Add my own version of gluLookAt() (which is nearly identical to the
Mesa/glu version.) But, by calculating the Model View matrix our selves we can save this matrix without having to read it back in from the video card. This hopefully allows us to save a few cpu cycles when rendering out the fragments because we can just use glLoadMatrixd() with the precalculated matrix for each tile rather than doing a push(), translate(), pop() for every fragment. Panel status defaults to off for now until it gets a bit more developed. Extract OpenGL driver info on initialization.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 164 additions and 5 deletions
@ -192,28 +192,28 @@ static void fgUpdateViewParams( void ) {
// set up our view volume (default)
gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
fg_gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
v->view_pos.x + v->view_forward[0],
v->view_pos.y + v->view_forward[1],
v->view_pos.z + v->view_forward[2],
v->view_up[0], v->view_up[1], v->view_up[2]);
// look almost straight up (testing and eclipse watching)
/* gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
/* fg_gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
v->view_pos.x + v->view_up[0] + .001,
v->view_pos.y + v->view_up[1] + .001,
v->view_pos.z + v->view_up[2] + .001,
v->view_up[0], v->view_up[1], v->view_up[2]); */
// lock view horizontally towards sun (testing)
/* gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
/* fg_gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
v->view_pos.x + v->surface_to_sun[0],
v->view_pos.y + v->surface_to_sun[1],
v->view_pos.z + v->surface_to_sun[2],
v->view_up[0], v->view_up[1], v->view_up[2]); */
// lock view horizontally towards south (testing)
/* gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
/* fg_gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
v->view_pos.x + v->surface_south[0],
v->view_pos.y + v->surface_south[1],
v->view_pos.z + v->surface_south[2],
@ -745,6 +745,19 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
// $Log$
// Revision 1.29 1998/07/04 00:52:22 curt
// Add my own version of gluLookAt() (which is nearly identical to the
// Mesa/glu version.) But, by calculating the Model View matrix our selves
// we can save this matrix without having to read it back in from the video
// card. This hopefully allows us to save a few cpu cycles when rendering
// out the fragments because we can just use glLoadMatrixd() with the
// precalculated matrix for each tile rather than doing a push(), translate(),
// pop() for every fragment.
// Panel status defaults to off for now until it gets a bit more developed.
// Extract OpenGL driver info on initialization.
// Revision 1.28 1998/06/27 16:54:32 curt
// Replaced "extern displayInstruments" with a entry in fgOPTIONS.
// Don't change the view port when displaying the panel.
@ -180,6 +180,10 @@ int fgInitGeneral( void ) {
fgPrintf( FG_GENERAL, FG_INFO, "General Initialization\n" );
fgPrintf( FG_GENERAL, FG_INFO, "======= ==============\n" );
g->glVendor = glGetString ( GL_VENDOR );
g->glRenderer = glGetString ( GL_RENDERER );
g->glVersion = glGetString ( GL_VERSION );
if ( !strlen(o->fg_root) ) {
// No root path set? Then assume, we will exit if this is
// wrong when looking for support files.
@ -383,6 +387,19 @@ int fgInitSubsystems( void ) {
// $Log$
// Revision 1.22 1998/07/04 00:52:25 curt
// Add my own version of gluLookAt() (which is nearly identical to the
// Mesa/glu version.) But, by calculating the Model View matrix our selves
// we can save this matrix without having to read it back in from the video
// card. This hopefully allows us to save a few cpu cycles when rendering
// out the fragments because we can just use glLoadMatrixd() with the
// precalculated matrix for each tile rather than doing a push(), translate(),
// pop() for every fragment.
// Panel status defaults to off for now until it gets a bit more developed.
// Extract OpenGL driver info on initialization.
// Revision 1.21 1998/06/27 16:54:33 curt
// Replaced "extern displayInstruments" with a entry in fgOPTIONS.
// Don't change the view port when displaying the panel.
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ fgOPTIONS::fgOPTIONS( void ) {
// Features
hud_status = 1;
panel_status = 1;
panel_status = 0;
// Rendering options
fog = 2; // nicest
@ -434,6 +434,19 @@ fgOPTIONS::~fgOPTIONS( void ) {
// $Log$
// Revision 1.14 1998/07/04 00:52:26 curt
// Add my own version of gluLookAt() (which is nearly identical to the
// Mesa/glu version.) But, by calculating the Model View matrix our selves
// we can save this matrix without having to read it back in from the video
// card. This hopefully allows us to save a few cpu cycles when rendering
// out the fragments because we can just use glLoadMatrixd() with the
// precalculated matrix for each tile rather than doing a push(), translate(),
// pop() for every fragment.
// Panel status defaults to off for now until it gets a bit more developed.
// Extract OpenGL driver info on initialization.
// Revision 1.13 1998/06/27 16:54:34 curt
// Replaced "extern displayInstruments" with a entry in fgOPTIONS.
// Don't change the view port when displaying the panel.
@ -375,7 +375,99 @@ fgVIEW::~fgVIEW( void ) {
// Basically, this is a modified version of the Mesa gluLookAt()
// function that's been modified slightly so we can capture the result
// before sending it off to OpenGL land.
void fg_gluLookAt( GLdouble eyex, GLdouble eyey, GLdouble eyez,
GLdouble centerx, GLdouble centery, GLdouble centerz,
GLdouble upx, GLdouble upy, GLdouble upz )
GLdouble *m;
GLdouble x[3], y[3], z[3];
GLdouble mag;
m = current_view.MODEL_VIEW;
/* Make rotation matrix */
/* Z vector */
z[0] = eyex - centerx;
z[1] = eyey - centery;
z[2] = eyez - centerz;
mag = sqrt( z[0]*z[0] + z[1]*z[1] + z[2]*z[2] );
if (mag) { /* mpichler, 19950515 */
z[0] /= mag;
z[1] /= mag;
z[2] /= mag;
/* Y vector */
y[0] = upx;
y[1] = upy;
y[2] = upz;
/* X vector = Y cross Z */
x[0] = y[1]*z[2] - y[2]*z[1];
x[1] = -y[0]*z[2] + y[2]*z[0];
x[2] = y[0]*z[1] - y[1]*z[0];
/* Recompute Y = Z cross X */
y[0] = z[1]*x[2] - z[2]*x[1];
y[1] = -z[0]*x[2] + z[2]*x[0];
y[2] = z[0]*x[1] - z[1]*x[0];
/* mpichler, 19950515 */
/* cross product gives area of parallelogram, which is < 1.0 for
* non-perpendicular unit-length vectors; so normalize x, y here
mag = sqrt( x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] + x[2]*x[2] );
if (mag) {
x[0] /= mag;
x[1] /= mag;
x[2] /= mag;
mag = sqrt( y[0]*y[0] + y[1]*y[1] + y[2]*y[2] );
if (mag) {
y[0] /= mag;
y[1] /= mag;
y[2] /= mag;
#define M(row,col) m[col*4+row]
M(0,0) = x[0]; M(0,1) = x[1]; M(0,2) = x[2]; M(0,3) = 0.0;
M(1,0) = y[0]; M(1,1) = y[1]; M(1,2) = y[2]; M(1,3) = 0.0;
M(2,0) = z[0]; M(2,1) = z[1]; M(2,2) = z[2]; M(2,3) = 0.0;
M(3,0) = 0.0; M(3,1) = 0.0; M(3,2) = 0.0; M(3,3) = 1.0;
#undef M
// Translate Eye to Origin
// replaces: glTranslated( -eyex, -eyey, -eyez );
m[12] = m[0] * -eyex + m[4] * -eyey + m[8] * -eyez + m[12];
m[13] = m[1] * -eyex + m[5] * -eyey + m[9] * -eyez + m[13];
m[14] = m[2] * -eyex + m[6] * -eyey + m[10] * -eyez + m[14];
m[15] = m[3] * -eyex + m[7] * -eyey + m[11] * -eyez + m[15];
// xglMultMatrixd( m );
xglLoadMatrixd( m );
// $Log$
// Revision 1.13 1998/07/04 00:52:27 curt
// Add my own version of gluLookAt() (which is nearly identical to the
// Mesa/glu version.) But, by calculating the Model View matrix our selves
// we can save this matrix without having to read it back in from the video
// card. This hopefully allows us to save a few cpu cycles when rendering
// out the fragments because we can just use glLoadMatrixd() with the
// precalculated matrix for each tile rather than doing a push(), translate(),
// pop() for every fragment.
// Panel status defaults to off for now until it gets a bit more developed.
// Extract OpenGL driver info on initialization.
// Revision 1.12 1998/06/03 00:47:15 curt
// Updated to compile in audio support if OSS available.
// Updated for new version of Steve's audio library.
@ -135,6 +135,9 @@ public:
// coordinates to eye coordinates
// Current model view matrix;
GLdouble MODEL_VIEW[16];
// Constructor
fgVIEW( void );
@ -158,10 +161,31 @@ public:
extern fgVIEW current_view;
// Basically, this is a modified version of the Mesa gluLookAt()
// function that's been modified slightly so we can capture the result
// before sending it off to OpenGL land.
void fg_gluLookAt( GLdouble eyex, GLdouble eyey, GLdouble eyez,
GLdouble centerx, GLdouble centery, GLdouble centerz,
GLdouble upx, GLdouble upy, GLdouble upz );
#endif // _VIEWS_HXX
// $Log$
// Revision 1.9 1998/07/04 00:52:27 curt
// Add my own version of gluLookAt() (which is nearly identical to the
// Mesa/glu version.) But, by calculating the Model View matrix our selves
// we can save this matrix without having to read it back in from the video
// card. This hopefully allows us to save a few cpu cycles when rendering
// out the fragments because we can just use glLoadMatrixd() with the
// precalculated matrix for each tile rather than doing a push(), translate(),
// pop() for every fragment.
// Panel status defaults to off for now until it gets a bit more developed.
// Extract OpenGL driver info on initialization.
// Revision 1.8 1998/05/27 02:24:06 curt
// View optimizations by Norman Vine.
Add table
Reference in a new issue