The multiplayer "transmit filter" defaulted to off, with the flag that indicates if this should be available on the MP dialgo to also be set to off
366 lines
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366 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
if ((getprop("/sim/multiplay/selected-server") == nil) or
(getprop("/sim/multiplay/selected-server") == "" ) ){
var tx = getprop("/sim/multiplay/txhost");
var dlg = cmdarg();
var servers = cmdarg().getChildren("group")[1].getChildren("combo")[0].getChildren("value");
foreach (var s; servers) {
var server = s.getValue();
var host = split(" ", server)[0];
if (host == tx) {
setprop("/sim/multiplay/selected-server", server);
if (getprop("/sim/multiplay/rxport") == nil or getprop("/sim/multiplay/rxport") == 0)
if (getprop("/sim/multiplay/txport") == nil or getprop("/sim/multiplay/txport") == 0)
if (getprop("/sim/multiplay/protocol-version") == 2)
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/multiplay/protocol-version", "Visible to only 2017+");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/multiplay/protocol-version", "Visible to all");
var servers = props.globals.getNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/multiplay/servers", 1);
var updateServers = func(n) {
if( !n.getValue() ) return;
# get the results list from the server
var serverlist = props.globals.getNode("/sim/multiplay/server-list", 1);
var i=0;
foreach (var s; serverlist.getChildren("server")) {
# prepare some default values
s.initNode("online", 1, "BOOL" );
s.initNode("location", "unknown", "STRING" );
s.initNode("name", s.getNode("hostname").getValue(), "STRING" );
if (!s.getNode("online").getBoolValue()) {
continue; # skip offline servers
# label is name and location, for the moment
# should we include the number of users? or wait until we
# have a better UI toolkit?
var nm = s.getNode("hostname").getValue() ~ " - " ~ s.getNode("location").getValue();
servers.getNode("value[" ~ i ~ "]", 1).setValue(nm);
i += 1;
gui.dialog_update("multiplayer", "host");
var static_serverList = [
['', 'Frankfurt, Germany'],
['', 'Kansas, USA'],
['', 'Germany'],
['', 'United Kingdom'],
['', 'Chicago, USA'],
['', 'Wisconsin, USA'],
['', 'Frankfurt am Main, Germany'],
['', 'Koln, Germany'],
['', 'Montpellier, France'],
['', 'Vilnius, Lithuania'],
['', 'Amsterdam, Netherlands'],
['', 'Grenoble, France']
var updateServersFailed = func(n) {
if( !n.getValue() ) return;
debug.dump("Failed to retrieve server list!");
var i=0;
foreach (var s; static_serverList) {
# create the node the PUI combo
var nm = s[0] ~ " - " ~ s[1];
servers.getNode("value[" ~ i ~ "]", 1).setValue(nm);
i += 1;
gui.dialog_update("multiplayer", "host");
# listen for results arriving
setlistener("/sim/multiplay/got-servers", updateServers);
setlistener("/sim/multiplay/get-servers-failure", updateServersFailed);
<!-- titlebar -->
<label>Multiplayer Settings</label>
<!-- main dialog area -->
<label> Options:</label>
<label>Hide replay sessions over MP (less annoying to other players)</label>
<label>Show AI Traffic (mixing MP and AI traffic may be confusing)</label>
<label>Emesary only multiplayer mode</label>
<value>Visible to all</value>
<value>Visible to only 2017+</value>
var val = getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/multiplay/protocol-version");
print("MP Version :",val,":");
if (val == "Visible to all") {
setprop("/sim/multiplay/protocol-version", 1);
if (val == "Visible to only 2017+") {
setprop("/sim/multiplay/protocol-version", 2);
<label> Callsign:</label>
<!-- status area -->
<label>Not connected</label>
<format>Connected to %s</format>
<!-- button area -->
"servername": getprop("/sim/multiplay/selected-server"),
"rxport": getprop("/sim/multiplay/rxport"),
"txport": getprop("/sim/multiplay/txport")
<legend>Server Status</legend>