2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
// FGGround - a class to provide ground control at larger airports.
// Written by David Luff, started March 2002.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David C. Luff - david.luff@nottingham.ac.uk
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include <config.h>
2008-08-14 18:13:39 +00:00
#include <iostream>
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sgstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <stdlib.h>
2008-07-25 18:38:29 +00:00
#include <fstream>
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
#include "ground.hxx"
#include "ATCutils.hxx"
#include "AILocalTraffic.hxx"
#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
2008-07-27 16:25:13 +00:00
using std::ifstream;
using std::cout;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
node::node() {
node::~node() {
for(unsigned int i=0; i < arcs.size(); ++i) {
delete arcs[i];
// Make sure that a_path.cost += distance is safe from the moment it's created.
a_path::a_path() {
cost = 0;
FGGround::FGGround() {
ATCmgr = globals->get_ATC_mgr();
_type = GROUND;
networkLoadOK = false;
ground_traffic.erase(ground_traffic.begin(), ground_traffic.end());
ground_traffic_itr = ground_traffic.begin();
// Init the property nodes - TODO - need to make sure we're getting surface winds.
wind_from_hdg = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-heading-deg", true);
wind_speed_knots = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-speed-kt", true);
// TODO - get the actual airport elevation
aptElev = 0.0;
FGGround::FGGround(const string& id) {
ATCmgr = globals->get_ATC_mgr();
networkLoadOK = false;
ground_traffic.erase(ground_traffic.begin(), ground_traffic.end());
ground_traffic_itr = ground_traffic.begin();
ident = id;
// Init the property nodes - TODO - need to make sure we're getting surface winds.
wind_from_hdg = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-heading-deg", true);
wind_speed_knots = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-speed-kt", true);
// TODO - get the actual airport elevation
aptElev = 0.0;
FGGround::~FGGround() {
void FGGround::ParseRwyExits(node* np, char* es) {
char* token;
char estr[20];
strcpy(estr, es);
const char delimiters[] = "-";
token = strtok(estr, delimiters);
while(token != NULL) {
int i = atoi(token);
//cout << "token = " << token << endl;
//cout << "rwy number = " << i << endl;
//cout << "token = " << token << '\n';
token = strtok(NULL, delimiters);
// Load the ground logical network of the current instances airport
// Return true if successfull.
// TODO - currently the file is assumed to reside in the base/ATC directory.
// This might change to something more thought out in the future.
// NOTE - currently it is assumed that all nodes are loaded before any arcs.
// It won't work ATM if this doesn't hold true.
bool FGGround::LoadNetwork() {
node* np;
arc* ap;
Gate* gp;
int gateCount = 0; // This is used to allocate gateID's from zero upwards
// This may well change in the future - probably to reading in the real-world
// gate numbers from file.
ifstream fin;
SGPath path = globals->get_fg_root();
//string taxiPath = "ATC/" + ident + ".taxi";
string taxiPath = "ATC/KEMT.taxi"; // FIXME - HARDWIRED FOR TESTING
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "Trying to read taxiway data for " << ident << "...");
//cout << "Trying to read taxiway data for " << ident << "..." << endl;
fin.open(path.c_str(), ios::in);
if(!fin) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "Unable to open taxiway data input file " << path.c_str());
//cout << "Unable to open taxiway data input file " << path.c_str() << endl;
char ch;
char buf[30];
while(!fin.eof()) {
fin >> buf;
// Node, arc, or [End]?
//cout << "Read in ground network element type = " << buf << endl;
if(!strcmp(buf, "[End]")) { // TODO - maybe make this more robust to spelling errors by just looking for '['
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "Done reading " << path.c_str() << endl);
} else if(!strcmp(buf, "N")) {
// Node
np = new node;
np->struct_type = NODE;
fin >> buf;
np->nodeID = atoi(buf);
fin >> buf;
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
fin >> buf;
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
fin >> buf;
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
fin >> buf; // node type
if(!strcmp(buf, "J")) {
np->type = JUNCTION;
} else if(!strcmp(buf, "T")) {
np->type = TJUNCTION;
} else if(!strcmp(buf, "H")) {
np->type = HOLD;
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "**** ERROR ***** Unknown node type in taxi network...\n");
delete np;
fin >> buf; // rwy exit information - gets parsed later - FRAGILE - will break if buf is reused.
// Now the name
fin >> ch; // strip the leading " off
np->name = "";
while(1) {
fin >> ch;
if((ch == '"') || (ch == 0x0A)) {
} // we shouldn't need the 0x0A but it makes a nice safely in case someone leaves off the "
np->name += ch;
// FIXME - fragile - replies on buf not getting modified from exits read to here
// see if we also need to push it onto the runway exit list
//cout << "strlen(buf) = " << strlen(buf) << endl;
if(strlen(buf) > 2) {
//cout << "Calling ParseRwyExits for " << buf << endl;
ParseRwyExits(np, buf);
} else if(!strcmp(buf, "A")) {
ap = new arc;
ap->struct_type = ARC;
fin >> buf;
ap->n1 = atoi(buf);
fin >> buf;
ap->n2 = atoi(buf);
fin >> buf;
if(!strcmp(buf, "R")) {
ap->type = RUNWAY;
} else if(!strcmp(buf, "T")) {
ap->type = TAXIWAY;
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "**** ERROR ***** Unknown arc type in taxi network...\n");
delete ap;
// directed?
fin >> buf;
if(!strcmp(buf, "Y")) {
ap->directed = true;
} else if(!strcmp(buf, "N")) {
ap->directed = false;
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "**** ERROR ***** Unknown arc directed value in taxi network - should be Y/N !!!\n");
delete ap;
// Now the name
ap->name = "";
while(1) {
fin >> ch;
ap->name += ch;
if((ch == '"') || (ch == 0x0A)) {
} // we shouldn't need the 0x0A but it makes a nice safely in case someone leaves off the "
ap->distance = (int)dclGetHorizontalSeparation(network[ap->n1]->pos, network[ap->n2]->pos);
//cout << "Distance = " << ap->distance << '\n';
} else if(!strcmp(buf, "G")) {
gp = new Gate;
gp->struct_type = NODE;
gp->type = GATE;
fin >> buf;
gp->nodeID = atoi(buf);
fin >> buf;
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
fin >> buf;
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
fin >> buf;
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
fin >> buf; // gate type - ignore this for now
fin >> buf; // gate heading
gp->heading = atoi(buf);
// Now the name
gp->name = "";
while(1) {
fin >> ch;
gp->name += ch;
if((ch == '"') || (ch == 0x0A)) {
} // we shouldn't need the 0x0A but it makes a nice safely in case someone leaves off the "
gp->id = gateCount; // Warning - this will likely change in the future.
gp->used = false;
gates[gateCount] = gp;
} else {
// Something has gone seriously pear-shaped
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "********* ERROR - unknown ground network element type... aborting read of " << path.c_str() << '\n');
fin >> skipeol;
void FGGround::Init() {
untowered = false;
// Figure out which is the active runway - TODO - it would be better to have ground call tower
// for runway operation details, but at the moment we can't guarantee that tower control at a given airport
// will be initialised before ground so we can't do that.
//cout << "In FGGround::Init, active rwy is " << activeRwy << '\n';
ortho.Init(rwy.threshold_pos, rwy.hdg);
networkLoadOK = LoadNetwork();
void FGGround::Update(double dt) {
// Each time step, what do we need to do?
// We need to go through the list of outstanding requests and acknowedgements
// and process at least one of them.
// We need to go through the list of planes under our control and check if
// any need to be addressed.
// We need to check for planes not under our control coming within our
// control area and address if necessary.
// Lets take the example of a plane which has just contacted ground
// following landing - presumably requesting where to go?
// First we need to establish the position of the plane within the logical network.
// Next we need to decide where its going.
if(ground_traffic.size()) {
if(ground_traffic_itr == ground_traffic.end()) {
ground_traffic_itr = ground_traffic.begin();
GroundRec* g = *ground_traffic_itr;
if(g->taxiRequestOutstanding) {
double responseTime = 10.0; // seconds - this should get more sophisticated at some point
if(g->clearanceCounter > responseTime) {
// TODO - move the mechanics of making up the transmission out of the main Update(...) routine.
string trns = "";
trns += g->plane.callsign;
trns += " taxi holding point runway "; // TODO - add the holding point name
// eg " taxi holding point G2 runway "
trns += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(activeRwy);
if(_display) {
fgSetString("/sim/messages/ground", trns.c_str());
g->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(1); // cleared to taxi
g->clearanceCounter = 0.0;
g->taxiRequestOutstanding = false;
} else {
g->clearanceCounter += (dt * ground_traffic.size());
} else if(((FGAILocalTraffic*)(g->planePtr))->AtHoldShort()) { // That's a hack - eventually we should monitor actual position
// HACK ALERT - the automatic cast to AILocalTraffic has to go once we have other sorts working!!!!! FIXME TODO
// NOTE - we don't need to do the contact tower bit unless we have separate tower and ground
string trns = g->plane.callsign;
trns += " contact Tower ";
double f = globals->get_ATC_mgr()->GetFrequency(ident, TOWER) / 100.0;
char buf[10];
sprintf(buf, "%.2f", f);
trns += buf;
if(_display) {
fgSetString("/sim/messages/ground", trns.c_str());
g->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(2); // contact tower
delete *ground_traffic_itr;
ground_traffic_itr = ground_traffic.begin();
// Call the base class update for the response time handling.
// Figure out which runways are active.
// For now we'll just be simple and do one active runway - eventually this will get much more complex
// Copied from FGTower - TODO - it would be better to implement this just once, and have ground call tower
// for runway operation details, but at the moment we can't guarantee that tower control at a given airport
// will be initialised before ground so we can't do that.
void FGGround::DoRwyDetails() {
//cout << "GetRwyDetails called" << endl;
2008-08-14 18:13:39 +00:00
const FGAirport* apt = fgFindAirportID(ident);
James Turner:
Convert FGRunway to be heap-based, and inherit FGPositioned. This is a large, ugly change, since FGRunway was essentially a plain struct, with no accessors or abstraction. This change adds various helpers and accessors to FGRunway, but doesn't change many places to use them - that will be a follow up series of patches. It's still a large patch, but outside of FGAirport and FGRunway, mostly mechanical search-and-replace.
An interesting part of this change is that reciprocal runways now exist as independent objects, rather than being created on the fly by the search methods. This simplifies some pieces of code that search for and iterate runways. For users who only want one 'end' of a runway, the new 'isReciprocal' predicate allows them to ignore the 'other' end. Current the only user of this is the 'ground-radar' ATC feature. If we had data on which runways are truly 'single-ended', it would now be trivial to use this in the airport loader to *not* create the reciprocal.
2008-09-11 08:38:09 +00:00
FGRunway* runway = apt->getActiveRunwayForUsage();
2008-08-14 18:13:39 +00:00
James Turner:
Convert FGRunway to be heap-based, and inherit FGPositioned. This is a large, ugly change, since FGRunway was essentially a plain struct, with no accessors or abstraction. This change adds various helpers and accessors to FGRunway, but doesn't change many places to use them - that will be a follow up series of patches. It's still a large patch, but outside of FGAirport and FGRunway, mostly mechanical search-and-replace.
An interesting part of this change is that reciprocal runways now exist as independent objects, rather than being created on the fly by the search methods. This simplifies some pieces of code that search for and iterate runways. For users who only want one 'end' of a runway, the new 'isReciprocal' predicate allows them to ignore the 'other' end. Current the only user of this is the 'ground-radar' ATC feature. If we had data on which runways are truly 'single-ended', it would now be trivial to use this in the airport loader to *not* create the reciprocal.
2008-09-11 08:38:09 +00:00
activeRwy = runway->ident();
rwy.rwyID = runway->ident();
2008-08-14 18:13:39 +00:00
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "In FGGround, active runway for airport " << ident << " is " << activeRwy);
// Get the threshold position
James Turner:
Convert FGRunway to be heap-based, and inherit FGPositioned. This is a large, ugly change, since FGRunway was essentially a plain struct, with no accessors or abstraction. This change adds various helpers and accessors to FGRunway, but doesn't change many places to use them - that will be a follow up series of patches. It's still a large patch, but outside of FGAirport and FGRunway, mostly mechanical search-and-replace.
An interesting part of this change is that reciprocal runways now exist as independent objects, rather than being created on the fly by the search methods. This simplifies some pieces of code that search for and iterate runways. For users who only want one 'end' of a runway, the new 'isReciprocal' predicate allows them to ignore the 'other' end. Current the only user of this is the 'ground-radar' ATC feature. If we had data on which runways are truly 'single-ended', it would now be trivial to use this in the airport loader to *not* create the reciprocal.
2008-09-11 08:38:09 +00:00
double other_way = runway->headingDeg() - 180.0;
2008-08-14 18:13:39 +00:00
while(other_way <= 0.0) {
other_way += 360.0;
// move to the +l end/center of the runway
//cout << "Runway center is at " << runway._lon << ", " << runway._lat << '\n';
2009-08-21 14:53:46 +00:00
double tshlon = 0.0, tshlat = 0.0, tshr = 0.0;
double tolon = 0.0, tolat = 0.0, tor = 0.0;
James Turner:
Convert FGRunway to be heap-based, and inherit FGPositioned. This is a large, ugly change, since FGRunway was essentially a plain struct, with no accessors or abstraction. This change adds various helpers and accessors to FGRunway, but doesn't change many places to use them - that will be a follow up series of patches. It's still a large patch, but outside of FGAirport and FGRunway, mostly mechanical search-and-replace.
An interesting part of this change is that reciprocal runways now exist as independent objects, rather than being created on the fly by the search methods. This simplifies some pieces of code that search for and iterate runways. For users who only want one 'end' of a runway, the new 'isReciprocal' predicate allows them to ignore the 'other' end. Current the only user of this is the 'ground-radar' ATC feature. If we had data on which runways are truly 'single-ended', it would now be trivial to use this in the airport loader to *not* create the reciprocal.
2008-09-11 08:38:09 +00:00
rwy.length = runway->lengthM();
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
geo_direct_wgs_84 ( aptElev, runway->latitude(), runway->longitude(), other_way,
rwy.length / 2.0 - 25.0, &tshlat, &tshlon, &tshr );
geo_direct_wgs_84 ( aptElev, runway->latitude(), runway->longitude(), runway->headingDeg(),
rwy.length / 2.0 - 25.0, &tolat, &tolon, &tor );
2008-08-14 18:13:39 +00:00
// Note - 25 meters in from the runway end is a bit of a hack to put the plane ahead of the user.
// now copy what we need out of runway into rwy
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
rwy.threshold_pos = SGGeod::fromDegM(tshlon, tshlat, aptElev);
SGGeod takeoff_end = SGGeod::fromDegM(tolon, tolat, aptElev);
2008-08-14 18:13:39 +00:00
//cout << "Threshold position = " << tshlon << ", " << tshlat << ", " << aptElev << '\n';
//cout << "Takeoff position = " << tolon << ", " << tolat << ", " << aptElev << '\n';
James Turner:
Convert FGRunway to be heap-based, and inherit FGPositioned. This is a large, ugly change, since FGRunway was essentially a plain struct, with no accessors or abstraction. This change adds various helpers and accessors to FGRunway, but doesn't change many places to use them - that will be a follow up series of patches. It's still a large patch, but outside of FGAirport and FGRunway, mostly mechanical search-and-replace.
An interesting part of this change is that reciprocal runways now exist as independent objects, rather than being created on the fly by the search methods. This simplifies some pieces of code that search for and iterate runways. For users who only want one 'end' of a runway, the new 'isReciprocal' predicate allows them to ignore the 'other' end. Current the only user of this is the 'ground-radar' ATC feature. If we had data on which runways are truly 'single-ended', it would now be trivial to use this in the airport loader to *not* create the reciprocal.
2008-09-11 08:38:09 +00:00
rwy.hdg = runway->headingDeg();
2008-08-14 18:13:39 +00:00
// Set the projection for the local area based on this active runway
ortho.Init(rwy.threshold_pos, rwy.hdg);
rwy.end1ortho = ortho.ConvertToLocal(rwy.threshold_pos); // should come out as zero
rwy.end2ortho = ortho.ConvertToLocal(takeoff_end);
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
// Return a random gate ID of an unused gate.
// Two error values may be returned and must be checked for by the calling function:
// -2 signifies that no gates exist at this airport.
// -1 signifies that all gates are currently full.
int FGGround::GetRandomGateID() {
// Check that this airport actually has some gates!!
if(!gates.size()) {
gate_vec_type gateVec;
int num = 0;
int thenum;
int ID;
gatesItr = gates.begin();
while(gatesItr != gates.end()) {
if((gatesItr->second)->used == false) {
// Check that there are some unused gates!
if(!gateVec.size()) {
// Randomly select one from the list
thenum = (int)(sg_random() * gateVec.size());
ID = gateVec[thenum]->id;
// Return a pointer to an unused gate node
Gate* FGGround::GetGateNode() {
int id = GetRandomGateID();
if(id < 0) {
} else {
node* FGGround::GetHoldShortNode(const string& rwyID) {
return(NULL); // TODO - either implement me or remove me!!!
// WARNING - This is hardwired to my prototype logical network format
// and will almost certainly change when Bernie's stuff comes on-line.
// Returns NULL if it can't find a valid node.
node* FGGround::GetThresholdNode(const string& rwyID) {
// For now go through all the nodes and parse their names
// Maybe in the future we'll map threshold nodes by ID
//cout << "Size of network is " << network.size() << '\n';
for(unsigned int i=0; i<network.size(); ++i) {
//cout << "Name = " << network[i]->name << '\n';
if(network[i]->name.size()) {
string s = network[i]->name;
// Warning - the next bit is fragile and dependent on my current naming scheme
//cout << "substr = " << s.substr(0,3) << '\n';
//cout << "size of s = " << s.size() << '\n';
if(s.substr(0,3) == "rwy") {
//cout << "subsubstr = " << s.substr(4, s.size() - 4) << '\n';
if(s.substr(4, s.size() - 4) == rwyID) {
return network[i];
return NULL;
// Get a path from a point on a runway to a gate
// TODO !!
// Get a path from a node to another node
// Eventually we will need complex algorithms for this taking other traffic,
// shortest path and suitable paths into accout.
// For now we'll just call the shortest path algorithm.
ground_network_path_type FGGround::GetPath(node* A, node* B) {
return(GetShortestPath(A, B));
// Get a path from a node to a runway threshold
ground_network_path_type FGGround::GetPath(node* A, const string& rwyID) {
node* b = GetThresholdNode(rwyID);
if(b == NULL) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - unable to find path to runway theshold in ground.cxx for airport " << ident << '\n');
ground_network_path_type emptyPath;
emptyPath.erase(emptyPath.begin(), emptyPath.end());
return GetShortestPath(A, b);
// Get a path from a node to a runway hold short point
// Bit of a hack this at the moment!
ground_network_path_type FGGround::GetPathToHoldShort(node* A, const string& rwyID) {
ground_network_path_type path = GetPath(A, rwyID);
path.pop_back(); // That should be the threshold stripped of
path.pop_back(); // and that should be the arc from hold short to threshold
// This isn't robust though - TODO - implement properly!
// A shortest path algorithm from memory (ie. I can't find the bl&*dy book again!)
// I'm sure there must be enchancements that we can make to this, such as biasing the
// order in which the nodes are searched out from in favour of those geographically
// closer to the destination.
// Note that we are working with the master set of nodes and arcs so we mustn't change
// or delete them - we only delete the paths that we create during the algorithm.
ground_network_path_type FGGround::GetShortestPath(node* A, node* B) {
a_path* pathPtr;
shortest_path_map_type pathMap;
node_array_type nodesLeft;
// Debugging check
int pathsCreated = 0;
// Initialise the algorithm
pathPtr = new a_path;
pathPtr->cost = 0;
pathMap[A->nodeID] = pathPtr;
bool solution_found = false; // Flag to indicate that at least one candidate path has been found
int solution_cost = -1; // Cost of current best cost solution. -1 indicates no solution found yet.
a_path solution_path;
node* nPtr; // nPtr is used to point to the node we are currently working with
while(nodesLeft.size()) {
//cout << "\n*****nodesLeft*****\n";
//for(unsigned int i=0; i<nodesLeft.size(); ++i) {
//cout << nodesLeft[i]->nodeID << '\n';
//cout << "*******************\n\n";
nPtr = *nodesLeft.begin(); // Thought - definate optimization possibilities here in the choice of which nodes we process first.
//cout << "Walking out from node " << nPtr->nodeID << '\n';
for(unsigned int i=0; i<nPtr->arcs.size(); ++i) {
//cout << "ARC TO " << ((nPtr->arcs[i]->n1 == nPtr->nodeID) ? nPtr->arcs[i]->n2 : nPtr->arcs[i]->n1) << '\n';
if((solution_found) && (solution_cost <= pathMap[nPtr->nodeID]->cost)) {
// Do nothing - we've already found a solution and this partial path is already more expensive
} else {
// This path could still be better than the current solution - check it out
for(unsigned int i=0; i<(nPtr->arcs.size()); i++) {
// Map the new path against the end node, ie. *not* the one we just started with.
unsigned int end_nodeID = ((nPtr->arcs[i]->n1 == nPtr->nodeID) ? nPtr->arcs[i]->n2 : nPtr->arcs[i]->n1);
//cout << "end_nodeID = " << end_nodeID << '\n';
//cout << "pathMap size is " << pathMap.size() << '\n';
if(end_nodeID == nPtr->nodeID) {
//cout << "Circular arc!\n";
// Then its a circular arc - don't bother!!
//nPtr->arcs.erase(nPtr->arcs.begin() + i);
} else {
// see if the end node is already in the map or not
if(pathMap.find(end_nodeID) == pathMap.end()) {
//cout << "Not in the map" << endl;;
// Not in the map - easy!
pathPtr = new a_path;
*pathPtr = *pathMap[nPtr->nodeID]; // *copy* the path
pathPtr->cost += nPtr->arcs[i]->distance;
pathMap[end_nodeID] = pathPtr;
nodesLeft.push_back(network[end_nodeID]); // By definition this can't be in the list already, or
// it would also have been in the map and hence OR'd with this one.
if(end_nodeID == B->nodeID) {
//cout << "Solution found!!!" << endl;
// Since this node wasn't in the map this is by definition the first solution
solution_cost = pathPtr->cost;
solution_path = *pathPtr;
solution_found = true;
} else {
//cout << "Already in the map" << endl;
// In the map - not so easy - need to get rid of an arc from the higher cost one.
//cout << "Current cost of node " << end_nodeID << " is " << pathMap[end_nodeID]->cost << endl;
int newCost = pathMap[nPtr->nodeID]->cost + nPtr->arcs[i]->distance;
//cout << "New cost is of node " << nPtr->nodeID << " is " << newCost << endl;
if(newCost >= pathMap[end_nodeID]->cost) {
// No need to do anything.
//cout << "Not doing anything!" << endl;
} else {
delete pathMap[end_nodeID];
pathPtr = new a_path;
*pathPtr = *pathMap[nPtr->nodeID]; // *copy* the path
pathPtr->cost += nPtr->arcs[i]->distance;
pathMap[end_nodeID] = pathPtr;
// We need to add this node to the list-to-do again to force a recalculation
// onwards from this node with the new lower cost to node cost.
if(end_nodeID == B->nodeID) {
//cout << "Solution found!!!" << endl;
// Need to check if there is a previous better solution
if((solution_cost < 0) || (pathPtr->cost < solution_cost)) {
solution_cost = pathPtr->cost;
solution_path = *pathPtr;
solution_found = true;
// delete all the paths before returning
shortest_path_map_iterator spItr = pathMap.begin();
while(spItr != pathMap.end()) {
if(spItr->second != NULL) {
delete spItr->second;
//cout << "pathsCreated = " << pathsCreated << '\n';
if(pathsCreated > 0) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "WARNING - Possible memory leak in FGGround::GetShortestPath\n\
Please report to flightgear-devel@flightgear.org\n");
//cout << (solution_found ? "Result: solution found\n" : "Result: no solution found\n");
return(solution_path.path); // TODO - we really ought to have a fallback position incase a solution isn't found.
// Randomly or otherwise populate some of the gates with parked planes
// (might eventually be done by the AIMgr if and when lots of AI traffic is generated)
// Return a list of exits from a given runway
// It is up to the calling function to check for non-zero size of returned array before use
node_array_type FGGround::GetExits(const string& rwyID) {
// FIXME - get a 07L or similar in here and we're stuffed!!!
void FGGround::RequestDeparture(const PlaneRec& plane, FGAIEntity* requestee) {
// For now we'll just automatically clear all planes to the runway hold.
// This communication needs to be delayed 20 sec or so from receiving the request.
// Even if display=false we still need to start the timer in case display=true when communication starts.
// We also need to bear in mind we also might have other outstanding communications, although for now we'll punt that issue!
// FIXME - sort the above!
// HACK - assume that anything requesting departure is new for now - FIXME LATER
GroundRec* g = new GroundRec;
g->plane = plane;
g->planePtr = requestee;
g->taxiRequestOutstanding = true;
g->clearanceCounter = 0;
g->cleared = false;
g->incoming = false;
// TODO - need to handle the next 3 as well
//node* destination;
//node* last_clearance;
#if 0
void FGGround::NewArrival(plane_rec plane) {
// What are we going to do here?
// We need to start a new ground_rec and add the plane_rec to it
// We need to decide what gate we are going to clear it to.
// Then we need to add clearing it to that gate to the pending transmissions queue? - or simply transmit?
// Probably simply transmit for now and think about a transmission queue later if we need one.
// We might need one though in order to add a little delay for response time.
ground_rec* g = new ground_rec;
g->plane_rec = plane;
g->current_pos = ConvertWGS84ToXY(plane.pos);
g->node = GetNode(g->current_pos); // TODO - might need to sort out node/arc here
g->cleared = false;
void FGGround::NewContact(plane_rec plane) {
// This is a bit of a convienience function at the moment and is likely to change.
if(at a gate or apron)
void FGGround::NextClearance(ground_rec &g) {
// Need to work out where we can clear g to.
// Assume the pilot doesn't need progressive instructions
// We *should* already have a gate or holding point assigned by the time we get here
// but it wouldn't do any harm to check.
// For now though we will hardwire it to clear to the final destination.
void FGGround::AssignGate(ground_rec &g) {
// We'll cheat for now - since we only have the user's aircraft and a couple of airports implemented
// we'll hardwire the gate!
// In the long run the logic of which gate or area to send the plane to could be somewhat non-trivial.
#endif //0