- fix sliders: revisions 1.43/1.44 had introduced a mandatory <min-lb>;
if that was missing, a slider without handle was generated, and a click
on the slider lead to a crash.
-> check for both <min-lb> and <max-lb> and set default values
0, respectively 100
var min = w.getNode("min-lb", 1).getValue();
var max = w.getNode("max-lb", 1).getValue();
slider.set("min", min != nil ? min : 0);
slider.set("max", max != nil ? max : 100);
property /rotors is available at joystick driver laod time. Note that
the FDM creates /rotors *afterwards*, so it needs to be defined in the
*-set.xml file already (which is the case for all helicopters in CVS).
A simple, self-ending <rotors/> tag should do.
preferences.xml gui/menubar.xml gui/dialogs/rendering.xml
Added Files:
Nasal/multiplayer.nas gui/dialogs/chat.xml
the data part of Stuarts multiplayer/chat patch
aar.nas disables $FG_ROOT/Nasal/fuel.nas' main loop, as it should be able
to fully replace it. Ideally, there would be no aar.nas at all, and fuel.nas
would do the job for YASim & JSBSim. Unfortunately, there's a problem with
fuel.nas that's not easy to fix ...
far as this supports air refueling at all)
- make listeners keep variables up-to-date (for better performance)
- remove the ugly initialization stuff in the main loop, but wait in
an extra loop for the FDM to come up
This script works now with the a4f, too. The vulcan2 is *supposed* to
work, but there's apparently a bug in it that prevents it.
/systems/refuel/contact is correcly set, and that should be enough for it.
tank indices, so that changing drop tanks automatically modifies the
corresponding FDM tank capacity (and load, if it is too high).
Add the new tank stuff to the harrier config, along with a few new
items (e.g. AMRAAMs on the outboard pylons) that aren't in the 3D
model yet, but correspond to actual usage.
An IRC discussion about shavlir's (really nice) harrier model showed
that it had its own version of something like the Fuel & Weight
dialog, developed because the existing subsystem only supported
sliders and not "combo box" style selection for specific external
stores. That seemed sub-optimal, so I spent a few hours extending the
F&W dialog to do this and forward-ported the harrier to use it.
Check the harrier-set.xml file for an example. Basically, the weight
dialog reads a list of options for each weight listed under
/sim/weight[n] and manages a "selected" proprty telling us which one
is in use. The FDM code can then read out the weight-lb property as
before, and the model animations can use the selected option to
predicate drawing the appropriate 3D content. It seems to work pretty
the same, with one exception: I (=Shift-i) doesn't only switch to the
alternative old HUD, but toggles that and the new HUD. Eventually
we may want to re-organize the HUD key bindings. Maybe after the old
HUD has been removed?
Unfortunately, this is quite jittery on some aircraft, so it uses a slower
lowpass filter. I'd like to fix that, but don't even know what causes it.
Considering /sim/time/delta-realtime-sec didn't help. :-/