Merge /u/dg-505/flightgear-fgdata/ branch next into next
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 185 additions and 185 deletions
@ -34,54 +34,54 @@
<fg-scenery-desc n="1">Voreinstellung ist $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<fg-aircraft-desc>Konfiguriert Verzeichnisse mit zusätzlichen Flugzeugen</fg-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<language-desc>Auswahl der Sprache</language-desc> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<!-- <disable-splash-screen-desc>???</disable-splash-screen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<!-- <enable-splash-screen-desc>???</enable-splash-screen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<!-- <restore-defaults-desc>???</restore-defaults-desc> --> <!-- English: "Reset all user settings to their defaults (rendering options etc)" -->
<!-- <disable-save-on-exit>???</disable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<!-- <enable-save-on-exit>???</enable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<!-- <disable-mouse-pointer-desc>???</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<!-- <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">???</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<!-- <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">???</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<!-- <disable-random-objects-desc>???</disable-random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<!-- <enable-random-objects-desc>???</enable-random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<!-- <disable-random-vegetation-desc>???</disable-random-vegetation-desc> --> <!-- English: "Exclude random vegetation objects" -->
<!-- <enable-random-vegetation-desc>???</enable-random-vegetation-desc> --> <!-- English: "Include random vegetation objects" -->
<!-- <disable-random-buildings-desc>???</disable-random-buildings-desc> --> <!-- English: "Exclude random buildings objects" -->
<!-- <enable-random-buildings-desc>???</enable-random-buildings-desc> --> <!-- English: "Include random buildings objects" -->
<!-- <disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<!-- <enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<!-- <metar-desc>???</metar-desc> --> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<!-- <random-objects-desc>???</random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-models-desc>???</disable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<!-- <enable-ai-models-desc>???</enable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-traffic-desc>???</disable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <enable-ai-traffic-desc>???</enable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <ai-scenario>???</ai-scenario> --> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<!-- <disable-freeze-desc>???</disable-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<!-- <enable-freeze-desc>???</enable-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<!-- <disable-fuel-freeze-desc>???</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<!-- <enable-fuel-freeze-desc>???</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<!-- <disable-clock-freeze-desc>???</disable-clock-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<!-- <enable-clock-freeze-desc>???</enable-clock-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<!-- <enable-auto-coordination-desc>???</enable-auto-coordination-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<!-- <disable-auto-coordination-desc>???</disable-auto-coordination-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<!-- <browser-app-desc>???</browser-app-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<!-- <prop-desc>???</prop-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set property <name> to <value>. <type> can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<!-- <config-desc>???</config-desc> --> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<!-- <units-feet-desc>???</units-feet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<!-- <units-meters-desc>???</units-meters-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<disable-splash-screen-desc>Startbildschirm deaktivieren</disable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<enable-splash-screen-desc>Startbildschirm aktivieren</enable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<restore-defaults-desc>Alle Optionen auf Standard zurücksetzen (Grafik, etc.)</restore-defaults-desc> <!-- English: "Reset all user settings to their defaults (rendering options etc)" -->
<disable-save-on-exit>Einstellungen beim Beenden nicht speichern</disable-save-on-exit> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<enable-save-on-exit>Einstellungen beim Beenden speichern</enable-save-on-exit> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Zusätzlichen Mauszeiger deaktivieren</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Zusätzlichen Mauszeiger aktivieren</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">z.B. für Vollbild-Voodoo-Karten</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<disable-random-objects-desc>Zufällige Objekte ausblenden</disable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<enable-random-objects-desc>Zufällige Objekte darstellen</enable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<disable-random-vegetation-desc>Vegeation ausblenden</disable-random-vegetation-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random vegetation objects" -->
<enable-random-vegetation-desc>Vegetation anzeigen</enable-random-vegetation-desc> <!-- English: "Include random vegetation objects" -->
<disable-random-buildings-desc>Zufällige Gebäude ausblenden</disable-random-buildings-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random buildings objects" -->
<enable-random-buildings-desc>Zufällige Gebäude anzeigen</enable-random-buildings-desc> <!-- English: "Include random buildings objects" -->
<disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>METAR-basierten Download von realem Wetter deaktivieren</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>METAR-basierten Download von realem Wetter aktivieren (setzt eine fuktionierende Internetverbindung voraus)</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<metar-desc>Einen METAR eingeben, um statisches Wetter einzustellen</metar-desc> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<random-objects-desc>(Gebäude, etc.)</random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<disable-ai-models-desc>Veraltete Option (internes KI-Subsystem deaktivieren)</disable-ai-models-desc> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<enable-ai-models-desc>KI-Subsystem aktivieren (erforderlich für Multiplayer, KI-Verkehr und viele andere Animationen</enable-ai-models-desc> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<disable-ai-traffic-desc>KI-Verkehr deaktivieren</disable-ai-traffic-desc> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<enable-ai-traffic-desc>KI-Verkehr aktivieren</enable-ai-traffic-desc> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<ai-scenario>Ein KI-Szenario hinzufügen und aktivieren (kann mehrfach angegeben werden)</ai-scenario> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<disable-freeze-desc>Nicht pausiert starten</disable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<enable-freeze-desc>Pausiert starten</enable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Treibstoff wird normal verbraucht</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<enable-fuel-freeze-desc>Kein Treibstoff wird verbraucht</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<disable-clock-freeze-desc>Uhrzeit vergeht normal</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<enable-clock-freeze-desc>Uhrzeit eingefroren (Zeit steht still)</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<enable-auto-coordination-desc>Auto-Koordination von Quer- und Seitenruder aktivieren</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<disable-auto-coordination-desc>Auto-Koordination von Quer- und Seitenruder deaktivieren</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<browser-app-desc>Pfad zu Deinem Internet-Browser angeben</browser-app-desc> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<prop-desc>Der Property <name> den Wert <value> zuweisen. <name> kann string, double, float, long, int, oder bool sein.</prop-desc> <!-- English: "Set property <name> to <value>. <type> can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<config-desc>Pfad zu einer zusätzlichen Konfigurationsdatei mit benutzerdefinierten Einstellungen</config-desc> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<units-feet-desc>Fuß für Entfernungen verwenden</units-feet-desc> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<units-meters-desc>Meter für Entfernungen verwenden</units-meters-desc> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<!-- Features options -->
<!-- <environment-options>???</environment-options> --> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<!-- <features-options>???</features-options> --> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<!-- <disable-hud-desc>???</disable-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-desc>???</enable-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<!-- <disable-panel-desc>???</disable-panel-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<!-- <enable-panel-desc>???</enable-panel-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<!-- <disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>???</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>???</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<!-- <disable-hud-3d-desc>???</disable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-3d-desc>???</enable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<environment-options>Umgebungs-Optionen</environment-options> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<features-options>Features</features-options> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<disable-hud-desc>Head-Up-Display (HUD) deaktivieren</disable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<enable-hud-desc>Head-Up-Display (HUD) aktivieren</enable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<disable-panel-desc>Instrumentenbrett deaktivieren</disable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<enable-panel-desc>Instrumentenbrett aktivieren</enable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>HUD mit Kantenglättung deaktivieren</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>HUD mit Kantenglättung aktivieren</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<disable-hud-3d-desc>3D-HUD deaktivieren</disable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<enable-hud-3d-desc>3D-HUD aktivieren</enable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- Aircraft options -->
<aircraft-options>Flugzeug Optionen</aircraft-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
@ -89,178 +89,178 @@
<show-aircraft-desc>Zeigt eine Liste der verfügbaren Flugzeugtypen</show-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<min-aircraft-status>Schränkt die Anzeige auf Flugzeuge mit diesem minimalem Status ein</min-aircraft-status> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<!-- <vehicle-desc>???</vehicle-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml" -->
<!-- <livery-desc>???</livery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<livery-desc>Lackierung des Flugzeugs auswählen</livery-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<!-- Flight Dynamics Model options -->
<!-- <fdm-options>???</fdm-options> --> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<!-- <fdm-desc n="0">???</fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<!-- <fdm-desc n="1">???</fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<!-- <aero-desc>???</aero-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<!-- <model-hz-desc>???</model-hz-desc> --> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<!-- <speed-desc>???</speed-desc> --> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<!-- <notrim-desc n="0">???</notrim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<!-- <notrim-desc n="1">???</notrim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="0">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="1">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- <on-ground-desc>???</on-ground-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<!-- <in-air-desc>???</in-air-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<!-- <wind-desc>???</wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<!-- <random-wind-desc>???</random-wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<!-- <turbulence-desc>???</turbulence-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<!-- <ceiling-desc>???</ceiling-desc> --> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<!-- <aircraft-dir-desc>???</aircraft-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<!-- Flight Dynamics Model-Optionen -->
<fdm-options>Optionen für die Flugphysik</fdm-options> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<fdm-desc n="0">Wähle das grundlegende Flugdynamikmodell aus</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<fdm-desc n="1">Entweder jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, oder null</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<aero-desc>Wähle das zu ladende Aerodynamik-Modell des Flugzeugs</aero-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<model-hz-desc>Lasse das FDM mit dieser Frequenz laufen (Wiederholungen pro Sekunde)</model-hz-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<speed-desc>Lasse das FDM mit dem n-fachen der realen Zeit laufen</speed-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<notrim-desc n="0">Das Flugzeug NICHT trimmen</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<notrim-desc n="1">(nur mit --fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<trim-desc n="0">Das Flugzeug trimmen</trim-desc> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<trim-desc n="1">(nur mit --fdm=jsbsim)</trim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<on-ground-desc>Auf dem Boden starten (Standard)</on-ground-desc> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<in-air-desc>In der Luft starten (implieziert bei Verwendung von --altitude)</in-air-desc> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<wind-desc>Windrichtung und -geschwindigkeit in Grad und Knoten angeben</wind-desc> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<random-wind-desc>Zufällige Windrichtung und -geschwindigkeit</random-wind-desc> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<turbulence-desc>Angabe der Stärke der Turbulenz von 0.0 (gar keine) bis 1.0 (sehr stark)</turbulence-desc> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<ceiling-desc>Einen Wolkendecke erstellen, optional mit einer bestimmten Dicke (Standard ist 2000 ft)</ceiling-desc> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<aircraft-dir-desc>Flugzeug-Verzeichnis relativ zum Pfad zu fgfs.exe</aircraft-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<!-- <aircraft-model-options>???</aircraft-model-options> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<aircraft-model-options>Pfad zur FDM-Datei (NUR FÜR FLUGZEUGE MIT UIUC-FDM)</aircraft-model-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<!-- Position and Orientation options -->
<position-options>Position und Orientierung</position-options> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" -->
<airport-desc>Auswahl des Flughafens (bzw. relative Position zu diesem)</airport-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" -->
<parking-id-desc>Auswahl einer Parkposition am ausgewählten Flughafen</parking-id-desc> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" -->
<carrier-desc>Auswahl einer Startposition auf einem Flugzeugträger</carrier-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" -->
<!-- <parkpos-desc>???</parkpos-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<!-- <vor-desc>???</vor-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<!-- <vor-freq-desc>???</vor-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<!-- <ndb-desc>???</ndb-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<!-- <ndb-freq-desc>???</ndb-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<!-- <fix-desc>???</fix-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<parkpos-desc>Eine Parkposition auf dem angegebenen Flugzeugträger wählen</parkpos-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<vor-desc>Startposition relativ zu einem VOR angeben</vor-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<vor-freq-desc>Die Frequenz des VOR angeben. Verwendung zusamen mit --vor=ID</vor-freq-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<ndb-desc>Startposition relativ zu einem NDB angeben</ndb-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<ndb-freq-desc>Die Frequenz des NDB angeben. Verwendung zusamen mit --ndb=ID</ndb-freq-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<fix-desc>Startposition relativ zu einem Fix angeben</fix-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<runway-no-desc>Auswahl einer Startbahn am ausgewählten Flughafen</runway-no-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<!-- <offset-distance-desc>???</offset-distance-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<!-- <offset-azimuth-desc>???</offset-azimuth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<!-- <lon-desc>???</lon-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<!-- <lat-desc>???</lat-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<!-- <altitude-desc>???</altitude-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<!-- <heading-desc>???</heading-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<!-- <roll-desc>???</roll-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<!-- <pitch-desc>???</pitch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<!-- <uBody-desc>???</uBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<!-- <vBody-desc>???</vBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<!-- <wBody-desc>???</wBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<!-- <vNorth-desc>???</vNorth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<!-- <vEast-desc>???</vEast-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<!-- <vDown-desc>???</vDown-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<!-- <vc-desc>???</vc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<!-- <mach-desc>???</mach-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<!-- <glideslope-desc>???</glideslope-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<!-- <roc-desc>???</roc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<offset-distance-desc>Distanz zum Referenzpunkt angeben (Statute Miles)</offset-distance-desc> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<offset-azimuth-desc>Kurs relativ zum Referenzpunkt</offset-azimuth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<lon-desc>Start bei Längengrad (Westen = -)</lon-desc> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<lat-desc>Start bei Breitengrad (Süden = -)</lat-desc> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<altitude-desc>Start in dieser Flughöhe über MSL</altitude-desc> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<heading-desc>Den Steuerkurs angeben (griech. Psi)</heading-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<roll-desc>Den Querneigung angeben (griech. Phi)</roll-desc> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<pitch-desc>Die Längsneigung angeben (griech. Theta)</pitch-desc> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<uBody-desc>Geschwindigkeit entlang der X-Achse des Flugzeugs angeben</uBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<vBody-desc>Geschwindigkeit entlang der Y-Achse des Flugzeugs angeben</vBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<wBody-desc>Geschwindigkeit entlang der Z-Achse des Flugzeugs angeben</wBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<vNorth-desc>Geschwindigkeit in Nord-Süd-Richtung angeben</vNorth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<vEast-desc>Geschwindigkeit in Ost-West-Richtung angeben</vEast-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<vDown-desc>Geschwindigkeit entlang der Hochachse angeben</vDown-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<vc-desc>Anfangsgeschwindigkeit angeben</vc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<mach-desc>Anfängliche Mach-Zahl angeben</mach-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<glideslope-desc>Den Winkel des Flugvektors angeben</glideslope-desc> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<roc-desc>Die Anfängliche Steig-/Sinkrate angeben</roc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<!-- sound options -->
<!-- <audio-options>???</audio-options> --> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<!-- <disable-sound-desc>???</disable-sound-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<!-- <enable-sound-desc>???</enable-sound-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<!-- <show-sound-devices-desc>???</show-sound-devices-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<!-- <sound-device-desc>???</sound-device-desc> --> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<audio-options>Audio Optionen</audio-options> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<disable-sound-desc>Sound deaktivieren</disable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<enable-sound-desc>Sound aktivieren</enable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<show-sound-devices-desc>Eine Liste der verfügbaren Audiogeräte anzeigen</show-sound-devices-desc> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<sound-device-desc>Das zu verewendende Audiogerät explizit angeben</sound-device-desc> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<!-- Rendering options -->
<!-- <rendering-options>???</rendering-options> --> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<!-- <bpp-desc>???</bpp-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<!-- <fog-disable-desc>???</fog-disable-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<!-- <fog-fastest-desc>???</fog-fastest-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<!-- <fog-nicest-desc>???</fog-nicest-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<!-- <disable-horizon-effect>???</disable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<!-- <enable-horizon-effect>???</enable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<!-- <disable-enhanced-lighting>???</disable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<!-- <enable-enhanced-lighting>???</enable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<!-- <disable-distance-attenuation>???</disable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<!-- <enable-distance-attenuation>???</enable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<!-- <disable-specular-highlight>???</disable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<!-- <enable-specular-highlight>???</enable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<!-- <enable-clouds-desc>???</enable-clouds-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <disable-clouds-desc>???</disable-clouds-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <enable-clouds3d-desc>???</enable-clouds3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <disable-clouds3d-desc>???</disable-clouds3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <fov-desc>???</fov-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<!-- <arm-desc>???</arm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<!-- <disable-fullscreen-desc>???</disable-fullscreen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<!-- <enable-fullscreen-desc>???</enable-fullscreen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<!-- <shading-flat-desc>???</shading-flat-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<!-- <shading-smooth-desc>???</shading-smooth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<!-- <disable-textures-desc>???</disable-textures-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<!-- <enable-textures-desc>???</enable-textures-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<!-- <materials-file-desc>???</materials-file-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<!-- <texture-filtering-desc>???</texture-filtering-desc> --> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<!-- <disable-wireframe-desc>???</disable-wireframe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<!-- <enable-wireframe-desc>???</enable-wireframe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<!-- <geometry-desc>???</geometry-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<!-- <view-offset-desc>???</view-offset-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<!-- <visibility-desc>???</visibility-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<!-- <visibility-miles-desc>???</visibility-miles-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<!-- <max-fps-desc>???</max-fps-desc> --> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<rendering-options>Grafikoptionen</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<bpp-desc>Bits pro Pixel angeben</bpp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<fog-disable-desc>Nebel/Dunst deaktivieren</fog-disable-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<fog-fastest-desc>Schnellere Darstellung von Nebel/Dunst</fog-fastest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<fog-nicest-desc>Schönere Darstellung von Nebel/Dunst</fog-nicest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<disable-horizon-effect>Die Illusion einer vergrößerten Erscheinung von Himmelskörpern nahe dem Horizont deaktivieren</disable-horizon-effect> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<enable-horizon-effect>Die Illusion einer vergrößerten Erscheinung von Himmelskörpern nahe dem Horizont aktivieren</enable-horizon-effect> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<disable-enhanced-lighting>Detailliete Startbahnbeleuchtung deaktivieren</disable-enhanced-lighting> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<enable-enhanced-lighting>Detailliete Startbahnbeleuchtung aktivieren</enable-enhanced-lighting> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<disable-distance-attenuation>Abschwächung der Startbahnbeleuchtung bei größeren Entfernungen deaktivieren</disable-distance-attenuation> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<enable-distance-attenuation>Abschwächung der Startbahnbeleuchtung bei größeren Entfernungen aktivieren</enable-distance-attenuation> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<disable-specular-highlight>Spiegelnde Reflektionen antexturierten Objekten deaktivieren</disable-specular-highlight> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<enable-specular-highlight>Spiegelnde Reflektionen antexturierten Objekten aktivieren</enable-specular-highlight> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<enable-clouds-desc>Platte 2D-Wolken aktivieren</enable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<disable-clouds-desc>Platte 2D-Wolken deaktivieren</disable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<enable-clouds3d-desc>Volumetrische 3D-Wolken aktivieren</enable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<disable-clouds3d-desc>Volumetrische 3D-Wolken deaktivieren</disable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<fov-desc>Das Sichtfeld in Grad angeben</fov-desc> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<arm-desc>Einen Multiplikator für das Seitenverhältnis angeben</arm-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<disable-fullscreen-desc>Kein Vollbild</disable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<enable-fullscreen-desc>Vollbild</enable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<shading-flat-desc>Harte Schattierung</shading-flat-desc> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<shading-smooth-desc>Weiche Schattierung</shading-smooth-desc> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<disable-textures-desc>Texturen deaktivieren</disable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<enable-textures-desc>Texturen aktivieren</enable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<materials-file-desc>Die Materials-Datei angeben, die zur Darstellung der Szenerie verwendet wird (Standard: materials.xml)</materials-file-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<texture-filtering-desc>Anisotropische Texturfilterung: Wert sollte 1 (Standard), 2, 4, 8, oder 16 sein</texture-filtering-desc> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<disable-wireframe-desc>Drahtgitterdarstellung deaktivieren</disable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<enable-wireframe-desc>Drahtgitterdarstellung aktivieren</enable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<geometry-desc>Fensterabmessungen angeben (z.B. 800x600, 1280x720, etc.)</geometry-desc> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<view-offset-desc>Die stadardmäßige Nach-Vorne-Blickrichtung angeben als Abweichung von geradeaus. Erlaubte Werte sind LEFT, RECHTS, CENTER, oder eine spezifische Angabe in Grad</view-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<visibility-desc>Die anfängliche Sichtweite in Metern angeben</visibility-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Die anfängliche Sichtweite in Meilen angeben</visibility-miles-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<max-fps-desc>Die maximale Framerate in Hz</max-fps-desc> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<!-- Hud options -->
<!-- <hud-options>???</hud-options> --> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<hud-options>HUD-Optionen</hud-options> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<!-- <hud-tris-desc>???</hud-tris-desc> --> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<!-- <hud-culled-desc>???</hud-culled-desc> --> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<!-- Time options -->
<!-- <time-options>???</time-options> --> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<!-- <timeofday-desc>???</timeofday-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<!-- <season-desc>???</season-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<!-- <time-offset-desc>???</time-offset-desc> --> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<!-- <time-match-real-desc>???</time-match-real-desc> --> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<!-- <time-match-local-desc>???</time-match-local-desc> --> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<!-- <start-date-desc>???</start-date-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<time-options>Zeitoptionen</time-options> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<timeofday-desc>Eine Tageszeit angeben</timeofday-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<season-desc>Eine Jahreszeit angeben</season-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<time-offset-desc>Zeitverschiebung angeben</time-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<time-match-real-desc>Mit Realzeit (UTC) synchronisieren</time-match-real-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<time-match-local-desc>Mit Ortszeit synchronisieren</time-match-local-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<start-date-desc>Eine Startzeitangeben relativ zu</start-date-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<!-- Network options -->
<!-- <network-options>???</network-options> --> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<!-- <httpd-desc>???</httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <proxy-desc>???</proxy-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<!-- <telnet-desc>???</telnet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <jpg-httpd-desc>???</jpg-httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <disable-terrasync-desc>???</disable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <enable-terrasync-desc>???</enable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <terrasync-dir-desc>???</terrasync-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<network-options>Netzwerk</network-options> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<httpd-desc>Einen HTTP-Server am angegebenen Port aktivieren</httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<proxy-desc>Den zu verwendenden Proxy-Server (und Port) angeben. Nutzername und Passwort sind frei wählbar und sollten bereits MD5-codiert sein. Nur sinnvoll in Verbindung mit der Option "--real-weather-fetch"</proxy-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<telnet-desc>Telnet-Server am angegebenen Port aktivieren</telnet-desc> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<jpg-httpd-desc>Screenshot-HTTP-Server am angegeben Port aktivieren</jpg-httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<disable-terrasync-desc>Automatischen Download/Update von Szenerie deaktivieren</disable-terrasync-desc> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<enable-terrasync-desc>Automatischen Download/Update von Szenerie aktivieren</enable-terrasync-desc> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<terrasync-dir-desc>Zielverzeichnis für Szenerie-Downloads</terrasync-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<!-- MultiPlayer options -->
<!-- <multiplayer-options>???</multiplayer-options> --> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<!-- <multiplay-desc>???</multiplay-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<!-- <callsign-desc>???</callsign-desc> --> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<multiplayer-options>Multiplayer-Optionen</multiplayer-options> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<multiplay-desc>Multiplayer-Einstellungen angeben</multiplay-desc> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<callsign-desc>Dem Spieler einen spezifischen Namen zuweisen</callsign-desc> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<!-- Route/Way Point Options -->
<!-- <route-options>???</route-options> --> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<!-- <wp-desc>???</wp-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<!-- <flight-plan-desc>???</flight-plan-desc> --> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<route-options>Route/Wegpunkt</route-options> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<wp-desc>Wegpunkt für den Autopiloten angeben</wp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<flight-plan-desc>Alle Wegpunkte von der angegebenen Datei einlesen</flight-plan-desc> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<!-- IO Options -->
<!-- <io-options>???</io-options> --> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<!-- <AV400-desc>???</AV400-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<!-- <AV400Sim-desc>???</AV400Sim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<!-- <atlas-desc>???</atlas-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<!-- <atcsim-desc>???</atcsim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<!-- <garmin-desc>???</garmin-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<!-- <joyclient-desc>???</joyclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<!-- <jsclient-desc>???</jsclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<!-- <native-ctrls-desc>???</native-ctrls-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<!-- <native-fdm-desc>???</native-fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<!-- <native-gui-desc>???</native-gui-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<!-- <native-desc>???</native-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<!-- <nmea-desc>???</nmea-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<!-- <generic-desc>???</generic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<!-- <opengc-desc>???</opengc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<!-- <props-desc>???</props-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<!-- <pve-desc>???</pve-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<!-- <ray-desc>???</ray-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<!-- <rul-desc>???</rul-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<io-options>I/O-Optionen</io-options> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<AV400-desc>Das Garmin AV400 Protokoll aktivieren, um ein Garmin 196/296 anzusteuern</AV400-desc> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<AV400Sim-desc>Die Daten des AV400 Protokolls verwenden um ein Garmin 400-Series GPS durch FlightGear zu steuern</AV400Sim-desc> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<atlas-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung des Atlas-Protokolls</atlas-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<atcsim-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung des ATC Sim-Protokolls (atc610x)</atcsim-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<garmin-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung des Garmin GPS-Protokolls</garmin-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<joyclient-desc>Eine Verbindung zu einem Agwagon-Joystick öffnen</joyclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<jsclient-desc>Eine Verbindung zu einem Remote-Joystick öffnen</jsclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<native-ctrls-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung des FG Native Controls-Protokolls</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<native-fdm-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendungdes FG Native FDM-Protokolls</native-fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<native-gui-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendun gdes FG Native GUI-Protokolls</native-gui-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<native-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung des FG Native-Protokolls</native-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<nmea-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung des NMEA-Protokolls</nmea-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<generic-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung eines vorgegebenen Kommunukationsinterfaces und eines vorausgewählten Kommunikationsprotokolls</generic-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<opengc-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung des OpenGC-Protokolls</opengc-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<props-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung des interaktiven Property-Managers</props-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<pve-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung des PVE-Protokolls</pve-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<ray-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung des Ray Woodworth Motion Chair-Protokolls</ray-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<rul-desc>Eine Verbindung öffnen unter Verwendung des RUL-Protokolls</rul-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<!-- Avionics Options -->
<!-- <avionics-options>???</avionics-options> --> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
<!-- <com1-desc>???</com1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <com2-desc>???</com2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <nav1-desc>???</nav1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <nav2-desc>???</nav2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <adf1-desc>???</adf1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <adf2-desc>???</adf2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <dme-desc>???</dme-desc> --> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<avionics-options>Avionik-Optionen</avionics-options> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
<com1-desc>Die Frequenz des COM1-Funkgeräts angeben</com1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<com2-desc>Die Frequenz des COM2-Funkgeräts angeben</com2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<nav1-desc>Die Frequenz des NAV1-Funkgeräts angeben, obtional mit vorangestelltem Radial</nav1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<nav2-desc>Die Frequenz des NAV2-Funkgeräts angeben, obtional mit vorangestelltem Radial</nav2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<adf1-desc>Die Frequenz des ADF1 angeben, optional mit vorangestellter Kompassabweichung</adf1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<adf2-desc>Die Frequenz des ADF2 angeben, optional mit vorangestellter Kompassabweichung</adf2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<dme-desc>Das DME an eines der NAV-Funnkgeräte koppeln, oder eine interne Frequenz angeben</dme-desc> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<!-- <situation-options>???</situation-options> --> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<!-- <failure-desc>???</failure-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<situation-options>Situationsoptionen</situation-options> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<failure-desc>Das Pitotsystem, Vakuumsystem, das statische oder elektrische System ausfallen lassen (Mehrfachnennung für mehrere Systemausfälle möglich)</failure-desc> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<!-- Debugging Options -->
<!-- <debugging-options>???</debugging-options> --> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<!-- <fpe-desc>???</fpe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<!-- <fgviewer-desc>???</fgviewer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<debugging-options>Entwickleroptionen</debugging-options> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<fpe-desc>Abbruch bei Auftreten einer Floating Point Exception</fpe-desc> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<fgviewer-desc>Den Model-Viewer verwenden, anstatt den gesamten Simulator zu laden</fgviewer-desc> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<!-- <trace-read-desc>???</trace-read-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<!-- <trace-write-desc>???</trace-write-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<!-- <log-level-desc>???</log-level-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<!-- <log-class-desc>???</log-class-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->
<log-level-desc>Das zu verwendende Log-Level angeben</log-level-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<log-class-desc>Die zu verwendende(n) Log-Klasse(n) angeben</log-class-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->
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