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Raw Normal View History

#ifndef _SURFACE_HPP
#define _SURFACE_HPP
#include "Version.hpp"
namespace yasim {
// FIXME: need a "chord" member for calculating moments. Generic
// forces act at the center, but "pre-stall" lift acts towards the
// front, and flaps act (in both lift and drag) toward the back.
class Surface
Surface( Version * version );
// Position of this surface in local coords
void setPosition(float* p);
void getPosition(float* out);
// Distance scale along the X axis
void setChord(float chord);
// Slats act to move the stall peak by the specified angle, and
// increase drag by the multiplier specified.
void setSlatParams(float stallDelta, float dragPenalty);
// Flaps add to lift coefficient, and multiply drag.
void setFlapParams(float liftAdd, float dragPenalty);
// Spoilers reduce the pre-stall lift, and multiply drag.
void setSpoilerParams(float liftPenalty, float dragPenalty);
// Positions for the controls, in the range [0:1]. [-1:1] for
// flaps, with positive meaning "force goes towards positive Z"
void setFlap(float pos);
void setSlat(float pos);
void setSpoiler(float pos);
2008-09-29 08:00:20 +00:00
// Modifier for flap lift coefficient, useful for simulating flap blowing etc.
void setFlapEffectiveness(float effectiveness);
double getFlapEffectiveness();
// local -> Surface coords
void setOrientation(float* o);
// For variable-incidence control surfaces. The angle is a
// negative rotation about the surface's Y axis, in radians, so
// positive is "up" (i.e. "positive AoA")
void setIncidence(float angle);
// The offset from base incidence for this surface.
void setTwist(float angle);
void setTotalDrag(float c0);
float getTotalDrag();
void setXDrag(float cx);
void setYDrag(float cy);
void setZDrag(float cz);
float getXDrag();
// zero-alpha Z drag ("camber") specified as a fraction of cz
void setBaseZDrag(float cz0);
// i: 0 == forward, 1 == backwards
void setStallPeak(int i, float peak);
// i: 0 == fwd/+z, 1 == fwd/-z, 2 == rev/+z, 3 == rev/-z
void setStall(int i, float alpha);
void setStallWidth(int i, float width);
// Induced drag multiplier
void setInducedDrag(float mul) { _inducedDrag = mul; }
void calcForce(float* v, float rho, float* forceOut, float* torqueOut);
float stallFunc(float* v);
float flapLift(float alpha);
float controlDrag(float lift, float drag);
float _chord; // X-axis size
float _c0; // total force coefficient
float _cx; // X-axis force coefficient
float _cy; // Y-axis force coefficient
float _cz; // Z-axis force coefficient
float _cz0; // Z-axis force offset
float _peaks[2]; // Stall peak coefficients (fwd, back)
float _stalls[4]; // Stall angles (fwd/back, pos/neg)
float _widths[4]; // Stall widths " "
float _pos[3]; // position in local coords
float _orient[9]; // local->surface orthonormal matrix
float _slatAlpha;
float _slatDrag;
float _flapLift;
float _flapDrag;
2008-09-29 08:00:20 +00:00
float _flapEffectiveness;
float _spoilerLift;
float _spoilerDrag;
float _slatPos;
float _flapPos;
float _spoilerPos;
float _incidence;
float _twist;
float _inducedDrag;
Version * _version;
}; // namespace yasim
#endif // _SURFACE_HPP