Fork 0

Merge branch 'master' of git://gitorious.org/fg/fgdata

This commit is contained in:
Erik Hofman 2011-09-11 11:09:24 +02:00
commit 976532e170
222 changed files with 6155 additions and 7 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<texture n="3">
<transitions type="float">1.0</transitions>
<inverse type="float">0.0</inverse>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<texture n="3">
<transitions type="float">1.0</transitions>
<inverse type="float">1.0</inverse>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<texture n="2">
<texture n="3">
<texture n="4">
<transitions type="float">2.0</transitions>
<inverse type="float">0.0</inverse>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<texture n="3">
<transitions type="float">1.0</transitions>
<inverse type="float">0.0</inverse>

Effects/transition.eff Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Transition effect starting from the base texture of the scenery, and changing textures according to slope in one or two steps.
parameters :
texture[0] -> base texture from the scenery
texture[2] -> intermediate texture if transitions is set to 2
texture[3] -> texture you want to transition to
texture[4] -> snow texture you want applied above snow-limit (I recommend using the corespondent winter texture for the base texture that you can find in terrain.winter)
transitions -> transitions number can be set to 1 or 2 (if set to 2 will allow for an intermediate step)
inverse -> if this is se to 1 will keep the base texture on steep slopes and transition to the texture you want (useful to add some grass patches in rocky areas)
<texture n="2">
<texture n="3">
<texture n="4">
<transitions type="float">2.0</transitions>
<inverse type="float">0.0</inverse>
<tangent type="int">6</tangent>
<binormal type="int">7</binormal>
<technique n="9">
<value type="float">2.0</value>
<!-- Use material values that are either inherited from the
terrain-default effect or supplied by an effect derived
from this one e.g., one created in the materials library. -->
<value type="int">0</value>
<value type="int">1</value>
<value type="int">2</value>
<value type="int">3</value>
<value type="int">4</value>

Effects/water-inland.eff Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<texture n="0">
<texture n="2">
<texture n="3">
<technique n="8">
<value type="float">2.0</value>
<value type="float">2.0</value>
<value type="int">0</value>
<value type="int">2</value>
<value type="int">3</value>
<technique n="9">
<value type="float">2.0</value>
<value type="int">0</value>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Copyright (c) 2011 Melchior FRANZ mfranz # aon : at
Work In Progress
<name>Thustmaster Joystick - HOTAS Warthog</name>
var this = cmdarg().getParent();
var popup = func gui.popupTip(call(sprintf, arg));
var is_helicopter = (var _ = props.globals.getNode("rotors", 0)) != nil and _.getAttribute("children");
var load_overlay = func(name) {
foreach (var dir; [getprop("/sim/fg-home"), getprop("/sim/fg-root")]) {
var file = dir ~ "/Input/Joysticks/ThrustMaster/Warthog/Joystick/" ~ name;
if (io.stat(file) != nil) {
printlog("info", "WARTHOG: loading overlay " ~ file);
io.read_properties(file, this);
if (is_helicopter)
load_overlay(getprop("/sim/aircraft") ~ ".xml");
foreach (var b; this.getChildren("button")) {
if (b.getAttribute("children") == 1) {
var name = b.getNode("name", 1).getValue() or "??";
b.setValues({binding: {command: "nasal", script: 'popup("' ~ name ~ '")'}});
var mod = 0;
var _ = props.globals.initNode("/devices/status/joysticks/warthog/modifier", mod, "INT");
setlistener(_, func(n) mod = n.getValue());
var trimstep = 0.75;
<axis n="0">
<axis n="1">
<factor type="double">-1.0</factor>
<axis n="2">
<name>Trim Coolie Left/Right</name>
<desc>adjust aileron trim, +mod: reset aileron trim</desc>
if (mod)
setprop("/controls/flight/aileron-trim", 0);
if (mod)
setprop("/controls/flight/aileron-trim", 0);
<axis n="3">
<name>Trim Coolie Down/Up</name>
<desc>adjust elevator trim, +mod: reset elevator trim</desc>
if (mod)
setprop("/controls/flight/elevator-trim", 0);
if (mod)
setprop("/controls/flight/elevator-trim", 0);
<button n="0">
<name>Trigger Button 1</name>
<desc>gun trigger stage 1</desc>
<button n="1">
<name>Weapons Release</name>
<button n="2">
<name>Nosewheel Steering Button</name>
<button n="3">
<name>Paddle Switch</name>
<desc>modifier button</desc>
<button n="4">
<name>Master Mode Control Button</name>
<button n="5">
<name>Trigger Button 2</name>
<desc>gun trigger stage 2</desc>
<button n="6">
<name>Target Management Switch (TMS) up</name>
<button n="7">
<name>Target Management Switch (TMS) right</name>
<button n="8">
<name>Target Management Switch (TMS) down</name>
<button n="9">
<name>Target Management Switch (TMS) left</name>
<button n="10">
<name>Data Management Switch (DMS) up</name>
<button n="11">
<name>Data Management Switch (DMS) right</name>
<button n="12">
<name>Data Management Switch (DMS) down</name>
<button n="13">
<name>Data Management Switch (DMS) left</name>
<button n="14">
<name>Countermeasures Management Switch (CMS) up</name>
<button n="15">
<name>Countermeasures Management Switch (CMS) right</name>
<button n="16">
<name>Countermeasures Management Switch (CMS) down</name>
<button n="17">
<name>Countermeasures Management Switch (CMS) left</name>
<button n="18">
<name>Countermeasures Management Switch (CMS) push</name>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Copyright (c) 2011 Melchior FRANZ mfranz # aon : at
Work In Progress
<name>Thrustmaster Throttle - HOTAS Warthog</name>
var this = cmdarg().getParent();
var popup = func gui.popupTip(call(sprintf, arg));
var is_helicopter = (var _ = props.globals.getNode("rotors", 0)) != nil and _.getAttribute("children");
var load_overlay = func(name) {
foreach (var dir; [getprop("/sim/fg-home"), getprop("/sim/fg-root")]) {
var file = dir ~ "/Input/Joysticks/ThrustMaster/Warthog/Throttle/" ~ name;
if (io.stat(file) != nil) {
printlog("info", "WARTHOG: loading overlay " ~ file);
io.read_properties(file, this);
if (is_helicopter)
foreach (var b; this.getChildren("button")) {
if (b.getAttribute("children") == 1) {
var name = b.getNode("name", 1).getValue() or "??";
b.setValues({binding: {command: "nasal", script: 'popup("' ~ name ~ '")'}});
var mod = 0;
var _ = props.globals.initNode("/devices/status/joysticks/warthog/modifier", mod, "INT");
setlistener(_, func(n) mod = n.getValue());
var left_engines = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10];
var right_engines = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11];
var viewstep = 0.5;
var viewdir = props.globals.getNode("/sim").getChildren("view");
forindex (var i; viewdir) {
var t = viewdir[i].getNode("type");
viewdir[i] = t != nil and t.getValue() == "lookat" ? 1 : -1;
<axis n="0">
<name>Mouse Horizontal</name>
<desc>mouse horizontal</desc>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
<script>view.panViewDir(-viewdir[view.index] * viewstep)</script>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
<script>view.panViewDir(viewdir[view.index] * viewstep)</script>
<axis n="1">
<name>Mouse Vertical</name>
<desc>mouse vertical</desc>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
<repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>
<axis n="2">
<name>Right Throttle</name>
<desc>right throttle (odd engines)</desc>
<axis n="3">
<name>Left Throttle</name>
<desc>left throttle (even engines)</desc>
<axis n="4">
<name>Friction Wheel</name>
<desc>rudder trim</desc>
<factor type="double">-1</factor>
<axis n="5">
<name>Coolie Switch Horizontal</name>
<script>popup("coolie switch left")</script>
<script>popup("coolie switch right")</script>
<axis n="6">
<name>Coolie Switch Vertical</name>
<script>popup("coolie switch up")</script>
<script>popup("coolie switch down")</script>
<button n="0">
<name>Mouse Button</name>
<desc>reset view</desc>
<button n="1">
<name>MIC Switch Push</name>
<desc>Push To Talk (PTT)</desc>
<button n="2">
<name>MIC Switch Up</name>
<button n="3">
<name>MIC Switch Forward</name>
<button n="4">
<name>MIC Switch Down</name>
<button n="5">
<name>MIC Switch Aft</name>
<button n="6">
<name>Speedbrake Forward</name>
<button n="7">
<name>Speedbrake Aft</name>
<button n="8">
<name>Boat Switch Forward</name>
<button n="9">
<name>Boat Switch Aft</name>
<button n="10">
<name>China Hat Forward</name>
<button n="11">
<name>China Hat Aft</name>
<button n="12">
<name>Pinky Switch Forward</name>
<button n="13">
<name>Pinky Switch Aft</name>
<button n="14">
<name>Left Throttle Button</name>
<button n="15">
<name>Engine Fuel Flow Left</name>
<desc>engine fuel flow left</desc>
foreach (var i; left_engines)
setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ i ~ "]/fuel-pump", 1);
foreach (var i; left_engines)
setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ i ~ "]/fuel-pump", 0);
<button n="16">
<name>Engine Fuel Flow Right</name>
<desc>engine fuel flow right</desc>
foreach (var i; right_engines)
setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ i ~ "]/fuel-pump", 1);
foreach (var i; right_engines)
setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ i ~ "]/fuel-pump", 0);
<button n="17">
<name>Engine Operate Left MOTOR</name>
<desc>engine operate left motor (magnetos)</desc>
foreach (var i; left_engines)
setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ i ~ "]/magnetos", 1);
foreach (var i; left_engines)
setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ i ~ "]/magnetos", 0);
<button n="18">
<name>Engine Operate Right MOTOR</name>
<desc>engine operate right motor (magnetos)</desc>
foreach (var i; right_engines)
setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ i ~ "]/magnetos", 1);
foreach (var i; right_engines)
setprop("/controls/engines/engine[" ~ i ~ "]/magnetos", 0);
<button n="19">
<name>APU Start</name>
<desc>APU (auxiliary power unit) on/off</desc>
<button n="20">
<name>Landing Gear Horn Silence Button</name>
<button n="21">
<name>Flaps Up</name>
<desc>flaps up</desc>
<button n="22">
<name>Flaps Down</name>
<desc>flaps down</desc>
<button n="23">
<name>EAC Switch</name>
<button n="24">
<name>RADAR ALT</name>
<button n="25">
<name>Autopilot (Dis)Engage</name>
<button n="26">
<name>Autopilot PATH</name>
<script>popup("autopilot path")</script>
<script>popup("autopilot alt/hdg")</script>
<button n="27">
<name>Autopilot ALT</name>
<script>popup("autopilot alt")</script>
<script>popup("autopilot alt/hdg")</script>
<button n="28">
<name>Right Throttle Idle Switch</name>
<button n="29">
<name>Left Throttle Idle Switch</name>
<button n="30">
<name>Engine Operate Left IGN</name>
<desc>start left engines</desc>
<script>call(controls.startEngine, [1] ~ left_engines)</script>
<script>call(controls.startEngine, [0] ~ left_engines)</script>
<button n="31">
<name>Engine Operate Right IGN</name>
<desc>start right engines</desc>
<script>call(controls.startEngine, [1] ~ right_engines)</script>
<script>call(controls.startEngine, [0] ~ right_engines)</script>

View file

@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ var lowpass = {
me.value = v;
_filter_: func(v) {
var dt = getprop("/sim/time/delta-sec");
var dt = getprop("/sim/time/delta-sec")*getprop("/sim/speed-up");
var c = dt / (me.coeff + dt);
me.value = v * c + me.value * (1 - c);
@ -788,12 +788,31 @@ var autotrim = {
# var tyresmoke_0 = aircraft.tyresmoke.new(0);
# tyresmoke_0.update();
# number: index of gear to be animated, i.e. "2" for /gear/gear[2]/...
# auto: 1 when tyresmoke should start on update loop. 0 when you're going
# to call the update method from one of your own loops.
# diff_norm: value adjusting the necessary percental change of roll-speed
# to trigger tyre smoke. Default value is 0.05. More realistic results can
# be achieved with significantly higher values (i.e. use 0.8).
# check_vspeed: 1 when tyre smoke should only be triggered when vspeed is negative
# (usually doesn't work for all gear, since vspeed=0.0 after the first gear touches
# ground). Use 0 to make tyre smoke independent of vspeed.
# Note: in reality, tyre smoke doesn't depend on vspeed, but only on acceleration
# and friction.
var tyresmoke = {
new: func(number, auto = 0) {
new: func(number, auto = 0, diff_norm = 0.05, check_vspeed=1) {
var m = { parents: [tyresmoke] };
me.vertical_speed = props.globals.initNode("velocities/vertical-speed-fps");
me.speed = props.globals.initNode("velocities/groundspeed-kt");
me.rain = props.globals.initNode("environment/metar/rain-norm");
m.vertical_speed = (!check_vspeed) ? nil : props.globals.initNode("velocities/vertical-speed-fps");
m.diff_norm = diff_norm;
m.speed = props.globals.initNode("velocities/groundspeed-kt");
m.rain = props.globals.initNode("environment/metar/rain-norm");
var gear = props.globals.getNode("gear/gear[" ~ number ~ "]/");
m.wow = gear.initNode("wow");
@ -827,7 +846,7 @@ var tyresmoke = {
update: func {
var rollspeed = me.get_rollspeed();
var vert_speed = me.vertical_speed.getValue();
var vert_speed = (me.vertical_speed) != nil ? me.vertical_speed.getValue() : -999;
var groundspeed = me.speed.getValue();
var friction_factor = me.friction_factor.getValue();
var wow = me.wow.getValue();
@ -837,7 +856,8 @@ var tyresmoke = {
var diff = math.abs(rollspeed - filtered_rollspeed);
var diff_norm = diff > 0 ? diff / rollspeed : 0;
if (wow and vert_speed < -1.2 and diff_norm > 0.05
if (wow and vert_speed < -1.2
and diff_norm > me.diff_norm
and friction_factor > 0.7 and groundspeed > 50
and rain < 0.20) {

README-textures-ng Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* Several .dds files to improve ground appearance
* A new experimental transition effect.
You will find examples of its usage in the effects inheriting from it.
It's not recommended to use the effect directly, but create a new one that inherits from it and defines the number of transitions, and the textures you want to transition to.
* You will find more info in the transition.eff file itself.
Installation notes:
* There is an alternative materials file named materials-dds.xml included. You can activate this file by using
You can replace materials-dds.xml with your own version if you prefer:

Shaders/transition.frag Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
// -*-C++-*-
// Texture switching based on face slope and snow level
// default.frag (c) 2010 ??
// (c)2011 - Emilian Huminiuc, with ideas from crop.frag, forest.frag
// Ambient term comes in gl_Color.rgb.
varying vec4 diffuse_term, RawPos;
varying vec3 Vnormal, normal;
varying float fogCoord;
uniform float SnowLevel, Transitions, InverseSlope, RainNorm;
uniform sampler2D BaseTex, SecondTex, ThirdTex, SnowTex;
uniform sampler3D NoiseTex;
void main()
float MixFactor, NdotL, NdotHV, fogFactor, slope, L1, L2, wetness;
vec3 n, lightDir, halfVector;
vec4 texel, fragColor, color, specular, Noise; // GNoise;
lightDir = gl_LightSource[0].position.xyz;
halfVector = gl_LightSource[0].halfVector.xyz;
color = gl_Color;
specular = vec4(0.0);
Noise = texture3D(NoiseTex, RawPos.xyz*0.0011);
//GNoise = texture3D(NoiseTex, RawPos.xyz*0.00011);
MixFactor = Noise.r * Noise.g * Noise.b; //Mixing Factor to create a more organic looking boundary
//AddedNoise = GNoise.r * GNoise.g * GNoise.b; //Some added Noise to break the evenness on some textures
MixFactor *= 50.0;
L1 = 0.88 - 0.04 * MixFactor; //first transition slope
L2 = 0.80 + 0.04 * MixFactor; //Second transition slope
// If gl_Color.a == 0, this is a back-facing polygon and the
// Vnormal should be reversed.
n = (2.0 * gl_Color.a - 1.0) * Vnormal;
n = normalize(n);
NdotL = dot(n, lightDir);
if (NdotL > 0.0) {
color += diffuse_term * NdotL;
NdotHV = max(dot(n, halfVector), 0.0);
if (gl_FrontMaterial.shininess > 0.0)
specular.rgb = (gl_FrontMaterial.specular.rgb
* gl_LightSource[0].specular.rgb
* pow(NdotHV, gl_FrontMaterial.shininess));
color.a = diffuse_term.a;
// This shouldn't be necessary, but our lighting becomes very
// saturated. Clamping the color before modulating by the texture
// is closer to what the OpenGL fixed function pipeline does.
color = clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0);
//Select texture based on slope
slope = normalize(normal).z;
//Normal transition. For more abrupt faces apply another texture (or 2).
if (InverseSlope == 0.0) {
//Do we do an intermediate transition
if (Transitions >= 1.5) {
if (slope > L1) {
texel = mix(texture2D(SecondTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), texture2D(BaseTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), smoothstep(L1, L1 + 0.003*MixFactor, slope));
if (slope > L2 && slope <= L1){
texel = mix(texture2D(SecondTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), texture2D(BaseTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), smoothstep(L2 + 0.01 * MixFactor, L1, slope));
if (slope <= L2){
texel = mix(texture2D(ThirdTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), texture2D(SecondTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), smoothstep(L2 - 0.1 * MixFactor, L2, slope));
// Just one transition
} else if (Transitions < 1.5) {
if (slope > L1) {
texel = texture2D(BaseTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
if (slope <= L1) {
texel = mix(texture2D(ThirdTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), texture2D(BaseTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), smoothstep(L2 - 0.1 * MixFactor, L1, slope));
//Invert the transition: keep original texture on abrupt slopes and switch to another on flatter terrain
} else if (InverseSlope > 0.0) {
//Interemdiate transition ?
if (Transitions >= 1.5) {
if (slope > L1 + 0.16) {
texel = texture2D(ThirdTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
if (slope > L2 && slope <= L1 + 0.16){
texel = mix(texture2D(SecondTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), texture2D(ThirdTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), smoothstep(L2 + 0.01 * MixFactor, L1, slope));
if (slope <= L2){
texel = mix(texture2D(BaseTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), texture2D(SecondTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), smoothstep(L2 - 0.05 * MixFactor, L2, slope));
//just one
} else if (Transitions < 1.5) {
if (slope > L1 + 0.16) {
texel = texture2D(ThirdTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
if (slope <= L1 + 0.16){
texel = mix(texture2D(BaseTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), texture2D(ThirdTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), smoothstep(L2 - 0.05 * MixFactor, L1 + 0.16, slope));
//darken textures with wetness
wetness = 1.0 - 0.3 * RainNorm;
texel.rgb = texel.rgb * wetness;
//texel.r = texel.r * wetness;
//texel.g = texel.g * wetness;
//texel.b = texel.b * wetness;
//Snow texture for areas higher than SnowLevel
if (RawPos.z >= SnowLevel - 6000.0 * MixFactor && slope > L2 - 0.4) {
texel = mix(texel, mix(texel, texture2D(SnowTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st), smoothstep(L2 - 0.4 * MixFactor, L2, slope)), smoothstep(SnowLevel - 6000.0 * slope * MixFactor, SnowLevel - 1400.0 * slope * MixFactor, RawPos.z));
fragColor = color * texel + specular;
fogFactor = exp(-gl_Fog.density * gl_Fog.density * fogCoord * fogCoord);
gl_FragColor = mix(gl_Fog.color, fragColor, fogFactor);

Shaders/transition.vert Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
// -*-C++-*-
// Shader that uses OpenGL state values to do per-pixel lighting
// The only light used is gl_LightSource[0], which is assumed to be
// directional.
// Diffuse colors come from the gl_Color, ambient from the material. This is
// equivalent to osg::Material::DIFFUSE.
#define MODE_OFF 0
#define MODE_DIFFUSE 1
// The constant term of the lighting equation that doesn't depend on
// the surface normal is passed in gl_{Front,Back}Color. The alpha
// component is set to 1 for front, 0 for back in order to work around
// bugs with gl_FrontFacing in the fragment shader.
varying vec4 diffuse_term, RawPos;
varying vec3 normal, Vnormal;
varying float fogCoord;
uniform int colorMode;
void main()
RawPos = gl_Vertex;
vec4 ecPosition = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;
gl_Position = ftransform();
gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0;
normal = normalize(gl_Normal);
Vnormal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;
vec4 ambient_color, diffuse_color;
if (colorMode == MODE_DIFFUSE) {
diffuse_color = gl_Color;
ambient_color = gl_FrontMaterial.ambient;
} else if (colorMode == MODE_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE) {
diffuse_color = gl_Color;
ambient_color = gl_Color;
} else {
diffuse_color = gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse;
ambient_color = gl_FrontMaterial.ambient;
diffuse_term = diffuse_color * gl_LightSource[0].diffuse;
vec4 constant_term = gl_FrontMaterial.emission + ambient_color *
(gl_LightModel.ambient + gl_LightSource[0].ambient);
// Super hack: if diffuse material alpha is less than 1, assume a
// transparency animation is at work
if (gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse.a < 1.0)
diffuse_term.a = gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse.a;
diffuse_term.a = gl_Color.a;
// Another hack for supporting two-sided lighting without using
// gl_FrontFacing in the fragment shader.
gl_FrontColor.rgb = constant_term.rgb; gl_FrontColor.a = 1.0;
gl_BackColor.rgb = constant_term.rgb; gl_BackColor.a = 0.0;
fogCoord = abs(ecPosition.z / ecPosition.w);

Shaders/water-inland.frag Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
// This shader is mostly an adaptation of the shader found at
// http://www.bonzaisoftware.com/water_tut.html and its glsl conversion
// available at http://forum.bonzaisoftware.com/viewthread.php?tid=10
// © Michael Horsch - 2005
uniform sampler2D water_normalmap;
uniform sampler2D water_reflection;
uniform sampler2D water_dudvmap;
uniform float saturation;
uniform float RainNorm;
varying vec4 waterTex1; //moving texcoords
varying vec4 waterTex2; //moving texcoords
varying vec4 waterTex4; //viewts
varying vec4 ecPosition;
varying vec3 viewerdir;
varying vec3 lightdir;
varying vec3 normal;
void main(void)
const vec4 sca = vec4(0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005);
const vec4 sca2 = vec4(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02);
const vec4 tscale = vec4(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
// compute direction to viewer
vec3 E = normalize(viewerdir);
// compute direction to light source
vec3 L = normalize(lightdir);
// half vector
vec3 H = normalize(L + E);
const float water_shininess = 240.0;
vec4 viewt = normalize(waterTex4);
vec4 disdis = texture2D(water_dudvmap, vec2(waterTex2 * tscale)) * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec4 dist = texture2D(water_dudvmap, vec2(waterTex1 + disdis*sca2)) * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec4 fdist = normalize(dist);
fdist *= sca;
vec4 nmap0 = texture2D(water_normalmap, vec2(waterTex1+ disdis*sca2)) * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec4 nmap2 = texture2D(water_normalmap, vec2(waterTex2 * tscale)) * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec4 vNorm = normalize(nmap0 + nmap2);
//load reflection
vec4 tmp = vec4(lightdir, 0.0);
vec4 refTex = texture2D(water_reflection, vec2(tmp));
vec4 refl = normalize(refTex);
vec3 N0 = vec3(texture2D(water_normalmap, vec2(waterTex1+ disdis*sca2)) * 2.0 - 1.0);
vec3 N1 = vec3(texture2D(water_normalmap, vec2(waterTex2 * tscale)) * 2.0 - 1.0);
vec3 N = normalize(normal+N0+N1);
vec3 specular_color = vec3(gl_LightSource[0].diffuse)
* pow(max(0.0, dot(N, H)), water_shininess) * 6.0;
vec4 specular = vec4(specular_color,0.5);
//calculate fresnel
vec4 invfres = vec4( dot(vNorm, viewt) );
vec4 fres = vec4(1.0) + invfres;
refl *= fres;
// take rain into account
float rain_factor = 0.7 - RainNorm;
rain_factor = clamp(rain_factor, 0, 1);
if (RainNorm > 0)
refl *= (0.9, 1.0, 0.6 * rain_factor, 1.0);
refl *= (0.9, 1.0, 0.6, 1.0);
specular = specular * 0.4 * rain_factor;
vec4 finalColor = refl + specular;
float fogFactor;
float fogCoord = ecPosition.z;
const float LOG2 = 1.442695;
fogFactor = exp2(-gl_Fog.density * gl_Fog.density * fogCoord * fogCoord * LOG2);
vec4 ambient_light = gl_LightSource[0].diffuse;
finalColor *= ambient_light;
if(gl_Fog.density == 1.0)
gl_FragColor = mix(gl_Fog.color,finalColor, fogFactor);

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Textures/Terrain/Town1.dds Normal file

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