Reset: refactor static CameraGroup ownership
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 356 additions and 259 deletions
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ void fgOSCloseWindow();
void fgOSFullScreen();
int fgOSMainLoop();
void fgOSExit(int code);
void fgOSResetProperties();
void fgSetMouseCursor(int cursor);
int fgGetMouseCursor();
@ -387,7 +387,8 @@ int fgMainInit( int argc, char **argv ) {
// Clouds3D requires an alpha channel
fgOSOpenWindow(true /* request stencil buffer */);
// Initialize the splash screen right away
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include <simgear/math/SGRect.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx> // for copyProperties
#include <simgear/structure/OSGUtils.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/OSGVersion.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/material/EffectCullVisitor.hxx>
@ -57,79 +58,116 @@
#include <osgViewer/GraphicsWindow>
#include <osgViewer/Renderer>
namespace flightgear {
const char* MAIN_CAMERA = "main";
const char* FAR_CAMERA = "far";
const char* GEOMETRY_CAMERA = "geometry";
const char* SHADOW_CAMERA = "shadow";
const char* LIGHTING_CAMERA = "lighting";
const char* DISPLAY_CAMERA = "display";
using namespace osg;
static osg::Matrix
invert(const osg::Matrix& matrix)
return osg::Matrix::inverse(matrix);
// Given a projection matrix, return a new one with the same frustum
// sides and new near / far values.
void makeNewProjMat(Matrixd& oldProj, double znear,
double zfar, Matrixd& projection)
projection = oldProj;
// Slightly inflate the near & far planes to avoid objects at the
// extremes being clipped out.
znear *= 0.999;
zfar *= 1.001;
// Clamp the projection matrix z values to the range (near, far)
double epsilon = 1.0e-6;
if (fabs(projection(0,3)) < epsilon &&
fabs(projection(1,3)) < epsilon &&
fabs(projection(2,3)) < epsilon) {
// Projection is Orthographic
epsilon = -1.0/(zfar - znear); // Used as a temp variable
projection(2,2) = 2.0*epsilon;
projection(3,2) = (zfar + znear)*epsilon;
} else {
// Projection is Perspective
double trans_near = (-znear*projection(2,2) + projection(3,2)) /
(-znear*projection(2,3) + projection(3,3));
double trans_far = (-zfar*projection(2,2) + projection(3,2)) /
(-zfar*projection(2,3) + projection(3,3));
double ratio = fabs(2.0/(trans_near - trans_far));
double center = -0.5*(trans_near + trans_far);
projection.postMult(osg::Matrixd(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, ratio, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, center*ratio, 1.0));
invert(const osg::Matrix& matrix)
return osg::Matrix::inverse(matrix);
/// Returns the zoom factor of the master camera.
/// The reference fov is the historic 55 deg
double fov = fgGetDouble("/sim/current-view/field-of-view", 55);
if (fov < 1)
fov = 1;
return tan(55*0.5*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)/tan(fov*0.5*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
preMult(const osg::Vec2d& v, const osg::Matrix& m)
osg::Vec3d tmp = m.preMult(osg::Vec3(v, 0));
return osg::Vec2d(tmp[0], tmp[1]);
relativeProjection(const osg::Matrix& P0, const osg::Matrix& R, const osg::Vec2d ref[2],
const osg::Matrix& pP, const osg::Matrix& pR, const osg::Vec2d pRef[2])
// Track the way from one projection space to the other:
// We want
// P = T*S*P0
// where P0 is the projection template sensible for the given window size,
// T is a translation matrix and S a scale matrix.
// We need to determine T and S so that the reference points in the parents
// projection space match the two reference points in this cameras projection space.
// Starting from the parents camera projection space, we get into this cameras
// projection space by the transform matrix:
// P*R*inv(pP*pR) = T*S*P0*R*inv(pP*pR)
// So, at first compute that matrix without T*S and determine S and T from that
// Ok, now osg uses the inverse matrix multiplication order, thus:
osg::Matrix PtoPwithoutTS = invert(pR*pP)*R*P0;
// Compute the parents reference points in the current projection space
// without the yet unknown T and S
osg::Vec2d pRefInThis[2] = {
preMult(pRef[0], PtoPwithoutTS),
preMult(pRef[1], PtoPwithoutTS)
// To get the same zoom, rescale to match the parents size
double s = (ref[0] - ref[1]).length()/(pRefInThis[0] - pRefInThis[1]).length();
osg::Matrix S = osg::Matrix::scale(s, s, 1);
// For the translation offset, incorporate the now known scale
// and recompute the position ot the first reference point in the
// currents projection space without the yet unknown T.
pRefInThis[0] = preMult(pRef[0], PtoPwithoutTS*S);
// The translation is then the difference of the reference points
osg::Matrix T = osg::Matrix::translate(osg::Vec3d(ref[0] - pRefInThis[0], 0));
// Compose and return the desired final projection matrix
return P0*S*T;
/// Returns the zoom factor of the master camera.
/// The reference fov is the historic 55 deg
static double
double fov = fgGetDouble("/sim/current-view/field-of-view", 55);
if (fov < 1)
fov = 1;
return tan(55*0.5*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)/tan(fov*0.5*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
} // of anonymous namespace
static osg::Vec2d
preMult(const osg::Vec2d& v, const osg::Matrix& m)
osg::Vec3d tmp = m.preMult(osg::Vec3(v, 0));
return osg::Vec2d(tmp[0], tmp[1]);
static osg::Matrix
relativeProjection(const osg::Matrix& P0, const osg::Matrix& R, const osg::Vec2d ref[2],
const osg::Matrix& pP, const osg::Matrix& pR, const osg::Vec2d pRef[2])
// Track the way from one projection space to the other:
// We want
// P = T*S*P0
// where P0 is the projection template sensible for the given window size,
// T is a translation matrix and S a scale matrix.
// We need to determine T and S so that the reference points in the parents
// projection space match the two reference points in this cameras projection space.
// Starting from the parents camera projection space, we get into this cameras
// projection space by the transform matrix:
// P*R*inv(pP*pR) = T*S*P0*R*inv(pP*pR)
// So, at first compute that matrix without T*S and determine S and T from that
// Ok, now osg uses the inverse matrix multiplication order, thus:
osg::Matrix PtoPwithoutTS = invert(pR*pP)*R*P0;
// Compute the parents reference points in the current projection space
// without the yet unknown T and S
osg::Vec2d pRefInThis[2] = {
preMult(pRef[0], PtoPwithoutTS),
preMult(pRef[1], PtoPwithoutTS)
// To get the same zoom, rescale to match the parents size
double s = (ref[0] - ref[1]).length()/(pRefInThis[0] - pRefInThis[1]).length();
osg::Matrix S = osg::Matrix::scale(s, s, 1);
// For the translation offset, incorporate the now known scale
// and recompute the position ot the first reference point in the
// currents projection space without the yet unknown T.
pRefInThis[0] = preMult(pRef[0], PtoPwithoutTS*S);
// The translation is then the difference of the reference points
osg::Matrix T = osg::Matrix::translate(osg::Vec3d(ref[0] - pRefInThis[0], 0));
// Compose and return the desired final projection matrix
return P0*S*T;
typedef std::vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> SGPropertyNodeVec;
namespace flightgear
@ -138,59 +176,121 @@ using namespace osg;
using std::strcmp;
using std::string;
ref_ptr<CameraGroup> CameraGroup::_defaultGroup;
class CameraGroupListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener
CameraGroupListener(CameraGroup* cg, SGPropertyNode* gnode) :
listenToNode("znear", 0.1f);
listenToNode("zfar", 120000.0f);
listenToNode("near-field", 100.0f);
virtual ~CameraGroupListener()
virtual void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode* prop)
if (!strcmp(prop->getName(), "znear")) {
} else if (!strcmp(prop->getName(), "zfar")) {
} else if (!strcmp(prop->getName(), "near-field")) {
void listenToNode(const std::string& name, double val)
SGPropertyNode* n = _groupNode->getChild(name);
if (!n) {
n = _groupNode->getChild(name, 0 /* index */, true);
valueChanged(n); // propogate initial state through
void unlisten(const std::string& name)
SGPropertyNode_ptr _groupNode;
CameraGroup* _cameraGroup; // non-owning reference
class CameraViewportListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener
CameraViewportListener(CameraInfo* info,
SGPropertyNode* vnode,
const osg::GraphicsContext::Traits *traits) :
listenToNode("x", 0.0f);
listenToNode("y", 0.0f);
listenToNode("width", traits->width);
listenToNode("height", traits->height);
virtual ~CameraViewportListener()
virtual void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode* prop)
if (!strcmp(prop->getName(), "x")) {
_camera->x = prop->getDoubleValue();
} else if (!strcmp(prop->getName(), "y")) {
_camera->y = prop->getDoubleValue();
} else if (!strcmp(prop->getName(), "width")) {
_camera->width = prop->getDoubleValue();
} else if (!strcmp(prop->getName(), "height")) {
_camera->height = prop->getDoubleValue();
void listenToNode(const std::string& name, double val)
SGPropertyNode* n = _viewportNode->getChild(name);
if (!n) {
n = _viewportNode->getChild(name, 0 /* index */, true);
valueChanged(n); // propogate initial state through
void unlisten(const std::string& name)
SGPropertyNode_ptr _viewportNode;
CameraInfo* _camera;
const char* MAIN_CAMERA = "main";
const char* FAR_CAMERA = "far";
const char* GEOMETRY_CAMERA = "geometry";
const char* SHADOW_CAMERA = "shadow";
const char* LIGHTING_CAMERA = "lighting";
const char* DISPLAY_CAMERA = "display";
CameraGroup::CameraGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer) :
using namespace osg;
// Given a projection matrix, return a new one with the same frustum
// sides and new near / far values.
void makeNewProjMat(Matrixd& oldProj, double znear,
double zfar, Matrixd& projection)
projection = oldProj;
// Slightly inflate the near & far planes to avoid objects at the
// extremes being clipped out.
znear *= 0.999;
zfar *= 1.001;
// Clamp the projection matrix z values to the range (near, far)
double epsilon = 1.0e-6;
if (fabs(projection(0,3)) < epsilon &&
fabs(projection(1,3)) < epsilon &&
fabs(projection(2,3)) < epsilon) {
// Projection is Orthographic
epsilon = -1.0/(zfar - znear); // Used as a temp variable
projection(2,2) = 2.0*epsilon;
projection(3,2) = (zfar + znear)*epsilon;
} else {
// Projection is Perspective
double trans_near = (-znear*projection(2,2) + projection(3,2)) /
(-znear*projection(2,3) + projection(3,3));
double trans_far = (-zfar*projection(2,2) + projection(3,2)) /
(-zfar*projection(2,3) + projection(3,3));
double ratio = fabs(2.0/(trans_near - trans_far));
double center = -0.5*(trans_near + trans_far);
projection.postMult(osg::Matrixd(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, ratio, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, center*ratio, 1.0));
namespace flightgear
void CameraInfo::updateCameras()
bufferSize->set( osg::Vec2f( width, height ) );
@ -259,6 +359,11 @@ void CameraInfo::resized(double w, double h)
osg::Camera* CameraInfo::getCamera(const std::string& k) const
CameraMap::const_iterator ii = cameras.find( k );
@ -292,6 +397,21 @@ void CameraInfo::setMatrices(osg::Camera* c)
worldPosGeod->set( osg::Vec3f( pos2.getLongitudeRad(), pos2.getLatitudeRad(), pos2.getElevationM() ) );
for (CameraList::iterator i = _cameras.begin(); i != _cameras.end(); ++i) {
CameraInfo* info = *i;
for (CameraMap::iterator ii = info->cameras.begin(); ii != info->cameras.end(); ++ii) {
RenderStageInfo& rsi = ii->second;
unsigned int slaveIndex = _viewer->findSlaveIndexForCamera(;
void CameraGroup::update(const osg::Vec3d& position,
const osg::Quat& orientation)
@ -447,6 +567,13 @@ void CameraGroup::update(const osg::Vec3d& position,
globals->get_renderer()->setPlanes( _zNear, _zFar );
ref_ptr<CameraGroup> CameraGroup::_defaultGroup;
CameraGroup::CameraGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer) :
void CameraGroup::setCameraParameters(float vfov, float aspectRatio)
if (vfov != 0.0f && aspectRatio != 0.0f)
@ -473,74 +600,6 @@ double CameraGroup::getMasterAspectRatio() const
return static_cast<double>(viewport->height()) / viewport->width();
// A raw value for property nodes that references a class member via
// an osg::ref_ptr.
template<class C, class T>
class RefMember : public SGRawValue<T>
RefMember (C *obj, T C::*ptr)
: _obj(obj), _ptr(ptr) {}
virtual ~RefMember () {}
virtual T getValue () const
return _obj.get()->*_ptr;
virtual bool setValue (T value)
_obj.get()->*_ptr = value;
return true;
virtual SGRawValue<T> * clone () const
return new RefMember(_obj.get(), _ptr);
ref_ptr<C> _obj;
T C::* const _ptr;
template<typename C, typename T>
RefMember<C, T> makeRefMember(C *obj, T C::*ptr)
return RefMember<C, T>(obj, ptr);
template<typename C, typename T>
void bindMemberToNode(SGPropertyNode* parent, const char* childName,
C* obj, T C::*ptr, T value)
SGPropertyNode* valNode = parent->getNode(childName);
RefMember<C, T> refMember = makeRefMember(obj, ptr);
if (!valNode) {
valNode = parent->getNode(childName, true);
valNode->tie(refMember, false);
setValue(valNode, value);
} else {
valNode->tie(refMember, true);
void buildViewport(flightgear::CameraInfo* info, SGPropertyNode* viewportNode,
const osg::GraphicsContext::Traits *traits)
using namespace flightgear;
bindMemberToNode(viewportNode, "x", info, &CameraInfo::x, 0.0);
bindMemberToNode(viewportNode, "y", info, &CameraInfo::y, 0.0);
bindMemberToNode(viewportNode, "width", info, &CameraInfo::width,
bindMemberToNode(viewportNode, "height", info, &CameraInfo::height,
namespace flightgear
// Mostly copied from osg's osgViewer/View.cpp
@ -958,6 +1017,7 @@ CameraInfo* CameraGroup::buildCamera(SGPropertyNode* cameraNode)
bool useMasterSceneGraph = !psNode;
CameraInfo* info = globals->get_renderer()->buildRenderingPipeline(this, cameraFlags, camera, vOff, pOff,
window->gc.get(), useMasterSceneGraph);
info->name = cameraNode->getStringValue("name");
info->physicalWidth = physicalWidth;
info->physicalHeight = physicalHeight;
@ -970,10 +1030,13 @@ CameraInfo* CameraGroup::buildCamera(SGPropertyNode* cameraNode)
info->parentReference[1] = parentReference[1];
info->thisReference[0] = thisReference[0];
info->thisReference[1] = thisReference[1];
// If a viewport isn't set on the camera, then it's hard to dig it
// out of the SceneView objects in the viewer, and the coordinates
// of mouse events are somewhat bizzare.
buildViewport(info, viewportNode, window->gc->getTraits());
info->viewportListener.reset(new CameraViewportListener(info, viewportNode, window->gc->getTraits()));
// Distortion camera needs the viewport which is created by addCamera().
if (psNode) {
@ -1033,7 +1096,9 @@ CameraInfo* CameraGroup::buildGUICamera(SGPropertyNode* cameraNode,
// should be assigned by a camera manager.
camera->setRenderOrder(osg::Camera::POST_RENDER, 10000);
SGPropertyNode* viewportNode = cameraNode->getNode("viewport", true);
buildViewport(result, viewportNode, window->gc->getTraits());
result->viewportListener.reset(new CameraViewportListener(result, viewportNode,
// Disable statistics for the GUI camera.
@ -1045,6 +1110,8 @@ CameraGroup* CameraGroup::buildCameraGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer,
SGPropertyNode* gnode)
CameraGroup* cgroup = new CameraGroup(viewer);
cgroup->_listener.reset(new CameraGroupListener(cgroup, gnode));
for (int i = 0; i < gnode->nChildren(); ++i) {
SGPropertyNode* pNode = gnode->getChild(i);
const char* name = pNode->getName();
@ -1056,10 +1123,7 @@ CameraGroup* CameraGroup::buildCameraGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer,
bindMemberToNode(gnode, "znear", cgroup, &CameraGroup::_zNear, .1f);
bindMemberToNode(gnode, "zfar", cgroup, &CameraGroup::_zFar, 120000.0f);
bindMemberToNode(gnode, "near-field", cgroup, &CameraGroup::_nearField,
return cgroup;
@ -1266,4 +1330,50 @@ void warpGUIPointer(CameraGroup* cgroup, int x, int y)
* (eventState->getYmax() - eventState->getYmin())));
cgroup->getViewer()->getEventQueue()->mouseWarped(viewerX, viewerY);
void CameraGroup::buildDefaultGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer)
// Look for windows, camera groups, and the old syntax of
// top-level cameras
SGPropertyNode* renderingNode = fgGetNode("/sim/rendering");
SGPropertyNode* cgroupNode = renderingNode->getNode("camera-group", true);
bool oldSyntax = !cgroupNode->hasChild("camera");
if (oldSyntax) {
for (int i = 0; i < renderingNode->nChildren(); ++i) {
SGPropertyNode* propNode = renderingNode->getChild(i);
const char* propName = propNode->getName();
if (!strcmp(propName, "window") || !strcmp(propName, "camera")) {
SGPropertyNode* copiedNode
= cgroupNode->getNode(propName, propNode->getIndex(), true);
copyProperties(propNode, copiedNode);
SGPropertyNodeVec cameras(cgroupNode->getChildren("camera"));
SGPropertyNode* masterCamera = 0;
SGPropertyNodeVec::const_iterator it;
for (it = cameras.begin(); it != cameras.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->getDoubleValue("shear-x", 0.0) == 0.0
&& (*it)->getDoubleValue("shear-y", 0.0) == 0.0) {
masterCamera = it->ptr();
if (!masterCamera) {
WindowBuilder *windowBuilder = WindowBuilder::getWindowBuilder();
masterCamera = cgroupNode->getChild("camera", cameras.size(), true);
setValue(masterCamera->getNode("window/name", true),
SGPropertyNode* nameNode = masterCamera->getNode("window/name");
if (nameNode)
setValue(cgroupNode->getNode("gui/window/name", true),
CameraGroup* cgroup = buildCameraGroup(viewer, cgroupNode);
} // of namespace flightgear
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <osg/Matrix>
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
@ -48,7 +49,9 @@ namespace flightgear
class GraphicsWindow;
class CameraViewportListener;
class CameraGroupListener;
struct RenderBufferInfo {
RenderBufferInfo(osg::Texture2D* t = 0, float s = 1.0 ) : texture(t), scaleFactor(s) {}
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> texture;
@ -106,10 +109,13 @@ struct CameraInfo : public osg::Referenced
shadowMatrix[3] = new osg::Uniform("fg_ShadowMatrix_3", osg::Matrixf());
/** Update and resize cameras
void updateCameras();
void resized(double w, double h);
/** The name as given in the config file.
std::string name;
@ -161,6 +167,8 @@ struct CameraInfo : public osg::Referenced
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> dv;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Uniform> shadowMatrix[4];
std::auto_ptr<CameraViewportListener> viewportListener;
void setMatrices( osg::Camera* c );
osgUtil::RenderBin::RenderBinList savedTransparentBins;
@ -172,10 +180,6 @@ struct CameraInfo : public osg::Referenced
osg::Vec2d thisReference[2];
/** Update the OSG cameras from the camera info.
void updateCameras(const CameraInfo* info);
class CameraGroup : public osg::Referenced
@ -198,6 +202,9 @@ public:
* @param viewer the viewer
CameraGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer);
/** Get the camera group's Viewer.
* @return the viewer
@ -236,11 +243,15 @@ public:
* matters at this time.
* @param group the group to set.
static void buildDefaultGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer);
static void setDefault(CameraGroup* group) { _defaultGroup = group; }
/** Get the default CameraGroup.
* @return the default camera group.
static CameraGroup* getDefault() { return _defaultGroup.get(); }
typedef std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<CameraInfo> > CameraList;
typedef CameraList::iterator CameraIterator;
typedef CameraList::const_iterator ConstCameraIterator;
@ -253,12 +264,6 @@ public:
ConstCameraIterator camerasBegin() const { return _cameras.begin(); }
ConstCameraIterator camerasEnd() const { return _cameras.end(); }
void addCamera(CameraInfo* info) { _cameras.push_back(info); }
/** Build a complete CameraGroup from a property node.
* @param viewer the viewer associated with this camera group.
* @param the camera group property node.
static CameraGroup* buildCameraGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer,
SGPropertyNode* node);
/** Set the cull mask on all non-GUI cameras
void setCameraCullMasks(osg::Node::NodeMask nm);
@ -278,16 +283,30 @@ public:
* find the GUI camera if one is defined
const CameraInfo* getGUICamera() const;
void setZNear(float f) { _zNear = f; }
void setZFar(float f) { _zFar = f; }
void setNearField(float f) { _nearField = f; }
CameraList _cameras;
osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> _viewer;
static osg::ref_ptr<CameraGroup> _defaultGroup;
std::auto_ptr<CameraGroupListener> _listener;
// Near, far for the master camera if used.
float _zNear;
float _zFar;
float _nearField;
typedef std::map<std::string, osg::ref_ptr<osg::TextureRectangle> > TextureMap;
TextureMap _textureTargets;
/** Build a complete CameraGroup from a property node.
* @param viewer the viewer associated with this camera group.
* @param the camera group property node.
static CameraGroup* buildCameraGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer,
SGPropertyNode* node);
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace flightgear;
using namespace osg;
static osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> viewer;
osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> viewer;
static osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> mainCamera;
static void setStereoMode( const char * mode )
@ -251,12 +251,9 @@ void fgOSOpenWindow(bool stencil)
osg::setNotifyHandler(new NotifyLogger);
SGPropertyNode* osgLevel = fgGetNode("/sim/rendering/osg-notify-level", true);
osgLevel->addChangeListener(new NotifyLevelListener, true);
viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer;
CameraGroup* cameraGroup = 0;
std::string mode;
mode = fgGetString("/sim/rendering/multithreading-mode", "SingleThreaded");
if (mode == "AutomaticSelection")
@ -270,49 +267,8 @@ void fgOSOpenWindow(bool stencil)
WindowBuilder *windowBuilder = WindowBuilder::getWindowBuilder();
// Look for windows, camera groups, and the old syntax of
// top-level cameras
SGPropertyNode* renderingNode = fgGetNode("/sim/rendering");
SGPropertyNode* cgroupNode = renderingNode->getNode("camera-group", true);
bool oldSyntax = !cgroupNode->hasChild("camera");
if (oldSyntax) {
for (int i = 0; i < renderingNode->nChildren(); ++i) {
SGPropertyNode* propNode = renderingNode->getChild(i);
const char* propName = propNode->getName();
if (!strcmp(propName, "window") || !strcmp(propName, "camera")) {
SGPropertyNode* copiedNode
= cgroupNode->getNode(propName, propNode->getIndex(), true);
copyProperties(propNode, copiedNode);
vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> cameras = cgroupNode->getChildren("camera");
SGPropertyNode* masterCamera = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(SGPropertyNode_ptr& camera, cameras) {
if (camera->getDoubleValue("shear-x", 0.0) == 0.0
&& camera->getDoubleValue("shear-y", 0.0) == 0.0) {
masterCamera = camera.ptr();
if (!masterCamera) {
masterCamera = cgroupNode->getChild("camera", cameras.size(), true);
setValue(masterCamera->getNode("window/name", true),
SGPropertyNode* nameNode = masterCamera->getNode("window/name");
if (nameNode)
setValue(cgroupNode->getNode("gui/window/name", true),
cameraGroup = CameraGroup::buildCameraGroup(viewer.get(), cgroupNode);
Camera* guiCamera = getGUICamera(cameraGroup);
if (guiCamera) {
Viewport* guiViewport = guiCamera->getViewport();
fgSetInt("/sim/startup/xsize", guiViewport->width());
fgSetInt("/sim/startup/ysize", guiViewport->height());
FGEventHandler* manipulator = globals->get_renderer()->getEventHandler();
WindowSystemAdapter* wsa = WindowSystemAdapter::getWSA();
if (wsa->windows.size() != 1) {
@ -325,8 +281,20 @@ void fgOSOpenWindow(bool stencil)
// The viewer won't start without some root.
viewer->setSceneData(new osg::Group);
void fgOSResetProperties()
SGPropertyNode* osgLevel = fgGetNode("/sim/rendering/osg-notify-level", true);
osgLevel->addChangeListener(new NotifyLevelListener, true);
osg::Camera* guiCamera = getGUICamera(CameraGroup::getDefault());
if (guiCamera) {
Viewport* guiViewport = guiCamera->getViewport();
fgSetInt("/sim/startup/xsize", guiViewport->width());
fgSetInt("/sim/startup/ysize", guiViewport->height());
DisplaySettings * displaySettings = DisplaySettings::instance();
fgTie("/sim/rendering/osg-displaysettings/eye-separation", displaySettings, &DisplaySettings::getEyeSeparation, &DisplaySettings::setEyeSeparation );
fgTie("/sim/rendering/osg-displaysettings/screen-distance", displaySettings, &DisplaySettings::getScreenDistance, &DisplaySettings::setScreenDistance );
@ -350,13 +318,11 @@ void fgOSExit(int code)
int fgOSMainLoop()
ref_ptr<FGEventHandler> manipulator
= globals->get_renderer()->getEventHandler();
if (!viewer->isRealized())
while (!viewer->done()) {
fgIdleHandler idleFunc = manipulator->getIdleHandler();
fgIdleHandler idleFunc = globals->get_renderer()->getEventHandler()->getIdleHandler();
if (idleFunc)
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