
_route( new SGRoute ),
lon( NULL ),
lat( NULL ),
alt( NULL ),
true_hdg_deg( NULL ),
target_altitude_ft( NULL ),
altitude_lock( NULL ),
wp0_id( NULL ),
wp0_dist( NULL ),
wp0_eta( NULL ),
wp1_id( NULL ),
wp1_dist( NULL ),
wp1_eta( NULL ),
wpn_id( NULL ),
wpn_dist( NULL ),
wpn_eta( NULL ),
input(fgGetNode( RM "input", true )),
listener(new Listener(this)),
listener(new InputListener(this)),
mirror(fgGetNode( RM "route", true )),
altitude_set( false )
@ -67,77 +78,128 @@ FGRouteMgr::FGRouteMgr() :
FGRouteMgr::~FGRouteMgr() {
delete listener;
delete route;
delete _route;
void FGRouteMgr::init() {
SGPropertyNode_ptr rm(fgGetNode(RM));
lon = fgGetNode( "/position/longitude-deg", true );
lat = fgGetNode( "/position/latitude-deg", true );
alt = fgGetNode( "/position/altitude-ft", true );
magvar = fgGetNode("/environment/magnetic-variation-deg", true);
true_hdg_deg = fgGetNode( "/autopilot/settings/true-heading-deg", true );
target_altitude_ft = fgGetNode( "/autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft", true );
altitude_lock = fgGetNode( "/autopilot/locks/altitude", true );
wp0_id = fgGetNode( RM "wp[0]/id", true );
wp0_dist = fgGetNode( RM "wp[0]/dist", true );
wp0_eta = fgGetNode( RM "wp[0]/eta", true );
departure = fgGetNode(RM "departure", true);
// init departure information from current location
SGGeod pos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon->getDoubleValue(), lat->getDoubleValue(), alt->getDoubleValue());
FGAirport* apt = FGAirport::findClosest(pos, 10.0);
if (apt) {
departure->setStringValue("airport", apt->ident().c_str());
FGRunway* active = apt->getActiveRunwayForUsage();
departure->setStringValue("runway", active->ident().c_str());
} else {
departure->setStringValue("airport", "");
departure->setStringValue("runway", "");
wp1_id = fgGetNode( RM "wp[1]/id", true );
wp1_dist = fgGetNode( RM "wp[1]/dist", true );
wp1_eta = fgGetNode( RM "wp[1]/eta", true );
departure->getChild("etd", 0, true);
departure->getChild("takeoff-time", 0, true);
wpn_id = fgGetNode( RM "wp-last/id", true );
wpn_dist = fgGetNode( RM "wp-last/dist", true );
wpn_eta = fgGetNode( RM "wp-last/eta", true );
destination = fgGetNode(RM "destination", true);
destination->getChild("airport", 0, true);
destination->getChild("runway", 0, true);
destination->getChild("eta", 0, true);
destination->getChild("touchdown-time", 0, true);
alternate = fgGetNode(RM "alternate", true);
alternate->getChild("airport", 0, true);
alternate->getChild("runway", 0, true);
cruise = fgGetNode(RM "cruise", true);
cruise->getChild("altitude", 0, true);
cruise->getChild("flight-level", 0, true);
cruise->getChild("speed", 0, true);
totalDistance = fgGetNode(RM "total-distance", true);
ete = fgGetNode(RM "ete", true);
elapsedFlightTime = fgGetNode(RM "flight-time", true);
active = fgGetNode(RM "active", true);
airborne = fgGetNode(RM "airborne", true);
rm->tie("auto-sequence", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&_autoSequence));
currentWp = fgGetNode(RM "current-wp", true);
// temporary distance / eta calculations, for backward-compatability
wp0 = fgGetNode(RM "wp", 0, true);
wp0->getChild("id", 0, true);
wp0->getChild("dist", 0, true);
wp0->getChild("eta", 0, true);
wp0->getChild("bearing-deg", 0, true);
wp1 = fgGetNode(RM "wp", 1, true);
wp1->getChild("id", 0, true);
wp1->getChild("dist", 0, true);
wp1->getChild("eta", 0, true);
wpn = fgGetNode(RM "wp-last", 0, true);
wpn->getChild("dist", 0, true);
wpn->getChild("eta", 0, true);
_pathNode = fgGetNode(RM "file-path", 0, true);
void FGRouteMgr::postinit() {
string_list *waypoints = globals->get_initial_waypoints();
if (!waypoints)
if (waypoints) {
vector<string>::iterator it;
for (it = waypoints->begin(); it != waypoints->end(); ++it)
weightOnWheels = fgGetNode("/gear/gear[0]/wow", false);
// check airbone flag agrees with presets
void FGRouteMgr::bind() { }
void FGRouteMgr::unbind() { }
static double get_ground_speed() {
// starts in ft/s so we convert to kts
static const SGPropertyNode * speedup_node = fgGetNode("/sim/speed-up");
double ft_s = cur_fdm_state->get_V_ground_speed()
* speedup_node->getIntValue();
double kts = ft_s * SG_FEET_TO_METER * 3600 * SG_METER_TO_NM;
return kts;
void FGRouteMgr::updateTargetAltitude() {
if (route->size() == 0) {
if (_route->current_index() == _route->size()) {
altitude_set = false;
SGWayPoint wp = route->get_waypoint( 0 );
if (wp.get_target_alt() < -9990.0) {
SGWayPoint wp = _route->get_current();
if (wp.get_target().getElevationM() < -9990.0) {
altitude_set = false;
altitude_set = true;
target_altitude_ft->setDoubleValue( wp.get_target_alt() * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
if ( !near_ground() ) {
// James Turner [zakalawe]: there's no explanation for this logic,
@ -147,60 +209,79 @@ void FGRouteMgr::updateTargetAltitude() {
void FGRouteMgr::update( double dt ) {
if (route->size() == 0) {
return; // no route set, early return
bool FGRouteMgr::isRouteActive() const
return active->getBoolValue();
double wp_course, wp_distance;
void FGRouteMgr::update( double dt ) {
if (!active->getBoolValue()) {
double groundSpeed = get_ground_speed();
if (!airborne->getBoolValue()) {
if (weightOnWheels->getBoolValue() || (groundSpeed < 40)) {
_takeoffTime = time(NULL); // start the clock
departure->setIntValue("takeoff-time", _takeoffTime);
time_t now = time(NULL);
elapsedFlightTime->setDoubleValue(difftime(now, _takeoffTime));
double inboundCourse, dummy, wp_course, wp_distance;
SGWayPoint wp = _route->get_current();
wp.CourseAndDistance(_route->get_waypoint(_route->current_index() - 1),
&inboundCourse, &dummy);
// first way point
SGWayPoint wp = route->get_waypoint( 0 );
wp.CourseAndDistance( lon->getDoubleValue(), lat->getDoubleValue(),
alt->getDoubleValue(), &wp_course, &wp_distance );
true_hdg_deg->setDoubleValue( wp_course );
if ( wp_distance < 200.0 ) {
if (route->size() == 0) {
return; // end of route, we're done for the time being
wp = route->get_waypoint( 0 );
// update the property tree info for WP0
wp0_id->setStringValue( wp.get_id().c_str() );
double accum = wp_distance;
wp0_dist->setDoubleValue( accum * SG_METER_TO_NM );
setETAPropertyFromDistance(wp0_eta, accum);
// next way point
if ( route->size() > 1 ) {
SGWayPoint wp = route->get_waypoint( 1 );
// update the property tree info
wp1_id->setStringValue( wp.get_id().c_str() );
accum += wp.get_distance();
wp1_dist->setDoubleValue( accum * SG_METER_TO_NM );
setETAPropertyFromDistance(wp1_eta, accum);
// summarize remaining way points
if ( route->size() > 2 ) {
SGWayPoint wp;
for ( int i = 2; i < route->size(); ++i ) {
wp = route->get_waypoint( i );
accum += wp.get_distance();
// update the property tree info
wpn_id->setStringValue( wp.get_id().c_str() );
wpn_dist->setDoubleValue( accum * SG_METER_TO_NM );
setETAPropertyFromDistance(wpn_eta, accum);
if (_autoSequence && (wp_distance < 2000.0)) {
double courseDeviation = inboundCourse - wp_course;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(courseDeviation, -180.0, 180.0);
if (fabs(courseDeviation) < 90.0) {
SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "route manager doing sequencing");
wp0->setDoubleValue("dist", wp_distance * SG_METER_TO_NM);
wp_course -= magvar->getDoubleValue(); // expose magnetic bearing
wp0->setDoubleValue("bearing-deg", wp_course);
setETAPropertyFromDistance(wp0->getChild("eta"), wp_distance);
if ((_route->current_index() + 1) < _route->size()) {
wp = _route->get_waypoint(_route->current_index() + 1);
double wp1_course, wp1_distance;
wp.CourseAndDistance(lon->getDoubleValue(), lat->getDoubleValue(),
alt->getDoubleValue(), &wp1_course, &wp1_distance);
wp1->setDoubleValue("dist", wp1_distance * SG_METER_TO_NM);
setETAPropertyFromDistance(wp1->getChild("eta"), wp1_distance);
double totalDistanceRemaining = wp_distance; // distance to current waypoint
for (int i=_route->current_index() + 1; i<_route->size(); ++i) {
totalDistanceRemaining += _route->get_waypoint(i).get_distance();
wpn->setDoubleValue("dist", totalDistanceRemaining * SG_METER_TO_NM);
ete->setDoubleValue(totalDistanceRemaining * SG_METER_TO_NM / groundSpeed * 3600.0);
setETAPropertyFromDistance(wpn->getChild("eta"), totalDistanceRemaining);
// get time now at destination tz as tm struct
// add ete seconds
// convert to string ... and stash in property
//destination->setDoubleValue("eta", eta);
void FGRouteMgr::setETAPropertyFromDistance(SGPropertyNode_ptr aProp, double aDistance) {
char eta_str[64];
double eta = aDistance * SG_METER_TO_NM / get_ground_speed();
@ -209,8 +290,7 @@ void FGRouteMgr::setETAPropertyFromDistance(SGPropertyNode_ptr aProp, double aDi
if ( eta < (1.0/6.0) ) {
// within 10 minutes, bump up to min/secs
eta *= 60.0;
eta *= 60.0; // within 10 minutes, bump up to min/secs
int major = (int)eta,
@ -220,9 +300,9 @@ void FGRouteMgr::setETAPropertyFromDistance(SGPropertyNode_ptr aProp, double aDi
void FGRouteMgr::add_waypoint( const SGWayPoint& wp, int n ) {
route->add_waypoint( wp, n );
_route->add_waypoint( wp, n );
if ((n==0) || (route->size() == 1)) {
if ((n==0) || (_route->size() == 1)) {
@ -231,29 +311,11 @@ void FGRouteMgr::add_waypoint( const SGWayPoint& wp, int n ) {
SGWayPoint FGRouteMgr::pop_waypoint( int n ) {
SGWayPoint wp;
if ( route->size() > 0 ) {
if ( _route->size() > 0 ) {
if ( n < 0 )
n = route->size() - 1;
wp = route->get_waypoint(n);
if ( route->size() <= 2 ) {
wpn_id->setStringValue( "" );
wpn_dist->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
wpn_eta->setStringValue( "" );
if ( route->size() <= 1 ) {
wp1_id->setStringValue( "" );
wp1_dist->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
wp1_eta->setStringValue( "" );
if ( route->size() <= 0 ) {
wp0_id->setStringValue( "" );
wp0_dist->setDoubleValue( 0.0 );
wp0_eta->setStringValue( "" );
n = _route->size() - 1;
wp = _route->get_waypoint(n);
@ -286,9 +348,9 @@ SGWayPoint* FGRouteMgr::make_waypoint(const string& tgt ) {
string target = tgt;
// make upper case
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < target.size(); i++)
if (target[i] >= 'a' && target[i] <= 'z')
target[i] -= 'a' - 'A';
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < target.size(); i++) {
target[i] = toupper(target[i]);
// extract altitude
double alt = -9999.0;
@ -305,15 +367,13 @@ SGWayPoint* FGRouteMgr::make_waypoint(const string& tgt ) {
if ( pos != string::npos ) {
double lon = atof( target.substr(0, pos).c_str());
double lat = atof( target.c_str() + pos + 1);
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Adding waypoint lon = " << lon << ", lat = " << lat );
return new SGWayPoint( lon, lat, alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, target );
SGGeod basePosition;
if (route->size() > 0) {
SGWayPoint wp = get_waypoint(route->size()-1);
basePosition = SGGeod::fromDeg(wp.get_target_lon(), wp.get_target_lat());
if (_route->size() > 0) {
SGWayPoint wp = get_waypoint(_route->size()-1);
basePosition = wp.get_target();
} else {
// route is empty, use current position
basePosition = SGGeod::fromDeg(
@ -321,33 +381,76 @@ SGWayPoint* FGRouteMgr::make_waypoint(const string& tgt ) {
vector<string> pieces(simgear::strutils::split(target, "/"));
FGPositionedRef p = FGPositioned::findClosestWithIdent(target, basePosition);
FGPositionedRef p = FGPositioned::findClosestWithIdent(pieces.front(), basePosition);
if (!p) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Unable to find FGPositioned with ident:" << target);
SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "Unable to find FGPositioned with ident:" << pieces.front());
return NULL;
return new SGWayPoint(p->longitude(), p->latitude(), alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, target);
if (pieces.size() == 1) {
// simple case
return new SGWayPoint(p->geod(), target, p->name());
if (pieces.size() == 3) {
// navaid/radial/distance-nm notation
double radial = atof(pieces[1].c_str()),
distanceNm = atof(pieces[2].c_str()),
radial += magvar->getDoubleValue(); // convert to true bearing
SGGeod offsetPos;
SGGeodesy::direct(p->geod(), radial, distanceNm * SG_NM_TO_METER, offsetPos, az2);
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "final offset radial is " << radial);
if (alt > -9990) {
} // otherwise use the elevation of navid
return new SGWayPoint(offsetPos, p->ident() + pieces[2], target);
if (pieces.size() == 2) {
FGAirport* apt = dynamic_cast<FGAirport*>(p.ptr());
if (!apt) {
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "Waypoint is not an airport:" << pieces.front());
return NULL;
if (!apt->hasRunwayWithIdent(pieces[1])) {
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "No runway: " << pieces[1] << " at " << pieces[0]);
return NULL;
FGRunway* runway = apt->getRunwayByIdent(pieces[1]);
SGGeod t = runway->threshold();
return new SGWayPoint(t.getLongitudeDeg(), t.getLatitudeDeg(), alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, pieces[1]);
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "Unable to parse waypoint:" << target);
return NULL;
// mirror internal route to the property system for inspection by other subsystems
void FGRouteMgr::update_mirror() {
for (int i = 0; i < route->size(); i++) {
SGWayPoint wp = route->get_waypoint(i);
for (int i = 0; i < _route->size(); i++) {
SGWayPoint wp = _route->get_waypoint(i);
SGPropertyNode *prop = mirror->getChild("wp", i, 1);
const SGGeod& pos(wp.get_target());
prop->setStringValue("id", wp.get_id().c_str());
prop->setStringValue("name", wp.get_name().c_str());
prop->setDoubleValue("longitude-deg", wp.get_target_lon());
prop->setDoubleValue("latitude-deg", wp.get_target_lat());
prop->setDoubleValue("altitude-m", wp.get_target_alt());
prop->setDoubleValue("altitude-ft", wp.get_target_alt() * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
prop->setDoubleValue("longitude-deg", pos.getLongitudeDeg());
prop->setDoubleValue("altitude-m", pos.getElevationM());
prop->setDoubleValue("altitude-ft", pos.getElevationFt());
// set number as listener attachment point
mirror->setIntValue("num", route->size());
mirror->setIntValue("num", _route->size());
@ -372,12 +475,18 @@ bool FGRouteMgr::near_ground() {
// @INSERT2:KSFO@900 ... insert "KSFO@900" as 3rd entry
// KSFO@900 ... append "KSFO@900"
void FGRouteMgr::Listener::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode *prop)
void FGRouteMgr::InputListener::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode *prop)
const char *s = prop->getStringValue();
if (!strcmp(s, "@CLEAR"))
else if (!strcmp(s, "@POP"))
else if (!strcmp(s, "@ACTIVATE"))
else if (!strcmp(s, "@LOAD")) {
} else if (!strcmp(s, "@SAVE")) {
} else if (!strcmp(s, "@POP"))
else if (!strncmp(s, "@DELETE", 7))
mgr->pop_waypoint(atoi(s + 7));
@ -394,4 +503,296 @@ void FGRouteMgr::Listener::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode *prop)
// SGWayPoint( const double lon = 0.0, const double lat = 0.0,
// const double alt = 0.0, const modetype m = WGS84,
// const string& s = "", const string& n = "" );
bool FGRouteMgr::activate()
const FGAirport* depApt = fgFindAirportID(departure->getStringValue("airport"));
if (!depApt) {
"unable to activate route: departure airport is invalid:"
<< departure->getStringValue("airport") );
return false;
string runwayId(departure->getStringValue("runway"));
FGRunway* runway = NULL;
if (depApt->hasRunwayWithIdent(runwayId)) {
runway = depApt->getRunwayByIdent(runwayId);
} else {
"route-manager, departure runway not found:" << runwayId);
runway = depApt->getActiveRunwayForUsage();
SGWayPoint swp(runway->threshold(),
depApt->ident() + "-" + runway->ident(), runway->name());
add_waypoint(swp, 0);
const FGAirport* destApt = fgFindAirportID(destination->getStringValue("airport"));
if (!destApt) {
"unable to activate route: destination airport is invalid:"
<< destination->getStringValue("airport") );
return false;
runwayId = (destination->getStringValue("runway"));
if (destApt->hasRunwayWithIdent(runwayId)) {
FGRunway* runway = depApt->getRunwayByIdent(runwayId);
SGWayPoint swp(runway->end(),
destApt->ident() + "-" + runway->ident(), runway->name());
} else {
// quite likely, since destination runway may not be known until enroute
// probably want a listener on the 'destination' node to allow an enroute
// update
add_waypoint(SGWayPoint(destApt->geod(), destApt->ident(), destApt->name()));
double routeDistanceNm = _route->total_distance() * SG_METER_TO_NM;
double cruiseSpeedKts = cruise->getDoubleValue("speed", 0.0);
if (cruiseSpeedKts > 1.0) {
// very very crude approximation, doesn't allow for climb / descent
// performance or anything else at all
ete->setDoubleValue(routeDistanceNm / cruiseSpeedKts * (60.0 * 60.0));
sequence(); // sequence will sync up wp0, wp1 and current-wp
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "route-manager, activate route ok");
return true;
void FGRouteMgr::sequence()
if (!active->getBoolValue()) {
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_ALERT, "trying to sequence waypoints with no active route");
if (_route->current_index() == _route->size()) {
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "reached end of active route");
// what now?
void FGRouteMgr::jumpToIndex(int index)
if (!active->getBoolValue()) {
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_ALERT, "trying to sequence waypoints with no active route");
if ((index < 0) || (index >= _route->size())) {
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_ALERT, "passed invalid index (" <<
index << ") to FGRouteMgr::jumpToIndex");
if (_route->current_index() == index) {
return; // no-op
void FGRouteMgr::currentWaypointChanged()
SGWayPoint previous = _route->get_previous();
SGWayPoint cur = _route->get_current();
if ((_route->current_index() + 1) < _route->size()) {
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "route manager, current-wp is now " << _route->current_index());
int FGRouteMgr::findWaypoint(const SGGeod& aPos) const
for (int i=0; i<_route->size(); ++i) {
double d = SGGeodesy::distanceM(aPos, _route->get_waypoint(i).get_target());
if (d < 200.0) { // 200 metres seems close enough
return i;
return -1;
SGWayPoint FGRouteMgr::get_waypoint( int i ) const
return _route->get_waypoint(i);
int FGRouteMgr::size() const
return _route->size();
int FGRouteMgr::currentWaypoint() const
return _route->current_index();
void FGRouteMgr::saveRoute()
SGPath path(_pathNode->getStringValue());
SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_INFO, "Saving route to " << path.str());
try {
writeProperties(path.str(), mirror, false, SGPropertyNode::ARCHIVE);
} catch (const sg_exception &e) {
SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_WARN, "Error saving route:" << e.getMessage());
//guiErrorMessage("Error writing autosave.xml: ", e);
void FGRouteMgr::loadRoute()
try {
// deactivate route first
SGPropertyNode_ptr routeData(new SGPropertyNode);
SGPath path(_pathNode->getStringValue());
SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_INFO, "going to read flight-plan from:" << path.str());
readProperties(path.str(), routeData);
// departure nodes
SGPropertyNode* dep = routeData->getChild("departure");
if (!dep) {
throw sg_io_exception("malformed route file, no departure node");
string depIdent = dep->getStringValue("airport");
const FGAirport* depApt = fgFindAirportID(depIdent);
if (!depApt) {
throw sg_io_exception("bad route file, unknown airport:" + depIdent);
departure->setStringValue("runway", dep->getStringValue("runway"));
// destination
SGPropertyNode* dst = routeData->getChild("destination");
if (!dst) {
throw sg_io_exception("malformed route file, no destination node");
destination->setStringValue("airport", dst->getStringValue("airport"));
destination->setStringValue("runay", dst->getStringValue("runway"));
// alternate
SGPropertyNode* alt = routeData->getChild("alternate");
if (alt) {
} // of cruise data loading
// cruise
SGPropertyNode* crs = routeData->getChild("cruise");
if (crs) {
} // of cruise data loading
// route nodes
SGPropertyNode_ptr _route = routeData->getChild("route", 0);
SGGeod lastPos(depApt->geod());
for (int i=0; i<_route->nChildren(); ++i) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr wp = _route->getChild("wp", i);
} // of route iteration
} catch (sg_exception& e) {
SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_WARN, "failed to load flight-plan (from '" << e.getOrigin()
<< "'):" << e.getMessage());
void FGRouteMgr::parseRouteWaypoint(SGPropertyNode* aWP)
SGGeod lastPos;
if (_route->size() > 0) {
lastPos = get_waypoint(_route->size()-1).get_target();
} else {
// route is empty, use departure airport position
const FGAirport* apt = fgFindAirportID(departure->getStringValue("airport"));
assert(apt); // shouldn't have got this far with an invalid airport
lastPos = apt->geod();
SGPropertyNode_ptr altProp = aWP->getChild("altitude-ft");
double alt = -9999.0;
if (altProp) {
alt = altProp->getDoubleValue();
string ident(aWP->getStringValue("ident"));
if (aWP->hasChild("longitude-deg")) {
// explicit longitude/latitude
if (alt < -9990.0) {
alt = 0.0; // don't export wyapoints with invalid altitude
SGWayPoint swp(aWP->getDoubleValue("longitude-deg"),
aWP->getDoubleValue("latitude-deg"), alt,
SGWayPoint::WGS84, ident, aWP->getStringValue("name"));
} else if (aWP->hasChild("navid")) {
// lookup by navid (possibly with offset)
string nid(aWP->getStringValue("navid"));
FGPositionedRef p = FGPositioned::findClosestWithIdent(nid, lastPos);
if (!p) {
throw sg_io_exception("bad route file, unknown navid:" + nid);
SGGeod pos(p->geod());
if (aWP->hasChild("offset-nm") && aWP->hasChild("offset-radial")) {
double radialDeg = aWP->getDoubleValue("offset-radial");
// convert magnetic radial to a true radial!
radialDeg += magvar->getDoubleValue();
double offsetNm = aWP->getDoubleValue("offset-nm");
double az2;
SGGeodesy::direct(p->geod(), radialDeg, offsetNm * SG_NM_TO_METER, pos, az2);
if (alt < -9990.0) {
alt = p->elevation();
SGWayPoint swp(pos.getLongitudeDeg(), pos.getLatitudeDeg(), alt,
SGWayPoint::WGS84, ident, "");
} else {
// lookup by ident (symbolic waypoint)
FGPositionedRef p = FGPositioned::findClosestWithIdent(ident, lastPos);
if (!p) {
throw sg_io_exception("bad route file, unknown waypoint:" + ident);
if (alt < -9990.0) {
alt = p->elevation();
SGWayPoint swp(p->longitude(), p->latitude(), alt,
SGWayPoint::WGS84, p->ident(), p->name());

View file

@ -25,9 +25,12 @@
#define _ROUTE_MGR_HXX 1
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/route/route.hxx>
#include <simgear/route/waypoint.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
// forward decls
class SGRoute;
class SGPath;
* Top level route manager class
@ -38,61 +41,84 @@ class FGRouteMgr : public SGSubsystem
SGRoute *route;
SGRoute* _route;
time_t _takeoffTime;
time_t _touchdownTime;
bool _autoSequence; // true if we are doing internal sequencing
// false if other code (FMS/GPS) is managing sequencing
// automatic inputs
SGPropertyNode_ptr lon;
SGPropertyNode_ptr lat;
SGPropertyNode_ptr alt;
SGPropertyNode_ptr magvar;
// automatic outputs
SGPropertyNode_ptr true_hdg_deg;
SGPropertyNode_ptr target_altitude_ft;
SGPropertyNode_ptr altitude_lock;
SGPropertyNode_ptr wp0_id;
SGPropertyNode_ptr wp0_dist;
SGPropertyNode_ptr wp0_eta;
SGPropertyNode_ptr departure; ///< departure airport information
SGPropertyNode_ptr destination; ///< destination airport information
SGPropertyNode_ptr alternate; ///< alternate airport information
SGPropertyNode_ptr cruise; ///< cruise information
SGPropertyNode_ptr wp1_id;
SGPropertyNode_ptr wp1_dist;
SGPropertyNode_ptr wp1_eta;
SGPropertyNode_ptr totalDistance;
SGPropertyNode_ptr ete;
SGPropertyNode_ptr elapsedFlightTime;
SGPropertyNode_ptr wpn_id;
SGPropertyNode_ptr wpn_dist;
SGPropertyNode_ptr wpn_eta;
SGPropertyNode_ptr active;
SGPropertyNode_ptr airborne;
SGPropertyNode_ptr currentWp;
SGPropertyNode_ptr wp0;
SGPropertyNode_ptr wp1;
SGPropertyNode_ptr wpn;
class Listener : public SGPropertyChangeListener {
SGPropertyNode_ptr _pathNode;
void setETAPropertyFromDistance(SGPropertyNode_ptr aProp, double aDistance);
class InputListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener {
Listener(FGRouteMgr *m) : mgr(m) {}
InputListener(FGRouteMgr *m) : mgr(m) {}
virtual void valueChanged (SGPropertyNode * prop);
FGRouteMgr *mgr;
SGPropertyNode_ptr input;
Listener *listener;
SGPropertyNode_ptr weightOnWheels;
InputListener *listener;
SGPropertyNode_ptr mirror;
bool altitude_set;
* Create a SGWayPoint from a string in the following format:
* - simple identifier
* - decimal-lon,decimal-lat
* - airport-id/runway-id
* - navaid/radial-deg/offset-nm
SGWayPoint* make_waypoint(const string& target);
void update_mirror();
bool near_ground();
* Helper to set a string property to the estimated arrival time (ETA),
* formatted as either hours:minutes or minutes:seconds, based on a distance
* and the current groundspeed.
void setETAPropertyFromDistance(SGPropertyNode_ptr aProp, double aDistance);
void currentWaypointChanged();
* Helper to update the target_altitude_ft and altitude_set flag when wp0
* changes
void updateTargetAltitude();
* Parse a route/wp node (from a saved, property-lsit formatted route)
void parseRouteWaypoint(SGPropertyNode* aWP);
@ -110,14 +136,41 @@ public:
void add_waypoint( const SGWayPoint& wp, int n = -1 );
SGWayPoint pop_waypoint( int i = 0 );
SGWayPoint get_waypoint( int i ) const {
return route->get_waypoint(i);
SGWayPoint get_waypoint( int i ) const;
int size() const;
int size() const {
return route->size();
bool isRouteActive() const;
int currentWaypoint() const;
* Find a waypoint in the route, by position, and return its index, or
* -1 if no matching waypoint was found in the route.
int findWaypoint(const SGGeod& aPos) const;
* Activate a built route. This checks for various mandatory pieces of
* data, such as departure and destination airports, and creates waypoints
* for them on the route structure.
* returns true if the route was activated successfully, or false if the
* route could not be activated for some reason
bool activate();
* Step to the next waypoint on the active route
void sequence();
void jumpToIndex(int index);
void saveRoute();
void loadRoute();

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -11,8 +11,13 @@
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
#include "Navaids/positioned.hxx"
// forward decls
class SGRoute;
class FGRouteMgr;
class FGAirport;
class GPSListener;
class SGGeodProperty
@ -42,15 +47,6 @@ private:
* /systems/electrical/outputs/gps
* /instrumentation/gps/serviceable
* /instrumentation/gps/wp-longitude-deg
* /instrumentation/gps/wp-latitude-deg
* /instrumentation/gps/wp-altitude-ft
* /instrumentation/gps/wp-ID
* /instrumentation/gps/wp-name
* /instrumentation/gps/desired-course-deg
* /instrumentation/gps/get-nearest-airport
* /instrumentation/gps/waypoint-type
* /instrumentation/gps/tracking-bug
* Output properties:
@ -73,8 +69,7 @@ private:
* /instrumentation/gps/trip-odometer
* /instrumentation/gps/true-bug-error-deg
* /instrumentation/gps/magnetic-bug-error-deg
* /instrumentation/gps/true-bearing-error-deg
* /instrumentation/gps/magnetic-bearing-error-deg
class GPS : public SGSubsystem
@ -89,117 +84,294 @@ public:
virtual void update (double delta_time_sec);
typedef struct {
double dt;
SGGeod pos;
SGGeod wp0_pos;
SGGeod wp1_pos;
bool waypoint_changed;
double speed_kt;
double track1_deg;
double track2_deg;
double magvar_deg;
double wp0_distance;
double wp0_course_deg;
double wp0_bearing_deg;
double wp1_distance;
double wp1_course_deg;
double wp1_bearing_deg;
} UpdateContext;
friend class GPSListener;
friend class SearchFilter;
void search (double frequency, const SGGeod& pos);
* Configuration manager, track data relating to aircraft installation
class Config
void init(SGPropertyNode*);
bool turnAnticipationEnabled() const
{ return _enableTurnAnticipation; }
* Desired turn rate in degrees/second. From this we derive the turn
* radius and hence how early we need to anticipate it.
double turnRateDegSec() const
{ return _turnRate; }
* Distance at which we arm overflight sequencing. Once inside this
* distance, a change of the wp1 'TO' flag to false will be considered
* overlight of the wp.
double overflightArmDistanceNm() const
{ return _overflightArmDistance; }
* Time before the next WP to activate an external annunciator
double waypointAlertTime() const
{ return _waypointAlertTime; }
bool tuneNavRadioToRefVor() const
{ return _tuneRadio1ToRefVor; }
bool requireHardSurface() const
{ return _requireHardSurface; }
double minRunwayLengthFt() const
{ return _minRunwayLengthFt; }
double getOBSCourse() const;
bool cdiDeflectionIsAngular() const
{ return (_cdiMaxDeflectionNm <= 0.0); }
double cdiDeflectionLinearPeg() const
assert(_cdiMaxDeflectionNm > 0.0);
return _cdiMaxDeflectionNm;
bool _enableTurnAnticipation;
// desired turn rate in degrees per second
double _turnRate;
// distance from waypoint to arm overflight sequencing (in nm)
double _overflightArmDistance;
// time before reaching a waypoint to trigger annunicator light/sound
// (in seconds)
double _waypointAlertTime;
// should GPS automatically tune NAV1 to the reference VOR?
bool _tuneRadio1ToRefVor;
// minimum runway length to require when filtering
double _minRunwayLengthFt;
// should we require a hard-surfaced runway when filtering?
bool _requireHardSurface;
// helpers to tie obs-course-source property
const char* getOBSCourseSource() const;
void setOBSCourseSource(const char* aPropPath);
// property to retrieve the OBS course from
SGPropertyNode_ptr _obsCourseSource;
double _cdiMaxDeflectionNm;
class SearchFilter : public FGPositioned::Filter
virtual bool pass(FGPositioned* aPos) const;
virtual FGPositioned::Type minType() const;
virtual FGPositioned::Type maxType() const;
* reset all output properties to default / non-service values
void clearOutput();
void updateWithValid(UpdateContext& ctx);
void updateWithValid(double dt);
void updateBasicData(double dt);
void updateWaypoints();
void updateNearestAirport(UpdateContext& ctx);
void updateWaypoint0(UpdateContext& ctx);
void updateWaypoint1(UpdateContext& ctx);
void updateTrackingBug();
void updateReferenceNavaid(double dt);
void referenceNavaidSet(const std::string& aNavaid);
void tuneNavRadios();
void updateRouteData();
void updateLegCourse(UpdateContext& ctx);
void updateWaypoint0Course(UpdateContext& ctx);
void updateWaypoint1Course(UpdateContext& ctx);
void routeActivated();
void routeManagerSequenced();
void waypointChanged(UpdateContext& ctx);
void updateTTWNode(UpdateContext& ctx, double distance_m, SGPropertyNode_ptr node);
void updateTrackingBug(UpdateContext& ctx);
void updateTurn();
void updateOverflight();
void beginTurn();
void endTurn();
double computeTurnProgress(double aBearing) const;
void computeTurnData();
void updateTurnData();
double computeTurnRadiusNm(double aGroundSpeedKts) const;
// scratch maintenence utilities
void setScratchFromPositioned(FGPositioned* aPos, int aIndex);
void setScratchFromCachedSearchResult();
void setScratchFromRouteWaypoint(int aIndex);
* Add airport-specific information to a scratch result
void addAirportToScratch(FGAirport* aAirport);
void clearScratch();
* Predicate, determine if the lon/lat position in the scratch is
* valid or not.
bool isScratchPositionValid() const;
FGPositioned::Filter* createFilter(FGPositioned::Type aTy);
* Search kernel - called each time we step through a result
void performSearch();
// command handlers
void selectLegMode();
void selectOBSMode();
void directTo();
void loadRouteWaypoint();
void loadNearest();
void search();
void nextResult();
void previousResult();
void defineWaypoint();
// tied-property getter/setters
void setCommand(const char* aCmd);
const char* getCommand() const { return ""; }
const char* getMode() const { return _mode.c_str(); }
bool getScratchValid() const { return _scratchValid; }
double getScratchDistance() const;
double getScratchMagBearing() const;
double getScratchTrueBearing() const;
bool getScratchHasNext() const { return _searchHasNext; }
double getSelectedCourse() const { return _selectedCourse; }
double getCDIDeflection() const;
double getLegDistance() const;
double getLegCourse() const;
double getLegMagCourse() const;
double getAltDistanceRatio() const;
double getTrueTrack() const { return _last_true_track; }
double getMagTrack() const;
double getGroundspeedKts() const { return _last_speed_kts; }
double getVerticalSpeed() const { return _last_vertical_speed; }
//bool getLegMode() const { return _mode == "leg"; }
//bool getObsMode() const { return _mode == "obs"; }
const char* getWP0Ident() const;
const char* getWP0Name() const;
const char* getWP1Ident() const;
const char* getWP1Name() const;
double getWP1Distance() const;
double getWP1TTW() const;
const char* getWP1TTWString() const;
double getWP1Bearing() const;
double getWP1MagBearing() const;
double getWP1CourseDeviation() const;
double getWP1CourseErrorNm() const;
bool getWP1ToFlag() const;
// true-bearing-error and mag-bearing-error
// members
SGPropertyNode_ptr _magvar_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _serviceable_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _electrical_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp0_ID_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp0_name_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp0_course_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _get_nearest_airport_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp1_ID_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp1_name_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp1_course_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _tracking_bug_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _raim_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _indicated_vertical_speed_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _true_track_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _magnetic_track_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _speed_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp0_distance_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp0_ttw_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp0_bearing_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp0_mag_bearing_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp0_course_deviation_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp0_course_error_nm_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp0_to_flag_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp1_distance_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp1_ttw_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp1_bearing_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp1_mag_bearing_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp1_course_deviation_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp1_course_error_nm_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wp1_to_flag_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _odometer_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _trip_odometer_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _true_bug_error_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _magnetic_bug_error_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _true_wp0_bearing_error_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _magnetic_wp0_bearing_error_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _true_wp1_bearing_error_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _magnetic_wp1_bearing_error_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _leg_distance_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _leg_course_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _leg_magnetic_course_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _alt_dist_ratio_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _leg_course_deviation_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _leg_course_error_nm_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _leg_to_flag_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _alt_deviation_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _ref_navaid_id_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _ref_navaid_bearing_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _ref_navaid_distance_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _ref_navaid_mag_bearing_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _ref_navaid_frequency_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _ref_navaid_name_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _route_active_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _route_current_wp_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _routeDistanceNm;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _routeETE;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _fromFlagNode;
double _selectedCourse;
bool _last_valid;
SGGeod _last_pos;
double _last_speed_kts;
double _last_true_track;
double _last_vertical_speed;
std::string _last_wp0_ID;
std::string _last_wp1_ID;
std::string _mode;
GPSListener* _listener;
Config _config;
FGRouteMgr* _routeMgr;
double _alt_dist_ratio;
double _distance_m;
double _course_deg;
double _bias_length;
double _bias_angle;
double _azimuth_error;
double _range_error;
double _elapsed_time;
bool _ref_navaid_set;
double _ref_navaid_elapsed;
FGPositionedRef _ref_navaid;
std::string _name;
int _num;
SGGeodProperty _position;
SGGeodProperty _wp0_position;
SGGeodProperty _wp1_position;
SGGeodProperty _indicated_pos;
SGGeod _wp0_position;
SGGeod _wp1_position;
SGGeod _indicated_pos;
std::string _wp0Ident, _wp0Name, _wp1Ident, _wp1Name;
double _wp1DistanceM, _wp1TrueBearing;
// scratch data
SGGeod _scratchPos;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _scratchNode;
bool _scratchValid;
// search data
int _searchResultIndex;
std::string _searchQuery;
FGPositioned::Type _searchType;
bool _searchExact;
bool _searchOrderByRange;
bool _searchResultsCached;
FGPositioned::List _searchResults;
bool _searchIsRoute; ///< set if 'search' is actually the current route
bool _searchHasNext; ///< is there a result after this one?
bool _searchNames; ///< set if we're searching names instead of idents
// turn data
bool _computeTurnData; ///< do we need to update the turn data?
bool _anticipateTurn; ///< are we anticipating the next turn or not?
bool _inTurn; // is a turn in progress?
bool _turnSequenced; // have we sequenced the new leg?
double _turnAngle; // angle to turn through, in degrees
double _turnStartBearing; // bearing of inbound leg
double _turnRadius; // radius of turn in nm
SGGeod _turnPt;
SGGeod _turnCentre;

View file

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ bool FGInstrumentMgr::build ()
set_subsystem( id, new Altimeter( node ) );
} else if ( name == "gps" ) {
set_subsystem( id, new GPS( node ), 0.45 );
set_subsystem( id, new GPS( node ) );
} else if ( name == "gsdi" ) {
set_subsystem( id, new GSDI( node ) );

View file

@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ FGNavRadio::init ()
gps_to_flag_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/to-flag", true);
gps_from_flag_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/from-flag", true);
gps_has_gs_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/has-gs", true);
gps_course_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/selected-course-deg", true);
std::ostringstream temp;
temp << _name << "nav-ident" << _num;
@ -605,6 +606,8 @@ void FGNavRadio::updateGPSSlaved()
_cdiCrossTrackErrorM = 0.0; // FIXME, supply this
_gsNeedleDeflection = 0.0; // FIXME, supply this
void FGNavRadio::updateCDI(double dt)

View file

@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ class FGNavRadio : public SGSubsystem
SGPropertyNode_ptr gps_to_flag_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr gps_from_flag_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr gps_has_gs_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr gps_course_node;
// internal (private) values

View file

@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
#include <Main/fg_init.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Instrumentation/gps.hxx>
#include <Autopilot/route_mgr.hxx>
#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
using std::string;
char *homedir = ::getenv( "HOME" );
char *hostname = ::getenv( "HOSTNAME" );
bool free_hostname = false;
void testSetPosition(const SGGeod& aPos)
fgSetDouble("/position/longitude-deg", aPos.getLongitudeDeg());
fgSetDouble("/position/latitude-deg", aPos.getLatitudeDeg());
fgSetDouble("/position/altitude-ft", aPos.getElevationFt());
void printScratch(SGPropertyNode* scratch)
if (!scratch->getBoolValue("valid", false)) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Scratch is invalid.");
scratch->getStringValue("ident") << "/" << scratch->getStringValue("name"));
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "\t" << scratch->getDoubleValue("longitude-deg")
<< " " << scratch->getDoubleValue("latitude-deg") << " @ " << scratch->getDoubleValue("altitude-ft"));
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "\t" << scratch->getDoubleValue("true-bearing-deg") <<
" (" << scratch->getDoubleValue("mag-bearing-deg") << " magnetic) " << scratch->getDoubleValue("distance-nm"));
if (scratch->hasChild("result-index")) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "\tresult-index:" << scratch->getIntValue("result-index"));
if (scratch->hasChild("route-index")) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "\troute-index:" << scratch->getIntValue("route-index"));
void createDummyRoute(FGRouteMgr* rm)
SGPropertyNode* rmInput = fgGetNode("/autopilot/route-manager/input", true);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
globals = new FGGlobals;
fgInitFGRoot(argc, argv);
if (!fgInitConfig(argc, argv) ) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Config option parsing failed" );
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "hello world!");
FGRouteMgr* rm = new FGRouteMgr;
globals->add_subsystem( "route-manager", rm );
// FGEnvironmentMgr* envMgr = new FGEnvironmentMgr;
// globals->add_subsystem("environment", envMgr);
// envMgr->init();
SGPropertyNode* nd = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps", true);
GPS* gps = new GPS(nd);
globals->add_subsystem("gps", gps);
const FGAirport* egph = fgFindAirportID("EGPH");
// startup the route manager
nd->setBoolValue("serviceable", true);
fgSetBool("/systems/electrical/outputs/gps", true);
SGPropertyNode* scratch = nd->getChild("scratch", 0, true);
SGPropertyNode* wp = nd->getChild("wp", 0, true);
SGPropertyNode* wp1 = wp->getChild("wp", 1, true);
// update a few times
scratch->setStringValue("ident", "TL");
scratch->setStringValue("type", "Vor");
scratch->setBoolValue("exact", false);
nd->setStringValue("command", "search");
nd->setStringValue("command", "next");
nd->setStringValue("command", "next");
// alphanumeric sort, partial matching
nd->setDoubleValue("config/min-runway-length-ft", 5000.0);
scratch->setBoolValue("exact", false);
scratch->setBoolValue("order-by-distance", false);
scratch->setStringValue("ident", "KS");
scratch->setStringValue("type", "apt");
nd->setStringValue("command", "search");
nd->setStringValue("command", "next");
nd->setStringValue("command", "next");
// alphanumeric sort, explicit matching
scratch->setBoolValue("exact", true);
scratch->setBoolValue("order-by-distance", true);
scratch->setStringValue("type", "vor");
scratch->setStringValue("ident", "DCS");
nd->setStringValue("command", "search");
nd->setStringValue("command", "next");
// search on totally missing
scratch->setBoolValue("exact", true);
scratch->setBoolValue("order-by-distance", true);
scratch->setStringValue("ident", "FOFOFOFOF");
nd->setStringValue("command", "search");
// nearest
scratch->setStringValue("type", "apt");
scratch->setIntValue("max-results", 10);
nd->setStringValue("command", "nearest");
nd->setStringValue("command", "next");
nd->setStringValue("command", "next");
// direct to
nd->setStringValue("command", "direct");
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "mode:" << nd->getStringValue("mode") << "\n\t"
<< wp1->getStringValue("ID") << " " << wp1->getDoubleValue("longitude-deg")
<< " " << wp1->getDoubleValue("latitude-deg"));
// OBS mode
scratch->setStringValue("ident", "UW");
scratch->setBoolValue("order-by-distance", true);
nd->setStringValue("command", "search");
nd->setStringValue("command", "obs");
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "mode:" << nd->getStringValue("mode") << "\n\t"
<< wp1->getStringValue("ID") << " " << wp1->getDoubleValue("longitude-deg")
<< " " << wp1->getDoubleValue("latitude-deg"));
// load route waypoints
scratch->setIntValue("route-index", 5);
nd->setStringValue("command", "load-route-wpt");
nd->setStringValue("command", "next");
nd->setStringValue("command", "next");
scratch->setIntValue("route-index", 2);
nd->setStringValue("command", "load-route-wpt");
nd->setStringValue("command", "direct");
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "mode:" << nd->getStringValue("mode") << "\n\t"
<< wp1->getStringValue("ID") << " " << wp1->getDoubleValue("longitude-deg")
<< " " << wp1->getDoubleValue("latitude-deg"));
// route editing
SGGeod pos = egph->geod();
scratch->setStringValue("ident", "FOOBAR");
scratch->setDoubleValue("longitude-deg", pos.getLongitudeDeg());
scratch->setDoubleValue("latitude-deg", pos.getLatitudeDeg());
nd->setStringValue("command", "define-user-wpt");