Fork 0

nav.dat: support XP NAV1100 format

This allows using NavXP1100-formatted nav.dat from gateway.x-plane.com.

The skipped field types are:

14 Final approach path alignment point of an SBAS or GBAS approach path
15 GBAS differential ground station of a GLS
16 Landing threshold point or fictitious threshold point of an SBAS/GBAS

We don't have SBAS/GBAS in Flightgear.

This change also includes duplicate detection for multiple nav.dat files
This commit is contained in:
Szymon Acedański 2017-02-26 20:02:57 +01:00
parent 2b2780bfca
commit b9dbe9c9e7
3 changed files with 171 additions and 31 deletions

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const int SCHEMA_VERSION = 16;
const int SCHEMA_VERSION = 17;
#define SCHEMA_SQL \
"CREATE TABLE properties (key VARCHAR, value VARCHAR);" \

View file

@ -271,13 +271,11 @@ void Airway::Network::addEdge(int aWay, const SGGeod& aStartPos,
if (!start) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_DEBUG, "unknown airways start pt: '" << aStartIdent << "'");
start = FGPositioned::createUserWaypoint(aStartIdent, aStartPos);
if (!end) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_DEBUG, "unknown airways end pt: '" << aEndIdent << "'");
end = FGPositioned::createUserWaypoint(aEndIdent, aEndPos);
NavDataCache::instance()->insertEdge(_networkID, aWay, start->guid(), end->guid());

View file

@ -30,12 +30,17 @@
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef> // std::size_t
#include <cerrno>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include "navdb.hxx"
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGGeod.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGMathFwd.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGVec3.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/strutils.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
@ -43,7 +48,6 @@
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <simgear/sg_inlines.h>
#include "navrecord.hxx"
#include "navlist.hxx"
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Navaids/markerbeacon.hxx>
@ -52,10 +56,16 @@
#include <Airports/xmlloader.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Navaids/NavDataCache.hxx>
#include <Navaids/navrecord.hxx>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// Duplicate navaids with the same ident will be removed if the disance
// between them is less than this.
static const double DUPLICATE_DETECTION_RADIUS_NM = 10;
static void throwExceptionIfStreamError(const std::istream& inputStream,
const SGPath& path)
@ -73,7 +83,6 @@ static FGPositioned::Type
mapRobinTypeToFGPType(int aTy)
switch (aTy) {
// case 1:
case 2: return FGPositioned::NDB;
case 3: return FGPositioned::VOR;
case 4: return FGPositioned::ILS;
@ -84,9 +93,7 @@ mapRobinTypeToFGPType(int aTy)
case 9: return FGPositioned::IM;
case 12:
case 13: return FGPositioned::DME;
case 99: return FGPositioned::INVALID; // end-of-file code
throw sg_range_exception("Got a nav.dat type we don't recognize", "FGNavRecord::createFromStream");
default: return FGPositioned::INVALID;
@ -154,11 +161,34 @@ static double defaultNavRange(const string& ident, FGPositioned::Type type)
namespace flightgear
static bool isNearby(const SGGeod& pos1, const SGGeod& pos2) {
double distNm = dist(SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos1),
SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos2)) * SG_METER_TO_NM;
static bool canBeDuplicate(FGPositionedRef ref, FGPositioned::Type type,
const std::string& name,
const SGGeod& pos, int freq)
if ((type >= FGPositioned::ILS) && (type <= FGPositioned::IM)) {
NavDataCache* cache = NavDataCache::instance();
AirportRunwayPair AR = cache->findAirportRunway(name);
PositionedID navaidId = cache->findNavaidForRunway(AR.second, type);
return navaidId != 0;
} else if (type == FGPositioned::DME) {
FGNavRecord* navRecord = dynamic_cast<FGNavRecord*>(ref.ptr());
return navRecord->get_freq() == freq;
} else {
return true;
// Parse a line from a file such as nav.dat or carrier_nav.dat. Load the
// corresponding data into the NavDataCache.
static PositionedID processNavLine(
const string& line, const string& utf8Path, unsigned int lineNum,
FGPositioned::Type type = FGPositioned::INVALID)
FGPositioned::Type type = FGPositioned::INVALID, unsigned long version = 810)
NavDataCache* cache = NavDataCache::instance();
int rowCode, elev_ft, freq, range;
@ -166,15 +196,23 @@ static PositionedID processNavLine(
double lat, lon, multiuse;
// Short identifier and longer name for a navaid (e.g., 'OLN' and
// 'LFPO 02 OM')
string ident, name;
string ident, name, arpt_code;
if (simgear::strutils::starts_with(line, "#")) {
// carrier_nav.dat has a comment line using this syntax...
return 0;
int num_splits;
if (version < 1100) {
// At most 9 fields (the ninth field may contain spaces)
vector<string> fields(simgear::strutils::split(line, 0, 8));
num_splits = 8;
} else {
// At most 11 fields (the eleventh field may contain spaces)
num_splits = 10;
vector<string> fields(simgear::strutils::split(line, 0, num_splits));
vector<string>::size_type nbFields = fields.size();
static const string endOfData = "99"; // special code in the nav.dat spec
@ -209,7 +247,25 @@ static PositionedID processNavLine(
range = std::stoi(fields[5]);
multiuse = std::stod(fields[6]);
ident = fields[7];
name = simgear::strutils::strip(fields[8]);
if (version >= 1100) {
// Convert names to the format present in 810 version.
// 1. fields[9] is ICAO region code, we skip over it.
// 2. For NDB, VOR and DMEs not associated with ILS,
// fields[8] is always ENRT, we skip over this too, to match
// the naming with version 810.
if ((rowCode == 2 || rowCode == 3 || rowCode == 12 || rowCode == 13)
&& fields[8] == "ENRT") {
name = fields[10];
} else {
name = fields[8] + " " + fields[10];
} else {
name = fields[8];
// Canonicalize name, removing whitespace from the beginning, the end
// and extraneous spaces between tokens.
name = simgear::strutils::simplify(name);
} catch (const std::logic_error& exc) {
// On my system using GNU libstdc++, exc.what() is limited to the function
// name (e.g., 'stod')!
@ -226,17 +282,91 @@ static PositionedID processNavLine(
// supplied in the .dat file.
if (type == FGPositioned::INVALID) {
type = mapRobinTypeToFGPType(rowCode);
if (type == FGPositioned::INVALID) {
static std::set<int> ignoredCodes;
if (ignoredCodes.insert(rowCode).second) {
utf8Path << ":" << lineNum << ": unrecognized row code "
<< rowCode << ", ignoring this line and all further lines "
<< "with the same code");
return 0;
// Silently multiply ADF frequencies by 100 so that ADF
// vs. NAV/LOC frequency lookups can use the same code.
if (type == FGPositioned::NDB) {
freq *= 100;
// Deduplication rules:
// 1. Navaid files are loaded according to the order in $FG_SCENERY,
// followed by the default file in $FG_ROOT/Navaids.
// 2. Navaids from each of these files are considered one by one and added
// to the cache, except a navaid is *not* added if another one lies within
// - it has the same name, type and ident, or
// - it has the same type and ident, and:
// * is either attached to the same runway (for navaid types LOC, ILS,
// GS, IM, MM, OM), or
// * has type FGPositioned::DME and the same frequency
// (this ensures that colocated DMEs and TACANs are *not* considered
// as duplicates, since they normally have different frequencies)
// For this logic to work reasonably, each set of nav.dat files in a given
// scenery path must be self-contained regarding the colocated navaids --
// if one of the colocated navaids is present, the other one must be too,
// and the files must be sorted by row codes as mandated in XP-NAV1100 spec.
// First, eliminate nearby with the same name, type and ident.
static std::multimap<std::tuple<FGPositioned::Type, std::string,
std::string>, SGGeod> loadedNavs; // Maps (type, ident, name) tuples
// already loaded to their locations.
auto loadedNavsKey = std::make_tuple(type, ident, name);
auto matchingNavs = loadedNavs.equal_range(loadedNavsKey);
for (auto it = matchingNavs.first; it != matchingNavs.second; ++it) {
if (isNearby(pos, it->second)) {
utf8Path << ":" << lineNum << ": skipping navaid '" <<
name << "' (already defined nearby)");
return 0;
loadedNavs.emplace(loadedNavsKey, pos);
// Then, eliminate nearby with the same type and ident.
FGPositioned::TypeFilter dupTypeFilter(type);
FGPositionedRef ref = FGPositioned::findClosestWithIdent(ident, pos,
if (ref.valid()) {
if (isNearby(pos, ref->geod())
&& canBeDuplicate(ref, type, name, pos, freq)) {
utf8Path << ":" << lineNum << ": skipping navaid '" <<
name << "' (nearby suspected duplicate '" << ref->name() << "')");
return 0;
if ((type >= FGPositioned::OM) && (type <= FGPositioned::IM)) {
AirportRunwayPair arp(cache->findAirportRunway(name));
if (!arp.first || !arp.second) {
utf8Path << ":" << lineNum << ": couldn't find matching runway " <<
"for marker '" << name << "', skipping.");
return 0;
// Note: for these types, the XP NAV810 and XP NAV1100 specs differ.
if ((type >= FGPositioned::OM) && (type <= FGPositioned::IM)) {
AirportRunwayPair arp(cache->findAirportRunway(name));
if (arp.second && (elev_ft <= 0)) {
// snap to runway elevation
FGPositioned* runway = cache->loadById(arp.second);
FGPositionedRef runway = cache->loadById(arp.second);
@ -250,7 +380,7 @@ static PositionedID processNavLine(
AirportRunwayPair arp;
FGRunway* runway = NULL;
FGRunwayRef runway;
PositionedID navaid_dme = 0;
if (type == FGPositioned::DME) {
@ -295,6 +425,12 @@ static PositionedID processNavLine(
if ((type >= FGPositioned::ILS) && (type <= FGPositioned::GS)) {
arp = cache->findAirportRunway(name);
if (!arp.first || !arp.second) {
utf8Path << ":" << lineNum << ": couldn't find matching runway " <<
"for ILS/LOC/GS navaid '" << name << "', ignoring it.");
return 0;
if (arp.second) {
runway = FGPositioned::loadById<FGRunway>(arp.second);
@ -314,12 +450,6 @@ static PositionedID processNavLine(
alignLocaliserWithRunway(runway, ident, pos, multiuse);
// silently multiply adf frequencies by 100 so that adf
// vs. nav/loc frequency lookups can use the same code.
if (type == FGPositioned::NDB) {
freq *= 100;
PositionedID r = cache->insertNavaid(type, ident, name, pos, freq, range, multiuse,
arp.first, arp.second);
@ -351,17 +481,29 @@ void navDBInit(const SGPath& path)
autoAlignLocalizers = fgGetBool("/sim/navdb/localizers/auto-align", true);
autoAlignThreshold = fgGetDouble( "/sim/navdb/localizers/auto-align-threshold-deg", 5.0 );
string line;
// Skip the first two lines
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
in >> skipeol;
std::getline(in, line);
throwExceptionIfStreamError(in, path);
string line;
unsigned int lineNumber;
unsigned long version;
try {
vector<string> fields(simgear::strutils::split(line, 0, 1));
version = std::stoul(fields[0]);
} catch (const std::logic_error& exc) {
std::string errMsg = utf8Path + ": unable to parse version from header";
std::string strippedLine = simgear::strutils::stripTrailingNewlines(line);
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_ALERT, errMsg << ": " << strippedLine );
throw sg_format_exception(errMsg, strippedLine);
for (lineNumber = 3; std::getline(in, line); lineNumber++) {
processNavLine(line, utf8Path, lineNumber);
processNavLine(line, utf8Path, lineNumber, FGPositioned::INVALID, version);
if ((lineNumber % 100) == 0) {
// every 100 lines