Fork 0

Synchronize language resources

Run script to identify missing/obsolete items:
de/options.xml is missing 192 translation(s).
de/menu.xml is missing 20 translation(s).

es/options.xml is missing 12 translation(s).
es/menu.xml is missing 78 translation(s).

fr/options.xml is missing 0 translation(s).
fr/menu.xml is missing 0 translation(s).

it/options.xml is missing 212 translation(s).
it/menu.xml is missing 78 translation(s).

nl/options.xml is missing 54 translation(s).
nl/menu.xml is missing 1 translation(s).

pl/options.xml is missing 81 translation(s).
pl/menu.xml is missing 76 translation(s).

pt/options.xml is missing 212 translation(s).
pt/menu.xml is missing 86 translation(s).
This commit is contained in:
ThorstenB 2012-07-08 15:31:54 +02:00
parent 9d49f9643f
commit 3265ad8ae5
15 changed files with 2806 additions and 1352 deletions

View file

@ -2,103 +2,129 @@
<!-- FlightGear menu: German language resource --> <!-- FlightGear menu: German language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<PropertyList> <PropertyList>
<!-- File menu --> <!-- File menu -->
<file>Datei</file> <file>Datei</file> <!-- English: "File" -->
<reset>Flug zurücksetzen</reset> <reset>Flug zurücksetzen</reset> <!-- English: "Reset" -->
<snap-shot>Bildschirmfoto </snap-shot> <snap-shot>Bildschirmfoto </snap-shot> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<snap-shot-dir>Fotoverzeichnis festlegen</snap-shot-dir> <snap-shot-dir>Fotoverzeichnis festlegen</snap-shot-dir> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<sound-config>Sound-Konfiguration</sound-config> <sound-config>Sound-Konfiguration</sound-config> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<exit>Beenden </exit> <exit>Beenden </exit> <!-- English: "Quit " -->
<!-- View menu --> <!-- View menu -->
<view>Ansicht</view> <view>Ansicht</view> <!-- English: "View" -->
<display-options>Anzeigeoptionen</display-options> <display-options>Anzeigeoptionen</display-options> <!-- English: "Display Options" -->
<rendering-options>Grafikoptionen</rendering-options> <rendering-options>Grafikoptionen</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<toggle-panel>Instrumentenbrett umschalten</toggle-panel> <view-options>Sichtoptionen</view-options> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<pilot-offset>Betrachtungspunkt</pilot-offset> <cockpit-view-options>Cockpitoptionen</cockpit-view-options> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<hud-alpha>HUD-Antialiasing an/aus</hud-alpha> <adjust-lod>Szeneriekomplexität</adjust-lod> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<properties>Eigenschaften</properties> <pilot-offset>Betrachtungspunkt</pilot-offset> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" -->
<replay>Sofortwiederholung</replay> <adjust-hud>HUD Optionen</adjust-hud> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<view-options>Sichtoptionen</view-options> <toggle-glide-slope>Anzeige des Gleitpfades (an/aus)</toggle-glide-slope> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<cockpit-view-options>Cockpitoptionen</cockpit-view-options> <replay>Sofortwiederholung</replay> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<adjust-lod>Szeneriekomplexität</adjust-lod> <stereoscopic-options>Stereoskopie (3D Anzeige)</stereoscopic-options> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<adjust-hud>HUD Optionen</adjust-hud>
<toggle-glide-slope>Anzeige des Gleitpfades (an/aus)</toggle-glide-slope>
<stereoscopic-options>Stereoskopie (3D Anzeige)</stereoscopic-options>
<!-- Location menu --> <!-- Location menu -->
<location>Ort</location> <location>Ort</location> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<position-on-ground>Flugzeug positionieren (am Boden)</position-on-ground> <position-on-ground>Flugzeug positionieren (am Boden)</position-on-ground> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft On Ground" -->
<position-in-air>Flugzeug positionieren (in der Luft)</position-in-air> <position-in-air>Flugzeug positionieren (in der Luft)</position-in-air> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<goto-airport>Flughafenauswahl</goto-airport> <goto-airport>Flughafenauswahl</goto-airport> <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" -->
<random-attitude>Zufällige Fluglage</random-attitude> <random-attitude>Zufällige Fluglage</random-attitude> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<tower-position>Kontrollturmposition festlegen</tower-position> <tower-position>Kontrollturmposition festlegen</tower-position> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<!-- Autopilot menu --> <!-- Autopilot menu -->
<autopilot>Autopilot</autopilot> <autopilot>Autopilot</autopilot> <!-- English: "Autopilot" -->
<autopilot-settings>Autopilot einstellen</autopilot-settings> <autopilot-settings>Autopilot einstellen</autopilot-settings> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<set-heading>Richtungseinstellung</set-heading> <route-manager>Routenplaner</route-manager> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<set-altitude>Höheneinstellung</set-altitude> <previous-waypoint>Vorheriger Wegepunkt</previous-waypoint> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<add-waypoint>Wegpunkt hinzufügen</add-waypoint> <next-waypoint>Nächster Wegepunkt</next-waypoint> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<skip-current-waypoint>Momentanen Wegpunkt auslassen</skip-current-waypoint>
<clear-route>Route löschen</clear-route>
<adjust-ap-settings>AP einstellen</adjust-ap-settings>
<toggle-hud-format>HUD-Format umschalten</toggle-hud-format>
<next-waypoint>Nächster Wegepunkt</next-waypoint>
<previous-waypoint>Vorheriger Wegepunkt</previous-waypoint>
<!-- Environment menu --> <!-- Environment menu -->
<environment>Umgebung</environment> <environment>Umgebung</environment> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<global-weather>Wetter</global-weather> <global-weather>Wetter</global-weather> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<time-settings>Zeit</time-settings> <time-settings>Zeit</time-settings> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<wildfire-settings>Flächenbrand</wildfire-settings> <wildfire-settings>Flächenbrand</wildfire-settings> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<terrasync>Download von Szenerie</terrasync> <terrasync>Download von Szenerie</terrasync> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<!-- Equipment menu -->
<equipment>Ausrüstung</equipment> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<map>Karte</map> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<stopwatch>Stoppuhr</stopwatch> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<fuel-and-payload>Treibstoff und Ladung</fuel-and-payload> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<radio>Funkfrequenzen</radio> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<gps>GPS Konfiguration</gps> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<instrument-settings>Instrumente</instrument-settings> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<failure-submenu> --- Fehler ---</failure-submenu> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<random-failures>Zufällige Fehler</random-failures> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<system-failures>Systemfehler</system-failures> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<instrument-failures>Instrumentenfehler</instrument-failures> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<!-- AI menu --> <!-- AI menu -->
<ai>KI</ai> <ai>KI</ai> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<scenario>Flugverkehr und Szenarien</scenario> <scenario>Flugverkehr und Szenarien</scenario> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<atc-in-range>ATC Stationen in der Nähe</atc-in-range> <atc-in-range>ATC Stationen in der Nähe</atc-in-range> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<wingman>Steuerung Flügelmann</wingman> <wingman>Steuerung Flügelmann</wingman> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<tanker>Steuerung Tanker</tanker> <tanker>Steuerung Tanker</tanker> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<carrier>Steuerung Flugzeugträger</carrier> <carrier>Steuerung Flugzeugträger</carrier> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<jetway>Steuerung Fluggastbrücke</jetway> <jetway>Steuerung Fluggastbrücke</jetway> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<!-- Equipment --> <!-- Multiplayer menu -->
<equipment>Ausrüstung</equipment> <multiplayer>Multiplayer</multiplayer> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<map>Karte</map> <mp-settings>Multiplayer Konfiguration</mp-settings> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<stopwatch>Stoppuhr</stopwatch> <mp-chat>MP Chat</mp-chat> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<fuel-and-payload>Treibstoff und Ladung</fuel-and-payload> <mp-chat-menu>MP Chat Menü</mp-chat-menu> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<instrument-settings>Instrumente</instrument-settings> <mp-list>Pilotenliste</mp-list> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<failure-submenu> --- Fehler ---</failure-submenu> <mp-carrier>Auswahl MP Flugzeugträger</mp-carrier> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<random-failures>Zufällige Fehler</random-failures>
<gps>GPS Konfiguration</gps>
<!-- Multiplayer -->
<mp-settings>Multiplayer Konfiguration</mp-settings>
<mp-chat>MP Chat</mp-chat>
<mp-chat-menu>MP Chat Menü</mp-chat-menu>
<mp-carrier>Auswahl MP Flugzeugträger</mp-carrier>
<!-- Debug menu --> <!-- Debug menu -->
<debug>Entwickler</debug> <debug>Entwickler</debug> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<!-- Not translated since options are not useful for end users --> <!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated
since these options are not useful to end users anyway. -->
<!-- <reload-gui>???</reload-gui> --> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<!-- <reload-input>???</reload-input> --> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<!-- <reload-hud>???</reload-hud> --> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<!-- <reload-panel>???</reload-panel> --> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<!-- <reload-autopilot>???</reload-autopilot> --> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<!-- <reload-network>???</reload-network> --> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<!-- <nasal-console>???</nasal-console> --> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<!-- <development-keys>???</development-keys> --> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<!-- <configure-dev-extension>???</configure-dev-extension> --> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<!-- <display-marker>???</display-marker> --> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<!-- <dump-scene-graph>???</dump-scene-graph> --> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<!-- <print-rendering-statistics>???</print-rendering-statistics> --> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<!-- <statistics-display>???</statistics-display> --> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<!-- <performance-monitor>???</performance-monitor> --> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<!-- <property-browser>???</property-browser> --> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<!-- <logging>???</logging> --> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<!-- <local_weather>???</local_weather> --> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<!-- <print-scene-info>???</print-scene-info> --> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<!-- <rendering-buffers>???</rendering-buffers> --> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- <rembrandt-buffers-choice>???</rembrandt-buffers-choice> --> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- Help menu --> <!-- Help menu -->
<help>Hilfe</help> <help>Hilfe</help> <!-- English: "Help" -->
<help-browser>Hilfe (öffnet sich im Browser)</help-browser> <help-browser>Hilfe (öffnet sich im Browser)</help-browser> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<aircraft-keys>Spezielle Hilfe zum aktuellen Flugzeug</aircraft-keys> <aircraft-keys>Spezielle Hilfe zum aktuellen Flugzeug</aircraft-keys> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<joystick-info>Joystick Informationen</joystick-info> <common-keys>Allgemeine Hilfe zur Flugzeugsteuerung</common-keys> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<common-keys>Allgemeine Hilfe zur Flugzeugsteuerung</common-keys> <basic-keys>Hilfe zur Simulatorsteuerung</basic-keys> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<basic-keys>Hilfe zur Simulatorsteuerung</basic-keys> <joystick-info>Joystick Informationen</joystick-info> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<tutorial-start>Übungen und Anleitungen</tutorial-start> <tutorial-start>Übungen und Anleitungen</tutorial-start> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<menu-about>Über FlightGear</menu-about> <menu-about>Über FlightGear</menu-about> <!-- English: "About" -->
</PropertyList> </PropertyList>

View file

@ -2,38 +2,266 @@
<!-- FlightGear options: German language resource --> <!-- FlightGear options: German language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<PropertyList> <PropertyList>
<!-- Fall back -->
<null>No translation available for this text</null>
<!-- --> <usage>Aufruf: fgfs [ Optionen ... ]</usage> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<!-- options file --> <verbose-help>Anzeigen der vollständige Liste aller Optionen mit --help --verbose</verbose-help> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" -->
<!-- -->
<usage>Aufruf: fgfs [ Optionen ... ]</usage>
<verbose-help>Anzeigen der vollständige Liste aller Optionen mit --help --verbose</verbose-help>
<!-- General options --> <!-- General options -->
<general-options>Generelle Optionen</general-options> <general-options>Generelle Optionen</general-options> <!-- English: "General Options" -->
<help-desc>Die wichtigsten Kommandozeilenoptionen zeigen.</help-desc> <help-desc>Die wichtigsten Kommandozeilenoptionen zeigen.</help-desc> <!-- English: "Show the most relevant command line options" -->
<verbose-desc>Zeigt die vollständige Lister aller Kommandozeilenoptionen (mit --help oder -h kombinieren)</verbose-desc> <verbose-desc>Zeigt die vollständige Lister aller Kommandozeilenoptionen (mit --help oder -h kombinieren)</verbose-desc> <!-- English: "Show all command line options when combined with -_help or -h" -->
<version-desc>Zeigt die aktuelle FlightGear Version</version-desc> <version-desc>Zeigt die aktuelle FlightGear Version</version-desc> <!-- English: "Display the current FlightGear version" -->
<fg-root-desc>Konfiguration des FlightGear Datenverzeichnisses</fg-root-desc> <fg-root-desc>Konfiguration des FlightGear Datenverzeichnisses</fg-root-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="0">Konfiguriert den Pfad zu den Szeneriedaten;</fg-scenery-desc> <fg-scenery-desc n="0">Konfiguriert den Pfad zu den Szeneriedaten;</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="1">Voreinstellung ist $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <fg-scenery-desc n="1">Voreinstellung ist $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<fg-aircraft-desc>Konfiguriert Verzeichnisse mit zusätzlichen Flugzeugen</fg-aircraft-desc> <fg-aircraft-desc>Konfiguriert Verzeichnisse mit zusätzlichen Flugzeugen</fg-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<language-desc>Auswahl der Sprache</language-desc> <language-desc>Auswahl der Sprache</language-desc> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<!-- <disable-game-mode-desc>???</disable-game-mode-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" -->
<!-- <enable-game-mode-desc>???</enable-game-mode-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" -->
<!-- <disable-splash-screen-desc>???</disable-splash-screen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<!-- <enable-splash-screen-desc>???</enable-splash-screen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<!-- <disable-save-on-exit>???</disable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<!-- <enable-save-on-exit>???</enable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<!-- <disable-intro-music-desc>???</disable-intro-music-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable introduction music" -->
<!-- <enable-intro-music-desc>???</enable-intro-music-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable introduction music" -->
<!-- <disable-mouse-pointer-desc>???</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<!-- <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">???</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<!-- <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">???</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<!-- <disable-random-objects-desc>???</disable-random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<!-- <enable-random-objects-desc>???</enable-random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<!-- <disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<!-- <enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<!-- <metar-desc>???</metar-desc> --> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<!-- <random-objects-desc>???</random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-models-desc>???</disable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<!-- <enable-ai-models-desc>???</enable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-traffic-desc>???</disable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <enable-ai-traffic-desc>???</enable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <disable-ai-scenarios>???</disable-ai-scenarios> --> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<!-- <ai-scenario>???</ai-scenario> --> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<!-- <disable-freeze-desc>???</disable-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<!-- <enable-freeze-desc>???</enable-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<!-- <disable-fuel-freeze-desc>???</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<!-- <enable-fuel-freeze-desc>???</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<!-- <disable-clock-freeze-desc>???</disable-clock-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<!-- <enable-clock-freeze-desc>???</enable-clock-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<!-- <control-desc>???</control-desc> --> <!-- English: "Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse)" -->
<!-- <enable-auto-coordination-desc>???</enable-auto-coordination-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<!-- <disable-auto-coordination-desc>???</disable-auto-coordination-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<!-- <browser-app-desc>???</browser-app-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<!-- <prop-desc>???</prop-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set property &lt;name&gt; to &lt;value&gt;. &lt;type&gt; can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<!-- <config-desc>???</config-desc> --> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<!-- <units-feet-desc>???</units-feet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<!-- <units-meters-desc>???</units-meters-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<!-- Features options -->
<!-- <environment-options>???</environment-options> --> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<!-- <features-options>???</features-options> --> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<!-- <disable-hud-desc>???</disable-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-desc>???</enable-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<!-- <disable-panel-desc>???</disable-panel-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<!-- <enable-panel-desc>???</enable-panel-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<!-- <disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>???</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>???</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<!-- <disable-hud-3d-desc>???</disable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-3d-desc>???</enable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- Aircraft options --> <!-- Aircraft options -->
<aircraft-options>Flugzeug Optionen</aircraft-options> <aircraft-options>Flugzeug Optionen</aircraft-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
<aircraft-desc>Auswahl eines Flugzeugs (wählt ein &lt;name&gt;-set.xml Profil aus)</aircraft-desc> <aircraft-desc>Auswahl eines Flugzeugs (wählt ein &lt;name&gt;-set.xml Profil aus)</aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<show-aircraft-desc>Zeigt eine Liste der verfügbaren Flugzeugtypen</show-aircraft-desc> <show-aircraft-desc>Zeigt eine Liste der verfügbaren Flugzeugtypen</show-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<min-aircraft-status>Schränkt die Anzeige auf Flugzeuge mit diesem minimalem Status ein</min-aircraft-status> <min-aircraft-status>Schränkt die Anzeige auf Flugzeuge mit diesem minimalem Status ein</min-aircraft-status> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<!-- <vehicle-desc>???</vehicle-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<!-- <livery-desc>???</livery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<!-- Flight Dynamics Model options -->
<!-- <fdm-options>???</fdm-options> --> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<!-- <fdm-desc n="0">???</fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<!-- <fdm-desc n="1">???</fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<!-- <aero-desc>???</aero-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<!-- <model-hz-desc>???</model-hz-desc> --> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<!-- <speed-desc>???</speed-desc> --> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<!-- <notrim-desc n="0">???</notrim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<!-- <notrim-desc n="1">???</notrim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="0">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="1">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- <on-ground-desc>???</on-ground-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<!-- <in-air-desc>???</in-air-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<!-- <wind-desc>???</wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<!-- <random-wind-desc>???</random-wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<!-- <turbulence-desc>???</turbulence-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<!-- <ceiling-desc>???</ceiling-desc> --> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<!-- <aircraft-dir-desc>???</aircraft-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<!-- <aircraft-model-options>???</aircraft-model-options> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<!-- Position and Orientation options --> <!-- Position and Orientation options -->
<position-options>Position und Orientierung</position-options> <position-options>Position und Orientierung</position-options> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" -->
<airport-desc>Auswahl des Flughafens (bzw. relative Position zu diesem)</airport-desc> <airport-desc>Auswahl des Flughafens (bzw. relative Position zu diesem)</airport-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" -->
<carrier-desc>Auswahl einer Startposition auf einem Flugzeugträger</carrier-desc> <parking-id-desc>Auswahl einer Parkposition am ausgewählten Flughafen</parking-id-desc> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" -->
<parking-id-desc>Auswahl einer Parkposition am ausgewählten Flughafen</parking-id-desc> <carrier-desc>Auswahl einer Startposition auf einem Flugzeugträger</carrier-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" -->
<runway-no-desc>Auswahl einer Startbahn am ausgewählten Flughafen</runway-no-desc> <!-- <parkpos-desc>???</parkpos-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<!-- <vor-desc>???</vor-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<!-- <vor-freq-desc>???</vor-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<!-- <ndb-desc>???</ndb-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<!-- <ndb-freq-desc>???</ndb-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<!-- <fix-desc>???</fix-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<runway-no-desc>Auswahl einer Startbahn am ausgewählten Flughafen</runway-no-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<!-- <offset-distance-desc>???</offset-distance-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<!-- <offset-azimuth-desc>???</offset-azimuth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<!-- <lon-desc>???</lon-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<!-- <lat-desc>???</lat-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<!-- <altitude-desc>???</altitude-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<!-- <heading-desc>???</heading-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<!-- <roll-desc>???</roll-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<!-- <pitch-desc>???</pitch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<!-- <uBody-desc>???</uBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<!-- <vBody-desc>???</vBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<!-- <wBody-desc>???</wBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<!-- <vNorth-desc>???</vNorth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<!-- <vEast-desc>???</vEast-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<!-- <vDown-desc>???</vDown-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<!-- <vc-desc>???</vc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<!-- <mach-desc>???</mach-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<!-- <glideslope-desc>???</glideslope-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<!-- <roc-desc>???</roc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<!-- sound options -->
<!-- <audio-options>???</audio-options> --> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<!-- <disable-sound-desc>???</disable-sound-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<!-- <enable-sound-desc>???</enable-sound-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<!-- <show-sound-devices-desc>???</show-sound-devices-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<!-- <sound-device-desc>???</sound-device-desc> --> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<!-- Rendering options -->
<!-- <rendering-options>???</rendering-options> --> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<!-- <bpp-desc>???</bpp-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<!-- <fog-disable-desc>???</fog-disable-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<!-- <fog-fastest-desc>???</fog-fastest-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<!-- <fog-nicest-desc>???</fog-nicest-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<!-- <disable-horizon-effect>???</disable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<!-- <enable-horizon-effect>???</enable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<!-- <disable-enhanced-lighting>???</disable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<!-- <enable-enhanced-lighting>???</enable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<!-- <disable-distance-attenuation>???</disable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<!-- <enable-distance-attenuation>???</enable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<!-- <disable-specular-highlight>???</disable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<!-- <enable-specular-highlight>???</enable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<!-- <enable-clouds-desc>???</enable-clouds-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <disable-clouds-desc>???</disable-clouds-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <enable-clouds3d-desc>???</enable-clouds3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <disable-clouds3d-desc>???</disable-clouds3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <fov-desc>???</fov-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<!-- <arm-desc>???</arm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<!-- <disable-fullscreen-desc>???</disable-fullscreen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<!-- <enable-fullscreen-desc>???</enable-fullscreen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<!-- <shading-flat-desc>???</shading-flat-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<!-- <shading-smooth-desc>???</shading-smooth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<!-- <disable-skyblend-desc>???</disable-skyblend-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable sky blending" -->
<!-- <enable-skyblend-desc>???</enable-skyblend-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" -->
<!-- <disable-textures-desc>???</disable-textures-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<!-- <enable-textures-desc>???</enable-textures-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<!-- <materials-file-desc>???</materials-file-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<!-- <texture-filtering-desc>???</texture-filtering-desc> --> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<!-- <disable-wireframe-desc>???</disable-wireframe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<!-- <enable-wireframe-desc>???</enable-wireframe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<!-- <geometry-desc>???</geometry-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<!-- <view-offset-desc>???</view-offset-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<!-- <visibility-desc>???</visibility-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<!-- <visibility-miles-desc>???</visibility-miles-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<!-- <max-fps-desc>???</max-fps-desc> --> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<!-- Hud options -->
<!-- <hud-options>???</hud-options> --> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<!-- <hud-tris-desc>???</hud-tris-desc> --> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<!-- <hud-culled-desc>???</hud-culled-desc> --> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<!-- Time options -->
<!-- <time-options>???</time-options> --> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<!-- <timeofday-desc>???</timeofday-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<!-- <season-desc>???</season-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<!-- <time-offset-desc>???</time-offset-desc> --> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<!-- <time-match-real-desc>???</time-match-real-desc> --> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<!-- <time-match-local-desc>???</time-match-local-desc> --> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<!-- <start-date-desc>???</start-date-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<!-- Network options -->
<!-- <network-options>???</network-options> --> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<!-- <httpd-desc>???</httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <proxy-desc>???</proxy-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<!-- <telnet-desc>???</telnet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <jpg-httpd-desc>???</jpg-httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <disable-terrasync-desc>???</disable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <enable-terrasync-desc>???</enable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <terrasync-dir-desc>???</terrasync-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<!-- MultiPlayer options -->
<!-- <multiplayer-options>???</multiplayer-options> --> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<!-- <multiplay-desc>???</multiplay-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<!-- <callsign-desc>???</callsign-desc> --> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<!-- Route/Way Point Options -->
<!-- <route-options>???</route-options> --> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<!-- <wp-desc>???</wp-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<!-- <flight-plan-desc>???</flight-plan-desc> --> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<!-- IO Options -->
<!-- <io-options>???</io-options> --> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<!-- <AV400-desc>???</AV400-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<!-- <AV400Sim-desc>???</AV400Sim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<!-- <atlas-desc>???</atlas-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<!-- <atcsim-desc>???</atcsim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<!-- <garmin-desc>???</garmin-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<!-- <joyclient-desc>???</joyclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<!-- <jsclient-desc>???</jsclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<!-- <native-ctrls-desc>???</native-ctrls-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<!-- <native-fdm-desc>???</native-fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<!-- <native-gui-desc>???</native-gui-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<!-- <native-desc>???</native-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<!-- <nmea-desc>???</nmea-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<!-- <generic-desc>???</generic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<!-- <opengc-desc>???</opengc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<!-- <props-desc>???</props-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<!-- <pve-desc>???</pve-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<!-- <ray-desc>???</ray-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<!-- <rul-desc>???</rul-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<!-- Avionics Options -->
<!-- <avionics-options>???</avionics-options> --> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
<!-- <com1-desc>???</com1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <com2-desc>???</com2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <nav1-desc>???</nav1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <nav2-desc>???</nav2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <adf1-desc>???</adf1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <adf2-desc>???</adf2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <dme-desc>???</dme-desc> --> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<!-- <situation-options>???</situation-options> --> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<!-- <failure-desc>???</failure-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<!-- Debugging Options -->
<!-- <debugging-options>???</debugging-options> --> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<!-- <fpe-desc>???</fpe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<!-- <fgviewer-desc>???</fgviewer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<!-- <trace-read-desc>???</trace-read-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<!-- <trace-write-desc>???</trace-write-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<!-- <log-level-desc>???</log-level-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<!-- <log-class-desc>???</log-class-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->
</PropertyList> </PropertyList>

View file

@ -2,47 +2,129 @@
<!-- FlightGear menu: Spanish language resource --> <!-- FlightGear menu: Spanish language resource -->
<PropertyList> <!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
<!-- Menu --> ### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
<!-- File menu --> ###
<file>Archivo</file> ### To translate:
<save-flight>Guardar vuelo</save-flight> ### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
<load-flight>Cargar vuelo</load-flight> ### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
<reset>Reset</reset> ### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
<hi-res-snap-shot>Fotografía Hi-res</hi-res-snap-shot> ### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
<snap-shot>Fotografía</snap-shot> ### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
<print>Imprimir</print> ### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
<exit>Salir</exit> ### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
<!-- View menu --> ### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
<view>Visualizar</view> ### -->
<toggle-panel>Panel de instrumentos ON/OFF</toggle-panel> <PropertyList>
<pilot-offset>Posición del piloto</pilot-offset>
<hud-alpha>Alpha HUD</hud-alpha> <!-- File menu -->
<properties>Propriedades</properties> <file>Archivo</file> <!-- English: "File" -->
<reset>Reset</reset> <!-- English: "Reset" -->
<!-- Environment menu --> <snap-shot>Fotografía</snap-shot> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<presets>Entorno</presets> <!-- <snap-shot-dir>???</snap-shot-dir> --> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<preset-airport>Nuevo aeropuerto</preset-airport> <!-- <sound-config>???</sound-config> --> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<preset-runway>Nueva pista</preset-runway> <exit>Salir</exit> <!-- English: "Quit " -->
<preset-offset-distance>Nueva distancia</preset-offset-distance>
<preset-altitude>Nueva altitud</preset-altitude> <!-- View menu -->
<preset-glideslope>Nueva dirección (grados)</preset-glideslope> <view>Visualizar</view> <!-- English: "View" -->
<preset-airspeed>Nueva velocidad (nudos)</preset-airspeed> <!-- <display-options>???</display-options> --> <!-- English: "Display Options" -->
<preset-commit>Activar modificaciones</preset-commit> <!-- <rendering-options>???</rendering-options> --> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<!-- <view-options>???</view-options> --> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<!-- Autopilot menu --> <!-- <cockpit-view-options>???</cockpit-view-options> --> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<autopilot>Autopiloto</autopilot> <!-- <adjust-lod>???</adjust-lod> --> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<set-heading>Nueva dirección</set-heading> <pilot-offset>Posición del piloto</pilot-offset> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" -->
<set-altitude>Nueva altitud</set-altitude> <!-- <adjust-hud>???</adjust-hud> --> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<add-waypoint>Añadir waypoint</add-waypoint> <!-- <toggle-glide-slope>???</toggle-glide-slope> --> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<skip-current-waypoint>Evitar waypoint</skip-current-waypoint> <!-- <replay>???</replay> --> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<clear-route>Cancelar ruta</clear-route> <!-- <stereoscopic-options>???</stereoscopic-options> --> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<adjust-ap-settings>Cambiar ajustes AP</adjust-ap-settings>
<toggle-hud-format>Cambiar formato HUD</toggle-hud-format> <!-- Location menu -->
<!-- <location>???</location> --> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<!-- Help menu --> <!-- <position-on-ground>???</position-on-ground> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft On Ground" -->
<help>Ayuda</help> <!-- <position-in-air>???</position-in-air> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<!-- <goto-airport>???</goto-airport> --> <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" -->
</PropertyList> <!-- <random-attitude>???</random-attitude> --> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<!-- <tower-position>???</tower-position> --> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<!-- Autopilot menu -->
<autopilot>Autopiloto</autopilot> <!-- English: "Autopilot" -->
<!-- <autopilot-settings>???</autopilot-settings> --> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<!-- <route-manager>???</route-manager> --> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<!-- <previous-waypoint>???</previous-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<!-- <next-waypoint>???</next-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<!-- Environment menu -->
<!-- <environment>???</environment> --> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<!-- <global-weather>???</global-weather> --> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<!-- <time-settings>???</time-settings> --> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<!-- <wildfire-settings>???</wildfire-settings> --> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<!-- <terrasync>???</terrasync> --> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<!-- Equipment menu -->
<!-- <equipment>???</equipment> --> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<!-- <map>???</map> --> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<!-- <stopwatch>???</stopwatch> --> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<!-- <fuel-and-payload>???</fuel-and-payload> --> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<!-- <radio>???</radio> --> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<!-- <gps>???</gps> --> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<!-- <instrument-settings>???</instrument-settings> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<!-- <failure-submenu>???</failure-submenu> --> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<!-- <random-failures>???</random-failures> --> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<!-- <system-failures>???</system-failures> --> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<!-- <instrument-failures>???</instrument-failures> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<!-- AI menu -->
<!-- <ai>???</ai> --> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<!-- <scenario>???</scenario> --> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<!-- <atc-in-range>???</atc-in-range> --> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<!-- <wingman>???</wingman> --> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<!-- <tanker>???</tanker> --> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<!-- <carrier>???</carrier> --> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<!-- <jetway>???</jetway> --> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<!-- Multiplayer menu -->
<!-- <multiplayer>???</multiplayer> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<!-- <mp-settings>???</mp-settings> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<!-- <mp-chat>???</mp-chat> --> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<!-- <mp-chat-menu>???</mp-chat-menu> --> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<!-- <mp-list>???</mp-list> --> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<!-- <mp-carrier>???</mp-carrier> --> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<!-- Debug menu -->
<!-- <debug>???</debug> --> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated
since these options are not useful to end users anyway. -->
<!-- <reload-gui>???</reload-gui> --> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<!-- <reload-input>???</reload-input> --> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<!-- <reload-hud>???</reload-hud> --> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<!-- <reload-panel>???</reload-panel> --> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<!-- <reload-autopilot>???</reload-autopilot> --> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<!-- <reload-network>???</reload-network> --> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<!-- <nasal-console>???</nasal-console> --> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<!-- <development-keys>???</development-keys> --> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<!-- <configure-dev-extension>???</configure-dev-extension> --> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<!-- <display-marker>???</display-marker> --> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<!-- <dump-scene-graph>???</dump-scene-graph> --> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<!-- <print-rendering-statistics>???</print-rendering-statistics> --> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<!-- <statistics-display>???</statistics-display> --> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<!-- <performance-monitor>???</performance-monitor> --> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<!-- <property-browser>???</property-browser> --> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<!-- <logging>???</logging> --> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<!-- <local_weather>???</local_weather> --> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<!-- <print-scene-info>???</print-scene-info> --> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<!-- <rendering-buffers>???</rendering-buffers> --> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- <rembrandt-buffers-choice>???</rembrandt-buffers-choice> --> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- Help menu -->
<help>Ayuda</help> <!-- English: "Help" -->
<!-- <help-browser>???</help-browser> --> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<!-- <aircraft-keys>???</aircraft-keys> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<!-- <common-keys>???</common-keys> --> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<!-- <basic-keys>???</basic-keys> --> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<!-- <joystick-info>???</joystick-info> --> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<!-- <tutorial-start>???</tutorial-start> --> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<!-- <menu-about>???</menu-about> --> <!-- English: "About" -->

View file

@ -2,246 +2,266 @@
<!-- FlightGear options: Spanish language resource --> <!-- FlightGear options: Spanish language resource -->
<PropertyList> <!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
<!-- Fall back --> ### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
<null>Ninguna traducción</null> ###
### To translate:
<!-- --> ### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
<!-- options file --> ### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
<!-- --> ### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
<usage>Usage: fgfs [ opción ... ]</usage> ### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
<verbose-help>Para una lista completa de opciones use --help --verbose</verbose-help> ### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
<!-- General options --> ### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
<general-options>Opciones Generales</general-options> ###
<help-desc>Muestra las opciones de linea de comandos más relevantes</help-desc> ### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
<verbose-desc>Muestra todas las opciones de la linea de comandos cuando se combinan con --help o -h</verbose-desc> ### -->
<version-desc>Muestra la versión actual de FlightGear</version-desc> <PropertyList>
<fg-root-desc>Especifica la ruta básica a los datos</fg-root-desc>
<fg-scenery-desc n="0">Especifica la ruta básica a las escenografías;</fg-scenery-desc> <usage>Usage: fgfs [ opción ... ]</usage> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="1">Por defecto falla a $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <verbose-help>Para una lista completa de opciones use --help --verbose</verbose-help> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" -->
<language-desc>Selecciona el idioma para esta sesión</language-desc>
<disable-game-mode-desc>Desactiva el modo de pantalla completa</disable-game-mode-desc> <!-- General options -->
<enable-game-mode-desc>Activa el modo de pantalla completa</enable-game-mode-desc> <general-options>Opciones Generales</general-options> <!-- English: "General Options" -->
<disable-splash-screen-desc>Desactiva splash screen</disable-splash-screen-desc> <help-desc>Muestra las opciones de linea de comandos más relevantes</help-desc> <!-- English: "Show the most relevant command line options" -->
<enable-splash-screen-desc>Activa splash screen</enable-splash-screen-desc> <verbose-desc>Muestra todas las opciones de la linea de comandos cuando se combinan con --help o -h</verbose-desc> <!-- English: "Show all command line options when combined with -_help or -h" -->
<disable-save-on-exit>No guardar las preferencias al salir del programa</disable-save-on-exit> <version-desc>Muestra la versión actual de FlightGear</version-desc> <!-- English: "Display the current FlightGear version" -->
<enable-save-on-exit>Permitir guardar las preferencias al salir del programa</enable-save-on-exit> <fg-root-desc>Especifica la ruta básica a los datos</fg-root-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" -->
<disable-intro-music-desc>Desactiva la introducción musical</disable-intro-music-desc> <fg-scenery-desc n="0">Especifica la ruta básica a las escenografías;</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" -->
<enable-intro-music-desc>Activa la introducción musical</enable-intro-music-desc> <fg-scenery-desc n="1">Por defecto falla a $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Desactiva el puntero extra del ratón</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- <fg-aircraft-desc>???</fg-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Activa el puntero extra del ratón</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <language-desc>Selecciona el idioma para esta sesión</language-desc> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(p.ej. para tarjetas tipo Voodoo a pantalla completa)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <disable-game-mode-desc>Desactiva el modo de pantalla completa</disable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" -->
<disable-random-objects-desc>Excluir objetos aleatorios de escenografía</disable-random-objects-desc> <enable-game-mode-desc>Activa el modo de pantalla completa</enable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" -->
<enable-random-objects-desc>Incluir objetos aleatorios de escenografía</enable-random-objects-desc> <disable-splash-screen-desc>Desactiva splash screen</disable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Desactiva la recogida de meteo real basada en METAR</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <enable-splash-screen-desc>Activa splash screen</enable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Activa la recogida de meteo real basada en METAR(esto requiere una conexión abierta a internet)</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <disable-save-on-exit>No guardar las preferencias al salir del programa</disable-save-on-exit> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<metar-desc>Pasar una METAR para establecer una meteo estática</metar-desc> <enable-save-on-exit>Permitir guardar las preferencias al salir del programa</enable-save-on-exit> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<random-objects-desc>(edificios, etc.)</random-objects-desc> <disable-intro-music-desc>Desactiva la introducción musical</disable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Disable introduction music" -->
<disable-ai-models-desc>Desactiva el subsistema de tráfico artificial.</disable-ai-models-desc> <enable-intro-music-desc>Activa la introducción musical</enable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Enable introduction music" -->
<enable-ai-models-desc>Activa el tráfico artificial.</enable-ai-models-desc> <disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Desactiva el puntero extra del ratón</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<ai-scenario>Añade y activa un nuevo escenario. Se permite múltiples opciones.</ai-scenario> <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Activa el puntero extra del ratón</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<disable-freeze-desc>Comenzar en un estado arrancado</disable-freeze-desc> <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(p.ej. para tarjetas tipo Voodoo a pantalla completa)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<enable-freeze-desc>Comenzar en un estado congelado</enable-freeze-desc> <disable-random-objects-desc>Excluir objetos aleatorios de escenografía</disable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Se consume combustible con normalidad</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <enable-random-objects-desc>Incluir objetos aleatorios de escenografía</enable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<enable-fuel-freeze-desc>Se fuerza a permanecer constante la cantidad del depósito de combustible</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Desactiva la recogida de meteo real basada en METAR</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<disable-clock-freeze-desc>El reloj avanza con normalidad</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Activa la recogida de meteo real basada en METAR(esto requiere una conexión abierta a internet)</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<enable-clock-freeze-desc>No se avanza el reloj</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <metar-desc>Pasar una METAR para establecer una meteo estática</metar-desc> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<control-desc>Modo de control primario (joystick, teclado, ratón)</control-desc> <random-objects-desc>(edificios, etc.)</random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<enable-auto-coordination-desc>Activa la autocoordinación</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <disable-ai-models-desc>Desactiva el subsistema de tráfico artificial.</disable-ai-models-desc> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<disable-auto-coordination-desc>Desactiva autocoordinación</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <enable-ai-models-desc>Activa el tráfico artificial.</enable-ai-models-desc> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<browser-app-desc>Especifica la ruta a tu navegador web</browser-app-desc> <!-- <disable-ai-traffic-desc>???</disable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<prop-desc>Establece la propiedad &lt;nombre&gt; al &lt;valor&gt;. El &lt;tipo&gt; puede ser una cadena de caracteres (string), doble (double), flotante (float), largo (long), entero (int), o de verdad (bool).</prop-desc> <!-- <enable-ai-traffic-desc>???</enable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<config-desc>Carga propiedades adicionales de la ruta</config-desc> <!-- <disable-ai-scenarios>???</disable-ai-scenarios> --> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<units-feet-desc>Usar pies para distancias</units-feet-desc> <ai-scenario>Añade y activa un nuevo escenario. Se permite múltiples opciones.</ai-scenario> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<units-meters-desc>Usar metros para distancias</units-meters-desc> <disable-freeze-desc>Comenzar en un estado arrancado</disable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<enable-freeze-desc>Comenzar en un estado congelado</enable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<!-- Features options --> <disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Se consume combustible con normalidad</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<environment-options>Opciones de entorno</environment-options> <enable-fuel-freeze-desc>Se fuerza a permanecer constante la cantidad del depósito de combustible</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<features-options>Características</features-options> <disable-clock-freeze-desc>El reloj avanza con normalidad</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<disable-hud-desc>Desactiva visor frontal (HUD)</disable-hud-desc> <enable-clock-freeze-desc>No se avanza el reloj</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<enable-hud-desc>Activa visor frontal (HUD)</enable-hud-desc> <control-desc>Modo de control primario (joystick, teclado, ratón)</control-desc> <!-- English: "Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse)" -->
<disable-panel-desc>Desactiva el panel de instrumentos</disable-panel-desc> <enable-auto-coordination-desc>Activa la autocoordinación</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<enable-panel-desc>Activa el panel de instrumentos</enable-panel-desc> <disable-auto-coordination-desc>Desactiva autocoordinación</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Desactiva el HUD sin distorsión (anti-aliased)</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <browser-app-desc>Especifica la ruta a tu navegador web</browser-app-desc> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Activa el HUD sin distorsión (anti-aliased)</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <prop-desc>Establece la propiedad &lt;nombre&gt; al &lt;valor&gt;. El &lt;tipo&gt; puede ser una cadena de caracteres (string), doble (double), flotante (float), largo (long), entero (int), o de verdad (bool).</prop-desc> <!-- English: "Set property &lt;name&gt; to &lt;value&gt;. &lt;type&gt; can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<disable-hud-3d-desc>Desactiva el 3D HUD</disable-hud-3d-desc> <config-desc>Carga propiedades adicionales de la ruta</config-desc> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<enable-hud-3d-desc>Activa el 3D HUD</enable-hud-3d-desc> <units-feet-desc>Usar pies para distancias</units-feet-desc> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<units-meters-desc>Usar metros para distancias</units-meters-desc> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<!-- Aircraft options -->
<aircraft-options>Aeronave</aircraft-options> <!-- Features options -->
<aircraft-desc>Selecciona un perfil de aeronave definido por el &lt;nombre&gt;-set.xml de nivel superior</aircraft-desc> <environment-options>Opciones de entorno</environment-options> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<show-aircraft-desc>Muestra una lista de los tipos de aeronaves actualmente disponibles</show-aircraft-desc> <features-options>Características</features-options> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<min-aircraft-status>Permite que definas un nivel de status mínimo (=estado de desarollo) para todas las aeronaves listadas</min-aircraft-status> <disable-hud-desc>Desactiva visor frontal (HUD)</disable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<vehicle-desc>Selecciona un perfill de vehiculo definido por un &lt;nombre&gt;-set.xml de nivel superior</vehicle-desc> <enable-hud-desc>Activa visor frontal (HUD)</enable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<livery-desc>Selecciona la librea (insignia, emblema) de la aeronave</livery-desc> <disable-panel-desc>Desactiva el panel de instrumentos</disable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<enable-panel-desc>Activa el panel de instrumentos</enable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Desactiva el HUD sin distorsión (anti-aliased)</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<!-- Flight Dynamics Model options --> <enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Activa el HUD sin distorsión (anti-aliased)</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<fdm-options>Modelo de vuelo</fdm-options> <disable-hud-3d-desc>Desactiva el 3D HUD</disable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<fdm-desc n="0">Selecciona el núcleo del modelo de dinámicas de vuelo ()</fdm-desc> <enable-hud-3d-desc>Activa el 3D HUD</enable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<fdm-desc n="1">Puede ser uno de jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, o nulo</fdm-desc>
<aero-desc>Selecciona el modelo de aerodinámicas de la aeronave para cargar</aero-desc> <!-- Aircraft options -->
<model-hz-desc>Ejecutar el FDM a este ratio (iteraciones por segundo)</model-hz-desc> <aircraft-options>Aeronave</aircraft-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
<speed-desc>Ejecutar el FDM 'n' veces más rápido que el tiempo real</speed-desc> <aircraft-desc>Selecciona un perfil de aeronave definido por el &lt;nombre&gt;-set.xml de nivel superior</aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<notrim-desc n="0">NO intentar compensar el modelo</notrim-desc> <show-aircraft-desc>Muestra una lista de los tipos de aeronaves actualmente disponibles</show-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<notrim-desc n="1">(solo con fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <min-aircraft-status>Permite que definas un nivel de status mínimo (=estado de desarollo) para todas las aeronaves listadas</min-aircraft-status> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<trim-desc n="0">Compensar el modelo</trim-desc> <vehicle-desc>Selecciona un perfill de vehiculo definido por un &lt;nombre&gt;-set.xml de nivel superior</vehicle-desc> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<trim-desc n="1">(solo con fdm=jsbsim)</trim-desc> <livery-desc>Selecciona la librea (insignia, emblema) de la aeronave</livery-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<on-ground-desc>Comenzar a nivel de tierra (por defecto)</on-ground-desc>
<in-air-desc>Comenzar en el aire (implicado cuando se usa --altitude)</in-air-desc> <!-- Flight Dynamics Model options -->
<wind-desc>Especifica el viento llagando desde DIRECCION (grados) at VELOCIDAD (nudos)</wind-desc> <fdm-options>Modelo de vuelo</fdm-options> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<random-wind-desc>Establece vientos de direccion y velocidad aleatorios</random-wind-desc> <fdm-desc n="0">Selecciona el núcleo del modelo de dinámicas de vuelo ()</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<turbulence-desc>Especifica turbulencias desde 0.0 (calmadas) to 1.0 (severas)</turbulence-desc> <fdm-desc n="1">Puede ser uno de jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, o nulo</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<ceiling-desc>Crear un techo encapotado, opcionalmente con un grosor específico (por defecto a los 2000 pies).</ceiling-desc> <aero-desc>Selecciona el modelo de aerodinámicas de la aeronave para cargar</aero-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<aircraft-dir-desc>Directorio de aeronaves relativo a la ruta del ejecutable</aircraft-dir-desc> <model-hz-desc>Ejecutar el FDM a este ratio (iteraciones por segundo)</model-hz-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<speed-desc>Ejecutar el FDM 'n' veces más rápido que el tiempo real</speed-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<aircraft-model-options>Directorio de modelos de aeronaves(SOLO UIUC FDM)</aircraft-model-options> <notrim-desc n="0">NO intentar compensar el modelo</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<notrim-desc n="1">(solo con fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- Position and Orientation options --> <trim-desc n="0">Compensar el modelo</trim-desc> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<position-options>posición y orientacion iniciales</position-options> <trim-desc n="1">(solo con fdm=jsbsim)</trim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<airport-desc>Especifica la posición de comienzo relativa a un aeropuerto</airport-desc> <on-ground-desc>Comenzar a nivel de tierra (por defecto)</on-ground-desc> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<parking-id-desc>Especifica la posición de parking en un aeropuerto (se debe especificar el aeropuerto)</parking-id-desc> <in-air-desc>Comenzar en el aire (implicado cuando se usa --altitude)</in-air-desc> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<carrier-desc>Especifica la posición de comienzo en un portaaviones AI</carrier-desc> <wind-desc>Especifica el viento llagando desde DIRECCION (grados) at VELOCIDAD (nudos)</wind-desc> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<parkpos-desc>Especifica qué posición de comienzo en un portaaviones AI (se debe especificar este)</parkpos-desc> <random-wind-desc>Establece vientos de direccion y velocidad aleatorios</random-wind-desc> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<vor-desc>Especifica la posición de comienzo relativa a un VOR</vor-desc> <turbulence-desc>Especifica turbulencias desde 0.0 (calmadas) to 1.0 (severas)</turbulence-desc> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<ndb-desc>Especifica la posición de comienzo relativa a un NDB</ndb-desc> <ceiling-desc>Crear un techo encapotado, opcionalmente con un grosor específico (por defecto a los 2000 pies).</ceiling-desc> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<fix-desc>Especificas la posición de comienzo relativa a un fijo</fix-desc> <aircraft-dir-desc>Directorio de aeronaves relativo a la ruta del ejecutable</aircraft-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<runway-no-desc>Especificastarting runway (must also specify an airport)</runway-no-desc>
<offset-distance-desc>Especifica la distancia al punto de referencia (en millas estatutarias: statute miles)</offset-distance-desc> <aircraft-model-options>Directorio de modelos de aeronaves(SOLO UIUC FDM)</aircraft-model-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<offset-azimuth-desc>Especifica la direccion al punto de referencia</offset-azimuth-desc>
<lon-desc>Longitud de comienzo (oeste = -)</lon-desc> <!-- Position and Orientation options -->
<lat-desc>Latitud de comienzo (sur = -)</lat-desc> <position-options>posición y orientacion iniciales</position-options> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" -->
<altitude-desc>Altitud de comienzo</altitude-desc> <airport-desc>Especifica la posición de comienzo relativa a un aeropuerto</airport-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" -->
<heading-desc>Especifica el ángulo de la direccion (giñada) (Psi)</heading-desc> <parking-id-desc>Especifica la posición de parking en un aeropuerto (se debe especificar el aeropuerto)</parking-id-desc> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" -->
<roll-desc>Especifica el ángulo de alabeo (Phi)</roll-desc> <carrier-desc>Especifica la posición de comienzo en un portaaviones AI</carrier-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" -->
<pitch-desc>Especifica el ángulo de cabeceo (Theta)</pitch-desc> <parkpos-desc>Especifica qué posición de comienzo en un portaaviones AI (se debe especificar este)</parkpos-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<uBody-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje X del cuerpo</uBody-desc> <vor-desc>Especifica la posición de comienzo relativa a un VOR</vor-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<vBody-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje Y del cuerpo</vBody-desc> <!-- <vor-freq-desc>???</vor-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<wBody-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje Z del cuerpo</wBody-desc> <ndb-desc>Especifica la posición de comienzo relativa a un NDB</ndb-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<vNorth-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje Sur-Norte</vNorth-desc> <!-- <ndb-freq-desc>???</ndb-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<vEast-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje Oeste-Este</vEast-desc> <fix-desc>Especificas la posición de comienzo relativa a un fijo</fix-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<vDown-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje vertical</vDown-desc> <runway-no-desc>Especificastarting runway (must also specify an airport)</runway-no-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<vc-desc>Especifica la velocidad inicial del viento</vc-desc> <offset-distance-desc>Especifica la distancia al punto de referencia (en millas estatutarias: statute miles)</offset-distance-desc> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<mach-desc>Especifica el numero mach inicial</mach-desc> <offset-azimuth-desc>Especifica la direccion al punto de referencia</offset-azimuth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<glideslope-desc>Especifica el ángulo de planeo de ruta de vuelo(puede ser positivo)</glideslope-desc> <lon-desc>Longitud de comienzo (oeste = -)</lon-desc> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<roc-desc>Especifica el ratio de ascensión (puede ser negativo)</roc-desc> <lat-desc>Latitud de comienzo (sur = -)</lat-desc> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<altitude-desc>Altitud de comienzo</altitude-desc> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<!-- sound options --> <heading-desc>Especifica el ángulo de la direccion (giñada) (Psi)</heading-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<audio-options>Opciones de Audio</audio-options> <roll-desc>Especifica el ángulo de alabeo (Phi)</roll-desc> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<disable-sound-desc>Desactiva efectos sonoros</disable-sound-desc> <pitch-desc>Especifica el ángulo de cabeceo (Theta)</pitch-desc> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<enable-sound-desc>Activa efectos sonoros</enable-sound-desc> <uBody-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje X del cuerpo</uBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<show-sound-devices-desc>Muestra una lista de dispositivos disponibles de audio</show-sound-devices-desc> <vBody-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje Y del cuerpo</vBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<sound-device-desc>Explicitamente especifica el dispositivo de audio a usar</sound-device-desc> <wBody-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje Z del cuerpo</wBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<vNorth-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje Sur-Norte</vNorth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<!-- Rendering options --> <vEast-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje Oeste-Este</vEast-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<rendering-options>Opciones de Renderización</rendering-options> <vDown-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje vertical</vDown-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<bpp-desc>Especifica los bits por pixel</bpp-desc> <vc-desc>Especifica la velocidad inicial del viento</vc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<fog-disable-desc>Desactiva la niebla/bruma</fog-disable-desc> <mach-desc>Especifica el numero mach inicial</mach-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<fog-fastest-desc>Activa la mas rápida niebla/bruma</fog-fastest-desc> <glideslope-desc>Especifica el ángulo de planeo de ruta de vuelo(puede ser positivo)</glideslope-desc> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<fog-nicest-desc>Activa la mejor nieble/bruma</fog-nicest-desc> <roc-desc>Especifica el ratio de ascensión (puede ser negativo)</roc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<disable-horizon-effect>Desactiva la ilusión de crecimiento de los cuerpos celestes cerca del horizonte</disable-horizon-effect>
<enable-horizon-effect>Activa la ilusión de crecimiento de los cuerpos celestes cerca del horizonte</enable-horizon-effect> <!-- sound options -->
<disable-enhanced-lighting>Desactiva la iluminación mejorada de pistas</disable-enhanced-lighting> <audio-options>Opciones de Audio</audio-options> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<enable-enhanced-lighting>Activa la iluminación mejorada de pistas</enable-enhanced-lighting> <disable-sound-desc>Desactiva efectos sonoros</disable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<disable-distance-attenuation>Desactiva la atenuación por distancia de la iluminación de pistas</disable-distance-attenuation> <enable-sound-desc>Activa efectos sonoros</enable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<enable-distance-attenuation>Activa la atenuación por distancia de la iluminación de pistas</enable-distance-attenuation> <show-sound-devices-desc>Muestra una lista de dispositivos disponibles de audio</show-sound-devices-desc> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<disable-specular-highlight>Desactiva los reflejos especulares en objetos texturizados</disable-specular-highlight> <sound-device-desc>Explicitamente especifica el dispositivo de audio a usar</sound-device-desc> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<enable-specular-highlight>Activa los reflejos especulares en objetos texturizados</enable-specular-highlight>
<enable-clouds-desc>Activa las capas de nubes 2D (planas)</enable-clouds-desc> <!-- Rendering options -->
<disable-clouds-desc>Desactiva las capas de nubes 2D (planas)</disable-clouds-desc> <rendering-options>Opciones de Renderización</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<enable-clouds3d-desc>Activa las capas de nubes 3D (volumétricas)</enable-clouds3d-desc> <bpp-desc>Especifica los bits por pixel</bpp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<disable-clouds3d-desc>Desactiva las capas de nubes 3D (volumétricas)</disable-clouds3d-desc> <fog-disable-desc>Desactiva la niebla/bruma</fog-disable-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<fov-desc>Especifica el campo del ángulo de visión</fov-desc> <fog-fastest-desc>Activa la mas rápida niebla/bruma</fog-fastest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<arm-desc>Especifica un multiplicador para el ratio de aspecto.</arm-desc> <fog-nicest-desc>Activa la mejor nieble/bruma</fog-nicest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<disable-fullscreen-desc>Desactiva el modo de pantalla completa</disable-fullscreen-desc> <disable-horizon-effect>Desactiva la ilusión de crecimiento de los cuerpos celestes cerca del horizonte</disable-horizon-effect> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<enable-fullscreen-desc>Activa el modo de pantalla completa</enable-fullscreen-desc> <enable-horizon-effect>Activa la ilusión de crecimiento de los cuerpos celestes cerca del horizonte</enable-horizon-effect> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<shading-flat-desc>Activa el sombreado plano</shading-flat-desc> <disable-enhanced-lighting>Desactiva la iluminación mejorada de pistas</disable-enhanced-lighting> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<shading-smooth-desc>Activa el sombreado suavizado</shading-smooth-desc> <enable-enhanced-lighting>Activa la iluminación mejorada de pistas</enable-enhanced-lighting> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<disable-skyblend-desc>Desactiva el gradiente en el cielo</disable-skyblend-desc> <disable-distance-attenuation>Desactiva la atenuación por distancia de la iluminación de pistas</disable-distance-attenuation> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<enable-skyblend-desc>Activa el gradiente en el cielo</enable-skyblend-desc> <enable-distance-attenuation>Activa la atenuación por distancia de la iluminación de pistas</enable-distance-attenuation> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<disable-textures-desc>Desactiva las texturas</disable-textures-desc> <disable-specular-highlight>Desactiva los reflejos especulares en objetos texturizados</disable-specular-highlight> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<enable-textures-desc>Activa las texturas</enable-textures-desc> <enable-specular-highlight>Activa los reflejos especulares en objetos texturizados</enable-specular-highlight> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<texture-filtering-desc>Filtrado Anisotrópico de Textura: los valores deberian ser 1 (defecto),2,4,8 o 16</texture-filtering-desc> <enable-clouds-desc>Activa las capas de nubes 2D (planas)</enable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<disable-wireframe-desc>Desactiva el modo de dibujo de esqueletos</disable-wireframe-desc> <disable-clouds-desc>Desactiva las capas de nubes 2D (planas)</disable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<enable-wireframe-desc>Activa el modo de dibujo de esqueletos</enable-wireframe-desc> <enable-clouds3d-desc>Activa las capas de nubes 3D (volumétricas)</enable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<geometry-desc>Especifica la geometría de ventanas(640x480, etc)</geometry-desc> <disable-clouds3d-desc>Desactiva las capas de nubes 3D (volumétricas)</disable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<view-offset-desc>Especifica la dirección por defecto de la vista hacia el frente como un incremento desde delante. Valores válidos son LEFT (izq.), RIGHT (dch.), CENTER (centro), o un n+umero dado de grados</view-offset-desc> <fov-desc>Especifica el campo del ángulo de visión</fov-desc> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<visibility-desc>Especifica la visibilidad inicial</visibility-desc> <arm-desc>Especifica un multiplicador para el ratio de aspecto.</arm-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Especifica la visibilidad inicial en millas</visibility-miles-desc> <disable-fullscreen-desc>Desactiva el modo de pantalla completa</disable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<enable-fullscreen-desc>Activa el modo de pantalla completa</enable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<!-- Hud options --> <shading-flat-desc>Activa el sombreado plano</shading-flat-desc> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<hud-options>Opciones del HUD</hud-options> <shading-smooth-desc>Activa el sombreado suavizado</shading-smooth-desc> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<hud-tris-desc>El HUD muestra muchos triángulos renderizados</hud-tris-desc> <disable-skyblend-desc>Desactiva el gradiente en el cielo</disable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sky blending" -->
<hud-culled-desc>Hud muestra un porcentaje de los triángulos entresacados</hud-culled-desc> <enable-skyblend-desc>Activa el gradiente en el cielo</enable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" -->
<disable-textures-desc>Desactiva las texturas</disable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<!-- Time options --> <enable-textures-desc>Activa las texturas</enable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<time-options>Opciones temporales</time-options> <!-- <materials-file-desc>???</materials-file-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<timeofday-desc>Especifica un momento del día</timeofday-desc> <texture-filtering-desc>Filtrado Anisotrópico de Textura: los valores deberian ser 1 (defecto),2,4,8 o 16</texture-filtering-desc> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<season-desc>Especifica la estación de comienzo</season-desc> <disable-wireframe-desc>Desactiva el modo de dibujo de esqueletos</disable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<time-offset-desc>Añade este incremento temporal</time-offset-desc> <enable-wireframe-desc>Activa el modo de dibujo de esqueletos</enable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<time-match-real-desc>Sincronizar hora con la hora del mundo real</time-match-real-desc> <geometry-desc>Especifica la geometría de ventanas(640x480, etc)</geometry-desc> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<time-match-local-desc>Sincronizar hora con la hora local del mundo real</time-match-local-desc> <view-offset-desc>Especifica la dirección por defecto de la vista hacia el frente como un incremento desde delante. Valores válidos son LEFT (izq.), RIGHT (dch.), CENTER (centro), o un n+umero dado de grados</view-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<start-date-desc>Especifica una fecha/momento de cominezo con respecto a</start-date-desc> <visibility-desc>Especifica la visibilidad inicial</visibility-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Especifica la visibilidad inicial en millas</visibility-miles-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<!-- Network options --> <!-- <max-fps-desc>???</max-fps-desc> --> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<network-options>Opciones de red</network-options>
<httpd-desc>Activa el servidor http en el puerto especificado</httpd-desc> <!-- Hud options -->
<proxy-desc>Especifica qué servidor proxy (y puerto)usar. El usuario y contraseña son pocionales y deberían de estar ya codificados con MD5. Esta opcion solo es útil cuando es usada conjuntamente con la opcion real-weather-fetch.</proxy-desc> <hud-options>Opciones del HUD</hud-options> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<telnet-desc>Activa el servidor telnet en el puerto especificado</telnet-desc> <hud-tris-desc>El HUD muestra muchos triángulos renderizados</hud-tris-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<jpg-httpd-desc>Activa screen shoten elservidor http en el puerto especificado</jpg-httpd-desc> <hud-culled-desc>Hud muestra un porcentaje de los triángulos entresacados</hud-culled-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<!-- MultiPlayer options --> <!-- Time options -->
<multiplayer-options>Opciones multijugador</multiplayer-options> <time-options>Opciones temporales</time-options> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<multiplay-desc>Especifica la configuracion de comunicaciónes multipiloto</multiplay-desc> <timeofday-desc>Especifica un momento del día</timeofday-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<callsign-desc>Asiigna un nombre único a un jugador</callsign-desc> <season-desc>Especifica la estación de comienzo</season-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<time-offset-desc>Añade este incremento temporal</time-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<!-- Route/Way Point Options --> <time-match-real-desc>Sincronizar hora con la hora del mundo real</time-match-real-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<route-options>Opciones de Route/Way Point</route-options> <time-match-local-desc>Sincronizar hora con la hora local del mundo real</time-match-local-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<wp-desc>Especificaa waypoint para el autopiloto GC;</wp-desc> <start-date-desc>Especifica una fecha/momento de cominezo con respecto a</start-date-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<flight-plan-desc>Leer todos los waypoints desde un fichero</flight-plan-desc>
<!-- Network options -->
<!-- IO Options --> <network-options>Opciones de red</network-options> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<io-options>Opciones ES</io-options> <httpd-desc>Activa el servidor http en el puerto especificado</httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<AV400-desc>Emite el protocolo Garmin AV400 requerido para usar un GPS Garmin 196/296 series</AV400-desc> <proxy-desc>Especifica qué servidor proxy (y puerto)usar. El usuario y contraseña son pocionales y deberían de estar ya codificados con MD5. Esta opcion solo es útil cuando es usada conjuntamente con la opcion real-weather-fetch.</proxy-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<AV400Sim-desc>Emite el conjunto de cadenas AV400 de texto requeridas para usar un GPS Garmin 400-series desde FlightGear</AV400Sim-desc> <telnet-desc>Activa el servidor telnet en el puerto especificado</telnet-desc> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<atlas-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo Atlas</atlas-desc> <jpg-httpd-desc>Activa screen shoten elservidor http en el puerto especificado</jpg-httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<atcsim-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo ATC sim(atc610x)</atcsim-desc> <!-- <disable-terrasync-desc>???</disable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<garmin-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo Garmin GPS</garmin-desc> <!-- <enable-terrasync-desc>???</enable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<joyclient-desc>Abrir conexion a un joystick Agwagon</joyclient-desc> <!-- <terrasync-dir-desc>???</terrasync-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<jsclient-desc>Abrir conexion a un joystick remoto</jsclient-desc>
<native-ctrls-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native Controls</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- MultiPlayer options -->
<native-fdm-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native FDM</native-fdm-desc> <multiplayer-options>Opciones multijugador</multiplayer-options> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<native-gui-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native GUI</native-gui-desc> <multiplay-desc>Especifica la configuracion de comunicaciónes multipiloto</multiplay-desc> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<native-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native</native-desc> <callsign-desc>Asiigna un nombre único a un jugador</callsign-desc> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<nmea-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo NMEA</nmea-desc>
<generic-desc>Abrir conexion usando una interfaz predefinida de comunicación y un protocolo preseleccionado de comunicación</generic-desc> <!-- Route/Way Point Options -->
<opengc-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo OpenGC</opengc-desc> <route-options>Opciones de Route/Way Point</route-options> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<props-desc>Abrir conexion usando el gestor interactivo de propiedades</props-desc> <wp-desc>Especificaa waypoint para el autopiloto GC;</wp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<pve-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo PVE</pve-desc> <flight-plan-desc>Leer todos los waypoints desde un fichero</flight-plan-desc> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<ray-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo Ray Woodworth motion chair</ray-desc>
<rul-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocol RUL</rul-desc> <!-- IO Options -->
<io-options>Opciones ES</io-options> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<!-- Avionics Options --> <AV400-desc>Emite el protocolo Garmin AV400 requerido para usar un GPS Garmin 196/296 series</AV400-desc> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<avionics-options>Opciones de aviónica</avionics-options> <AV400Sim-desc>Emite el conjunto de cadenas AV400 de texto requeridas para usar un GPS Garmin 400-series desde FlightGear</AV400Sim-desc> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<com1-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de COM1</com1-desc> <atlas-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo Atlas</atlas-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<com2-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de COM2</com2-desc> <atcsim-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo ATC sim(atc610x)</atcsim-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<nav1-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de NAV1, opcionalmente precedida por un radial.</nav1-desc> <garmin-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo Garmin GPS</garmin-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<nav2-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de NAV2, opcionalmente precedida por un radial.</nav2-desc> <joyclient-desc>Abrir conexion a un joystick Agwagon</joyclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<adf1-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de ADF1, opcionalmente precedida por una rotacionde carta.</adf1-desc> <jsclient-desc>Abrir conexion a un joystick remoto</jsclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<adf2-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de ADF2, opcionalmente precedida por una rotacionde carta.</adf2-desc> <native-ctrls-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native Controls</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<dme-desc>Esclaviza la ADF a una de las radios NAV, o establece su frecuencia interna.</dme-desc> <native-fdm-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native FDM</native-fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<native-gui-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native GUI</native-gui-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<situation-options>Opciones de emergencias</situation-options> <native-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native</native-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<failure-desc>Fallo del sistema de pitot, estatica, vacío, or electrico (repetir la opción para multiples fallos del sistema).</failure-desc> <nmea-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo NMEA</nmea-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<generic-desc>Abrir conexion usando una interfaz predefinida de comunicación y un protocolo preseleccionado de comunicación</generic-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<!-- Debugging Options --> <opengc-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo OpenGC</opengc-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<debugging-options>Opciones de depuración</debugging-options> <props-desc>Abrir conexion usando el gestor interactivo de propiedades</props-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<fpe-desc>Abortar al encontrar una excepcion depunto flotante;</fpe-desc> <pve-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo PVE</pve-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<fgviewer-desc>Usar un visor de modelos en vez de cargar todo el simulador;</fgviewer-desc> <ray-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo Ray Woodworth motion chair</ray-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<trace-read-desc>Trazar las lecturas para una propiedad;</trace-read-desc> <rul-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocol RUL</rul-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<trace-write-desc>Trazar las escrituras para una propiedad;</trace-write-desc>
<log-level-desc>Especifica qué nivel de registro usar</log-level-desc> <!-- Avionics Options -->
<avionics-options>Opciones de aviónica</avionics-options> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
</PropertyList> <com1-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de COM1</com1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<com2-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de COM2</com2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<nav1-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de NAV1, opcionalmente precedida por un radial.</nav1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<nav2-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de NAV2, opcionalmente precedida por un radial.</nav2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<adf1-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de ADF1, opcionalmente precedida por una rotacionde carta.</adf1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<adf2-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de ADF2, opcionalmente precedida por una rotacionde carta.</adf2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<dme-desc>Esclaviza la ADF a una de las radios NAV, o establece su frecuencia interna.</dme-desc> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<situation-options>Opciones de emergencias</situation-options> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<failure-desc>Fallo del sistema de pitot, estatica, vacío, or electrico (repetir la opción para multiples fallos del sistema).</failure-desc> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<!-- Debugging Options -->
<debugging-options>Opciones de depuración</debugging-options> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<fpe-desc>Abortar al encontrar una excepcion depunto flotante;</fpe-desc> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<fgviewer-desc>Usar un visor de modelos en vez de cargar todo el simulador;</fgviewer-desc> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<trace-read-desc>Trazar las lecturas para una propiedad;</trace-read-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<trace-write-desc>Trazar las escrituras para una propiedad;</trace-write-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<log-level-desc>Especifica qué nivel de registro usar</log-level-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<!-- <log-class-desc>???</log-class-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->

View file

@ -2,114 +2,129 @@
<!-- FlightGear menu: French language resource --> <!-- FlightGear menu: French language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<PropertyList> <PropertyList>
<!-- Menu Fichier --> <!-- File menu -->
<file>Fichier</file> <file>Fichier</file> <!-- English: "File" -->
<reset>Réinitialiser</reset> <reset>Réinitialiser</reset> <!-- English: "Reset" -->
<snap-shot>Capture d'écran</snap-shot> <snap-shot>Capture d'écran</snap-shot> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<snap-shot-dir>Répertoire des captures</snap-shot-dir> <snap-shot-dir>Répertoire des captures</snap-shot-dir> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<sound-config>Configuration du son</sound-config> <sound-config>Configuration du son</sound-config> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<exit>Quitter</exit> <exit>Quitter</exit> <!-- English: "Quit " -->
<!-- Menu Affichage --> <!-- View menu -->
<view>Affichage</view> <view>Affichage</view> <!-- English: "View" -->
<display-options>Options d'affichage</display-options> <display-options>Options d'affichage</display-options> <!-- English: "Display Options" -->
<rendering-options>Options de rendu</rendering-options> <rendering-options>Options de rendu</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<view-options>Options de la vue</view-options> <view-options>Options de la vue</view-options> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<cockpit-view-options>Options d'affichage du cockpit</cockpit-view-options> <cockpit-view-options>Options d'affichage du cockpit</cockpit-view-options> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<adjust-lod>Ajuster le niveau de détail</adjust-lod> <adjust-lod>Ajuster le niveau de détail</adjust-lod> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<pilot-offset>Ajuster la position de la vue</pilot-offset> <pilot-offset>Ajuster la position de la vue</pilot-offset> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" -->
<adjust-hud>Ajuster les propriétés du HUD</adjust-hud> <adjust-hud>Ajuster les propriétés du HUD</adjust-hud> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<toggle-glide-slope>(Dés)Activer le tunnel ILS</toggle-glide-slope> <toggle-glide-slope>(Dés)Activer le tunnel ILS</toggle-glide-slope> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<replay>Rejeu instantané</replay> <replay>Rejeu instantané</replay> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<stereoscopic-options>Options de vue stéréoscopique</stereoscopic-options> <stereoscopic-options>Options de vue stéréoscopique</stereoscopic-options> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<!-- Menu Position --> <!-- Location menu -->
<location>Position</location> <location>Position</location> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<position-on-ground>Positionner l'aéronef au sol</position-on-ground> <position-on-ground>Positionner l'aéronef au sol</position-on-ground> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft On Ground" -->
<position-in-air>Positionner l'aéronef en vol</position-in-air> <position-in-air>Positionner l'aéronef en vol</position-in-air> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<goto-airport>Choisir un aéroport à partir de la liste</goto-airport> <goto-airport>Choisir un aéroport à partir de la liste</goto-airport> <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" -->
<random-attitude>Attitude aléatoire</random-attitude> <random-attitude>Attitude aléatoire</random-attitude> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<tower-position>Position de la tour</tower-position> <tower-position>Position de la tour</tower-position> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<!-- Menu pilote automatique--> <!-- Autopilot menu -->
<autopilot>Pilote automatique</autopilot> <autopilot>Pilote automatique</autopilot> <!-- English: "Autopilot" -->
<autopilot-settings>Paramètres</autopilot-settings> <autopilot-settings>Paramètres</autopilot-settings> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<route-manager>Gestionnaire de routes</route-manager> <route-manager>Gestionnaire de routes</route-manager> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<previous-waypoint>Point de cheminement précédent</previous-waypoint> <previous-waypoint>Point de cheminement précédent</previous-waypoint> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<next-waypoint>Point de cheminement suivant</next-waypoint> <next-waypoint>Point de cheminement suivant</next-waypoint> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<!-- Menu Environnement --> <!-- Environment menu -->
<environment>Environnement</environment> <environment>Environnement</environment> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<global-weather>Météo</global-weather> <global-weather>Météo</global-weather> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<time-settings>Paramètres du temps</time-settings> <time-settings>Paramètres du temps</time-settings> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<wildfire-settings>Paramètres de feu</wildfire-settings> <wildfire-settings>Paramètres de feu</wildfire-settings> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<terrasync>Téléchargement de scènes</terrasync> <terrasync>Téléchargement de scènes</terrasync> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<!-- Menu Equipement --> <!-- Equipment menu -->
<equipment>Equipement</equipment> <equipment>Equipement</equipment> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<map>Carte</map> <map>Carte</map> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<stopwatch>Chronomètre</stopwatch> <stopwatch>Chronomètre</stopwatch> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<fuel-and-payload>Carburant et chargement</fuel-and-payload> <fuel-and-payload>Carburant et chargement</fuel-and-payload> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<radio>Paramètres radio</radio> <radio>Paramètres radio</radio> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<gps>Paramètres GPS</gps> <gps>Paramètres GPS</gps> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<instrument-settings>Paramètres des instruments</instrument-settings> <instrument-settings>Paramètres des instruments</instrument-settings> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<failure-submenu> --- Pannes ---</failure-submenu> <failure-submenu> --- Pannes ---</failure-submenu> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<random-failures>Pannes aléatoires</random-failures> <random-failures>Pannes aléatoires</random-failures> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<system-failures>Pannes système</system-failures> <system-failures>Pannes système</system-failures> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<instrument-failures>Pannes des instruments</instrument-failures> <instrument-failures>Pannes des instruments</instrument-failures> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<!-- Menu IA --> <!-- AI menu -->
<ai>IA</ai> <ai>IA</ai> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<scenario>Paramètres de trafic et de scénario</scenario> <scenario>Paramètres de trafic et de scénario</scenario> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<atc-in-range>Services ATC à proximité</atc-in-range> <atc-in-range>Services ATC à proximité</atc-in-range> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<wingman>Contrôle des ailiers</wingman> <wingman>Contrôle des ailiers</wingman> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<tanker>Contrôle du ravitailleur</tanker> <tanker>Contrôle du ravitailleur</tanker> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<carrier>Contrôle du porte-avions</carrier> <carrier>Contrôle du porte-avions</carrier> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<jetway>Paramètres des passerelles d'embarquement</jetway> <jetway>Paramètres des passerelles d'embarquement</jetway> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<!-- Menu multijoueurs --> <!-- Multiplayer menu -->
<multiplayer>Multijoueurs</multiplayer> <multiplayer>Multijoueurs</multiplayer> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<mp-settings>Paramètres</mp-settings> <mp-settings>Paramètres</mp-settings> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<mp-chat>Fenêtre de clavardage</mp-chat> <mp-chat>Fenêtre de clavardage</mp-chat> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<mp-chat-menu>Menu de clavardage</mp-chat-menu> <mp-chat-menu>Menu de clavardage</mp-chat-menu> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<mp-list>Liste des pilotes</mp-list> <mp-list>Liste des pilotes</mp-list> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<mp-carrier>Choix du porte-avions multijoueurs</mp-carrier> <mp-carrier>Choix du porte-avions multijoueurs</mp-carrier> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<!-- Menu débogage --> <!-- Debug menu -->
<debug>Débogage</debug> <debug>Débogage</debug> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<!-- Note : il n'est pas franchement indispensable de traduire les items du menu de débogage <!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated
étant donné que ces options ne sont pas utiles aux utilisateurs finaux. --> since these options are not useful to end users anyway. -->
<reload-gui>Relancer l'interface graphique</reload-gui> <reload-gui>Relancer l'interface graphique</reload-gui> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<reload-input>Relancer les interfaces d'entrée</reload-input> <reload-input>Relancer les interfaces d'entrée</reload-input> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<reload-hud>Relancer le HUD</reload-hud> <reload-hud>Relancer le HUD</reload-hud> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<reload-panel>Relancer le panneau</reload-panel> <reload-panel>Relancer le panneau</reload-panel> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<reload-autopilot>Relancer le pilote automatique</reload-autopilot> <reload-autopilot>Relancer le pilote automatique</reload-autopilot> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<reload-network>Relancer le réseau</reload-network> <reload-network>Relancer le réseau</reload-network> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<nasal-console>Console Nasal</nasal-console> <nasal-console>Console Nasal</nasal-console> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<development-keys>Touches de développement</development-keys> <development-keys>Touches de développement</development-keys> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<configure-dev-extension>Configurer les extensions de développement</configure-dev-extension> <configure-dev-extension>Configurer les extensions de développement</configure-dev-extension> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<display-marker>Afficher le marqueur de tutoriel</display-marker> <display-marker>Afficher le marqueur de tutoriel</display-marker> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<dump-scene-graph>Faire un cliché du graphique de scène</dump-scene-graph> <dump-scene-graph>Faire un cliché du graphique de scène</dump-scene-graph> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<print-rendering-statistics>Afficher les statistiques de rendu</print-rendering-statistics> <print-rendering-statistics>Afficher les statistiques de rendu</print-rendering-statistics> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<statistics-display>Faire défiler les statistiques à l'écran</statistics-display> <statistics-display>Faire défiler les statistiques à l'écran</statistics-display> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<performance-monitor>Suivre la performance du système</performance-monitor> <performance-monitor>Suivre la performance du système</performance-monitor> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<property-browser>Parcourir les propriétés internes</property-browser> <property-browser>Parcourir les propriétés internes</property-browser> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<logging>Journalisation</logging> <logging>Journalisation</logging> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<local_weather>Météo locale (test)</local_weather> <local_weather>Météo locale (test)</local_weather> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<print-scene-info>Afficher les infos de scène visible</print-scene-info> <print-scene-info>Afficher les infos de scène visible</print-scene-info> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<rendering-buffers>Masquer/Afficher les tampons de rendu</rendering-buffers> <rendering-buffers>Masquer/Afficher les tampons de rendu</rendering-buffers> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<rembrandt-buffers-choice>Choisir les tampons de rendu</rembrandt-buffers-choice> <rembrandt-buffers-choice>Choisir les tampons de rendu</rembrandt-buffers-choice> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- Menu Aide --> <!-- Help menu -->
<help>Aide</help> <help>Aide</help> <!-- English: "Help" -->
<help-browser>Aide (s'ouvre dans le navigateur)</help-browser> <help-browser>Aide (s'ouvre dans le navigateur)</help-browser> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<aircraft-keys>Aide de l'aéronef</aircraft-keys> <aircraft-keys>Aide de l'aéronef</aircraft-keys> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<common-keys>Touches communes aux aéronefs</common-keys> <common-keys>Touches communes aux aéronefs</common-keys> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<basic-keys>Touches de base du simulateur</basic-keys> <basic-keys>Touches de base du simulateur</basic-keys> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<joystick-info>Informations sur le joystick</joystick-info> <joystick-info>Informations sur le joystick</joystick-info> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<tutorial-start>Tutoriels</tutorial-start> <tutorial-start>Tutoriels</tutorial-start> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<menu-about>A propos de FlightGear</menu-about> <menu-about>A propos de FlightGear</menu-about> <!-- English: "About" -->
</PropertyList> </PropertyList>

View file

@ -2,250 +2,266 @@
<!-- Options de FlightGear : ressource linguistique française --> <!-- Options de FlightGear : ressource linguistique française -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<PropertyList> <PropertyList>
<usage>Utilisation : fgfs [ option ... ]</usage> <usage>Utilisation : fgfs [ option ... ]</usage> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<verbose-help>Pour une liste complète des options, utilisez --help --verbose</verbose-help> <verbose-help>Pour une liste complète des options, utilisez --help --verbose</verbose-help> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" -->
<!-- Options générales --> <!-- General options -->
<general-options>Options générales</general-options> <general-options>Options générales</general-options> <!-- English: "General Options" -->
<help-desc>Affiche les options de ligne de commande les plus appropriées.</help-desc> <help-desc>Affiche les options de ligne de commande les plus appropriées.</help-desc> <!-- English: "Show the most relevant command line options" -->
<verbose-desc>Affiche toutes les options de ligne de commande lorsqu'il est combiné avec --help ou -h.</verbose-desc> <verbose-desc>Affiche toutes les options de ligne de commande lorsqu'il est combiné avec --help ou -h.</verbose-desc> <!-- English: "Show all command line options when combined with -_help or -h" -->
<version-desc>Affiche la version actuelle de FlightGear.</version-desc> <version-desc>Affiche la version actuelle de FlightGear.</version-desc> <!-- English: "Display the current FlightGear version" -->
<fg-root-desc>Spéficie l'emplacement du répertoire racine des données.</fg-root-desc> <fg-root-desc>Spéficie l'emplacement du répertoire racine des données.</fg-root-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="0">Spéficie l'emplacement des répertoires des scènes.</fg-scenery-desc> <fg-scenery-desc n="0">Spéficie l'emplacement des répertoires des scènes.</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="1">Positionne par défaut à $FG_ROOT/Scenery.</fg-scenery-desc> <fg-scenery-desc n="1">Positionne par défaut à $FG_ROOT/Scenery.</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<fg-aircraft-desc>Spéficie les emplacements des répertoires des aéronefs additionnels.</fg-aircraft-desc> <fg-aircraft-desc>Spéficie les emplacements des répertoires des aéronefs additionnels.</fg-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<language-desc>Choisit la langue pour cette session.</language-desc> <language-desc>Choisit la langue pour cette session.</language-desc> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<disable-game-mode-desc>Désactive le mode de jeu plein écran.</disable-game-mode-desc> <disable-game-mode-desc>Désactive le mode de jeu plein écran.</disable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" -->
<enable-game-mode-desc>Active le mode de jeu plein écran.</enable-game-mode-desc> <enable-game-mode-desc>Active le mode de jeu plein écran.</enable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" -->
<disable-splash-screen-desc>Désactive l'écran d'accueil.</disable-splash-screen-desc> <disable-splash-screen-desc>Désactive l'écran d'accueil.</disable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<enable-splash-screen-desc>Active l'écran d'accueil.</enable-splash-screen-desc> <enable-splash-screen-desc>Active l'écran d'accueil.</enable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<disable-save-on-exit>Ne sauvegarde pas les préférences lors de la sortie du programme.</disable-save-on-exit> <disable-save-on-exit>Ne sauvegarde pas les préférences lors de la sortie du programme.</disable-save-on-exit> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<enable-save-on-exit>Autorise la sauvegarde des préférences à la sortie du programme.</enable-save-on-exit> <enable-save-on-exit>Autorise la sauvegarde des préférences à la sortie du programme.</enable-save-on-exit> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<disable-intro-music-desc>Désactive la musique d'introduction.</disable-intro-music-desc> <disable-intro-music-desc>Désactive la musique d'introduction.</disable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Disable introduction music" -->
<enable-intro-music-desc>Active la musique d'introduction.</enable-intro-music-desc> <enable-intro-music-desc>Active la musique d'introduction.</enable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Enable introduction music" -->
<disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Désactive le pointeur de la souris supplémentaire.</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Désactive le pointeur de la souris supplémentaire.</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Active le pointeur de la souris supplémentaire.</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Active le pointeur de la souris supplémentaire.</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(c'est-à-dire pour l'affichage plein écran avec des cartes à base de Voodoo)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(c'est-à-dire pour l'affichage plein écran avec des cartes à base de Voodoo)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<disable-random-objects-desc>Exclut les objets aléatoires des scènes.</disable-random-objects-desc> <disable-random-objects-desc>Exclut les objets aléatoires des scènes.</disable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<enable-random-objects-desc>Inclut les objets aléatoires des scènes.</enable-random-objects-desc> <enable-random-objects-desc>Inclut les objets aléatoires des scènes.</enable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Désactive la récupération de la météo en temps réel se basant sur les METAR.</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Désactive la récupération de la météo en temps réel se basant sur les METAR.</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Active la récupération de la météo en temps réel se basant sur les METAR (nécessite une connection internet active.</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Active la récupération de la météo en temps réel se basant sur les METAR (nécessite une connection internet active.</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<metar-desc>Passe un METAR pour concevoir la météo statique.</metar-desc> <metar-desc>Passe un METAR pour concevoir la météo statique.</metar-desc> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<random-objects-desc>(bâtiments, etc.)</random-objects-desc> <random-objects-desc>(bâtiments, etc.)</random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<disable-ai-models-desc>Option dépréciée (désactive le sous-système IA interne).</disable-ai-models-desc> <disable-ai-models-desc>Option dépréciée (désactive le sous-système IA interne).</disable-ai-models-desc> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<enable-ai-models-desc>Active le sous-système IA (nécessaire pour le multi-joueurs, le trafic AI et de nombreuses autres animations).</enable-ai-models-desc> <enable-ai-models-desc>Active le sous-système IA (nécessaire pour le multi-joueurs, le trafic AI et de nombreuses autres animations).</enable-ai-models-desc> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<disable-ai-traffic-desc>Désactive le trafic artificiel.</disable-ai-traffic-desc> <disable-ai-traffic-desc>Désactive le trafic artificiel.</disable-ai-traffic-desc> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<enable-ai-traffic-desc>Active le trafic artificiel.</enable-ai-traffic-desc> <enable-ai-traffic-desc>Active le trafic artificiel.</enable-ai-traffic-desc> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<disable-ai-scenarios>Désactive tous les scénarios IA.</disable-ai-scenarios> <disable-ai-scenarios>Désactive tous les scénarios IA.</disable-ai-scenarios> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<ai-scenario>Ajoute et active un nouveau scénario. Les options multiples sont autorisées.</ai-scenario> <ai-scenario>Ajoute et active un nouveau scénario. Les options multiples sont autorisées.</ai-scenario> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<disable-freeze-desc>Démarre dans un état fonctionnel.</disable-freeze-desc> <disable-freeze-desc>Démarre dans un état fonctionnel.</disable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<enable-freeze-desc>Démarre dans un état gelé.</enable-freeze-desc> <enable-freeze-desc>Démarre dans un état gelé.</enable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Le carburant est consommé normalement.</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Le carburant est consommé normalement.</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<enable-fuel-freeze-desc>La quantité de carburant dans les réservoirs reste constante.</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <enable-fuel-freeze-desc>La quantité de carburant dans les réservoirs reste constante.</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<disable-clock-freeze-desc>L'horloge avance normalement.</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <disable-clock-freeze-desc>L'horloge avance normalement.</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<enable-clock-freeze-desc>L'horloge n'avance pas.</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <enable-clock-freeze-desc>L'horloge n'avance pas.</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<control-desc>Mode de contrôle primaire (joystick, clavier, souris).</control-desc> <control-desc>Mode de contrôle primaire (joystick, clavier, souris).</control-desc> <!-- English: "Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse)" -->
<enable-auto-coordination-desc>Active l'auto-coordination.</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <enable-auto-coordination-desc>Active l'auto-coordination.</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<disable-auto-coordination-desc>Désactive l'auto coordination.</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <disable-auto-coordination-desc>Désactive l'auto coordination.</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<browser-app-desc>Précise le chemin vers votre navigateur Internet.</browser-app-desc> <browser-app-desc>Précise le chemin vers votre navigateur Internet.</browser-app-desc> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<prop-desc>Positionne la propriété &lt;nom&gt; à la &lt;valeur&gt;. Le &lt;type&gt; peut être l'un parmi string, double, float, long, int, ou bool.</prop-desc> <prop-desc>Positionne la propriété &lt;nom&gt; à la &lt;valeur&gt;. Le &lt;type&gt; peut être l'un parmi string, double, float, long, int, ou bool.</prop-desc> <!-- English: "Set property &lt;name&gt; to &lt;value&gt;. &lt;type&gt; can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<config-desc>Charge des propriétés additionnelles à partir de l'emplacement.</config-desc> <config-desc>Charge des propriétés additionnelles à partir de l'emplacement.</config-desc> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<units-feet-desc>Utilise le pied comme unité de mesure.</units-feet-desc> <units-feet-desc>Utilise le pied comme unité de mesure.</units-feet-desc> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<units-meters-desc>Utilise le mètre comme unité de mesure.</units-meters-desc> <units-meters-desc>Utilise le mètre comme unité de mesure.</units-meters-desc> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<!-- Options de caractéristiques--> <!-- Features options -->
<environment-options>Options d'environnement.</environment-options> <environment-options>Options d'environnement.</environment-options> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<features-options>Options des caractéristiques.</features-options> <features-options>Options des caractéristiques.</features-options> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<disable-hud-desc>Désactive le collimateur (Head Up Display, HUD).</disable-hud-desc> <disable-hud-desc>Désactive le collimateur (Head Up Display, HUD).</disable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<enable-hud-desc>Active le collimateur (Head Up Display, HUD).</enable-hud-desc> <enable-hud-desc>Active le collimateur (Head Up Display, HUD).</enable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<disable-panel-desc>Désactive le panneau des instruments.</disable-panel-desc> <disable-panel-desc>Désactive le panneau des instruments.</disable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<enable-panel-desc>Active le panneau des instruments.</enable-panel-desc> <enable-panel-desc>Active le panneau des instruments.</enable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Désactive l'anti-crénelage du collimateur.</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Désactive l'anti-crénelage du collimateur.</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Active l'anti-crénelage du collimateur.</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Active l'anti-crénelage du collimateur.</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<disable-hud-3d-desc>Désactive le collimateur 3D.</disable-hud-3d-desc> <disable-hud-3d-desc>Désactive le collimateur 3D.</disable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<enable-hud-3d-desc>Active le collimateur 3D.</enable-hud-3d-desc> <enable-hud-3d-desc>Active le collimateur 3D.</enable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- Options des aéronefs --> <!-- Aircraft options -->
<aircraft-options>Options des aéronefs.</aircraft-options> <aircraft-options>Options des aéronefs.</aircraft-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
<aircraft-desc>Choisit un profil d'aéronef défini par un fichier &lt;nom&gt;-set.xml.</aircraft-desc> <aircraft-desc>Choisit un profil d'aéronef défini par un fichier &lt;nom&gt;-set.xml.</aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<show-aircraft-desc>Affiche une liste des types d'aéronefs actuellement disponibles.</show-aircraft-desc> <show-aircraft-desc>Affiche une liste des types d'aéronefs actuellement disponibles.</show-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<min-aircraft-status>Permet de définir le niveau de statut minimum (= statut de développement) pour tous les aéronefs listés.</min-aircraft-status> <min-aircraft-status>Permet de définir le niveau de statut minimum (= statut de développement) pour tous les aéronefs listés.</min-aircraft-status> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<vehicle-desc>Choisit un profil de véhicule défini par un fichier &lt;nom&gt;-set.xml</vehicle-desc> <vehicle-desc>Choisit un profil de véhicule défini par un fichier &lt;nom&gt;-set.xml</vehicle-desc> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<livery-desc>Choisit une livrée d'aéronef</livery-desc> <livery-desc>Choisit une livrée d'aéronef</livery-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<!-- Options du modèle dynamique de vol --> <!-- Flight Dynamics Model options -->
<fdm-options>Modèle de vol.</fdm-options> <fdm-options>Modèle de vol.</fdm-options> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<fdm-desc n="0">Choisit le modèle dynamique de vol de base.</fdm-desc> <fdm-desc n="0">Choisit le modèle dynamique de vol de base.</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<fdm-desc n="1">Peut être jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, ou null.</fdm-desc> <fdm-desc n="1">Peut être jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, ou null.</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<aero-desc>Choisit le modèle aérodynamique de l'aéronef à charger.</aero-desc> <aero-desc>Choisit le modèle aérodynamique de l'aéronef à charger.</aero-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<model-hz-desc>Lance le FDM à ce taux (itérations par seconde).</model-hz-desc> <model-hz-desc>Lance le FDM à ce taux (itérations par seconde).</model-hz-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<speed-desc>Lance le FDM 'n' fois plus vite que le temps réel.</speed-desc> <speed-desc>Lance le FDM 'n' fois plus vite que le temps réel.</speed-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<notrim-desc n="0">NE PAS essayer d'affecter le modèle.</notrim-desc> <notrim-desc n="0">NE PAS essayer d'affecter le modèle.</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<notrim-desc n="1">(uniquement avec fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <notrim-desc n="1">(uniquement avec fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<trim-desc n="0">Affecte le modèle.</trim-desc> <trim-desc n="0">Affecte le modèle.</trim-desc> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<trim-desc n="1">(uniquement avec fdm=jsbsim)</trim-desc> <trim-desc n="1">(uniquement avec fdm=jsbsim)</trim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<on-ground-desc>Démarre au niveau du sol (par défaut).</on-ground-desc> <on-ground-desc>Démarre au niveau du sol (par défaut).</on-ground-desc> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<in-air-desc>Démarre en altitude (tacite quand on utilise --altitude).</in-air-desc> <in-air-desc>Démarre en altitude (tacite quand on utilise --altitude).</in-air-desc> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<wind-desc>Précise que le vent vient de DIR (degrés) à la vitesse SPEED (noeud).</wind-desc> <wind-desc>Précise que le vent vient de DIR (degrés) à la vitesse SPEED (noeud).</wind-desc> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<random-wind-desc>Paramètre une direction et une vitesse du vent aléatoires.</random-wind-desc> <random-wind-desc>Paramètre une direction et une vitesse du vent aléatoires.</random-wind-desc> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<turbulence-desc>Précise la turbulence de 0.0 (calme) à 1.0 (sévère).</turbulence-desc> <turbulence-desc>Précise la turbulence de 0.0 (calme) à 1.0 (sévère).</turbulence-desc> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<ceiling-desc>Crée un plafond couvert, optionnellement d'une épaisseur spécifique (par défaut, 2000 pieds).</ceiling-desc> <ceiling-desc>Crée un plafond couvert, optionnellement d'une épaisseur spécifique (par défaut, 2000 pieds).</ceiling-desc> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<aircraft-dir-desc>Répertoire relatif des aéronefs par rapport à l'emplacement de l'exécutable.</aircraft-dir-desc> <aircraft-dir-desc>Répertoire relatif des aéronefs par rapport à l'emplacement de l'exécutable.</aircraft-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<aircraft-model-options>Répertoire du modèle des aéronefs (FDM UIUC uniquement).</aircraft-model-options>
<!-- Options de positionnement et d'orientation --> <aircraft-model-options>Répertoire du modèle des aéronefs (FDM UIUC uniquement).</aircraft-model-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<position-options>Position et orientation initiales.</position-options>
<airport-desc>Précise la position de démarrage relative à un aéroport.</airport-desc>
<parking-id-desc>Précise la position de parking sur un aéroport (un aéroport doit également être précisé).</parking-id-desc>
<carrier-desc>Précise la position de démarrage sur un porte-avions AI.</carrier-desc>
<parkpos-desc>Précise la position de parking sur un porte-avions AI (un porte-avions doit également être précisé).</parkpos-desc>
<vor-desc>Précise la position de démarrage relative à un VOR.</vor-desc>
<vor-freq-desc>Précise la fréquence du VOR. A utiliser avec --vor=ID.</vor-freq-desc>
<ndb-desc>Précise la position de démarrage relative à un NDB.</ndb-desc>
<ndb-freq-desc>Précise la fréquence du NDB. A utiliser avec --ndb=ID.</ndb-freq-desc>
<fix-desc>Précise la position de démarre relative à un fix.</fix-desc>
<runway-no-desc>Précise la piste de départ (un aéroport doit également être précisé).</runway-no-desc>
<offset-distance-desc>Précise la distance par rapport un un point de référence (en miles).</offset-distance-desc>
<offset-azimuth-desc>Précise le cap par rapport à un point de référence.</offset-azimuth-desc>
<lon-desc>Longitude de démarrage (ouest = -).</lon-desc>
<lat-desc>Latitude de démarrage (sud = -).</lat-desc>
<altitude-desc>Altitude de démarrage.</altitude-desc>
<heading-desc>Précise le cap de démarrage (Psi).</heading-desc>
<roll-desc>Précise l'angle de roulis (Phi).</roll-desc>
<pitch-desc>Précise l'angle d'inclinaison (Theta).</pitch-desc>
<uBody-desc>Précise la vélocité le long de l'axe X.</uBody-desc>
<vBody-desc>Précise la vélocité le long de l'axe Y.</vBody-desc>
<wBody-desc>Précise la vélocité le long de l'axe Z.</wBody-desc>
<vNorth-desc>Précise la vélocité le long d'un axe sud-nord.</vNorth-desc>
<vEast-desc>Précise la vélocité le long d'un axe ouest-est.</vEast-desc>
<vDown-desc>Précise la vélocité le long d'un axe vertical.</vDown-desc>
<vc-desc>Précise la vitesse air initiale.</vc-desc>
<mach-desc>Précise le numéro de mach initial.</mach-desc>
<glideslope-desc>Précise l'angle de vol (peut être positif).</glideslope-desc>
<roc-desc>Précise le taux de montée initial (peut être négatif).</roc-desc>
<!-- Options sonores. --> <!-- Position and Orientation options -->
<audio-options>Options sonores.</audio-options> <position-options>Position et orientation initiales.</position-options> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" -->
<disable-sound-desc>Désactive les effets sonores.</disable-sound-desc> <airport-desc>Précise la position de démarrage relative à un aéroport.</airport-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" -->
<enable-sound-desc>Active les effets sonores.</enable-sound-desc> <parking-id-desc>Précise la position de parking sur un aéroport (un aéroport doit également être précisé).</parking-id-desc> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" -->
<show-sound-devices-desc>Affiche une liste des ressources audio disponibles.</show-sound-devices-desc> <carrier-desc>Précise la position de démarrage sur un porte-avions AI.</carrier-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" -->
<sound-device-desc>Précise spécifiquement la ressource audio à utiliser.</sound-device-desc> <parkpos-desc>Précise la position de parking sur un porte-avions AI (un porte-avions doit également être précisé).</parkpos-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<vor-desc>Précise la position de démarrage relative à un VOR.</vor-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<vor-freq-desc>Précise la fréquence du VOR. A utiliser avec --vor=ID.</vor-freq-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<ndb-desc>Précise la position de démarrage relative à un NDB.</ndb-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<ndb-freq-desc>Précise la fréquence du NDB. A utiliser avec --ndb=ID.</ndb-freq-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<fix-desc>Précise la position de démarre relative à un fix.</fix-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<runway-no-desc>Précise la piste de départ (un aéroport doit également être précisé).</runway-no-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<offset-distance-desc>Précise la distance par rapport un un point de référence (en miles).</offset-distance-desc> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<offset-azimuth-desc>Précise le cap par rapport à un point de référence.</offset-azimuth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<lon-desc>Longitude de démarrage (ouest = -).</lon-desc> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<lat-desc>Latitude de démarrage (sud = -).</lat-desc> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<altitude-desc>Altitude de démarrage.</altitude-desc> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<heading-desc>Précise le cap de démarrage (Psi).</heading-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<roll-desc>Précise l'angle de roulis (Phi).</roll-desc> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<pitch-desc>Précise l'angle d'inclinaison (Theta).</pitch-desc> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<uBody-desc>Précise la vélocité le long de l'axe X.</uBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<vBody-desc>Précise la vélocité le long de l'axe Y.</vBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<wBody-desc>Précise la vélocité le long de l'axe Z.</wBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<vNorth-desc>Précise la vélocité le long d'un axe sud-nord.</vNorth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<vEast-desc>Précise la vélocité le long d'un axe ouest-est.</vEast-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<vDown-desc>Précise la vélocité le long d'un axe vertical.</vDown-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<vc-desc>Précise la vitesse air initiale.</vc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<mach-desc>Précise le numéro de mach initial.</mach-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<glideslope-desc>Précise l'angle de vol (peut être positif).</glideslope-desc> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<roc-desc>Précise le taux de montée initial (peut être négatif).</roc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<!-- Options de rendu. --> <!-- sound options -->
<rendering-options>Options de rendu.</rendering-options> <audio-options>Options sonores.</audio-options> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<bpp-desc>Précise les bits par pixel.</bpp-desc> <disable-sound-desc>Désactive les effets sonores.</disable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<fog-disable-desc>Active le brouillard/brume.</fog-disable-desc> <enable-sound-desc>Active les effets sonores.</enable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<fog-fastest-desc>Active un rendu brouillard/brume plus rapide.</fog-fastest-desc> <show-sound-devices-desc>Affiche une liste des ressources audio disponibles.</show-sound-devices-desc> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<fog-nicest-desc>Active un rendu brouillard/brume plus joli.</fog-nicest-desc> <sound-device-desc>Précise spécifiquement la ressource audio à utiliser.</sound-device-desc> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<disable-horizon-effect>Désactive l'illusion de loupe des corps célestes à proximité de l'horizon.</disable-horizon-effect>
<enable-horizon-effect>Active l'illusion de loupe des corps célestes à proximité de l'horizon.</enable-horizon-effect>
<disable-enhanced-lighting>Désactive l'éclairage amélioré des pistes.</disable-enhanced-lighting>
<enable-enhanced-lighting>Active l'éclairage amélioré des pistes.</enable-enhanced-lighting>
<disable-distance-attenuation>Désactive l'atténuation de l'éclairage des pistes due à la distance.</disable-distance-attenuation>
<enable-distance-attenuation>Active l'atténuation de l'éclairage des pistes due à la distance.</enable-distance-attenuation>
<disable-specular-highlight>Désactive les réflexions spéculaires sur les objets texturés.</disable-specular-highlight>
<enable-specular-highlight>Active les réflexions spéculaires sur les objets texturés.</enable-specular-highlight>
<enable-clouds-desc>Active les couches de nuages 2D (à plat).</enable-clouds-desc>
<disable-clouds-desc>Désactive les couches de nuages 2D (à plat).</disable-clouds-desc>
<enable-clouds3d-desc>Active les couches de nuages 3D (volumétriques).</enable-clouds3d-desc>
<disable-clouds3d-desc>Désactive les couches de nuages 3D (volumétriques).</disable-clouds3d-desc>
<fov-desc>Précise le champ de l'angle de vue.</fov-desc>
<arm-desc>Précise un multiplicateur pour le ratio de rendu.</arm-desc>
<disable-fullscreen-desc>Désactive le mode plein écran.</disable-fullscreen-desc>
<enable-fullscreen-desc>Active le mode plein écran.</enable-fullscreen-desc>
<shading-flat-desc>Active l'ombrage à plat.</shading-flat-desc>
<shading-smooth-desc>Active l'ombrage doux.</shading-smooth-desc>
<disable-skyblend-desc>Désactive le dégradé du ciel.</disable-skyblend-desc>
<enable-skyblend-desc>Active le dégradé du ciel.</enable-skyblend-desc>
<disable-textures-desc>Désactive les textures.</disable-textures-desc>
<enable-textures-desc>Active les textures.</enable-textures-desc>
<materials-file-desc>Précise le fichier de matériaux utilisé pour le rendu des scènes (par défaut : materials.xml).</materials-file-desc>
<texture-filtering-desc>Filtre de texture anisotropique : les valeurs doivent être 1 (défault), 2, 4, 8 ou 16.</texture-filtering-desc>
<disable-wireframe-desc>Désactive le mode de dessin en fil de fer.</disable-wireframe-desc>
<enable-wireframe-desc>Active le mode de dessin en fil de fer.</enable-wireframe-desc>
<geometry-desc>Précise la géométrie de la fenêtre (640x480, etc.).</geometry-desc>
<view-offset-desc>Précise la direction de vue vers l'avant par défaut comme décalage par rapport à une direction droite devant. Les valeurs autorisées sont LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, ou un nombre spécifique en degrés.</view-offset-desc>
<visibility-desc>Précise la visibilité initiale.</visibility-desc>
<visibility-miles-desc>Précise la visibilité initiale en miles.</visibility-miles-desc>
<max-fps-desc>Taux maximum de rafraîchissement en Hz.</max-fps-desc>
<!-- Options du collimateur --> <!-- Rendering options -->
<hud-options>Options du collimateur tête-haute (HUD).</hud-options> <rendering-options>Options de rendu.</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<hud-tris-desc>Le collimateur affiche le nombre de triangles rendus.</hud-tris-desc> <bpp-desc>Précise les bits par pixel.</bpp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<hud-culled-desc>Le collimateur affiche le pourcentage de triangles supprimés.</hud-culled-desc> <fog-disable-desc>Active le brouillard/brume.</fog-disable-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<fog-fastest-desc>Active un rendu brouillard/brume plus rapide.</fog-fastest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<fog-nicest-desc>Active un rendu brouillard/brume plus joli.</fog-nicest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<disable-horizon-effect>Désactive l'illusion de loupe des corps célestes à proximité de l'horizon.</disable-horizon-effect> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<enable-horizon-effect>Active l'illusion de loupe des corps célestes à proximité de l'horizon.</enable-horizon-effect> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<disable-enhanced-lighting>Désactive l'éclairage amélioré des pistes.</disable-enhanced-lighting> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<enable-enhanced-lighting>Active l'éclairage amélioré des pistes.</enable-enhanced-lighting> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<disable-distance-attenuation>Désactive l'atténuation de l'éclairage des pistes due à la distance.</disable-distance-attenuation> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<enable-distance-attenuation>Active l'atténuation de l'éclairage des pistes due à la distance.</enable-distance-attenuation> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<disable-specular-highlight>Désactive les réflexions spéculaires sur les objets texturés.</disable-specular-highlight> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<enable-specular-highlight>Active les réflexions spéculaires sur les objets texturés.</enable-specular-highlight> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<enable-clouds-desc>Active les couches de nuages 2D (à plat).</enable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<disable-clouds-desc>Désactive les couches de nuages 2D (à plat).</disable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<enable-clouds3d-desc>Active les couches de nuages 3D (volumétriques).</enable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<disable-clouds3d-desc>Désactive les couches de nuages 3D (volumétriques).</disable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<fov-desc>Précise le champ de l'angle de vue.</fov-desc> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<arm-desc>Précise un multiplicateur pour le ratio de rendu.</arm-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<disable-fullscreen-desc>Désactive le mode plein écran.</disable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<enable-fullscreen-desc>Active le mode plein écran.</enable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<shading-flat-desc>Active l'ombrage à plat.</shading-flat-desc> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<shading-smooth-desc>Active l'ombrage doux.</shading-smooth-desc> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<disable-skyblend-desc>Désactive le dégradé du ciel.</disable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sky blending" -->
<enable-skyblend-desc>Active le dégradé du ciel.</enable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" -->
<disable-textures-desc>Désactive les textures.</disable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<enable-textures-desc>Active les textures.</enable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<materials-file-desc>Précise le fichier de matériaux utilisé pour le rendu des scènes (par défaut : materials.xml).</materials-file-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<texture-filtering-desc>Filtre de texture anisotropique : les valeurs doivent être 1 (défault), 2, 4, 8 ou 16.</texture-filtering-desc> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<disable-wireframe-desc>Désactive le mode de dessin en fil de fer.</disable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<enable-wireframe-desc>Active le mode de dessin en fil de fer.</enable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<geometry-desc>Précise la géométrie de la fenêtre (640x480, etc.).</geometry-desc> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<view-offset-desc>Précise la direction de vue vers l'avant par défaut comme décalage par rapport à une direction droite devant. Les valeurs autorisées sont LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, ou un nombre spécifique en degrés.</view-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<visibility-desc>Précise la visibilité initiale.</visibility-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Précise la visibilité initiale en miles.</visibility-miles-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<max-fps-desc>Taux maximum de rafraîchissement en Hz.</max-fps-desc> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<!-- Options de temps --> <!-- Hud options -->
<time-options>Options de temps.</time-options> <hud-options>Options du collimateur tête-haute (HUD).</hud-options> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<timeofday-desc>Précise l'heure du jour.</timeofday-desc> <hud-tris-desc>Le collimateur affiche le nombre de triangles rendus.</hud-tris-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<season-desc>Précise la saison de démarrage.</season-desc> <hud-culled-desc>Le collimateur affiche le pourcentage de triangles supprimés.</hud-culled-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<time-offset-desc>Ajoute ce décalage temporel.</time-offset-desc>
<time-match-real-desc>Synchronise l'heure avec l'heure réelle.</time-match-real-desc>
<time-match-local-desc>Synchronise l'heure avec l'heure locale réelle.</time-match-local-desc>
<start-date-desc>Précise une date/heure de départ respectant</start-date-desc>
<!-- Options réseau --> <!-- Time options -->
<network-options>Options réseau.</network-options> <time-options>Options de temps.</time-options> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<httpd-desc>Active un serveur HTTP sur un port spécifié.</httpd-desc> <timeofday-desc>Précise l'heure du jour.</timeofday-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<proxy-desc>Précise quel serveur proxy (et port) à utiliser. Le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe sont optionnels et doivent déjà être hachés avec l'algorithme MD5. Cette option n'est utilise que si elle est utilisé en conjonction avec l'option real-weather-fetch.</proxy-desc> <season-desc>Précise la saison de démarrage.</season-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<telnet-desc>Active un serveur telnet sur le port précisé.</telnet-desc> <time-offset-desc>Ajoute ce décalage temporel.</time-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<jpg-httpd-desc>Active le serveur HTTP de captures d'écran sur le port précisé.</jpg-httpd-desc> <time-match-real-desc>Synchronise l'heure avec l'heure réelle.</time-match-real-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<disable-terrasync-desc>Désactive le téléchargement/la mise à jour automatique des scènes.</disable-terrasync-desc> <time-match-local-desc>Synchronise l'heure avec l'heure locale réelle.</time-match-local-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<enable-terrasync-desc>Active le téléchargement/la mise à jour automatique des scènes.</enable-terrasync-desc> <start-date-desc>Précise une date/heure de départ respectant</start-date-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<terrasync-dir-desc>Précise le répertoire cible pour les téléchargements des scènes.</terrasync-dir-desc>
<!-- Options multijoueurs --> <!-- Network options -->
<multiplayer-options>Options multijoueurs.</multiplayer-options> <network-options>Options réseau.</network-options> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<multiplay-desc>Précise les paramètres de communication multijoueurs.</multiplay-desc> <httpd-desc>Active un serveur HTTP sur un port spécifié.</httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<callsign-desc>Assigne un nom unique à un joueur.</callsign-desc> <proxy-desc>Précise quel serveur proxy (et port) à utiliser. Le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe sont optionnels et doivent déjà être hachés avec l'algorithme MD5. Cette option n'est utilise que si elle est utilisé en conjonction avec l'option real-weather-fetch.</proxy-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<telnet-desc>Active un serveur telnet sur le port précisé.</telnet-desc> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<jpg-httpd-desc>Active le serveur HTTP de captures d'écran sur le port précisé.</jpg-httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<disable-terrasync-desc>Désactive le téléchargement/la mise à jour automatique des scènes.</disable-terrasync-desc> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<enable-terrasync-desc>Active le téléchargement/la mise à jour automatique des scènes.</enable-terrasync-desc> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<terrasync-dir-desc>Précise le répertoire cible pour les téléchargements des scènes.</terrasync-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<!-- Options de point de route --> <!-- MultiPlayer options -->
<route-options>Options de point tournant de route.</route-options> <multiplayer-options>Options multijoueurs.</multiplayer-options> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<wp-desc>Précise un point tournant (waypoint) pour le pilote automatique GC.</wp-desc> <multiplay-desc>Précise les paramètres de communication multijoueurs.</multiplay-desc> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<flight-plan-desc>Lire tous les points tournants à partir d'un fichier.</flight-plan-desc> <callsign-desc>Assigne un nom unique à un joueur.</callsign-desc> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<!-- Options d'entrée/sortie --> <!-- Route/Way Point Options -->
<io-options>Options d'entrée/sortie.</io-options> <route-options>Options de point tournant de route.</route-options> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<AV400-desc>Emet le protocole Garmin AV400 nécessaire pour gérer un GPS de la série Garmin 196/296.</AV400-desc> <wp-desc>Précise un point tournant (waypoint) pour le pilote automatique GC.</wp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<AV400Sim-desc>Emet l'ensemble des champs AV400 nécessaires pour gérer un GPS de la série Garmin 400 à partir de FlightGear.</AV400Sim-desc> <flight-plan-desc>Lire tous les points tournants à partir d'un fichier.</flight-plan-desc> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<atlas-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant le protocole Atlas.</atlas-desc>
<atcsim-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant le protocole de simulation ATC (atc610x).</atcsim-desc>
<garmin-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant le protocole GPS Garmin.</garmin-desc>
<joyclient-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant un joystick Agwagon.</joyclient-desc>
<jsclient-desc>Ouvre une connexion vers une télécommande joystick.</jsclient-desc>
<native-ctrls-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole Native Controls de FG.</native-ctrls-desc>
<native-fdm-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole Native FDM de FG.</native-fdm-desc>
<native-gui-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole Native GUI de FG.</native-gui-desc>
<native-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant le protocole FG Native.</native-desc>
<nmea-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant le protocole NMEA.</nmea-desc>
<generic-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant une interface de communication prédéfinie et un protocole de communication présélectionné.</generic-desc>
<opengc-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole OpenGC.</opengc-desc>
<props-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le gestionnaire de propriétés interactif.</props-desc>
<pve-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole PVE.</pve-desc>
<ray-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole de déplacement de chaise Ray Woodworth.</ray-desc>
<rul-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole RUL.</rul-desc>
<!-- Options --> <!-- IO Options -->
<avionics-options>Options de l'avionique.</avionics-options> <io-options>Options d'entrée/sortie.</io-options> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<com1-desc>Précise la fréquence radio COM1.</com1-desc> <AV400-desc>Emet le protocole Garmin AV400 nécessaire pour gérer un GPS de la série Garmin 196/296.</AV400-desc> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<com2-desc>Précise la fréquence radio COM2.</com2-desc> <AV400Sim-desc>Emet l'ensemble des champs AV400 nécessaires pour gérer un GPS de la série Garmin 400 à partir de FlightGear.</AV400Sim-desc> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<nav1-desc>Précise la fréquence radio NAV1, éventuellement précédée d'une radiale.</nav1-desc> <atlas-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant le protocole Atlas.</atlas-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<nav2-desc>Précise la fréquence radi NAV2, éventuellement précédée d'une radiale.</nav2-desc> <atcsim-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant le protocole de simulation ATC (atc610x).</atcsim-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<adf1-desc>Précise la fréquence radio ADF1, éventuellement précédée d'une rotation de carte.</adf1-desc> <garmin-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant le protocole GPS Garmin.</garmin-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<adf2-desc>Précise la fréquence radio ADF2, éventuellement précédée d'une rotation de carte.</adf2-desc> <joyclient-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant un joystick Agwagon.</joyclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<dme-desc>Rend l'ADF esclave d'une des radios NAV, ou précise sa fréquence interne.</dme-desc> <jsclient-desc>Ouvre une connexion vers une télécommande joystick.</jsclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<native-ctrls-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole Native Controls de FG.</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<native-fdm-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole Native FDM de FG.</native-fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<native-gui-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole Native GUI de FG.</native-gui-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<native-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant le protocole FG Native.</native-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<nmea-desc>Ouvre une connexion en utilisant le protocole NMEA.</nmea-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<generic-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant une interface de communication prédéfinie et un protocole de communication présélectionné.</generic-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<opengc-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole OpenGC.</opengc-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<props-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le gestionnaire de propriétés interactif.</props-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<pve-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole PVE.</pve-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<ray-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole de déplacement de chaise Ray Woodworth.</ray-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<rul-desc>Ouvre une connexion utilisant le protocole RUL.</rul-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<situation-options>Options de situation.</situation-options> <!-- Avionics Options -->
<failure-desc>Met en panne les systèmes pitot, statique, de vide, ou électrique (répéter l'option pour des pannes système multiples).</failure-desc> <avionics-options>Options de l'avionique.</avionics-options> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
<com1-desc>Précise la fréquence radio COM1.</com1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<com2-desc>Précise la fréquence radio COM2.</com2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<nav1-desc>Précise la fréquence radio NAV1, éventuellement précédée d'une radiale.</nav1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<nav2-desc>Précise la fréquence radi NAV2, éventuellement précédée d'une radiale.</nav2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<adf1-desc>Précise la fréquence radio ADF1, éventuellement précédée d'une rotation de carte.</adf1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<adf2-desc>Précise la fréquence radio ADF2, éventuellement précédée d'une rotation de carte.</adf2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<dme-desc>Rend l'ADF esclave d'une des radios NAV, ou précise sa fréquence interne.</dme-desc> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<!-- Options de débogage --> <situation-options>Options de situation.</situation-options> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<debugging-options>Options de débogage.</debugging-options> <failure-desc>Met en panne les systèmes pitot, statique, de vide, ou électrique (répéter l'option pour des pannes système multiples).</failure-desc> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<fpe-desc>Abandon en cas d'exception sur point flottant.</fpe-desc>
<fgviewer-desc>Utilise un visualisateur de modèle plutôt que de charger le simulateur entier.</fgviewer-desc> <!-- Debugging Options -->
<trace-read-desc>Trace les lectures pour une propriété.</trace-read-desc> <debugging-options>Options de débogage.</debugging-options> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<trace-write-desc>Trace les écritures pour une propriété.</trace-write-desc> <fpe-desc>Abandon en cas d'exception sur point flottant.</fpe-desc> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<log-level-desc>Précise quel niveau de journalisation utiliser.</log-level-desc> <fgviewer-desc>Utilise un visualisateur de modèle plutôt que de charger le simulateur entier.</fgviewer-desc> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<log-class-desc>Précise quelles classe(s) de journalisation utiliser.</log-class-desc> <trace-read-desc>Trace les lectures pour une propriété.</trace-read-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<trace-write-desc>Trace les écritures pour une propriété.</trace-write-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<log-level-desc>Précise quel niveau de journalisation utiliser.</log-level-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<log-class-desc>Précise quelles classe(s) de journalisation utiliser.</log-class-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->
</PropertyList> </PropertyList>

View file

@ -2,47 +2,129 @@
<!-- FlightGear menu: Italian language resource --> <!-- FlightGear menu: Italian language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<PropertyList> <PropertyList>
<!-- Menu -->
<!-- File menu --> <!-- File menu -->
<file>File</file> <file>File</file> <!-- English: "File" -->
<save-flight>Salva volo</save-flight> <reset>Reset</reset> <!-- English: "Reset" -->
<load-flight>Carica volo</load-flight> <snap-shot>Fotografia</snap-shot> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<reset>Reset</reset> <!-- <snap-shot-dir>???</snap-shot-dir> --> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<hi-res-snap-shot>Fotografia Hi-res</hi-res-snap-shot> <!-- <sound-config>???</sound-config> --> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<snap-shot>Fotografia</snap-shot> <exit>Uscita</exit> <!-- English: "Quit " -->
<!-- View menu --> <!-- View menu -->
<view>Visualizza</view> <view>Visualizza</view> <!-- English: "View" -->
<toggle-panel>Pannello strumenti ON/OFF</toggle-panel> <!-- <display-options>???</display-options> --> <!-- English: "Display Options" -->
<pilot-offset>Posizione pilota</pilot-offset> <!-- <rendering-options>???</rendering-options> --> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<hud-alpha>Alpha HUD</hud-alpha> <!-- <view-options>???</view-options> --> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<properties>Proprieta'</properties> <!-- <cockpit-view-options>???</cockpit-view-options> --> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<!-- <adjust-lod>???</adjust-lod> --> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<pilot-offset>Posizione pilota</pilot-offset> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" -->
<!-- <adjust-hud>???</adjust-hud> --> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<!-- <toggle-glide-slope>???</toggle-glide-slope> --> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<!-- <replay>???</replay> --> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<!-- <stereoscopic-options>???</stereoscopic-options> --> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<!-- Environment menu --> <!-- Location menu -->
<presets>Mondo</presets> <!-- <location>???</location> --> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<preset-airport>Nuovo aeroporto</preset-airport> <!-- <position-on-ground>???</position-on-ground> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft On Ground" -->
<preset-runway>Nuova pista</preset-runway> <!-- <position-in-air>???</position-in-air> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<preset-offset-distance>Nuova distanza</preset-offset-distance> <!-- <goto-airport>???</goto-airport> --> <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" -->
<preset-altitude>Nuova altitudine</preset-altitude> <!-- <random-attitude>???</random-attitude> --> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<preset-glideslope>Nuova direzione (gradi)</preset-glideslope> <!-- <tower-position>???</tower-position> --> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<preset-airspeed>Nuova velocita' (nodi)</preset-airspeed>
<preset-commit>Attiva modifiche</preset-commit>
<!-- Autopilot menu --> <!-- Autopilot menu -->
<autopilot>Autopilota</autopilot> <autopilot>Autopilota</autopilot> <!-- English: "Autopilot" -->
<set-heading>Nuova direzione</set-heading> <!-- <autopilot-settings>???</autopilot-settings> --> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<set-altitude>Nuova altitudine</set-altitude> <!-- <route-manager>???</route-manager> --> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<add-waypoint>Aggiungi waypoint</add-waypoint> <!-- <previous-waypoint>???</previous-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<skip-current-waypoint>Salta waypoint</skip-current-waypoint> <!-- <next-waypoint>???</next-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<clear-route>Cancella rotta</clear-route>
<adjust-ap-settings>Cambia impostazioni AP</adjust-ap-settings> <!-- Environment menu -->
<toggle-hud-format>Cambia formato HUD</toggle-hud-format> <!-- <environment>???</environment> --> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<!-- <global-weather>???</global-weather> --> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<!-- <time-settings>???</time-settings> --> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<!-- <wildfire-settings>???</wildfire-settings> --> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<!-- <terrasync>???</terrasync> --> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<!-- Equipment menu -->
<!-- <equipment>???</equipment> --> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<!-- <map>???</map> --> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<!-- <stopwatch>???</stopwatch> --> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<!-- <fuel-and-payload>???</fuel-and-payload> --> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<!-- <radio>???</radio> --> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<!-- <gps>???</gps> --> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<!-- <instrument-settings>???</instrument-settings> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<!-- <failure-submenu>???</failure-submenu> --> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<!-- <random-failures>???</random-failures> --> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<!-- <system-failures>???</system-failures> --> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<!-- <instrument-failures>???</instrument-failures> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<!-- AI menu -->
<!-- <ai>???</ai> --> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<!-- <scenario>???</scenario> --> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<!-- <atc-in-range>???</atc-in-range> --> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<!-- <wingman>???</wingman> --> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<!-- <tanker>???</tanker> --> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<!-- <carrier>???</carrier> --> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<!-- <jetway>???</jetway> --> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<!-- Multiplayer menu -->
<!-- <multiplayer>???</multiplayer> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<!-- <mp-settings>???</mp-settings> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<!-- <mp-chat>???</mp-chat> --> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<!-- <mp-chat-menu>???</mp-chat-menu> --> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<!-- <mp-list>???</mp-list> --> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<!-- <mp-carrier>???</mp-carrier> --> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<!-- Debug menu -->
<!-- <debug>???</debug> --> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated
since these options are not useful to end users anyway. -->
<!-- <reload-gui>???</reload-gui> --> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<!-- <reload-input>???</reload-input> --> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<!-- <reload-hud>???</reload-hud> --> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<!-- <reload-panel>???</reload-panel> --> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<!-- <reload-autopilot>???</reload-autopilot> --> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<!-- <reload-network>???</reload-network> --> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<!-- <nasal-console>???</nasal-console> --> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<!-- <development-keys>???</development-keys> --> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<!-- <configure-dev-extension>???</configure-dev-extension> --> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<!-- <display-marker>???</display-marker> --> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<!-- <dump-scene-graph>???</dump-scene-graph> --> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<!-- <print-rendering-statistics>???</print-rendering-statistics> --> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<!-- <statistics-display>???</statistics-display> --> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<!-- <performance-monitor>???</performance-monitor> --> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<!-- <property-browser>???</property-browser> --> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<!-- <logging>???</logging> --> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<!-- <local_weather>???</local_weather> --> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<!-- <print-scene-info>???</print-scene-info> --> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<!-- <rendering-buffers>???</rendering-buffers> --> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- <rembrandt-buffers-choice>???</rembrandt-buffers-choice> --> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- Help menu --> <!-- Help menu -->
<help>Aiuto</help> <help>Aiuto</help> <!-- English: "Help" -->
<!-- <help-browser>???</help-browser> --> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<!-- <aircraft-keys>???</aircraft-keys> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<!-- <common-keys>???</common-keys> --> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<!-- <basic-keys>???</basic-keys> --> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<!-- <joystick-info>???</joystick-info> --> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<!-- <tutorial-start>???</tutorial-start> --> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<!-- <menu-about>???</menu-about> --> <!-- English: "About" -->
</PropertyList> </PropertyList>

View file

@ -2,9 +2,266 @@
<!-- FlightGear options: Italian language resource --> <!-- FlightGear options: Italian language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<PropertyList> <PropertyList>
<!-- Fall back --> <!-- <usage>???</usage> --> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<null>Nessuna traduzione</null> <!-- <verbose-help>???</verbose-help> --> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" -->
<!-- General options -->
<!-- <general-options>???</general-options> --> <!-- English: "General Options" -->
<!-- <help-desc>???</help-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show the most relevant command line options" -->
<!-- <verbose-desc>???</verbose-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show all command line options when combined with -_help or -h" -->
<!-- <version-desc>???</version-desc> --> <!-- English: "Display the current FlightGear version" -->
<!-- <fg-root-desc>???</fg-root-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" -->
<!-- <fg-scenery-desc n="0">???</fg-scenery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" -->
<!-- <fg-scenery-desc n="1">???</fg-scenery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<!-- <fg-aircraft-desc>???</fg-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<!-- <language-desc>???</language-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<!-- <disable-game-mode-desc>???</disable-game-mode-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" -->
<!-- <enable-game-mode-desc>???</enable-game-mode-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" -->
<!-- <disable-splash-screen-desc>???</disable-splash-screen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<!-- <enable-splash-screen-desc>???</enable-splash-screen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<!-- <disable-save-on-exit>???</disable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<!-- <enable-save-on-exit>???</enable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<!-- <disable-intro-music-desc>???</disable-intro-music-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable introduction music" -->
<!-- <enable-intro-music-desc>???</enable-intro-music-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable introduction music" -->
<!-- <disable-mouse-pointer-desc>???</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<!-- <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">???</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<!-- <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">???</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<!-- <disable-random-objects-desc>???</disable-random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<!-- <enable-random-objects-desc>???</enable-random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<!-- <disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<!-- <enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<!-- <metar-desc>???</metar-desc> --> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<!-- <random-objects-desc>???</random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-models-desc>???</disable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<!-- <enable-ai-models-desc>???</enable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-traffic-desc>???</disable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <enable-ai-traffic-desc>???</enable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <disable-ai-scenarios>???</disable-ai-scenarios> --> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<!-- <ai-scenario>???</ai-scenario> --> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<!-- <disable-freeze-desc>???</disable-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<!-- <enable-freeze-desc>???</enable-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<!-- <disable-fuel-freeze-desc>???</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<!-- <enable-fuel-freeze-desc>???</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<!-- <disable-clock-freeze-desc>???</disable-clock-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<!-- <enable-clock-freeze-desc>???</enable-clock-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<!-- <control-desc>???</control-desc> --> <!-- English: "Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse)" -->
<!-- <enable-auto-coordination-desc>???</enable-auto-coordination-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<!-- <disable-auto-coordination-desc>???</disable-auto-coordination-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<!-- <browser-app-desc>???</browser-app-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<!-- <prop-desc>???</prop-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set property &lt;name&gt; to &lt;value&gt;. &lt;type&gt; can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<!-- <config-desc>???</config-desc> --> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<!-- <units-feet-desc>???</units-feet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<!-- <units-meters-desc>???</units-meters-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<!-- Features options -->
<!-- <environment-options>???</environment-options> --> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<!-- <features-options>???</features-options> --> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<!-- <disable-hud-desc>???</disable-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-desc>???</enable-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<!-- <disable-panel-desc>???</disable-panel-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<!-- <enable-panel-desc>???</enable-panel-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<!-- <disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>???</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>???</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<!-- <disable-hud-3d-desc>???</disable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-3d-desc>???</enable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- Aircraft options -->
<!-- <aircraft-options>???</aircraft-options> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
<!-- <aircraft-desc>???</aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<!-- <show-aircraft-desc>???</show-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<!-- <min-aircraft-status>???</min-aircraft-status> --> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<!-- <vehicle-desc>???</vehicle-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<!-- <livery-desc>???</livery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<!-- Flight Dynamics Model options -->
<!-- <fdm-options>???</fdm-options> --> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<!-- <fdm-desc n="0">???</fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<!-- <fdm-desc n="1">???</fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<!-- <aero-desc>???</aero-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<!-- <model-hz-desc>???</model-hz-desc> --> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<!-- <speed-desc>???</speed-desc> --> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<!-- <notrim-desc n="0">???</notrim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<!-- <notrim-desc n="1">???</notrim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="0">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="1">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- <on-ground-desc>???</on-ground-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<!-- <in-air-desc>???</in-air-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<!-- <wind-desc>???</wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<!-- <random-wind-desc>???</random-wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<!-- <turbulence-desc>???</turbulence-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<!-- <ceiling-desc>???</ceiling-desc> --> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<!-- <aircraft-dir-desc>???</aircraft-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<!-- <aircraft-model-options>???</aircraft-model-options> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<!-- Position and Orientation options -->
<!-- <position-options>???</position-options> --> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" -->
<!-- <airport-desc>???</airport-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" -->
<!-- <parking-id-desc>???</parking-id-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" -->
<!-- <carrier-desc>???</carrier-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" -->
<!-- <parkpos-desc>???</parkpos-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<!-- <vor-desc>???</vor-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<!-- <vor-freq-desc>???</vor-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<!-- <ndb-desc>???</ndb-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<!-- <ndb-freq-desc>???</ndb-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<!-- <fix-desc>???</fix-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<!-- <runway-no-desc>???</runway-no-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<!-- <offset-distance-desc>???</offset-distance-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<!-- <offset-azimuth-desc>???</offset-azimuth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<!-- <lon-desc>???</lon-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<!-- <lat-desc>???</lat-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<!-- <altitude-desc>???</altitude-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<!-- <heading-desc>???</heading-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<!-- <roll-desc>???</roll-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<!-- <pitch-desc>???</pitch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<!-- <uBody-desc>???</uBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<!-- <vBody-desc>???</vBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<!-- <wBody-desc>???</wBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<!-- <vNorth-desc>???</vNorth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<!-- <vEast-desc>???</vEast-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<!-- <vDown-desc>???</vDown-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<!-- <vc-desc>???</vc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<!-- <mach-desc>???</mach-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<!-- <glideslope-desc>???</glideslope-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<!-- <roc-desc>???</roc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<!-- sound options -->
<!-- <audio-options>???</audio-options> --> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<!-- <disable-sound-desc>???</disable-sound-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<!-- <enable-sound-desc>???</enable-sound-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<!-- <show-sound-devices-desc>???</show-sound-devices-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<!-- <sound-device-desc>???</sound-device-desc> --> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<!-- Rendering options -->
<!-- <rendering-options>???</rendering-options> --> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<!-- <bpp-desc>???</bpp-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<!-- <fog-disable-desc>???</fog-disable-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<!-- <fog-fastest-desc>???</fog-fastest-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<!-- <fog-nicest-desc>???</fog-nicest-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<!-- <disable-horizon-effect>???</disable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<!-- <enable-horizon-effect>???</enable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<!-- <disable-enhanced-lighting>???</disable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<!-- <enable-enhanced-lighting>???</enable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<!-- <disable-distance-attenuation>???</disable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<!-- <enable-distance-attenuation>???</enable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<!-- <disable-specular-highlight>???</disable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<!-- <enable-specular-highlight>???</enable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<!-- <enable-clouds-desc>???</enable-clouds-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <disable-clouds-desc>???</disable-clouds-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <enable-clouds3d-desc>???</enable-clouds3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <disable-clouds3d-desc>???</disable-clouds3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <fov-desc>???</fov-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<!-- <arm-desc>???</arm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<!-- <disable-fullscreen-desc>???</disable-fullscreen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<!-- <enable-fullscreen-desc>???</enable-fullscreen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<!-- <shading-flat-desc>???</shading-flat-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<!-- <shading-smooth-desc>???</shading-smooth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<!-- <disable-skyblend-desc>???</disable-skyblend-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable sky blending" -->
<!-- <enable-skyblend-desc>???</enable-skyblend-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" -->
<!-- <disable-textures-desc>???</disable-textures-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<!-- <enable-textures-desc>???</enable-textures-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<!-- <materials-file-desc>???</materials-file-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<!-- <texture-filtering-desc>???</texture-filtering-desc> --> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<!-- <disable-wireframe-desc>???</disable-wireframe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<!-- <enable-wireframe-desc>???</enable-wireframe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<!-- <geometry-desc>???</geometry-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<!-- <view-offset-desc>???</view-offset-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<!-- <visibility-desc>???</visibility-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<!-- <visibility-miles-desc>???</visibility-miles-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<!-- <max-fps-desc>???</max-fps-desc> --> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<!-- Hud options -->
<!-- <hud-options>???</hud-options> --> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<!-- <hud-tris-desc>???</hud-tris-desc> --> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<!-- <hud-culled-desc>???</hud-culled-desc> --> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<!-- Time options -->
<!-- <time-options>???</time-options> --> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<!-- <timeofday-desc>???</timeofday-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<!-- <season-desc>???</season-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<!-- <time-offset-desc>???</time-offset-desc> --> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<!-- <time-match-real-desc>???</time-match-real-desc> --> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<!-- <time-match-local-desc>???</time-match-local-desc> --> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<!-- <start-date-desc>???</start-date-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<!-- Network options -->
<!-- <network-options>???</network-options> --> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<!-- <httpd-desc>???</httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <proxy-desc>???</proxy-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<!-- <telnet-desc>???</telnet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <jpg-httpd-desc>???</jpg-httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <disable-terrasync-desc>???</disable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <enable-terrasync-desc>???</enable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <terrasync-dir-desc>???</terrasync-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<!-- MultiPlayer options -->
<!-- <multiplayer-options>???</multiplayer-options> --> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<!-- <multiplay-desc>???</multiplay-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<!-- <callsign-desc>???</callsign-desc> --> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<!-- Route/Way Point Options -->
<!-- <route-options>???</route-options> --> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<!-- <wp-desc>???</wp-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<!-- <flight-plan-desc>???</flight-plan-desc> --> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<!-- IO Options -->
<!-- <io-options>???</io-options> --> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<!-- <AV400-desc>???</AV400-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<!-- <AV400Sim-desc>???</AV400Sim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<!-- <atlas-desc>???</atlas-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<!-- <atcsim-desc>???</atcsim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<!-- <garmin-desc>???</garmin-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<!-- <joyclient-desc>???</joyclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<!-- <jsclient-desc>???</jsclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<!-- <native-ctrls-desc>???</native-ctrls-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<!-- <native-fdm-desc>???</native-fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<!-- <native-gui-desc>???</native-gui-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<!-- <native-desc>???</native-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<!-- <nmea-desc>???</nmea-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<!-- <generic-desc>???</generic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<!-- <opengc-desc>???</opengc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<!-- <props-desc>???</props-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<!-- <pve-desc>???</pve-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<!-- <ray-desc>???</ray-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<!-- <rul-desc>???</rul-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<!-- Avionics Options -->
<!-- <avionics-options>???</avionics-options> --> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
<!-- <com1-desc>???</com1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <com2-desc>???</com2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <nav1-desc>???</nav1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <nav2-desc>???</nav2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <adf1-desc>???</adf1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <adf2-desc>???</adf2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <dme-desc>???</dme-desc> --> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<!-- <situation-options>???</situation-options> --> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<!-- <failure-desc>???</failure-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<!-- Debugging Options -->
<!-- <debugging-options>???</debugging-options> --> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<!-- <fpe-desc>???</fpe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<!-- <fgviewer-desc>???</fgviewer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<!-- <trace-read-desc>???</trace-read-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<!-- <trace-write-desc>???</trace-write-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<!-- <log-level-desc>???</log-level-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<!-- <log-class-desc>???</log-class-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->
</PropertyList> </PropertyList>

View file

@ -2,113 +2,129 @@
<!-- FlightGear menu: Dutch language resource --> <!-- FlightGear menu: Dutch language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<PropertyList> <PropertyList>
<!-- File menu --> <!-- File menu -->
<file>Bestand</file> <file>Bestand</file> <!-- English: "File" -->
<reset>Opnieuw starten</reset> <reset>Opnieuw starten</reset> <!-- English: "Reset" -->
<snap-shot>Screenshot</snap-shot> <snap-shot>Screenshot</snap-shot> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<snap-shot-dir>Screenshotmap</snap-shot-dir> <snap-shot-dir>Screenshotmap</snap-shot-dir> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<sound-config>Audio instellingen</sound-config> <sound-config>Audio instellingen</sound-config> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<exit>Afsluiten</exit> <exit>Afsluiten</exit> <!-- English: "Quit " -->
<!-- View menu --> <!-- View menu -->
<view>Beeld</view> <view>Beeld</view> <!-- English: "View" -->
<display-options>Beeld instellingen</display-options> <display-options>Beeld instellingen</display-options> <!-- English: "Display Options" -->
<rendering-options>Weergave instellingen</rendering-options> <rendering-options>Weergave instellingen</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<view-options>Zicht instellingen</view-options> <view-options>Zicht instellingen</view-options> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<cockpit-view-options>Cockpit zicht instellingen</cockpit-view-options> <cockpit-view-options>Cockpit zicht instellingen</cockpit-view-options> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<adjust-lod>LOD niveaus aanpasssen</adjust-lod> <adjust-lod>LOD niveaus aanpasssen</adjust-lod> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<pilot-offset>Piloot verplaatsen</pilot-offset> <pilot-offset>Piloot verplaatsen</pilot-offset> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" -->
<adjust-hud>HUD aanpassen</adjust-hud> <adjust-hud>HUD aanpassen</adjust-hud> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<toggle-glide-slope>Toon/verberg glijpad</toggle-glide-slope> <toggle-glide-slope>Toon/verberg glijpad</toggle-glide-slope> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<replay>Herhaling</replay> <replay>Herhaling</replay> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<stereoscopic-options>Stereoscopische weergaveopties</stereoscopic-options> <stereoscopic-options>Stereoscopische weergaveopties</stereoscopic-options> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<!-- Location menu --> <!-- Location menu -->
<location>Locatie</location> <location>Locatie</location> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<position-on-ground>Plaats vliegtuig op de grond</position-on-ground> <position-on-ground>Plaats vliegtuig op de grond</position-on-ground> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft On Ground" -->
<position-in-air>Plaats vliegtuig in de lucht</position-in-air> <position-in-air>Plaats vliegtuig in de lucht</position-in-air> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<goto-airport>Vliegveld uit een lijst kiezen</goto-airport> <goto-airport>Vliegveld uit een lijst kiezen</goto-airport> <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" -->
<random-attitude>Willekeurige orientatie</random-attitude> <random-attitude>Willekeurige orientatie</random-attitude> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<tower-position>Torenpositie</tower-position> <tower-position>Torenpositie</tower-position> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<!-- Autopilot menu --> <!-- Autopilot menu -->
<autopilot>Automatische piloot</autopilot> <autopilot>Automatische piloot</autopilot> <!-- English: "Autopilot" -->
<autopilot-settings>Autopilot instellingen</autopilot-settings> <autopilot-settings>Autopilot instellingen</autopilot-settings> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<route-manager>Route manager</route-manager> <route-manager>Route manager</route-manager> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<previous-waypoint>Vorig routepunt</previous-waypoint> <previous-waypoint>Vorig routepunt</previous-waypoint> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<next-waypoint>Volgend routepunt</next-waypoint> <next-waypoint>Volgend routepunt</next-waypoint> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<!-- Environment menu --> <!-- Environment menu -->
<environment>Omgeving</environment> <environment>Omgeving</environment> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<global-weather>Weer</global-weather> <global-weather>Weer</global-weather> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<time-settings>Tijds instellingen</time-settings> <time-settings>Tijds instellingen</time-settings> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<wildfire-settings>Bosbrand instellingen</wildfire-settings> <wildfire-settings>Bosbrand instellingen</wildfire-settings> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<terrasync>Scenery downloaden</terrasync> <terrasync>Scenery downloaden</terrasync> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<!-- Equipment menu --> <!-- Equipment menu -->
<equipment>Uitrusting</equipment> <equipment>Uitrusting</equipment> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<map>Kaart</map> <map>Kaart</map> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<stopwatch>Stopwatch</stopwatch> <stopwatch>Stopwatch</stopwatch> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<fuel-and-payload>Brandstof en vracht</fuel-and-payload> <fuel-and-payload>Brandstof en vracht</fuel-and-payload> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<radio>Radio instellingen</radio> <radio>Radio instellingen</radio> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<gps>GPS instellingen</gps> <gps>GPS instellingen</gps> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<instrument-settings>Instrument instellingen</instrument-settings> <instrument-settings>Instrument instellingen</instrument-settings> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<failure-submenu> --- Storingen ---</failure-submenu> <failure-submenu> --- Storingen ---</failure-submenu> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<random-failures>Willekeurige storingen</random-failures> <random-failures>Willekeurige storingen</random-failures> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<system-failures>Systeemstoringen</system-failures> <system-failures>Systeemstoringen</system-failures> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<instrument-failures>Instrumentstoringen</instrument-failures> <instrument-failures>Instrumentstoringen</instrument-failures> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<!-- AI menu --> <!-- AI menu -->
<ai>AI</ai> <ai>AI</ai> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<scenario>Verkeer- en scenarioinstellingen</scenario> <scenario>Verkeer- en scenarioinstellingen</scenario> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<atc-in-range>ATC Services in Range</atc-in-range> <atc-in-range>ATC Services in Range</atc-in-range> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<wingman>Wingman besturing</wingman> <wingman>Wingman besturing</wingman> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<tanker>Tankvliegtuig besturing</tanker> <tanker>Tankvliegtuig besturing</tanker> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<carrier>Vliegdekschip besturing</carrier> <carrier>Vliegdekschip besturing</carrier> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<jetway>Vliegtuigslurf besturing</jetway> <jetway>Vliegtuigslurf besturing</jetway> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<!-- Multiplayer menu --> <!-- Multiplayer menu -->
<multiplayer>Multiplayer</multiplayer> <multiplayer>Multiplayer</multiplayer> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<mp-settings>Multiplayer instellingen</mp-settings> <mp-settings>Multiplayer instellingen</mp-settings> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<mp-chat>Chatvenster</mp-chat> <mp-chat>Chatvenster</mp-chat> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<mp-chat-menu>Chatmenu</mp-chat-menu> <mp-chat-menu>Chatmenu</mp-chat-menu> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<mp-list>Pilotenlijst</mp-list> <mp-list>Pilotenlijst</mp-list> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<mp-carrier>MP vliegdekschip selectie</mp-carrier> <mp-carrier>MP vliegdekschip selectie</mp-carrier> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<!-- Debug menu --> <!-- Debug menu -->
<debug>Debug</debug> <debug>Debug</debug> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated <!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated
since these options are not useful to end users anyway. --> since these options are not useful to end users anyway. -->
<reload-gui>GUI herladen</reload-gui> <reload-gui>GUI herladen</reload-gui> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<reload-input>Invoer herladen</reload-input> <reload-input>Invoer herladen</reload-input> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<reload-hud>HUD herladen</reload-hud> <reload-hud>HUD herladen</reload-hud> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<reload-panel>Paneel herladen</reload-panel> <reload-panel>Paneel herladen</reload-panel> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<reload-autopilot>Autopilot herladen</reload-autopilot> <reload-autopilot>Autopilot herladen</reload-autopilot> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<reload-network>Network herladen</reload-network> <reload-network>Network herladen</reload-network> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<nasal-console>Nasal console</nasal-console> <nasal-console>Nasal console</nasal-console> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<development-keys>Ontwikkelingstoetsen</development-keys> <development-keys>Ontwikkelingstoetsen</development-keys> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<configure-dev-extension>Ontwikkelingsextensies beheren</configure-dev-extension> <configure-dev-extension>Ontwikkelingsextensies beheren</configure-dev-extension> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<display-marker>Tutorial marker weergeven</display-marker> <display-marker>Tutorial marker weergeven</display-marker> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<dump-scene-graph>Scene graph dumpen</dump-scene-graph> <dump-scene-graph>Scene graph dumpen</dump-scene-graph> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<print-rendering-statistics>Weergave statistieken printen</print-rendering-statistics> <print-rendering-statistics>Weergave statistieken printen</print-rendering-statistics> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<statistics-display>Blader door scherm statiestieken</statistics-display> <statistics-display>Blader door scherm statiestieken</statistics-display> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<performance-monitor>Monitor systeemprestaties</performance-monitor> <performance-monitor>Monitor systeemprestaties</performance-monitor> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<property-browser>Blader door interne eigenschappen</property-browser> <property-browser>Blader door interne eigenschappen</property-browser> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<logging>Logging</logging> <logging>Logging</logging> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<local_weather>Local weather (test)</local_weather> <local_weather>Local weather (test)</local_weather> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<print-scene-info>Print zichtbare scene informatie</print-scene-info> <print-scene-info>Print zichtbare scene informatie</print-scene-info> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<rendering-buffers>Verberg/toon weergave buffers</rendering-buffers> <rendering-buffers>Verberg/toon weergave buffers</rendering-buffers> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- <rembrandt-buffers-choice>???</rembrandt-buffers-choice> --> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- Help menu -->
<help-browser>Help (opent in browser)</help-browser>
<aircraft-keys>Vliegtuig help</aircraft-keys>
<common-keys>Algemene vliegtuig toetsen</common-keys>
<basic-keys>Standaard simulator toetsen</basic-keys>
<joystick-info>Joystick informatie</joystick-info>
</PropertyList> <!-- Help menu -->
<help>Help</help> <!-- English: "Help" -->
<help-browser>Help (opent in browser)</help-browser> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<aircraft-keys>Vliegtuig help</aircraft-keys> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<common-keys>Algemene vliegtuig toetsen</common-keys> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<basic-keys>Standaard simulator toetsen</basic-keys> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<joystick-info>Joystick informatie</joystick-info> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<tutorial-start>Tutorials</tutorial-start> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<menu-about>Over...</menu-about> <!-- English: "About" -->

View file

@ -2,210 +2,266 @@
<!-- FlightGear options: Dutch language resource --> <!-- FlightGear options: Dutch language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<PropertyList> <PropertyList>
<!-- Fall back -->
<null>Deze tekst is nog niet vertaald</null>
<!-- --> <usage>Usage: fgfs [ opties ... ]</usage> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<!-- General --> <verbose-help>Voor een complete lijst van de opties geef dan --help --verbose op</verbose-help> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" -->
<!-- -->
<system-time>de systeem tijd</system-time>
<gmt>Greenwich Mean Time</gmt>
<locale-aircraft-time>de lokale tijd van het vliegtuig</locale-aircraft-time>
<units-feet>(in voeten tenzij --units-meters is opgegeven)</units-feet>
<multiple-instance>(kan meerdere keren worden opgegeven)</multiple-instance>
<!-- -->
<!-- options file -->
<!-- -->
<usage>Usage: fgfs [ opties ... ]</usage>
<verbose-help>Voor een complete lijst van de opties geef dan --help --verbose op</verbose-help>
<!-- General options --> <!-- General options -->
<general-options>Standaard opties</general-options> <general-options>Standaard opties</general-options> <!-- English: "General Options" -->
<help-desc>Geef de belangrijkste instellingen weer</help-desc> <help-desc>Geef de belangrijkste instellingen weer</help-desc> <!-- English: "Show the most relevant command line options" -->
<verbose-desc>Laat alle opties zien, wanneer gebruikt in combinatie met --help of -h</verbose-desc> <verbose-desc>Laat alle opties zien, wanneer gebruikt in combinatie met --help of -h</verbose-desc> <!-- English: "Show all command line options when combined with -_help or -h" -->
<fg-root-desc>Definiëer de locatie van de hoofd directory</fg-root-desc> <!-- <version-desc>???</version-desc> --> <!-- English: "Display the current FlightGear version" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="0">Definiëer de locatie van de scenery directory;</fg-scenery-desc> <fg-root-desc>Definiëer de locatie van de hoofd directory</fg-root-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="1">Standaard is dit $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <fg-scenery-desc n="0">Definiëer de locatie van de scenery directory;</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" -->
<language-desc>Specificeer de taal voor deze sessie</language-desc> <fg-scenery-desc n="1">Standaard is dit $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<disable-game-mode-desc>Schermvullende spelode uitschakelen</disable-game-mode-desc> <!-- <fg-aircraft-desc>???</fg-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<enable-game-mode-desc>Schermvullende spelmode inschakelen</enable-game-mode-desc> <language-desc>Specificeer de taal voor deze sessie</language-desc> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<disable-splash-screen-desc>Introductie scherm overslaan</disable-splash-screen-desc> <disable-game-mode-desc>Schermvullende spelode uitschakelen</disable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" -->
<enable-splash-screen-desc>Introductie scherm laten zien</enable-splash-screen-desc> <enable-game-mode-desc>Schermvullende spelmode inschakelen</enable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" -->
<disable-intro-music-desc>Introductie muziek overslaan</disable-intro-music-desc> <disable-splash-screen-desc>Introductie scherm overslaan</disable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<enable-intro-music-desc>Introductie muziek laten horen</enable-intro-music-desc> <enable-splash-screen-desc>Introductie scherm laten zien</enable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Extra muis aanwijzer uitschakelen</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- <disable-save-on-exit>???</disable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Extra muis aanwijzer inschakelen</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- <enable-save-on-exit>???</enable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(voor Voodoo kaarten in volledige scherm mode)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <disable-intro-music-desc>Introductie muziek overslaan</disable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Disable introduction music" -->
<disable-random-objects-desc>Willekeurig geplaatste objecten verbergen</disable-random-objects-desc> <enable-intro-music-desc>Introductie muziek laten horen</enable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Enable introduction music" -->
<enable-random-objects-desc>Willekeurig geplaatste objecten wel tonen</enable-random-objects-desc> <disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Extra muis aanwijzer uitschakelen</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<random-objects-desc>(huizen, gebouwen, etc.)</random-objects-desc> <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Extra muis aanwijzer inschakelen</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<disable-freeze-desc>Start in een normale situatie</disable-freeze-desc> <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(voor Voodoo kaarten in volledige scherm mode)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<enable-freeze-desc>Start in een bevroren situatie</enable-freeze-desc> <disable-random-objects-desc>Willekeurig geplaatste objecten verbergen</disable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Brandstof vebruik is normaal</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <enable-random-objects-desc>Willekeurig geplaatste objecten wel tonen</enable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<enable-fuel-freeze-desc>Vebruik geen brandstof</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- <disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<disable-clock-freeze-desc>Laat de klok normaal lopen</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- <enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<enable-clock-freeze-desc>Zet de klok stil</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- <metar-desc>???</metar-desc> --> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<control-desc>Besturings methode (joystick, toetsenbord, muis)</control-desc> <random-objects-desc>(huizen, gebouwen, etc.)</random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<enable-auto-coordination-desc>Automatische coördinatie inschakelen</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- <disable-ai-models-desc>???</disable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<disable-auto-coordination-desc>Automatische coördinatie uitschakelen</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- <enable-ai-models-desc>???</enable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<browser-app-desc>Definiëer het pad naar de web bowser</browser-app-desc> <!-- <disable-ai-traffic-desc>???</disable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<prop-desc>Geef de instelling &lt;naam&gt; de waarde &lt;waarde&gt;</prop-desc> <!-- <enable-ai-traffic-desc>???</enable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<config-desc>Voeg extra properties toe uit het bestand</config-desc> <!-- <disable-ai-scenarios>???</disable-ai-scenarios> --> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<units-feet-desc>Definiëer de afstanden in voeten</units-feet-desc> <!-- <ai-scenario>???</ai-scenario> --> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<units-meters-desc>Definiëer de afstanden in meters</units-meters-desc> <disable-freeze-desc>Start in een normale situatie</disable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<enable-freeze-desc>Start in een bevroren situatie</enable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Brandstof vebruik is normaal</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<enable-fuel-freeze-desc>Vebruik geen brandstof</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<disable-clock-freeze-desc>Laat de klok normaal lopen</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<enable-clock-freeze-desc>Zet de klok stil</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<control-desc>Besturings methode (joystick, toetsenbord, muis)</control-desc> <!-- English: "Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse)" -->
<enable-auto-coordination-desc>Automatische coördinatie inschakelen</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<disable-auto-coordination-desc>Automatische coördinatie uitschakelen</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<browser-app-desc>Definiëer het pad naar de web bowser</browser-app-desc> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<prop-desc>Geef de instelling &lt;naam&gt; de waarde &lt;waarde&gt;</prop-desc> <!-- English: "Set property &lt;name&gt; to &lt;value&gt;. &lt;type&gt; can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<config-desc>Voeg extra properties toe uit het bestand</config-desc> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<units-feet-desc>Definiëer de afstanden in voeten</units-feet-desc> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<units-meters-desc>Definiëer de afstanden in meters</units-meters-desc> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<!-- Features options --> <!-- Features options -->
<features-options>Eigenschappen</features-options> <!-- <environment-options>???</environment-options> --> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<disable-hud-desc>Heads Up Display (HUD) verbergen</disable-hud-desc> <features-options>Eigenschappen</features-options> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<enable-hud-desc>Heads Up Display (HUD) tonen</enable-hud-desc> <disable-hud-desc>Heads Up Display (HUD) verbergen</disable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<disable-panel-desc>Insturmenten paneel verbergen</disable-panel-desc> <enable-hud-desc>Heads Up Display (HUD) tonen</enable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<enable-panel-desc>Insturmenten paneel tonen</enable-panel-desc> <disable-panel-desc>Insturmenten paneel verbergen</disable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<disable-sound-desc>Geluid effecten uitschakelen</disable-sound-desc> <enable-panel-desc>Insturmenten paneel tonen</enable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<enable-sound-desc>Geluid effecten inschakelen</enable-sound-desc> <disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Korrelige HUD gebruiken</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Korrelige HUD gebruiken</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Scherpe gerande HUD gebruiken</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Scherpe gerande HUD gebruiken</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- <disable-hud-3d-desc>???</disable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-3d-desc>???</enable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- Aircraft options --> <!-- Aircraft options -->
<aircraft-options>Vliegtuig</aircraft-options> <aircraft-options>Vliegtuig</aircraft-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
<aircraft-desc>Selecteer een vliegtuig zoals gedefiniëerd in een van de &lt;naam&gt;-set.xml bestanden</aircraft-desc> <aircraft-desc>Selecteer een vliegtuig zoals gedefiniëerd in een van de &lt;naam&gt;-set.xml bestanden</aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<show-aircraft-desc>Laat een lijst zien van de beschikbare vliegtuig typen</show-aircraft-desc> <show-aircraft-desc>Laat een lijst zien van de beschikbare vliegtuig typen</show-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<!-- <min-aircraft-status>???</min-aircraft-status> --> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<!-- <vehicle-desc>???</vehicle-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<!-- <livery-desc>???</livery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<!-- Flight Dynamics Model options --> <!-- Flight Dynamics Model options -->
<fdm-options>Vlieg eigenschappen</fdm-options> <fdm-options>Vlieg eigenschappen</fdm-options> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<fdm-desc n="0">Bepaal de standaard simulatie model</fdm-desc> <fdm-desc n="0">Bepaal de standaard simulatie model</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<fdm-desc n="1">Dit kan een van de volgende modellen zijn: jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, of null</fdm-desc> <fdm-desc n="1">Dit kan een van de volgende modellen zijn: jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, of null</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<aero-desc>Bepaal welk aerodynamica model geladen wordt</aero-desc> <aero-desc>Bepaal welk aerodynamica model geladen wordt</aero-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<model-hz-desc>Voer de FDM uit met deze snelheid</model-hz-desc> <model-hz-desc>Voer de FDM uit met deze snelheid</model-hz-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<speed-desc>Voer de FDM 'n' keer sneller uit dan normaal</speed-desc> <speed-desc>Voer de FDM 'n' keer sneller uit dan normaal</speed-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<notrim-desc n="0">Probeer het model niet uit te trimmen</notrim-desc> <notrim-desc n="0">Probeer het model niet uit te trimmen</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<notrim-desc n="1">(alleen met fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <notrim-desc n="1">(alleen met fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<on-ground-desc>Start op de grond (standaard)</on-ground-desc> <!-- <trim-desc n="0">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<in-air-desc>Start in de lucht (wordt ook gekozen als --altitude is opgegeven)</in-air-desc> <!-- <trim-desc n="1">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<wind-desc>Specificeer wind uit de richting DIR (graden) met snelheid SPEED (knopen)</wind-desc> <on-ground-desc>Start op de grond (standaard)</on-ground-desc> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<turbulence-desc>Specificeer de turbulentie waarde. 0.0 is kalm. 1.0 is hevig</turbulence-desc> <in-air-desc>Start in de lucht (wordt ook gekozen als --altitude is opgegeven)</in-air-desc> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<ceiling-desc>Start met een overtrokken wolkendek, eventuaal met een aangegeven dokte (standaard 2000 feet)</ceiling-desc> <wind-desc>Specificeer wind uit de richting DIR (graden) met snelheid SPEED (knopen)</wind-desc> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<aircraft-dir-desc>De locatie van het vliegtuig configuratiebestand relatief tot de locatie van het hoofdprogramma</aircraft-dir-desc> <!-- <random-wind-desc>???</random-wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<turbulence-desc>Specificeer de turbulentie waarde. 0.0 is kalm. 1.0 is hevig</turbulence-desc> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<ceiling-desc>Start met een overtrokken wolkendek, eventuaal met een aangegeven dokte (standaard 2000 feet)</ceiling-desc> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<aircraft-dir-desc>De locatie van het vliegtuig configuratiebestand relatief tot de locatie van het hoofdprogramma</aircraft-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<aircraft-model-options>Vliegtuig model locatie (Alleen voor de UIUC FDM)</aircraft-model-options> <aircraft-model-options>Vliegtuig model locatie (Alleen voor de UIUC FDM)</aircraft-model-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<!-- Position and Orientation options --> <!-- Position and Orientation options -->
<position-options>Beginpositie en -oriëntatie</position-options> <position-options>Beginpositie en -oriëntatie</position-options> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" -->
<airport-desc>Geef de start positie ten opzichte van een vliegveld</airport-desc> <airport-desc>Geef de start positie ten opzichte van een vliegveld</airport-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" -->
<vor-desc>Geef de start positie ten opzichte van een VOR</vor-desc> <!-- <parking-id-desc>???</parking-id-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" -->
<ndb-desc>Geef de start positie ten opzichte van een NDB</ndb-desc> <!-- <carrier-desc>???</carrier-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" -->
<fix-desc>Geef de start positie ten opzichte van een fix</fix-desc> <!-- <parkpos-desc>???</parkpos-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<runway-no-desc>Geef het vertrek startbaan nummer (er moet ook een vliegveld worden opgegeven)</runway-no-desc> <vor-desc>Geef de start positie ten opzichte van een VOR</vor-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<offset-distance-desc>Specificeer de afstand tot de baandrempel</offset-distance-desc> <!-- <vor-freq-desc>???</vor-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<offset-azimuth-desc>Specificeer de richting van de baandrempel</offset-azimuth-desc> <ndb-desc>Geef de start positie ten opzichte van een NDB</ndb-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<lon-desc>Geografische lengte aan de start (west = -)</lon-desc> <!-- <ndb-freq-desc>???</ndb-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<lat-desc>Geografische breedte aan de start (zuid = -)</lat-desc> <fix-desc>Geef de start positie ten opzichte van een fix</fix-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<altitude-desc>Specificeer de aanvang hoogte</altitude-desc> <runway-no-desc>Geef het vertrek startbaan nummer (er moet ook een vliegveld worden opgegeven)</runway-no-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<heading-desc>Geef de aanvang koers (Psi)</heading-desc> <offset-distance-desc>Specificeer de afstand tot de baandrempel</offset-distance-desc> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<roll-desc>Geef de aanvang rolhoek (Phi)</roll-desc> <offset-azimuth-desc>Specificeer de richting van de baandrempel</offset-azimuth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<pitch-desc>Geef de aanvang hellingshoek (Theta)</pitch-desc> <lon-desc>Geografische lengte aan de start (west = -)</lon-desc> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<uBody-desc>Geef de aanvang snelheid langs de X-as</uBody-desc> <lat-desc>Geografische breedte aan de start (zuid = -)</lat-desc> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<vBody-desc>Geef de aanvang snelheid langs de Y-as</vBody-desc> <altitude-desc>Specificeer de aanvang hoogte</altitude-desc> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<wBody-desc>Geef de aanvang snelheid lang de Z-as</wBody-desc> <heading-desc>Geef de aanvang koers (Psi)</heading-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<vc-desc>Specificeer de aanvang snelheid</vc-desc> <roll-desc>Geef de aanvang rolhoek (Phi)</roll-desc> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<mach-desc>Specificeer de de start snelheid als mach nummer</mach-desc> <pitch-desc>Geef de aanvang hellingshoek (Theta)</pitch-desc> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<glideslope-desc>Specificeer het glijpad bij de start (mag positief zijn)</glideslope-desc> <uBody-desc>Geef de aanvang snelheid langs de X-as</uBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<roc-desc>Specificeer de klimsnelheid bij de start (mag negatief zijn)</roc-desc> <vBody-desc>Geef de aanvang snelheid langs de Y-as</vBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<wBody-desc>Geef de aanvang snelheid lang de Z-as</wBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<!-- <vNorth-desc>???</vNorth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<!-- <vEast-desc>???</vEast-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<!-- <vDown-desc>???</vDown-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<vc-desc>Specificeer de aanvang snelheid</vc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<mach-desc>Specificeer de de start snelheid als mach nummer</mach-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<glideslope-desc>Specificeer het glijpad bij de start (mag positief zijn)</glideslope-desc> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<roc-desc>Specificeer de klimsnelheid bij de start (mag negatief zijn)</roc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<!-- sound options -->
<!-- <audio-options>???</audio-options> --> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<disable-sound-desc>Geluid effecten uitschakelen</disable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<enable-sound-desc>Geluid effecten inschakelen</enable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<!-- <show-sound-devices-desc>???</show-sound-devices-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<!-- <sound-device-desc>???</sound-device-desc> --> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<!-- Rendering options --> <!-- Rendering options -->
<rendering-options>Weergave Instellingen</rendering-options> <rendering-options>Weergave Instellingen</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<bpp-desc>Definiëer het aantal bits per schermpunt</bpp-desc> <bpp-desc>Definiëer het aantal bits per schermpunt</bpp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<fog-disable-desc>Laat geen mist zien</fog-disable-desc> <fog-disable-desc>Laat geen mist zien</fog-disable-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<fog-fastest-desc>Selecteer de snelste mist generator</fog-fastest-desc> <fog-fastest-desc>Selecteer de snelste mist generator</fog-fastest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<fog-nicest-desc>Selecteer de beste mist generator</fog-nicest-desc> <fog-nicest-desc>Selecteer de beste mist generator</fog-nicest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<disable-horizon-effect>Laat hemellichamen niet groter zien als ze dicht bij de horizon staan</disable-horizon-effect> <disable-horizon-effect>Laat hemellichamen niet groter zien als ze dicht bij de horizon staan</disable-horizon-effect> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<enable-horizon-effect>Laat hemellichamen wel groter zien als ze dicht bij de horizon staan</enable-horizon-effect> <enable-horizon-effect>Laat hemellichamen wel groter zien als ze dicht bij de horizon staan</enable-horizon-effect> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<disable-enhanced-lighting>Standaard startbaan verlichting</disable-enhanced-lighting> <disable-enhanced-lighting>Standaard startbaan verlichting</disable-enhanced-lighting> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<enable-enhanced-lighting>Verbeterde startbaan verlichting</enable-enhanced-lighting> <enable-enhanced-lighting>Verbeterde startbaan verlichting</enable-enhanced-lighting> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<disable-distance-attenuation>Lichtpunt verkleining voor voor verre lichten niet gebruiken</disable-distance-attenuation> <disable-distance-attenuation>Lichtpunt verkleining voor voor verre lichten niet gebruiken</disable-distance-attenuation> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<enable-distance-attenuation>Lichtpunt verkleining voor voor verre lichten wel gebruiken</enable-distance-attenuation> <enable-distance-attenuation>Lichtpunt verkleining voor voor verre lichten wel gebruiken</enable-distance-attenuation> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<disable-specular-highlight>Laat geen zon reflecties zien op voorwerpen met textures</disable-specular-highlight> <disable-specular-highlight>Laat geen zon reflecties zien op voorwerpen met textures</disable-specular-highlight> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<enable-specular-highlight>Laat de directe zonlicht reflecties op voorwerpen met een texture wel zien</enable-specular-highlight> <enable-specular-highlight>Laat de directe zonlicht reflecties op voorwerpen met een texture wel zien</enable-specular-highlight> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<enable-clouds-desc>2D (vlakke) bewolking tonen</enable-clouds-desc> <enable-clouds-desc>2D (vlakke) bewolking tonen</enable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<disable-clouds-desc>2D (vlakke) bewolking verbergen</disable-clouds-desc> <disable-clouds-desc>2D (vlakke) bewolking verbergen</disable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<enable-clouds3d-desc>3D (natuurlijke) bewolking tonen</enable-clouds3d-desc> <enable-clouds3d-desc>3D (natuurlijke) bewolking tonen</enable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<disable-clouds3d-desc>3D (natuurlijke) bewolking verbergen</disable-clouds3d-desc> <disable-clouds3d-desc>3D (natuurlijke) bewolking verbergen</disable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<fov-desc>Specificeer het zichtveld</fov-desc> <fov-desc>Specificeer het zichtveld</fov-desc> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<disable-fullscreen-desc>Volledige scherm modus niet gebruiken</disable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- <arm-desc>???</arm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<enable-fullscreen-desc>In volledige scherm modus uitvoeren</enable-fullscreen-desc> <disable-fullscreen-desc>Volledige scherm modus niet gebruiken</disable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<shading-flat-desc>Gebruik scherpe schaduwen</shading-flat-desc> <enable-fullscreen-desc>In volledige scherm modus uitvoeren</enable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<shading-smooth-desc>Gebruik natuurlijke schaduwen</shading-smooth-desc> <shading-flat-desc>Gebruik scherpe schaduwen</shading-flat-desc> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<disable-skyblend-desc>Hemel opbouw verbergen</disable-skyblend-desc> <shading-smooth-desc>Gebruik natuurlijke schaduwen</shading-smooth-desc> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<enable-skyblend-desc>Hemel opbouw tonen</enable-skyblend-desc> <disable-skyblend-desc>Hemel opbouw verbergen</disable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sky blending" -->
<disable-textures-desc>Textures gebruiken</disable-textures-desc> <enable-skyblend-desc>Hemel opbouw tonen</enable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" -->
<enable-textures-desc>Textures niet gebruiken</enable-textures-desc> <disable-textures-desc>Textures gebruiken</disable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<disable-wireframe-desc>Model frame opbouw niet gebruiken</disable-wireframe-desc> <enable-textures-desc>Textures niet gebruiken</enable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<enable-wireframe-desc>Model frame opbouw wel gebruiken</enable-wireframe-desc> <!-- <materials-file-desc>???</materials-file-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<geometry-desc>Specificeer de scherm resolutie (640x480, etc)</geometry-desc> <!-- <texture-filtering-desc>???</texture-filtering-desc> --> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<view-offset-desc>Specificeer de kijkrichting aan ten opzichte van recht vooruit. Beschikbare typen zijn: LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, of een waarde in graden</view-offset-desc> <disable-wireframe-desc>Model frame opbouw niet gebruiken</disable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<visibility-desc>Maximale zichtafstand</visibility-desc> <enable-wireframe-desc>Model frame opbouw wel gebruiken</enable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Maximale zichtafstand in mijlen</visibility-miles-desc> <geometry-desc>Specificeer de scherm resolutie (640x480, etc)</geometry-desc> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<view-offset-desc>Specificeer de kijkrichting aan ten opzichte van recht vooruit. Beschikbare typen zijn: LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, of een waarde in graden</view-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<visibility-desc>Maximale zichtafstand</visibility-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Maximale zichtafstand in mijlen</visibility-miles-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<!-- <max-fps-desc>???</max-fps-desc> --> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<!-- Hud options --> <!-- Hud options -->
<hud-options>Hud Instellingen</hud-options> <hud-options>Hud Instellingen</hud-options> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<hud-tris-desc>HUD geeft het aantal weergegeven driekhoeken</hud-tris-desc> <hud-tris-desc>HUD geeft het aantal weergegeven driekhoeken</hud-tris-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<hud-culled-desc>HUD geeft het percentage verborgen driehoeken</hud-culled-desc> <hud-culled-desc>HUD geeft het percentage verborgen driehoeken</hud-culled-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<!-- Time options --> <!-- Time options -->
<time-options>Tijd Instellingen</time-options> <time-options>Tijd Instellingen</time-options> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<timeofday-desc>Specificeer de tijd op de dag ('s-morgens, 's-middags, 's-avonds, 's-nachts</timeofday-desc> <timeofday-desc>Specificeer de tijd op de dag ('s-morgens, 's-middags, 's-avonds, 's-nachts</timeofday-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<time-offset-desc>Verhoog de tijd met deze waarde</time-offset-desc> <!-- <season-desc>???</season-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<time-match-real-desc>Synchronizeer de tijd met de huidige tijd</time-match-real-desc> <time-offset-desc>Verhoog de tijd met deze waarde</time-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<time-match-local-desc>Synchronizeer de tijd met de lokale tijd</time-match-local-desc> <time-match-real-desc>Synchronizeer de tijd met de huidige tijd</time-match-real-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<start-date-desc>Geef een start tijd/datum relatief tot</start-date-desc> <time-match-local-desc>Synchronizeer de tijd met de lokale tijd</time-match-local-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<start-date-desc>Geef een start tijd/datum relatief tot</start-date-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<!-- Network options --> <!-- Network options -->
<network-options>Netwerk Instellingen</network-options> <network-options>Netwerk Instellingen</network-options> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<httpd-desc>Activeer de http server op dit poortnummer</httpd-desc> <httpd-desc>Activeer de http server op dit poortnummer</httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<telnet-desc>Activeer de telnet server op dit poortnummer</telnet-desc> <!-- <proxy-desc>???</proxy-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<jpg-httpd-desc>Activeer de schermafdruk server op dit poortnummer</jpg-httpd-desc> <telnet-desc>Activeer de telnet server op dit poortnummer</telnet-desc> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<jpg-httpd-desc>Activeer de schermafdruk server op dit poortnummer</jpg-httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <disable-terrasync-desc>???</disable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <enable-terrasync-desc>???</enable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <terrasync-dir-desc>???</terrasync-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<!-- MultiPlayer options --> <!-- MultiPlayer options -->
<multiplayer-options>MultiPlayer Instellingen</multiplayer-options> <multiplayer-options>MultiPlayer Instellingen</multiplayer-options> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<multiplay-desc>Definiëer de multipilot communicatie instellingen</multiplay-desc> <multiplay-desc>Definiëer de multipilot communicatie instellingen</multiplay-desc> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<callsign-desc>Geef een speler een unieke naam</callsign-desc> <callsign-desc>Geef een speler een unieke naam</callsign-desc> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<!-- Route/Way Point Options --> <!-- Route/Way Point Options -->
<route-options>Route/Tussen station Instellingen</route-options> <route-options>Route/Tussen station Instellingen</route-options> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<wp-desc>Definiëer een tussenstation voor de automatische piloot;</wp-desc> <wp-desc>Definiëer een tussenstation voor de automatische piloot;</wp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<flight-plan-desc>Lees alle tussenstations uit een bestand</flight-plan-desc> <flight-plan-desc>Lees alle tussenstations uit een bestand</flight-plan-desc> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<!-- IO Options --> <!-- IO Options -->
<io-options>Invoer/Uitvoer Instellingen</io-options> <io-options>Invoer/Uitvoer Instellingen</io-options> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<garmin-desc>Verbinden met het Garmin GPS protocol</garmin-desc> <!-- <AV400-desc>???</AV400-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<joyclient-desc>Verbinden met de Agwagon joystick</joyclient-desc> <!-- <AV400Sim-desc>???</AV400Sim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<native-ctrls-desc>Verbinden met het eigen FG besturings protocol</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- <atlas-desc>???</atlas-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<native-fdm-desc>Verbinden met het eigen FG FDM protocol</native-fdm-desc> <!-- <atcsim-desc>???</atcsim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<native-desc>Verbinden met het eigen FG protocol</native-desc> <garmin-desc>Verbinden met het Garmin GPS protocol</garmin-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<nmea-desc>Verbinden met het NMEA protocol</nmea-desc> <joyclient-desc>Verbinden met de Agwagon joystick</joyclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<generic-desc>Verbinden met een voorop aangegeven communicatie interface een een voorgeselecteerde communicatie protocol</generic-desc> <!-- <jsclient-desc>???</jsclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<opengc-desc>Verbinden met het OpenGC protocol</opengc-desc> <native-ctrls-desc>Verbinden met het eigen FG besturings protocol</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<props-desc>Verbinden met de interactive instelling manager</props-desc> <native-fdm-desc>Verbinden met het eigen FG FDM protocol</native-fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<pve-desc>Verbinden met het PVE protocol</pve-desc> <!-- <native-gui-desc>???</native-gui-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<ray-desc>Verbinden met het Ray Woodworth bewegende stoel protocol</ray-desc> <native-desc>Verbinden met het eigen FG protocol</native-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<rul-desc>Verbinden met het RUL protocol</rul-desc> <nmea-desc>Verbinden met het NMEA protocol</nmea-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<atc610x-desc>De atc610x interface activeren</atc610x-desc> <generic-desc>Verbinden met een voorop aangegeven communicatie interface een een voorgeselecteerde communicatie protocol</generic-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<opengc-desc>Verbinden met het OpenGC protocol</opengc-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<props-desc>Verbinden met de interactive instelling manager</props-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<pve-desc>Verbinden met het PVE protocol</pve-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<ray-desc>Verbinden met het Ray Woodworth bewegende stoel protocol</ray-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<rul-desc>Verbinden met het RUL protocol</rul-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<!-- Avionics Options --> <!-- Avionics Options -->
<avionics-options>Avionica Opties</avionics-options> <avionics-options>Avionica Opties</avionics-options> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
<nav1-desc>Zet de NAV1 radio frequentie, eventueel voorafgegaand door een radial</nav1-desc> <!-- <com1-desc>???</com1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<nav2-desc>Zet de NAV2 radio frequentie, eventueel voorafgegaand door een radial</nav2-desc> <!-- <com2-desc>???</com2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<adf1-desc>Zet de ADF1 radio frequentie, eventueel voorafgegaand door een kaart verdraaing</adf1-desc> <nav1-desc>Zet de NAV1 radio frequentie, eventueel voorafgegaand door een radial</nav1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<adf2-desc>Zet de ADF2 radio frequentie, eventueel voorafgegaand door een kaart verdraaing</adf2-desc> <nav2-desc>Zet de NAV2 radio frequentie, eventueel voorafgegaand door een radial</nav2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<dme-desc>Maak de ADF afhankelijk van een van de radio's, of zet zijn interne frequentie</dme-desc> <adf1-desc>Zet de ADF1 radio frequentie, eventueel voorafgegaand door een kaart verdraaing</adf1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<adf2-desc>Zet de ADF2 radio frequentie, eventueel voorafgegaand door een kaart verdraaing</adf2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<dme-desc>Maak de ADF afhankelijk van een van de radio's, of zet zijn interne frequentie</dme-desc> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<situation-options>Situatie opties</situation-options> <situation-options>Situatie opties</situation-options> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<failure-desc>Zorg dat de pitot, static, vacuum, of het elektrische systeem niet werkt (herhaal de optie voor meerdere systeem fouten)</failure-desc> <failure-desc>Zorg dat de pitot, static, vacuum, of het elektrische systeem niet werkt (herhaal de optie voor meerdere systeem fouten)</failure-desc> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<!-- Debugging Options --> <!-- Debugging Options -->
<debugging-options>Foutopsporings Instellingen</debugging-options> <debugging-options>Foutopsporings Instellingen</debugging-options> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<trace-read-desc>Bewaak de uitlezingen van een instelling;</trace-read-desc> <!-- <fpe-desc>???</fpe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<trace-write-desc>Bewaak de veranderingen van een instelling;</trace-write-desc> <!-- <fgviewer-desc>???</fgviewer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<trace-read-desc>Bewaak de uitlezingen van een instelling;</trace-read-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<trace-write-desc>Bewaak de veranderingen van een instelling;</trace-write-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<!-- <log-level-desc>???</log-level-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<!-- <log-class-desc>???</log-class-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->
</PropertyList> </PropertyList>

View file

@ -13,48 +13,129 @@
Special thanks to Wojciech Jozwiak, Maciej Obarski and Krzysztof Nowak Special thanks to Wojciech Jozwiak, Maciej Obarski and Krzysztof Nowak
--> -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<PropertyList> <PropertyList>
<!-- File menu --> <!-- File menu -->
<file>Plik</file> <file>Plik</file> <!-- English: "File" -->
<save-flight>Zapisz lot</save-flight> <reset>Reset</reset> <!-- English: "Reset" -->
<load-flight>Załaduj lot</load-flight> <snap-shot>Zrzut ekranu</snap-shot> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<reset>Reset</reset> <!-- <snap-shot-dir>???</snap-shot-dir> --> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<hi-res-snap-shot>Zrzut (wys. roz.)</hi-res-snap-shot> <!-- <sound-config>???</sound-config> --> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<snap-shot>Zrzut ekranu</snap-shot> <exit>Zamknij</exit> <!-- English: "Quit " -->
<!-- View menu --> <!-- View menu -->
<view>Widok</view> <view>Widok</view> <!-- English: "View" -->
<toggle-panel>Przełącz panel (2D/3D)</toggle-panel> <!-- <display-options>???</display-options> --> <!-- English: "Display Options" -->
<pilot-offset>Położenie pilota</pilot-offset> <!-- <rendering-options>???</rendering-options> --> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<hud-alpha>Antyaliasing wyświetlacza przeziernego wł./wy.</hud-alpha> <!-- <view-options>???</view-options> --> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<properties>Właściwości</properties> <!-- <cockpit-view-options>???</cockpit-view-options> --> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<!-- <adjust-lod>???</adjust-lod> --> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<pilot-offset>Położenie pilota</pilot-offset> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" -->
<!-- <adjust-hud>???</adjust-hud> --> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<!-- <toggle-glide-slope>???</toggle-glide-slope> --> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<!-- <replay>???</replay> --> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<!-- <stereoscopic-options>???</stereoscopic-options> --> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<!-- Environment menu --> <!-- Location menu -->
<environment>Środowisko</environment> <!-- <location>???</location> --> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<goto-airport>Wybierz lotnisko</goto-airport> <!-- <position-on-ground>???</position-on-ground> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft On Ground" -->
<presets>Ustawienia</presets> <!-- <position-in-air>???</position-in-air> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<preset-airport>Nowe lotnisko</preset-airport> <goto-airport>Wybierz lotnisko</goto-airport> <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" -->
<preset-runway>Nowy pas startowy</preset-runway> <!-- <random-attitude>???</random-attitude> --> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<preset-offset-distance>Ustaw odległość przesunięcia</preset-offset-distance> <!-- <tower-position>???</tower-position> --> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<preset-altitude>Ustaw wysokość</preset-altitude>
<preset-glideslope>Ustaw opadanie [stopnie]</preset-glideslope>
<preset-airspeed>Ustaw prędkość [kts]</preset-airspeed>
<preset-commit>Zatwierdź zmiany</preset-commit>
<!-- Autopilot menu --> <!-- Autopilot menu -->
<autopilot>Autopilot</autopilot> <autopilot>Autopilot</autopilot> <!-- English: "Autopilot" -->
<set-heading>Ustaw kierunek </set-heading> <!-- <autopilot-settings>???</autopilot-settings> --> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<set-altitude>Ustaw wysokość</set-altitude> <!-- <route-manager>???</route-manager> --> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<add-waypoint>Dodaj punkt przelotowy</add-waypoint> <!-- <previous-waypoint>???</previous-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<skip-current-waypoint>Przeskocz obecny punkt</skip-current-waypoint> <!-- <next-waypoint>???</next-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<clear-route>Wyczyść trasę</clear-route>
<adjust-ap-settings>Dostosuj ustawienia AP</adjust-ap-settings> <!-- Environment menu -->
<toggle-hud-format>Przełącz format wyświetlacza przeziernego</toggle-hud-format> <environment>Środowisko</environment> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<!-- <global-weather>???</global-weather> --> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<!-- <time-settings>???</time-settings> --> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<!-- <wildfire-settings>???</wildfire-settings> --> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<!-- <terrasync>???</terrasync> --> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<!-- Equipment menu -->
<!-- <equipment>???</equipment> --> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<!-- <map>???</map> --> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<!-- <stopwatch>???</stopwatch> --> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<!-- <fuel-and-payload>???</fuel-and-payload> --> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<!-- <radio>???</radio> --> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<!-- <gps>???</gps> --> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<!-- <instrument-settings>???</instrument-settings> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<!-- <failure-submenu>???</failure-submenu> --> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<!-- <random-failures>???</random-failures> --> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<!-- <system-failures>???</system-failures> --> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<!-- <instrument-failures>???</instrument-failures> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<!-- AI menu -->
<!-- <ai>???</ai> --> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<!-- <scenario>???</scenario> --> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<!-- <atc-in-range>???</atc-in-range> --> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<!-- <wingman>???</wingman> --> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<!-- <tanker>???</tanker> --> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<!-- <carrier>???</carrier> --> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<!-- <jetway>???</jetway> --> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<!-- Multiplayer menu -->
<!-- <multiplayer>???</multiplayer> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<!-- <mp-settings>???</mp-settings> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<!-- <mp-chat>???</mp-chat> --> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<!-- <mp-chat-menu>???</mp-chat-menu> --> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<!-- <mp-list>???</mp-list> --> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<!-- <mp-carrier>???</mp-carrier> --> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<!-- Debug menu -->
<!-- <debug>???</debug> --> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated
since these options are not useful to end users anyway. -->
<!-- <reload-gui>???</reload-gui> --> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<!-- <reload-input>???</reload-input> --> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<!-- <reload-hud>???</reload-hud> --> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<!-- <reload-panel>???</reload-panel> --> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<!-- <reload-autopilot>???</reload-autopilot> --> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<!-- <reload-network>???</reload-network> --> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<!-- <nasal-console>???</nasal-console> --> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<!-- <development-keys>???</development-keys> --> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<!-- <configure-dev-extension>???</configure-dev-extension> --> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<!-- <display-marker>???</display-marker> --> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<!-- <dump-scene-graph>???</dump-scene-graph> --> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<!-- <print-rendering-statistics>???</print-rendering-statistics> --> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<!-- <statistics-display>???</statistics-display> --> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<!-- <performance-monitor>???</performance-monitor> --> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<!-- <property-browser>???</property-browser> --> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<!-- <logging>???</logging> --> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<!-- <local_weather>???</local_weather> --> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<!-- <print-scene-info>???</print-scene-info> --> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<!-- <rendering-buffers>???</rendering-buffers> --> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- <rembrandt-buffers-choice>???</rembrandt-buffers-choice> --> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- Help menu --> <!-- Help menu -->
<help>Pomoc</help> <help>Pomoc</help> <!-- English: "Help" -->
<!-- <help-browser>???</help-browser> --> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<!-- <aircraft-keys>???</aircraft-keys> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<!-- <common-keys>???</common-keys> --> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<!-- <basic-keys>???</basic-keys> --> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<!-- <joystick-info>???</joystick-info> --> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<!-- <tutorial-start>???</tutorial-start> --> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<!-- <menu-about>???</menu-about> --> <!-- English: "About" -->
</PropertyList> </PropertyList>

View file

@ -11,177 +11,266 @@
<!-- When there will be some new texts, simply add them at the end of file, <!-- When there will be some new texts, simply add them at the end of file,
I will translate them later. --> I will translate them later. -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<PropertyList> <PropertyList>
<!-- Fall back -->
<null>Brak t³umaczenia</null>
<!-- --> <usage>fgfs [ opcje ... ]</usage> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<!-- General --> <verbose-help>W celu uzyskania listy opcji uruchom z: --help --verbose</verbose-help> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" -->
<!-- -->
<system-time>Czas systemowy</system-time>
<gmt>Czas uniwersalny GMT</gmt>
<locale-aircraft-time>Lokalny czas samolotu</locale-aircraft-time>
<units-feet>(w stopach gdy brak parametru: --units-meters)</units-feet>
<multiple-instance>Zezwól na kilka instancji programu</multiple-instance>
<!-- --> <!-- General options -->
<!-- options file --> <general-options>Ustawienia ogólne</general-options> <!-- English: "General Options" -->
<!-- --> <help-desc>Poka¿ najczêœciej stosowane opcje startowe</help-desc> <!-- English: "Show the most relevant command line options" -->
<usage>fgfs [ opcje ... ]</usage> <verbose-desc>Pokazuje wszystkie opcje linii komend: --help or -h</verbose-desc> <!-- English: "Show all command line options when combined with -_help or -h" -->
<verbose-help>W celu uzyskania listy opcji uruchom z: --help --verbose</verbose-help> <!-- <version-desc>???</version-desc> --> <!-- English: "Display the current FlightGear version" -->
<fg-root-desc>Œcie¿ka do g³ównego katalogu danych</fg-root-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="0">Œcie¿ka do scenerii;</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="1">Domyœlna œcie¿ka $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<!-- <fg-aircraft-desc>???</fg-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<language-desc>Wybierz jêzyk dla tej sesji</language-desc> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<disable-game-mode-desc>Wy³¹czony tryb pe³noekranowy</disable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" -->
<enable-game-mode-desc>Zezwól na tryb pe³noekranowy</enable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" -->
<disable-splash-screen-desc>Brak ekranu powitalnego</disable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<enable-splash-screen-desc>W³¹cz ekran powitalny</enable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<!-- <disable-save-on-exit>???</disable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<!-- <enable-save-on-exit>???</enable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<disable-intro-music-desc>Brak intro muzycznego</disable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Disable introduction music" -->
<enable-intro-music-desc>W³¹cz intro muzyczne</enable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Enable introduction music" -->
<disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Niedostêpny dodatkowy wskaŸnik myszy</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Dostêpny dodatkowy wskaŸnik myszy</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(np. dla trybu pe³noekranowego dla kart bazuj¹cych na Voodoo)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<disable-random-objects-desc>Wy³¹czone losowe obiekty terenowe</disable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<enable-random-objects-desc>W³¹czone losowe obiekty terenowe</enable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<!-- <disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<!-- <enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<!-- <metar-desc>???</metar-desc> --> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<random-objects-desc>(budynki, itp.)</random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-models-desc>???</disable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<!-- <enable-ai-models-desc>???</enable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-traffic-desc>???</disable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <enable-ai-traffic-desc>???</enable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <disable-ai-scenarios>???</disable-ai-scenarios> --> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<!-- <ai-scenario>???</ai-scenario> --> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<disable-freeze-desc>Start w stanie uruchomionym</disable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<enable-freeze-desc>Uruchom w trybie wstrzynanym</enable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Paliwo jest normalnie wykorzystywane</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<enable-fuel-freeze-desc>Nie ubywa paliwa w zbiorniku</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<disable-clock-freeze-desc>Zegar zlicza normalnie</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<enable-clock-freeze-desc>Unieruchom zegar</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<control-desc>G³ówny tryb sterowania (d¿ojstik, klawiatura, mysz)</control-desc> <!-- English: "Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse)" -->
<enable-auto-coordination-desc>Dostêpna autokoordynacja</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<disable-auto-coordination-desc>Niedostêpna autokoordynacja</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<browser-app-desc>Œcie¿ka do twojej przegl¹darki internetowej</browser-app-desc> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<prop-desc>Ustaw w³aœciwoœæ &lt;name&gt; na &lt;value&gt;</prop-desc> <!-- English: "Set property &lt;name&gt; to &lt;value&gt;. &lt;type&gt; can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<config-desc>Za³aduj dodatkowe w³aœciwoœci z ...</config-desc> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<units-feet-desc>U¿yj miary w stopach dla odleg³oœci</units-feet-desc> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<units-meters-desc>U¿yj miary w metrach dla odleg³oœci</units-meters-desc> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<!-- General options --> <!-- Features options -->
<general-options>Ustawienia ogólne</general-options> <!-- <environment-options>???</environment-options> --> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<help-desc>Poka¿ najczêœciej stosowane opcje startowe</help-desc> <features-options>Dodatki</features-options> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<verbose-desc>Pokazuje wszystkie opcje linii komend: --help or -h</verbose-desc> <disable-hud-desc>Niedostêpny wyœwietlacz przezierny </disable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<fg-root-desc>Œcie¿ka do g³ównego katalogu danych</fg-root-desc> <enable-hud-desc>Dostêpny wyœwietlacz przezierny (HUD)</enable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="0">Œcie¿ka do scenerii;</fg-scenery-desc> <disable-panel-desc>Niedostêpny kokpit</disable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="1">Domyœlna œcie¿ka $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <enable-panel-desc>Dostêpny kokpit</enable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<language-desc>Wybierz jêzyk dla tej sesji</language-desc> <disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Niedostêpny antyaliasing HUDa</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<disable-game-mode-desc>Wy³¹czony tryb pe³noekranowy</disable-game-mode-desc> <enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Dostêpny antyaliasing HUDa</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<enable-game-mode-desc>Zezwól na tryb pe³noekranowy</enable-game-mode-desc> <!-- <disable-hud-3d-desc>???</disable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<disable-splash-screen-desc>Brak ekranu powitalnego</disable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- <enable-hud-3d-desc>???</enable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<enable-splash-screen-desc>W³¹cz ekran powitalny</enable-splash-screen-desc>
<disable-intro-music-desc>Brak intro muzycznego</disable-intro-music-desc>
<enable-intro-music-desc>W³¹cz intro muzyczne</enable-intro-music-desc>
<disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Niedostêpny dodatkowy wskaŸnik myszy</disable-mouse-pointer-desc>
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Dostêpny dodatkowy wskaŸnik myszy</enable-mouse-pointer-desc>
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(np. dla trybu pe³noekranowego dla kart bazuj¹cych na Voodoo)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc>
<disable-random-objects-desc>Wy³¹czone losowe obiekty terenowe</disable-random-objects-desc>
<enable-random-objects-desc>W³¹czone losowe obiekty terenowe</enable-random-objects-desc>
<random-objects-desc>(budynki, itp.)</random-objects-desc>
<disable-freeze-desc>Start w stanie uruchomionym</disable-freeze-desc>
<enable-freeze-desc>Uruchom w trybie wstrzynanym</enable-freeze-desc>
<disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Paliwo jest normalnie wykorzystywane</disable-fuel-freeze-desc>
<enable-fuel-freeze-desc>Nie ubywa paliwa w zbiorniku</enable-fuel-freeze-desc>
<disable-clock-freeze-desc>Zegar zlicza normalnie</disable-clock-freeze-desc>
<enable-clock-freeze-desc>Unieruchom zegar</enable-clock-freeze-desc>
<control-desc>G³ówny tryb sterowania (d¿ojstik, klawiatura, mysz)</control-desc>
<enable-auto-coordination-desc>Dostêpna autokoordynacja</enable-auto-coordination-desc>
<disable-auto-coordination-desc>Niedostêpna autokoordynacja</disable-auto-coordination-desc>
<browser-app-desc>Œcie¿ka do twojej przegl¹darki internetowej</browser-app-desc>
<prop-desc>Ustaw w³aœciwoœæ &lt;name&gt; na &lt;value&gt;</prop-desc>
<config-desc>Za³aduj dodatkowe w³aœciwoœci z ...</config-desc>
<units-feet-desc>U¿yj miary w stopach dla odleg³oœci</units-feet-desc>
<units-meters-desc>U¿yj miary w metrach dla odleg³oœci</units-meters-desc>
<!-- Features options --> <!-- Aircraft options -->
<features-options>Dodatki</features-options> <aircraft-options>Samolot</aircraft-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
<disable-hud-desc>Niedostêpny wyœwietlacz przezierny </disable-hud-desc> <aircraft-desc>Wybierz profil samolotu podany przez: górny poziom &lt;name&gt;-set.xml</aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<enable-hud-desc>Dostêpny wyœwietlacz przezierny (HUD)</enable-hud-desc> <show-aircraft-desc>Drukuj listê dostêpnych samolotów</show-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<disable-panel-desc>Niedostêpny kokpit</disable-panel-desc> <!-- <min-aircraft-status>???</min-aircraft-status> --> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<enable-panel-desc>Dostêpny kokpit</enable-panel-desc> <!-- <vehicle-desc>???</vehicle-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<disable-sound-desc>Niedostêpne efekty dŸwiêkowe</disable-sound-desc> <!-- <livery-desc>???</livery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<enable-sound-desc>Dostêpne efekty dŸwiêkowe</enable-sound-desc>
<disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Niedostêpny antyaliasing HUDa</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>
<enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Dostêpny antyaliasing HUDa</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>
<!-- Aircraft options --> <!-- Flight Dynamics Model options -->
<aircraft-options>Samolot</aircraft-options> <fdm-options>Model dynamiki lotu (FDM)</fdm-options> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<aircraft-desc>Wybierz profil samolotu podany przez: górny poziom &lt;name&gt;-set.xml</aircraft-desc> <fdm-desc n="0">Wybierz g³ówny model dynamiki lotu</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<show-aircraft-desc>Drukuj listê dostêpnych samolotów</show-aircraft-desc> <fdm-desc n="1">Dostêpne: jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, lub null</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<aero-desc>Wybierz model areodynamiki do wczytania:</aero-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<model-hz-desc>Uruchom FDM z wspó³czynnikiem..(krok na sekundê)</model-hz-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<speed-desc>Uruchamiaj FDM 'n' razy szybciej ni¿ w rzeczywistoœci</speed-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<notrim-desc n="0">NIE próbuj zrównowa¿yæ model</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<notrim-desc n="1">(tylko z dynamik¹ lotu fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="0">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="1">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<on-ground-desc>Start z ziemi(domyœlnie)</on-ground-desc> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<in-air-desc>Rozpocznij w powietrzu(gdy wywo³anie z parametrem --altitude)</in-air-desc> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<wind-desc>Parametry wiatru: z kierunku [stopnie] z prêdkoœci¹ [knots]</wind-desc> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<!-- <random-wind-desc>???</random-wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<!-- <turbulence-desc>???</turbulence-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<!-- <ceiling-desc>???</ceiling-desc> --> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<aircraft-dir-desc>Katalog z samolotami (œcie¿ka wzglêdem pliku startowego programu)</aircraft-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<!-- Flight Dynamics Model options --> <aircraft-model-options>Katalog z samolotami (tylko dla UIUC FDM)</aircraft-model-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<fdm-options>Model dynamiki lotu (FDM)</fdm-options>
<fdm-desc n="0">Wybierz g³ówny model dynamiki lotu</fdm-desc>
<fdm-desc n="1">Dostêpne: jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, lub null</fdm-desc>
<aero-desc>Wybierz model areodynamiki do wczytania:</aero-desc>
<model-hz-desc>Uruchom FDM z wspó³czynnikiem..(krok na sekundê)</model-hz-desc>
<speed-desc>Uruchamiaj FDM 'n' razy szybciej ni¿ w rzeczywistoœci</speed-desc>
<notrim-desc n="0">NIE próbuj zrównowa¿yæ model</notrim-desc>
<notrim-desc n="1">(tylko z dynamik¹ lotu fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc>
<on-ground-desc>Start z ziemi(domyœlnie)</on-ground-desc>
<in-air-desc>Rozpocznij w powietrzu(gdy wywo³anie z parametrem --altitude)</in-air-desc>
<wind-desc>Parametry wiatru: z kierunku [stopnie] z prêdkoœci¹ [knots]</wind-desc>
<aircraft-dir-desc>Katalog z samolotami (œcie¿ka wzglêdem pliku startowego programu)</aircraft-dir-desc>
<aircraft-model-options>Katalog z samolotami (tylko dla UIUC FDM)</aircraft-model-options> <!-- Position and Orientation options -->
<position-options>Pocz¹tkowa pozycja i orientacja</position-options> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" -->
<!-- <airport-desc>???</airport-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" -->
<!-- <parking-id-desc>???</parking-id-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" -->
<!-- <carrier-desc>???</carrier-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" -->
<!-- <parkpos-desc>???</parkpos-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<!-- <vor-desc>???</vor-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<!-- <vor-freq-desc>???</vor-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<!-- <ndb-desc>???</ndb-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<!-- <ndb-freq-desc>???</ndb-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<!-- <fix-desc>???</fix-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<runway-no-desc>Wybierz pas do startu (musisz podaæ równie¿ lotnisko)</runway-no-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<offset-distance-desc>Dystans do progu drogi startowej</offset-distance-desc> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<offset-azimuth-desc>Kierunek do progu drogi startowej</offset-azimuth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<lon-desc>D³ugoœæ geograficzna pozycji startu (zachód = -)</lon-desc> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<lat-desc>Szerokoœæ geograficzna pozycji startu (po³udnie = -)</lat-desc> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<altitude-desc>Wysokoœæ pocz¹tkowa</altitude-desc> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<heading-desc>Podaj kierunek odchylenia: k¹t Psi</heading-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<roll-desc>Podaj k¹t przechy³u (Phi)</roll-desc> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<pitch-desc>Podaj k¹t pochylenia (Theta)</pitch-desc> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<uBody-desc>Podaj prêdkoœæ wzd³u¿ osi X</uBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<vBody-desc>Podaj prêdkoœæ wzd³u¿ osi Y</vBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<wBody-desc>Podaj prêdkoœæ wzd³u¿ osi Z</wBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<!-- <vNorth-desc>???</vNorth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<!-- <vEast-desc>???</vEast-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<!-- <vDown-desc>???</vDown-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<vc-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ prêdkoœæ</vc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<mach-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ liczbê Mach</mach-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<glideslope-desc>Specify flight path angle (mo¿e byæ dodatni)</glideslope-desc> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<roc-desc>Pocz¹tkowy wspó³czynnik wznoszenia (mo¿e byæ ujemny)</roc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<!-- Position and Orientation options --> <!-- sound options -->
<position-options>Pocz¹tkowa pozycja i orientacja</position-options> <!-- <audio-options>???</audio-options> --> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<runway-no-desc>Wybierz pas do startu (musisz podaæ równie¿ lotnisko)</runway-no-desc> <disable-sound-desc>Niedostêpne efekty dŸwiêkowe</disable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<offset-distance-desc>Dystans do progu drogi startowej</offset-distance-desc> <enable-sound-desc>Dostêpne efekty dŸwiêkowe</enable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<offset-azimuth-desc>Kierunek do progu drogi startowej</offset-azimuth-desc> <!-- <show-sound-devices-desc>???</show-sound-devices-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<lon-desc>D³ugoœæ geograficzna pozycji startu (zachód = -)</lon-desc> <!-- <sound-device-desc>???</sound-device-desc> --> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<lat-desc>Szerokoœæ geograficzna pozycji startu (po³udnie = -)</lat-desc>
<altitude-desc>Wysokoœæ pocz¹tkowa</altitude-desc>
<heading-desc>Podaj kierunek odchylenia: k¹t Psi</heading-desc>
<roll-desc>Podaj k¹t przechy³u (Phi)</roll-desc>
<pitch-desc>Podaj k¹t pochylenia (Theta)</pitch-desc>
<uBody-desc>Podaj prêdkoœæ wzd³u¿ osi X</uBody-desc>
<vBody-desc>Podaj prêdkoœæ wzd³u¿ osi Y</vBody-desc>
<wBody-desc>Podaj prêdkoœæ wzd³u¿ osi Z</wBody-desc>
<vc-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ prêdkoœæ</vc-desc>
<mach-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ liczbê Mach</mach-desc>
<glideslope-desc>Specify flight path angle (mo¿e byæ dodatni)</glideslope-desc>
<roc-desc>Pocz¹tkowy wspó³czynnik wznoszenia (mo¿e byæ ujemny)</roc-desc>
<!-- Rendering options --> <!-- Rendering options -->
<rendering-options>Opcje renderowania</rendering-options> <rendering-options>Opcje renderowania</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<bpp-desc>Liczba bitów na piksel</bpp-desc> <bpp-desc>Liczba bitów na piksel</bpp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<fog-disable-desc>Niedostêpna mg³a/mgie³ka</fog-disable-desc> <fog-disable-desc>Niedostêpna mg³a/mgie³ka</fog-disable-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<fog-fastest-desc>Mo¿liwa silna mg³a/mgie³ka</fog-fastest-desc> <fog-fastest-desc>Mo¿liwa silna mg³a/mgie³ka</fog-fastest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<fog-nicest-desc>Mo¿liwa lekka mg³a/mgie³ka</fog-nicest-desc> <fog-nicest-desc>Mo¿liwa lekka mg³a/mgie³ka</fog-nicest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<enable-clouds-desc>Dostêpne 2D (p³askie) warstwy chmur</enable-clouds-desc> <!-- <disable-horizon-effect>???</disable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<disable-clouds-desc>Niedostêpne 2D (p³askie) warstwy chmur</disable-clouds-desc> <!-- <enable-horizon-effect>???</enable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<enable-clouds3d-desc>Dostêpne 3D (przestrzenne) warstwy chmur</enable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- <disable-enhanced-lighting>???</disable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<disable-clouds3d-desc>Niedostêpne 3D (przestrzenne) warstwy chmur</disable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- <enable-enhanced-lighting>???</enable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<fov-desc>Obszar k¹ta widzenia</fov-desc> <!-- <disable-distance-attenuation>???</disable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<disable-fullscreen-desc>Niedostêpny tryb pe³noekranowy</disable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- <enable-distance-attenuation>???</enable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<enable-fullscreen-desc>Dostêpny tryb pe³noekranowy</enable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- <disable-specular-highlight>???</disable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<shading-flat-desc>Zezwól na p³askie cieniowanie</shading-flat-desc> <!-- <enable-specular-highlight>???</enable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<shading-smooth-desc>Zezwól na g³adkie cieniowanie</shading-smooth-desc> <enable-clouds-desc>Dostêpne 2D (p³askie) warstwy chmur</enable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<disable-skyblend-desc>Niedostêpna przeŸroczystoœæ nieba</disable-skyblend-desc> <disable-clouds-desc>Niedostêpne 2D (p³askie) warstwy chmur</disable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<enable-skyblend-desc>Dostêpna przezroczystoœæ nieba</enable-skyblend-desc> <enable-clouds3d-desc>Dostêpne 3D (przestrzenne) warstwy chmur</enable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<disable-textures-desc>Tekstury niedostêpne</disable-textures-desc> <disable-clouds3d-desc>Niedostêpne 3D (przestrzenne) warstwy chmur</disable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<enable-textures-desc>Tekstury dostêpne</enable-textures-desc> <fov-desc>Obszar k¹ta widzenia</fov-desc> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<disable-wireframe-desc>Niedostêpny tryb rysowania konturowego</disable-wireframe-desc> <!-- <arm-desc>???</arm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<enable-wireframe-desc>Dostêpny tryb rysowania konturowego</enable-wireframe-desc> <disable-fullscreen-desc>Niedostêpny tryb pe³noekranowy</disable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<geometry-desc>Podaj wymiary okna(640x480, itp.)</geometry-desc> <enable-fullscreen-desc>Dostêpny tryb pe³noekranowy</enable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<view-offset-desc>Domyœlny widok do przodu jako odchylenie od kierunku na wprost. Dopuszczalne wartoœci: LEFT [lewo], RIGHT [prawo], CENTER [wyœrodkuj], lub podaj w stopniach</view-offset-desc> <shading-flat-desc>Zezwól na p³askie cieniowanie</shading-flat-desc> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<visibility-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ widzialnoœæ</visibility-desc> <shading-smooth-desc>Zezwól na g³adkie cieniowanie</shading-smooth-desc> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ widzialnoœæ w milach</visibility-miles-desc> <disable-skyblend-desc>Niedostêpna przeŸroczystoœæ nieba</disable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sky blending" -->
<enable-skyblend-desc>Dostêpna przezroczystoœæ nieba</enable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" -->
<disable-textures-desc>Tekstury niedostêpne</disable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<enable-textures-desc>Tekstury dostêpne</enable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<!-- <materials-file-desc>???</materials-file-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<!-- <texture-filtering-desc>???</texture-filtering-desc> --> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<disable-wireframe-desc>Niedostêpny tryb rysowania konturowego</disable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<enable-wireframe-desc>Dostêpny tryb rysowania konturowego</enable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<geometry-desc>Podaj wymiary okna(640x480, itp.)</geometry-desc> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<view-offset-desc>Domyœlny widok do przodu jako odchylenie od kierunku na wprost. Dopuszczalne wartoœci: LEFT [lewo], RIGHT [prawo], CENTER [wyœrodkuj], lub podaj w stopniach</view-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<visibility-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ widzialnoœæ</visibility-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ widzialnoœæ w milach</visibility-miles-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<!-- <max-fps-desc>???</max-fps-desc> --> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<!-- Hud options --> <!-- Hud options -->
<hud-options>Wyœwietlacza przezierny</hud-options> <hud-options>Wyœwietlacza przezierny</hud-options> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<hud-tris-desc>HUD pokazuje liczbê renderowanych trójk¹tów</hud-tris-desc> <hud-tris-desc>HUD pokazuje liczbê renderowanych trójk¹tów</hud-tris-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<hud-culled-desc>HUD pokazuje procent 'culled' trójk¹tów</hud-culled-desc> <hud-culled-desc>HUD pokazuje procent 'culled' trójk¹tów</hud-culled-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<!-- Time options --> <!-- Time options -->
<time-options>Opcje czasu</time-options> <time-options>Opcje czasu</time-options> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<time-offset-desc>Dodaj to przesuniêcie czasu</time-offset-desc> <!-- <timeofday-desc>???</timeofday-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<time-match-real-desc>Synchronizuj czas z rzeczywistym (GMT)</time-match-real-desc> <!-- <season-desc>???</season-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<time-match-local-desc>Synchronizuj czas z lokalnym czasem rzeczywistym</time-match-local-desc> <time-offset-desc>Dodaj to przesuniêcie czasu</time-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<start-date-desc>Podaj datê/czas startu ze wzg. na </start-date-desc> <time-match-real-desc>Synchronizuj czas z rzeczywistym (GMT)</time-match-real-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<time-match-local-desc>Synchronizuj czas z lokalnym czasem rzeczywistym</time-match-local-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<start-date-desc>Podaj datê/czas startu ze wzg. na </start-date-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<!-- Network options --> <!-- Network options -->
<network-options>Opcje sieciowe</network-options> <network-options>Opcje sieciowe</network-options> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<httpd-desc>Otwórz serwer HTTP na porcie...</httpd-desc> <httpd-desc>Otwórz serwer HTTP na porcie...</httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<net-id-desc>Podaj twój sygna³ wywo³awczy</net-id-desc> <!-- <proxy-desc>???</proxy-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<!-- <telnet-desc>???</telnet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <jpg-httpd-desc>???</jpg-httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <disable-terrasync-desc>???</disable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <enable-terrasync-desc>???</enable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <terrasync-dir-desc>???</terrasync-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<!-- Route/Way Point Options --> <!-- MultiPlayer options -->
<route-options>Opcje trasy/punktów przelotowych</route-options> <!-- <multiplayer-options>???</multiplayer-options> --> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<wp-desc>Podaj punkty przelotowe autopilotowi GC;</wp-desc> <!-- <multiplay-desc>???</multiplay-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<flight-plan-desc>Wczytaj punkty przelotu z pliku</flight-plan-desc> <!-- <callsign-desc>???</callsign-desc> --> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<!-- IO Options --> <!-- Route/Way Point Options -->
<io-options>Opcje we./wy.</io-options> <route-options>Opcje trasy/punktów przelotowych</route-options> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<garmin-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u Garmin GPS</garmin-desc> <wp-desc>Podaj punkty przelotowe autopilotowi GC;</wp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<joyclient-desc>Pod³¹cz do Agwagon d¿ojstik</joyclient-desc> <flight-plan-desc>Wczytaj punkty przelotu z pliku</flight-plan-desc> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<native-ctrls-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u FG Native Controls</native-ctrls-desc>
<native-fdm-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u FG Native FDM </native-fdm-desc>
<native-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u FG Native</native-desc>
<nmea-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u NMEA</nmea-desc>
<opengc-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u OpenGC</opengc-desc>
<props-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c interaktywnego menad¿era w³aœciwoœci</props-desc>
<pve-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u PVE</pve-desc>
<ray-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u Ray Woodworth motion chair</ray-desc>
<rul-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u RUL</rul-desc>
<atc610x-desc>Zezwól na interfejs atc610x</atc610x-desc>
<!-- Debugging Options --> <!-- IO Options -->
<debugging-options>Opcje debugera</debugging-options> <io-options>Opcje we./wy.</io-options> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<trace-read-desc>Œledziæ odczyty pod wzg. w³aœciwoœci;</trace-read-desc> <!-- <AV400-desc>???</AV400-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<trace-write-desc>Œledziæ zapisy pod wzg. w³aœciwoœci;</trace-write-desc> <!-- <AV400Sim-desc>???</AV400Sim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<!-- <atlas-desc>???</atlas-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<!-- <atcsim-desc>???</atcsim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<garmin-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u Garmin GPS</garmin-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<joyclient-desc>Pod³¹cz do Agwagon d¿ojstik</joyclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<!-- <jsclient-desc>???</jsclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<native-ctrls-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u FG Native Controls</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<native-fdm-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u FG Native FDM </native-fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<!-- <native-gui-desc>???</native-gui-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<native-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u FG Native</native-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<nmea-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u NMEA</nmea-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<!-- <generic-desc>???</generic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<opengc-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u OpenGC</opengc-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<props-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c interaktywnego menad¿era w³aœciwoœci</props-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<pve-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u PVE</pve-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<ray-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u Ray Woodworth motion chair</ray-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<rul-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u RUL</rul-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<!-- Avionics Options -->
<!-- <avionics-options>???</avionics-options> --> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
<!-- <com1-desc>???</com1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <com2-desc>???</com2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <nav1-desc>???</nav1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <nav2-desc>???</nav2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <adf1-desc>???</adf1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <adf2-desc>???</adf2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <dme-desc>???</dme-desc> --> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<!-- <situation-options>???</situation-options> --> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<!-- <failure-desc>???</failure-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<!-- Debugging Options -->
<debugging-options>Opcje debugera</debugging-options> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<!-- <fpe-desc>???</fpe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<!-- <fgviewer-desc>???</fgviewer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<trace-read-desc>Œledziæ odczyty pod wzg. w³aœciwoœci;</trace-read-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<trace-write-desc>Œledziæ zapisy pod wzg. w³aœciwoœci;</trace-write-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<!-- <log-level-desc>???</log-level-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<!-- <log-class-desc>???</log-class-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->
</PropertyList> </PropertyList>

View file

@ -13,177 +13,266 @@
Special thanks to Wojciech Jozwiak, Maciej Obarski and Krzysztof Nowak Special thanks to Wojciech Jozwiak, Maciej Obarski and Krzysztof Nowak
--> -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<PropertyList> <PropertyList>
<!-- Fall back -->
<null>Brak tlumaczenia</null>
<!-- --> <usage>fgfs [ opcje ... ]</usage> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<!-- General --> <verbose-help>W celu uzyskania listy opcji uruchom z: --help --verbose</verbose-help> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" -->
<!-- -->
<system-time>Czas systemowy</system-time>
<gmt>Czas uniwersalny GMT</gmt>
<locale-aricraft-time>Lokalny czas samolotu</locale-aricraft-time>
<units-feet>(w stopach gdy brak parametru: --units-meters)</units-feet>
<multiple-instance>Zezwol na kilka instancji programu</multiple-instance>
<!-- -->
<!-- options file -->
<!-- -->
<usage>fgfs [ opcje ... ]</usage>
<verbose-help>W celu uzyskania listy opcji uruchom z: --help --verbose</verbose-help>
<!-- General options --> <!-- General options -->
<general-options>Ustawienia ogolne</general-options> <general-options>Ustawienia ogolne</general-options> <!-- English: "General Options" -->
<help-desc>Pokaz najczesciej stosowane opcje startowe</help-desc> <help-desc>Pokaz najczesciej stosowane opcje startowe</help-desc> <!-- English: "Show the most relevant command line options" -->
<verbose-desc>Pokazuje wszystkie opcje linii komend: --help or -h</verbose-desc> <verbose-desc>Pokazuje wszystkie opcje linii komend: --help or -h</verbose-desc> <!-- English: "Show all command line options when combined with -_help or -h" -->
<fg-root-desc>Sciezka do glownego katalogu danych</fg-root-desc> <!-- <version-desc>???</version-desc> --> <!-- English: "Display the current FlightGear version" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="0">Sciezka do scenerii;</fg-scenery-desc> <fg-root-desc>Sciezka do glownego katalogu danych</fg-root-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="1">Domyslna sciezka $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <fg-scenery-desc n="0">Sciezka do scenerii;</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" -->
<language-desc>Wybierz jezyk dla tej sesji</language-desc> <fg-scenery-desc n="1">Domyslna sciezka $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<disable-game-mode-desc>Wylaczony tryb pelnoekranowy</disable-game-mode-desc> <!-- <fg-aircraft-desc>???</fg-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<enable-game-mode-desc>Zezwol na tryb pelnoekranowy</enable-game-mode-desc> <language-desc>Wybierz jezyk dla tej sesji</language-desc> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<disable-splash-screen-desc>Brak ekranu powitalnego</disable-splash-screen-desc> <disable-game-mode-desc>Wylaczony tryb pelnoekranowy</disable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" -->
<enable-splash-screen-desc>Wlacz ekran powitalny</enable-splash-screen-desc> <enable-game-mode-desc>Zezwol na tryb pelnoekranowy</enable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" -->
<disable-intro-music-desc>Brak intro muzycznego</disable-intro-music-desc> <disable-splash-screen-desc>Brak ekranu powitalnego</disable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<enable-intro-music-desc>Wlacz intro muzyczne</enable-intro-music-desc> <enable-splash-screen-desc>Wlacz ekran powitalny</enable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Niedostepny dodatkowy wskaznik myszy</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- <disable-save-on-exit>???</disable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Dostepny dodatkowy wskaznik myszy</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- <enable-save-on-exit>???</enable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(np. dla trybu pelnoekranowego dla kart bazujacych na Voodoo)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <disable-intro-music-desc>Brak intro muzycznego</disable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Disable introduction music" -->
<disable-random-objects-desc>Wylaczone losowe obiekty terenowe</disable-random-objects-desc> <enable-intro-music-desc>Wlacz intro muzyczne</enable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Enable introduction music" -->
<enable-random-objects-desc>Wlaczone losowe obiekty terenowe</enable-random-objects-desc> <disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Niedostepny dodatkowy wskaznik myszy</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<random-objects-desc>(budynki, itp.)</random-objects-desc> <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Dostepny dodatkowy wskaznik myszy</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<disable-freeze-desc>Start w stanie uruchomionym</disable-freeze-desc> <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(np. dla trybu pelnoekranowego dla kart bazujacych na Voodoo)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<enable-freeze-desc>Uruchom w trybie wstrzynanym</enable-freeze-desc> <disable-random-objects-desc>Wylaczone losowe obiekty terenowe</disable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Paliwo jest normalnie wykorzystywane</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <enable-random-objects-desc>Wlaczone losowe obiekty terenowe</enable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<enable-fuel-freeze-desc>Nie ubywa paliwa w zbiorniku</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- <disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<disable-clock-freeze-desc>Zegar zlicza normalnie</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- <enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<enable-clock-freeze-desc>Unieruchom zegar</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- <metar-desc>???</metar-desc> --> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<control-desc>Glowny tryb sterowania (dzojstik, klawiatura, mysz)</control-desc> <random-objects-desc>(budynki, itp.)</random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<enable-auto-coordination-desc>Dostepna autokoordynacja</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- <disable-ai-models-desc>???</disable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<disable-auto-coordination-desc>Niedostepna autokoordynacja</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- <enable-ai-models-desc>???</enable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<browser-app-desc>Sciezka do twojej przegladarki internetowej</browser-app-desc> <!-- <disable-ai-traffic-desc>???</disable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<prop-desc>Ustaw wlasciwosc &lt;name&gt; na &lt;value&gt;</prop-desc> <!-- <enable-ai-traffic-desc>???</enable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<config-desc>Zaladuj dodatkowe wlasciwosci z ...</config-desc> <!-- <disable-ai-scenarios>???</disable-ai-scenarios> --> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<units-feet-desc>Uzyj miary w stopach dla odleglosci</units-feet-desc> <!-- <ai-scenario>???</ai-scenario> --> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<units-meters-desc>Uzyj miary w metrach dla odleglosci</units-meters-desc> <disable-freeze-desc>Start w stanie uruchomionym</disable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<enable-freeze-desc>Uruchom w trybie wstrzynanym</enable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Paliwo jest normalnie wykorzystywane</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<enable-fuel-freeze-desc>Nie ubywa paliwa w zbiorniku</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<disable-clock-freeze-desc>Zegar zlicza normalnie</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<enable-clock-freeze-desc>Unieruchom zegar</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<control-desc>Glowny tryb sterowania (dzojstik, klawiatura, mysz)</control-desc> <!-- English: "Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse)" -->
<enable-auto-coordination-desc>Dostepna autokoordynacja</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<disable-auto-coordination-desc>Niedostepna autokoordynacja</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<browser-app-desc>Sciezka do twojej przegladarki internetowej</browser-app-desc> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<prop-desc>Ustaw wlasciwosc &lt;name&gt; na &lt;value&gt;</prop-desc> <!-- English: "Set property &lt;name&gt; to &lt;value&gt;. &lt;type&gt; can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<config-desc>Zaladuj dodatkowe wlasciwosci z ...</config-desc> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<units-feet-desc>Uzyj miary w stopach dla odleglosci</units-feet-desc> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<units-meters-desc>Uzyj miary w metrach dla odleglosci</units-meters-desc> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<!-- Features options --> <!-- Features options -->
<features-options>Dodatki</features-options> <!-- <environment-options>???</environment-options> --> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<disable-hud-desc>Niedostepny wyswietlacz przezierny </disable-hud-desc> <features-options>Dodatki</features-options> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<enable-hud-desc>Dostepny wyswietlacz przezierny (HUD)</enable-hud-desc> <disable-hud-desc>Niedostepny wyswietlacz przezierny </disable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<disable-panel-desc>Niedostepny kokpit</disable-panel-desc> <enable-hud-desc>Dostepny wyswietlacz przezierny (HUD)</enable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<enable-panel-desc>Dostepny kokpit</enable-panel-desc> <disable-panel-desc>Niedostepny kokpit</disable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<disable-sound-desc>Niedostepne efekty dzwiekowe</disable-sound-desc> <enable-panel-desc>Dostepny kokpit</enable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<enable-sound-desc>Dostepne efekty dzwiekowe</enable-sound-desc> <disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Niedostepny antyaliasing HUDa</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Niedostepny antyaliasing HUDa</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Dostepny antyaliasing HUDa</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Dostepny antyaliasing HUDa</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- <disable-hud-3d-desc>???</disable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-3d-desc>???</enable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- Aircraft options --> <!-- Aircraft options -->
<aircraft-options>Samolot</aircraft-options> <aircraft-options>Samolot</aircraft-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
<aircraft-desc>Wybierz profil samolotu podany przez: gorny poziom &lt;name&gt;-set.xml</aircraft-desc> <aircraft-desc>Wybierz profil samolotu podany przez: gorny poziom &lt;name&gt;-set.xml</aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<show-aircraft-desc>Drukuj liste dostepnych samolotow</show-aircraft-desc> <show-aircraft-desc>Drukuj liste dostepnych samolotow</show-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<!-- <min-aircraft-status>???</min-aircraft-status> --> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<!-- <vehicle-desc>???</vehicle-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<!-- <livery-desc>???</livery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<!-- Flight Dynamics Model options --> <!-- Flight Dynamics Model options -->
<fdm-options>Model dynamiki lotu (FDM)</fdm-options> <fdm-options>Model dynamiki lotu (FDM)</fdm-options> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<fdm-desc n="0">Wybierz glowny model dynamiki lotu</fdm-desc> <fdm-desc n="0">Wybierz glowny model dynamiki lotu</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<fdm-desc n="1">Dostepne: jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, lub null</fdm-desc> <fdm-desc n="1">Dostepne: jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, lub null</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<aero-desc>Wybierz model areodynamiki do wczytania:</aero-desc> <aero-desc>Wybierz model areodynamiki do wczytania:</aero-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<model-hz-desc>Uruchom FDM z wspolczynnikiem..(krok na sekunde)</model-hz-desc> <model-hz-desc>Uruchom FDM z wspolczynnikiem..(krok na sekunde)</model-hz-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<speed-desc>Uruchamiaj FDM 'n' razy szybciej niz w rzeczywistosci</speed-desc> <speed-desc>Uruchamiaj FDM 'n' razy szybciej niz w rzeczywistosci</speed-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<notrim-desc n="0">NIE probuj zrownowazyc model</notrim-desc> <notrim-desc n="0">NIE probuj zrownowazyc model</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<notrim-desc n="1">(tylko z dynamika lotu fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <notrim-desc n="1">(tylko z dynamika lotu fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<on-ground-desc>Start z ziemi(domyslnie)</on-ground-desc> <!-- <trim-desc n="0">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<in-air-desc>Rozpocznij w powietrzu(gdy wywolanie z parametrem --altitude)</in-air-desc> <!-- <trim-desc n="1">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<wind-desc>Parametry wiatru: z kierunku [stopnie] z predkoscia [knots]</wind-desc> <on-ground-desc>Start z ziemi(domyslnie)</on-ground-desc> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<aircraft-dir-desc>Katalog z samolotami (Sciezka wzgledem pliku startowego programu)</aircraft-dir-desc> <in-air-desc>Rozpocznij w powietrzu(gdy wywolanie z parametrem --altitude)</in-air-desc> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<aircraft-model-options>Katalog z samolotami (tylko dla UIUC FDM)</aircraft-model-options> <wind-desc>Parametry wiatru: z kierunku [stopnie] z predkoscia [knots]</wind-desc> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<!-- <random-wind-desc>???</random-wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<!-- <turbulence-desc>???</turbulence-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<!-- <ceiling-desc>???</ceiling-desc> --> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<aircraft-dir-desc>Katalog z samolotami (Sciezka wzgledem pliku startowego programu)</aircraft-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<aircraft-model-options>Katalog z samolotami (tylko dla UIUC FDM)</aircraft-model-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<!-- Position and Orientation options --> <!-- Position and Orientation options -->
<position-options>Poczatkowa pozycja i orientacja</position-options> <position-options>Poczatkowa pozycja i orientacja</position-options> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" -->
<runway-no-desc>Wybierz pas do startu (musisz podac rowniez lotnisko)</runway-no-desc> <!-- <airport-desc>???</airport-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" -->
<offset-distance-desc>Dystans do progu drogi startowej</offset-distance-desc> <!-- <parking-id-desc>???</parking-id-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" -->
<offset-azimuth-desc>Kierunek do progu drogi startowej</offset-azimuth-desc> <!-- <carrier-desc>???</carrier-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" -->
<lon-desc>Dlugosc geograficzna pozycji startu (zachod = -)</lon-desc> <!-- <parkpos-desc>???</parkpos-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<lat-desc>Szerokosc geograficzna pozycji startu (poludnie = -)</lat-desc> <!-- <vor-desc>???</vor-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<altitude-desc>Wysokosc poczatkowa</altitude-desc> <!-- <vor-freq-desc>???</vor-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<heading-desc>Podaj kierunek odchylenia (Psi)</heading-desc> <!-- <ndb-desc>???</ndb-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<roll-desc>Podaj kat przechylu (Phi)</roll-desc> <!-- <ndb-freq-desc>???</ndb-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<pitch-desc>Podaj kat pochylenia (Theta)</pitch-desc> <!-- <fix-desc>???</fix-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<uBody-desc>Podaj predkosc wzdluz osi X</uBody-desc> <runway-no-desc>Wybierz pas do startu (musisz podac rowniez lotnisko)</runway-no-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<vBody-desc>Podaj predkosc wzdluz osi Y</vBody-desc> <offset-distance-desc>Dystans do progu drogi startowej</offset-distance-desc> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<wBody-desc>Podaj predkosc wzdluz osi Z</wBody-desc> <offset-azimuth-desc>Kierunek do progu drogi startowej</offset-azimuth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<vc-desc>Podaj poczatkowa predkosc</vc-desc> <lon-desc>Dlugosc geograficzna pozycji startu (zachod = -)</lon-desc> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<mach-desc>Podaj poczatkowa liczbe Mach</mach-desc> <lat-desc>Szerokosc geograficzna pozycji startu (poludnie = -)</lat-desc> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<glideslope-desc>Podaj wzgledny azymut podejscia (moze byc dodatni)</glideslope-desc> <altitude-desc>Wysokosc poczatkowa</altitude-desc> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<roc-desc>Poczatkowy wspolczynnik wznoszenia (moze byc ujemny)</roc-desc> <heading-desc>Podaj kierunek odchylenia (Psi)</heading-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<roll-desc>Podaj kat przechylu (Phi)</roll-desc> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<pitch-desc>Podaj kat pochylenia (Theta)</pitch-desc> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<uBody-desc>Podaj predkosc wzdluz osi X</uBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<vBody-desc>Podaj predkosc wzdluz osi Y</vBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<wBody-desc>Podaj predkosc wzdluz osi Z</wBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<!-- <vNorth-desc>???</vNorth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<!-- <vEast-desc>???</vEast-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<!-- <vDown-desc>???</vDown-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<vc-desc>Podaj poczatkowa predkosc</vc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<mach-desc>Podaj poczatkowa liczbe Mach</mach-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<glideslope-desc>Podaj wzgledny azymut podejscia (moze byc dodatni)</glideslope-desc> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<roc-desc>Poczatkowy wspolczynnik wznoszenia (moze byc ujemny)</roc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<!-- sound options -->
<!-- <audio-options>???</audio-options> --> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<disable-sound-desc>Niedostepne efekty dzwiekowe</disable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<enable-sound-desc>Dostepne efekty dzwiekowe</enable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<!-- <show-sound-devices-desc>???</show-sound-devices-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<!-- <sound-device-desc>???</sound-device-desc> --> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<!-- Rendering options --> <!-- Rendering options -->
<rendering-options>Opcje renderowania</rendering-options> <rendering-options>Opcje renderowania</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<bpp-desc>Liczba bitow na piksel</bpp-desc> <bpp-desc>Liczba bitow na piksel</bpp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<fog-disable-desc>Niedostepna mgla/mgielka</fog-disable-desc> <fog-disable-desc>Niedostepna mgla/mgielka</fog-disable-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<fog-fastest-desc>Mozliwa silna mgla/mgielka</fog-fastest-desc> <fog-fastest-desc>Mozliwa silna mgla/mgielka</fog-fastest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<fog-nicest-desc>Mozliwa lekka mgla/mgielka</fog-nicest-desc> <fog-nicest-desc>Mozliwa lekka mgla/mgielka</fog-nicest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<enable-clouds-desc>Dostepne plaskie (2D) warstwy chmur</enable-clouds-desc> <!-- <disable-horizon-effect>???</disable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<disable-clouds-desc>Niedostepne plaskie (2D) warstwy chmur</disable-clouds-desc> <!-- <enable-horizon-effect>???</enable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<enable-clouds3d-desc>Dostepne przestrzenne (3D) warstwy chmur</enable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- <disable-enhanced-lighting>???</disable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<disable-clouds3d-desc>Niedostepne przestrzenne (3D) warstwy chmur</disable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- <enable-enhanced-lighting>???</enable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<fov-desc>Obszar kata widzenia</fov-desc> <!-- <disable-distance-attenuation>???</disable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<disable-fullscreen-desc>Niedostepny tryb pelnoekranowy</disable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- <enable-distance-attenuation>???</enable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<enable-fullscreen-desc>Dostepny tryb pelnoekranowy</enable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- <disable-specular-highlight>???</disable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<shading-flat-desc>Zezwol na plaskie cieniowanie</shading-flat-desc> <!-- <enable-specular-highlight>???</enable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<shading-smooth-desc>Zezwol na gladkie cieniowanie</shading-smooth-desc> <enable-clouds-desc>Dostepne plaskie (2D) warstwy chmur</enable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<disable-skyblend-desc>Niedostepna przezroczystosc nieba</disable-skyblend-desc> <disable-clouds-desc>Niedostepne plaskie (2D) warstwy chmur</disable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<enable-skyblend-desc>Dostepna przezroczystosc nieba</enable-skyblend-desc> <enable-clouds3d-desc>Dostepne przestrzenne (3D) warstwy chmur</enable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<disable-textures-desc>Teksturowanie wylaczone</disable-textures-desc> <disable-clouds3d-desc>Niedostepne przestrzenne (3D) warstwy chmur</disable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<enable-textures-desc>Teksturowanie wlaczone</enable-textures-desc> <fov-desc>Obszar kata widzenia</fov-desc> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<disable-wireframe-desc>Niedostepny tryb rysowania konturowego</disable-wireframe-desc> <!-- <arm-desc>???</arm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<enable-wireframe-desc>Wlaczony tryb rysowania konturowego</enable-wireframe-desc> <disable-fullscreen-desc>Niedostepny tryb pelnoekranowy</disable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<geometry-desc>Podaj wymiary okna(640x480, itp.)</geometry-desc> <enable-fullscreen-desc>Dostepny tryb pelnoekranowy</enable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<view-offset-desc>Domyslny widok do przodu jako odchylenie od kierunku na wprost. Dopuszczalne wartosci: LEFT [lewo], RIGHT [prawo], CENTER [wysrodkuj], lub podaj w stopniach</view-offset-desc> <shading-flat-desc>Zezwol na plaskie cieniowanie</shading-flat-desc> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<visibility-desc>Podaj poczatkowa widzialnosc</visibility-desc> <shading-smooth-desc>Zezwol na gladkie cieniowanie</shading-smooth-desc> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Podaj poczatkowa widzialnosc w milach</visibility-miles-desc> <disable-skyblend-desc>Niedostepna przezroczystosc nieba</disable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sky blending" -->
<enable-skyblend-desc>Dostepna przezroczystosc nieba</enable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" -->
<disable-textures-desc>Teksturowanie wylaczone</disable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<enable-textures-desc>Teksturowanie wlaczone</enable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<!-- <materials-file-desc>???</materials-file-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<!-- <texture-filtering-desc>???</texture-filtering-desc> --> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<disable-wireframe-desc>Niedostepny tryb rysowania konturowego</disable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<enable-wireframe-desc>Wlaczony tryb rysowania konturowego</enable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<geometry-desc>Podaj wymiary okna(640x480, itp.)</geometry-desc> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<view-offset-desc>Domyslny widok do przodu jako odchylenie od kierunku na wprost. Dopuszczalne wartosci: LEFT [lewo], RIGHT [prawo], CENTER [wysrodkuj], lub podaj w stopniach</view-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<visibility-desc>Podaj poczatkowa widzialnosc</visibility-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Podaj poczatkowa widzialnosc w milach</visibility-miles-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<!-- <max-fps-desc>???</max-fps-desc> --> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<!-- Hud options --> <!-- Hud options -->
<hud-options>Wyswietlacza przezierny</hud-options> <hud-options>Wyswietlacza przezierny</hud-options> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<hud-tris-desc>HUD pokazuje liczbe renderowanych trojkatow</hud-tris-desc> <hud-tris-desc>HUD pokazuje liczbe renderowanych trojkatow</hud-tris-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<hud-culled-desc>HUD pokazuje procent przyslonietych trojkatow</hud-culled-desc> <hud-culled-desc>HUD pokazuje procent przyslonietych trojkatow</hud-culled-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<!-- Time options --> <!-- Time options -->
<time-options>Opcje czasu</time-options> <time-options>Opcje czasu</time-options> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<time-offset-desc>Dodaj to przesuniecie czasu</time-offset-desc> <!-- <timeofday-desc>???</timeofday-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<time-match-real-desc>Synchronizuj czas z rzeczywistym (GMT)</time-match-real-desc> <!-- <season-desc>???</season-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<time-match-local-desc>Synchronizuj czas z lokalnym czasem rzeczywistym</time-match-local-desc> <time-offset-desc>Dodaj to przesuniecie czasu</time-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<start-date-desc>Podaj date/czas startu ze wzg. na </start-date-desc> <time-match-real-desc>Synchronizuj czas z rzeczywistym (GMT)</time-match-real-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<time-match-local-desc>Synchronizuj czas z lokalnym czasem rzeczywistym</time-match-local-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<start-date-desc>Podaj date/czas startu ze wzg. na </start-date-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<!-- Network options --> <!-- Network options -->
<network-options>Opcje sieciowe</network-options> <network-options>Opcje sieciowe</network-options> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<httpd-desc>Utworz serwer HTTP na podanym porcie</httpd-desc> <httpd-desc>Utworz serwer HTTP na podanym porcie</httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<telnet-desc>Utworz serwer telnet na podanym porcie</telnet-desc> <!-- <proxy-desc>???</proxy-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<jpg-httpd-desc>Utworz serwer HTTP zrzutow ekranu na podanym porcie</jpg-httpd-desc> <telnet-desc>Utworz serwer telnet na podanym porcie</telnet-desc> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<jpg-httpd-desc>Utworz serwer HTTP zrzutow ekranu na podanym porcie</jpg-httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <disable-terrasync-desc>???</disable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <enable-terrasync-desc>???</enable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <terrasync-dir-desc>???</terrasync-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<!-- MultiPlayer options -->
<!-- <multiplayer-options>???</multiplayer-options> --> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<!-- <multiplay-desc>???</multiplay-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<!-- <callsign-desc>???</callsign-desc> --> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<!-- Route/Way Point Options --> <!-- Route/Way Point Options -->
<route-options>Opcje trasy/punktow przelotowych</route-options> <route-options>Opcje trasy/punktow przelotowych</route-options> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<wp-desc>Podaj punkty przelotowe autopilotowi GC;</wp-desc> <wp-desc>Podaj punkty przelotowe autopilotowi GC;</wp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<flight-plan-desc>Wczytaj punkty przelotu z pliku</flight-plan-desc> <flight-plan-desc>Wczytaj punkty przelotu z pliku</flight-plan-desc> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<!-- IO Options --> <!-- IO Options -->
<io-options>Opcje we./wy.</io-options> <io-options>Opcje we./wy.</io-options> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<garmin-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu Garmin GPS</garmin-desc> <!-- <AV400-desc>???</AV400-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<joyclient-desc>Podlacz do Agwagon dzojstik</joyclient-desc> <!-- <AV400Sim-desc>???</AV400Sim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<native-ctrls-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu FG Native Controls</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- <atlas-desc>???</atlas-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<native-fdm-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu FG Native FDM </native-fdm-desc> <!-- <atcsim-desc>???</atcsim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<native-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu FG Native</native-desc> <garmin-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu Garmin GPS</garmin-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<nmea-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu NMEA</nmea-desc> <joyclient-desc>Podlacz do Agwagon dzojstik</joyclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<opengc-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu OpenGC</opengc-desc> <!-- <jsclient-desc>???</jsclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<props-desc>Polacz uzywajac interaktywnego menadzera wlasciwosci</props-desc> <native-ctrls-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu FG Native Controls</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<pve-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu PVE</pve-desc> <native-fdm-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu FG Native FDM </native-fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<ray-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu Ray Woodworth motion chair</ray-desc> <!-- <native-gui-desc>???</native-gui-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<rul-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu RUL</rul-desc> <native-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu FG Native</native-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<atc610x-desc>Zezwol na interfejs atc610x</atc610x-desc> <nmea-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu NMEA</nmea-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<!-- <generic-desc>???</generic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<opengc-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu OpenGC</opengc-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<props-desc>Polacz uzywajac interaktywnego menadzera wlasciwosci</props-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<pve-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu PVE</pve-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<ray-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu Ray Woodworth motion chair</ray-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<rul-desc>Polacz uzywajac protokolu RUL</rul-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<!-- Avionics Options -->
<!-- <avionics-options>???</avionics-options> --> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
<!-- <com1-desc>???</com1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <com2-desc>???</com2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <nav1-desc>???</nav1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <nav2-desc>???</nav2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <adf1-desc>???</adf1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <adf2-desc>???</adf2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <dme-desc>???</dme-desc> --> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<!-- <situation-options>???</situation-options> --> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<!-- <failure-desc>???</failure-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<!-- Debugging Options --> <!-- Debugging Options -->
<debugging-options>Opcje debugera</debugging-options> <debugging-options>Opcje debugera</debugging-options> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<trace-read-desc>Sledzenie odczytow pod wzg. wlasciwosci;</trace-read-desc> <!-- <fpe-desc>???</fpe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<trace-write-desc>Sledzenie zapisow pod wzg. wlasciwosci;</trace-write-desc> <!-- <fgviewer-desc>???</fgviewer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<trace-read-desc>Sledzenie odczytow pod wzg. wlasciwosci;</trace-read-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<trace-write-desc>Sledzenie zapisow pod wzg. wlasciwosci;</trace-write-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<!-- <log-level-desc>???</log-level-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<!-- <log-class-desc>???</log-class-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->
</PropertyList> </PropertyList>

Translations/pt/menu.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!-- FlightGear menu: Portuguese language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<!-- File menu -->
<!-- <file>???</file> --> <!-- English: "File" -->
<!-- <reset>???</reset> --> <!-- English: "Reset" -->
<!-- <snap-shot>???</snap-shot> --> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<!-- <snap-shot-dir>???</snap-shot-dir> --> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<!-- <sound-config>???</sound-config> --> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<!-- <exit>???</exit> --> <!-- English: "Quit " -->
<!-- View menu -->
<!-- <view>???</view> --> <!-- English: "View" -->
<!-- <display-options>???</display-options> --> <!-- English: "Display Options" -->
<!-- <rendering-options>???</rendering-options> --> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<!-- <view-options>???</view-options> --> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<!-- <cockpit-view-options>???</cockpit-view-options> --> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<!-- <adjust-lod>???</adjust-lod> --> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<!-- <pilot-offset>???</pilot-offset> --> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" -->
<!-- <adjust-hud>???</adjust-hud> --> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<!-- <toggle-glide-slope>???</toggle-glide-slope> --> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<!-- <replay>???</replay> --> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<!-- <stereoscopic-options>???</stereoscopic-options> --> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<!-- Location menu -->
<!-- <location>???</location> --> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<!-- <position-on-ground>???</position-on-ground> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft On Ground" -->
<!-- <position-in-air>???</position-in-air> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<!-- <goto-airport>???</goto-airport> --> <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" -->
<!-- <random-attitude>???</random-attitude> --> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<!-- <tower-position>???</tower-position> --> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<!-- Autopilot menu -->
<!-- <autopilot>???</autopilot> --> <!-- English: "Autopilot" -->
<!-- <autopilot-settings>???</autopilot-settings> --> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<!-- <route-manager>???</route-manager> --> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<!-- <previous-waypoint>???</previous-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<!-- <next-waypoint>???</next-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<!-- Environment menu -->
<!-- <environment>???</environment> --> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<!-- <global-weather>???</global-weather> --> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<!-- <time-settings>???</time-settings> --> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<!-- <wildfire-settings>???</wildfire-settings> --> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<!-- <terrasync>???</terrasync> --> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<!-- Equipment menu -->
<!-- <equipment>???</equipment> --> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<!-- <map>???</map> --> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<!-- <stopwatch>???</stopwatch> --> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<!-- <fuel-and-payload>???</fuel-and-payload> --> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<!-- <radio>???</radio> --> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<!-- <gps>???</gps> --> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<!-- <instrument-settings>???</instrument-settings> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<!-- <failure-submenu>???</failure-submenu> --> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<!-- <random-failures>???</random-failures> --> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<!-- <system-failures>???</system-failures> --> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<!-- <instrument-failures>???</instrument-failures> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<!-- AI menu -->
<!-- <ai>???</ai> --> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<!-- <scenario>???</scenario> --> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<!-- <atc-in-range>???</atc-in-range> --> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<!-- <wingman>???</wingman> --> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<!-- <tanker>???</tanker> --> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<!-- <carrier>???</carrier> --> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<!-- <jetway>???</jetway> --> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<!-- Multiplayer menu -->
<!-- <multiplayer>???</multiplayer> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<!-- <mp-settings>???</mp-settings> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<!-- <mp-chat>???</mp-chat> --> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<!-- <mp-chat-menu>???</mp-chat-menu> --> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<!-- <mp-list>???</mp-list> --> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<!-- <mp-carrier>???</mp-carrier> --> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<!-- Debug menu -->
<!-- <debug>???</debug> --> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated
since these options are not useful to end users anyway. -->
<!-- <reload-gui>???</reload-gui> --> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<!-- <reload-input>???</reload-input> --> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<!-- <reload-hud>???</reload-hud> --> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<!-- <reload-panel>???</reload-panel> --> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<!-- <reload-autopilot>???</reload-autopilot> --> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<!-- <reload-network>???</reload-network> --> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<!-- <nasal-console>???</nasal-console> --> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<!-- <development-keys>???</development-keys> --> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<!-- <configure-dev-extension>???</configure-dev-extension> --> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<!-- <display-marker>???</display-marker> --> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<!-- <dump-scene-graph>???</dump-scene-graph> --> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<!-- <print-rendering-statistics>???</print-rendering-statistics> --> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<!-- <statistics-display>???</statistics-display> --> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<!-- <performance-monitor>???</performance-monitor> --> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<!-- <property-browser>???</property-browser> --> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<!-- <logging>???</logging> --> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<!-- <local_weather>???</local_weather> --> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<!-- <print-scene-info>???</print-scene-info> --> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<!-- <rendering-buffers>???</rendering-buffers> --> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- <rembrandt-buffers-choice>???</rembrandt-buffers-choice> --> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- Help menu -->
<!-- <help>???</help> --> <!-- English: "Help" -->
<!-- <help-browser>???</help-browser> --> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<!-- <aircraft-keys>???</aircraft-keys> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<!-- <common-keys>???</common-keys> --> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<!-- <basic-keys>???</basic-keys> --> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<!-- <joystick-info>???</joystick-info> --> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<!-- <tutorial-start>???</tutorial-start> --> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<!-- <menu-about>???</menu-about> --> <!-- English: "About" -->

Translations/pt/options.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!-- FlightGear options: Portuguese language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<!-- <usage>???</usage> --> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<!-- <verbose-help>???</verbose-help> --> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" -->
<!-- General options -->
<!-- <general-options>???</general-options> --> <!-- English: "General Options" -->
<!-- <help-desc>???</help-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show the most relevant command line options" -->
<!-- <verbose-desc>???</verbose-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show all command line options when combined with -_help or -h" -->
<!-- <version-desc>???</version-desc> --> <!-- English: "Display the current FlightGear version" -->
<!-- <fg-root-desc>???</fg-root-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" -->
<!-- <fg-scenery-desc n="0">???</fg-scenery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" -->
<!-- <fg-scenery-desc n="1">???</fg-scenery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<!-- <fg-aircraft-desc>???</fg-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<!-- <language-desc>???</language-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<!-- <disable-game-mode-desc>???</disable-game-mode-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" -->
<!-- <enable-game-mode-desc>???</enable-game-mode-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" -->
<!-- <disable-splash-screen-desc>???</disable-splash-screen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<!-- <enable-splash-screen-desc>???</enable-splash-screen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<!-- <disable-save-on-exit>???</disable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<!-- <enable-save-on-exit>???</enable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<!-- <disable-intro-music-desc>???</disable-intro-music-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable introduction music" -->
<!-- <enable-intro-music-desc>???</enable-intro-music-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable introduction music" -->
<!-- <disable-mouse-pointer-desc>???</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<!-- <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">???</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<!-- <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">???</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<!-- <disable-random-objects-desc>???</disable-random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<!-- <enable-random-objects-desc>???</enable-random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<!-- <disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<!-- <enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<!-- <metar-desc>???</metar-desc> --> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<!-- <random-objects-desc>???</random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-models-desc>???</disable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<!-- <enable-ai-models-desc>???</enable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-traffic-desc>???</disable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <enable-ai-traffic-desc>???</enable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <disable-ai-scenarios>???</disable-ai-scenarios> --> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<!-- <ai-scenario>???</ai-scenario> --> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<!-- <disable-freeze-desc>???</disable-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<!-- <enable-freeze-desc>???</enable-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<!-- <disable-fuel-freeze-desc>???</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<!-- <enable-fuel-freeze-desc>???</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<!-- <disable-clock-freeze-desc>???</disable-clock-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<!-- <enable-clock-freeze-desc>???</enable-clock-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<!-- <control-desc>???</control-desc> --> <!-- English: "Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse)" -->
<!-- <enable-auto-coordination-desc>???</enable-auto-coordination-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<!-- <disable-auto-coordination-desc>???</disable-auto-coordination-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<!-- <browser-app-desc>???</browser-app-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<!-- <prop-desc>???</prop-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set property &lt;name&gt; to &lt;value&gt;. &lt;type&gt; can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<!-- <config-desc>???</config-desc> --> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<!-- <units-feet-desc>???</units-feet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<!-- <units-meters-desc>???</units-meters-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<!-- Features options -->
<!-- <environment-options>???</environment-options> --> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<!-- <features-options>???</features-options> --> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<!-- <disable-hud-desc>???</disable-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-desc>???</enable-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<!-- <disable-panel-desc>???</disable-panel-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<!-- <enable-panel-desc>???</enable-panel-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<!-- <disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>???</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>???</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<!-- <disable-hud-3d-desc>???</disable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-3d-desc>???</enable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- Aircraft options -->
<!-- <aircraft-options>???</aircraft-options> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
<!-- <aircraft-desc>???</aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<!-- <show-aircraft-desc>???</show-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<!-- <min-aircraft-status>???</min-aircraft-status> --> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<!-- <vehicle-desc>???</vehicle-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<!-- <livery-desc>???</livery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<!-- Flight Dynamics Model options -->
<!-- <fdm-options>???</fdm-options> --> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<!-- <fdm-desc n="0">???</fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<!-- <fdm-desc n="1">???</fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<!-- <aero-desc>???</aero-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<!-- <model-hz-desc>???</model-hz-desc> --> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<!-- <speed-desc>???</speed-desc> --> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<!-- <notrim-desc n="0">???</notrim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<!-- <notrim-desc n="1">???</notrim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="0">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="1">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- <on-ground-desc>???</on-ground-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<!-- <in-air-desc>???</in-air-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<!-- <wind-desc>???</wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<!-- <random-wind-desc>???</random-wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<!-- <turbulence-desc>???</turbulence-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<!-- <ceiling-desc>???</ceiling-desc> --> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<!-- <aircraft-dir-desc>???</aircraft-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<!-- <aircraft-model-options>???</aircraft-model-options> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<!-- Position and Orientation options -->
<!-- <position-options>???</position-options> --> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" -->
<!-- <airport-desc>???</airport-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" -->
<!-- <parking-id-desc>???</parking-id-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" -->
<!-- <carrier-desc>???</carrier-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" -->
<!-- <parkpos-desc>???</parkpos-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<!-- <vor-desc>???</vor-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<!-- <vor-freq-desc>???</vor-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<!-- <ndb-desc>???</ndb-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<!-- <ndb-freq-desc>???</ndb-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<!-- <fix-desc>???</fix-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<!-- <runway-no-desc>???</runway-no-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<!-- <offset-distance-desc>???</offset-distance-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<!-- <offset-azimuth-desc>???</offset-azimuth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<!-- <lon-desc>???</lon-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<!-- <lat-desc>???</lat-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<!-- <altitude-desc>???</altitude-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<!-- <heading-desc>???</heading-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<!-- <roll-desc>???</roll-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<!-- <pitch-desc>???</pitch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<!-- <uBody-desc>???</uBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<!-- <vBody-desc>???</vBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<!-- <wBody-desc>???</wBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<!-- <vNorth-desc>???</vNorth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<!-- <vEast-desc>???</vEast-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<!-- <vDown-desc>???</vDown-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<!-- <vc-desc>???</vc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<!-- <mach-desc>???</mach-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<!-- <glideslope-desc>???</glideslope-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<!-- <roc-desc>???</roc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<!-- sound options -->
<!-- <audio-options>???</audio-options> --> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<!-- <disable-sound-desc>???</disable-sound-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<!-- <enable-sound-desc>???</enable-sound-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<!-- <show-sound-devices-desc>???</show-sound-devices-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<!-- <sound-device-desc>???</sound-device-desc> --> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<!-- Rendering options -->
<!-- <rendering-options>???</rendering-options> --> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<!-- <bpp-desc>???</bpp-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<!-- <fog-disable-desc>???</fog-disable-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<!-- <fog-fastest-desc>???</fog-fastest-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<!-- <fog-nicest-desc>???</fog-nicest-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<!-- <disable-horizon-effect>???</disable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<!-- <enable-horizon-effect>???</enable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<!-- <disable-enhanced-lighting>???</disable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<!-- <enable-enhanced-lighting>???</enable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<!-- <disable-distance-attenuation>???</disable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<!-- <enable-distance-attenuation>???</enable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<!-- <disable-specular-highlight>???</disable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<!-- <enable-specular-highlight>???</enable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<!-- <enable-clouds-desc>???</enable-clouds-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <disable-clouds-desc>???</disable-clouds-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <enable-clouds3d-desc>???</enable-clouds3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <disable-clouds3d-desc>???</disable-clouds3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <fov-desc>???</fov-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<!-- <arm-desc>???</arm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<!-- <disable-fullscreen-desc>???</disable-fullscreen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<!-- <enable-fullscreen-desc>???</enable-fullscreen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<!-- <shading-flat-desc>???</shading-flat-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<!-- <shading-smooth-desc>???</shading-smooth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<!-- <disable-skyblend-desc>???</disable-skyblend-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable sky blending" -->
<!-- <enable-skyblend-desc>???</enable-skyblend-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" -->
<!-- <disable-textures-desc>???</disable-textures-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<!-- <enable-textures-desc>???</enable-textures-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<!-- <materials-file-desc>???</materials-file-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<!-- <texture-filtering-desc>???</texture-filtering-desc> --> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<!-- <disable-wireframe-desc>???</disable-wireframe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<!-- <enable-wireframe-desc>???</enable-wireframe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<!-- <geometry-desc>???</geometry-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<!-- <view-offset-desc>???</view-offset-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<!-- <visibility-desc>???</visibility-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<!-- <visibility-miles-desc>???</visibility-miles-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<!-- <max-fps-desc>???</max-fps-desc> --> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<!-- Hud options -->
<!-- <hud-options>???</hud-options> --> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<!-- <hud-tris-desc>???</hud-tris-desc> --> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<!-- <hud-culled-desc>???</hud-culled-desc> --> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<!-- Time options -->
<!-- <time-options>???</time-options> --> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<!-- <timeofday-desc>???</timeofday-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<!-- <season-desc>???</season-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<!-- <time-offset-desc>???</time-offset-desc> --> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<!-- <time-match-real-desc>???</time-match-real-desc> --> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<!-- <time-match-local-desc>???</time-match-local-desc> --> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<!-- <start-date-desc>???</start-date-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<!-- Network options -->
<!-- <network-options>???</network-options> --> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<!-- <httpd-desc>???</httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <proxy-desc>???</proxy-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<!-- <telnet-desc>???</telnet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <jpg-httpd-desc>???</jpg-httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <disable-terrasync-desc>???</disable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <enable-terrasync-desc>???</enable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <terrasync-dir-desc>???</terrasync-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<!-- MultiPlayer options -->
<!-- <multiplayer-options>???</multiplayer-options> --> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<!-- <multiplay-desc>???</multiplay-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<!-- <callsign-desc>???</callsign-desc> --> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<!-- Route/Way Point Options -->
<!-- <route-options>???</route-options> --> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<!-- <wp-desc>???</wp-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<!-- <flight-plan-desc>???</flight-plan-desc> --> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<!-- IO Options -->
<!-- <io-options>???</io-options> --> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<!-- <AV400-desc>???</AV400-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<!-- <AV400Sim-desc>???</AV400Sim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<!-- <atlas-desc>???</atlas-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<!-- <atcsim-desc>???</atcsim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<!-- <garmin-desc>???</garmin-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<!-- <joyclient-desc>???</joyclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<!-- <jsclient-desc>???</jsclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<!-- <native-ctrls-desc>???</native-ctrls-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<!-- <native-fdm-desc>???</native-fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<!-- <native-gui-desc>???</native-gui-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<!-- <native-desc>???</native-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<!-- <nmea-desc>???</nmea-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<!-- <generic-desc>???</generic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<!-- <opengc-desc>???</opengc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<!-- <props-desc>???</props-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<!-- <pve-desc>???</pve-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<!-- <ray-desc>???</ray-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<!-- <rul-desc>???</rul-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<!-- Avionics Options -->
<!-- <avionics-options>???</avionics-options> --> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
<!-- <com1-desc>???</com1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <com2-desc>???</com2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <nav1-desc>???</nav1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <nav2-desc>???</nav2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <adf1-desc>???</adf1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <adf2-desc>???</adf2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <dme-desc>???</dme-desc> --> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<!-- <situation-options>???</situation-options> --> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<!-- <failure-desc>???</failure-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<!-- Debugging Options -->
<!-- <debugging-options>???</debugging-options> --> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<!-- <fpe-desc>???</fpe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<!-- <fgviewer-desc>???</fgviewer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<!-- <trace-read-desc>???</trace-read-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<!-- <trace-write-desc>???</trace-write-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<!-- <log-level-desc>???</log-level-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<!-- <log-class-desc>???</log-class-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->