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#include "hud.hxx"
2000-02-15 03:30:01 +00:00
//============== Top of instr_scale class memeber definitions ===============
// Notes:
// 1. instr_scales divide the specified location into half and then
// the half opposite the read direction in half again. A bar is
// then drawn along the second divider. Scale ticks are drawn
// between the middle and quarter section lines (minor division
// markers) or just over the middle line.
// 2. This class was not intended to be instanciated. See moving_scale
// and gauge_instr classes.
instr_scale ::
instr_scale ( int x,
int y,
UINT width,
UINT height,
FLTFNPTR load_fn,
UINT options,
float show_range,
float maxValue,
float minValue,
float disp_scale,
UINT major_divs,
UINT minor_divs,
UINT rollover,
int dp_showing,
bool working ) :
instr_item( x, y, width, height,
load_fn, disp_scale, options, working),
range_shown ( show_range ),
Maximum_value( maxValue ),
Minimum_value( minValue ),
Maj_div ( major_divs ),
Min_div ( minor_divs ),
Modulo ( rollover ),
signif_digits( dp_showing )
int temp;
scale_factor = (float)get_span() / range_shown;
if( show_range < 0 ) {
range_shown = -range_shown;
temp = FloatToInt(Maximum_value - Minimum_value) / 100;
if( range_shown < temp ) {
range_shown = temp;
instr_scale ::
instr_scale( const instr_scale & image ) :
instr_item( (const instr_item &) image),
range_shown ( image.range_shown ),
Maximum_value( image.Maximum_value ),
Minimum_value( image.Minimum_value ),
scale_factor ( image.scale_factor ),
Maj_div ( image.Maj_div ),
Min_div ( image.Min_div ),
Modulo ( image.Modulo ),
signif_digits( image.signif_digits )
instr_scale & instr_scale :: operator = (const instr_scale & rhs )
if( !(this == &rhs)) {
instr_item::operator = (rhs);
range_shown = rhs.range_shown;
scale_factor = rhs.scale_factor;
Maximum_value = rhs.Maximum_value;
Minimum_value = rhs.Minimum_value;
Maj_div = rhs.Maj_div;
Min_div = rhs.Min_div;
Modulo = rhs.Modulo;
signif_digits = rhs.signif_digits;
return *this;
instr_scale :: ~ instr_scale () {}