Fork 0

Control: UFO Autopilot from Josh Davidson

This commit is contained in:
Stuart Buchanan 2022-04-09 17:26:31 +01:00
parent 7ee03dd9da
commit e4f578a842
3 changed files with 928 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<label>Autopilot Settings</label>
## manage one AP property group with checkbox and radio buttons
Group = {
new : func(name, options) {
var m = { parents: [Group] };
m.name = name;
m.enabled = 0;
m.mode = options[0];
m.options = [];
var locks = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/locks", 1);
if (locks.getNode(name) == nil or locks.getNode(name, 1).getValue() == nil) {
locks.getNode(name, 1).setValue("");
m.lock = locks.getNode(name);
m.active = dlg.getNode(name ~ "-active", 1);
foreach (var o; options) {
var node = dlg.getNode(o);
if (node == nil) {
node = dlg.getNode(o, 1);
append(m.options, node);
if (m.lock.getValue() == o) {
m.mode = o;
m.listener = setlistener(m.lock, func(n) { m.update(n.getValue()) }, 1);
return m;
del : func {
## handle checkbox
enable : func {
me.enabled = me.active.getBoolValue();
me.lock.setValue(me.enabled ? me.mode : "");
## handle radiobuttons
set : func(mode) {
me.mode = mode;
foreach (var o; me.options) {
o.setBoolValue(o.getName() == mode);
if (me.enabled) {
## update checkboxes/radiobuttons state from the AP (listener callback)
update : func(mode) {
me.enabled = (mode != "");
if (mode == "") {
mode = me.mode;
foreach (var o; me.options) {
o.setBoolValue(o.getName() == mode);
## create and initialize input field properties if necessary
var apset = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/settings", 1);
foreach (var p; ["heading-bug-deg", "target-roll-deg", "true-heading-deg", "vertical-speed-fpm",
"target-pitch-deg", "target-fpa-deg", "target-altitude-ft",
"target-agl-ft", "target-speed-kt", "target-speed-mach"]) {
if ((var n = apset.getNode(p)) == nil or n.getType() == "NONE") {
apset.getNode(p, 1).setDoubleValue(0);
var dlg = props.globals.getNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/autopilot", 1);
# - first entry ("heading" etc.) is the target property in /autopilot/locks/ *and*
# the checkbox state property name (with "-active" appended);
# - second entry is a list of available options for the /autopilot/locks/* property
# and used as radio button state property; the first list entry is used as default
var hdg = Group.new("heading", ["dg-heading-hold", "wing-leveler", "true-heading-hold", "nav1-hold"]);
var vel = Group.new("speed", ["speed-with-throttle"]);
var alt = Group.new("altitude", ["altitude-hold", "vertical-speed-hold", "pitch-hold",
"agl-hold", "gs1-hold"]);
<!-- Heading -->
<label>Heading Control</label>
<label>Wings Level</label>
<label>Heading Bug</label>
<label>True Heading</label>
<!-- alternate UI for above, when GPS is controlling -->
<label>GPS/FMS Heading</label>
<!-- alternate UI for above, when GPS is controlling -->
<label>NAV1 CDI Course</label>
<label>Velocity Control</label>
<!-- End of Heading/Speed -->
<!-- Pitch/Altitude -->
<label>Pitch/Altitude Control</label>
<label>Vertical Speed</label>
<label>Pitch Hold</label>
<label>Altitude Hold</label>
<label>AGL Hold</label>
<label>NAV1 Glideslope</label>
<!-- End of Pitch/Altitude VBox -->

View file

@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- UFO Autopilot -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 2022 Josh Davidson (Octal450) -->
<!-- Logic -->
<logic> <!-- Roll channel active -->
<logic> <!-- Basic pitch hold active -->
<logic> <!-- Pitch channel active -->
<logic> <!-- Fpm channel active -->
<logic> <!-- Throttle channel active -->
<filter> <!-- Heading error computer -->
<name>Heading/Nav Error Deg</name>
<filter> <!-- Clamp glideslope target fpm -->
<name>G/S FPM Calc</name>
<!-- Roll Axis -->
<filter> <!-- Copy target roll angle, 0 by default for wingn leveller -->
<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Roll Deg/Wings Level</name>
<filter> <!-- Compute target roll angle from heading error -->
<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Heading</name>
<filter> <!-- Smooth engagement by syncing when disabled -->
<name>System Command: Roll Target Inactive Sync</name>
<filter> <!-- Aileron elevator controller -->
<name>System Command: Aileron</name>
<!-- Pitch Axis -->
<filter> <!-- Compute target fpm from altitude error -->
<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Altitude Capture/Hold</name>
<filter> <!-- Compute target fpm from agl error -->
<name>IT-CONTROLLER: AGL Capture/Hold</name>
<filter> <!-- Copy target pitch angle -->
<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Pitch Deg</name>
<filter> <!-- Select target vertical speed -->
<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Pitch Deg</name>
<filter> <!-- Main fpm controller -->
<name>IT-CONTROLLER: FPM Hold</name>
<input> <!-- Reversed from UFO.cxx -->
<value>60</value> <!-- Fps to fpm -->
<value>3.28084</value> <!-- Meters to feet -->
<value>0.514444</value> <!-- Knots to meters/sec -->
<value>0.0000001</value> <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
<filter> <!-- Copy target pitch angle -->
<name>IT-CONTROLLER: Pitch Deg</name>
<filter> <!-- Smooth engagement by syncing when disabled -->
<name>System Command: Pitch Target Inactive Sync</name>
<filter> <!-- Main elevator controller -->
<name>System Command: Elevator</name>
<!-- Throttle Axis -->
<filter> <!-- Main throttle controller -->
<name>System Command: Throttle</name>
<value>0.514444</value> <!-- Knots to meters/sec -->
<value>0.0000001</value> <!-- Prevent divide by 0 -->
<!-- Trim Axis -->
<filter> <!-- Centers all the trims otherwise the system can't work -->
<name>System Command: Trim</name>

View file

@ -248,6 +248,12 @@
<line>In the adjustment dialog (= key) holding the Ctrl or Shift key down</line>
<line>makes slider effects coarser/finer.</line>
<autopilot n="0">