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// fg_commands.cxx - internal FGFS commands.
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include STL_STRING
#include STL_FSTREAM
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/commands.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/props.hxx>
#include <GUI/gui.h>
#include <Cockpit/panel.hxx>
#include <Cockpit/panel_io.hxx>
#include <Scenery/tilemgr.hxx>
#include <Time/tmp.hxx>
#include "fg_commands.hxx"
2001-06-06 23:31:48 +00:00
2001-06-06 23:31:48 +00:00
#include "fg_props.hxx"
#include "fg_io.hxx"
#include "globals.hxx"
* Built-in command: do nothing.
static bool
do_null (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
return true;
* Built-in command: exit FlightGear.
* TODO: show a confirm dialog.
static bool
do_exit (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, "Program exit requested.");
return true;
* Built-in command: load flight.
* file (optional): the name of the file to load (relative to current
* directory). Defaults to "fgfs.sav".
static bool
do_load (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
const string &file = arg->getStringValue("file", "fgfs.sav");
ifstream input(file.c_str());
if (input.good() && fgLoadFlight(input)) {
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Restored flight from " << file);
return true;
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, "Cannot load flight from " << file);
return false;
* Built-in command: save flight.
* file (optional): the name of the file to save (relative to the
* current directory). Defaults to "fgfs.sav".
static bool
do_save (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
const string &file = arg->getStringValue("file", "fgfs.sav");
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Saving flight");
ofstream output(file.c_str());
if (output.good() && fgSaveFlight(output)) {
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Saved flight to " << file);
return true;
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, "Cannot save flight to " << file);
return false;
* Built-in command: (re)load the panel.
* path (optional): the file name to load the panel from
* (relative to FG_ROOT). Defaults to the value of /sim/panel/path,
* and if that's unspecified, to "Panels/Default/default.xml".
static bool
do_panel_load (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
string panel_path =
FGPanel * new_panel = fgReadPanel(panel_path);
if (new_panel == 0) {
"Error reading new panel from " << panel_path);
return false;
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Loaded new panel from " << panel_path);
delete current_panel;
current_panel = new_panel;
return true;
* Built-in command: (re)load preferences.
* path (optional): the file name to load the panel from (relative
* to FG_ROOT). Defaults to "preferences.xml".
static bool
do_preferences_load (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
const string &path = arg->getStringValue("path", "preferences.xml");
SGPath props_path(globals->get_fg_root());
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Reading global preferences from "
<< props_path.str());
if (!readProperties(props_path.str(), globals->get_props())) {
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, "Failed to reread global preferences");
return false;
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Successfully read global preferences.");
return true;
* Built-in command: cycle view.
static bool
do_view_cycle (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
// fgReshape(fgGetInt("/sim/startup/xsize"), fgGetInt("/sim/startup/ysize"));
return true;
* Built-in command: capture screen.
static bool
do_screen_capture (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
return true;
* Reload the tile cache.
static bool
do_tile_cache_reload (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
bool freeze = globals->get_freeze();
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "ReIniting TileCache");
if ( !freeze )
globals->set_freeze( true );
if ( global_tile_mgr.init() ) {
// Load the local scenery data
** Properties Renamed - /autopilot/locks/nav1 => /autopilot/locks/nav[0] - /autopilot/settings/altitude += "-ft" - /autopilot/settings/climb-rate += "-fpm" - /autopilot/settings/heading-bug += "-deg" - /consumables/fuel/tank1/level => /consumables/fuel/tank[0]/level-gal_us - /consumables/fuel/tank2/level => /consumables/fuel/tank[1]/level-gal_us - /engines/engine0/cht => /engines/engine[0]/cht-degf - /engines/engine0/egt => /engines/engine[0]/egt-degf - /engines/engine0/fuel-flow => /engines/engine[0]/fuel-flow-gph - /engines/engine0/mp => /engines/engine[0]/mp-osi - /engines/engine0/rpm => /engines/engine[0]/rpm - /environment/clouds/altitude += "-ft" - /environment/magnetic-dip += "-deg" - /environment/magnetic-varation += "-deg" - /environment/visibility += "-m" - /environment/wind-down += "-fps" - /environment/wind-east += "-fps" - /environment/wind-north += "-fps" - /orientation/heading += "-deg" - /orientation/heading-magnetic += "-deg" - /orientation/pitch += "-deg" - /orientation/roll += "-deg" - /position/altitude += "-ft" - /position/altitude-agl += "-ft" - /position/latitude += "-deg" - /position/longitude += "-deg" - /radios/adf/frequencies/selected += "-khz" - /radios/adf/frequencies/standby += "-khz" - /radios/adf/rotation += "-deg" - /radios/nav1/* => /radios/nav[0]/* - /radios/nav2/* => /radios/nav[1]/* - /radios/nav[*]/dme/distance += "-nm" - /radios/nav[*]/frequencies/selected += "-mhz" - /radios/nav[*]/frequencies/standby += "-mhz" - /radios/nav[*]/radials/actual += "-deg" - /radios/nav[*]/radials/selected += "-deg" - /sim/view/goal-offset += "-deg" - /sim/view/offset += "-deg" - /steam/adf += "-deg" - /steam/airspeed += "-kt" - /steam/altitude += "-ft" - /steam/gyro-compass += "-deg" - /steam/gyro-compass-error += "-deg" - /steam/mag-compass += "-deg" - /steam/vertical-speed += "-fpm" - /velocities/airspeed += "-kt" - /velocities/side-slip += "-rad" - /velocities/speed-down += "-fps" - /velocities/speed-east += "-fps" - /velocities/speed-north += "-fps" - /velocities/uBody += "-fps" - /velocities/vBody += "-fps" - /velocities/wBody += "-fps" - /velocities/vertical-speed += "-fps"
2001-07-02 22:27:24 +00:00
} else {
"Error in Tile Manager initialization!" );
if ( !freeze )
globals->set_freeze( false );
return true;
* Update the lighting manually.
static bool
do_lighting_update (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
return true;
* Built-in command: toggle a bool property value.
* property: The name of the property to toggle.
static bool
do_property_toggle (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
const string & propname = arg->getStringValue("property", "");
if (propname == "")
return false;
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode(propname);
return node->setBoolValue(!node->getBoolValue());
* Built-in command: assign a value to a property.
* property: the name of the property to assign.
* value: the value to assign.
static bool
do_property_assign (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
const string & propname = arg->getStringValue("property", "");
if (propname == "")
return false;
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode(propname, true);
switch (node->getType()) {
case SGPropertyNode::BOOL:
return node->setBoolValue(arg->getBoolValue("value"));
case SGPropertyNode::INT:
return node->setIntValue(arg->getIntValue("value"));
case SGPropertyNode::LONG:
return node->setLongValue(arg->getLongValue("value"));
case SGPropertyNode::FLOAT:
return node->setFloatValue(arg->getFloatValue("value"));
case SGPropertyNode::DOUBLE:
return node->setDoubleValue(arg->getDoubleValue("value"));
case SGPropertyNode::STRING:
return node->setStringValue(arg->getStringValue("value"));
return node->setUnspecifiedValue(arg->getStringValue("value"));
* Built-in command: increment or decrement a property value.
* property: the name of the property to increment or decrement.
* step: the amount of the increment or decrement.
static bool
do_property_adjust (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
const string & propname = arg->getStringValue("property", "");
if (propname == "")
return false;
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode(propname, true);
switch (node->getType()) {
case SGPropertyNode::BOOL:
if (arg->getBoolValue("step"))
return node->setBoolValue(!node->getBoolValue());
return true;
case SGPropertyNode::INT:
return node->setIntValue(node->getIntValue()
+ arg->getIntValue("step"));
case SGPropertyNode::LONG:
return node->setLongValue(node->getLongValue()
+ arg->getLongValue("step"));
case SGPropertyNode::FLOAT:
return node->setFloatValue(node->getFloatValue()
+ arg->getFloatValue("step"));
case SGPropertyNode::DOUBLE:
case SGPropertyNode::UNSPECIFIED:
return node->setDoubleValue(node->getDoubleValue()
+ arg->getDoubleValue("step"));
default: // doesn't make sense with strings
return false;
<<<<<<< fg_commands.cxx
* Built-in command: multiply a property value.
* property: the name of the property to multiply.
* factor: the amount by which to multiply.
static bool
do_property_multiply (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
const string & propname = arg->getStringValue("property", "");
if (propname == "")
return false;
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode(propname, true);
switch (node->getType()) {
case SGPropertyNode::BOOL:
return node->setBoolValue(node->getBoolValue() &&
case SGPropertyNode::INT:
return node->setIntValue(int(node->getIntValue()
* arg->getDoubleValue("factor")));
case SGPropertyNode::LONG:
return node->setLongValue(long(node->getLongValue()
* arg->getDoubleValue("factor")));
case SGPropertyNode::FLOAT:
return node->setFloatValue(float(node->getFloatValue()
* arg->getDoubleValue("factor")));
case SGPropertyNode::DOUBLE:
case SGPropertyNode::UNSPECIFIED:
return node->setDoubleValue(node->getDoubleValue()
* arg->getDoubleValue("factor"));
default: // doesn't make sense with strings
return false;
* Built-in command: multiply a property value.
* property: the name of the property to multiply.
* factor: the amount by which to multiply.
static bool
do_property_multiply (const SGPropertyNode * arg)
const string & propname = arg->getStringValue("property", "");
if (propname == "")
return false;
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode(propname, true);
switch (node->getType()) {
case SGPropertyNode::BOOL:
return node->setBoolValue(node->getBoolValue() &&
case SGPropertyNode::INT:
return node->setIntValue(int(node->getIntValue()
* arg->getDoubleValue("factor")));
case SGPropertyNode::LONG:
return node->setLongValue(long(node->getLongValue()
* arg->getDoubleValue("factor")));
case SGPropertyNode::FLOAT:
return node->setFloatValue(float(node->getFloatValue()
* arg->getDoubleValue("factor")));
case SGPropertyNode::DOUBLE:
case SGPropertyNode::UNSPECIFIED:
return node->setDoubleValue(node->getDoubleValue()
* arg->getDoubleValue("factor"));
default: // doesn't make sense with strings
return false;
* Built-in command: swap two property values.
* property[0]: the name of the first property.
* property[1]: the name of the second property.
static bool
do_property_swap (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
const string &propname1 = arg->getStringValue("property[0]", "");
const string &propname2 = arg->getStringValue("property[1]", "");
if (propname1 == "" || propname2 == "")
return false;
SGPropertyNode * node1 = fgGetNode(propname1, true);
SGPropertyNode * node2 = fgGetNode(propname2, true);
const string & tmp = node1->getStringValue();
return (node1->setUnspecifiedValue(node2->getStringValue()) &&
* Set a property to an axis or other moving input.
* property: the name of the property to set.
* setting: the current input setting, usually between -1.0 and 1.0.
* offset: the offset to shift by, before applying the factor.
* factor: the factor to multiply by (use negative to reverse).
static bool
do_property_scale (const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGCommandState ** state)
const string &propname = arg->getStringValue("property");
double setting = arg->getDoubleValue("setting", 0.0);
double offset = arg->getDoubleValue("offset", 0.0);
double factor = arg->getDoubleValue("factor", 1.0);
return fgSetDouble(propname, (setting + offset) * factor);
* Table of built-in commands.
* New commands do not have to be added here; any module in the application
* can add a new command using globals->get_commands()->addCommand(...).
static struct {
const char * name;
SGCommandMgr::command_t command;
} built_ins [] = {
2001-06-14 22:18:01 +00:00
{ "null", do_null },
{ "exit", do_exit },
{ "load", do_load },
{ "save", do_save },
{ "panel-load", do_panel_load },
{ "preferences-load", do_preferences_load },
{ "view-cycle", do_view_cycle },
{ "screen-capture", do_screen_capture },
{ "tile-cache-reload", do_tile_cache_reload },
{ "lighting-update", do_lighting_update },
2001-06-14 22:18:01 +00:00
{ "property-toggle", do_property_toggle },
{ "property-assign", do_property_assign },
{ "property-adjust", do_property_adjust },
{ "property-multiply", do_property_multiply },
2001-06-14 22:18:01 +00:00
{ "property-swap", do_property_swap },
{ "property-scale", do_property_scale },
{ 0, 0 } // zero-terminated
* Initialize the default built-in commands.
* Other commands may be added by other parts of the application.
fgInitCommands ()
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Initializing basic built-in commands:");
for (int i = 0; built_ins[i].name != 0; i++) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, " " << built_ins[i].name);
// end of fg_commands.hxx