Fork 0

Add support for specifying a ";" delimited list of scenery locations to

search when loading scenery tiles.  (I am not set on using ";" as the
delimiter because it is a command separator in unix, but ":" is a critical
part of the windows file naming scheme (c:\foo\bar) so that is even worse.)


This commit is contained in:
curt 2003-08-08 20:11:22 +00:00
parent 85feefa59f
commit b206ef0a4b
4 changed files with 187 additions and 178 deletions

View file

@ -92,12 +92,14 @@ FGTileLoader::add( FGTileEntry* tile )
static bool beenhere = false;
if (!beenhere)
SGPath tmp;
if ( !globals->get_fg_scenery().empty() ) {
tile_path.set( globals->get_fg_scenery() );
tmp.set( globals->get_fg_scenery() );
} else {
tile_path.set( globals->get_fg_root() );
tmp.set( globals->get_fg_root() );
tile_path.append( "Scenery" );
tile_path = tmp.str();
beenhere = true;

View file

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ private:
* Base name of directory containing tile data file.
SGPath tile_path;
string tile_path;

View file

@ -557,17 +557,6 @@ bool FGTileEntry::obj_load( const string& path,
center = c;
bounding_radius = br;
} else {
// default to an ocean tile
if ( sgGenTile( path, tile_bucket, &c, &br,
globals->get_matlib(), geometry ) )
center = c;
bounding_radius = br;
} else {
"Warning: failed to generate ocean tile!" );
return (geometry != NULL);
@ -575,212 +564,230 @@ bool FGTileEntry::obj_load( const string& path,
FGTileEntry::load( const SGPath& base, bool is_base )
FGTileEntry::load( const string &base_path, bool is_base )
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "load() base = " << base.str() );
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "load() base search path = "
<< base_path );
// Generate names for later use
string index_str = tile_bucket.gen_index_str();
bool found_tile_base = false;
SGPath tile_path = base;
tile_path.append( tile_bucket.gen_base_path() );
SGPath basename = tile_path;
basename.append( index_str );
// string path = basename.str();
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "Loading tile " << basename.str() );
#define FG_MAX_LIGHTS 1000
string_list search = sgPathSplit( base_path );
// obj_load() will generate ground lighting for us ...
ssgVertexArray *light_pts = new ssgVertexArray( 100 );
ssgBranch* new_tile = new ssgBranch;
// Check for master .stg (scene terra gear) file
SGPath stg_name = basename;
stg_name.concat( ".stg" );
unsigned int i = 0;
while ( i < search.size() && !found_tile_base ) {
sg_gzifstream in( stg_name.str() );
// Generate names for later use
string index_str = tile_bucket.gen_index_str();
if ( in.is_open() ) {
string token, name;
SGPath tile_path = search[i];
tile_path.append( tile_bucket.gen_base_path() );
while ( ! in.eof() ) {
in >> token;
SGPath basename = tile_path;
basename.append( index_str );
// string path = basename.str();
if ( token == "OBJECT_BASE" ) {
in >> name >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name );
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "Loading tile " << basename.str() );
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
#define FG_MAX_LIGHTS 1000
ssgBranch *geometry = new ssgBranch;
if ( obj_load( custom_path.str(),
geometry, NULL, NULL, light_pts, true ) )
new_tile -> addKid( geometry );
} else {
delete geometry;
} else if ( token == "OBJECT" ) {
in >> name >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name );
// Check for master .stg (scene terra gear) file
SGPath stg_name = basename;
stg_name.concat( ".stg" );
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sg_gzifstream in( stg_name.str() );
ssgBranch *geometry = new ssgBranch;
ssgBranch *rwy_lights = new ssgBranch;
ssgBranch *taxi_lights = new ssgBranch;
if ( obj_load( custom_path.str(),
geometry, rwy_lights, taxi_lights,
NULL, false ) )
if ( geometry -> getNumKids() > 0 ) {
if ( in.is_open() ) {
string token, name;
while ( ! in.eof() ) {
in >> token;
if ( token == "OBJECT_BASE" ) {
in >> name >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name );
found_tile_base = true;
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
ssgBranch *geometry = new ssgBranch;
if ( obj_load( custom_path.str(),
geometry, NULL, NULL, light_pts, true ) )
new_tile -> addKid( geometry );
} else {
delete geometry;
if ( rwy_lights -> getNumKids() > 0 ) {
rwy_lights_transform -> addKid( rwy_lights );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT" ) {
in >> name >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name );
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
ssgBranch *geometry = new ssgBranch;
ssgBranch *rwy_lights = new ssgBranch;
ssgBranch *taxi_lights = new ssgBranch;
if ( obj_load( custom_path.str(),
geometry, rwy_lights, taxi_lights,
NULL, false ) )
if ( geometry -> getNumKids() > 0 ) {
new_tile -> addKid( geometry );
} else {
delete geometry;
if ( rwy_lights -> getNumKids() > 0 ) {
rwy_lights_transform -> addKid( rwy_lights );
} else {
delete rwy_lights;
if ( taxi_lights -> getNumKids() > 0 ) {
taxi_lights_transform -> addKid( taxi_lights );
} else {
delete taxi_lights;
} else {
delete geometry;
delete rwy_lights;
if ( taxi_lights -> getNumKids() > 0 ) {
taxi_lights_transform -> addKid( taxi_lights );
} else {
delete taxi_lights;
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_STATIC" ||
token == "OBJECT_SHARED" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// object loading is deferred to main render thread,
// but lets figure out the paths right now.
SGPath custom_path;
if ( token == "OBJECT_STATIC" ) {
custom_path= tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
// wire as much of the scene graph together as we can
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
// bump up the pending models count
// push an entry onto the model load queue
FGDeferredModel *dm
= new FGDeferredModel( custom_path.str(),
this, obj_trans );
FGTileMgr::model_ready( dm );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_TAXI_SIGN" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// load the object itself
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
ssgBranch *custom_obj
= sgMakeTaxiSign( globals->get_matlib(),
custom_path.str(), name );
// wire the pieces together
if ( custom_obj != NULL ) {
obj_trans -> addKid( custom_obj );
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_RUNWAY_SIGN" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// load the object itself
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
ssgBranch *custom_obj
= sgMakeRunwaySign( globals->get_matlib(),
custom_path.str(), name );
// wire the pieces together
if ( custom_obj != NULL ) {
obj_trans -> addKid( custom_obj );
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
} else if ( token == "RWY_LIGHTS" ) {
double lon, lat, hdg, len, width;
string common, end1, end2;
in >> lon >> lat >> hdg >> len >> width
>> common >> end1 >> end2;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " hdg = " << hdg
<< " size = " << len << ", " << width
<< " codes = " << common << " "
<< end1 << " " << end2 );
} else {
delete geometry;
delete rwy_lights;
delete taxi_lights;
"Unknown token " << token << " in "
<< stg_name.str() );
in >> ::skipws;
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_STATIC" ||
token == "OBJECT_SHARED" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// object loading is deferred to main render thread,
// but lets figure out the paths right now.
SGPath custom_path;
if ( token == "OBJECT_STATIC" )
custom_path= tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
// wire as much of the scene graph together as we can
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
// bump up the pending models count
// push an entry onto the model load queue
FGDeferredModel *dm
= new FGDeferredModel( custom_path.str(), tile_path.str(),
this, obj_trans );
FGTileMgr::model_ready( dm );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_TAXI_SIGN" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// load the object itself
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
ssgBranch *custom_obj
= sgMakeTaxiSign( globals->get_matlib(),
custom_path.str(), name );
// wire the pieces together
if ( custom_obj != NULL ) {
obj_trans -> addKid( custom_obj );
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
} else if ( token == "OBJECT_RUNWAY_SIGN" ) {
// load object info
double lon, lat, elev, hdg;
in >> name >> lon >> lat >> elev >> hdg >> ::skipws;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " name = " << name
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " elevation = " << elev
<< " heading = " << hdg );
// load the object itself
SGPath custom_path = tile_path;
custom_path.append( name );
sgCoord obj_pos;
WorldCoordinate( &obj_pos, center, lat, lon, elev, hdg );
ssgTransform *obj_trans = new ssgTransform;
obj_trans->setTransform( &obj_pos );
ssgBranch *custom_obj
= sgMakeRunwaySign( globals->get_matlib(),
custom_path.str(), name );
// wire the pieces together
if ( custom_obj != NULL ) {
obj_trans -> addKid( custom_obj );
new_tile->addKid( obj_trans );
} else if ( token == "RWY_LIGHTS" ) {
double lon, lat, hdg, len, width;
string common, end1, end2;
in >> lon >> lat >> hdg >> len >> width
>> common >> end1 >> end2;
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "token = " << token
<< " pos = " << lon << ", " << lat
<< " hdg = " << hdg
<< " size = " << len << ", " << width
<< " codes = " << common << " "
<< end1 << " " << end2 );
} else {
"Unknown token " << token << " in "
<< stg_name.str() );
in >> ::skipws;
} else {
// no .stg file, generate an ocean tile on the fly for this
// area
if ( !found_tile_base ) {
// no tile base found, generate an ocean tile on the fly for
// this area
ssgBranch *geometry = new ssgBranch;
Point3D c;
double br;
if ( sgGenTile( basename.str(), tile_bucket, &c, &br,
globals->get_matlib(), geometry ) ) {
if ( sgGenTile( search[0], tile_bucket, &c, &br,
globals->get_matlib(), geometry ) )
center = c;
bounding_radius = br;
new_tile -> addKid( geometry );

View file

@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ public:
* @param base name of directory containing tile data file.
* @param is_base is this a base terrain object for which we should generate
* random ground light points */
void load( const SGPath& base, bool is_base );
void load( const string &base_path, bool is_base );
* Return true if the tile entry is loaded, otherwise return false