I attach the latest version of Nimitz. The textures have been improved. A glide-path has been added, it is on by default, but can be switched off by means of the properties browser: /ai/models/ship/controls/glide-path. The origin has been adjusted to the turning pivot and approximate roll center.
Modified AiShip files are also attached. These allow the radius of the turning circle of a ship to be input. The turning circle is adjusted for speed and rudder angle. Roll has been corrected so that a ship leans out of a turn, not inwards like an aircraft. The roll angle is adjusted for speed and rudder angle (yes, application of more rudder reduces roll angle - rudders act as stabilizers).
Add a relative wind calculation so that a carrier can be turned to the appropriate launch and recovery courses.
Add a 'flight plan' so that the carrier can carry out a racetrack for flight ops.
Add a projector landing sight.
Add auto-land facilities.
Here are files to get automated contrails working. I've set up contrails for
the 737, using my simple, untextured contrail model. Vivian has made another
contrail model, but I'm still trying to get his to work. I'm hoping others
will try to make contrail models also.
Here's some code that defines a top to thermals. When the top of a thermal is
reached the strength is phased-out linearly over the next 100 feet of
altitude. At first I tried just capping the thermal at the top, but the
change in thermal strength was too fast for the FDM to handle well.
Included is a new version of the thermal scenario that includes a top
(height-msl) to the thermal. The default value is 5000 feet.
I've included the latest fixes to the Traffic Manager/AI flightplan generation
code. Most of the code changes are in AIFllightplan.cxx. This is the code
that runs without depending on predefined FlightPlans in
As suggested by Dave, I've also added a new property in
preferences.xml: /sim/traffic-manager/enabled, which is used to control
whether or not the traffic manager is active.
I'm still working on a few more 737 traffic patterns, those are going to take
a little longer, so I didn't want to wait sending in this code.
Finally, I haven't put much effort into ensuring "aeronautical correctness" in
this version yet. The code works on my system, but what the AI plane do may
actaully be quite rediculous. But I'd like to leave that for the next
1. Removed aircraft roll on ground.
2. Decreased descent pitch angle.
3. Updated flightplans to include <on-ground>
4. Fixed property indexing, so all AI aircraft have their own property branch
The default value of <on-ground> is false, so you only need to specify it when
on the ground. For takeoff you need to specify <on-ground>true</on-ground>
for the first waypoint, and for the acceleration waypoint. For landing you
need to specify it for the touchdown point and any taxi points.
First, preferences.xml will define the scenario filename.
For now, the other way of defining ai objects still works, so the sailboat
stays in preferences.xml. Later, I'll move the sailboat into the demo
scenario. If no scenario filename is given, then no scenario will be
I changed the demo scenario to create two 737's, one takes off on runway 01L,
and the other takes off on runway 01R. This will make a good demo for the ai
system. One problem, if you takeoff on 28L/R right away, you might run into
the taking-off 737's, or be scared.
Here's the newest AI stuff.
The AIManager at init() creates a new scenario. Right now the
default_scenario is hard coded in, but eventually the AIManager should get
the scenario filename from preferences.xml.
The scenario defines which AI objects will be created. Right now it only
creates AIAircraft, but this is easily extended. The scenario also defines
which flightplan will be assigned to the airplane. Scenario config files go
in data/Data/AI.
The Airplane gets a pointer to a FlightPlan object. Each airplane should get
its own flightplan object, even if two airplanes have the same flight plan.
This is because the flightplan maintains the iterator pointing to the
current waypoint, and two airplanes might be at different locations (for
instance if they were created at different times). The flight plan files go
in data/Data/AI/FlightPlans.
When the airplane gets to the waypoint named "END" it vanishes. The
AIAircraft destructor deletes its flight plan (if it has one).
The last waypoint is a place holder only. I called mine