from commit 0ddd75dbb7431f955d1dd8f468b30300bad6b9d1
920 lines
32 KiB
920 lines
32 KiB
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>Amphibious Takeoff</name>
This tutorial starts from Hilo International Airport (PHNL), a seaplane airfield located in Oahu's Keehi Lagoon, Honolulu, Hawaii in clear, still, weather.
By now you should be proficient in the preflight checklist, startup proceedures, determining the appropriate taxiing route to the desired runway, takeoff, flying a pattern and landing.
You will taxi and takeoff from water runway 4W at PHNL on heading 043, climb at 600 feet per minute leveling off at 1000 ft., turn left 180 degree onto final heading 223 to land at PHNL and complete the tutorial.
Water runway 4W/22W is parallel and immediately adjacent to land based runway 4R/22L.
Pay attention to the heading bug on taxiing it will approximate the threshold position of runway 4W.
<latitude-deg type="double">21.317</latitude-deg>
<longitude-deg type="double">-157.912</longitude-deg>
<heading-deg type="double">70</heading-deg>
<!-- Threashold runway 4W -->
<message>Damage has been turned off. You may turn it on now for more realism.</message>
var listeners =;
listeners.append(setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func (node) {
if (node.getBoolValue()) {
setprop("/controls/switches/starter", 0);
setprop("/controls/switches/master-bat", 1);
setprop("/controls/switches/master-alt", 1);
setprop("/controls/gear/gear-down", 0);
setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/gear/gear-pos-norm", 0);
setprop("/orientation/heading-deg", getprop("/environment/wind-from-heading-deg"));
setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/mooring/anchor-lon", getprop("/position/longitude-deg"));
setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/mooring/anchor-lat", getprop("/position/latitude-deg"));
setprop("sim/anchorbuoy/enable", 0);
setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/mooring/anchor-dist", 0);
setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/mooring/anchor-length", 0);
setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/mooring/mooring-connected", 0);
setprop("/controls/switches/master-bat", 0);
setprop("/controls/switches/master-alt", 0);
foreach (var listener; listeners.vector) {
}, 1, 0));
<value>242</value> <!-- EWABE NDB -->
<value>Fair weather</value>
<message>Please go through your preflight, determine taxi route to runway 4W then release the mooring anchor.</message>
<message>When ready release the mooring anchor under "Mooring Parameters".</message>
<message>Do not start engine until the mooring anchor has been released.
Turn it off or you will damage your aircraft.</message>
<message>Click the battery master switch to turn it on.</message>
<message>Start the engine.</message>
<message>Click the alternator master switch to turn it on.</message>
<message>Lower water rudders for better control Shift+[r].</message>
<message>Lower water rudders now Shift+[r].</message>
<message>Turn avionics system power switch on.</message>
<message>Your gear must be up to take off [g].</message>
<message>Taxi towards water runway 4W following your heading bug until you reach the runway threshhold.</message>
setprop("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", getprop("/sim/tutorials/targets/runway/heading-deg"));
<message>You're off course. To reach the runway turn to the left following your heading bug.</message>
setprop("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", getprop("/sim/tutorials/targets/runway/heading-deg"));
<message>You're off course. To reach the runway turn to the right following your heading bug.</message>
setprop("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", getprop("/sim/tutorials/targets/runway/heading-deg"));
<message>Continue taxiing towards water runway 4W following your heading bug until you reach the runway threshhold.</message>
<message>Turn left to line up on a takeoff course of 043.</message>
<message>Your gear must be up to take off [g].</message>
<message>You are heading too far left, turn right slightly to heading 043.</message>
<message>You are heading too far right, turn left slightly to heading 043.</message>
<message>Ready for takeoff smoothly apply full power, control direction using rudder.</message>
<message>Your gear must be up to take off [g].</message>
<message>Apply full throttle for takeoff.</message>
<message>Slight forward pressure to get on step, if you begin to bounce use slight back pressure.</message>
<message>You are heading too far left, turn right slightly to heading 043.</message>
<message>You are heading too far right, turn left slightly to heading 043.</message>
<message>Let the aircraft lift off at 65 knots, climb straight out on heading 043, 600 feet per minute.</message>
<message>Gently raise the nose.</message>
<message>Continue your climb on heading 043 at 600 feet per minute to 1000 feet.</message>
<message>You are heading too far left, turn right slightly to heading 043.</message>
<message>You are heading too far right, turn left slightly to heading 043.</message>
<message>Raise your pontoon rudders now [r].</message>
<message>Level off between 900 and 1100 feet.</message>
<message>You are too low</message>
<message>You are too high</message>
<message>You are heading too far left, turn right slightly to heading 043.</message>
<message>You are heading too far right, turn left slightly to heading 043.</message>
<message>Continue outbound heading 043 at 1000 feet.</message>
<message>Execute a 180 degree left turn onto final heading 223, line up with the runway 22R at PHNL.</message>
<message>Execute power and flap regime for landing.</message>
<message>Check throttle.</message>
<message>Set some flaps at appropriate speed.</message>
<message>Check gear advisory.</message>
<message>Lower pontoon landing gear Shift+[g].</message>
<message>Execute approach and landing.</message>
<message>Congratulations on successfully executing a water taxi and take off, then following a pattern to a ground landing.</message>