2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
// atis.cxx - routines to generate the ATIS info string
// This is the implementation of the FGATIS class
// Written by David Luff, started October 2001.
// Copyright (C) 2001 David C Luff - david.luff@nottingham.ac.uk
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include <config.h>
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // atoi()
#include <stdio.h> // sprintf
#include <string>
2008-07-27 16:25:13 +00:00
using std::string;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
2008-07-25 18:38:29 +00:00
#include <iostream>
2008-07-27 16:25:13 +00:00
using std::cout;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
#include <Environment/environment.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include "atis.hxx"
#include "commlist.hxx"
#include "ATCutils.hxx"
#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
_vPtr = globals->get_ATC_mgr()->GetVoicePointer(ATIS);
_voiceOK = (_vPtr == NULL ? false : true);
_type = ATIS;
// Main update function - checks whether we are displaying or not the correct message.
void FGATIS::Update(double dt) {
if(_display) {
if(_displaying) {
// Check if we need to update the message
// - basically every hour and if the weather changes significantly at the station
} else {
// We need to get and display the message
//cout << "ATIS.CXX - calling ATCMgr to render transmission..." << endl;
Render(transmission, refname, true);
_displaying = true;
} else {
// We shouldn't be displaying
if(_displaying) {
//cout << "ATIS.CXX - calling NoRender()..." << endl;
_displaying = false;
// Sets the actual broadcast ATIS transmission.
void FGATIS::UpdateTransmission() {
double visibility;
char buf[10];
int phonetic_id;
string phonetic_id_string;
string time_str = fgGetString("sim/time/gmt-string");
int hours;
// int minutes;
FGEnvironment stationweather =
((FGEnvironmentMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("environment"))
->getEnvironment(lat, lon, 0.0);
transmission = "";
// UK CAA radiotelephony manual indicated ATIS transmissions start with "This is"
// Not sure about rest of the world though.
transmission += "This_is ";
// transmitted station name.
transmission += name;
// Add "Information"
transmission += " information";
//cout << "In atis.cxx, time_str = " << time_str << '\n';
// Add the recording identifier
// For now we will assume we only transmit every hour
hours = atoi((time_str.substr(1,2)).c_str()); //Warning - this is fragile if the
//time string format changes
//cout << "In atis.cxx, hours = " << hours << endl;
phonetic_id = current_commlist->GetCallSign(ident, hours, 0);
phonetic_id_string = GetPhoneticIdent(phonetic_id);
transmission += " ";
transmission += phonetic_id_string;
// Output the recording time. - we'll just output the last whole hour for now.
// FIXME - this only gets GMT time but that appears to be all the clock outputs for now
//cout << "in atis.cxx, time = " << time_str << endl;
transmission = transmission + " / Weather " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits((time_str.substr(0,3) + "00")) + " hours zulu";
// Get the temperature
int temp;
temp = (int)stationweather.get_temperature_degc();
// HACK ALERT - at the moment the new environment subsystem returns bogus temperatures
// FIXME - take out this hack when this gets fixed upstream
if((temp < -50) || (temp > 60)) {
temp = 15;
sprintf(buf, "%i", abs(temp));
transmission += " / Temperature ";
if(temp < 0) {
transmission += "minus ";
string tempstr1 = buf;
string tempstr2;
transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1);
transmission += " degrees_Celsius";
// Get the visibility
visibility = stationweather.get_visibility_m();
sprintf(buf, "%i", int(visibility/1600));
transmission += " / Visibility ";
tempstr1 = buf;
transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1);
transmission += " miles";
// Get the cloudbase
// FIXME: kludge for now
if (strcmp(fgGetString("/environment/clouds/layer[0]/type"), "clear")) {
double cloudbase =
// For some reason the altitude returned doesn't seem to correspond to the actual cloud altitude.
char buf3[10];
char buf4[10];
// cout << "cloudbase = " << cloudbase << endl;
sprintf(buf3, "%i", int(cloudbase)/1000);
sprintf(buf4, "%i", ((int)cloudbase % 1000)/100);
transmission += " / Cloudbase";
if(int(cloudbase)/1000) {
tempstr1 = buf3;
transmission = transmission + " " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " thousand";
if(((int)cloudbase % 1000)/100) {
tempstr1 = buf4;
transmission = transmission + " " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " hundred";
transmission += " feet";
// Get the pressure / altimeter
double P = fgGetDouble("/environment/pressure-sea-level-inhg");
if(ident.substr(0,2) == "EG" && fgGetBool("/sim/atc/use-millibars") == true) {
// Convert to millibars for the UK!
P *= 33.864;
sprintf(buf, "%.0f", P);
} else {
sprintf(buf, "%.2f", P);
transmission += " / Altimeter ";
tempstr1 = buf;
transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1);
// Based on the airport-id and wind get the active runway
//FGRunway *r;
double speed = stationweather.get_wind_speed_kt();
double hdg = stationweather.get_wind_from_heading_deg();
if (speed == 0) {
hdg = 270; // This forces West-facing rwys to be used in no-wind situations
// which is consistent with Flightgear's initial setup.
transmission += " / Winds_light_and_variable";
} else {
// FIXME: get gust factor in somehow
char buf5[10];
char buf6[10];
sprintf(buf5, "%i", int(speed));
sprintf(buf6, "%i", int(hdg));
tempstr1 = buf5;
tempstr2 = buf6;
transmission = transmission + " / Winds " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " knots from "
+ ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr2) + " degrees";
2008-08-14 18:13:39 +00:00
const FGAirport* apt = fgFindAirportID(ident);
James Turner:
Convert FGRunway to be heap-based, and inherit FGPositioned. This is a large, ugly change, since FGRunway was essentially a plain struct, with no accessors or abstraction. This change adds various helpers and accessors to FGRunway, but doesn't change many places to use them - that will be a follow up series of patches. It's still a large patch, but outside of FGAirport and FGRunway, mostly mechanical search-and-replace.
An interesting part of this change is that reciprocal runways now exist as independent objects, rather than being created on the fly by the search methods. This simplifies some pieces of code that search for and iterate runways. For users who only want one 'end' of a runway, the new 'isReciprocal' predicate allows them to ignore the 'other' end. Current the only user of this is the 'ground-radar' ATC feature. If we had data on which runways are truly 'single-ended', it would now be trivial to use this in the airport loader to *not* create the reciprocal.
2008-09-11 08:38:09 +00:00
string rwy_no = apt->getActiveRunwayForUsage()->ident();
2008-08-14 18:13:39 +00:00
if(rwy_no != "NN") {
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
transmission += " / Landing_and_departing_runway ";
transmission += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(atoi(rwy_no.c_str()));
//cout << "in atis.cxx, r.rwy_no = " << rwy_no << " r.id = " << r->id << " r.heading = " << r->heading << endl;
// Anything else?
transmission += " / Advise_controller_on_initial_contact_you_have ";
transmission += phonetic_id_string;
transmission += " /// ";