Fork 0

Nasal airport functions for various ancillary data pieces now work.

This commit is contained in:
James Turner 2012-04-23 23:04:59 +01:00
parent 9eb0f67a82
commit a132ced084
5 changed files with 114 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ double Waypt::magvarDeg() const
assert(!(position() == SGGeod()));
double jd = globals->get_time_params()->getJD();
_magVarDeg = sgGetMagVar(position(), jd);
_magVarDeg = sgGetMagVar(position(), jd) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
return _magVarDeg;

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@ -346,6 +346,6 @@ double RoutePath::distanceForClimb(double climbFt) const
double RoutePath::magVarFor(const SGGeod& geod) const
double jd = globals->get_time_params()->getJD();
return sgGetMagVar(geod, jd);
return sgGetMagVar(geod, jd) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;

View file

@ -45,6 +45,13 @@
static void ghostDestroy(void* g);
naGhostType PositionedGhostType = { ghostDestroy, "positioned" };
static void hashset(naContext c, naRef hash, const char* key, naRef val)
naRef s = naNewString(c);
naStr_fromdata(s, (char*)key, strlen(key));
naHash_set(hash, s, val);
static naRef stringToNasal(naContext c, const std::string& s)
return naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c),
@ -93,21 +100,17 @@ naRef hashForAirport(naContext c, const FGAirport* apt)
naRef aptdata = naNewHash(c);
#define HASHSET(s,l,n) naHash_set(aptdata, naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c),s,l),n)
HASHSET("id", 2, stringToNasal(c, id));
HASHSET("name", 4, stringToNasal(c, name));
HASHSET("lat", 3, naNum(apt->getLatitude()));
HASHSET("lon", 3, naNum(apt->getLongitude()));
HASHSET("elevation", 9, naNum(apt->getElevation() * SG_FEET_TO_METER));
HASHSET("has_metar", 9, naNum(apt->getMetar()));
HASHSET("runways", 7, rwys);
HASHSET("_positioned", 11, ghostForPositioned(c, apt));
hashset(c, aptdata, "id", stringToNasal(c, id));
hashset(c, aptdata, "name", stringToNasal(c, name));
hashset(c, aptdata, "lat", naNum(apt->getLatitude()));
hashset(c, aptdata, "lon", naNum(apt->getLongitude()));
hashset(c, aptdata, "elevation", naNum(apt->getElevation() * SG_FEET_TO_METER));
hashset(c, aptdata, "has_metar", naNum(apt->getMetar()));
hashset(c, aptdata, "runways", rwys);
hashset(c, aptdata, "_positioned", ghostForPositioned(c, apt));
naRef parents = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(parents, airportPrototype);
HASHSET("parents", 7, parents);
#undef HASHSET
hashset(c, aptdata, "parents", parents);
return aptdata;
@ -130,21 +133,6 @@ naRef hashForRunway(naContext c, FGRunway* rwy)
HASHSET("ils_frequency_mhz", 17, naNum(rwy->ILS()->get_freq() / 100.0));
HASHSET("ils", 3, hashForNavRecord(c, rwy->ILS(), SGGeod()));
naRef sidVec = naNewVector(c);
BOOST_FOREACH(flightgear::SID* sid, rwy->getSIDs()) {
naRef procId = stringToNasal(c, sid->ident());
naVec_append(sidVec, procId);
HASHSET("sids", 4, sidVec);
naRef starVec = naNewVector(c);
BOOST_FOREACH(flightgear::STAR* star, rwy->getSTARs()) {
naRef procId = stringToNasal(c, star->ident());
naVec_append(starVec, procId);
HASHSET("stars", 5, starVec);
HASHSET("_positioned", 11, ghostForPositioned(c, rwy));
#undef HASHSET
@ -348,13 +336,14 @@ static naRef f_airportinfo(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return hashForAirport(c, apt);
static FGAirport* airportFromRef(naRef ref)
if (naIsString(ref)) {
return FGAirport::findByIdent(naStr_data(ref));
static FGAirport* airportFromMe(naRef me)
naRef ghost = naHash_cget(me, (char*) "_positioned");
if (naIsNil(ghost)) {
return NULL;
FGPositioned* pos = positionedGhost(ref);
FGPositioned* pos = positionedGhost(ghost);
if (pos && FGAirport::isAirportType(pos)) {
return (FGAirport*) pos;
@ -364,40 +353,33 @@ static FGAirport* airportFromRef(naRef ref)
static naRef f_airport_tower(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGPositioned* pos = positionedGhost(me);
if (!pos ||! FGAirport::isAirportType(pos)) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airport_tower called on non-airport object");
FGAirport* apt = airportFromMe(me);
if (!apt) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airport.tower called on non-airport object");
FGAirport* apt = (FGAirport*) pos;
// build a hash for the tower position
SGGeod towerLoc = apt->getTowerLocation();
naRef tower = naNewHash(c);
#define HASHSET(s,l,n) naHash_set(tower, naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c),s,l),n)
HASHSET("lat", 3, naNum(towerLoc.getLatitudeDeg()));
HASHSET("lon", 3, naNum(towerLoc.getLongitudeDeg()));
HASHSET("elevation", 9, naNum(towerLoc.getElevationM()));
#undef HASHSET
hashset(c, tower, "lat", naNum(towerLoc.getLatitudeDeg()));
hashset(c, tower, "lon", naNum(towerLoc.getLongitudeDeg()));
hashset(c, tower, "elevation", naNum(towerLoc.getElevationM()));
return tower;
static naRef f_airport_comms(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGPositioned* pos = positionedGhost(me);
if (!pos ||! FGAirport::isAirportType(pos)) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airport_comms called on non-airport object");
FGAirport* apt = airportFromMe(me);
if (!apt) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airport.comms called on non-airport object");
FGAirport* apt = (FGAirport*) pos;
naRef comms;
naRef comms = naNewVector(c);
// if we have an explicit type, return a simple vector of frequencies
if (argc > 0 && naIsScalar(args[0])) {
std::string commName = naStr_data(args[0]);
FGPositioned::Type commType = FGPositioned::typeFromName(commName);
naRef comms = naNewVector(c);
BOOST_FOREACH(flightgear::CommStation* comm, apt->commStationsOfType(commType)) {
naVec_append(comms, naNum(comm->freqMHz()));
@ -405,17 +387,75 @@ static naRef f_airport_comms(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
// otherwise return a vector of hashes, one for each comm station.
BOOST_FOREACH(flightgear::CommStation* comm, apt->commStations()) {
naRef commHash = naNewHash(c);
#define HASHSET(s,n) naHash_set(commHash, naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c),s,strlen(s)),n)
HASHSET("frequency", naNum(comm->freqMHz()));
HASHSET("ident", stringToNasal(c, comm->ident()));
#undef HASHSET
hashset(c, commHash, "frequency", naNum(comm->freqMHz()));
hashset(c, commHash, "ident", stringToNasal(c, comm->ident()));
naVec_append(comms, commHash);
return comms;
static naRef f_airport_sids(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGAirport* apt = airportFromMe(me);
if (!apt) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airport.sids called on non-airport object");
naRef sids = naNewVector(c);
// if we have an explicit type, return a simple vector of frequencies
if (argc > 0 && naIsString(args[0])) {
if (!apt->hasRunwayWithIdent(naStr_data(args[0]))) {
return naNil();
FGRunway* rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(naStr_data(args[0]));
BOOST_FOREACH(flightgear::SID* sid, rwy->getSIDs()) {
naRef procId = stringToNasal(c, sid->ident());
naVec_append(sids, procId);
} else {
for (unsigned int s=0; s<apt->numSIDs(); ++s) {
flightgear::SID* sid = apt->getSIDByIndex(s);
naRef procId = stringToNasal(c, sid->ident());
naVec_append(sids, procId);
return sids;
static naRef f_airport_stars(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
FGAirport* apt = airportFromMe(me);
if (!apt) {
naRuntimeError(c, "airport.stars called on non-airport object");
naRef stars = naNewVector(c);
// if we have an explicit type, return a simple vector of frequencies
if (argc > 0 && naIsString(args[0])) {
if (!apt->hasRunwayWithIdent(naStr_data(args[0]))) {
return naNil();
FGRunway* rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(naStr_data(args[0]));
BOOST_FOREACH(flightgear::STAR* s, rwy->getSTARs()) {
naRef procId = stringToNasal(c, s->ident());
naVec_append(stars, procId);
} else {
for (unsigned int s=0; s<apt->numSTARs(); ++s) {
flightgear::STAR* star = apt->getSTARByIndex(s);
naRef procId = stringToNasal(c, star->ident());
naVec_append(stars, procId);
return stars;
// Returns vector of data hash for navaid of a <type>, nil on error
@ -501,7 +541,7 @@ static naRef f_magvar(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
double jd = globals->get_time_params()->getJD();
double magvarDeg = sgGetMagVar(pos, jd);
double magvarDeg = sgGetMagVar(pos, jd) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
return naNum(magvarDeg);
@ -541,7 +581,7 @@ static naRef f_courseAndDistance(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
naRef result = naNewVector(c);
naVec_append(result, naNum(course));
naVec_append(result, naNum(d));
naVec_append(result, naNum(d * SG_METER_TO_NM));
return result;
@ -577,23 +617,21 @@ static struct { const char* name; naCFunction func; } funcs[] = {
{ 0, 0 }
static void hashset(naContext c, naRef hash, const char* key, naRef val)
naRef s = naNewString(c);
naStr_fromdata(s, (char*)key, strlen(key));
naHash_set(hash, s, val);
naRef initNasalPositioned(naRef globals, naContext c)
naRef initNasalPositioned(naRef globals, naContext c, naRef gcSave)
airportPrototype = naNewHash(c);
hashset(c, gcSave, "airportProto", airportPrototype);
hashset(c, airportPrototype, "tower", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_airport_tower)));
hashset(c, airportPrototype, "comms", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_airport_comms)));
for(int i=0; funcs[i].name; i++) {
hashset(c, globals, funcs[i].name,
hashset(c, airportPrototype, "sids", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_airport_sids)));
hashset(c, airportPrototype, "stars", naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, f_airport_stars)));
for(int i=0; funcs[i].name; i++) {
hashset(c, globals, funcs[i].name,
naNewFunc(c, naNewCCode(c, funcs[i].func)));
return naNil();

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@ -35,6 +35,6 @@ naRef hashForNavRecord(naContext c, const FGNavRecord* nav, const SGGeod& rel);
bool geodFromHash(naRef ref, SGGeod& result);
naRef initNasalPositioned(naRef globals, naContext c);
naRef initNasalPositioned(naRef globals, naContext c, naRef gcSave);

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@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ void FGNasalSys::init()
hashset(_globals, funcs[i].name,
naNewFunc(_context, naNewCCode(_context, funcs[i].func)));
initNasalPositioned(_globals, _context);
// And our SGPropertyNode wrapper
hashset(_globals, "props", genPropsModule());
@ -541,6 +541,8 @@ void FGNasalSys::init()
_gcHash = naNewHash(_context);
hashset(_globals, "__gcsave", _gcHash);
initNasalPositioned(_globals, _context, _gcHash);
// Now load the various source files in the Nasal directory
simgear::Dir nasalDir(SGPath(globals->get_fg_root(), "Nasal"));