2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
// fg_scene_commands.cxx - internal FGFS commands.
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h> // strcmp()
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <simgear/sg_inlines.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
#include <simgear/io/iostreams/sgstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/material/mat.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/material/matlib.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/commands.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/event_mgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/sound/soundmgr.hxx>
#include <simgear/timing/sg_time.hxx>
#include <Network/RemoteXMLRequest.hxx>
#include <FDM/flight.hxx>
#include <GUI/gui.h>
#include <GUI/new_gui.hxx>
#include <GUI/dialog.hxx>
#include <Aircraft/replay.hxx>
#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
#include <Scripting/NasalSys.hxx>
#include <Sound/sample_queue.hxx>
#include <Airports/xmlloader.hxx>
#include <Network/HTTPClient.hxx>
#include <Viewer/viewmgr.hxx>
#include <Viewer/view.hxx>
#include <Environment/presets.hxx>
#include <Navaids/NavDataCache.hxx>
#include "fg_init.hxx"
#include "fg_io.hxx"
#include "fg_os.hxx"
#include "fg_commands.hxx"
#include "fg_props.hxx"
#include "globals.hxx"
#include "logger.hxx"
#include "util.hxx"
#include "main.hxx"
#include "positioninit.hxx"
# include <google/profiler.h>
#if defined(HAVE_QT)
#include <GUI/QtLauncher.hxx>
// Command implementations.
* Built-in command: exit FlightGear.
* status: the exit status to return to the operating system (defaults to 0)
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_exit (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Program exit requested.");
fgSetBool("/sim/signals/exit", true);
fgOSExit(arg->getIntValue("status", 0));
return true;
* Reset FlightGear (Shift-Escape or Menu->File->Reset)
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_reset (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
return true;
* Change aircraft
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_switch_aircraft (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
fgSetString("/sim/aircraft", arg->getStringValue("aircraft"));
// start a reset
return true;
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_reposition (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
return true;
* Built-in command: (re)load the panel.
* path (optional): the file name to load the panel from
* (relative to FG_ROOT). Defaults to the value of /sim/panel/path,
* and if that's unspecified, to "Panels/Default/default.xml".
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_panel_load (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
string panel_path = arg->getStringValue("path");
if (!panel_path.empty()) {
// write to the standard property, which will force a load
fgSetString("/sim/panel/path", panel_path.c_str());
return true;
* Built-in command: (re)load preferences.
* path (optional): the file name to load the panel from (relative
* to FG_ROOT). Defaults to "preferences.xml".
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_preferences_load (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
// disabling this command which was formerly used to reload 'preferences.xml'
// reloading the defaults doesn't make sense (better to reset the simulator),
// and loading arbitrary XML docs into the property-tree can be done via
// the standard load-xml command.
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "preferences-load command is deprecated and non-functional");
return false;
* An fgcommand to toggle fullscreen mode.
* No parameters.
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_toggle_fullscreen(const SGPropertyNode*, SGPropertyNode*)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
return true;
* Built-in command: capture screen.
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_screen_capture(const SGPropertyNode*, SGPropertyNode*)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
return fgDumpSnapShot();
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_reload_shaders (const SGPropertyNode*, SGPropertyNode*)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
return true;
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_dump_scene_graph (const SGPropertyNode*, SGPropertyNode*)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
return true;
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_dump_terrain_branch (const SGPropertyNode*, SGPropertyNode*)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
double lon_deg = fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg");
double lat_deg = fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg");
SGGeod geodPos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon_deg, lat_deg, 0.0);
SGVec3d zero = SGVec3d::fromGeod(geodPos);
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Model parameters:");
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Center: " << zero.x() << ", " << zero.y() << ", " << zero.z() );
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Rotation: " << lat_deg << ", " << lon_deg );
return true;
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_print_visible_scene_info(const SGPropertyNode*, SGPropertyNode*)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
return true;
* Built-in command: hires capture screen.
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_hires_screen_capture (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
return true;
* Reload the tile cache.
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_tile_cache_reload (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
SGPropertyNode *master_freeze = fgGetNode("/sim/freeze/master");
bool freeze = master_freeze->getBoolValue();
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "ReIniting TileCache");
if ( !freeze ) {
2017-03-26 21:49:26 +01:00
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
if ( !freeze ) {
return true;
* Reload the materials definition
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_materials_reload (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Reloading Materials");
SGMaterialLib* new_matlib = new SGMaterialLib;
SGPath mpath( globals->get_fg_root() );
mpath.append( fgGetString("/sim/rendering/materials-file") );
2020-03-13 09:53:49 +00:00
bool loaded = new_matlib->load(globals->get_fg_root(),
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
if ( ! loaded ) {
"Error loading materials file " << mpath );
return false;
FGScenery* scenery = static_cast<FGScenery*>(globals->get_scenery());
return true;
* Built-in command: Add a dialog to the GUI system. Does *not*
* display the dialog. The property node should have the same format
* as a dialog XML configuration. It must include:
* name: the name of the GUI dialog for future reference.
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_dialog_new (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
NewGUI * gui = (NewGUI *)globals->get_subsystem("gui");
if (!gui) {
return false;
// Note the casting away of const: this is *real*. Doing a
// "dialog-apply" command later on will mutate this property node.
// I'm not convinced that this isn't the Right Thing though; it
// allows client to create a node, pass it to dialog-new, and get
// the values back from the dialog by reading the same node.
// Perhaps command arguments are not as "const" as they would
// seem?
return true;
* Built-in command: Show an XML-configured dialog.
* dialog-name: the name of the GUI dialog to display.
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_dialog_show (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
NewGUI * gui = (NewGUI *)globals->get_subsystem("gui");
return true;
* Built-in Command: Hide the active XML-configured dialog.
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_dialog_close (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
NewGUI * gui = (NewGUI *)globals->get_subsystem("gui");
return gui->closeDialog(arg->getStringValue("dialog-name"));
return gui->closeActiveDialog();
* Update a value in the active XML-configured dialog.
* object-name: The name of the GUI object(s) (all GUI objects if omitted).
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_dialog_update (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
NewGUI * gui = (NewGUI *)globals->get_subsystem("gui");
FGDialog * dialog;
if (arg->hasValue("dialog-name"))
dialog = gui->getDialog(arg->getStringValue("dialog-name"));
dialog = gui->getActiveDialog();
if (dialog != 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_open_browser (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
string path;
if (arg->hasValue("path"))
path = arg->getStringValue("path");
if (arg->hasValue("url"))
path = arg->getStringValue("url");
return false;
return openBrowser(path);
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_open_launcher(const SGPropertyNode*, SGPropertyNode*)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
#if defined(HAVE_QT)
bool ok = flightgear::runInAppLauncherDialog();
if (ok) {
// start a full reset
return true; // don't report failure
return false;
* Apply a value in the active XML-configured dialog.
* object-name: The name of the GUI object(s) (all GUI objects if omitted).
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_dialog_apply (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
NewGUI * gui = (NewGUI *)globals->get_subsystem("gui");
FGDialog * dialog;
if (arg->hasValue("dialog-name"))
dialog = gui->getDialog(arg->getStringValue("dialog-name"));
dialog = gui->getActiveDialog();
if (dialog != 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Redraw GUI (applying new widget colors). Doesn't reload the dialogs,
* unlike reinit().
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_gui_redraw (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
NewGUI * gui = (NewGUI *)globals->get_subsystem("gui");
return true;
* Adds model to the scenery. The path to the added branch (/models/model[*])
* is returned in property "property".
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_add_model (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
SGPropertyNode * model = fgGetNode("models", true);
int i;
for (i = 0; model->hasChild("model",i); i++);
model = model->getChild("model", i, true);
copyProperties(arg, model);
if (model->hasValue("elevation-m"))
model->setDoubleValue("elevation-ft", model->getDoubleValue("elevation-m")
model->getNode("load", true);
const_cast<SGPropertyNode *>(arg)->setStringValue("property", model->getPath());
return true;
* Built-in command: commit presets (read from in /sim/presets/)
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_presets_commit (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
if (fgGetBool("/sim/initialized", false)) {
} else {
// Nasal can trigger this during initial init, which confuses
// the logic in ReInitSubsystems, since initial state has not been
// saved at that time. Short-circuit everything here.
return true;
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_press_cockpit_button (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
const char *prefix = arg->getStringValue("prefix");
if (arg->getBoolValue("guarded") && fgGetDouble((string(prefix) + "-guard").c_str()) < 1)
return true;
string prop = string(prefix) + "-button";
double value;
if (arg->getBoolValue("latching"))
value = fgGetDouble(prop.c_str()) > 0 ? 0 : 1;
value = 1;
fgSetDouble(prop.c_str(), value);
fgSetBool(arg->getStringValue("discrete"), value > 0);
return true;
static bool
2017-07-05 01:23:24 +02:00
do_release_cockpit_button (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root)
2017-03-21 21:59:35 +01:00
const char *prefix = arg->getStringValue("prefix");
if (arg->getBoolValue("guarded")) {
string prop = string(prefix) + "-guard";
if (fgGetDouble(prop.c_str()) < 1) {
fgSetDouble(prop.c_str(), 1);
return true;
if (! arg->getBoolValue("latching")) {
fgSetDouble((string(prefix) + "-button").c_str(), 0);
fgSetBool(arg->getStringValue("discrete"), false);
return true;
// Command setup.
* Table of built-in commands.
* New commands do not have to be added here; any module in the application
* can add a new command using globals->get_commands()->addCommand(...).
static struct {
const char * name;
SGCommandMgr::command_t command;
} built_ins [] = {
{ "exit", do_exit },
{ "reset", do_reset },
{ "reposition", do_reposition },
{ "switch-aircraft", do_switch_aircraft },
{ "panel-load", do_panel_load },
{ "preferences-load", do_preferences_load },
{ "toggle-fullscreen", do_toggle_fullscreen },
{ "screen-capture", do_screen_capture },
{ "hires-screen-capture", do_hires_screen_capture },
{ "tile-cache-reload", do_tile_cache_reload },
{ "dialog-new", do_dialog_new },
{ "dialog-show", do_dialog_show },
{ "dialog-close", do_dialog_close },
{ "dialog-update", do_dialog_update },
{ "dialog-apply", do_dialog_apply },
{ "open-browser", do_open_browser },
{ "gui-redraw", do_gui_redraw },
{ "add-model", do_add_model },
{ "presets-commit", do_presets_commit },
{ "press-cockpit-button", do_press_cockpit_button },
{ "release-cockpit-button", do_release_cockpit_button },
{ "dump-scenegraph", do_dump_scene_graph },
{ "dump-terrainbranch", do_dump_terrain_branch },
{ "print-visible-scene", do_print_visible_scene_info },
{ "reload-shaders", do_reload_shaders },
{ "reload-materials", do_materials_reload },
{ "open-launcher", do_open_launcher },
{ 0, 0 } // zero-terminated
* Initialize the default built-in commands.
* Other commands may be added by other parts of the application.
fgInitSceneCommands ()
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_BULK, "Initializing scene built-in commands:");
for (int i = 0; built_ins[i].name != 0; i++) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_BULK, " " << built_ins[i].name);