are set in controls.nas since ages)
controls.nas: avoid repeated querying of /sim/input/selected/engine[*]
properties; this isn't supposed to change at runtime and is a rather
costly process, especially in axis handlers
- rename prop-key-handler.nas to prop_key_handler.nas (the hyphens were
intentional, exactly to *make* using it as namespace less inviting,
but times change ...)
- add property browser binding to the '/'-key for when the property key handler
is turned off (/sim/input/property-key-handler=0). If it's on, use /: or
/<property>: to open the browser.
- run keyboard event listener only when property key handler is active
I hope that the '/' key can keep this binding even after a keyboard review.
The '/' is just the most natural key for dealing with properties, and it's
far less prominent on non-US-keyboards (e.g. Shift-7 on German keyboards),
so it's not really very well suited for important aircraft functions, anyway.
But I don't insist. :-)
These are then skipped with view.stepView(n), unless the second, optional
argument is set to 1: view.stepView(n, 1);
Whether a view is enabled or not, is saved in $FG_ROOT/.fgfs/autosave.xml
(system views) or $FG_ROOT/.fgfs/aircraft-data/<aircraft>.xml
I tried it the nice way, but it didn't work. Why is it important to
reserve indices for fgfs? Because someone has otherwise to go through
all aircraft in CVS and move aircraft specific views out of the way,
every time a system view gets added. Been there, done that.
- allow turning on/off extra widgets for developers (HUD dialog: colors,
rendering dialog: visualization of shadow edges), and to turn on/off new
- property key handler ('/'-key)
Both features are off by default, and their state is saved to autosave.xml.
the property attribute string, as in:
(NONE, L1, #8345)
... for a node of type "NONE", with one listener attached, and 8345 instances
of the shared pointer around.
- use more "var" keywords and named args
- popupTip(): add optional third hash argument that is merged with the
dialog properies hash. This can be used to select different font or
dialog colors, etc.
/sim/current-view/dynamic-view. There are additionally <dynamic-view>
settings per view, but those only enable it for that view if it's
globally turned on.
it and the description doesn't match any more. :-}
Number of frames makes more sense than seconds (default = 1):
debug.proptrace([<property> [, <number_of_frames>]]);