Merge branch 'master' of git://
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 345 additions and 3 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
The model-combined effect uses the ubershader to provide any or all of diffuse, light-map, reflection, bump-mapping and dirt effects on the model on which it is applied. The effect responds to the quality setting of the "Model" in the advanced shader configuration, in the following order:
-lowest quality - enables light-map and dirt, if they are enabled by the effect;
-medium quality - enables reflection too, if it is enabled in the effect;
-highest quality - enables bump-mapping too, if it is enabled in the effect.
To use this on your aircraft model, you are advised to create a local effect that has the following lines:
The only modeller-adjustable settings are those found in the parameters section and listed here. There are other entries in the parameters section, but those are for internal use only, please don't mess with them.
You only need to list in your local effect those entries that you'll modify from the defaults, there's no need to repeat all of them.
Following is the list of parameters, their default setting and a short explanation of what they control/affect
<texture n ="0"> - the model texture, as assigned in the 3d-modelling application, or by the livery select mechanism. This needs to be present only in the main effect. Setting this to some specific texture will override the assigned texture/livery.
Bumpmap control:
WARNING!!! Enabling this requires further modification to the local effect. Please see the attached model-combined-nmap.eff stub for correct usage.
<normalmap-enabled type="int">0</normalmap-enabled> - enables bump-mapping (if quality is set high enough). Default setting is off. Available values are 0 (off) and 1(on). Leave off if you're not using it.
<normalmap-dds type="int">0</normalmap-dds> - enable this if you're using a .dds compressed normal-map. Default is off. Available values are 0 (off) and 1(on)
<normalmap-tiling type="float">1.0</normalmap-tiling> - sets the repeat rate of the normal-map image, useful for covering large areas with fine detail. default is 1.0 (no-tiling). If you set this to a value > 1.0, you need to set wrapping mode to repeat below.
<texture n="2"> - the normal-map texture slot
<image></image> - the normal-map texture path
<wrap-s>clamp</wrap-s> - X-axis (U) wrapping mode of the texture. Default is set to clamp. If you enable the tiling feature (normalmap-tiling > 1.0), you need to set this to repeat.
<wrap-t>clamp</wrap-t> - same as above for the Y-axis (V).
Lightmap control:
<lightmap-enabled type="int">0</lightmap-enabled> - enables the light-map. Default setting is 0 (off). Available values are 0 (off) and 1(on). If you want control over your light-maps enable this and use a variable property as factor.
<lightmap-multi type="int">0</lightmap-multi> - this enables multiple light-maps per light-map texture. Default 0 (off). Available values are 0 (off) and 1(on). When off the shader code uses information only from the red channel of the light-map.
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="0">1.0</lightmap-factor> - factor to multiply the value of the red channel in the light-map. Default 1.0. This product is used as a resulting factor for the final light-map color.
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="0"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color> - the color of the light for the red channel in the light-map. Default is white.
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="1">1.0</lightmap-factor> - same as above for the green channel.
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="1"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color> - same as above for the green channel.
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="2">1.0</lightmap-factor> - same as above for the blue channel.
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="2"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color> - same as above for the blue channel.
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="3">1.0</lightmap-factor> - same as above for the alpha channel.
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="3"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color> - same as above for the alpha channel.
<texture n="3"> - the light-map texture slot.
<image>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/greymap.png</image>- the light-map texture path.
Reflection control:
<reflection-enabled type="int">0</reflection-enabled> - enables reflection (if user preference is high enough). Default is 0 (off). Available values are 0 (off) and 1(on).
<reflection-correction type="float">0.0</reflection-correction> - factor to add to the material specularity to give final reflection factor. Default is 0.0 (no correction). Accepts values from -1.0 to 1.0. If reflection-map is enabled below, this factor is added to the product between the alpha channel of the texture and the material specularity.
<reflect-map-enabled type="int">0</reflect-map-enabled> - enables the usage of a texture to determine reflection intensity. Default 0 (off). Available values are 0 (off) and 1(on).
<reflection-dynamic type="int">0</reflection-dynamic> - enables dynamic reflections. Default is 0 (off). Available values are 0 (off) and 1(on). The reflection gets rotated according to the object orientation, trying to keep the ground in the reflection on faces facing the ground. Recommended setting for external reflections is 1 (on). For internal (cockpit, instruments) leave it at 0 (off).
<texture n="4"> - texture slot for the reflect-map. This map is also used for the dynamic dirt.
<image>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/ReflectMaps/reflectmap.png</image> - reflect-map texture path.
Reflection env-map:
<texture n="5"> - texture slot for the texture(s) used to create the cubic environment that is reflected
There are two ways of defining the environment texture:
1: a cubecross texture where all faces of the cube are stitched into one texture:
2: 6 different textures, one for each face of the environment cube:
<reflection-fresnel type="float">0.1</reflection-fresnel> - fresnel(banding) factor for the reflection. Default 0.1. Values range from -1.0 to 1.0.
<texture n="6"> - fresnel texture slot
<image>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/FresnelLookUp.png</image> - fresnel(banding) texture path
<reflection-rainbow type="float">0.01</reflection-rainbow> - rainbow factor for the reflection. Default is 0.01. Values range from -1.0 to 1.0.
<texture n="7"> - rainbow texture slot.
<image>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/Rainbow.png</image> - rainbow texture path.
<reflection-noise type="float">0.25</reflection-noise> - Amount of color noise to be added to the reflected image. Default is 0.25. Accepts values from 0.0 to 1.0.
Dirt/Grit Control:
<dirt-enabled type="int">0</dirt-enabled> - enables dynamic dirt in the shader. Default 0(off). Available values are 0 (off) and 1(on). This uses the red channel of the texture in slot 4 (reflection map) to define areas that should be dirtied up. You don't have to enable 'reflect-map-enabled' above to use this.
<dirt-color type="vec3d">0.0 0.0 0.0</dirt-color> - color of the dirt added. Default is black.
<dirt-factor type="float">0.0</dirt-factor> - factor to control how intense the dirt is drawn. Default 0.0. This should use a dynamic property settable at runtime.
Ambient Correction:
<ambient-correction type="float">0.05</ambient-correction> - factor by which to lighten/darken the final result, and to remove some of the blueness induced by some of the reflection environments. Default 0.05. Values range from -1.0 to 1.0.
To repeat the earlier warning:
Do NOT use in any situation the normal-map enabled effect on objects that are NOT completely uv-mapped to a texture, and/or that texture is not available at runtime. The binormal/tangent generator needs the texture information at runtime, failing to find this it crashes, causing a segfault for FlightGear.
To sort culling/sorting problems:
This effect forces objects into Render-Bin 1. This makes it necessary to use a specially modified local effect for transparent objects. This is provided as a stub in model-combined-glass.eff that you can find in the same directory along with this ReadMe.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--This effect file is provided as a conveniency for usage with a normalmap.
Do not use as is.
Please edit.
Remove unnedeed settings.
WARNING: do not remove the Normalmap include at the end-->
<!-- Normal Map -->
<normalmap-enabled type="int"> 1 </normalmap-enabled>
<normalmap-dds type="int"> 0 </normalmap-dds>
<normalmap-tiling type="float"> 1.0 </normalmap-tiling>
<texture n="2">
<!-- Light Map -->
<lightmap-enabled type="int"> 0 </lightmap-enabled>
<lightmap-multi type="int"> 0 </lightmap-multi>
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="0">1.0</lightmap-factor>
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="0"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="1">1.0</lightmap-factor>
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="1"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="2">1.0</lightmap-factor>
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="2"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="3">1.0</lightmap-factor>
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="3"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
<texture n="3">
<!-- Reflection -->
<reflection-enabled type="int"> 0 </reflection-enabled>
<reflect-map-enabled type="int"> 0 </reflect-map-enabled>
<reflection-correction type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-correction>
<reflection-dynamic type="int"> 0 </reflection-dynamic>
<texture n="4">
<texture n="5">
<!-- use this form for a cube cross -->
<!-- END CubeCross -->
<!-- use this form for a 6 image cube map -->
<!-- END 6 image cube map -->
<reflection-fresnel type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-fresnel>
<reflection-rainbow type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-rainbow>
<reflection-noise type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-noise>
<ambient-correction type="float"> 0.0 </ambient-correction>
<dirt-enabled type="int"> 0 </dirt-enabled>
<dirt-color type="vec3d"> 0.0 0.0 0.0 </dirt-color>
<dirt-factor type="float"> 0.0 </dirt-factor>
<!--WARNING: Do not edit below this line -->
<!-- ####################
######################### -->
<tangent type="int">6</tangent>
<binormal type="int">7</binormal>
<technique n="10">
<!-- ########################
############################# -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--This effect file is provided as a conveniency for usage on transparent objects. If you also need to use a normalmap along with trasnparency check the model-combined-bump.eff that is provided alongside this effect. You can add the Normalmap Include from there at the end of this effect, but be aware to respect the warnings provided in that file.
Do not use as is.
Please edit.
Remove unnedeed settings.
WARNING: do not remove the Transparency include at the end-->
<!-- Normal Map -->
<normalmap-enabled type="int"> 0 </normalmap-enabled>
<normalmap-dds type="int"> 0 </normalmap-dds>
<normalmap-tiling type="float"> 1.0 </normalmap-tiling>
<texture n="2">
<!-- Light Map -->
<lightmap-enabled type="int"> 0 </lightmap-enabled>
<lightmap-multi type="int"> 0 </lightmap-multi>
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="0">1.0</lightmap-factor>
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="0"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="1">1.0</lightmap-factor>
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="1"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="2">1.0</lightmap-factor>
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="2"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
<lightmap-factor type="float" n="3">1.0</lightmap-factor>
<lightmap-color type="vec3d" n="3"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 </lightmap-color>
<texture n="3">
<!-- Reflection -->
<reflection-enabled type="int"> 0 </reflection-enabled>
<reflect-map-enabled type="int"> 0 </reflect-map-enabled>
<reflection-correction type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-correction>
<reflection-dynamic type="int"> 0 </reflection-dynamic>
<texture n="4">
<texture n="5">
<!-- use this form for a cube cross -->
<!-- END CubeCross -->
<!-- use this form for a 6 image cube map -->
<!-- END 6 image cube map -->
<reflection-fresnel type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-fresnel>
<reflection-rainbow type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-rainbow>
<reflection-noise type="float"> 0.0 </reflection-noise>
<!--Ambient correction -->
<ambient-correction type="float"> 0.0 </ambient-correction>
<dirt-enabled type="int"> 0 </dirt-enabled>
<dirt-color type="vec3d"> 0.0 0.0 0.0 </dirt-color>
<dirt-factor type="float"> 0.0 </dirt-factor>
<!--WARNING: Do not edit below this line -->
<!-- ####################
######################### -->
<!-- ########################
############################# -->
<!-- Add normalmap include here if needed -->
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ please see Docs/README.model-combined.eff for documentation
<!-- ambient correction -->
<ambient-correction type="float">0.05</ambient-correction>
<!-- quality slider -->
<shader-quality type="int">2</shader-quality>
<shader-quality type="int">
Add table
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