In time for 3.0. The API is still not fully complete, and not fully cleaned up, but this is good enough for this release cycle (and it should offer benefit longer term, if not now -- hopefully performance as well). Many thanks to Hooray as well, who has helped prepare things while I could not, and often suggested ideas.
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444 lines
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# map.nas - provide a high level method to create typical maps in FlightGear (airports, navaids, fixes and waypoints) for both, the GUI and instruments
# implements the notion of a "layer" by using canvas groups and adding geo-referenced elements to a layer
# layered maps are linked to boolean properties so that visibility can be easily toggled (via GUI checkboxes or cockpit hotspots)
# without having to redraw other layers
# GOALS: have a single Nasal/Canvas wrapper for all sort of maps in FlightGear, that can be easily shared and reused for different purposes
# DESIGN: ... is slowly evolving, but still very much beta for the time being
# API: not yet documented, but see eventually design.txt (will need to add doxygen-strings then)
# PERFORMANCE: will be improved, probabaly by moving some features to C++ space and optimizing things there
# ISSUES: just look for the FIXME and TODO strings - currently, the priority is to create an OOP/MVC design with less specialized code in XML files
# REGRESSIONS: 744 ND: toggle layer on/off, support different dialogs
# ROADMAP: Generalize this further, so that:
# - it can be easily reused
# - it uses a MVC approach, where layer-specific data is provided by a Model object
# - other dialogs can use this without tons of custom code (airports.xml, route-manager.xml, map-canvas.xml)
# - generalize this further so that it can be used by MFDs/instruments
# - implement additional layers (tcas, wxradar, agradar) - especially expose the required data to Nasal
# - implement better GUI support (events) so that zooming/panning via mouse can be supported
# - make the whole thing styleable
# - keep track of things getting added here and decide if they should better move to the core canvas module or the C++ code
# C++ RFEs:
# - overload findNavaidsWithinRange() to support an optional position argument, so that arbitrary navaids can be looked up
# - add Nasal extension function to get scenery vector data (landclass)
# -
# -
#FIXME: this is a hack so that dialogs can register their own
# callbacks that are automatically invoked at the end of the
# generic-canvas-map.xml file (canvas/nasal section)
var callbacks = [];
var register_callback = func(c) append(callbacks, c);
var run_callbacks = func foreach(var c; callbacks) c();
var DEBUG=0;
if (DEBUG) {
var benchmark = debug.benchmark;
} else {
var benchmark = func(label, code) code(); # NOP
var assert = func(label, expr) expr and die(label);
# Mapping from surface codes to colors (shared by runways.draw and taxiways.draw)
1 : { type: "asphalt", r:0.2, g:0.2, b:0.2 },
2 : { type: "concrete", r:0.3, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
3 : { type: "turf", r:0.2, g:0.5, b:0.2 },
4 : { type: "dirt", r:0.4, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
5 : { type: "gravel", r:0.35, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
# Helipads
6 : { type: "asphalt", r:0.2, g:0.2, b:0.2 },
7 : { type: "concrete", r:0.3, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
8 : { type: "turf", r:0.2, g:0.5, b:0.2 },
9 : { type: "dirt", r:0.4, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
0 : { type: "gravel", r:0.35, g:0.3, b:0.3 },
# ALL LayeredMap "draws" go through this wrapper, which makes it easy to check what's going on:
var draw_layer = func(layer, callback, lod) {
var name= layer._view.get("id");
# print("Canvas:Draw op triggered"); # just to make sure that we are not adding unnecessary data when checking/unchecking a checkbox
#if (DEBUG and name=="taxiways") fgcommand("profiler-start"); #without my patch, this is a no op, so no need to disable
#print("Work items:", size(layer._model._elements));
benchmark("Drawing Layer:"~layer._view.get("id"), func
foreach(var element; layer._model._elements) {
callback(layer._view, element, layer._controller, lod); # ISSUE here
if (! layer._model.hasData() ) print("Layer was EMPTY:", name);
#if (DEBUG and name=="taxiways") fgcommand("profiler-stop");
layer._drawn=1; #TODO: this should be encapsulated
# Runway
var Runway = {
# Create Runway from hash
# @param rwy Hash containing runway data as returned from
# airportinfo().runways[ <runway designator> ]
new: func(rwy) {
return {
parents: [Runway],
rwy: rwy
# Get a point on the runway with the given offset
# @param pos Position along the center line
# @param off Offset perpendicular to the center line
pointOffCenterline: func(pos, off = 0) {
var coord =;
coord.set_latlon(, me.rwy.lon);
coord.apply_course_distance(me.rwy.heading, pos);
coord.apply_course_distance(me.rwy.heading + 90, off);
return ["N" ~, "E" ~ coord.lon()];
var make = func return {parents:arg};
# A layer model is just a wrapper for a vector with elements
# either updated via a timer or via a listener (or both)
var LayerModel = {_elements:[], _view:, _controller:{query_range:func 100}, };
| = func make(LayerModel);
LayerModel.clear = func me._elements = [];
LayerModel.push = func (e) append(me._elements, e);
LayerModel.get = func me._elements;
LayerModel.update = func;
LayerModel.hasData = func size(me. _elements);
LayerModel.setView = func(v) me._view=v;
LayerModel.setController = func(c) me._controller=c;
# A layer is mapped to a canvas group
# Layers are linked to a single boolean property to toggle them on/off
## FIXME: this is GUI specific ATM
var Layer = {
_model: ,
_view: ,
_controller: ,
| = func(group, name, model, controller=nil) {
#print("Setting up new Layer:", name);
var m = make(Layer);
m._model =;
if (controller!=nil) {
m._controller = controller;
m._model._controller = controller;
else # use the default controller (query_range for positioned queries =100nm)
m._controller = m._model._controller;
#print("Model name is:",;
m._view = group.createChild("group",name);
m._model._view = m;
| = name; #FIXME: not needed, there's already _view.get("id")
return m;
Layer.hide = func me._view.setVisible(0);
| = func me._view.setVisible(1);
#TODO: Unify toggle and update methods - and support lazy drawing (make it optional!)
Layer.toggle = func {
# print("Toggling layer");
var checkbox = getprop(me.display_layer);
if(checkbox and !me._drawn) {
# print("Lazy drawing");
#var state= me._view.getBool("visible");
#print("Toggle layer visibility ",me.display_layer," checkbox is", checkbox);
#print("Layer id is:", me._view.get("id"));
#print("Drawn is:", me._drawn);
checkbox?me._view.setVisible(1) : me._view.setVisible(0);
Layer.reset = func {
me._view.removeAllChildren(); # clear the "real" canvas drawables
me._model.clear(); # the vector is used for lazy rendering
assert("Model not emptied during layer reset!", me._model.hasData() );
me._drawn = 0;
#TODO: Unify toggle and update FIXME: GUI specific, not needed for 744 ND.nas
Layer.update = func {
# print("Layer update: Check if layer is visible, if so, draw");
if (contains(me, "display_layer")) #UGLY HACK
if (! getprop(me.display_layer)) return; # checkbox for layer not set
if (!me._model.hasData() ) return; # no data available
# print("Trying to draw");
Layer.setDraw = func(callback) me.draw = callback;
Layer.setController = func(c) me._controller=c; # TODO: implement
Layer.setModel = func(m) nil; # TODO: implement
# A layered map consists of several layers
# TODO: Support nested LayeredMaps, where a LayeredMap may contain other LayeredMaps
# TODO: use MapBehavior here and move the zoom/refpos methods there, so that map behavior can be easily customized
var LayeredMap = {
zoom_property:nil, listeners:[],
update_property:nil, layers:[],
| = func(parent, name)
return make(LayeredMap, parent.createChild("map",name) );
LayeredMap.listen = func(p,c) { #FIXME: listening should be managed by each m/v/c separately
# print("Setting up LayeredMap-managed listener:", p);
append(me.listeners, setlistener(p, c));
LayeredMap.initializeLayers = func {
# print("initializing all layers and updating");
foreach(var l; me.layers)
LayeredMap.setRefPos = func(lat, lon) {
# print("RefPos set");
me._node.getNode("ref-lat", 1).setDoubleValue(lat);
me._node.getNode("ref-lon", 1).setDoubleValue(lon);
me; # chainable
LayeredMap.setHdg = func(hdg) {
me; # chainable
LayeredMap.updateZoom = func {
var z = me.zoom_property.getValue() or 0;
z = math.max(0, math.min(z, size(me.ranges) - 1));
var zoom = me.ranges[size(me.ranges) - 1 - z];
# print("Setting zoom range to:", zoom);
benchmark("Zooming map:"~zoom, func {
me._node.getNode("range", 1).setDoubleValue(zoom);
# TODO update center/limit translation to keep airport always visible
me; #chainable
# this is a huge hack at the moment, we need to encapsulate the setRefPos/setHdg methods, so that they are exposed to XML space
LayeredMap.updateState = func {
# center map on airport TODO: should be moved to a method and wrapped with a controller so that behavior can be customized
#var apt = me.layers[0]._model._elements[0];
#me.setRefPos(, lon:me._refpos.lon);
# TODO: this is currently GUI specific and not re-usable for instruments
LayeredMap.setupZoom = func(dialog) {
var dlgroot = dialog.getNode("features/dialog-root").getValue();#FIXME: GUI specific - needs to be re-implemented for instruments
me.zoom_property = props.globals.getNode(dlgroot ~"/"~dialog.getNode("features/range-property").getValue(), 1); #FIXME: this doesn't belong here, need to be in ctor instead !!!
if( size(me.ranges) == 0 )
# TODO check why this gets called everytime the dialog is opened
foreach(var r; ranges)
append(me.ranges, r.getValue() );
# print("Setting up Zoom Ranges:", size(ranges)-1);
me.listen(me.zoom_property, func me.updateZoom() );
me; #chainable
LayeredMap.setZoom = func {} #TODO
LayeredMap.resetLayers = func {
benchmark("Resetting LayeredMap",
func foreach(var l; me.layers) { #TODO: hide all layers, hide map
#FIXME: listener management should be done at the MVC level, for each component - not as part of the LayeredMap!
LayeredMap.cleanup_listeners = func {
# print("Cleaning up listeners");
foreach(var l; me.listeners)
# TODO check why me.listeners = []; doesn't work. Maybe this is a Nasal bug
# and the old vector is somehow used again.
setsize(me.listeners, 0);
# GenericMap: A generic map is a layered map that puts all supported features on a different layer (canvas group) so that
# they can be individually toggled on/off so that unnecessary updates are avoided, there are methods to link layers to boolean properties
# so that they can be easily associated with GUI properties (checkboxes) or cockpit hotspots
# TODO: generalize the XML-parametrization and move it to a helper class
var GenericMap = { };
| = func(parent, name) make(, name:name), GenericMap);
GenericMap.setupLayer = func(layer, property) {
var l = MAP_LAYERS[layer].new(me, layer,nil); #, layer);
l.display_layer = property; #FIXME: use controller object instead here and this overlaps with update_property
#print("Set up layer with toggle property=", property);
l._view.setVisible( getprop(property) ) ;
append(me.layers, l);
return l;
# features are layers - so this will do layer setup and then register listeners for each layer
GenericMap.setupFeature = func(layer, property, init ) {
var l=me.setupLayer( layer, property );
me.listen(property, func l.toggle() ); #TODO: should use the controller object here !
l._model._update_property=property; #TODO: move somewhere else - this is the property that is mapped to the CHECKBOX
l._model._view = l; #FIXME: very crude, set a handle to the view(group), so that the model can notify it (for updates)
l._model._map = me; #FIXME: added here so that layers can send update requests to the parent map
#print("Setting up layer init for property:", init);
l._model._input_property = init; # FIXME: init property = input property - needs to be improved!
me.listen(init, func l._model.init() ); #TODO: makes sure that the layer's init method for the MODEL is invoked
me; #chainable
# This will read in the config and procedurally instantiate all requested layers and link them to toggle properties
# FIXME: this is currently GUI specific and doesn't yet support instrument use, i.e. needs to be generalized further
GenericMap.pickupFeatures = func(DIALOG_CANVAS) {
var dlgroot = DIALOG_CANVAS.getNode("features/dialog-root").getValue();
# print("Picking up features for:", DIALOG_CANVAS.getPath() );
var layers=DIALOG_CANVAS.getNode("features").getChildren("layer");
foreach(var n; layers) {
var name = n.getNode("name").getValue();
var toggle = n.getNode("property").getValue();
var init = n.getNode("init-property").getValue();
init = dlgroot ~"/"~init;
var property = dlgroot ~"/"~toggle;
# print("Adding layer:",n.getNode("name").getValue() );
me.setupFeature(name, property, init);
me; #chainable
# NOT a method, cmdarg() is no longer meaningful when the canvas nasal block is executed
# so this needs to be called in the dialog's OPEN block instead - TODO: generalize
#FIXME: move somewhere else, this really is a GUI helper and should probably be generalized and moved to gui.nas
GenericMap.setupGUI = func (dialog, group) {
var group = globals.gui.findElementByName(cmdarg() , group);
var layers=dialog.getNode("features").getChildren("layer");
var template = dialog.getNode("checkbox-toggle-template");
var dlgroot = dialog.getNode("features/dialog-root").getValue();
var zoom = dlgroot ~"/"~ dialog.getNode("features/range-property").getValue();
var i=0;
foreach(var n; layers) {
var name = n.getNode("name").getValue();
var toggle = dlgroot ~ "/" ~ n.getNode("property").getValue();
var label = n.getNode("description",1).getValue() or name;
#var query_range = n.getNode("nav-query-range-property").getValue();
#print("Query Range:", query_range);
var default = n.getNode("default",1).getValue();
default = (default=="enabled")?1:0;
#print("Layer default for", name ," is:", default);
setprop(toggle, default); # set the checkbox to its default setting
var hide_checkbox = n.getNode("hide-checkbox",1).getValue();
hide_checkbox = (hide_checkbox=="true")?1:0;
var checkbox = group.getChild("checkbox",i, 1); #FIXME: compute proper offset dynamically, will currently overwrite other existing checkboxes!
props.copy(template, checkbox);
#now add zoom buttons procedurally:
var template = dialog.getNode("zoom-template");
template.getNode("button[1]/binding[0]/max[0]").setValue( i );
props.copy(template, group);
# this is currently "directly" invoked via a listener, needs to be changed
# to use the controller object instead
# TODO: adopt real MVC here
# FIXME: this must currently be explicitly called by the model, we need to use a wrapper to call it automatically instead!
LayerModel.notifyView = func () {
# print("View notified");
me._view.update(); # update the layer/group
### UGLY: disabled for now (probably breaks airport GUI dialog !)
### me._map.updateState(); # update the map
# TODO: a "MapLayer" is a full MVC implementation that is owned by a "LayeredMap"
var MAP_LAYERS = {};
var register_layer = func(name, layer) MAP_LAYERS[name]=layer;
var MVC_FOLDER = getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/Nasal/canvas/map/";
var load_modules = func(vec, ns='canvas')
foreach(var file; vec)
io.load_nasal(MVC_FOLDER~file, ns); # TODO: should probably be using a different/sub-namespace!
# read in the file names dynamically: *.draw, *.model, *.layer
var files_with = func(ext) {
var results = [];
var all_files = directory(MVC_FOLDER);
foreach(var file; all_files) {
if(substr(file, -size(ext)) != ext) continue;
append(results, file);
return results;
setlistener("/nasal/canvas/loaded", func {
foreach(var ext; var extensions = ['.draw','.model','.layer'])
if (contains(canvas,"load_MapStructure"))
# canvas.MFD = {EFIS:}; # where we'll be storing all MFDs
# TODO: should be inside a separate subfolder, i.e. canvas/map/mfd
load_modules( files_with('.mfd'), 'canvas' );