2016-02-10 21:32:19 +00:00
List of features and bug fixes
2016-05-18 22:11:05 +01:00
Version 2016.2
* Decreased rudder authority
* Added propwash effect for 180 HP version
* Improvements to the irradiance effect
* Better oil dialog
* Flap lever is now dragable and scrollable
* Added normal map to wheels and other objects
* Improvements to the heading indicator
* Correct rudder pedal animation
* Updated tutorial to Barcelona
* Changed "Autostart" menu item to actually start the engine as well
* Split instrument light knob into a knob that two knobs: one that controls the instruments, and one that controls the radio's
2016-02-10 21:32:19 +00:00
Version 2016.1
* Ski's
* Amphibious plane improvements:
- Added two metal reinforcement bars in the cockpit
- Added panel for gear deploy and retract
- Added water rudders retraction mechanism
* Saving state of switches is now optional
* Zooming with mouse scroll wheel in Helicopter View, Model View, and
Walker Orbit View
* Additional views for co-pilot and passengers
* New sounds:
- Rain (ambient and windshield) and thunderstorms
- Wing damage
- Wheel damage
* Windshield rain overhaul
* Opening the baggage door displays a window which allows weight to be
added. Baggage will be displayed if the weight is high enough
* ASI now shows the IAS instead of the CAS
* Adjusted stall horn volume to sound to about 5-10 knots above stall speed
* Carburetor heat toggle now drops RPM as expected
* Oil consumption and management have been implemented
* Refactored fog/frost system: air flow now depends on airspeed and
engine RPM. Supports overhead air vents, windows, and doors. Humans
add extra heat and humidity.
* Preflight inspection improvements:
- Added "Preflight Inspection" checklists and tutorial
- Pitot tube can be clicked to add/remove a red "remove before flight" label
- Nose wheel can be clicked to add/remove chocks
- You can tie down the wings and tail to the ground. It will hold
the aircraft even with full engine power.
- Each fuel tank can randomly get contaminated with water. Samples
from the fuel can be taken to test for contamination.
* Added GPS 196 device
* Fixed glass reflection in external views
* Improved lighting, including better looking navigation lights (and
depending on viewing angle) in ALS
* Improved textures of instruments, primer, cabin air/heat levers in cockpit, and flap lever
* Smooth instead of instant animation of yoke, pedals, and parking brake
* Added menu item to open a web panel in your browser, showing most instruments
* Improved interior shadow and reflection cubes
Version 3.6
* Various ALS effects: flash light, 3D shadow, interior shadow, fog and
frost, rain splashes, landing light
* Damage system:
- Gear can be damaged upon rough landings
- Wings can be damaged or break if g load limits or airspeed are exceeded
- Smoke and sparks
* New HD liveries, panels and interior textures
* Improvements to the exterior 3D model: ADF antenna, back of the
fuselage and rudder
* Cockpit panel improved:
- Added primer, master switches, avionics switch, circuit breakers,
cabin heat sliders
- Better magneto's/starter switch
- Improved textures of several instruments (AI, altimeter, CDI, HI,
Hobbs meter, TC, VAC gauge, fuel selector)
* New sound effects (doors, parking brakes, knobs, trim wheel)
* Added (positioned) sounds to all buttons and switches
* Added flight recorder to record state of aircraft, including switches,
damage, and effects
* Bush kits: 26" and 36" tires
* Sea plane variants: pontoons and amphibious. Amphibious variant has
retractable gear. Both sea plane variants have water rudders
* Effects, lighting, damage, and human models visible over multiplayer
* 160 HP and 180 HP engine choice
* FDM improvements:
- Better stall and spin behaviour
- Float chamber
- Hydrodynamics for the sea plane variants
* Improved sound and behaviour of stall horn
* Improved and new checklists
* Small improvements to instruments in radio stack
* Random splash screen while loading FlightGear
* Human models visible