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#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Propeller.hpp"
#include "Engine.hpp"
#include "PropEngine.hpp"
namespace yasim {
PropEngine::PropEngine(Propeller* prop, Engine* eng, float moment)
// Start off at 500rpm, because the start code doesn't exist yet
_omega = 52.3f;
_dir[0] = 1; _dir[1] = 0; _dir[2] = 0;
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
_variable = false;
_gearRatio = 1;
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
_prop = prop;
_eng = eng;
_moment = moment;
_fuel = true;
_contra = false;
delete _prop;
delete _eng;
void PropEngine::setMagnetos(int pos)
_magnetos = pos;
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
void PropEngine::setAdvance(float advance)
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
_advance = Math::clamp(advance, 0, 1);
void PropEngine::setPropPitch(float proppitch)
// update Propeller property
void PropEngine::setPropFeather(int state)
// toggle prop feathering on/off
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
void PropEngine::setVariableProp(float min, float max)
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
_variable = true;
_minOmega = min;
_maxOmega = max;
bool PropEngine::isRunning()
return _eng->isRunning();
bool PropEngine::isCranking()
return _eng->isCranking();
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
float PropEngine::getOmega()
return _omega;
void PropEngine::setOmega (float omega)
_omega = omega;
void PropEngine::getThrust(float* out)
2001-12-07 20:00:59 +00:00
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _thrust[i];
void PropEngine::getTorque(float* out)
2001-12-07 20:00:59 +00:00
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _torque[i];
void PropEngine::getGyro(float* out)
2001-12-07 20:00:59 +00:00
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _gyro[i];
float PropEngine::getFuelFlow()
return _fuelFlow;
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
void PropEngine::stabilize()
float speed = -Math::dot3(_wind, _dir);
2004-05-01 14:30:00 +00:00
bool running_state = _eng->isRunning();
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
if(_variable) {
_omega = _minOmega + _advance * (_maxOmega - _minOmega);
_prop->modPitch(1e6); // Start at maximum pitch and move down
} else {
_omega = 52;
bool goingUp = false;
float step = 10;
// If we cannot manage this in 100 iterations, give up.
for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++) {
float ptau, thrust;
_prop->calc(_atmo.getDensity(), speed, _omega * _gearRatio, &thrust, &ptau);
_eng->calc(_atmo.getPressure(), _atmo.getTemperature(), _omega);
// Do it again -- the turbo sets the target MP in the first
// run, stabilize sets the current to the target, then we need
// to run again to get the correct output torque. Clumsy, but
// it works without side effects (other than solver
// performance). In the future, the Engine objects should
// store state to allow them to do the work themselves.
_eng->calc(_atmo.getPressure(), _atmo.getTemperature(), _omega);
// Compute torque as seen by the engine's end of the gearbox.
// The propeller will be moving more slowly (for gear ratios
// less than one), so it's torque will be higher than the
// engine's, so multiply by _gearRatio to get the engine-side
// value.
ptau *= _gearRatio;
2001-12-24 13:54:03 +00:00
float etau = _eng->getTorque();
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
float tdiff = etau - ptau;
Math::mul3(thrust, _dir, _thrust);
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
if(Math::abs(tdiff/(_moment * _gearRatio)) < 0.1)
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
if(tdiff > 0) {
if(!goingUp) step *= 0.5f;
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
goingUp = true;
if(!_variable) _omega += step;
else _prop->modPitch(1+(step*0.005f));
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
} else {
if(goingUp) step *= 0.5f;
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
goingUp = false;
if(!_variable) _omega -= step;
else _prop->modPitch(1-(step*0.005f));
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
// ...and back off
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
void PropEngine::init()
_omega = 0.01f;
void PropEngine::integrate(float dt)
float speed = -Math::dot3(_wind, _dir);
float propTorque, engTorque, thrust;
_prop->calc(_atmo.getDensity(), speed, _omega * _gearRatio, &thrust, &propTorque);
if(_omega == 0.0)
_omega = 0.001; // hack to get around reports of NaNs somewhere...
propTorque *= _gearRatio;
_eng->calc(_atmo.getPressure(), _atmo.getTemperature(), _omega);
2001-12-24 13:54:03 +00:00
engTorque = _eng->getTorque();
_fuelFlow = _eng->getFuelFlow();
// Turn the thrust into a vector and save it
Math::mul3(thrust, _dir, _thrust);
// We do our "RPM" computations on the engine's side of the
// world, so modify the moment value accordingly.
float momt = _moment * _gearRatio;
// Euler-integrate the RPM. This doesn't need the full-on
// Runge-Kutta stuff.
float rotacc = (engTorque-propTorque)/Math::abs(momt);
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
_omega += dt * rotacc;
if (_omega < 0)
_omega = 0 - _omega; // don't allow negative RPM
// FIXME: introduce proper windmilling
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
// Store the total angular momentum into _gyro, unless the
// propeller is a counter-rotating pair (which has zero net
// angular momentum, even though it *does* have an MoI for
// acceleration purposes).
Math::mul3(_contra ? 0 : _omega*momt, _dir, _gyro);
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
// Accumulate the engine torque, it acts on the body as a whole.
// (Note: engine torque, not propeller torque. They can be
// different, but the difference goes to accelerating the
// rotation. It is the engine torque that is felt at the shaft
// and works on the body.) (Note 2: contra-rotating propellers do
// not exert net torque on the aircraft).
float tau = _moment < 0 ? engTorque : -engTorque;
Math::mul3(_contra ? 0 : tau, _dir, _torque);
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
2001-12-10 23:13:54 +00:00
// Iterate the propeller governor, if we have one. Since engine
// torque is basically constant with RPM, we want to make the
// propeller torque at the target RPM equal to the engine by
// varying the pitch. Assume the the torque goes as the square of
// the RPM (roughly correct) and compute a "target" torque for the
// _current_ RPM. Seek to that. This is sort of a continuous
// Newton-Raphson, basically.
if(_variable) {
float targetPropSpd = _minOmega + _advance*(_maxOmega-_minOmega);
float targetOmega = targetPropSpd / _gearRatio; // -> "engine omega"
2001-12-10 23:13:54 +00:00
float ratio2 = (_omega*_omega)/(targetOmega*targetOmega);
float targetTorque = engTorque * ratio2;
float mod = propTorque < targetTorque ? 1.04f : (1.0f/1.04f);
2001-12-10 23:13:54 +00:00
// Convert to an acceleration here, so that big propellers
// don't seek faster than small ones.
float diff = Math::abs((propTorque - targetTorque) / momt);
if(diff < 10) mod = 1 + (mod-1)*(0.1f*diff);
2001-12-10 23:13:54 +00:00
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
}; // namespace yasim