Fork 0

331 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Surface.hpp"
namespace yasim {
// Start in a "sane" mode, so unset stuff doesn't freak us out
_c0 = 1;
_cx = _cy = _cz = 1;
_cz0 = 0;
_peaks[0] = _peaks[1] = 1;
2001-12-07 20:00:59 +00:00
int i;
for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
_stalls[i] = 0;
_widths[i] = 0.01; // half a degree
_orient[0] = 1; _orient[1] = 0; _orient[2] = 0;
_orient[3] = 0; _orient[4] = 1; _orient[5] = 0;
_orient[6] = 0; _orient[7] = 0; _orient[8] = 1;
_chord = 0;
_incidence = 0;
_twist = 0;
_slatPos = _spoilerPos = _flapPos = 0;
_slatDrag = _spoilerDrag = _flapDrag = 1;
_flapLift = 0;
_slatAlpha = 0;
_spoilerLift = 1;
_inducedDrag = 1;
void Surface::setPosition(float* p)
2001-12-07 20:00:59 +00:00
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) _pos[i] = p[i];
void Surface::getPosition(float* out)
2001-12-07 20:00:59 +00:00
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _pos[i];
void Surface::setChord(float chord)
_chord = chord;
void Surface::setTotalDrag(float c0)
_c0 = c0;
float Surface::getTotalDrag()
return _c0;
void Surface::setXDrag(float cx)
_cx = cx;
void Surface::setYDrag(float cy)
_cy = cy;
void Surface::setZDrag(float cz)
_cz = cz;
void Surface::setBaseZDrag(float cz0)
_cz0 = cz0;
void Surface::setStallPeak(int i, float peak)
_peaks[i] = peak;
void Surface::setStall(int i, float alpha)
_stalls[i] = alpha;
void Surface::setStallWidth(int i, float width)
_widths[i] = width;
void Surface::setOrientation(float* o)
2001-12-07 20:00:59 +00:00
int i;
for(i=0; i<9; i++)
_orient[i] = o[i];
void Surface::setIncidence(float angle)
_incidence = angle;
void Surface::setTwist(float angle)
_twist = angle;
void Surface::setSlatParams(float stallDelta, float dragPenalty)
_slatAlpha = stallDelta;
_slatDrag = dragPenalty;
void Surface::setFlapParams(float liftAdd, float dragPenalty)
_flapLift = liftAdd;
_flapDrag = dragPenalty;
void Surface::setSpoilerParams(float liftPenalty, float dragPenalty)
_spoilerLift = liftPenalty;
_spoilerDrag = dragPenalty;
void Surface::setFlap(float pos)
_flapPos = pos;
void Surface::setSlat(float pos)
_slatPos = pos;
void Surface::setSpoiler(float pos)
_spoilerPos = pos;
// Calculate the aerodynamic force given a wind vector v (in the
// aircraft's "local" coordinates) and an air density rho. Returns a
// torque about the Y axis, too.
void Surface::calcForce(float* v, float rho, float* out, float* torque)
// Split v into magnitude and direction:
float vel = Math::mag3(v);
// Handle the blowup condition. Zero velocity means zero force by
// definition.
if(vel == 0) {
int i;
2001-12-07 20:00:59 +00:00
for(i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = torque[i] = 0;
Math::mul3(1/vel, v, out);
// Convert to the surface's coordinates
Math::vmul33(_orient, out, out);
// "Rotate" by the incidence angle. Assume small angles, so we
// need to diddle only the Z component, X is relatively unchanged
// by small rotations.
float incidence = _incidence + _twist;
out[2] += incidence * out[0]; // z' = z + incidence * x
// Hold onto the local wind vector so we can multiply the induced
// drag at the end.
float lwind[3];
Math::set3(out, lwind);
// Diddle the Z force according to our configuration
float stallMul = stallFunc(out);
stallMul *= 1 + _spoilerPos * (_spoilerLift - 1);
float stallLift = (stallMul - 1) * _cz * out[2];
float flaplift = flapLift(out[2]);
out[2] *= _cz; // scaling factor
out[2] += _cz*_cz0; // zero-alpha lift
out[2] += stallLift;
out[2] += flaplift;
// Airfoil lift (pre-stall and zero-alpha) torques "up" (negative
// torque) around the Y axis, while flap lift pushes down. Both
// forces are considered to act at one third chord from the
// edge. Convert to local (i.e. airplane) coordiantes and store
// into "torque".
torque[0] = 0;
torque[1] = 0.1667f * _chord * (flaplift - (_cz*_cz0 + stallLift));
torque[2] = 0;
Math::tmul33(_orient, torque, torque);
// The X (drag) force gets diddled for control deflection
out[0] = controlDrag(out[2], _cx * out[0]);
// Add in any specific Y (side force) coefficient.
out[1] *= _cy;
// Diddle the induced drag
Math::mul3(-1*_inducedDrag*out[2]*lwind[2], lwind, lwind);
Math::add3(lwind, out, out);
// Reverse the incidence rotation to get back to surface
// coordinates.
out[2] -= incidence * out[0];
// Convert back to external coordinates
Math::tmul33(_orient, out, out);
// Add in the units to make a real force:
float scale = 0.5f*rho*vel*vel*_c0;
Math::mul3(scale, out, out);
Math::mul3(scale, torque, torque);
#if 0
void Surface::test()
static const float DEG2RAD = 0.0174532925199;
float v[3], force[3], torque[3];
float rho = Atmosphere::getStdDensity(0);
float spd = 30;
for(float angle = -90; angle<90; angle += 0.01) {
float rad = angle * DEG2RAD;
v[0] = spd * -Math::cos(rad);
v[1] = 0;
v[2] = spd * Math::sin(rad);
calcForce(v, rho, force, torque);
float lift = force[2] * Math::cos(rad) + force[0] * Math::sin(rad);
//__builtin_printf("%f %f\n", angle, lift);
__builtin_printf("%f %f\n", angle, torque[2]);
// Returns a multiplier for the "plain" force equations that
// approximates an airfoil's lift/stall curve.
float Surface::stallFunc(float* v)
// Sanity check to treat FPU psychopathology
if(v[0] == 0) return 1;
float alpha = Math::abs(v[2]/v[0]);
// Wacky use of indexing, see setStall*() methods.
int fwdBak = v[0] > 0; // set if this is "backward motion"
int posNeg = v[2] < 0; // set if the airflow is toward -z
int i = (fwdBak<<1) | posNeg;
float stallAlpha = _stalls[i];
if(stallAlpha == 0)
return 1;
if(i == 0)
stallAlpha += _slatAlpha;
// Beyond the stall
if(alpha > stallAlpha+_widths[i])
return 1;
// (note mask: we want to use the "positive" stall angle here)
float scale = 0.5f*_peaks[fwdBak]/_stalls[i&2];
// Before the stall
if(alpha <= stallAlpha)
return scale;
// Inside the stall. Compute a cubic interpolation between the
// pre-stall "scale" value and the post-stall unity.
float frac = (alpha - stallAlpha) / _widths[i];
frac = frac*frac*(3-2*frac);
return scale*(1-frac) + frac;
// Similar to the above -- interpolates out the flap lift past the
// stall alpha
float Surface::flapLift(float alpha)
float flapLift = _cz * _flapPos * (_flapLift-1);
if(alpha < 0) alpha = -alpha;
if(alpha < _stalls[0])
return flapLift;
else if(alpha > _stalls[0] + _widths[0])
return 1;
float frac = (alpha - _stalls[0]) / _widths[0];
frac = frac*frac*(3-2*frac);
return flapLift * (1-frac) + frac;
float Surface::controlDrag(float lift, float drag)
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
// Negative flap deflections don't affect drag until their lift
// multiplier exceeds the "camber" (cz0) of the surface. Use a
// synthesized "fp" number instead of the actual flap position.
2001-12-06 18:13:24 +00:00
float fp = _flapPos;
if(fp < 0) {
fp = -fp;
fp -= _cz0/(_flapLift-1);
if(fp < 0) fp = 0;
// Calculate an "effective" drag -- this is the drag that would
// have been produced by an unflapped surface at the same lift.
float flapDragAoA = (_flapLift - 1 - _cz0) * _stalls[0];
float fd = Math::abs(lift * flapDragAoA * fp);
if(drag < 0) fd = -fd;
drag += fd;
// Now multiply by the various control factors
drag *= 1 + fp * (_flapDrag - 1);
drag *= 1 + _spoilerPos * (_spoilerDrag - 1);
drag *= 1 + _slatPos * (_slatDrag - 1);
return drag;
}; // namespace yasim