2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
// NasalPositioned.cxx -- expose FGPositioned classes to Nasal
// Written by James Turner, started 2012.
// Copyright (C) 2012 James Turner
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
2012-04-15 16:07:17 +02:00
#include <string.h>
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
#include "NasalPositioned.hxx"
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
#include <simgear/scene/material/mat.hxx>
#include <simgear/magvar/magvar.hxx>
#include <simgear/timing/sg_time.hxx>
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
#include <simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx>
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include <Airports/simple.hxx>
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
#include <Airports/dynamics.hxx>
#include <Airports/parking.hxx>
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
#include <Navaids/navlist.hxx>
#include <Navaids/procedure.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
#include <ATC/CommStation.hxx>
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
#include <Navaids/route.hxx>
#include <Autopilot/route_mgr.hxx>
#include <Navaids/procedure.hxx>
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-24 23:23:09 +02:00
static void positionedGhostDestroy(void* g);
static void wayptGhostDestroy(void* g);
naGhostType PositionedGhostType = { positionedGhostDestroy, "positioned" };
naGhostType WayptGhostType = { wayptGhostDestroy, "waypoint" };
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
static void hashset(naContext c, naRef hash, const char* key, naRef val)
naRef s = naNewString(c);
naStr_fromdata(s, (char*)key, strlen(key));
naHash_set(hash, s, val);
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
static naRef stringToNasal(naContext c, const std::string& s)
return naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c),
const_cast<char *>(s.c_str()),
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
static FGPositioned* positionedGhost(naRef r)
if (naGhost_type(r) == &PositionedGhostType)
return (FGPositioned*) naGhost_ptr(r);
return 0;
2012-04-24 23:23:09 +02:00
static void positionedGhostDestroy(void* g)
FGPositioned* pos = (FGPositioned*)g;
if (!FGPositioned::put(pos)) // unref
delete pos;
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
static flightgear::Waypt* wayptGhost(naRef r)
if (naGhost_type(r) == &WayptGhostType)
return (flightgear::Waypt*) naGhost_ptr(r);
return 0;
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-24 23:23:09 +02:00
static void wayptGhostDestroy(void* g)
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-24 23:23:09 +02:00
flightgear::Waypt* wpt = (flightgear::Waypt*)g;
if (!flightgear::Waypt::put(wpt)) // unref
delete wpt;
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
static naRef airportPrototype;
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
static naRef routePrototype;
static naRef waypointPrototype;
2012-04-25 16:54:40 +01:00
static naRef geoCoordClass;
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
naRef ghostForPositioned(naContext c, const FGPositioned* pos)
if (!pos) {
return naNil();
2012-04-24 23:23:09 +02:00
FGPositioned::get(pos); // take a ref
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
return naNewGhost(c, &PositionedGhostType, (void*) pos);
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
naRef ghostForWaypt(naContext c, const flightgear::Waypt* wpt)
if (!wpt) {
return naNil();
2012-04-24 23:23:09 +02:00
flightgear::Waypt::get(wpt); // take a ref
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
return naNewGhost(c, &WayptGhostType, (void*) wpt);
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
naRef hashForAirport(naContext c, const FGAirport* apt)
std::string id = apt->ident();
std::string name = apt->name();
// build runways hash
naRef rwys = naNewHash(c);
for(unsigned int r=0; r<apt->numRunways(); ++r) {
FGRunway* rwy(apt->getRunwayByIndex(r));
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
naRef rwyid = stringToNasal(c, rwy->ident());
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
naRef rwydata = hashForRunway(c, rwy);
naHash_set(rwys, rwyid, rwydata);
naRef aptdata = naNewHash(c);
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
hashset(c, aptdata, "id", stringToNasal(c, id));
hashset(c, aptdata, "name", stringToNasal(c, name));
hashset(c, aptdata, "lat", naNum(apt->getLatitude()));
hashset(c, aptdata, "lon", naNum(apt->getLongitude()));
hashset(c, aptdata, "elevation", naNum(apt->getElevation() * SG_FEET_TO_METER));
hashset(c, aptdata, "has_metar", naNum(apt->getMetar()));
hashset(c, aptdata, "runways", rwys);
hashset(c, aptdata, "_positioned", ghostForPositioned(c, apt));
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
naRef parents = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(parents, airportPrototype);
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
hashset(c, aptdata, "parents", parents);
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
return aptdata;
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
naRef hashForWaypoint(naContext c, flightgear::Waypt* wpt, flightgear::Waypt* next)
SGGeod pos = wpt->position();
naRef h = naNewHash(c);
flightgear::Procedure* proc = dynamic_cast<flightgear::Procedure*>(wpt->owner());
if (proc) {
hashset(c, h, "wp_parent_name", stringToNasal(c, proc->ident()));
2012-04-24 10:53:46 +01:00
// set 'wp_parent' route object to query the SID / STAR / airway?
// TODO - needs some extensions to flightgear::Route
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
if (wpt->type() == "hold") {
hashset(c, h, "fly_type", stringToNasal(c, "Hold"));
} else if (wpt->flag(flightgear::WPT_OVERFLIGHT)) {
hashset(c, h, "fly_type", stringToNasal(c, "flyOver"));
} else {
hashset(c, h, "fly_type", stringToNasal(c, "flyBy"));
hashset(c, h, "wp_type", stringToNasal(c, wpt->type()));
hashset(c, h, "wp_name", stringToNasal(c, wpt->ident()));
hashset(c, h, "wp_lat", naNum(pos.getLatitudeDeg()));
hashset(c, h, "wp_lon", naNum(pos.getLongitudeDeg()));
hashset(c, h, "alt_cstr", naNum(wpt->altitudeFt()));
if (wpt->speedRestriction() == flightgear::SPEED_RESTRICT_MACH) {
hashset(c, h, "spd_cstr", naNum(wpt->speedMach()));
} else {
hashset(c, h, "spd_cstr", naNum(wpt->speedKts()));
if (next) {
std::pair<double, double> crsDist =
hashset(c, h, "leg_distance", naNum(crsDist.second * SG_METER_TO_NM));
hashset(c, h, "leg_bearing", naNum(crsDist.first));
2012-04-24 10:53:46 +01:00
hashset(c, h, "hdg_radial", naNum(wpt->headingRadialDeg()));
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
// leg bearing, distance, etc
// parents and ghost of the C++ object
hashset(c, h, "_waypt", ghostForWaypt(c, wpt));
naRef parents = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(parents, waypointPrototype);
hashset(c, h, "parents", parents);
return h;
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
naRef hashForRunway(naContext c, FGRunway* rwy)
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
naRef rwyid = stringToNasal(c, rwy->ident());
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
naRef rwydata = naNewHash(c);
#define HASHSET(s,l,n) naHash_set(rwydata, naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c),s,l),n)
HASHSET("id", 2, rwyid);
HASHSET("lat", 3, naNum(rwy->latitude()));
HASHSET("lon", 3, naNum(rwy->longitude()));
HASHSET("heading", 7, naNum(rwy->headingDeg()));
HASHSET("length", 6, naNum(rwy->lengthM()));
HASHSET("width", 5, naNum(rwy->widthM()));
HASHSET("threshold", 9, naNum(rwy->displacedThresholdM()));
HASHSET("stopway", 7, naNum(rwy->stopwayM()));
if (rwy->ILS()) {
HASHSET("ils_frequency_mhz", 17, naNum(rwy->ILS()->get_freq() / 100.0));
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
HASHSET("ils", 3, hashForNavRecord(c, rwy->ILS(), SGGeod()));
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
HASHSET("_positioned", 11, ghostForPositioned(c, rwy));
#undef HASHSET
return rwydata;
naRef hashForNavRecord(naContext c, const FGNavRecord* nav, const SGGeod& rel)
naRef navdata = naNewHash(c);
#define HASHSET(s,l,n) naHash_set(navdata, naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c),s,l),n)
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
HASHSET("id", 2, stringToNasal(c, nav->ident()));
HASHSET("name", 4, stringToNasal(c, nav->name()));
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
HASHSET("frequency", 9, naNum(nav->get_freq()));
HASHSET("lat", 3, naNum(nav->get_lat()));
HASHSET("lon", 3, naNum(nav->get_lon()));
HASHSET("elevation", 9, naNum(nav->get_elev_ft() * SG_FEET_TO_METER));
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
HASHSET("type", 4, stringToNasal(c, nav->nameForType(nav->type())));
// FIXME - get rid of these, people should use courseAndDistance instead
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
HASHSET("distance", 8, naNum(SGGeodesy::distanceNm( rel, nav->geod() ) * SG_NM_TO_METER ) );
HASHSET("bearing", 7, naNum(SGGeodesy::courseDeg( rel, nav->geod() ) ) );
// record the real object as a ghost for further operations
HASHSET("_positioned",11, ghostForPositioned(c, nav));
#undef HASHSET
return navdata;
2012-04-25 16:54:40 +01:00
static bool hashIsCoord(naRef h)
naRef parents = naHash_cget(h, (char*) "parents");
if (!naIsVector(parents)) {
return false;
return naEqual(naVec_get(parents, 0), geoCoordClass);
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
bool geodFromHash(naRef ref, SGGeod& result)
if (!naIsHash(ref)) {
return false;
// first, see if the hash contains a FGPositioned ghost - in which case
// we can read off its position directly
naRef posGhost = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "_positioned");
if (!naIsNil(posGhost)) {
FGPositioned* pos = positionedGhost(posGhost);
result = pos->geod();
return true;
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
naRef ghost = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "_waypt");
if (!naIsNil(ghost)) {
flightgear::Waypt* w = wayptGhost(ghost);
result = w->position();
return true;
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
// then check for manual latitude / longitude names
naRef lat = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "lat");
naRef lon = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "lon");
if (naIsNum(lat) && naIsNum(lon)) {
2012-04-25 16:54:40 +01:00
result = SGGeod::fromDeg(naNumValue(lon).num, naNumValue(lat).num);
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
return true;
2012-04-25 16:54:40 +01:00
if (hashIsCoord(ref)) {
naRef lat = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "_lat");
naRef lon = naHash_cget(ref, (char*) "_lon");
if (naIsNum(lat) && naIsNum(lon)) {
result = SGGeod::fromRad(naNumValue(lon).num, naNumValue(lat).num);
return true;
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
// check for any synonyms?
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
// latitude + longitude?
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
return false;
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
static int geodFromArgs(naRef* args, int offset, int argc, SGGeod& result)
if (offset >= argc) {
return 0;
if (geodFromHash(args[offset], result)) {
return 1;
if (((argc - offset) >= 2) && naIsNum(args[offset]) && naIsNum(args[offset + 1])) {
double lat = naNumValue(args[0]).num,
lon = naNumValue(args[1]).num;
result = SGGeod::fromDeg(lon, lat);
return 2;
return 0;
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
// Convert a cartesian point to a geodetic lat/lon/altitude.
static naRef f_carttogeod(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
double lat, lon, alt, xyz[3];
if(argc != 3) naRuntimeError(c, "carttogeod() expects 3 arguments");
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
xyz[i] = naNumValue(args[i]).num;
sgCartToGeod(xyz, &lat, &lon, &alt);
naRef vec = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(vec, naNum(lat));
naVec_append(vec, naNum(lon));
naVec_append(vec, naNum(alt));
return vec;
// Convert a geodetic lat/lon/altitude to a cartesian point.
static naRef f_geodtocart(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if(argc != 3) naRuntimeError(c, "geodtocart() expects 3 arguments");
double lat = naNumValue(args[0]).num * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
double lon = naNumValue(args[1]).num * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
double alt = naNumValue(args[2]).num;
double xyz[3];
sgGeodToCart(lat, lon, alt, xyz);
naRef vec = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(vec, naNum(xyz[0]));
naVec_append(vec, naNum(xyz[1]));
naVec_append(vec, naNum(xyz[2]));
return vec;
// For given geodetic point return array with elevation, and a material data
// hash, or nil if there's no information available (tile not loaded). If
// information about the material isn't available, then nil is returned instead
// of the hash.
static naRef f_geodinfo(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
#define HASHSET(s,l,n) naHash_set(matdata, naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c),s,l),n)
if(argc < 2 || argc > 3)
naRuntimeError(c, "geodinfo() expects 2 or 3 arguments: lat, lon [, maxalt]");
double lat = naNumValue(args[0]).num;
double lon = naNumValue(args[1]).num;
double elev = argc == 3 ? naNumValue(args[2]).num : 10000;
const SGMaterial *mat;
SGGeod geod = SGGeod::fromDegM(lon, lat, elev);
if(!globals->get_scenery()->get_elevation_m(geod, elev, &mat))
return naNil();
naRef vec = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(vec, naNum(elev));
naRef matdata = naNil();
if(mat) {
matdata = naNewHash(c);
naRef names = naNewVector(c);
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string& n, mat->get_names())
naVec_append(names, stringToNasal(c, n));
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
HASHSET("names", 5, names);
HASHSET("solid", 5, naNum(mat->get_solid()));
HASHSET("friction_factor", 15, naNum(mat->get_friction_factor()));
HASHSET("rolling_friction", 16, naNum(mat->get_rolling_friction()));
HASHSET("load_resistance", 15, naNum(mat->get_load_resistance()));
HASHSET("bumpiness", 9, naNum(mat->get_bumpiness()));
HASHSET("light_coverage", 14, naNum(mat->get_light_coverage()));
naVec_append(vec, matdata);
return vec;
#undef HASHSET
class AirportInfoFilter : public FGAirport::AirportFilter
AirportInfoFilter() : type(FGPositioned::AIRPORT) {
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
bool fromArg(naRef arg)
const char *s = naStr_data(arg);
if(!strcmp(s, "airport")) type = FGPositioned::AIRPORT;
else if(!strcmp(s, "seaport")) type = FGPositioned::SEAPORT;
else if(!strcmp(s, "heliport")) type = FGPositioned::HELIPORT;
return false;
return true;
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
virtual FGPositioned::Type minType() const {
return type;
virtual FGPositioned::Type maxType() const {
return type;
FGPositioned::Type type;
// Returns data hash for particular or nearest airport of a <type>, or nil
// on error.
// airportinfo(<id>); e.g. "KSFO"
// airportinfo(<type>); type := ("airport"|"seaport"|"heliport")
// airportinfo() same as airportinfo("airport")
// airportinfo(<lat>, <lon> [, <type>]);
static naRef f_airportinfo(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
SGGeod pos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
FGAirport* apt = NULL;
if(argc >= 2 && naIsNum(args[0]) && naIsNum(args[1])) {
pos = SGGeod::fromDeg(args[1].num, args[0].num);
args += 2;
argc -= 2;
double maxRange = 10000.0; // expose this? or pick a smaller value?
AirportInfoFilter filter; // defaults to airports only
if(argc == 0) {
// fall through and use AIRPORT
} else if(argc == 1 && naIsString(args[0])) {
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
if (filter.fromArg(args[0])) {
// done!
} else {
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
// user provided an <id>, hopefully
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
apt = FGAirport::findByIdent(naStr_data(args[0]));
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
if (!apt) {
// return nil here, but don't raise a runtime error; this is a
// legitamate way to validate an ICAO code, for example in a
// dialog box or similar.
return naNil();
} else {
naRuntimeError(c, "airportinfo() with invalid function arguments");
return naNil();
if(!apt) {
apt = FGAirport::findClosest(pos, maxRange, &filter);
if(!apt) return naNil();
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
return hashForAirport(c, apt);
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
static naRef f_findAirportsWithinRange(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
int argOffset = 0;
SGGeod pos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
argOffset += geodFromArgs(args, 0, argc, pos);
if (!naIsNum(args[argOffset])) {
naRuntimeError(c, "findAirportsWithinRange expected range (in nm) as arg %d", argOffset);
AirportInfoFilter filter; // defaults to airports only
double rangeNm = args[argOffset++].num;
if (argOffset < argc) {
naRef r = naNewVector(c);
FGPositioned::List apts = FGPositioned::findWithinRange(pos, rangeNm, &filter);
FGPositioned::sortByRange(apts, pos);
BOOST_FOREACH(FGPositionedRef a, apts) {
FGAirport* apt = (FGAirport*) a.get();
naVec_append(r, hashForAirport(c, apt));
return r;
static naRef f_findAirportsByICAO(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if (!naIsString(args[0])) {
naRuntimeError(c, "findAirportsByICAO expects string as arg 0");
int argOffset = 0;
string prefix(naStr_data(args[argOffset++]));
AirportInfoFilter filter; // defaults to airports only
if (argOffset < argc) {
naRef r = naNewVector(c);
FGPositioned::List apts = FGPositioned::findAllWithIdent(prefix, &filter, false);
BOOST_FOREACH(FGPositionedRef a, apts) {
FGAirport* apt = (FGAirport*) a.get();
naVec_append(r, hashForAirport(c, apt));
return r;
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
static FGAirport* airportFromMe(naRef me)
naRef ghost = naHash_cget(me, (char*) "_positioned");
if (naIsNil(ghost)) {
return NULL;
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
FGPositioned* pos = positionedGhost(ghost);
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
if (pos && FGAirport::isAirportType(pos)) {
return (FGAirport*) pos;
return NULL;
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
static naRef f_airport_tower(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
FGAirport* apt = airportFromMe(me);
if (!apt) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airport.tower called on non-airport object");
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
// build a hash for the tower position
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
SGGeod towerLoc = apt->getTowerLocation();
naRef tower = naNewHash(c);
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
hashset(c, tower, "lat", naNum(towerLoc.getLatitudeDeg()));
hashset(c, tower, "lon", naNum(towerLoc.getLongitudeDeg()));
hashset(c, tower, "elevation", naNum(towerLoc.getElevationM()));
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
return tower;
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
static naRef f_airport_comms(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
FGAirport* apt = airportFromMe(me);
if (!apt) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airport.comms called on non-airport object");
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
naRef comms = naNewVector(c);
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
// if we have an explicit type, return a simple vector of frequencies
if (argc > 0 && naIsScalar(args[0])) {
std::string commName = naStr_data(args[0]);
FGPositioned::Type commType = FGPositioned::typeFromName(commName);
BOOST_FOREACH(flightgear::CommStation* comm, apt->commStationsOfType(commType)) {
naVec_append(comms, naNum(comm->freqMHz()));
} else {
// otherwise return a vector of hashes, one for each comm station.
BOOST_FOREACH(flightgear::CommStation* comm, apt->commStations()) {
naRef commHash = naNewHash(c);
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
hashset(c, commHash, "frequency", naNum(comm->freqMHz()));
hashset(c, commHash, "ident", stringToNasal(c, comm->ident()));
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
naVec_append(comms, commHash);
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
return comms;
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
static naRef f_airport_sids(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGAirport* apt = airportFromMe(me);
if (!apt) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airport.sids called on non-airport object");
naRef sids = naNewVector(c);
if (argc > 0 && naIsString(args[0])) {
if (!apt->hasRunwayWithIdent(naStr_data(args[0]))) {
return naNil();
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
FGRunway* rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(naStr_data(args[0]));
BOOST_FOREACH(flightgear::SID* sid, rwy->getSIDs()) {
naRef procId = stringToNasal(c, sid->ident());
naVec_append(sids, procId);
} else {
for (unsigned int s=0; s<apt->numSIDs(); ++s) {
flightgear::SID* sid = apt->getSIDByIndex(s);
naRef procId = stringToNasal(c, sid->ident());
naVec_append(sids, procId);
return sids;
static naRef f_airport_stars(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGAirport* apt = airportFromMe(me);
if (!apt) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airport.stars called on non-airport object");
naRef stars = naNewVector(c);
if (argc > 0 && naIsString(args[0])) {
if (!apt->hasRunwayWithIdent(naStr_data(args[0]))) {
return naNil();
FGRunway* rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(naStr_data(args[0]));
BOOST_FOREACH(flightgear::STAR* s, rwy->getSTARs()) {
naRef procId = stringToNasal(c, s->ident());
naVec_append(stars, procId);
} else {
for (unsigned int s=0; s<apt->numSTARs(); ++s) {
flightgear::STAR* star = apt->getSTARByIndex(s);
naRef procId = stringToNasal(c, star->ident());
naVec_append(stars, procId);
return stars;
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
static naRef f_airport_parking(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGAirport* apt = airportFromMe(me);
if (!apt) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airport.parking called on non-airport object");
naRef r = naNewVector(c);
std::string type;
bool onlyAvailable = false;
if (argc > 0 && naIsString(args[0])) {
type = naStr_data(args[0]);
if ((argc > 1) && naIsNum(args[1])) {
onlyAvailable = (args[1].num != 0.0);
FGAirportDynamics* dynamics = apt->getDynamics();
for (int i=0; i<dynamics->getNrOfParkings(); ++i) {
FGParking* park = dynamics->getParking(i);
// filter out based on availability and type
if (onlyAvailable && !park->isAvailable()) {
if (!type.empty() && (park->getType() != type)) {
naRef nm = stringToNasal(c, park->getName());
naVec_append(r, nm);
return r;
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
// Returns vector of data hash for navaid of a <type>, nil on error
// navaids sorted by ascending distance
// navinfo([<lat>,<lon>],[<type>],[<id>])
// lat/lon (numeric): use latitude/longitude instead of ac position
// type: ("fix"|"vor"|"ndb"|"ils"|"dme"|"tacan"|"any")
// id: (partial) id of the fix
// examples:
// navinfo("vor") returns all vors
// navinfo("HAM") return all navaids who's name start with "HAM"
// navinfo("vor", "HAM") return all vor who's name start with "HAM"
//navinfo(34,48,"vor","HAM") return all vor who's name start with "HAM"
// sorted by distance relative to lat=34, lon=48
static naRef f_navinfo(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
SGGeod pos;
if(argc >= 2 && naIsNum(args[0]) && naIsNum(args[1])) {
pos = SGGeod::fromDeg(args[1].num, args[0].num);
args += 2;
argc -= 2;
} else {
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
pos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
FGPositioned::Type type = FGPositioned::INVALID;
nav_list_type navlist;
const char * id = "";
if(argc > 0 && naIsString(args[0])) {
const char *s = naStr_data(args[0]);
if(!strcmp(s, "any")) type = FGPositioned::INVALID;
else if(!strcmp(s, "fix")) type = FGPositioned::FIX;
else if(!strcmp(s, "vor")) type = FGPositioned::VOR;
else if(!strcmp(s, "ndb")) type = FGPositioned::NDB;
else if(!strcmp(s, "ils")) type = FGPositioned::ILS;
else if(!strcmp(s, "dme")) type = FGPositioned::DME;
else if(!strcmp(s, "tacan")) type = FGPositioned::TACAN;
else id = s; // this is an id
if(argc > 0 && naIsString(args[0])) {
if( *id != 0 ) {
naRuntimeError(c, "navinfo() called with navaid id");
return naNil();
id = naStr_data(args[0]);
if( argc > 0 ) {
naRuntimeError(c, "navinfo() called with too many arguments");
return naNil();
navlist = globals->get_navlist()->findByIdentAndFreq( pos, id, 0.0, type );
naRef reply = naNewVector(c);
for( nav_list_type::const_iterator it = navlist.begin(); it != navlist.end(); ++it ) {
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
naVec_append( reply, hashForNavRecord(c, *it, pos) );
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
return reply;
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
static naRef f_findNavaidsWithinRange(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
int argOffset = 0;
SGGeod pos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
argOffset += geodFromArgs(args, 0, argc, pos);
if (!naIsNum(args[argOffset])) {
naRuntimeError(c, "findNavaidsWithinRange expected range (in nm) as arg %d", argOffset);
FGPositioned::Type type = FGPositioned::INVALID;
double rangeNm = args[argOffset++].num;
if (argOffset < argc) {
type = FGPositioned::typeFromName(naStr_data(args[argOffset]));
naRef r = naNewVector(c);
FGNavList::TypeFilter filter(type);
FGPositioned::List navs = FGPositioned::findWithinRange(pos, rangeNm, &filter);
FGPositioned::sortByRange(navs, pos);
BOOST_FOREACH(FGPositionedRef a, navs) {
FGNavRecord* nav = (FGNavRecord*) a.get();
naVec_append(r, hashForNavRecord(c, nav, pos));
return r;
static naRef f_findNavaidByFrequency(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
int argOffset = 0;
SGGeod pos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
argOffset += geodFromArgs(args, 0, argc, pos);
if (!naIsNum(args[argOffset])) {
naRuntimeError(c, "findNavaidByFrequency expectes frequency (in Mhz) as arg %d", argOffset);
FGPositioned::Type type = FGPositioned::INVALID;
double freqMhz = args[argOffset++].num;
if (argOffset < argc) {
type = FGPositioned::typeFromName(naStr_data(args[argOffset]));
nav_list_type navs = globals->get_navlist()->findAllByFreq(freqMhz, pos, type);
if (navs.empty()) {
return naNil();
return hashForNavRecord(c, navs.front().ptr(), pos);
static naRef f_findNavaidsByFrequency(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
int argOffset = 0;
SGGeod pos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
argOffset += geodFromArgs(args, 0, argc, pos);
if (!naIsNum(args[argOffset])) {
naRuntimeError(c, "findNavaidsByFrequency expectes frequency (in Mhz) as arg %d", argOffset);
FGPositioned::Type type = FGPositioned::INVALID;
double freqMhz = args[argOffset++].num;
if (argOffset < argc) {
type = FGPositioned::typeFromName(naStr_data(args[argOffset]));
naRef r = naNewVector(c);
nav_list_type navs = globals->get_navlist()->findAllByFreq(freqMhz, pos, type);
BOOST_FOREACH(nav_rec_ptr a, navs) {
naVec_append(r, hashForNavRecord(c, a.ptr(), pos));
return r;
static naRef f_findNavaidsByIdent(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
int argOffset = 0;
SGGeod pos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
argOffset += geodFromArgs(args, 0, argc, pos);
if (!naIsString(args[argOffset])) {
naRuntimeError(c, "findNavaidsByIdent expectes ident string as arg %d", argOffset);
FGPositioned::Type type = FGPositioned::INVALID;
string ident = naStr_data(args[argOffset++]);
if (argOffset < argc) {
type = FGPositioned::typeFromName(naStr_data(args[argOffset]));
naRef r = naNewVector(c);
nav_list_type navs = globals->get_navlist()->findByIdentAndFreq(pos, ident, 0.0, type);
BOOST_FOREACH(nav_rec_ptr a, navs) {
naVec_append(r, hashForNavRecord(c, a.ptr(), pos));
return r;
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
// Convert a cartesian point to a geodetic lat/lon/altitude.
static naRef f_magvar(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
SGGeod pos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
if (argc == 0) {
// fine, use aircraft position
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
} else if (geodFromArgs(args, 0, argc, pos)) {
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
// okay
} else {
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
naRuntimeError(c, "magvar() expects no arguments, a positioned hash or lat,lon pair");
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
double jd = globals->get_time_params()->getJD();
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
double magvarDeg = sgGetMagVar(pos, jd) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
return naNum(magvarDeg);
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
static naRef f_courseAndDistance(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
SGGeod from = globals->get_aircraft_position(), to, p;
int argOffset = geodFromArgs(args, 0, argc, p);
if (geodFromArgs(args, argOffset, argc, to)) {
from = p; // we parsed both FROM and TO args, so first was from
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
} else {
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
to = p; // only parsed one arg, so FROM is current
if (argOffset == 0) {
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
naRuntimeError(c, "invalid arguments to courseAndDistance");
double course, course2, d;
SGGeodesy::inverse(from, to, course, course2, d);
naRef result = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(result, naNum(course));
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
naVec_append(result, naNum(d * SG_METER_TO_NM));
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
return result;
2012-04-25 16:54:40 +01:00
static naRef f_greatCircleMove(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
SGGeod from = globals->get_aircraft_position(), to;
int argOffset = 0;
// complication - don't inerpret two doubles (as the only args)
// as a lat,lon pair - only do so if we have at least three args.
if (argc > 2) {
argOffset = geodFromArgs(args, 0, argc, from);
if ((argOffset + 1) >= argc) {
naRuntimeError(c, "isufficent arguments to greatCircleMove");
if (!naIsNum(args[argOffset]) || !naIsNum(args[argOffset+1])) {
naRuntimeError(c, "invalid arguments %d and %d to greatCircleMove",
argOffset, argOffset + 1);
double course = args[argOffset].num, course2;
double distanceNm = args[argOffset + 1].num;
SGGeodesy::direct(from, course, distanceNm * SG_NM_TO_METER, to, course2);
// return geo.Coord
naRef coord = naNewHash(c);
hashset(c, coord, "lat", naNum(to.getLatitudeDeg()));
hashset(c, coord, "lon", naNum(to.getLongitudeDeg()));
return coord;
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
static naRef f_tilePath(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
SGGeod pos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
geodFromArgs(args, 0, argc, pos);
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
SGBucket b(pos);
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
return stringToNasal(c, b.gen_base_path());
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
static naRef f_route(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
naRef route = naNewHash(c);
// return active route hash by default,
// other routes in the future
naRef parents = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(parents, routePrototype);
hashset(c, route, "parents", parents);
return route;
static naRef f_route_getWP(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGRouteMgr* rm = static_cast<FGRouteMgr*>(globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"));
int index;
if (argc == 0) {
index = rm->currentIndex();
} else {
index = (int) naNumValue(args[0]).num;
if ((index < 0) || (index >= rm->numWaypts())) {
return naNil();
flightgear::Waypt* next = NULL;
if (index < (rm->numWaypts() - 1)) {
next = rm->wayptAtIndex(index + 1);
return hashForWaypoint(c, rm->wayptAtIndex(index), next);
static naRef f_route_currentWP(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGRouteMgr* rm = static_cast<FGRouteMgr*>(globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"));
flightgear::Waypt* next = NULL;
if (rm->currentIndex() < (rm->numWaypts() - 1)) {
next = rm->wayptAtIndex(rm->currentIndex() + 1);
return hashForWaypoint(c, rm->currentWaypt(), next);
static naRef f_route_currentIndex(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGRouteMgr* rm = static_cast<FGRouteMgr*>(globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"));
return naNum(rm->currentIndex());
static naRef f_route_numWaypoints(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGRouteMgr* rm = static_cast<FGRouteMgr*>(globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"));
return naNum(rm->numWaypts());
2012-04-24 10:53:46 +01:00
static flightgear::Waypt* wayptFromMe(naRef me)
naRef ghost = naHash_cget(me, (char*) "_waypt");
if (naIsNil(ghost)) {
return NULL;
return wayptGhost(ghost);
static naRef f_waypoint_navaid(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
flightgear::Waypt* w = wayptFromMe(me);
if (!w) {
naRuntimeError(c, "waypoint.navaid called on non-waypoint object");
FGPositioned* pos = w->source();
if (!pos) {
return naNil();
switch (pos->type()) {
case FGPositioned::VOR:
case FGPositioned::NDB:
case FGPositioned::ILS:
case FGPositioned::LOC:
case FGPositioned::GS:
case FGPositioned::DME:
case FGPositioned::TACAN: {
FGNavRecord* nav = (FGNavRecord*) pos;
return hashForNavRecord(c, nav, globals->get_aircraft_position());
return naNil();
static naRef f_waypoint_airport(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
flightgear::Waypt* w = wayptFromMe(me);
if (!w) {
naRuntimeError(c, "waypoint.navaid called on non-waypoint object");
FGPositioned* pos = w->source();
if (!pos || FGAirport::isAirportType(pos)) {
return naNil();
return hashForAirport(c, (FGAirport*) pos);
static naRef f_waypoint_runway(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
flightgear::Waypt* w = wayptFromMe(me);
if (!w) {
naRuntimeError(c, "waypoint.navaid called on non-waypoint object");
FGPositioned* pos = w->source();
if (!pos || (pos->type() != FGPositioned::RUNWAY)) {
return naNil();
return hashForRunway(c, (FGRunway*) pos);
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
// Table of extension functions. Terminate with zeros.
static struct { const char* name; naCFunction func; } funcs[] = {
{ "carttogeod", f_carttogeod },
{ "geodtocart", f_geodtocart },
{ "geodinfo", f_geodinfo },
{ "airportinfo", f_airportinfo },
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
{ "findAirportsWithinRange", f_findAirportsWithinRange },
{ "findAirportsByICAO", f_findAirportsByICAO },
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
{ "navinfo", f_navinfo },
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
{ "findNavaidsWithinRange", f_findNavaidsWithinRange },
{ "findNavaidByFrequency", f_findNavaidByFrequency },
{ "findNavaidsByFrequency", f_findNavaidsByFrequency },
{ "findNavaidsByID", f_findNavaidsByIdent },
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
{ "route", f_route },
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
{ "magvar", f_magvar },
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
{ "courseAndDistance", f_courseAndDistance },
2012-04-25 16:54:40 +01:00
{ "greatCircleMove", f_greatCircleMove },
2012-04-16 10:18:37 +01:00
{ "bucketPath", f_tilePath },
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
{ 0, 0 }
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
naRef initNasalPositioned(naRef globals, naContext c, naRef gcSave)
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
airportPrototype = naNewHash(c);
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
hashset(c, gcSave, "airportProto", airportPrototype);
2012-04-21 11:15:23 +01:00
hashset(c, airportPrototype, "tower", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_airport_tower)));
hashset(c, airportPrototype, "comms", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_airport_comms)));
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
hashset(c, airportPrototype, "sids", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_airport_sids)));
hashset(c, airportPrototype, "stars", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_airport_stars)));
2012-04-24 22:12:56 +01:00
hashset(c, airportPrototype, "parking", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_airport_parking)));
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
routePrototype = naNewHash(c);
hashset(c, gcSave, "routeProto", routePrototype);
2012-04-24 10:53:46 +01:00
2012-04-23 23:55:22 +01:00
hashset(c, routePrototype, "getWP", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_route_getWP)));
hashset(c, routePrototype, "currentWP", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_route_currentWP)));
hashset(c, routePrototype, "currentIndex", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_route_currentIndex)));
hashset(c, routePrototype, "getPlanSize", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_route_numWaypoints)));
2012-04-24 10:53:46 +01:00
waypointPrototype = naNewHash(c);
hashset(c, gcSave, "wayptProto", waypointPrototype);
hashset(c, waypointPrototype, "navaid", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_waypoint_navaid)));
hashset(c, waypointPrototype, "runway", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_waypoint_runway)));
hashset(c, waypointPrototype, "airport", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_waypoint_airport)));
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
for(int i=0; funcs[i].name; i++) {
hashset(c, globals, funcs[i].name,
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, funcs[i].func)));
2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
2012-04-15 13:54:50 +01:00
return naNil();
2012-04-25 16:54:40 +01:00
void postinitNasalPositioned(naRef globals, naContext c)
naRef geoModule = naHash_cget(globals, (char*) "geo");
if (naIsNil(geoModule)) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "postinitNasalPositioned: geo.nas not loaded");
geoCoordClass = naHash_cget(geoModule, (char*) "Coord");